why did this not bring back popularity to stealth games?

why did this not bring back popularity to stealth games? it was probably the best stealth game of all time just because the sheer amount of shit to do

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  1. 11 months ago

    I'd rather get proper tactical games like the old Rainbow Six (up to Raven Shield). But it probably won't ever happen again knowing modern Ubisoft.

    • 11 months ago

      >we will never ever get a Rainbow Six game like Vegas or Advanced Warfighter again

      • 11 months ago

        Frick off those games killed the R6 franchise for me. I mean Vegas wasn't that bad but it should have stayed a fantasy spin off where you get to play Chavez on Rambo mode.

      • 11 months ago

        vegas was just a cover shooter man

    • 11 months ago

      nope that’s long gone but there’s lots of games that are much better now on steam

      • 11 months ago


  2. 11 months ago

    the open world is repetitive as frick and all the guns feel the fricking same, it's classic ubisoft slop made for morons who love to see their map full of side irrelevant side missions

    • 11 months ago

      did you play with no hud on? i find the world is nice if you actually have to explore and look around to stay safe. also switching to night makes it a lot more interesting.


      just look on youtube the genre is getting pretty popular now

      • 11 months ago

        >there's lots of games that are much better
        >give me one example
        >just look on youtube idiot!!!!
        Really? Not one rec?

        • 11 months ago

          ground branch, zero hour, ready or not, ubisoft restored the servers to a bunch of their older titles too.

          • 11 months ago

            Ground Branch is unfinished slop with 2001 bot AI.
            Ready or Not is not a sandbox stealth game, the AI is designed to imitate the SWAT 4 experience.

            I think OP definitely has a point, 90% of normies aren't even aware of all the hidden layers Breakpoint's AI has.
            It has been a joy interacting with them and despite 700+ hours I don't feel like stopping at all.
            And yes many guns do feel samey or shitty, but there are many with quite authentic sounds and gunplay, you just need to find what you like.

  3. 11 months ago

    Nobody cares about Ubischlock.

    Dead company dead reputation. This is what decades of incompetence does to your brand.

    • 11 months ago

      they are literally still better than 90% of western devs. the only reason they suck is because they have to appeal to the moronic masses.

      • 11 months ago

        >Only wants to produce dumb blockbusters and milk their big franchises until everyone is disgusted
        Nah, they're on the same tier as EA and Activision.

        • 11 months ago

          what do you expect moron they’re a global corporation with investors. they don’t get to make the games they want anymore.

          breakpoint is decent but everyone here b***hes about it

  4. 11 months ago

    shit balls setting
    Wildlands map, enemies, and story was way better

    • 11 months ago

      the map is pretty much perfect for open world stealth. bushes, trees, tall grass everywhere.

      • 11 months ago

        I just wish the detection mechanics factored stuff like foliage & camo pattern into account. I using the first person mod rn & getting spotted by enemies because of their bubble vision is a bit annoying. Game is still a gem imo, wish ubisoft put out more like it.

    • 11 months ago

      Driving sucked shit but flying a helicopter was pretty good. The druggo cartel were a lot more compelling to fight compared the bored mercs and the discount metal gears from Breakpoint.

      • 11 months ago

        I have the opposite opinion.
        Wildlands/Breakpoint have no physics for helicopters, automatically making it the worst helicopter gameplay in the history of gaming.
        Cars were fun in Wildlands, felt like rally-lite.
        Meanwhile Breakpoint cars still get stuck in high revs and are generally an assault on your ears.

    • 11 months ago

      Wildlands map was literally just big empty nothing

      • 11 months ago

        >nothing, bòlivia

      • 11 months ago

        Are you talking about Breakpoint? Cause that’s exactly how I would describe that piece of shit map

  5. 11 months ago

    >it was probably the best stealth game of all time

  6. 11 months ago

    Because ubisoft is fricking moronic, having gearscore on by default made this game look like another division/wildlands

  7. 11 months ago

    >it was probably the best stealth game of all time
    You cannot be serious Black person.

