Why didn't she just leave Night City?

Why didn't she just leave Night City?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Why can't you marry Hanako?

    • 7 months ago

      Would be peak to go corpo V and seduce Hanako
      Question is, straight, lesbian or bi?
      And who do you had to the husbandos to equalize the situation?

      • 7 months ago

        Straight of course.

        • 7 months ago

          lmao those knees

          wonder if it was the ole saburo keeping some things in the family

        • 7 months ago

          >straight of course
          Nah, bisexual would be best.

          • 7 months ago

            Gays are not real.

    • 7 months ago

      >Hanako Arasaka is 78 YEARS OLD!

      • 7 months ago

        Literally built for consensual hand holding and cuddling.

      • 7 months ago

        Gays are not real.

        A porcelain vegana seems incredibly unpleasant to try to actually frick

        • 7 months ago

          Is this canon?

          • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        >78 years old
        guarantee that her important bits are at most last year's model

      • 7 months ago

        girl still got it

      • 7 months ago

        I wonder why Rogue chooses to look old but both Kerry and Hanako (and other people their age) look way younger.
        Not as if Rogue doesn't have the scratch to pay for it like the others so it's entirely a choise.

        • 7 months ago

          They all look about half their actual age. Rogue sure as shit doesn't look like a 70+ year old woman.

          • 7 months ago

            She looks about 40ish, 50ish at most.

            maybe this is giving 2077 too much credit but I feel like that's due to the implied tension or even shame Rogue feels about how she's changed over the years. she hints at this a lot in her dialogue and admits it outright during the movie date with Johnny, if you do that. she seems to have some regret about who she is in the present compared to who she once was. again, maybe this is giving them too much credit, but possibly she doesn't want to look like her old self for that reason

            probably has something to do with her guilt, but then again it could be just for the intimidation factor

            I'd give them that

            Rogue is marginally older and anti-aging tech isn't magic; see Saburo Arasaka being a 158-year-old man who doesn't look a day over 90

            She's as old as Kerry and looks way older.

            • 7 months ago

              Maybe because women age like shit and men don't

            • 7 months ago

              Kerry is a pop star who is far more invested in his appearance

        • 7 months ago

          maybe this is giving 2077 too much credit but I feel like that's due to the implied tension or even shame Rogue feels about how she's changed over the years. she hints at this a lot in her dialogue and admits it outright during the movie date with Johnny, if you do that. she seems to have some regret about who she is in the present compared to who she once was. again, maybe this is giving them too much credit, but possibly she doesn't want to look like her old self for that reason

        • 7 months ago

          Rogue is marginally older and anti-aging tech isn't magic; see Saburo Arasaka being a 158-year-old man who doesn't look a day over 90

        • 7 months ago

          probably has something to do with her guilt, but then again it could be just for the intimidation factor

  2. 7 months ago

    What do they call Night city during the day?

    • 7 months ago

      Asking the real questions

      • 7 months ago

        I don't know, that seems like a mouthful

    • 7 months ago

      Night City is named after a man by the name of Richard Night who started its construction but eventually got whacked by criminal elements for not kowtowing to them. So its not named after the time of day but rather a person, like St. Petersburg.

  3. 7 months ago

    I guess you could say it was the weather.

  4. 7 months ago

    she was impulsive and incautious. she seemed like a character who was really bright in some ways, but foolish in others. then again, with 2077 I never really know where the line is between intentional ambiguity and poor writing. for instance, what even was her plan, once she had the relic? what would have been her exact reasoning for returning to the cyber prostitutehouse like nothing ever happened? we don't know, and I think the game doesn't explore it partly because the writers themselves didn't know

  5. 7 months ago

    You guys got high affinity with Johnny and waited five minutes when he asks you how you want to assault Arasaka tower so that you and him could go it alone, right, You got the best ending, right?

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah. After I sent songbird to the moon, of course. I am a Mr. Blue Eyes agent.

  6. 7 months ago

    Cause the rest of the country is equally shitty.

  7. 7 months ago

    Because she's moronic.
    Just went back to whoring at the old gig after her little plan failed like nobody would find out despite all the operators getting capped just for being remotely involved/possible witnesses with the murder.

    Everyone in the game acts like nowhere outside Night City even exists.

    • 7 months ago

      the mexican chick successfully left

    • 7 months ago

      >Everyone in the game acts like nowhere outside Night City even exists.
      Outside of Night City 70% of the American population have suffered horrific deaths from plagues, famines, nuclear warfare, etc.

