Why did only Ratchet survive?

Why did only Ratchet survive?

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  1. 2 years ago

    he didn't.

  2. 2 years ago

    why do snoys have such a bonner for furry characters?

  3. 2 years ago

    it had the most potential

  4. 2 years ago

    Dedicated studio that wants to make those games. ND and SP left to make movie games.

    • 2 years ago

      but why

      • 2 years ago

        I genuinely have to wonder. those mascot games were gamey as games could be, full of soul, full of inside jokes, you could tell the people making them really cared. And now they make style-less trash. did they fire everybody? How can someone go from making detail and interactivity rich games to just designing the same old boring shit every other studio does

    • 2 years ago

      >SP left to make movie games
      The closest they've come is Ghost of Tsushima, which was like 15 years later and it's really not the same as other games that get called that.

  5. 2 years ago

    Jak told it's story. It had no need to continue.

    • 2 years ago

      it did though, in handhelds

    • 2 years ago

      >3 ends on cliffhanger
      >x doesnt expand on that or the main story
      >tlf so bad its the reason why people ask for jak 4 and not jak 5

      Also why does Ratchet need a million games to tell a story? What story is there even left to tell?

      • 2 years ago

        RnC used to have an anti-corporacracy message and now they don't

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            corporate homosexualry

      • 2 years ago

        >What story is there even left to tell?
        literally all of these games begin and end on the PS2
        everhthing made for other consoles is just a soulles cashgrab riding on name alone

      • 2 years ago

        Technically Ratchet didn't begin telling an overarching story until it left the PS2.
        It was the only one of the three where everything was totally segregated and none of the games really lead into each other or called back to earlier entries in meaningful ways.
        This is another reason why it was so easy to keep it going, while both Jak and Sly kinda felt like they had set in stone overarching narratives where it'd feel disingenuous to drag them out, Ratchet had been doing self-contained stories from the start, so you can just keep making more and more without having to walk on the eggshells of what came before.

        • 2 years ago

          it feels like a paradox cus Ratchet treads on its own canon constantly.

  6. 2 years ago

    it's a shell of itself, would be better off dead,

  7. 2 years ago

    Cause Uncharted and inFamous were successes and Resistance was a flop.
    Plus it was just easier to milk it while keeping it interesting considering the only thing you ever needed to add to the core gameplay loop were more weapons, while Sly and Jak were already struggling to keep their games engaging by the third entry with shit like new characters and more frequent mini-game levels.

  8. 2 years ago

    Why are the 3 of them so hot?

    • 2 years ago

      because they wanted to make appealing characters. There was some anti-furry scare in the mid 2000s that we still havent recovered from. Boomer devs people sexualizing a character is the worst thing that could possibly happen, despite the fact its always goin to happen as long as a design is good.

  9. 2 years ago

    I miss being able to say that Ratchet and Clank was a series with no bad games

  10. 2 years ago

    Sly Cooper being as story and charachter-focused as it is needed to end. While sure it's tempting keep doing heists with the gang, those heists were ultimately secondary to the narrative itself. Sly 4 was a mistake for many reasons and it's failure of the characters is probably it's biggest one.
    Jak & Daxter had potential to keep going, but really 3 ended up too large in scope to really keep going. Precursors, which were the biggest mystery of the series, were de-mystified and after that it'd really be hard to have another big adventure.
    Ratchet & Clank fit best for the long-term given their format of being planet-hopping, meaning there's really endless potential for level variety. Really though, given the game after Rift Apart looks as though it's going to be about meeting the lombaxes, it's hard to imagine it having anywhere else to go. They've covered time travel, alternate dimensions. There's no real room left to have as the next big escalation, and if they do meet the Lombaxes then that's pretty much every major story thread covered. There'd be nothing really left.

    • 2 years ago

      I miss when people drew fanart of classic Carmelita

    • 2 years ago

      Sly the type of homie to plunder every temple in india just to find secret sec techniques to obliterate his latin girlfriend's mind

    • 2 years ago

      Sly is only like 4 inches taller than Ratchet.

