Why did people start using this? Why was there no pushback? Are we retarded?

Why did people start using this?
Why was there no pushback?
Are we moronic?

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  1. 7 months ago

    because people wanted to play cs 1.6. that's literally it.

    • 7 months ago

      You didn't need steam to play cs1.6, zoom zoom.

      • 7 months ago

        that was 1.5, zoom zoom

  2. 7 months ago

    Why wouldn't we? its good and easy to use, no matter what you say, as a kid being able to go to the grocery store and buying a steam gift card will always make people prefer it over waiting till you get a credit card to buy games online

  3. 7 months ago

    wtf i love epic games store now!

    • 7 months ago

      no moron stores at all suck ass
      there shouldn't be stores
      it's not one store vs another store
      NO STORE you daft frick

      • 7 months ago

        Oh, you're a seething thirdie. Got it.

      • 7 months ago

        if no store where do you buy services then

  4. 7 months ago

    >Why did people start using this
    Because it's convenient as hell. Having all your games in a neat place that doesn't take up space in your house, doesn't rely on a physical disc that could get damaged, doesn't take forever to install, and it just works.
    >Why was there no pushback
    There WAS pushback. Steam didn't get popular until years after it was released.
    Even myself, I didn't make a Steam account until almost 2 years after it was released because I thought for sure it was going to fail within a year.
    Valve has fought tooth and nail to get to where it is, and it belongs there.

  5. 7 months ago

    There was tons of pushback. I made my Steam account only in 2009 and I had been playing PC games the whole time it was around.

    • 7 months ago

      This. It's not like I wanted to use Steam. However, the prices were great and it was convenient. I distinctly remember despising the idea of having to use extra software to launch games I bought. Having said all this, Steam has added value to gaming on computer that I never thought would be possible. I can basically play any game I want on Linux with a controller now. That's amazing. I used to have to fiddle and frick around with shit for days or even weeks to get it to work. Doom is close to the only game I play on computer without Steam now. There is simply too much value and convenience to using it.

  6. 7 months ago

    Why did people start using these?
    Why was there no pushback?
    Are we moronic?

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Throw it in the pile with the rest of them.

  7. 7 months ago

    orange box was the greatest official release value for money of all time, and the games were NEW.

  8. 7 months ago

    What do you suggest? Back to 4 Blu Ray per game sent out like the old days?

  9. 7 months ago

    >Why was there no pushback?
    Why don't you know history?

  10. 7 months ago

    >Are we moronic?
    Speak for yourself, gay.

    • 7 months ago

      Who fricking draws this garbage? I swear even the doodlegay in the Senran Kagura threads isn't this pathetic.

  11. 7 months ago

    before team fortress 2 became free to play, steam's popularity was a fraction of today.
    that's literally it basically
    stuff like half life 2 helped before, but you had to PAY for that. and people are broke

    • 7 months ago

      >TFW Gabe gave you HL1 for free
      Haha suck it zoomers.

  12. 7 months ago

    The alternative got worse, simple as. Physical games were starting to implement forced online activation with a limited number of allowed activations, so not only did you have to acquire the physical copy itself, you still needed internet to play the game and could only install it so many times before the disc became a coaster. Steam was a convenience.

    • 7 months ago

      Steam pioneered that.

  13. 7 months ago

    Because people wanted to play valve games and...
    Gabe was an actual very nice guy and our ally back then.

    • 7 months ago

      When did Gabe became our enemy?

      • 7 months ago

        right around 2009-2010 when he dropped his ideals of "piracy is a service problem" and instead joined the big corpos in activelly fighting piracy.

  14. 7 months ago

    >Why was there no pushback?

  15. 7 months ago

    But there was pushback, you underaged homosexual.
    Steam was despised for years.

  16. 7 months ago

    >Why was there no pushback?
    fricking zoomers

  17. 7 months ago

    humble bundle. needed steam to redeem some of the publisher titles. at $1 minimum this meant a marginal rental price of a few cents per game so i made a steam account. they still haven't gotten any of my money though, i put $0 into the steam store.

  18. 7 months ago

    If you wanted the new Half-Life 2 game, you didn't have a choice.

