Why did the attitude era die?

Why did the attitude era die?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Millennials preferred snark and irony instead

    • 7 months ago

      reference humor IS snark and irony

    • 7 months ago

      no they didnt, the old cadre of writers believed they would so thats what they made, i think youll find realistically that millenials were still draw to edgy belligerent c**ts in the vein of COD, Gears of War and the like. Pro Wrestling however always had this ethos and it never left so you can make an actual comparison between any WWE headliner and the videogame protagonists of the major sellers from 2001 onwards

      the mood just shifted from gnarly cartoon characters to have their personalities transplanted onto realistic human beings as early as Prince of Persia Warrior Within. Every protagonist from that era onwards started to be a "TROUBLED and DARK hero who DOESNT CARE about FRIENDS or their WEAK ENEMIES and it was COOL *hairflip*"

      whats frickin weird to me is how people view their own history analytically and make up academic reasons like "well the audience need to be "related" to" when nobody in the history of media entertainment has actually looked at a character and said "i like him because hes just like me, i can relate to the hero killing all these enemies to save the world and the stress that entails!"

      • 7 months ago

        > whats frickin weird to me is how people view their own history analytically and make up academic reasons like "well the audience need to be "related" to" when nobody in the history of media entertainment has actually looked at a character and said "i like him because hes just like me, i can relate to the hero killing all these enemies to save the world and the stress that entails!"

        Kek, totally relatable, now make it black trans Joan of arch fighting the cyber patriarchy and that’s where we are now.

        • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        This is the definition of what autism is. Holy shit you're stupid.

        The "attitude era" comes explicitly FROM the WWE of the 90's. It DID leave. Wrestling has always had larger-than-life personalities, tons of drama, and lots of aesthetically driven costumes and wrestling "characters" but that's not what the "attitude" era meant at all. The "attitude era" was driven by rebelliousness, harder-edged content that pushed more intense themes of sexuality, violence, and general vulgarity. The WWE is not even a pigeons shadow of what it once was in the mid-to-late 90's.

        Like many things that are fun, it was ruined by lawsuits from moronic parents that couldn't supervise their children and who let them watch this pay-per-view content despite knowing full well and good what kind of content it was, and advertisers from out-of-date fogie boomers who saw this as "harmful to society". Multiply this perspective over 2 more decades time of companies and society kow-towing to these dipshits and you now have the fricking mentally handicapped moron state that all of the world is slowly descending into now.

        >the mood just shifted from gnarly cartoon characters to have their personalities transplanted onto realistic human beings as early as Prince of Persia Warrior Within.
        I have no idea what the frick you're talking about. Prince of Persia has nothing to do with the attitude era.

        >when nobody in the history of media entertainment has actually looked at a character and said "i like him because hes just like me"
        You're an idiot. There's a reason the literary trope of the "Mary Sue" exists, and its because authors routinely project their own personalities onto their characters. Furthermore, people do this all the time, and characters that people like are often liked because they relate to them in some form or another, whether just through aesthetics, behavior, or interests.

        Absolute cow-tipping moron you are.

        • 7 months ago

          >There's a reason the literary trope of the "Mary Sue" exists, and its because authors routinely project their own personalities onto their characters.
          That's not what a Mary Sue is though anon, a Mary Sue is a character who is written to be perfect and unrealistically has every desirable trait with none of the bad ones, the term originates from fanfiction.

          What you're talking about is a self insert, which could be a Mary Sue/Gary Stu as well, but that's not what it means.

    • 7 months ago

      >Millennials preferred snark and irony instead
      Zoomers, son.
      1996 onwards are zoomers.

      Gex is a millennial game.

      • 7 months ago

        zoomers are 94 onwards

        • 7 months ago

          That's late Millennials. Older Zoomers are in their early 20s right now, people in their late 20s are the last batch of Millennials, aka Zillennials/Millenioomers.

          • 7 months ago

            Millennial means you were coming of age around the turn of the millennium. That’s literally why it’s called millennial
            If you’re too young to remember 9/11 then you aren’t a millennial

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah, and people who were like 5-7 around 9/11 would still remember it albeit not as much. Zoomers start with people born right at the last couple years of the 90s or in the 00s.

