Why did no-one tell me this is a 10/10?

Why did no-one tell me this is a 10/10?

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Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 week ago

    Maybe because nobody wanted to lie to you?

  2. 1 week ago

    we did?

  3. 1 week ago

    everybody of relevance did, you moronic gay
    the only people that dislike rdr2 are literal braindead drooling adhd morons

  4. 1 week ago

    It was console exclusive for a while so most people skipped over it

    • 1 week ago

      "most people" It's one of the best selling games ever

  5. 1 week ago

    it's a strong 8/10 though

    • 1 week ago

      What do you consider a 10/10 anon

      • 1 week ago

        cuphead is a 10/10

        • 1 week ago
        • 1 week ago

          >cuphead is a 10/10


          Why did no-one tell me this is a 10/10?

          Because Ganker are filled with contrarians and thinks gacha "games" are the true 10/10

          But i already told you

          Are you me? I dress my Arthur the same way.

          • 1 week ago
            Thought leader of /pol/

            Good taste 🙂

      • 1 week ago

        RDR1, since I value quality over quantity. Seriously, play both and compare the writing.

  6. 1 week ago

    Whats that gem? never heard of it. Must be highly underrated and indie.

  7. 1 week ago

    cause it's not a 10/10, it's a 6 at best.

    • 1 week ago

      the funny thing is you can't even take the people that dislike RDR2 seriously because technologically alone it still completely obliterates games released 5 years later
      the physics, the gunfights, ragdolls, detail, animals, graphics, the sandbox, everything still unsurpassed.

      • 1 week ago

        Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a much better game

        • 1 week ago

          well that's some pretty strong delusion you've got there.


      • 1 week ago

        well that's some pretty strong delusion you've got there.

      • 1 week ago

        all those things a good fun game does not make.
        Arthur is such a homosexual and the story fricking sucks. the gameplay is saturated and BORING

      • 1 week ago

        >it runs on a ps4
        RDR2 is a technological miracle. the story has pacing issues and the missions are repetitive but i'll gladly accept the shortcomings for the most technically and graphically impressive game i've ever seen.

      • 1 week ago

        This is true. Unfortunately I can’t play through it because my wife doesn’t love it. We only play games we both like, and she isn’t in to westerns.

        • 1 week ago

          You watch anime together

          • 1 week ago

            Occasionally. How’d you know?

            • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                Which one am I?

      • 1 week ago

        10/10 graphics, physics, simulation, realism, sandbox etc
        2/10 gameplay
        total score 3/10
        verdict: movie

      • 1 week ago

        >this game is a good game because it has everything but good gameplay
        I dont even have a dog in this fight because I haven’t played the game but pardner you are pure and simply a moron.

  8. 1 week ago

    >8 nominations and 4 awards at the GOTY
    It didn’t cross your mind that the game might have some merit worth looking into?

  9. 1 week ago

    It's mid

  10. 1 week ago

    >Make movie
    >Decide that doesn't make enough money
    >Turn it into a videogame with barely any fun gameplay
    >Rake it in as people pay for a worse experience than the movie

    Rdr2 has the same issue as Witcher 3. The gameplay is the worst part. As such calling it a good game is disingenuous

    • 1 week ago

      But you like trash like Yakuza 0 so why should we take your word for it?
      RDR2 and Witcher 3 stomp that game

  11. 1 week ago

    >real men are cuck, homosexual, Black person lovers.

    • 1 week ago

      there is no cuck, homosexual or Black person-loving in game you gay

      • 1 week ago

        I guess /v doesn't actually play games, huh?

  12. 1 week ago

    Lol Witcher 3 has many other issues than just the dogshit combat.

