Why do boomers hate this game? >fun gameplay. >beautiful graphics for a 3DS game

Why do boomers hate this game?
>fun gameplay
>beautiful graphics for a 3DS game
>hilarious writing and quick witted snappy dialogue
>gorgeous music
overall a lot of fun stuff in here

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  1. 11 months ago

    Battles are meaningless since you can run away from everything with no longterm repercussions. That’s horrible game design for a jrpg.

    • 11 months ago

      Even that would be tolerable, but you're actively worse off for engaging in any skippable battle because the coins/stickers they drop literally cannot make up for the ones you use to with the fight. The core gameplay is actively punished.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes. It's fundamentally flawed.

      What's mind boggling is not only did SS do this, both CS and TOK have the exact same issues. Three games in a row where there IS LITERALLY NO POINT TO BATTLING. What a fricking awful series Paper Mario became

    • 11 months ago

      there is literally nothing wrong with this

      • 11 months ago

        You're so right, sis. I HATE gameplay. Paper Mario games SHOULD be turned into walking simulators.

  2. 11 months ago

    this is the part when Origami Cucks come in and pretend their mediocre dumpster fire is on the level of the first three games

    • 11 months ago

      don't put spm on the level of the first two

      • 11 months ago

        SPM is saved only by its amazing story and characters

        • 11 months ago

          >SPM characters
          Yeah I love weird pixel picasso shit that doesn't look like its from Mario at all, homosexual. TTYD had the right balance of characters that seemed different enough while still being Mario-esque.

          • 11 months ago

            I dunno you tell me

            Yeah I love knockoff Starlow, which is even more useless and annoying

            • 11 months ago

              >dream team

              • 11 months ago

                yeah, the series went to shit with BiS

              • 11 months ago

                It's a noticeable downgrade to the first game. See, Mario and Luigi got something right that almost every single JRPG in existence messes up. Gif related sums it up neatly.

                >special attack is quick, to the point, and requires player interaction

                Compare that to some stupid cinematic cutscene summon from Final Fantasy, or a 30 second cinematic attack from Xenoblade. no interaction, the player barely even has to do anything, it's just a movie that plays out. Mario wasn't having that, he demanded that you play a part in the action. If you messed up a bros attack, you didn't get to do more damage. Every Mario and Luigi game past this decided to turn the special attacks into bigger and bigger boring spectacles. Yeah, you were still interacting with them, but it felt less impactful. The game was just wasting your time with watching Mario stuff Luigi's face with cake for 5 minutes, and then roll him over the enemy.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah I never got why they removed the Bros Moves when they were perfect jrpg mechanics

              • 11 months ago

                And to make it easier, you could slow it down to learn when to attack. Once you got the timing down, doing those attacks were satisfying as frick, especially Copter Bros. I swear you did more damage if you did it at the normal speed.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes. Normal speed adds more damage, and doing it without the button prompts does max possible damage. You usually didn't NEED to do that, but it helps for low level runs

              • 11 months ago

                I figured as much. Even when you botched a move, you still did damage. So much depth went into the first game. Example, I noticed some of the areas where the bean fruit was located, but I didn't know that Mario could detect them when you smashed him down to size, I just saw some particular areas where the environment stood out. Stuff like that made the game for me.

              • 11 months ago

                The system wasn't some end all be all, it was a cute way to pump a little more strategy into attacking, I think the golden part of M&L was making defense active. An RPG where you can genuinely expect to not get hit if you're good enough, whether it's purely through the turn-based part of the game or some gimmick, is always nice to see. On the other hand, damage optimization through action commands feels a little flat.

              • 11 months ago

                Personally I prefer Paper Mario's method of defense. You'll always take damage, but you can cleverly minimize it if you understand badge setups and buffs and timed hits.

              • 11 months ago

                Games where your options are shit like:
                >defense spell (costs the same MP as basic healing but blocks an amount of damage equivalent to less healing)
                >defense maneuver (wastes the offensive potential of your turn on protecting an ally you can't even guarantee will take damage)
                >heal (restore health to undo damage... in exchange for a resource even rarer than health if you don't have access to full heals)
                >just kill them faster lol
                Those I just find insufferable. Paper Mario is a step up. Ironically I'm not a big fan of stuff like press turn either; I can't keep the enemy stunlocked, I just make them take a bit more damage and take a few more turns for myself.
                there's exactly one purely turn-based game I've ever played that I was completely satisfied with the gameplay of.

              • 11 months ago

                It's a babygame where you can facetank everything anyway. It's a real shock going over to Mario & Luigi series where if you get hit like twice you fricking die.

              • 11 months ago

                Too bad only the first 2 mario and luigi games were good

              • 11 months ago

                Partner is time is up there with sticker star as the worst mario RPG of all time.

                You didn't include 64 in that comment, so I'll bring it up for you friend 🙂
                64 and ttyd are both really great games

                I think 64 is bad.

              • 11 months ago

                no serious person can think that 64 is bad while saying ttyd is good. The inverse is also true

              • 11 months ago

                64 plays it too safe to be interesting, TTYD wins me over with all the sex and violence. I can't think of one stand-out moment in 64 aside from maybe whacking whacka while I can think of 20 in TTYD and 30 in TOK.

            • 11 months ago

              What've you got against Triple Deluxe?

            • 11 months ago

              I will defend Uprising, Dream Team, 3DS Smash, and Triple Deluxe
              and NSMB2

              • 11 months ago

                I still cannot understand why they didn't make NSMB2 a Wario game, or at least have him and Waluigi playable.