      • 2 years ago

        ratchet is a canon manlet

    • 2 years ago

      Survive is not exactly the word I would use.
      The ratchet we know and love ended with deadlock / gladiator, unless you also count agent clank and size matters.

      Since the ps3 era the games have gone downhill and the series is the kid friendly franchise that sony uses to display the graphical power each gen.
      Sly4 was fricking garbage and I believe sucker punch recently mentioned there is literally no one working on either sly or infamous.
      Jak ended alright with a dexter spin off game on the psp and a racing one.

      I'll never not be mad about penelope

      • 2 years ago

        Crack in Time was a highpoint (for me anyway, don't kill me)

      • 2 years ago

        Jak ended with the wimpiest of whimpers, which was the piece of dogshit called "The Lost Frontier". Geeze.

        • 2 years ago

          i just straight up ignore that one to preserve jad as a good memory.

          Crack in Time was a highpoint (for me anyway, don't kill me)

          most of the ps3 era and forward are not bad games but most of them are pretty mediocre and they really distanced themselves from what ratchet used to be. I remember playing quest for booty when it was given for free and be baffled on how short of a ride that was.

          A couple years ago I watched Insomniac livestream on twitch. They were talking about their old RaC games. The main homosexual director of RaC 1-3 said he regrets making those games so edgy, and that he doesn't like the type of humor PS2 Ratchet games had.
          Can you imagine that? Frick that guy. I'm never buying an Insomniac game ever again. I'll happily pirate Rip a Fart when it comes to PC.

          i hate when shit like that happens, I believe something similar happened to the gow director.

          • 2 years ago

            >I remember playing quest for booty when it was given for free and be baffled on how short of a ride that was.
            Quest is pretty much a Tech Demo for the new wrench mechanic.

      • 2 years ago

        Crack in time was the best and most mature one, the stakes were high and felt like Ratchet was going to some character development, only for them to drop it for generic kiddy shit in the next games

    • 2 years ago

      >Sly 4 was a mistake for many reasons and it's failure of the characters is probably it's biggest one.
      What are you even talking about? Have you played these games in a row at all? Sly 4 is effectively the exact same games as 2 and 3 down to how they handle heists and character building. The only difference is the heists focus around helping out an ancestor via stealing instead of stealing to figure out a bigger conspiracy until near the end. 3's entire conflict with Bentley questioning if he'll become like Dr. M literally does not even show up until Dr. M confronts Bentley like 10 minutes from the end of the game and everyone is normal and friendly with each other throughout the entire game trying to recruit people to open the vault.

      I played through the whole series for the first time in my life a couple weeks ago and there is absolutely no difference in writing, characterization, gameplay, or structure going from the older games to the PS3 game. I do not understandw here this hate for Sly 4 comes from in the slightest.

      • 2 years ago

        >I do not understandw here this hate for Sly 4 comes from in the slightest.
        Pretentious streamers with their nostalgia goggles who don't even remember the games that well.

        Sly 4 is perfectly fine as a game and as a sequel for this series with its only downside being that terrible final boss and ending. In fact, I've always considered it a better game than 3, which bloated its gameplay and narrative with too many secondary characters that didn't really fit the dynamic of the band.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought 3 was the best one personally. 2 just had so many annoyances in it and you could cut at least three of the interim levels out and nothing would change. I hated those interim levels so much, especially the Contessa 1 level.

          >I do not understandw here this hate for Sly 4 comes from in the slightest.
          I think the biggest things that stick out in people's minds are undoing the series' satisfying ending for the sake of an unresolved cliffhanger. Making a likable character nonsensically evil for the sake of a twist and some half-baked character development for Bentley. And making the big gimmick centered around ancestors whose characterization and abilities were generally pretty underwhelming.

          Beyond that, it's just kind of mediocre in comparison to what 2 and 3 brought to the table.