    • 1 week ago

      meant for

      >Make movie
      >Decide that doesn't make enough money
      >Turn it into a videogame with barely any fun gameplay
      >Rake it in as people pay for a worse experience than the movie

      Rdr2 has the same issue as Witcher 3. The gameplay is the worst part. As such calling it a good game is disingenuous

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        The gameplay (not combat) of the game is insanely repetitive, boring and shit, a huge chunk of the game is just witcher sense monologuing until you reach the last part
        Roach is a stupid piece of shit to ride on and very buggy, constantly slows himself down and so on
        The alchemy/potion system is boring and weak, especially for a game that emphazises how important it is that witchers prepare before combat
        The main story of the game (not dlcs) is very, very weak and stretched out, the game should've focused on developing its core characters more rather than shoving like 3 different subplots in. Phillipa says (about Ciri) "Geralt plays the father, Yen the mother, and Triss the big sister" But how? After Kaer morhen there are barely any scenes of them together. Triss especially becomes a non character after.
        The 3 wild hunt villains were weak, especially after building them up the entire game
        There is no real sense of exploration in this game, opening up a map and seeing 300 question marks is more akin to chores than exploring

        Theres probably some more that I dont remember, I find it hard to believe this game is as big as it is now, winning goty and being shilled as one of the goats when in reality its literally just mediocre. Admittedly it does have its high points with the dlcs and some moments with Ciri but the game is just plain up not that good. Im playing KCD right now and 24 hours in ive had a better experience than W3 with 50

        • 1 week ago

          1. It doesn't have much gameplay besides combat and dialogue, but there is still fistfighting, horse racing and gwent minigames to break up the pacing, i'd certainly prefer them over playing poker, blackjack, hunting animals and fishing.
          2.Agreed Roach has bugs and is clunky to use, even the devs admit that in one of their quests, but RDR2 horse controls are also clunky and unresponsive so i dont see how this is an own.
          3. Thats wrong, its a you problem if you find it boring, but i found it interesting to chug up potions in combat, they are anything but weak, they make you broken, in fact the best build in the game is alchemy/euphoria
          4.how is the story weak? you never presented any argument here, if you say ciri search, then RDR2 does the same with we need a plan, then plan goes wrong, move to different camp and repeat for 6 chapters.
          5. Agreed, but there are better villains in the game to make up for it
          6.Exploration is tied to finding quests, easter eggs and witcher gear which is alright, what kind of exploration RDR2 has? its the same reptitive "random" events and some treasure maps where you find gold but you have nothing to buy because the items are the same throughout all the game and by chapter 2 you are Bill Gates.

          If you are RDR2 fan and you hating on this game you are a double standard moronic c**t because both are highly shilled and overrated or both are good, there is no between, also it won goty because it deserves it.

          I love this game but its not better, in gameplay it can be a bit better thanks to variety but in story its worse, cinematics worse, art direction worse, even in stability its worse, the quests are not as good, the mini game while fun isn't as good as gwent, combat is completely different so cant compare but it has its fair of jank and issues as well.
          You can like it all you want, but Witcher 3 is objectively the better game, even the KCD devs agree with me.

          • 1 week ago

            1. fistfights are just as shit as swords, horse racing is ehh, I never played gwent
            3. When I said weak I meant as in the whole system is boring and unfun, but sure we'll say its subjective
            4. Ciri is the core focus of the game, the game says several times how important she is and how fatal the consequences could be if she gets caught, yet several times the story gets stopped dead in its tracks for one of the subplots, which arent that strong to begin with, they have their decently high points but most of it just forgettable. For the first 2 hours Ciri is the most important character, then for the next 3 hours you are constantly flip flopping on the bloody baron's family problems which are barely related to Ciri itself. Then he is mentioned once and never again after that. Skellige politics never made much sense as Geralt himself would never intervene in them, which is also what I did, but the game softlocks itself if you choose to not help anyone in Skellige after finishing the 3 choices lol. I barely remember anything in those missions, even right after I finished them and then went off to the Isles I forgot about what happened earlier instantly. Kaer morhen was a good point into the game, but after that the game ends wayy to quickly, one minute you're convincing that elf guy to join you, then the other minute you're fighting all of wild hunt and then the game is over
            6. Nah it isnt "alright" lol, the witcher gears are all in the same spots and just straight up fetch quests, a majority of quests in the game were repetitive consisting of the same witcher sense then kill bullshit. Some of them did stand out but needle in a haystack. Some easter eggs were cool though