    • 11 months ago

      you’re not playing it right

      • 11 months ago

        it's a bad stealth game. the AI is dogshit, your bullets do more damage while undetected for some reason so you can just kill enemies with one shot to the leg.
        go play a good stealth game like the early Splinter Cell games before making moronic claims.

        • 11 months ago

          at least play the game first, then shitpost about it

          • 11 months ago

            shut the frick up.

            • 11 months ago

              >40 h

              you haven’t even played the game moron

              • 11 months ago

                nice job moving goalposts, braindead Black person.

              • 11 months ago

                play without the hud on solo you moron

              • 11 months ago

                casually lurking the index of Ganker
                you're a dumbass
                also wildlands is dogshit and breakpoint is a a cash grab
                all fields

              • 11 months ago

                >bro it gets good after 80 hours I swear
                I thought only JRPGtards are like this

              • 11 months ago

                you zoomers/morons don’t understand this but games that are actually good take awhile to master before they become good because they are complex.

                this is one of the few games where i actually felt sucked into the game hiding from guards and flashlights in the dark.

            • 11 months ago

              >this is the moron telling you about Breakpoint's AI
              I bet you didn't even know that sometimes you can hide from them even while the compass is full red.
              You don't know shit about the game you're talking about.
              Breakpoint isn't the type of game that can be fully understood with a bit of random roaming.

              • 11 months ago

                he clearly played on easy mode/gearscore on
                don't bother

              • 11 months ago

                This is another meme take for me.
                I have multiple characters.
                On my first character, did literally all the content and side content the game has, on immersive mode.
                Now I'm playing with gear score and the game is the same.
                If a level 1 sniper has 120 damage, a level 100 sniper will also have 120 damage.
                After starting with gear score I realized just how forced all this loot outrage was.
                So your mp7 has a small handling and range bonus... why is that a reason for everyone to lose their minds?
                The only thing gear score hurts is the atmosphere, but that's subjective anyway.

  8. 11 months ago

    Because it plays like shit and was a downgrade over Wildlands in every single way, on top of coming out buggy as frick and with garbage RPG mechanics.

    • 11 months ago

      it's a bad stealth game. the AI is dogshit, your bullets do more damage while undetected for some reason so you can just kill enemies with one shot to the leg.
      go play a good stealth game like the early Splinter Cell games before making moronic claims.


  9. 11 months ago

    Absolutely shit launch, terribly buggy ass game with some of the most horrendous GAAS elements due to Ubisoft execs forcing it, and it remained shit for a long time. I don't even know if they shaped it up into something good because I never bothered looking back at Breakpoint.
    A shame, I've enjoyed every GR from the very first to Wildlands.

  10. 11 months ago

    the launch killed this game. i avoided it because of all the shit people were saying. only picked it up last year when all the updates were finished and its legit one of my favourite stealth shooters, its a solid 7/10 now. i never played with gearscore on and turned off the HUD, love how customisable it is now. its such a modern game, like you could draw parallels with whats happening with AI and Russia rn. put hundreds of hours into this, it sucks that golem island robot bosses are locked behind MP because i hate playing with other people and why the frick is it always online when we all know they'll eventually shut down the servers at some point?

    • 11 months ago

      >it sucks that golem island robot bosses are locked behind MP
      It doesn't.
      They're arcadey super mario looking bossfights out of some corny action rpg.
      Those shitty fights should have never existed.
      Instead of creating interesting sandbox bosses, they make you fight a simon says robot in an empty square.

  11. 11 months ago

    your most used weapon? for me its the scorpion evo 3 cqc

    • 11 months ago

      vector/famas/scorpion, any bullet hose is fun, but my most used weapon is my bare hands, followed closely by the mk.23
      I'm still angry that Kojima never put in the option to unequip primary weapons completely in mgs5.

    • 11 months ago

      MP5 followed by the AK. I had my guy decked out like a former Rainbow Six member in Wildlands.

  12. 11 months ago

    Every other tactical shooter is dysfunctional solo.
    Breakpoint is the only complex tactical shooter in the world that offers a fair challenge for a solo player without feeling like you're lacking something, even on the hardest difficulty with low/no hud, they balanced the AI around no hud, it's playable alone, it's a fricking gift.