              • 7 months ago

                I was born in 96 and don't even remember 9/11 happening, if anything using a year to determine when zoomerism starts is a flawed approach due to the lack of a hard visible shift and arguably the better way of determining it is whether or not you remember a world without widespread net access (I don't, earliest memories are from 99 and include the regular access I had to beige Macs with some flavor of Netscape with grey page backgrounds or the Gateway with dialup we got at home around the time)

              • 7 months ago

                There is a hard visible shift, the 2010s. Zoomers are people who grew up or came of age during it. 2010s is when anything can be labelled a "zoomer ____" cause thats when zoomers became people and not toddlers. So yeah I know what you mean but there are still young millennials who somewhat sit on the cusp between the two, just like older millennials are basically on the cusp of the youngest gen x. That is how generations work.

                Like you probably remember Myspace and Xanga and shit which was core-late millennial internet shit, a zoomer would be too young for that.

              • 7 months ago

                I think the cutoff is when WIndows 95 was introduced imo. Anyone born before W95 is a millennial. There was also somebody saying something about Gen K being a thing as well but that just sounds like a marketing gimmick imo.

              • 7 months ago

                still blows my mind that broadband internet was basically invented in the year 2000

              • 7 months ago

                >Like you probably remember Myspace and Xanga and shit
                I really don't though, I remember early Facebook but not those two

      • 7 months ago

        millennials were not old enough to be developing games back then. Gex is a gen X game. millennials games are the shit that's being made now

        • 7 months ago

          That all depends on what you're saying

          Who developed the game, or who was playing the game/who the game was made for.

          • 7 months ago

            the latter is generally what people mean. people in their 30s probably came up with he-man toys, but they're still gen x toys, not baby boomer toys

    • 7 months ago

      You're describing this as an alternative to fricking Gex? That's literally what he is.

    • 7 months ago


      90s = attitude
      2000s = darker and edgier
      2010s = quippy

  2. 7 months ago

    Video game marketing grew up, from Nintendo's generically family friendly marketing, to Sega's "attitude era", to Sony marketing directly at teenagers and young adults which ended up being the sweet spot for the product to be attractive to all age groups.

    • 7 months ago

      I feel like Sony's style is more like forced attitude (see: Ratchet and Clank writing, basically anything by Naughty Dog) whereas with SEGA it was more natural, maybe barring the Shadow game

    • 7 months ago

      SEGA's style was more like Jackie Chan where it just sort of rolled off the tongue, Sony's style is more like Seth McFarlane where you can tell they're trying way too hard

      • 7 months ago

        weirdly insightful analogy

  3. 7 months ago

    Jak 2 exists, Ratchet and Clank exists, Knack and DmC exist

  4. 7 months ago

    Millennials prefer passive aggression.

  5. 7 months ago

    attitude was never going to survive
    wienery people usually get their shit pushed in sooner or later and then they just become a joke from then on

  6. 7 months ago

    because I gotta go fast with an attitude

  7. 7 months ago

    having attitude is "cringe" and "le edgy" and not hip enough to fit into mainstream global narratives about resisting the system, so the ideology had to be dismantled from every possible corner.

    one time, attitude was punk and rebellious, now its repurposed into sexual frustration instead because its easier to shame.

    • 7 months ago

      Punk is now corporate sponsored anarchy. The work of Satan, why do you think they don't want you to be a hero fighting and killing demons, defeating the bad guy. That's what most retro games are. You're the good guy defeating the bad guy. Fighting against authoritarian evil people trying to control the world or destroy the world. They dont want that narrative being instilled into us anymore.

      • 7 months ago

        Even baldurs gate is being infected, people are focusing more on making their characters and identity than defeating evil. That's just whatever a side thought it seems.

        • 7 months ago

          its intentional. they're trying to make evil looking 'sexy' and 'desirable' by making every trait associated with it the most appetising thing any good-hearted individual might need in order to fight for a cause.

          its probably one of the reasons why people have so many psychological problems now because of shit like this, especially among zoomies and younger.

      • 7 months ago

        Lmao you think sitting on your fat greasy ass on the couch and playing a game where you fight cartoonishly evil fantasy people is encouraging you to fight the system? This is a level of moron that even children wouldn't fall to

        • 7 months ago

          You're not fooling anyone, cretin.

    • 7 months ago

      Idk, the closest (somewhat) recent thing I can think of are the Venom and Deadpool movies. Venom was going to be a return to that but then they made it PG-13

    • 7 months ago

      >one time, attitude was punk and rebellious, now its repurposed into sexual frustration instead because its easier to shame.
      Wtf do you mean by the latter

    • 7 months ago

      >one time, attitude was punk and rebellious, now its repurposed into sexual frustration instead because its easier to shame.
      What? I haven't been caught up on his games but Sonic acts sexually frustrated now?