            I havent finished the game just yet, so I wont comment much on that last part, but I remember more about Sir Radzig than many of W3's characters. Even Henry has more character than Geralt by this point
            >it won goty because it deserves it.
            >is objectively the better game

            • 1 week ago

              Also I dont see any point in replying as obviously im not gonna change your mind because of subjectivity, people are hating more and more on W3 and its shilling and for a good reason, cause when people turn on their minds they see how shit it is

              • 1 week ago

                So you are just bitter? you can change my mind when your arguments are more honest.
                See this is the problem with Witcher 3 haters, they are bitter and obnoxious because all they care about is deconstructing its status and owning its fans by pointing out flaws, as if other games have no flaws and are all perfect.
                You are referring to ad populum now to hide behind the fact that there is some haters for the game now 10 years after its release, and you pretend this is some W against people like me. when i never said the game was perfect to begin with.
                I can point out flaws of almost every acclaimed game, so why is that even relevant to this discussion?
                Do you think RDR2 is perfect or something? do you think Silent Hill 2 is perfect? do you think Nier is a perfect? Elden Ring is perfect?
                Like come on. lol

                This ad populum smug doesnt matter because when e-celebs make videos on youtube they can make normie like you shit on any game they want.

              • 1 week ago

                Heres what happened, I upgraded my pc not too long ago, after hearing how witcher 3 is one of the best games of all time constantly being praised for a goated masterpiece, I tried it out. I dont base my opinion off others, I beat the game, then I sat down there for a while and thought about it. The game sucks, the dlcs were pretty good but the main game sucks, it was never good or enjoyable to begin with. Its ironic because I never watched a negative video against it, only positive ones, so your argument doesnt even work there
                >deconstructing its status
                Well deserved since its mediocre
                >by pointing out flaws
                This isnt the first W3 argument ive been in, and every single time criticisms or arguments are brought up against W3, without fail, people cannot defend the game for the life of it. Even now you agree with most of my arguments, and also the flaws are simply too major and too big to be ignored that severly hinder it, so ask yourself again how exactly is this a goated game?

                Thats true, no game is perfect, but you would think that a goated game would be better than mediocre.

              • 1 week ago

                Here's what really happened.
                You upgraded your pc, then you went to Witcher 3 subreddit where fans of Witcher 3 are found, you heard them say its the best game ever played, so then you assumed its the best game, because everyone says their favorite game is the best game. Shocker i know

                Then you played it and found some flaws because you were stupid enough to believe it has no flaws EVEN THOUGH every drone on the internet repeats the same combat is le bad and controls are clunky buzzwords.
                So how is that the fault of the game if you are a gullible idiot?
                By your logic every game you are going to try will be goated, do you realize how many times i heard this about games? if i apply your logic then every game is shit because every game has flaws and its fans think its goated.

                Every SINGLE thing you typed here applies for RDR2 or Silent Hill 2 or Yakuza 0 or Nier Automata or Skyrim or Elden Ring

                > people cannot defend the game for the life of it
                I'm already defending the game, you want me to defend it by proving it 100% flawless? frick off with your strawman shit

                >better than mediocre.
                It is, its better than a lot of games

              • 1 week ago

                Im not lying, the first paragraph is exactly what happened, do you really think I would lie to someone on the internet to win an argument?
                Again, your arguments are dumb because if all I saw was positivity about the game, then that would mean im more likely to be positive about it. I say again, I dont base my opinion off others, I stood there and thought about it all.
                >the same combat is le bad and controls are clunky buzzwords.
                Oh look, you're doing it again
                in a sense that you are trying to limit how shit it really is, or trying to cope in a sense that its actually okay and well umm its kind of not that bad.
                Theres no buzzwords here, and remember that my first arguments were not even about the combat btw. The combat, is 0/10 dogshit garbage. Theres no coping it here, its horrendous and deserves to be criticized.