  8. 7 months ago

    Yes, of course I saved best girl. Why wouldn't I?

    • 7 months ago

      >have to kill Reed
      >just another tally on the betrayals
      The objective good end for So Mi is ending it.

    • 7 months ago

      is the dlc worth it?
      also i cba to play through the whole story again

      • 7 months ago

        it's still cyberpunk 2077, so it's not amazing or flawless, but imo it's the best content in the game. it's like the main game content, just slightly better

      • 7 months ago

        >also i cba to play through the whole story again
        The single best design decision CDPR made was adding a button to "new game" that just dumps you in Pacifica as a level 15 who's just defeated the Voodoo Boys and met Alt

        It skips so much of the repetitive bullshit that you're not gonna want to replay

        • 7 months ago

          hold the frick up i dont have to slog through the arasaki heist act 1 every single fricking time now

        • 7 months ago

          hmm, i might buy it then

        • 7 months ago

          Which jobs does it complete?

          • 7 months ago

            - intro job (Sandra Dorsett)
            - meeting Dex
            - retrieving the Flathead from Maelstrom
            - meeting Evelyn/watching the Konpeki braindance
            - relic heist
            - Jackie's ceremony at the bar

            for that reason a few other things get skipped, and some choices are determined for you. it seems Placide is alive but the Voodoos got fried I think, Meredith didn't find out who the mole was, shit like that. all supremely skippable stuff that matters not at all

            • 7 months ago

              >it seems Placide is alive
              He survives no matter what. I destroyed the shit out of his body and still got the "Watch your back." message from him.

              • 7 months ago

                interesting, I've definitely killed him and not gotten the message. cdprojekt codes unreliably I guess, I'll try to contain my surprise

            • 7 months ago

              Which jobs does it complete?

              It's really the only way to play after you've seen Judy's braindance tutorial and navigating the crawlie bot through Konpeki once

              • 7 months ago

                >Attribute points will be distributed automatically
                Did they basically just bundle in some guy's save file?

              • 7 months ago

                probably not far off, my guess would be that they have some kind of codex that represents game choices (like Deus Ex did) and they just set it up a certain way, apply it, and stick your location in Pacifica. but it's definitely not a save; when you first had the option, there were bugs (surprise!) that treated certain events like they hadn't really happened, which wouldn't have been possible on an actual save that had done the missions

              • 7 months ago

                Frick, I need to buy PL for that? That's the one thing stopping me from doing a new run. The first few hours are so fricking tedious

            • 7 months ago

              >skippable stuff
              I mean depends
              The fact it does Jackie's funeral means it 100% always sends Jackie to his mom, which does skip you out on getting that last little moment with him after you jack into Mikoshi.
              Also which of the Maelstrom leaders survives? Royce or the other one? And I assume anything that can be picked up, is picked up. So Saburo's weapons, the iguana egg, etc.

              • 7 months ago

                And I'd argue the pleasure of getting to frick the Voodoo Boys hard is something that really sucks to skip.

              • 7 months ago

                Royce survives and remains leader of Maelstrom, which I think is more interesting in the long run since you run into Dum Dum again at the Totentanz and he's got more interesting dialogue with Nancy. You can buy all missed weapons at the vendor in the Dogtown stadium, including Saburo's katana and knife. Think the iguana egg is unobtainable (oh well).

                A big gig I forgot about is rescuing Evelyn from the scavs, which is actually not a bad mission. Plenty of combat and it's always fun to waste the scavs, especially those in particular. other than that, it's all content that's a relief to avoid replaying

              • 7 months ago

                Personally missing the Pacifica storyline is a big thing for me. But other than that, none of the skipped stuff is a deal breaker.
                And losing the iguana egg sucks. I couldn't bloody find it the first (and only) run I've done so far, so I only bothered to grab it way late into the save file and the iguana hasn't hatched yet.
                Really the big thing is mostly that the skip seems to make too many similar choices to my only run so far and it'd be too similar in some ways.