  8. 7 months ago

    To be honest, gaming in the 80s and 90s was oddly safe in comparison to the trends going on outside of it. I was just asking myself the other day, why didn't gaming back then really delve into the grimdark and ultra grit that was popular quite as much, especially considering most games were Japanese and anime back then was known for being super exploitive in terms of edge

    The answer for why this kind of thing died in general is pretty simple, the snowflake generational shift that slowly gained wings through the 00s and took over everything in the 2010s. A lot of media in the 10s is really pushing back against edginess, people started loving "comfy" and "wholesome", and the obsession with "PC" bullcrap neutering all comedy. But in terms of gaming, it's interesting because as much as we tend to look back at things like Mortal Kombat and Doom as being ultra edgy, they kinda weren't that much

    • 7 months ago

      Games were still largely seen as children's toys so they were limited in how edgy they could go. Comparing them to anime OVAs that you could only get at the adult section of videostores is absolutely not a fair comparison.

      • 7 months ago

        >Games were still largely seen as children's toys so they were limited in how edgy they could go. Comparing them to anime OVAs that you could only get at the adult section of videostores is absolutely not a fair comparison.
        Yeah, but why? Most people only thought of animation as a childrens medium as well and that didn't stop Japan

    • 7 months ago

      >when you get trapped in the unbound universe of shadows one can see looking at a human from an elevated plane, known as vajra

    • 7 months ago

      >most games were japanese
      they werent and thats exactly why you have no fricking clue what youre talking about

      • 7 months ago

        Most games people played were Japanese. Consider the most talked about gaming developers of the era are Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Konami, Square, Namco......yeah, does anybody give a shit about Rare or Naughty Dog in the big picture? Not really

    • 7 months ago

      i have a certain nostalgia for all that demented shit

      • 7 months ago

        Genocyber doesn't get enough credit and is unfairly dismissed as schlocky gore porn when in reality it's a fantastic apocalyptic tale about mankind's hubris being their own demise.

        • 7 months ago

          People need everything to be "comfy" now, anything that reflects ugliness and makes them think about uncomfortable truths is too much for them to handle without needing to pet their emotional support animal and have a bowl of sugar cereal to get those comfy feels

  9. 7 months ago

    The audience grew up and realized it wasn't cool, it's why shit like Quack Pack and Yo Yogi existed and then abruptly stopped existing... only to be replaced with dark shit because "dark=good"

    • 7 months ago

      You have direct parallels today with shit like Quack Pack of adults trying to make hip cartoons. It's just shifted from smarmy backward hatted brats to blue haired heroin lesbians and things like that.

      • 7 months ago

        So it's femcels entering the industry with "I watched Utena and loved it, I wanna do it, but I'm not sure how it worked exactly... it's action lesbians right?"

        • 7 months ago

          Femcels saw their moms loving Utena.

      • 7 months ago

        Every decade has the "Cool" shit for youth cartoons, for the 60s and 70s it was cleaned up hippy shit, for 80s it was cleaned up radical surfer and roller blading shit, for 90s it was cleaned up grunge, attitude and punk shit, for the 2000s it was "Make it dark, dark and edgy means it's better, right?", and 2010s it's been tumblr and twitter garbage. The 2020s has basically yet to form at this point though.

        • 7 months ago

          2020's trend is "make everything look horny".

          • 7 months ago

            this only applies to 1 game

            • 7 months ago

              >he thinks it only applies to games

        • 7 months ago

          True, Scooby Doo comes to mind. Sometimes I liked it though. One of the best thing about 90s cartoons was the somewhat late to the trend but heavy inclusion of like 80s metal shred guitars.

          I hated the shift into the late 90s and 00s where you started hearing a lot of club music and pop punk intros.

          • 7 months ago

            Lots of random entertainment writers fell for the whole "The darker it is, the better it is" meme, without realizing that if you wanted good shit, you still had to write it good. So you had a lot of moronicly grimdark shit for no real reason other than some writer and execs thinking "Yeah, that's good!".
            You almost had Disney jump on it with an animated Snow White prequel with explicit mentions of death, Dopey witnessing his family die, and the skeleton in the dungeon finally being explained.

            • 7 months ago

              I like darkness but there are different shades of it. I don't think kids media has to talk down to kids or be toothless, and I think kids seeing some heavy shit from time to time is healthy. However, when you get that "we're trying to be cool and dark maaan" zone it can just have the reverse effect and feel lame.

              Beast Wars vs. Beast Machines is a great example. The former wasn't afraid to deal with explicit death or take itself seriously when the plot needed to, but it also wasn't trying hard for any style and there was still an element of fun to it. When you get to Beast Machines suddenly everything feels much more dire, the characters all become annoying douches or angsty buttholes, and you can just feel they were TRYING to go for something more "edgy and serious" with the tone and designs but totally failing at it.