                >every game is shit because every game has flaws and its fans think its goated.
                Yes, thats true, but the flaws of W3 are wayy to shit for it to be considered a goated game lmfao. Why do you not understand this? The game is nowhere near goated level, and it never was nor will be. Its simply, mediocre.
                >believe it has no flaws
                True my fault, I should've went in with no expectations then I wouldn't have been as disappointed by the end.

                >I'm already defending the game, you want me to defend it by proving it 100% flawless
                Where did I say that lol? I said people (including (You)) cant defend the game for shit, which is true. The entire time you've been agreeing with my points and about W3's flaws, without fail, every time the game is brought up, people rely on saying how famous and popular the game is, and it actually deserves its goat status when its not remotely true.

              • 1 week ago

                I didnt say you lied, i said you were stupid. big difference.
                >Theres no buzzwords her
                There is, you said nothing but buzzword regarding this point. furthermore you dont give an alternative.
                >Why do you not understand this? The game is nowhere near goated level
                No i understand this, i told you earlier about this, its not goated and not perfect, however you are still wrong about it and your logic doesnt make sense. many of your issues turned out to be wrong as well.
                >The entire time you've been agreeing with my points and about W3's flaws
                What the frick? whats the point of straight lies now? i've been countering them for hours.
                We go back to this

                So you are just bitter? you can change my mind when your arguments are more honest.
                See this is the problem with Witcher 3 haters, they are bitter and obnoxious because all they care about is deconstructing its status and owning its fans by pointing out flaws, as if other games have no flaws and are all perfect.
                You are referring to ad populum now to hide behind the fact that there is some haters for the game now 10 years after its release, and you pretend this is some W against people like me. when i never said the game was perfect to begin with.
                I can point out flaws of almost every acclaimed game, so why is that even relevant to this discussion?
                Do you think RDR2 is perfect or something? do you think Silent Hill 2 is perfect? do you think Nier is a perfect? Elden Ring is perfect?
                Like come on. lol

                This ad populum smug doesnt matter because when e-celebs make videos on youtube they can make normie like you shit on any game they want.

                >you just said "its dogshit lul"
                Which you didnt disprove
                >Swordplay is you swining and parrying forever, its not anything deep at all
                LOL and this coming from a W3 defender?
                KCD you need to use your mind a little and it isnt as braindead easy shut off your mind as W3. Shut the frick up lmao

                Why do you keep trying to do this lmfao. I dont care about the other games moron, the argument since the start has been about W3 and W3 only, even my first post was about that
                >Fricking where
                Not surprised you didnt even get it. But sure, ill give a hint
                i know you are dishonest.
                >>well presented and well written and they are very memorable
                >>you calling them weak is not really my problem

                >Objectively wrong
                Cool, I see what you mean there, even then, their relevance to the main story is very weak, which is what ive been trying to say, it weakens the main story because it makes Ciri seem less important (which you didnt disprove)

                >And for the 2nd time politics in seklliege isnt about ciri, its a side questline
                Which is, quite literally, what I fricking said lmfao. And they are not side quests in any way you dumb moron. You cannot progress the main story without them, which means they are main quests. They are not comparable, in any way to the side quests you get in the village boards or npcs for example. Also 1 paragraph above.

                6. Now lets recap, I said the main world quests are shit because X and Y. You didnt counter those arguments, instead doing that cope thing earlier where you pretend its not a big deal. Then you said compare it to another game (again this shit btw) which I didnt because im not comparing this shit to anything, I am specifically talking about this game here and nothing else. You tried that again and I said no, and im the dishonest one here?
                This is the last (You) I give you, you honestly made my day laughing at you, what a fricking moron LOL
                Again goes back to this point [...]

