Why did capcom made him so bad?

Why did capcom made him so bad?
He's like the least popular 3S character and he sucks in the one game he's playable.

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  1. 7 months ago

    to piss SNKgays off

    • 7 months ago

      This, I always assumed it was basically a parody of KoF characters in term of design directives.

      • 7 months ago

        the funny part is SNK took remy and make ash crimson based in him, and then ash became a popular character in japan

    • 7 months ago

      This, I always assumed it was basically a parody of KoF characters in term of design directives.

      Came to say exactly this.

      the funny part is SNK took remy and make ash crimson based in him, and then ash became a popular character in japan

      Remy probably would have been popular if he wasn't bottom tier, but the would defeat the purpose of him.

    • 7 months ago

      This, I always assumed it was basically a parody of KoF characters in term of design directives.

      No, they were ripping them off. Regardless of what zoomies might think Iori Yagami was like the cult favorite character of fighting games back in the day. Zoomies won't know how unironic edge was really popular though, they only know ironic edge like dressing in metal shirts but not listening to that kind of music or pretending to be "goth" cause they watched Wednesday on Netflix.

      It's fair anyway so no need to get your official Capcom panties in a bunch, fighting games all ripped off each others shit which were all mostly rip offs from other non VG media anyway, and they were all better for it. Now if there is a new fighting game character in any series they're guaranteed to be ASSSSSSSSSSS

      • 7 months ago

        The joke is they made him look like a blend of Iori and Benimaru then made him the worst character in the game on purpose.

        • 7 months ago

          nta but i dont think it's a bad char as some say. it just doesnt fit in terms of design with the other more cartoonesque street fighter characters. but he's okay. far better than q or twelwe anyway.

          • 7 months ago

            He looks really cool, he just sucks to play.

          • 7 months ago

            Yes he is bad. Charge characters don’t work when you have a parry mechanic. Turtling doesn’t work

            • 7 months ago

              Parry is the least of Remy's problems.
              He suffers from short stun bar, terrible stun damage, bad lows and he struggles to build meter.

  2. 7 months ago

    Every fighting game realistically needs at least one big patch to balance everything. Lots of 3rd strike characters that were either new or changed were either too weak or too strong. See: Twelve is weak, Sean was nerfed to hell, while Chun is the best character in the game (picrel).

  3. 7 months ago

    He isn't terrible; there are still a good amount of Japanese players who main him.
    He has lots of really good matchups but only against other low-tiers. In any environment where the whole cast is being played he looks a lot better.
    In addition to matchups how well he does depends a lot on your opponent. If they can't parry projectiles consistently he can completely control the match. All the high level players are of course quite good at parrying but most people are a lot worse than they think. Remy doesn't really care if you parry 80% of his projectiles; one in five is more than enough to tip the scales in a close match.

    I don't ever play him but I think he's cool.
    A lot people complain that he's just a variant of Guile, but how many characters are there that are a variant of Ryu? Ken, Akuma, Sakura, Dan, Sean; arguably Morrigan too. I don't see why Guile can't have a couple variants.

    • 7 months ago

      >A lot people complain that he's just a variant of Guile
      that's just dumb. SF3 clearly had a few characters who "represented" the old guard, like Q. I don't see a playable Guile or Balrog in SF3.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, he is terrible.

  4. 7 months ago

    He had little to no testing as he was the final character added and wasn't actually intended. According to the devs after the team finished the original newcomers (Chun-Li, Makoto, Q, and Twelve) they realized they had enough time to make one last character and made Remy.

  5. 7 months ago

    Because Guile completely dominated SF2. They probably were more cautious with SF3.

    • 7 months ago

      Guile was only top 1 in World Warrior, in every other version of SF2 he was either outclassed by Bison or Sagat.
      His alpha replacement, Nash was also not top 1 in any of the games (or even top 3 if i recall).

  6. 7 months ago

    At least he isn't Twelve

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