              • 7 months ago

                God, Beast Machines was such a terrible goddamn follow-up to Beast Wars.

              • 7 months ago

                Beast Wars was such a terrible goddamn follow-up to G1.

              • 7 months ago

                How so? I love G1 and Beast Wars about equally, but for totally different reasons. When it comes to writing and characters that was the strength of Beast Wars. G1 is awesome and over the top in that special 80s way, but because it is a massive, rotating ensemble cast lots of the characters don't get to shine like the BW cast does

                I would say BW only had two characters who weren't at the very least well defined, and that's Airazor and Scorponok.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, they were around for only the first season IIRC, but at the very least I do remember Scorponok being a massive Megatron asskisser, probably the most loyal of the bunch.

              • 7 months ago

                G1 was garbage.

              • 7 months ago

                >t. woke-formers gay

              • 7 months ago

                Oh man, this was it for me. Beast Machines could've been great. It SHOULD'VE been great. But man, everything just fell flat. I rewatched the entirety of both Beast Wars and Beast Machines like a decade ago, and while the former wasn't perfect, overall I'd say it held up writing-wise (even the 90's CGI has its charm). Beast Machines was way too grimdark for the sake of being grimdark, and the characters I knew and loved no longer felt like they were the same. Especially Silverbolt. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Silverbolt. The character designs sucked, too. Really don't know what they were thinking.

              • 7 months ago

                >Especially Silverbolt. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Silverbolt. The character designs sucked, too. Really don't know what they were thinking.
                Yeah....tell me about it. I can tell you what they were probably thinking though, they were most likely thinking "well, we drastically rebranded with beast wars and it worked, so lets try it again before the well runs dry like it did with G1/G2"

                Suit logic is always logical, but always misses the mark or learns the wrong lessons.

              • 7 months ago

                Beyond the dark and edgy tone and character assassinations, the problem is the designs had zero appeal. They were weird and uncanny, and felt utterly foreign. Optimus now looked absolutely nothing like Optimus, Blackarachnia went full ayylmao, Rattrap was a complete joke (made even worse by the fact that he took a long time to even be able to transform, only to end up with the stupidest look of all), that bat dude was ugly, and Silverbolt... lmao. Cheetor is probably the only one that looked remotely decent if you ask me.

                I will say, though, having Megatron end by stealing Optimus's old body was pretty cool.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah I was still very into the toys back then and I struggled to keep being a fan with Beast Machines. I will say the Vehicons looked good (usually, looked better in toy form than their show designs) but that is pretty much the only credit I give it

                personally I do not like any of the Maximals and their freakish looks aside from a couple of the toy only designs, like Battle Unicorn who looked a bit more like a normal transformer than the rest, or Night Viper who's skinny weird appearance worked just cause his altmode is a snake and snakeformers b hard 2 do.

                When The Phandom Menace came out, people called it a bad movie because it was too "wide-eyed" and not 'TUDE enough.
                You see now the error of their ways. People realized they dismissed good movies now that disney owns the franchise.

                Lole Phantom Menace is a bad movie just because it is, the only good prequel is Episode III, because you finally see the Vader transition and it is fairly decent and the emperor is really great in it. Young Anakin, Jar Jar, and un-evil teen Anakin and the horribly written romance just kill the first two movies along with lacking something the original trilogy had from the start, a compelling villain. You only get that by the third movie of the prequels when Anakin turns and Palpatine is revealed as the emperor.

              • 7 months ago

                I can't believe they turned my sexy himbo into an emo chicken...

              • 7 months ago

                >Furgay dogface

              • 7 months ago

                Frick off Tarantulass

              • 7 months ago

                I think the only character thing I liked in Beast Machines was how Waspinator was really the spark inside of Thrust, just living out his cool guy fantasy through him. A rare bit of good humor in the series.

              • 7 months ago

                Kek that was indeed one of the better moments. All those episodes of buildup to Silverbolt's supposed return, only to turn out it was fricking annoying-ass Waspinator all along. Only character that didn't get assassinated, too.

              • 7 months ago

                Beyond the dark and edgy tone and character assassinations, the problem is the designs had zero appeal. They were weird and uncanny, and felt utterly foreign. Optimus now looked absolutely nothing like Optimus, Blackarachnia went full ayylmao, Rattrap was a complete joke (made even worse by the fact that he took a long time to even be able to transform, only to end up with the stupidest look of all), that bat dude was ugly, and Silverbolt... lmao. Cheetor is probably the only one that looked remotely decent if you ask me.