                I did.
                >KCD you need to use your mind a little
                false, all you need to do is swing the sword and parry enemy attacks in slow motion until you land the hit and kill them. You dont need to use anything. fricking lol
                >Shut the frick up lmao
                Malding and coping now
                >Why do you keep trying to do this lmfao
                Because we need a sample, if you want to call something bad then you need something good to measure up, this is how standards and gold standards work, without them, the word bad and good are meaningless
                This thread is about RDR2, you hijacked it to shit on it OR you are RDR2 fan, you are scared to confront me directly, so you are playing this pretend to be dead game.
                > ill give a hint
                Your hint is shit because i gave reasons and you didnt.
                > it weakens the main story because it makes Ciri seem less important
                Now imagine this, what if it doesnt make it weak because it make ciri less important? who said you are right to begin with? ha?
                >You cannot progress the main story without them
                Factually wrong, you can leave without interacting with its issues and without resolving its fate, you already said that in the beginning of the thread lmao nice self own.

                6.you have yet to provide a good alternative, you have yet to address my points.
                >This is the last (You) I give you
                you'll be back i own u

              • 1 week ago

                nta, but the slow mo only happens after you press the parry button. Also, swinging a sword is really ineffective in KCD against armored opponent whereas poking is the best.

              • 1 week ago

                I like both combat styles in the games.

              • 1 week ago

                Against armored enemy you swing a mace instead, wow big difference there right?
                Nope you are still doing the same things.
                You can't shit on W3 with a straight face while you praise games like this anon

                I love KCD i really really like it, its immersive, unique and realistic and i like most things about it including combat, but if someone is going to be dishonest and claim one game is 0/10 and praise the other then i must show hypocrisy.

              • 1 week ago

                homie, read the other post before getting mad like a seething b***h.
                I even put nta to clarify it. I just don't want moron like you to undermine the combat system because some homosexual pissed you off.

              • 1 week ago

                I read it and i know its not YOU why are you so defensive.
                You must be able to tell when i refer to you and when i refer to the other anons.
                Look i even reassured you its a good game and that i like it, dont be so defensive over this.
                I'm not seething at all, i just finished watching dragon age gameplay reveal and im laughing.

                On the contrary im super confident in my tastes, after years of being on the internet i can easily tell you why i like X and why i dont like Y.

            • 1 week ago

              1. i mean its no god hand or anything but they work as a minigame, there is some mechanics at work at least. gwent is one of the best minigames should've played it.
              4. so whats the actual point here? you are searching for ciri and you do stumble upon side quests. side quests are great because they come naturally and overlap well with the main story. again you said main story is weak but then your argument is that you didnt want to do side quests because geralt doesnt intervene and that you didnt find them memorable? how is that an argument? wtf?
              the pacing in the last act is all over the place, its rushed, but lets not pretend RDR2 pacing is good because after chapter 4 the same happens all the way toward the epilogue and as for Kingdom Come the story wasn't even finished, so spare me the bullshit.
              6. its standard open world stuff, so yes its alright, what open world are you comparing it too?

              >but I remember more about Sir Radzig than many of W3's characters
              >Even Henry has more character than Geralt

              see? i can do that too

              • 1 week ago

                1. Coping at this point, both fistfights and swordfighting is dogshit in this game
                4. Pretty ironic how you consider them side quests when they are part of the main story, shows how little they are considered even by you. As I said the game should've focused a lot more on the core characters and fleshed them out for more instead of weak subplots. Pretty much "the princess is in another castle geralt but first you must do 10 quests for me and i'll tell you where the castle is"
                >overlap well with the main story
                This is almost false, Skellige politics have almost nothing to do with Ciri, and Bloody baron has no real relevance to her also, he gives her a place to stay and moves on quickly. She finds out baron dies and shes like "oh.." and moves on. Novigrad atleast had a decent connection and was a good part of the game
                6. Im not comparing it to any world, im simply pointing out how shit the main world is.

