why did this game filter so many people back in the day?

why did this game filter so many people back in the day?

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  1. 2 years ago

    The only people it filtered was reasonably minded individuals who played the demo and realized it was garbage.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do you think it's garbage? You never realized you could strife with L1 and R1, or dash forward/backwards pressing both L1 and R1 at the same time?

      • 2 years ago

        it's low framerate 3D garbage that is propped up by the IP license and weebtards with low standards

        • 2 years ago

          hmmm, but it's consistent and the game was designed around whatever many frames it operates per second. Complaining about framerate is a very moden, Ganker thing to do, really.
          Okay, but how about an actual criticism? You didn't like the control scheme? the level design?

          • 2 years ago

            >Complaining about framerate is a very moden, Ganker thing to do, really.
            nice job outing yourself as a newhomosexual, people have been complaining about framerate since the 5th generation started doing unnecessary 3D garbage

            • 2 years ago

              I don't even know why you're so angry, but nah, complaining about framerate is a very 7th gen and onwards thing to do, since 3D graphics stagnated and people needed something else to complain about, thus digitalfroundry FPS comparison videos started being spammed on Ganker as a means for shitposting, mainly console vs PC shitposting, since it all became homogenized.
              Back in the day people complained about 2D, not framerate. As long as it was 3D, people loved it, unless it was Bubsy 3D-tier or something.

              • 2 years ago

                You sure know a lot about Ganker, maybe you need to go back.

        • 2 years ago

          >low framerate
          lol'd, didn't even play it

        • 2 years ago

          Didn't even know what Ghost in the Shell was as a kid and loved this game. Sliding around up walls and walking upside down felt groundbreaking, and the soundtrack bumped

    • 2 years ago

      t. Filtered

      • 2 years ago

        Wrong board

  2. 2 years ago

    Waste of IP. Everyone wanted an action game with Motoko and Batou.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, I think you've got a point here.
      People in the west were only familiar with the 1995 film, so playing as a Fuchikoma, which doesn't appear on the film, was pretty confusing.
      In retrospect, though, having this kind of spider mech shooter action game with the dashing controls is super nice, I don't think a third person shooting game would have worked too well.
      The PS2 SAC game is pretty dull in comparison, and it tried to copy the PS1 game with the Tachikoma missions, but without success.

  3. 2 years ago

    I never met a soul who played it. I only saw it in mags. Emulated it for about 2 mins later in life. Maybe if I watched the show I'd be .ore interested in playing it, I'm was never a weeb though and doubt I ever could be.

    • 2 years ago

      >Maybe if I watched the show I'd be
      Well as I said, at the time this game released, most people, at least in the west, were familiar with the movie only, and this game is based more on the manga, as the Fuchikoma (the spider mech you control in the game) doesn't appear in the movie.
      Apart from that word not even existing back then, this game barely has any anime in it other than the cutscenes. The look of the game is very industrial/cyberpunk, you only see mechs and industrial complexes while playing.

      i dunno

      but its unlikely a meaningful discussion will happen here- the jannies will just delete any post they dont like arbitrarily before you see it

      might as well rename the site reddit2.0
      feedback button is useless they just reaction-ban you the second you appeal

      i will say it is very disappointing as Ganker used to be the last bastion of free speech/freedom of expression

      yeah I stopped thinking of /vr/ as a viable board ever since the rule change, maybe even a bit before that too... but let's be honest, the whole internet is shit at this point.
      The best thing you can do is have your personal group of friends IRL, if you can manage that and have friends who share the same taste in games as you.

  4. 2 years ago

    i dunno

    but its unlikely a meaningful discussion will happen here- the jannies will just delete any post they dont like arbitrarily before you see it

    might as well rename the site reddit2.0
    feedback button is useless they just reaction-ban you the second you appeal

    i will say it is very disappointing as Ganker used to be the last bastion of free speech/freedom of expression

    • 2 years ago

      A while ago I got banned for a month from ban evasion when I hadn't evaded any bans. Appealed it, waited a week for a response and it was denied. The way they run this website has gone to shit. You'll get banned for saying something that a janny/mod doesn't agree with, no matter how small of a thing it is. On-topic or not.

    • 2 years ago

      >i will say it is very disappointing as Ganker used to be the last bastion of free speech/freedom of expression
      this site's been shit for years
      there's other imageboards, homosexual. goes for anyone that strictly uses reddit2.0

  5. 2 years ago

    Why did you choose to start discussion about a game you like with garbage "filter"posting straight out of Ganker instead of just talking about what you like?

    • 2 years ago

      because OP doesn't know how to get engagement without inflammatory garbage, it's a common practice in fast boards like Ganker

  6. 2 years ago

    I remember I played the official magazine demo and I liked it
    Never heard of the anime before then and still loathe anime but it's a good game

  7. 2 years ago

    Because it starts giving you freedom of exploration with a nice map layout and quickly tosses that shit aside with linear/corridor and/or timed missions

    • 2 years ago

      But there's many other levels that are open-exploration based. The majority, in fact.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, I originally played it back in the day on Japanese, didn't know it had a US release, somehow made it through several missions until I stumbled upon the US release, the sudden shift from open missions, to closed/linear ones, then to on rail missions was pretty shit, I don't care about sequence breaking, but that it felt like a chore going through them, you get the cool stages, then have to endure that shit, and that was in the days where you had to make do with the games you had at hand

        • 2 years ago

          I think the devs did a good job at applying the core mechanics of the gameplay and fit into different styles of levels. The shooting/lock-on system actually fits on-rail stuff, it's kinda like Panzer Dragoon. Anyway it's just 2 levels, then there's only 1 timed level, right? the rest is open levels like the first one.