                I will say, though, having Megatron end by stealing Optimus's old body was pretty cool.

                Oh man, this was it for me. Beast Machines could've been great. It SHOULD'VE been great. But man, everything just fell flat. I rewatched the entirety of both Beast Wars and Beast Machines like a decade ago, and while the former wasn't perfect, overall I'd say it held up writing-wise (even the 90's CGI has its charm). Beast Machines was way too grimdark for the sake of being grimdark, and the characters I knew and loved no longer felt like they were the same. Especially Silverbolt. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Silverbolt. The character designs sucked, too. Really don't know what they were thinking.

                I like darkness but there are different shades of it. I don't think kids media has to talk down to kids or be toothless, and I think kids seeing some heavy shit from time to time is healthy. However, when you get that "we're trying to be cool and dark maaan" zone it can just have the reverse effect and feel lame.

                Beast Wars vs. Beast Machines is a great example. The former wasn't afraid to deal with explicit death or take itself seriously when the plot needed to, but it also wasn't trying hard for any style and there was still an element of fun to it. When you get to Beast Machines suddenly everything feels much more dire, the characters all become annoying douches or angsty buttholes, and you can just feel they were TRYING to go for something more "edgy and serious" with the tone and designs but totally failing at it.

                I could never get into Beast Machines cause it looks fricking moronic. What the FRICK were they thinking? WHO did they think this shit would appeal to? Why does Optimus look like that? Why is ratrap a torso on wheels? So lame. Is the show itself actually good?

              • 7 months ago

                >What the FRICK were they thinking?
                I'm sure they were thinking they couldn't stagnate, I loved G2 as a kid but apparently the well was running pretty dry and it wasn't very popular overall. Beast Wars was a total rehaul and it worked, so I guess their mentality was to not repeat the past and reinvent once again rather than burn out once again.
                >WHO did they think this shit would appeal to?
                Eh, probably the same people they thought Spider-Man Unlimited and Batman Beyond would appeal to, that whole edgy industrial futurism thing was in
                >Why does Optimus look like that? Why is ratrap a torso on wheels?
                Because they were smoking crack
                >Is the show itself actually good?
                If you're a fan of Beast Wars probably not, it does have some fans out there who defend it but they are possibly the biggest minority of Transformers fans. It just is joyless, the characters are unlikeable, everything about it feels so foreign to the franchise.

              • 7 months ago

                >Is the show itself actually good?
                On its own merits? It's decent, but it meanders quite a bit and the plot doesn't make a whole lot of sense at times, and like the other anon said, it's joyless and grim with largely unlikable characters. But it's kind of hard even to judge it on its own merits because it's a direct sequel intrinsically tied to what came before it, and so as a Beast Wars sequel or even a Transformers show, it's utterly terrible. They had a few ideas here and there that had potential, but it was squandered. For example, while I didn't like the way they made Rhinox evil out of nowhere, having done that, they could've used his conflict with Optimus somewhat effectively since Megatron kinda sucked as a villain at that point, but then he quickly dies and repents and that's kind of it. Just wasted potential up and down, what little there was.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago
                Chud Anon

                Holy frick memory unlocked

        • 7 months ago
          Chud Anon

          2020’s is just rehashes, reboots, remasters, and remakes.

          Remember Jurassic Park, Robocop, Ghostbusters, Final Fantasy 7, Disney animation and all the other stuff from your childhood? Well pay for it again you dumb wienersucker.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm pretty sure "blue haired heroin lesbians" were pretty big part of grunge music

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah but nobody was making cartoons for 20 something Lilith Fair weirdos, today kids cartoons are full of that shit because agendas and blah blah, but point is really the idea of industry creators trying to make shit that is "hip" hasn't really changed, what is thought to be hip just changes, and such attempts never really end up aging well once the current zeitgeist shifts

          It's why Daredevil had this makeover in the 90s, and in the 2020s Wolverine and Cyclops are both now bisexual with each other

  10. 7 months ago

    it got too corporate, just like punk music

  11. 7 months ago

    And how is Gex an example of it? He was a TV meme spouting buffoon

    • 7 months ago

      He had an attitude

    • 7 months ago

      He wears sunglasses and acts like James Bond, how is that not attitude?

  12. 7 months ago

    The quiet cool kid opened his mouth and started talking, and people realized he wasn't actually that cool.