      • 7 months ago

        >is the dlc worth it
        I initially thought PL was taking what made the base game fun and compacting it into a little self contained zone (Dogtown) which looks radically different than the rest of Night City, but halfway through it lost that allure
        >main missions are shallow, writing feels very detached from the core game, feels like it's just rehashing from the existing game
        >side jobs are very one and done in comparison to a lot of the base game's side content spanning across several jobs to tell its story
        >get taken through a lot of interesting parts of Dogtown in the very beginning only to never to return to them again naturally

      • 7 months ago

        felt like they were experienced enough and comfortable after making the main game, dlc has better pacing, writing & set-pieces

    • 7 months ago

      >So Mi betrays you to the very end
      >The glowies don't do anything until you betray them first
      >So Mi never holds up her end of the bargain
      >The glowies actually hold up their end of the bargain
      I will never understand CDPRs story direction. They clearly want me to side with people like So Mi, Panam, Judy, and all these other girls but then they just write them betraying you constantly, causing stupid problems, nearly getting you killed multiple times, and ghosting you at the drop of a hat.
      At least Panam is slightly better than the rest of the women CDPR kept pushing you to help. The Nomads are the only group in the base game that holds up their end of the bargain as well.
      Even Johnny Silverhand ends up following through on everything even if he hates you.

      • 7 months ago

        >Panam or Judy
        >betraying you
        Unless you mean in the Tower ending which is just shit on all fronts.

      • 7 months ago

        >they wrote real women

        Shocking isnt it. Most women are like this.

        • 7 months ago

          No, they aren't. But CDPR sure as shit expects gamers to want to simp for women who don't deserve it. It's not just Cyberpunk. It's all their games.

      • 7 months ago

        Rogue and everyone around her never shut the frick up about what a heartless treacherous b***h she is and she comes through for you with complete reliability 100% of the time
        If you take her to Arasaka she suicide bombs Adam Smasher for you
        If you go into the coma in Phantom Liberty she adopts your fricking cat

        • 7 months ago

          she made a deal with arasaka so that she would stay alive while everyone else got hunted down like vermin. it would be one thing to get fed up with johnny and stop helping him. it's another to put the dagger in his back

          • 7 months ago

            The deal was after Johnny died.

          • 7 months ago

            >she made a deal with arasaka
            Worse. She made a deal with Adam Smasher. He gets to frick her and have any info he wants and in return he stops Arasaka from killing her. I think it was also implied she had Adam Smasher's kid.

            • 7 months ago

              Nah, her kid from the tabletop is a hispanic dude

  9. 7 months ago

    you can check out any time you like
    but you can never leave

  10. 7 months ago

    It was clear from the start that she would've double crossed you if the heist was a success. The same way she wanted to screw that fat Black person Dex.
    Frick this prostitute. She deserved it.

  11. 7 months ago

    How the frick do I make a stealth netrunner viable again? This tracing stuff is bullshit.

    • 7 months ago

      There's a hack that stops trace. I think it's sonic shock
      There's also others that slow trace progress considerably. Just read the descriptions in-game

      • 7 months ago

        Sonic shock and system collapse are both untraceable and make anything after them untraceable
        it's just that system collapse is literally a one hack kill so you don't need to put anything after it.
        It's one of my favorite ones
        >going through that one DLC gig with the bumbling cops
        >they pry the door open and instantly flee to the side because there's a guard right outside
        >instantly system collapse the guard without even ducking or drawing a weapon, fast enough the guard doesn't detect me even as V is standing there.
        I can just imagine this play out in an actual tv show or cutscene.

        • 7 months ago

          yeah hacks are movie worthy as frick
          >walk near a group of thugs
          >they start talking shit to me
          >give them a single glance, blood beginning to drip from my nose from overclocking
          >hear "he's a netrunner!" behind my back followed by three gunshots
          kino. moments like this is why despite game being terrible i still loved it

    • 7 months ago

      Kill the guy who the trace runs through. Also, take control of the cameras to avoid uploads through them. There is also a perk that if you upload a hack to the hacker on the other end, it spreads to all enemies on the network. This includes suicide.

  12. 7 months ago

    Because this game was written by 90 IQ diversity hire women who have never written in their lives

  13. 7 months ago

    Same reason millennials can’t afford homes. She didn’t want to move away from posh bars and restaurants.

  14. 7 months ago

    You don't really get a sense of it in the game but I get the feeling Night City is supposed to be vast and incredibly densely populated so the plan of just keep a low profile and you'll never be found is supposed to be a reasonable one. Also, she was a foolish and self-assured person so she probably figured nobody even knew she had anything to do with it apart from V who was also going to just vanish if he had any sense.

  15. 7 months ago

    In the cyberpunk world. Night city is actually one of the best places to live. Most other places on the planet are Worse, or wasteland after several word wars. Night City is one of the places people choose to be or try to get to. But its also hard to get into these cities without being shot at the borders.

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