          >undoing the series' satisfying ending for the sake of an unresolved cliffhanger.
          Yeah, but that would have happened regardless because SP set that up. If it were to follow up from that then no matter who would have picked it up would have had to do time travel with Sly's ancestors. Even Sly 3 ends with you knowing Sly is going to betray Carmelita at some point and that isn't a permanent situation regardless of how conclusive you thought it was.

          Penelope was definitely the lowest point though, bar none, I completely agree. It seemed completely out of character for her to do that when she was fawning over Sly during all of 3.

      • 2 years ago

        >I do not understandw here this hate for Sly 4 comes from in the slightest.
        I think the biggest things that stick out in people's minds are undoing the series' satisfying ending for the sake of an unresolved cliffhanger. Making a likable character nonsensically evil for the sake of a twist and some half-baked character development for Bentley. And making the big gimmick centered around ancestors whose characterization and abilities were generally pretty underwhelming.

        Beyond that, it's just kind of mediocre in comparison to what 2 and 3 brought to the table.

      • 2 years ago

        >What are you even talking about?
        Let me count the ways.
        Gameplay-wise there isn't exactly much difference, but there's a noticeable lack of weight and punch to the combat in it.
        But the real issues are in the story.
        Literally went against all of his character development from Sly 2 and 3 just because 'he got the itch to steal again.' He wanted to throw away his life of crime and stop being a coward towards Carmelita so they could have a life together. And history being changed isn't even the reason, he wanted to steal BEFORE he learned about what was happening with the Thievious Raccoonus.
        After the plot kicks in, he generally becomes unfunny wisecracker that's literally getting cucked by his ancestors and being a whiny b***h over it because he doesn't talk to Carmelita genuinely.
        Main issue is just being unfunny. The stuff with Penelope is "fine" if you take it at face value, but fails when you think about how Penelope's character had to be assassinated to achieve it.
        Nothing to do. He just goes 'oh I'm fat and useless' for one episode for no reason and that's it. Ignores his character development from 3 for it.
        Doesn't banter with Sly at all because he lied to her and then just acts like a whiny smartass the rest of the time. She deliberately flirts with his ancestors to try and make him jealous, I guess? Plus she serves as a damsel in distress multiple times.
        If you can't see how they fricking murdered her character, I don't know what's wrong with you. She literally says she's 'relieved' to no longer lie and be the baron. By the end of Sly 3 she sees the gang as family. How does she go from admired Sly to wanting to fricking murder him just because 'he's a common thief holding Bentley back?' She doesn't, because it's shit writing with no sense.
        >La Paradox
        Shit villain, plain as simple.

        As for your comment about Sly 3, it's literally just Bentley pondering his position in life at the end of the journey.

        • 2 years ago

          >but there's a noticeable lack of weight and punch to the combat in it.
          There is absolutely not. If anything the crook feels significantly heftier and movement is heftier when turning. They even made O detection better.
          >just because 'he got the itch to steal again.'
          3 literally ends on him winking at Bentley. Him staying with Carmelita was never conclusive in the slightest and they outright implied he was going to steal again.
          >that's literally getting cucked by his ancestors and being a whiny b***h over it because he doesn't talk to Carmelita genuinely.
          That's only with Tennessee. She wanders off in the ice age and then after that Sly starts trying to open up a dialogue but things keep happening.
          >Ignores his character development from 3 for it.
          Dude, even 3 outright pushed his character to the side once you got the Guru and he was equally as pointless. The only thing he does after that is in the final area he reassures Bentley that they're both Sly's best friends and that's roughly it. Murray has always been the "Doesn't matter" character until one episode of 3. 2 does Murray even worse because in the interim between 1 and 2 he's gone from a massive coward to some macho superhero with an ego out of nowhere with no explanation.
          >and then just acts like a whiny smartass the rest of the time
          Well yeah, she's pissed he betrayed her, and once you reach La Paradox she's gotten over it.
          >She deliberately flirts with his ancestors to try and make him jealous, I guess?
          She only really flirts with Tennessee. She treats Selim kindly and plays up Galleth's pride but that's about it. Galleth doesn't even really seem to care most of the time outside of wanting to keep her and everyone safe.
          I agree with this, it's character assassination as I said above and I dislike that part massively.
          >it's literally just Bentley pondering his position in life at the end of the journey.
          Dude, they straight up nearly make him go the Dr. M route until Murray's speech.