              • 1 week ago

                1. How is this coping? you said its repetitive and i told you yes there is not much gameplay but there are these things to break up the pacing.
                Also i disagree, they are not dogshit, they are not good but they are certianly better than many games, at least there are some mechanics at works, some variety and tools and bosses to fight. I defintely prefer that to RDR2 combat where all you do is cover shooting and auto aim at the same enemies for 100 hours. Or Yakuza 0 where you square triangle your way to victory fighting the same thugs for 50 hours, or even KCD.
                4. They are side quests though and they are some of the best side quests at that, well presented and well written and they are very memorable, you calling them weak is not really my problem
                >Skellige politics has nothing to do with Ciri
                Because its a side questline, but it DOES overlap with the main story because you cant reach it unless you do the main story there, thats what i mean, the same goes for the baron who is a main story figure for a while until you decide to do his side quests.
                Side quests overlap with the main story in a clever and natural way, they present themselves to you so that you can branch out and explore these characters more, impact their region and their arc. this is great quest design.
                6.Well we need a sample, if you are going to call it shit, you need to present an alternative, otherwise i know you are dishonest.

              • 1 week ago

                1. You are coping in a sense that you are trying to limit how shit it really is, or trying to cope in a sense that its actually okay and well umm its kind of not that bad. "they work as a minigame, there is some mechanics at work atleast" No lol, fistfighting, is simply garbage
                >or even KCD.
                I really cant take you seriously after that
                >well presented and well written and they are very memorable
                >you calling them weak is not really my problem
                Very funny and contradictory statement, I urge you to reread and see the irony there

                The side quests are utterly meaningless for the storyline, they exist there as filler content to stretch shit out like I said before, matter of fact, it weakens the main storyline by taking away how important Ciri actually is. At the start of the game, we see Ciri is being chased by the wild hunt and now are here on earth, and how important it is she doesnt get caught, 20 hours later, there you are doing some bullshit skellige politics. There seems to be some disconnect post-velen, where Geralt is asking every random peasant about Ciri and how shes like a daughter to him, but 20 hours later he kind of stops giving a frick.
                >>Side quests overlap with the main story in a clever and natural way
                you cant reach it unless you do the main story there
                >"the princess is in another castle geralt but first you must do 10 quests for me and i'll tell you where the castle is"
                Not in this case
                6. Why do I need a sample? I played the side quests IN THIS game, and I found most of them dogshit, weak and repetitive, which you havent disproved

              • 1 week ago

                Saying im coping is not really an argument here, you just said "its dogshit lul"

                Now you are coping about KCD how about that?
                Fistfighting in KCD is worse than Witcher 3 btw, you have nothing to factor other than blocking and attacking.
                Swordplay is you swining and parrying forever, its not anything deep at all, and by the time you get a good loot you can stomp anyone in the game, there is no variety in combat, not even wild beasts to fight, all you fight are soldiers who stand infront of you while you parry attacks until one of them hits.
                >Cant take you seriously
                0% argument
                100% cope

                What about RDR2 you delusional tard? you have never said anything about it. scared to defend it ha?

                >contradictory statement
                Fricking where?
                Side quests are good because 1,2,3 reasons
                You: Nuhhuh they are le weak and le dogshit you failed to prove me wrong hehehe

                >The side quests are utterly meaningless for the storyline
                Objectively wrong, choices you make in the sidequestline can impact how a main story play out, like the side quests of Tower of Mice where you get a choice that can change the events at battle of kaer morhen (a main quest)
                And for the 2nd time politics in seklliege isnt about ciri, its a side questline, do you realize what side quests mean? the frick? you are playing KCD, do tell me how side quests are meaningful there? come on do tell
                tell me how Arthur going to hunt boars matter for the main story
                do tell me how Kiryu helping a rock band helps in a main story
                6. Cowardly dishonest, how lame
                be sure to go into the next thread tomorrow to claim nobody was able to counter your argument, fricking lol