  13. 7 months ago

    Vince bought up all the competition

    • 7 months ago

      it was great when he used to make people kiss his naked ass

      • 7 months ago

        that's good shit pal

  14. 7 months ago

    Does anyone actually miss the 'tude shit?. It was just another step down the road of cultural degradation, and led to where we are now.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd rather tude shit than whatever games are doing now

    • 7 months ago

      I don't necessarily miss the plethora of "90s duuuuude" characters, but I certainly miss unironic edginess and mean spiritedness in general. Growing up having to develop a thick skin and thus a sense of humor around that, and then living in the modern world with so much mandated coddling and walking on eggshells is the worst outcome.

      reference humor IS snark and irony

      Where did it all go so wrong though, why does Spider-Man being a smart ass back in the day feel fine but when I see RDJ or Chris Hemsworth in a movie being quippy it's so cringey? I feel like things now try to be like too cute about it or something, it's ironic and snarky but without the bite

      • 7 months ago

        comedic one-liners worked well in 80s-90s action movies because they were primarily used as balancing devices to ease tension for the audience a bit in an otherwise very gritty action sequence

        modern snarky / quippy lines on the other hand never feel like they're an appropriate response to the situation presented. They either undercut the seriousness / believability of the scene or they just make you hate the character or remind you that "somebody wrote this and thought it was clever"

      • 7 months ago

        >Where did it all go so wrong though, why does Spider-Man being a smart ass back in the day feel fine but when I see RDJ or Chris Hemsworth in a movie being quippy it's so cringey?

        Because Spider-man is directly trolling his enemies. It's been his shtick forever. When he quips he's actively mocking his badguys. When RDJ does it he's diffusing the integrity of the threat. And Thor should not quip. Ever. He should speak loud and grand. Spider-man was also the designated funny guy. Now everyone wants to be the funny guy. Dr Strange is a funny guy. Ant-man is a funny guy. Iron-man and Thor are funny guys. Black Widow needs to get jokes in. No one feels unique.

  15. 7 months ago

    Here's a much more appropriate Gex render, given that he is directly referencing the 'Attitude Era' of WWF.

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        This game sucked mayor ass, my friend got wrestlemania 2000 and I was so jealous of him.

  16. 7 months ago

    That whole ‘tude thing you’re describing is just an attempt at giving an otherwise basic character some type of personality that “just werks.” Now that the target audience for most games isn’t just young boys between the ages of 8 and 14, devs try to write more “complex” characters in order to appeal to older gamers as well. Most kids don’t give a shit about that sort of thing because they’re too young to care. They just want the character they’re controlling on screen to be “cool.”

  17. 7 months ago

    The wienery attitude needs to be backed up with actual quality, otherwise it just becomes a joke directed at itself. Look at Sonic, attitude falls flat when he keeps being wienery while Sega makes absolute shit games.

  18. 7 months ago

    Because they themselves eventually became "the man" that they were sticking it to.

  19. 7 months ago

    Even as a kid who grew up in the eighties and nineties, I found that particular brand of characterisation what they call today "cringe" as frick.

  20. 7 months ago

    Gex's back story is honestly mad.

  21. 7 months ago

    When The Phandom Menace came out, people called it a bad movie because it was too "wide-eyed" and not 'TUDE enough.
    You see now the error of their ways. People realized they dismissed good movies now that disney owns the franchise.

    • 7 months ago

      Just because Disney makes worse shit doesn't magically make that trash good.

    • 7 months ago

      Phantom Menace is only good if you've never seen any of the OG Star Wars imo. Its character performance is ok at best but there's enough soul and interesting world plot going on to save it, without it being pathetically grimdark like all the nushit is trying to go for.

      • 7 months ago

        I enjoy the prequels as direct-to-video, larger explorations of the extended universe, prequels. They are absolute shit follow ups to the originals in terms of films, but they can be entertaining if treated like the Ewoks cartoon or Shadows of the Empire where its just an extension of the world set up, but not the same quality as the main stuff. The new films are just bad fanfiction financed by disney.

        • 7 months ago

          Can't wait to see how Disney (further) destroys X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Alien in the near future

          • 7 months ago

            the idea that disney owns aliens sickens me

            • 7 months ago

              I cant wait for Sora to use his Bart Simpson summon to fight the xeno queen quickly before a chestburster explodes out of Goofy.

              • 7 months ago

                the sad part is i wouldn't even be surprised

              • 7 months ago

                >a chestburster explodes out of Goofy.
                I want to see this

    • 7 months ago
      Chud Anon

      Réddit memes have gaslit people into thinking the prequel trilogy was good.

      Protip: they sucked when they came out and they suck today.

  22. 7 months ago

    The Big Bang Theory came out in 2007.
    Portal also came out in 2007.