  19. 7 months ago

    >before steam
    >real popular game comes out
    >have to pre order
    >have to then show up 12hrs in advance to stand in a line outside in the freezing cold with a bunch of nerds to then get pre order
    Was fun to get once or twice but frick that ill take my 5sec buy & download pls mr gabe.

    • 7 months ago

      >tfw 2007
      >standing outside in the fricking cold for my copy of burning crusade
      >all i could think was
      >"if this shit was on steam i'd be playing it right now"
      Blizzard are a bunch of fricking Black folk.

    • 7 months ago

      >have to then show up 12hrs in advance to stand in a line outside in the freezing cold with a bunch of nerds to then get pre order
      >ill take my 5sec buy & download pls mr gabe let me suck you off *slurp gulp*

  20. 7 months ago

    See back in the day there wasnt no lootboxes or heartbeat sensor or prestige 2 tactical nuke tiger skin nonsense. People got a counterstrike or dod or tf2 server and wed just kill each other all day long and have a good time. Valve WAS PC gaming and then they dropped Portal and HL2 and caught on with console babbies and got everyone excited with episode 1 and 2. Steam dangled HL3 in front of people for years and then Telltale Walking Dead, Hotline Miami, Bastion, etc. Etc. Drip feed of a few good indie games and LE HECKIN STEAM SUMMER SALE!!!!11 And suddenly we all of us was livin on the plantation workin foe what wasnt even our own, aint wasnt nothin they put in our hands was belonged to us, but we thought sho, they might just gone and make us a Half Life 3 still. Well, you can look and see now that aint happen.

    • 7 months ago

      Would you like some grape soda?

  21. 7 months ago

    oldgay here
    people hated this shit when it was forced on them, you had to install steam to play cs 1.6 or half-life 2

    but like every new thing there's a group of people that adopt it and call you a moron for wanting to stick to old things, very similar to when a new version of windows comes out and it fricking sucks ass but there's a giant group of homosexuals that say they love it and its WAY better than the previous one

    • 7 months ago

      This. Also what really propelled Steam into becoming popular were the massive discounts from the first few Steam sales. It was not uncommon to see a 90% flash discount on a AAA game that was recently released. It's really what made the difference.

      Ironic because now Steam sales are absolute shit, you have moronic indie devs selling their shit games for $25, and during a Steam sale only giving a 20% discount.

      • 7 months ago

        >Flash sales
        It feels like they weren't that long ago but this absolutely was a major reason. Imagine being able to pick up a full price game for $10 if you were awake at midnight on a Tuesday for the Flash sale.

  22. 7 months ago

    Remember that before steam there was far more agressive DRM such as secuROM and starforce. Also more people need to read about spore's DRM.

  23. 7 months ago

    Because manually updating your games is a pain in the ass.

  24. 7 months ago

    >Why did people start using this?
    It was packaged in with Half-Life 2, which was one of the most successful games of the 2005-2006 year. Ever since it has been packaged in with just about every Valve project over the years. TF2, Left 4 Dead etc

  25. 7 months ago

    if you don't have the green 20 year badge, your opinion literally doesn't matter

    • 7 months ago

      im 6mo away dammit, i matter to me

  26. 7 months ago

    I said it once before and ill say it again, you can hate steam & you can hate gabe but that motherfricker is the guardian at the gate. Once passes, whoever takes over is going to turn steam into a subscription model and every motherfricker will follow suit, shit will happen over night and there won't be a goddamn thing anybody can do about it so enjoy it while it lasts. Hell the push back thats actually happening right now that actually matters is most likely from the other platforms wanting that subscription here and now.

    • 7 months ago

      He made himself the guardian. I do wish he'd fricking go on a diet at least.

  27. 7 months ago

    >Why did people start using this?
    It was(and still is) the only way to play source titles like Half-life 2; which if you weren't around for or don't remember, was one of the most hyped video games ever.
    >Why was there no pushback?
    There was? Like, a lot. People were used to CD keys, but this was one of the first times mass audiences were required to make an account and have a separate program just to play a game. Naturally, people weren't happy about these new hoops to jump through. But as time passed, the convenience of Steam became apparent. Your library was always accessible so long as you had internet, and there weren't any weird install limitations(Looking at you, Spore).
    With many steam-like services popping up at the time(gametap, for one), it was easy to think Steam would be abandoned. But it wasn't, instead we got incremental updates that pushed it to what we have today.