          • 2 years ago

            >3 literally ends on him winking at Bentley.
            That doesn't mean he's going to steal again. That's literally saying that he was faking his amnesia to be with Carmelita, and acknowledging that he didn't/won't forget his friends. This reading is just as canon as your's is if you want to see it that way.
            >That's only with Tennessee.
            She does it again with Galleth, with her going to check on him and then Sly being all whiny about it. Regardless it's poor characterization of both of them even if it happens once.
            >once you got the Guru
            At least that's still something. The first two episodes are him confronting his failure and then moving on from the change in lifestyle he made. He also has the moment in Episode 4 where he refuses to abandon the van as well. It's all strong characterization for him and Sly 4 goes against it by have him be all needlessly self-conscious cause he couldn't pull off one job.
            >no explanation
            It's not much, but at the end of Sly 1 Sly says Murray had found new confidence after all they did. He doesn't get much else, but he literally says 'yeah I'm fat and not smart, but I'm not weak' when he fights Rajan. As well as the cutscene of him crying as they lost the van. It's all SOMETHING, vs the genuine nothing that is Sly 4 Murray.
            >Well yeah
            I actually was referring to Sly being a whiny smartass, but I should've clarified.

            >Dude, they straight up nearly make him go the Dr. M route
            No? For one, he was shown to be jealous of Sly since Penelope was introduced, but he talks it out with her in Episode 5 and the grow closer by the end of it. The scene in the vault is him considering Dr. M's words. He's not wrong. He and Murray are just there while Sly does the big important thing that they spent so much of their time helping him with, while they get comparatively little. Murray's words serve to reaffirm that Sly is a true friend, a brother, and he's going to help him finish this.

            • 2 years ago

              >That's literally saying that he was faking his amnesia to be with Carmelita
              It was, but it also means that there's absolutely nothing stopping him from stealing afterwards since he never lost any of his abilities. For all you know he wants to stay with Carmelita but it was a long con to rob from people she knows. It's a very open-ended ending that doesn't mean he'll stop stealing.
              >Regardless it's poor characterization of both of them
              Sly has always been shown to be far less confrontational with people he cares about and beats around the bush so it's in-character for him to act like he did in 4. Carmelita is not only hurt but she's always been shown to be hot-headed and vindictive, just look at how obsessed she was in 1 and then in 3 she tracks him down to every single map out of spite.
              >and Sly 4 goes against it by have him be all needlessly self-conscious cause he couldn't pull off one job.
              The entire reason why he left in Sly 3 was because Bentley got injured because of him. Murray's always been characterized as doing something extreme like that and putting the weight of the world on himself for mistakes that arguably aren't even on him so that still fits in Sly 4.
              >I actually was referring to Sly being a whiny smartass
              He's always been a smartass, he's just whiny because he's letting Carmelita get to him. It still fits with how he's acted before.
              >Murray's words serve to reaffirm that Sly is a true friend, a brother, and he's going to help him finish this.
              The point I'm making is that they have Bentley go through the thought process of potentially betraying Sly out of nowhere. This wasn't some sort of thought going through his mind at all throughout any of the games. He's always been the one getting them out of jams, he's the one who saved the from the Contessa, he's the one who plans basically everything, so trying to inject this self-doubt as if nothing Bentley does matters over the name of Sly's gang feels like it's out of left field.