  13. 11 months ago

    Can you even pick up bodies?

    • 11 months ago

      you can have a scuffle with them them force them to walk to where you want them knocked out or use them as a body shield or biometric key for some doors
      You can pick up bodies, then throw them or drop them and also let them slump behind you by sprinting while carrying them.
      You can also execute them by drowning them in puddles if there's one in front of them.
      You can execute them from a prone position to force them down while killing them.
      You can execute them from foliage to get a special animation where you drag them in with you before killing them, you can also grab them around cover when they approach.

      • 11 months ago

        Thank frick. Hated that you couldn't interacted with bodies at all in Wildlands. Might actually pick this up on sale eventually.

    • 11 months ago


      Every other tactical shooter is dysfunctional solo.
      Breakpoint is the only complex tactical shooter in the world that offers a fair challenge for a solo player without feeling like you're lacking something, even on the hardest difficulty with low/no hud, they balanced the AI around no hud, it's playable alone, it's a fricking gift.

      yep and at this price it’s a steal. definitely a game i will be playing 10 yrs from now if possible.

      • 11 months ago

        server will shut down next year. dont know why they thought to hard code an always online component to the single player part. they really fricked up there

        • 11 months ago

          w-what makes you say that? every ghost game is the 20 years is still online

          • 11 months ago

            bet your house on it. ubisoft are haemorrhaging money like crazy, you think those handful of players who still run around online in breakpoint are spending money on it? ubishit cant afford this for much longer, industry as a whole is heading for struggle street

            • 11 months ago

              ubisoft plans on keeping all titles on the marketplace indefinitely

          • 11 months ago

            breakpoint probably has the least amount of online players for ubi multiplayer games

            • 11 months ago

              i don’t think they really care how many people are online they got all stupid ubisoft software subscription bull shit

              • 11 months ago

                also i think you guys would be surprised at how many people still play breakpoint youtube videos get millions of views constantly.

              • 11 months ago

                I remember that drewski homosexual shitting on how easy the game is on the hardest diff. in a video after the motherlands update where he had all the cheats enabled (enemies tagged through walls, visible on the minimap)

                Now that his fans found out that Breakpoint is a great game despite of his shit talking he did a 180 and is making cringelarp noHUD immersive coop raids.

              • 11 months ago

                youtube views =/= players
                is this whole thread just full of zoomers that have zero idea how anything works?

              • 11 months ago

                oh you’re just a moron okay i figured

              • 11 months ago

                moron zoomer confirmed.

              • 11 months ago

                nah he's right, you aren't
                It makes perfect sense to maintain servers when you're shilling a subscription based service.

              • 11 months ago

                christ i fricking hate any of those try hard breakpoint videos, especially the ones where the c**t narrates like its a movie or some shit adding his own music. who tf does that shit i cringe each time

          • 11 months ago

            all of the GR games that had dedicated servers were already shut down many years ago (GR1, Advanced Warfighter 2, Future Soldier), they're still playable because they also have P2P hosting/LAN/server tools.
            Breakpoint does not have any of those options.

            • 11 months ago

              all of those servers just went back online you moron

  14. 11 months ago

    The frick are you talking about? the Hitman trilogy is one of the best stealth games out there and it came out a couple years ago

    • 11 months ago

      Hitman trilogy suffers from the same thing MGSV does.
      It's not a shooter.
      MGSV has psychic bots that are boring to fight and constantly unload at you through walls, feels like playing an unfinished game when going loud.
      Hitman just isn't about going loud.
      Meanwhile Recon lets you have a solid high stakes gunfight where any enemy will drop you instantly if you slip up, and they constantly go for long flanks left and right and behind you, it's some of the best AI in any shooter ever, gimped only by the fact that they're unaware of you most of the time.