              • 1 week ago

                >you just said "its dogshit lul"
                Which you didnt disprove
                >Swordplay is you swining and parrying forever, its not anything deep at all
                LOL and this coming from a W3 defender?
                KCD you need to use your mind a little and it isnt as braindead easy shut off your mind as W3. Shut the frick up lmao

                Why do you keep trying to do this lmfao. I dont care about the other games moron, the argument since the start has been about W3 and W3 only, even my first post was about that
                >Fricking where
                Not surprised you didnt even get it. But sure, ill give a hint
                i know you are dishonest.
                >>well presented and well written and they are very memorable
                >>you calling them weak is not really my problem

                >Objectively wrong
                Cool, I see what you mean there, even then, their relevance to the main story is very weak, which is what ive been trying to say, it weakens the main story because it makes Ciri seem less important (which you didnt disprove)

                >And for the 2nd time politics in seklliege isnt about ciri, its a side questline
                Which is, quite literally, what I fricking said lmfao. And they are not side quests in any way you dumb moron. You cannot progress the main story without them, which means they are main quests. They are not comparable, in any way to the side quests you get in the village boards or npcs for example. Also 1 paragraph above.

                6. Now lets recap, I said the main world quests are shit because X and Y. You didnt counter those arguments, instead doing that cope thing earlier where you pretend its not a big deal. Then you said compare it to another game (again this shit btw) which I didnt because im not comparing this shit to anything, I am specifically talking about this game here and nothing else. You tried that again and I said no, and im the dishonest one here?
                This is the last (You) I give you, you honestly made my day laughing at you, what a fricking moron LOL
                Again goes back to this point

                Also I dont see any point in replying as obviously im not gonna change your mind because of subjectivity, people are hating more and more on W3 and its shilling and for a good reason, cause when people turn on their minds they see how shit it is

          • 1 week ago

            >objectively the better game, even the devs agree
            This is an oxymoron

        • 1 week ago

          >The alchemy/potion system is boring and weak, especially for a game that emphazises how important it is that witchers prepare before combat
          the alchemy system in witcher 3 is so strong as to make the game trivial. if you're using oil, potions and decoctions you become an unkillable god when fighting monsters. since this opinion was so blatantly incorrect, i didn't read the rest of your drivel

        • 1 week ago

          >Im playing KCD right now and 24 hours in ive had a better experience than W3 with 50
          I have like 50 hours in W3, and I still feel that I barely scratch the story. The main story is way too stretched out.

  13. 1 week ago

    Fricking movie snorefest.

  14. 1 week ago

    Because Ganker has become too infested with politics in games discussion. Even with this masterpiece it boils back to Arthur not being racist.

    • 1 week ago

      Antiracist protagonist and shrinking horse balls does not make a masterpiece

  15. 1 week ago

    Why would I tell you lies anon?

  16. 1 week ago


  17. 1 week ago

    >1 Nude scene where you see a 6/10 chicks breasts for a full second
    >But you can stare at the guy who has sex with sheeps ballsack for as long as you want and zoom into it with your binoculars

    They are laughing at you

    • 1 week ago
      Thought leader of /pol/

      Sex with sheep ? What ?

      • 1 week ago

        literally google rdr2 sheep fricker

        or a pig i honestly cant remember but the balls are still there for you to gack at.