              • 2 years ago

                >For all you know he wants to stay with Carmelita but it was a long con to rob from people she knows.
                Absolutely not. Literally, while he was being crushed to death, alone with nothing but his own thoughts, he lays out that all he can think about his Carmelita. He recognizes that he's been a coward with his feelings towards her, and said that he wanted to try and 'put their professional differences aside and try to make it work.' He says seeing Bentley and Penelope together made him realize that 'that's what life is about.'
                That entire scene is Sly's raw emotions, and foreshadowing that he is indeed willing to give up his life of crime to be with her. After all, there were no 'heights' that could live up to everything that was done for him to see the Cooper Family Vault. He had peaked, and it was time for him to settle down with the woman he loved.
                >Sly and Carmelita
                Sly has always been a smartass, but he knows when to real it in. In Sly 1 he was emotional and rash. By Sly 3 he's able to reflect on his family's legacy and that perhaps his father was indeed a bad friend to Dr. M. He's become far more mature at that point, and should be able to just talk with Carmelita, not make some limp attempt to approach her with flowers.
                Carmelita meanwhile is hot-headed, but I don't believe that she'd be so childish as to make Sly feel jealous over his own ancestors.
                All this is just made worse because the reason for the drama is so limp. Sly wasn't trying to steal for the Book, so he'd have a reason. He was just trying to steal for the sake of stealing, making him just a complete jackass and genuinely irredeemable in Carmelita's eyes given he played with her affection in such a serious way.


              • 2 years ago

                I agree that is a character flaw for Murray. But the major problem is that it's over something so childish. Murray loses confidence in 3 because Bentley was god damn paralyzed and he blamed himself. In 4 he loses confidence because he can't climb a wall, which he specifically trained Bob for, and spends the rest of the episode sulking about it. The problem he faced is so minor that the reaction makes zero sense after what he's been through, and just makes it look like his character has regressed.
                I can concede that the whole 'betrayal' thing could've been built up more if they wanted to really use it. But as I said, they did at least show him being of jealous of Sly, and lamenting the loss of his legs, in 3. The way I see it, Bentley isn't SERIOUSLY considering betraying the gang. It's him just reflecting on everything that's happened. Dr. M provided a new viewpoint, and now that they've essentially achieved the goal of getting Sly into the vault, in a moment of calm, he confides in Murray how he feels about his place in the gang. Having a moment of doubt isn't something character-shattering, if anything it shows that Bentley can think for himself, and just wanted to process his thoughts just as it was all coming to an end.

              • 2 years ago

                >But the major problem is that it's over something so childish.
                I won't deny that, it's definitely magnitudes different between Clock-la and being unable to climb, but the point remains that he's still prone to unreasonable acts like this. Remember that in both 1 and 2 he was sort of forced into situations he wasn't too comfortable with and in 2 he was all over the place after the Contessa's brainwashing.
                >But as I said, they did at least show him being of jealous of Sly, and lamenting the loss of his legs, in 3.
                That's still a massive reach for how Bentley was considering things in the aftermath. The entirety of Penelope choosing Bentley over Sly and Sly supporting Bentley the whole way (Even if he didn't know about Penelope fawning over him) was to show us such a thing was something he put behind him and got over. Episode 5 I think it was was entirely to show us that Bentley trusts Sly completely and realizes he himself was being unreasonable and childish over his own perception of things.

                To have Dr. M bring this all up again feels like we just walked back multiple chapters of character development, and to have Bentley actually questioning why Sly is in charge feels like it makes no sense when he just came to terms with this. Especially to the level where he's having a genuine internal turmoil over it that could actually make him heel turn without Murray being there to convince him otherwise.