      • 11 months ago

        But you are talking aobut stealth games, not shooters, and GR Wildlands is a massive downgrade in terms of stealtrh mechanics in comparison with MGSV, the camo for example in GR is just a skin that doesnt effect gameplay

        • 11 months ago

          breakpoint is as close as you’re getting to a realistic tactical open world stealth game. mgs is just cartoon silly jap shit.

          • 11 months ago

            kys western troony
            play real stealth games like MGS V or Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
            hell even Crysis 1 is better stealth game than this pozzed slop

        • 11 months ago

          Well yeah, but none of that is true for Breakpoint.
          Breakpoint is a massive step up in gameplay complexity from Wildlands.
          Some of its stealth gameplay elements are even better than MGSV.

  15. 11 months ago

    as someone who played wildlands with friends and enjoyed the shit out of it, all i ever heard about the game was that it just didnt hold up to wildlands

    • 11 months ago

      it’s salty nostalgiagays. breakpoint does just about everything better except the story and story missions. the missions are the worst part oddly enough.

    • 11 months ago

      Here's the problem in a nutshell, be thankful I'm taking the time to explain.

      Wildlands knows it's a sandbox game, the gameplay was serviceable but the focus of the devs was on a functional sandbox, like rebel/unidad/sicario interactions, and looking authentic like real Bolivia, and being able to roam around independently with no limits.
      This also lead to the campaign being a sandbox too, which worked wonderfully.

      Breakpoint... nope, the more you read into the story the more you realize it's just a feminist power fantasy, the story is just "The genius inventor is an incompetent Steve Jobs type and these 3 middle aged kweens did/created everything for him, now go fetch their purses."
      It's linear, it forces you to go back and forth for dozens of kilometers, it makes no sense, it doesn't have the planning->execution military model that Wildlands uses.
      The second campaign is the same, but done better, because it's just a bunch of scripted stealth experiences with Sam Fisher.

      The third one is where they realized they should have just made Wildlands 2 and it's all about hunting targets at your discretion.

      Then the Motherland update is an attempt to create a proper sandbox experience that saves the game, it sort of works, but the writing is still atrocious, the Russians are basically cartoon villains, and no explanation is ever given for their actions, you're still better off just playing and ignoring the story completely.

      • 11 months ago

        It felt like devs had more free reign during the development of Wildlands and when that game succeeded, the marketing department took over that followed their ubishit formula step-by-step. Make the story washed down, set it in some imaginary island so we don't offend anyone, add MTX, gear rarity, etc.

        • 11 months ago

          Yep, you can see the clash between devs and execs everywhere.
          For example,
          Breakpoint has 2 sets of reloading animations for every weapon in the game, the boring regular one you see all the time, and the cool tactical one hidden behind the seemingly useless reload boost perk.
          They could have made it an optional reload that discards remaining ammo (WHICH IS WHAT THE 2 ANIMATION SETS ARE OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO DO) but some executive shithead wanted it to be an rpg and now discarding ammo is a shitty difficulty toggle instead of a gameplay option.

  16. 11 months ago

    because breakpoint released as a looter shooter endgame raid destiny clone and not a stealth game, it was SHIT

    if it released in its current state with immersive mode it would have been recognized

  17. 11 months ago

    Out of all games you’re shilling for Breakpoint?
    >m-muh play solo in hud for 700 hours bro
    I did, it’s still ass. None of the mechanics feel like they were made for each other, the survival lite/crafting clashes with the high speed arcade shooting that’s also trying to be a milsim extra-lite. They’re both underbaked and shallow.
    The vehicles in this game are fricking awful, the bikes are especially harrowing considering how well they nailed it in Wildlands. Getting inside a Flare or any of the sport cars just completely frustrates me which is a shame cause it’s one of my favorite ways of getting out of a mission.

    • 11 months ago

      it’s a fricking video game of course you’re going to notice flaws after 700 hours moron. it’s the only open world game that feels like it though.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah Breakpoint is a Frankenstein's monster bunch of hybrid gameplay elements, many of which, like the survival wounding/crafting systems, are painfully shallow and unfinished.