        • 1 week ago
          Thought leader of /pol/

          Some herders do things like this sometimes. It's often in the news . You shouldn't think too much because there are many strange things in this game such as serial killers and ufo. I glad they honest about dark side of human

  18. 1 week ago

    this board is only used to make fun of moronic weeb mexicans and not to talk about good games

  19. 1 week ago

    >last half of game is depressing
    >nu-rockstar no fun allowed mission design
    >nothing to spend money on
    >camp upgrades are a waste
    >file size too big
    >pathetic online mode

    >good jank gameplay
    >very beautiful map to explore
    >interesting story and characters
    >first half of game is kino
    >horse and inventory system is neat

    • 1 week ago

      >>last half of game is depressing

    • 1 week ago

      When it comes to characters outside of Arthur and Dutch i dont recall any other character being good. Any other examples?
      Micah was too stereotypical and mustache twirling villain for me to like, its funny how one guy here makes fun of the wild hunt but doesnt mention how shallow and stereotypical Micah is

  20. 1 week ago
    Thought leader of /pol/

    But i already told you

  21. 1 week ago

    dropped this movieslop 2 hours in

    • 1 week ago

      honestly gets good chapter 2/3. If you gave up on the snow, well thats the worst part of the game

      • 1 week ago

        I can't see a game with that gameplay ever being fun. I'm not someone who loves staring at pretty pictures.

        • 1 week ago

          No one cares that you were born a homosexual and not a killer
          Go watch an anime bro

  22. 1 week ago

    10/10 bore simulator.

    IF GTA6 isn't full co-op for it's story, I'm not even pirating it.

  23. 1 week ago

    I have it sitting in my library for a while, will probably start it this week. What am i in for?

  24. 1 week ago

    Its not a 10. Anyone who says its a 10 is some desperate homosexual who is nostalgic about the past.

    Its a great game. But its definitely not a 10.

  25. 1 week ago

    Cause I never played it. Not buying games that require some shitty extra spyware account.

  26. 1 week ago

    The quest designs were atrocious.
    It would have a higher score if it weren't for that plus moronic gimmicks like Arthur putting his guns away without your control.

  27. 1 week ago

    I just recently finished it AND the presentation is 10/10 no question asked but the story and writing is just 7/10 at best

  28. 1 week ago

    what makes it a 10/10? been playing TotK lately and I like it much better than BotW, but still feel like it's manipulating me with typical open world trappings. I'm wondering if RDR2 is the answer to that but it also looks super boring

    • 1 week ago

      Not really unless you care about immersion or story.
      Rockstar paid a lot of attentions to the open world which is good for immersion, but they don't put a lot of fun things to do after you finished the missions unless you like collecting 0/20 item or kill this animal. I just use it as a camping simulator from times to times post-game.

      • 1 week ago

        Getting the open world right is the number 1 priority when making an open world game. It's why their games sell.

        • 1 week ago

          Yeah, and that is what I like about it the most.
          Unfortunately, it gets dragged down by moronic mechanics and bad mission designs

  29. 1 week ago

    The Witcher 3 doesn't have the quality, polish snd detail of RDR2. Just a fact. The horse travel is few tiers under RDR2's as well

    • 1 week ago

      Thats true, because RDR2 budget is much bigger.
      But Witcher 3 does have some aspects better like side quests, combat and choice and consequence system.
      But i agree that both games are great and the best at their thing.
      Both games are action/adventure open world with good characters and strong writing. Both games have beautiful looking visuals and sense of realism.
      Both games have good immersion

      RDR2 has the better graphical fidelity, physics and polish
      Whereas Witcher 3 has the better questing.

      I like both games, it doesnt make sense to me to claim one game is good and the other is shit considering the flaws are similar and the qualities overlap with each other.
      Unless a random NPC saying Hi to you makes or breaks a game.

  30. 1 week ago

    Play for longer than 3 hours.

  31. 1 week ago

    It’s a relaxing game to play

  32. 1 week ago

    it's not.

    the gameplay is as bad as it gets, boring doesn't even begin to describe it.
    Yes, it looks good, but both the gameplay and story fricking suck ass. I really wanted to like it and ended up hating it.
    also, infinite horse rides.

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