  23. 7 months ago

    Because extreme can only go so far, take wrestling for example, they kept raising the bar and raising the bar until they really couldn't anymore and just kept rehashing what they had already done which is why people eventually stopped watching, you can blame it on "oh no but wwf bought wcw" but that's only one factor, the mainf actor is the mainstream was tired of the storylines, the hardcore and fans stuck but not the casual viewership. it was the same for other genres including music with numetal, it got more and more extreme until it was boring. So what started to get popular something more "realistic and gritty" which was a contrast to over the top attitude. it felt like a fresh of breath air. Now after so many years of grit we miss the extreme nature of how stuff was full of attitude and sexulized etc, and that's why we've been pivoting to that over the last few years again if you haven't noticed, by the late 2020s it'll be similar to the 90s in levels of extreme. everything goes in cycles, of course it won't be the 90s exactly, it'll be new and stuff that is extreme will scare you because you are an old man now just how piercings scared your parents and how being 7 different genders scares GenX.

    • 7 months ago

      >by the late 2020s it'll be similar to the 90s in levels of extreme. everything goes in cycles, of course it won't be the 90s exactly, it'll be new and stuff that is extreme will scare you because you are an old man now just how piercings scared your parents and how being 7 different genders scares GenX.
      Eh, as somebody basically in between generations enough to be fairly connected to the then vs. now, it's just not really the same at all. Problem is everything is so heavily politicized and society is so obsessed with conforming to rulesets that it can't be truly edgy, that's what modern day "rebels" don't get because you can't rebel when your rebellion is what the mainstream is pushing anyway

      Yeah, you can say Marilyn Manson pissed off people and Lil Nas X also did, but it's different in how it pissed them off. Nobody is like "wow lil nas x is the evil incarnate, badass", they're like "wow he's very LGBT, and i'm either for that or don't like that and that's the whole basis of my opinion of him". Not that Manson was new, he was no different than Alice Cooper in the 70s or something like Slayer in the 80s, but that whole edgy thing is gone because people today don't like to be genuinely edgy, they want to dye their hair and wear black but also say "i'm a really good person with the right values the party i side with says to have, not some evil maniac ^_^".

      TL;DR even "edgy" things today are just fake edgy, because everybody is obsessed with moral grandstanding and fitting in is now way more en vogue than being an outlier or maverick

      • 7 months ago

        >that's what modern day "rebels" don't get because you can't rebel when your rebellion is what the mainstream is pushing anyway

        that's literally everything from the 60s onwards. if something actually was a threat to the system they would've shut it down. in fact the modern dissident rightwing is the first TRUE rebellion we've had in over 50 years,

        • 7 months ago

          >in fact the modern dissident rightwing is the first TRUE rebellion we've had in over 50 years,
          Eh not exactly true, but if you're old enough you remember a time when bible thumping right was exactly what the woke left is now. There is a reason shit like heavy metal music and violent media like movies, comics, and video games were seen as "edgy" in the first place and its because people were hard at work trying to get such things banned and trying to censor people and art

          Now, the roles have reversed and the opposite people have all the power and influence, but they do the exact same thing, which has created a situation where a lot of people who used to "lean left" now switched, but if you're older you remember how the shoe was on the other foot.
          >Meet the new boss
          >Same as the old boss
          Rings true as always

          • 7 months ago

            >Eh not exactly true, but if you're old enough you remember a time when bible thumping right was exactly what the woke left is now.
            no it wasn't. "bible thumpers" were actually based and knew that all the liberal shit we've had since the 60s would bring back the decay of the west, and with the way things are now, they were right. funny how the world was actually way better when "bible thumpers" had the power (before the 60s and SPECIALLY before the Enlightenment (what morons call LE DARK AGES))

            • 7 months ago

              Anybody who wants a world without Black Sabbath, Friday the 13th, or Mortal Kombat can suck my dick. But regardless, the world was better but it had nothing to do with the power, it had to do with the people

              Social media, public shaming, the giving up of liberties, all of this shit that creates our current situation is all a problem with the complacency of modern people as well as their weak willed willingness to sign up for a "team". Freedom of speech and censorship was a problem with the right then as it is with the left now, but the bigger problem is that the younger brainwashed zoned out generation just goes along with it.

              I don't give a frick about any notions of wholesomeness, I only give a shit about freedom of speech. The right and left both want to rob you of it, but because of modern society losing their collective ballsack one side has achieved it and now you can't even crack an off color joke or have truly edgy media without someone losing their job.