      Your point? It's still the best we got for solo and small teams.
      Arma is clunky and unsatisfying, Ground Branch has dogshit AI, MGSV sucks when going loud, what else is there in modern gaming?
      Nothing. Breakpoint's the best.

  18. 11 months ago

    This has to be dumbest, most moronic thread/post I've seen in at least a month. The complete and total obliviousness and irony is mind-blowing. Just know OP, that videogames are pure, unadulterated garbage because of dysgenic, low iq sub-humans like you. You and "people" like you killed videogames, including the stealth genre which you have no comprehension of. And it would be amusing watching you and your fellows wallowing in shit and eating shit if it didn't affect the rest of normal humans who enjoy the medium.

    • 11 months ago

      t. triggered dishonored/thief player

      Name a better modern shooter with customizable guns and stealth mechanics and I'll delete Breakpoint RIGHT NOW.

      • 11 months ago

        MGS V ez if you disagree you're troll and should kys asap

      • 11 months ago

        why does it need to be modern?
        are you one of those children that are allergic to older games?

        • 11 months ago

          I like modern guns, and no, watching your rainbow six squad from 2003 slowly walk around the map executing the orders you gave them is not what I want to play in 2023.

          Hunt Showdown

          Never gave this game a shot because I don't like battle royales, I suppose it might be a good one, but without a private team I don't see a point in buying it.

          MGS V ez if you disagree you're troll and should kys asap

          MGSV has better stealth, but loud gameplay is blatantly unfinished, bots just keep shooting at walls like morons because they know where you are and were coded during a drunk afternoon.
          After hundreds of hours I got fed up with MGSV.
          Know why?

          Because the game has only a few large urban environments and most of it is filler checkpoints with less than 5 soldiers present.

          You know what Breakpoint has?
          Well designed LARGE urban environments, by the hundreds, all over the map, coupled with better designed rural checkpoints or at least just as shit as MGSV ones.
          That, coupled with the fact that it's not JUST about the sneaking, makes Breakpoint a better pick overall.
          MGSV lacks the content even if it does have more refined stealth.

          • 11 months ago

            They do suppressing fire on your last known position while others flank. If you move without being seen they aren't "psychic" like you mentioned in a previous post and trying to wall hack you
            And there are plenty of loud options like calling in air support, using D Walker, different weaponry and gadgets.

            • 11 months ago

              don't bother its some shill pajeet for ubisoft trying to shill dead series again

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah I am prettt sure I have seen this guy before he is the only autist that likes this gsme and shills it over V or other games

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah I am prettt sure I have seen this guy before he is the only autist that likes this gsme and shills it over V or other games

                >yeah bro just play this one game over and over again, you're a shill if you want alternatives a decade later

            • 11 months ago

              I don't think you understood me completely.
              It's not just their broken "suppression" mechanics. (which actually work in Breakpoint as the bots successfully flank and kill player teams all the time on expert).
              It's the fact that there's nothing to it.
              The game was obviously NOT designed around a firefight.
              It's not even hard to trivialize MGSV by going full combat build, it's just not made for that, and that's ok, because I can get my hybrid gameplay fix in Recon.

      • 11 months ago

        Hunt Showdown

      • 11 months ago

        Wildlands mogs Breakpoint in every step of the way except animations.

        • 11 months ago

          animations are 50% of the gameplay satisfaction when you're using the DS4, when I first saw the character's orientation stuck to the camera in the Wildlands trailers I cringed hard, what a downgrade from Future Soldier.
          Also you're wrong, AI is much better in Breakpoint and cheats a lot less because Breakpoint's AI was balanced around no HUD, while Wildlands was made with UbiCheats™ in mind.

          • 11 months ago

            >animations are 50% of the gameplay satisfaction
            This. I love the simple animations in Sons of the Forest for crafting. It realy gives you that feeling of doing something, unlike those "hold button and wait".

    • 11 months ago

      you’re an idiot that wouldn’t know a good game if it bit you on the c**t. go play your souls trash you fricking loser.