    It's one of the closest things we'll get to digital "ownership", in my opinion. And that's why it's still flourishing.
    Honestly, I'm surprised people are still calling foul at valve when Nintendo does the exact same thing, but you can only use what you buy for a given platform(i.e; you buy a 3ds game, you -only- get to play it on 3ds, no wii, no wiiu, no switch, and DEFINITELY no competing platform). Fricking imagine if the Android/Iphone marketplaces were like Nintendo. People would lose their fricking minds, but Nintendo gets a free pass, like always.

    • 7 months ago

      >It was(and still is) the only way to play source titles like Half-life 2
      Aren't valve's games also available on GOG?

      • 7 months ago

        Valve games are ONLY available on Steam or Physical copies.

        • 7 months ago

          T-that's not true I do have Half Life on my GOG accoun-
          >checks GOG account
          >Half Life is not there
          wtf... did I jump dimensions?

      • 7 months ago

        That was a bit vague on my wording. There are indeed source engine games like VTMB on GoG, but the only way to get Valve source titles without piracy is Steam.

  28. 7 months ago

    There was pushback. Its simply steam become better and more convenient as time went on till most stopped b***hing. Honestly though you should go grab a bunch of old pc game cds install a old copy of windows xp and try the classic pc gaming experience for yourself and I think after a while you will get why steam eventually became popular

  29. 7 months ago

    enough with the damn psyop

  30. 7 months ago

    I'm sorry your economy is shit and you can't afford video games any more, but please stop with the constant spam. It's pushing my furry porn threads off the catalogue.

  31. 7 months ago

    >Why was there no pushback?
    Zoomer detected. Everyone HATED Steam in the beginning.

  32. 7 months ago

    There was pushback

  33. 7 months ago

    I ask myself this every day. The damage Valve has done to PC gaming (and quite possibly gaming) has been irreparable. Nothing will happen when it does, aside from a brief moment of closure on my head.

  34. 7 months ago

    For me it was
    >Around 13 years ago
    >Play Xcom
    >buy it because I wanted to play some online
    >was pretty kewl
    >GPU burns down
    >all I am left with is a shitty laptop
    >Frick it, try to run it
    >it works, it's actually more or less playable on mins
    >my save files are intact
    >proceed to play Xcom for months
    It was just so fricking convenient and cool because I technically replayed Persona 3 like 5 times but beat it once because something would always go wrong and whenever it did I had to restart game from scratch, so I either had to manually cloud save my every safe file every time or start over. It's actually also ironic because since I stopped pirating my PCs stopped breaking down as frequently.

  35. 7 months ago

    >Why did people start using this?
    It's extremely convenient and had very good sales at the time when it really stared gaining traction
    >Why was there no pushback?
    The disc-based DRM we had was utter unholy cancer, but you're too young to have used it and too moronic to read about it
    >Are we moronic?
    Just you

    • 7 months ago

      >Just you
      If anyone likes Steam or Valve after spending one second in any kind of thought, then you're the moron.

  36. 7 months ago

    I made my account in 2007, but took me until 2015 to actually start using it
    >game I want to play releases only on steam
    >buy it and make friends with people ingame
    >in order to play other vidya with them I have to share the platform
    Basically how it went with most people I imagine. By now I accept its convenient and I dont want to pirate nearly as much as I used to and have to re-download each release/each time DLC comes out etc etc because I now have more than enough money.

  37. 7 months ago

    Brownoids only exist to serve companies (created by whites)

  38. 7 months ago

    >Why did people start using this?

    Because Half-Life 2 was the biggest game realise and steam was the only way to play it.

  39. 7 months ago

    It was required to activate half life 2 during its launch. That's it. That's the reason.

  40. 7 months ago

    PC gaming was literally dying. Stores were slowly removing PC games from the shelves all while charging 60 for shovelware. Steam saved PC gaming, zoomie. Everyone hated how it used so much of the system's resources in the beginning but that hasn't been a problem in a long time.

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