  24. 7 months ago

    The attitude protagonist got replaced by the “badass Black person” meme

  25. 7 months ago

    Nintendo was no longer dominant in terms of sales or cultural mindshare and so it stopped making sense to design games as a foil to them.

    • 7 months ago

      do you really think all of society being edgy was a response to nintendo?

  26. 7 months ago

    'cause it was fricking moronic and Gex sucked.

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe so, but its still better then what we have now.

      • 7 months ago

        since mascot platformers largely died with the 00s it's hard to really say what the equivalent is, but if we look to cartoons that were popular it's gay shit like adventure time. if we had platformers they'd all be quirky/ironically cutesy designs like that

  27. 7 months ago

    Why did Comedy die?

    • 7 months ago

      They realized someone's feelings might get hurt, so just decided to take kid jokes but add mentions of private parts.

      • 7 months ago

        The rise of inoffensive normie/bro/thot comedy replacing edginess has been a real awful thing to witness. The post 00s comedy scene is a bunch of middle aged gym bros, wiggers, and basic b***hes and it's all really bad.

  28. 7 months ago

    too sexy

  29. 7 months ago

    Because Sonic was humiliated

  30. 7 months ago
  31. 7 months ago

    Attitude is seen as toxic and everyone and everything has to be happy, safe and have good vibes. Antagonists also being buttholes or judgemental/etc. means the creator(s) are also the same way and that's no good. Remember the kid that had the soccermom mother that tried to ban Pokemon cards? That kid grew up under her and became one of the shitheads that tried (And kinda succeeded) to clean up 'problematic' elements, video games being one of the main mediums with GTA.

    On the Attitude Era, it already died after WCW lost the war but it really died with the Benoit situation, and that alone spooked Vince enough to soften the shit out of his product. I was already out of wrestling for years back then but that murder-suicide was all over the news, right around the time where Jack Thompson and others were shitting on GTA IV and parents worried about who their kids were talking to on Xbox Live. It was a gradual process.

    • 7 months ago

      >were talking to on Xbox Live
      it's okay, your children talking on discord and getting groomed by pedos now. it's better for them than playing pokemon cards or violent video games

      • 7 months ago

        >it's okay, your children talking on discord and getting groomed by pedos now

        tbh this hasn't changed, in the late 90s it was MSN, Yahoo, AOL, and AIM chats, then it was Paltalk, then Tinychat and Skype.

        • 7 months ago

          yeah, except back then you weren't supposed to take internet seriously. and rule told us that are no girls on the internet because it was great equalizer. now people literally take as religion, doxx themselves, and use it for shopping and government services because ~~*they*~~ literally forced you. like you can't even do your taxes on paper anymore

          • 7 months ago

            >yeah, except back then you weren't supposed to take internet seriously. and rule told us that are no girls on the internet because it was great equalizer. now people literally take as religion, doxx themselves
            Oh but they did, my main thing was AIM and good god the amount of drama and e-dating, hacking, swatting, the doxxing shit has been around. You're not wrong about internet culture becoming an ever growing parasite and cancer but a lot of this shit isn't new, especially not pedos lurking and grooming, that was always an ugly thing going on, every girl I knew back then had some story about it. Really, children just shouldn't be allowed on the internet at all, but they were then and they are now.

          • 7 months ago

            Anon the internet bubble burst in 2000

    • 7 months ago

      I absolutely hate the false safespace shit. On some level, I understand the appreciation for like cute things and wholesome media, I really do. But since the 2010s its become so overblown and people are just pussies, not to mention disingenuous about how "wholesome" things really are

  32. 7 months ago

    attitude implies you care
    zoomers only like apathy because they have no soul since theyve been drugged since birth and raised by their drunk mom's ipad

    • 7 months ago

      spitin raw fax

  33. 7 months ago

    History says it's because of oversaturization. But current year video game releases suggest otherwise since we're now suffering from oversaturization of other things yet there's no sign of stopping.

    • 7 months ago

      At some point you do realize this term is often only really a half truth at best, and that what is popular is often entirely dictated by what is shoved into people's faces the most which is entirely chosen and pushed.

      Best example I can think of is the 80s metal vs grunge and altrock situation, on one hand yes you can see how naturally something being in the spotlight for over 10 years would have run its course, but on the other hand when you research you find out how much the industry had to do with it, how much executives blackballed artists and how much new superstars were pushed into position, radio stations changing format overnight, bands who had hits the year before suddenly being ignored. A lot of what is ever trendy just has to do with what the industry is pushing and keeping in front of people, telling them that it is the thing to like

  34. 7 months ago

    'Cause it didn't

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