  19. 11 months ago

    I tried it in immersive mode earlier this year.
    Everything about the presentation makes it seem like it will be a good game but you actually play and all the controls feel like shit.
    Solo controls are bad and playing solo sneaker is boring? Okay. the companion showcase tutorial made it look like using them would be novel and let you have some tactical control over firefights that would be interesting. Except once again when you get to the part where you actually play those guys are clunky too and also just do whatever they want, they also walk right in front of enemies to get to synch shot positions and get ignored. I know companions were an afterthought to help shitters beat the game with free help but that isn't the point. Everything in the game is a facade to make you think it is good or cool or fun but none of it is.
    Map somehow manages to have more boring empty space than MGSV if you can believe that, except it constantly begs you to backtrack across it over and over.

    Also this isn't a knock on the game but I found it amusing when nomad had a flashback to them being in Afghanistan in 2023 it's just kind of funny I am sure when the game came out no one would have though we would get something like the Doha deal

    • 11 months ago

      >I tried it in immersive mode earlier this year.
      >Everything about the presentation makes it seem like it will be a good game but you actually play and all the controls feel like shit.

      you’re a moron i’m not reading the rest of that. works on my machine

  20. 11 months ago


  21. 11 months ago

    They worsened are added rpg shit to all the good things done by Wildlans, that at least was a fun open world

  22. 11 months ago

    I have played hundreds of hours of both Wildlands and Breakpoint and Wildlands is by far the most fun to play. Just having civilians populate the roads, gas stations, diners, etc along the roads beats the shit out of the hostage-looking scientists and beefed up mercs of Breakpoint.

    BP is obviously best enjoyed by tweaking the UI to your liking and removing any trace of the looter mechanics, but the island setting just doesn't do it for me. Things are just too far from each other and using helicopters becomes the norm rather than exploring the different variety of vehicles like you did in WL.

    • 11 months ago

      You could have had a better experience by not using helicopters, that's on you for being a time-starved wagie.
      Yeah, all that stuff is true about Wildlands, but some of us have been forced to cope since Far Cry and Crysis, Breakpoint is the tropical kino I've been waiting decades for.

  23. 11 months ago

    >kojimadrones think V is better
    even Survive has better stealth mechanics than that unfinished piece of shit

  24. 11 months ago

    >shilling ubislop that rapes the brand of Ghost Recon and is an insult to what it used to be

    This board can't fall any lower

    • 11 months ago

      Considering the fact that Ganker s-0yfaces over every n1n toddler release I really don't see how this board is in a position to critique anything.

      • 11 months ago

        This board basedfaces over every BIG BRAND release no matter how shit it may be.

    • 11 months ago

      it’s not old ghost recon but it’s not THAT bad

  25. 11 months ago

    I grabbed Wildlands a while ago. Is that not good for stealth?

    • 11 months ago

      it’s decent and fun still breakpoint just feels really good and refined. play wl first.

      • 11 months ago

        I'll have to wait for another great discount then.

        • 11 months ago

          The ultimate edition is like 20€ on cdkeys

  26. 11 months ago

    >go prone on hillside
    >snipe at street thug drug dealers
    >one of them spots you
    >get lit up with mac-10's being fired one handed full auto from over 100 meters away
    >get downed instantly
    the open world ghost recons have their moments but theres a lot of moronic shit in them too
    >battle mechs

    • 11 months ago

      i’m pretty sure in breakpoint you can disable half the sci fi shit in the menu

    • 11 months ago

      In Breakpoint you may sometimes survive even on expert by running zig zag in the open if you're far enough away from assault rifle enemies, so that problem doesn't exist anymore, they also miss more generally while firing full auto at you.

      But there's other situations that frick with you, here's an example from yesterday:
      >go prone on hillside
      >200m away from base
      >three fricking invisible gopniks show up next to you
      >get gunned down by cheeki breekis
      >they spread out in the forest
      >kill your rescuer
      >the third player finally kills 2 of them
      >3rd one shows up 5 minutes later to light up your team from behind
      Sometimes the game just spams these Russian c**ts, feels almost intentional.
      I think one of the reinforcement squads can be just a group of invisible c**ts, that must be it.