          • 2 years ago

            Two of the water on rail ones, the timed mission one is stage 3, the freeway one is on rails, sewer one is stage 2, and final 3 missions are underground which is pretty much like the sewer one but a little bit less claustrophobic, out of 12 stages that's 8, at least the underground ones feel a little better but still that's not the game's strong point, and don't hold a candle over the free exploration or going through buildings gliding or jumping through, the game shines in those spots which sadly aren't many

            • 2 years ago

              >Two of the water on rail ones, the timed mission one is stage 3, the freeway one is on rails
              You're misremembering, there's only 2 on-rail chase levels, one on the sea, and one on the speedway.
              >and final 3 missions are underground
              Final mission is on a rooftop. And I think most of these are like a mix of the open-ended levels and the sewer one. Like it's linear but has some exploration too, I remember getting lost in them.
              As I said I think the devs did a good job at managing diverse types of levels, all within the same core gameplay mechanics. If all the levels were like the 1st level it'd become rarther repetitive and formulatic, the way it is it keeps things fresh.
              Also, timed missions can be fun, as they push you to get good, basically.

  8. 2 years ago

    people wanted to play as a sexy lady in the cover not the hamster driving a mini mech

    • 2 years ago

      Not really, everyone I knew who played the game back during the PS1 era liked it, not that much but no one gave 2 shits about playing with huge breasts Makoto

  9. 2 years ago

    Underrated game.

  10. 2 years ago

    It’s a cool fricking game, one of my favourites on the PS1. Oozing with style and the feeling of controlling a spider mech and climbing on the side of walls and ceilings is completely unique. It was made by the same developers as Jumping Flash which also captured the unique feeling of piloting a mecha rabbit in first-person, try hopping on an enemy while shooting them and you’ll see what I mean.

    • 2 years ago

      This guy gets it!
      A shame Sony killed Exact, they were a very creative and visionary group of devs.

    • 2 years ago

      Makes sense. Jumping Flash also has tedious and barebones gameplay.

  11. 2 years ago

    People liked this game back then though, it's in recent times that people started to get filtered by it.

  12. 2 years ago

    americans can't into classy techno.

  13. 2 years ago

    For me, I bailed when I realized the game doesn’t even use its main gimmick. For example, in the sewer level there are turrets in tunnels that fire at you and give you hardly any time to hit back. I thought maybe you need to climb in from the top of the tunnel so the turret can’t see you. Nope, it did nothing, and that’s usually how it goes in this game.

    • 2 years ago

      Well it kinda makes sense that the Fuchikoma doesn't have enough room in those narrow corridors in order to climb around. Also come on it's only in that one level. What you need to do in that level is to use the lock-on on the bombs.

      Because I wanted to play as Motoko, not a Fuchikoma

      Yeah this is probably one of the main things that filtered people in the west, who were not aware about the Fuchikomas.

      Makes sense. Jumping Flash also has tedious and barebones gameplay.

      I'll never understand anti-Jumping Flash people. It's like you don't like fun and creative games.
      tedious? barebones? just how? it's intuitive, fun and very, very gameplay-based.

      • 2 years ago

        >I'll never understand anti-Jumping Flash people. It's like you don't like fun and creative games.
        >tedious? barebones? just how? it's intuitive, fun and very, very gameplay-based.
        Except JF isn't creative. Maybe you find it fun, but there are literally fewer mechanics than Super Mario Bros 1.

        • 2 years ago

          It's not the amount of mechanics in quantitative terms what makes a game creative or fun.
          >JF isn't creative
          hard disagree.

          • 2 years ago

            >wow there are triangles and rectangles everywhere
            >this should be in a museum

            • 2 years ago

              so you're complaining about early 3D graphics? I thought we were talking about game mechanics and creativity.
              As I thought, anti-JF people are just shitposters, or midwit contrarians that don't even know how to properly be contrarians.

              • 2 years ago

                >so you're complaining about early 3D graphics?
                No, I'm complaining about bad graphics. I love early 3D.

              • 2 years ago

                >I thought we were talking about game mechanics and creativity.
                How? JF doesn't have those, so I assumed you liked the "trippy" (shitty) environments.

                >noooo the game doesn't have mechanics
                How am I supposed to argue you? By saying you have shitty opinions and don't have a brain inside your skull? Fine, let's say that.

              • 2 years ago

                >I thought we were talking about game mechanics and creativity.
                How? JF doesn't have those, so I assumed you liked the "trippy" (shitty) environments.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm sure it has at least 1 mechanic maybe even 2.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah I'll give you that. It has jumping and shooting. Not much else. The levels are pretty barebones.

              • 2 years ago

                The jumping in JF is not just "jumping", it's a triple jump with spring-like mechanic and probably the most creative input in it is the fact the camera moves downwards, so that you can see both how high you're jumping in relation to floor-level, and also your own shadow, so as yo calculate where you're gonna land. This alone puts it above any other first person game that has platforming in it.
                >nooo but it's not creative! it's bad because.... the graphics are just simple geometrical shapes, okay? it's shitty!
                ok man, as I said you have shitty opinions that aren't worth anyone's time, but hey, the thread is bumping so it's alright. Keep your Jumping Flash hateboner. It's kind of weird you're fixating on hating a game like Jumping Flash though, it doesn't even have any obnoxious fanbase to justify any hate.

        • 2 years ago

          t. The dude who designed Crash Bandicoot

      • 2 years ago

        >I'll never understand anti-Jumping Flash people
        Most likely it's just one salty Crash Bandicoot fan.

  14. 2 years ago

    Because I wanted to play as Motoko, not a Fuchikoma

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