              • 2 years ago

                >That entire scene is Sly's raw emotions, and foreshadowing that he is indeed willing to give up his life of crime to be with her.
                Fair enough, that definitely goes against my thoughts. Keep in mind that even with Sly 4 he specifically says he was starting to get the itch to do stuff again. You could argue that's a poor reason to get him back into the game but then you have to bring up that Bentley was making a time machine anyway so unless the next game focused solely on Bentley I'm not sure what was expected of this.
                >He's become far more mature at that point, and should be able to just talk with Carmelita, not make some limp attempt to approach her with flowers.
                He spends pretty much all game from when she comes back into the past trying to approach her only to be shot down. He even tries talking to her during the Medieval period and he just ends up saying the wrong things or in the wrong way and getting defensive about how Carmelita respects his ancestors more than him.
                >but I don't believe that she'd be so childish as to make Sly feel jealous over his own ancestors.
                She's spent three games laser focused out of her mind chasing after him and outright getting reprimanded by multiple characters (Particularly in 2) for how she doesn't think about things and keeps failing at things. She very much does come off as the kind of person who would be petty like that, especially when she's been slighted.
                >He was just trying to steal for the sake of stealing
                But he was stealing for both camps. On one end you had his literal history ending and he needed to steal the objects in order to figure out why his ancestors were having issues, on the other hand he was enjoying the process of stealing. Realistically he's got at least some sort of reason for it and ultimately does end up helping a lot of people which Carmelita is so laser focused and unable to see.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm going to wrap up my thoughts about all this.
                I just rewatched the Sly 4 opening to make sure I get all my facts straight as well.
                My main, biggest issue with it all is that Sly, should NOT, get the itch to steal again. He said it himself. He was retired, happy, and enjoying his life with Carmelita. He has genuinely no reason to ever get the 'itch' to steal again as his thievery is nothing but cheap thrills in comparison to being with someone he loved. He also settled all his thoughts about the family legacy as well, so he doesn't have a reason to steal 'just because he's a Cooper' either. He wants to steal completely unprompted, and that goes against his conclusion in Sly 3.

                The way to fix all this, is to have Bentley contact Sly first, and be told the Thievius Raccoonus is disappearing FIRST. And with that context and knowing of the time machine, he has a reason to steal beyond just 'the itch.'
                This can still lead to their relationship drama, with Sly trying to explain himself and Carmelita not listening. But in this context, Sly was trying to save history FIRST, not just stealing because he wanted to. And through that, he and Carmelita could have an actual conversation about how he lied about his amnesia, and yet they still loved each other enough for things to return to how they were before the history started being changed. That way both characters can be completely preserved by the end.

              • 2 years ago

                That sounds like a pretty great way they should have done it. I mean, going straight from 3 to 4 I felt like he was going to relapse anyway since he was straight up lying to Carmelita so I didn't have this idea that he had given up thieving for good, but your breakdown at least shows it would have been more respectful to be that way.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah I do feel as though your viewpoint is different given you played all the games back-to-back.
                Sly 3 released in 2005. The Sly Collection released in 2010, and if you 100% completed all of the games, you got a teaser for Sly 4.
                Sly 4 didn't release until 2013.
                So imagine having Sly 3's ending being completely definitive for 5 years, and then questioning where it could go for another 3 years, only for it to open with
                >yeah Sly really just wants to be a thief again
                The sense of finality Sly 3 had only really hits if you played it back when it released, well before the idea of Sly 4 was even considered.

              • 2 years ago

                >The sense of finality Sly 3 had only really hits if you played it back when it released, well before the idea of Sly 4 was even considered.
                See, for me I ended 3 without taking 4 into consideration. Like, yeah, it's there and he's a thief again, but I took 3 in its own sort of bubble for the ending and went into that ending with no preconceived "4 exists notions". That's why I came out of it not really believing Sly was done for good just because of him lying to Carmelita and winking at Bentley. It's why I didn't really feel that sense of finality for his journey (Completely ignoring Bentley talking about time travel). I actually didn't even know what 4 was about because I only looked at the box after I beat 3 and forgot the title of it. I've had these games on a shelf for over a decade.

              • 2 years ago

                Even with that, you were still physically able to play Sly 4 right after 3. Regardless of how people take the ending, that used to be the definitive end of Sly Cooper until the collection teased Sly 4. People got to just sit back and think about it.
                Sly 3 was designed as an ending. The whole 'time machine' part was just in case Sucker Punch, or if they gave it to anyone else, had a springboard for the next game. Both Sly 1 and 2 also had those sorts of little teaser ends, and neither of them completely solidified the chance of another game happening, just a what-if.
                The fact that both the Sly Collection and Sly 4 were handled by different developers is more than likely what led to the disparity in writing and characterization. They didn't write a continuation of Sly's arc, they wrote 'just another adventure with Sly and the gang' with some loose connections to previous games handled poorly.