  27. 11 months ago

    it was complete dogwater at launch and was only enjoyable after they removed all the gear score shit

  28. 11 months ago

    I got a question. I own Wildlands, is it any fun playing solo? I have no friends, but I loved MGS5's gameplay.

    • 11 months ago


  29. 11 months ago

    >the best stealth game of all time just because the sheer amount of shit to do
    >shoot with silencer
    >clear samey looking soulless outposts
    >lot of shit to do

    • 11 months ago

      oh another moron who hasn’t played it

      • 11 months ago

        just admit that it's a goyslop where you can seek hundreds of hours but don't need to act like it's the best game ever created

        • 11 months ago

          Nah he's right, you're criticizing the wrong things.
          If there's one thing Buckbrokenpoint got right it's the outposts.
          Absolutely top of the line urban level design with lots of hidden verticality and plenty of angles to check and take.
          You're shit talking what they did better than anyone.
          Unless you're angry about them using the same textures/tilesets, in which case you need to shut your mouth about level design.
          It's correct to say that between the outposts the game is lacking, too few random events to encounter and all that.

  30. 11 months ago

    Because open world/chore simulator with moronic crafting and (optional, abandoned) leveling/looter shooter garbage.
    t. has 350 hours in it.

  31. 11 months ago

    I'm currently playing through Breakpoint for a second time because the sale made me replay Wildlands on PC for the first time. The stealth in both is really basic. It doesn't even touch the lowest points of the Splinter Cell series. It's fun to clear bases stealthy for a while, but the good part about both games is that you can just go loud if you get bored or get caught.

    The one thing Breakpoint does very well, which was expanded on from Wildlands, is giving the player numerous ways to tackle an objective and forcing them to adapt on the fly to random pattern changes in AI behavior. Doing half of a stealth infiltration into a location, getting caught, going loud, and then having Wolves show up mid fight with drone support is a rollercoaster of tactical changes. It's fun to see what you can overcome.

    Going full autist and clearing every location from stealth is actually boring as shit. Taking risks keeps the game fresh. Sitting on a hill picking guys off from a safe distance or abusing sync shot is lame.

    Then, of course, there's all the things they fricked up in Breakpoint. Wildlands had a fricking awesome deck of cards system. The Buchons were fun to take down and it was fun to get immersed in the admittedly mid plot. Walker is okay, but Sentinel and the Wolves are boring. Then you have the moronic progression system, changes to loadout mechanics, microtransactions, etc.

  32. 11 months ago

    >Assassin's Creed Odyssey makes a shitload of money
    >hey you know we should make all our franchises like that
    >Far Cry New Dawn and Breakpoint got trashed in reviews and bombed
    >Breakpoint had to be patched into being on par with Wildlands and by then it was too little too late
    >Far Cry 6 thankfully scuttled all of it and went back to basics

    A shit game isn't going to help a genre.

  33. 11 months ago

    because most people dont even know you can play this without all of the shitty looter shooter crap now

  34. 11 months ago

    >7/10 experience
    >Decent stealth
    >Lacks decent CQC options
    >No real interaction with the world to really shine
    >Story is steven seagal tier garbage
    >Entire mission structure falls apart right out of the gate
    >Confusing DLC's on top of that mess
    >You are just some solo or small squad doing things

    >Almost ancient at this point
    >STILL blows Breakpoint out of the water on most of it's similarities.

    Breakpoint is okay for some stealthing, but it's a fricking mess at it's core. You also feel so lonely compared to TPP, none of the characters really work with you. It's all just typical ubisoft busy work.
    Characters are just there for shitty cinematics and drop in and out so fast they'll make you go ''literally who'' everytime they mention a name. In TPP you had mother base helping you literally every second of the way, which really helps selling the whole
    ''tactical espionage action'', which Ghost Recon really should be aiming for.

  35. 11 months ago

    played a couple of free weekends and it's basically a dumbed down mgs V. map has more variety than mgs and at moments it can get very intense and atmospheric but it never reaches the same heights. the state at which it was released pissed people off so that's probably the reason why it never became popular among stealth fans.

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