  11. 2 years ago

    This was peak sony. Before all the movie game bullshit.

  12. 2 years ago

    Ratchet went to shit after Deadlocked anyways

  13. 2 years ago

    >There could be THIEVES around.

    • 2 years ago

      You think he ever took a whiff while climbing up?

      • 2 years ago

        this right here is when Sly died and everyone at SP decided to just make boring movie games

  14. 2 years ago

    They ruined it so it's even deader than the other two.

  15. 2 years ago

    Insomniac's core formula had potential for iterations. What the frick was there left for Sly? ND went into a different direction, Jak 4 has big potential these days

  16. 2 years ago

    A couple years ago I watched Insomniac livestream on twitch. They were talking about their old RaC games. The main homosexual director of RaC 1-3 said he regrets making those games so edgy, and that he doesn't like the type of humor PS2 Ratchet games had.
    Can you imagine that? Frick that guy. I'm never buying an Insomniac game ever again. I'll happily pirate Rip a Fart when it comes to PC.

    • 2 years ago

      >he doesn't like the type of humor PS2 Ratchet games had.
      so basically those games were good becuase the low level developers had control of the product and not hte homosexual ass director

    • 2 years ago

      Ok. I can understand thinking they made Ratchet too much of an butthole in the first game, even if I disagree with that complaint.
      But literally the entire trilogy, probably including Deadlocked, is too edge with bad humor? He can eat a dick.

      >he doesn't like the type of humor PS2 Ratchet games had.
      so basically those games were good becuase the low level developers had control of the product and not hte homosexual ass director

      Not necessarily. People change overtime, and if a person gets too last in current-gen ideals they can come to 'regret' their older work even if it's actually completely fine.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm pretty sure he smells his own farts while thinking how much of a "higher" artform current videogame trends make in comparison.
      Frick that, there's no energy, life or soul in the newer iterations, It's pathetic.

      i just straight up ignore that one to preserve jad as a good memory.
      most of the ps3 era and forward are not bad games but most of them are pretty mediocre and they really distanced themselves from what ratchet used to be. I remember playing quest for booty when it was given for free and be baffled on how short of a ride that was.
      i hate when shit like that happens, I believe something similar happened to the gow director.

      >i hate when shit like that happens, I believe something similar happened to the gow director.
      I don't know if you mean either Jaffe or Barlog, but either of them are gays now. I cannot believe Barlog co-directed god of war 2 which is such an insane, wild, fun and rollercoaster gem of a game and 10 years later made nu-god of soi. What the frick happened.

      • 2 years ago

        >What the frick happened.
        he became a father and completely changed.

      • 2 years ago

        money corrupts

    • 2 years ago

      >The main homosexual director of RaC 1-3 said he regrets making those games so edgy
      most nerds are easy to bully. so when the SJW mob comes along they are quick to change their opinions or stances.

      • 2 years ago

        >become accepted by gamers or become accepted by SJWs
        the choice is so very fricking easy

    • 2 years ago

      >A couple years ago I watched Insomniac livestream on twitch. They were talking about their old RaC games. The main homosexual director of RaC 1-3 said he regrets making those games so edgy

      Got a link to the video if there is one?

  17. 2 years ago

    Jak painted itself into a corner story wise, I don't think there is anyone competent enough to get out of the story loop of who is Mar (even though its essentially proven that Mar is Jak).

  18. 2 years ago

    Sly should have a daughter and have the next game be about her

  19. 2 years ago

    I loved Sly Cooper, and a part of me will always be curious what modern tech could do with the IP, but Sly 3 was a great ending. A total reboot would probably bum me out with inevitable comparisons to how I preferred the original's story/characters, and I just kind of ignore Sly 4's existence.

    • 2 years ago

      part of the charm of Sly was it playing like a Noir comic, which they ripped the soul out of with cartoon style animation.

    • 2 years ago

      How would they translate the cell shaded artstyle into modern graphics tho?
      Ratchet is easy, but Sly? How would they do it?

      • 2 years ago

        there was a time where technical artists had to invent things to get their games to look unique

  20. 2 years ago

    I didn't play the newest Ratchet. Is Rivet a staple character now, or is that whole thing just for pushing the one-off alternate universe plotline?

    • 2 years ago

      The ending of Rift Apart heavily implies that her and Kit are coming along to meet the Lombaxes.

  21. 2 years ago

    Ratchet died sadly. Now it's badly written Pixar furshit.

  22. 2 years ago

    When will they turn Ratchet into an actual character?

    • 2 years ago

      He was, on the ps2.

  23. 2 years ago

    Jak as a franchise was all about the story. In terms of gameplay it was all over the place with absolutely no consistency.
    Sly was fairly consistent with its core gameplay and wasn't as concerned with story as Jak was. However they eventually ran out of ideas and ended in the same hole as Spyro and Crash did on PS1 where they tried fixing that with variety so the base gameplay just got lost in the mix.
    Ratchet is a third person shooter with platforming. The core gameplay hasn't changed much since the first game. It takes place in space with galaxy-scale travel so there's essentially countless stories to be told. Its devs don't seem to be particularly concerned about running out of either stories to tell or gameplay to add. Just make a few more weapons and come up with a couple new characters and there you go.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sly wasn't as concerned with story as Jak was
      What? Genuinely, I want to know your reasoning for that.
      Jak had a lot of interesting lore, but only really became story focused in 2 and 3, with 3 generally being all over the place with it's pacing and characters.
      Sly comparatively has a much greater focus on the story and how the characters are impacted by the events of it.

  24. 2 years ago

    >Ratchet & Clank
    Best Gameplay and Music
    >Sly Cooper
    Best Style and Story
    >Jak & Daxter
    Best Animation and Atmosphere

  25. 2 years ago

    Naughty Dog sold out and then succumbed to the gay

  26. 2 years ago

    It's funny how new snoyggers claim this board hates on Sony when in fact most of this board are probably former playstation fanboys that loved ps games and are sick of current ps games

    • 2 years ago

      the PS2 is still the best selling consoles while its 3 competitors at the time all bombed hard (one of them even put its fabricant out of the buisness). statistically speaking, if you were playing video games in the early 2000, you were most likely playin them on a PS2.
      Of course most of this board are former ps players

    • 2 years ago

      >most of this board are probably former playstation fanboys that loved ps games and are sick of current ps games
      I loved playstation during PSX and PS2 era. I still play PSX/PS2 games to this day.
      Lost interest in modern gaming around PS3 era. Built a PC back then and mostly played MMOs before coming back to retro gaming.
      Bought a PS4 Pro for Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled but that game was garbage compared to OG CTR. Sold the PS4 shortly after.
      Not really interested in console gaming nowadays because I'd rather wait 1-5 years and play the same games on PC with higher res, higher framerates and coomer mods.
      I don't particularly hate Sony. I don't play console games, so all the console drama doesn't really concern me. I don't care if PS5 games get censored, as I can simply play those games on PC later on with uncensor patches.

  27. 2 years ago

    You know what? i'm glad Jak and Sly are fricking dead. Nobody deserves the same fate as Ratchet and Clank

  28. 2 years ago

    Isn't it obvious? Naughty dog didn't lease him for any reason at all. So Jak had nowhere to go except the PSP.

  29. 2 years ago

    He didn't survive

  30. 2 years ago

    all 3 studios pursued projects they felt would make them be taken more seriously
    Naughty Dog made Jak edgier then dropped him and Crash for Uncharted and The Last of Us
    Superpunch dropped Sly for Infamous and Ghosts of Tsushima
    Insomniac tried to hold on to Ratchet while making Resistance and later Spiderman

  31. 2 years ago

    People grow up. Players and devs too. Sometimes you have to move on to more serious themes. Hard to rasp for nintendo fans I know

    • 2 years ago

      Yes anon, you're very grown up because your entertainment products say "frick" now

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