            • 11 months ago

              It's a way better game than current mh but world ruined the series, not 4u. Generations was great and that was after

              Peak contrarianism. Conquest has better gameplay than any kaga trash you probably pretend to like and 3 houses was a pretty good game

              • 11 months ago

                >Gens was great
                lmao you started on the 3ds
                >world ruined the series, not 4u
                yep, you started on the 3ds

              • 11 months ago

                I actually started with mh 1 and took almost a full month as a moronic 14 year old to beat rathalos
                I have likely been playing mh longer than you have been alive based on your homosexual zoomer mannerisms
                Gen was great, styles and arts were fun and mixed up the gameplay without completely breaking it, same with 4us mounting. Also gen has the most content of any mh game by a country mile, as well as letting you revist classic villages (which was a nice little touch)
                Worlds scout flies, shit maps, slap on weapon designs, clutch claw, piss easy slow monsters, sos ruining online lobbies, and general appeal to western normalhomosexuals ruined the series far more than anything done in any other game
                I'm not sure why you have such a massive hate boner for the 3ds specifically, but it does reek of consolewar homosexuality

              • 11 months ago

                >I actually started with mh1
                lmao classic
                I started at the prealpha too, get outta here newbie

              • 11 months ago

                It's a way better game than current mh but world ruined the series, not 4u. Generations was great and that was after

                Peak contrarianism. Conquest has better gameplay than any kaga trash you probably pretend to like and 3 houses was a pretty good game

                >literally uses game theory dude image
                >acts like he's older than anyone else

              • 11 months ago

                don't post him pls

            • 11 months ago

              Half these games are good/great. What the frick is this autistic image?

            • 11 months ago

              Most of these series died during the Wii/DS generation. Once Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 came out, Nintendo started to fall off except for The Legend of Zelda really. It was mostly people wanting to play Nintendo games like when they were younger. There were newer ones, but they never quite measured up to the older ones. I'm being a bit hyperbolic, but Nintendo did hit a slump. Mario Kart, Super Smash, Pokemon, and The Legend of Zelda were the main games anyone gave a shit about. People mostly played the old ones. Traditional Mario style games fell off and the Pokemon fad died down.

              • 11 months ago

                >Once Halo 3 and Cod came out, Nintendo started to fall off
                >Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Brawl

              • 11 months ago

                It was niche. It wasn't unpopular, btw i said i was being a bit hyperbolic, but by the late 2000s, it was a common theme to hear Nintendo being criticized for being for little kids and lacking more diverse games besides the cartoon stuff. If the Wii hadn't been the Wii, then it would have been a lot more niche. It's not surprising at all that The Legend of Zelda was the one that became more relevant in the 2010s.

              • 11 months ago

                so what was the 3ds excuse to have dogshit entries for every franchise when the switch has atleast decent tier games?

              • 11 months ago

                Idk, but It was released at a shitty time though. March of 2011. A year and a couple months after MW2 and during the massive rise in phone/tablet games.

          • 11 months ago

            Oh yeah bro cause Shadow Queen and XNauts look like Mario
            homosexual ass Gohan, get your ass rocked

            • 11 months ago

              no man the classic FUZZY and CLUBBA and STAR FOLK that existed SINCE FOREVER in the MARIO series

          • 11 months ago

            >that doesn't look like its from Mario at all
            Did you shit yourself in fury and rape your mother over Super Mario Bros. 2?

          • 11 months ago

            Cringe JOBhan.

            Oh yeah bro cause Shadow Queen and XNauts look like Mario
            homosexual ass Gohan, get your ass rocked

            Based Super CHADuu.

        • 11 months ago

          i don't get why people hate puzzle platforming. it's just as good if not better than turn based battles

        • 11 months ago

          Bottom right its the nose sus

      • 11 months ago

        >fun gameplay
        that's a lie and you know it
        >beautiful graphics for a 3DS game
        >gorgeous music
        nah most of the ost is lame aside from most of the boss themes
        everyone knows tower power pokey and glooper blooper
        and even then even if the ost was overall great they fricked up the sound test you have to flip though every song to get to the one you want
        Kirby's dreamland has a working sound test since 1992
        people have talked about the gameplay already so ill leave that alone

        nah it deserves to be in the good games
        great story and if the gameplay was like ttyd it would have been widely regarded as better then ttyd and a better end to the trilogy

        >Kersti is one of the most unlikable and worthless companions in the series.
        >You are actively insulted by her for not one-shotting bosses with Thing stickers, the only difficult fights in the game at all.
        >Thing stickers are required to even damage the Cheep Cheep or Blooper, forgot which, so if you didn't take two or more it's an impossible fight if I remember right.
        >In order to get Thing stickers without running to the real object repeatedly you have to spend ridiculous amounts of money at the printer for copies.
        >Game balance makes no sense because world 3 to 4 introduces shiny stickers as commonplace but 4 to 5 gets rid of them appearing at all, and you barely find any on the way to Bowser.
        >There is absolutely no reason to fight any enemy as there is no EXP gained for doing it and you will always gain significantly less or worse stickers than you had to input into the battle and a worthless amount of coins leading to them being something you intentionally and actively avoid.
        >One of the flag achievements requires a disgusting amount of coins on hand at the same time so if you bought any stickers at all, haha, enjoy the grind.
        >Can only gain HP upgrades from exploring.
        >Virtually all npcs in the game are Toads in different colors.
        >Virtually all the enemies are just normal Mario enemies instead of anything unique like every previous Paper Mario game.
        >The vast majority of the areas feel generic and lacking in any reason to explore them.
        >Even managed to make the Boo house boring.
        >World 5 feels like it's mean to be world 1.

        ffr like i have so much hate for kersti
        i legit tried to finished the fight without her so i could have sold her at toads shop but i couldn't

        Why no ones talk about paper jam?

        its ass
        ironically the middle ground between the good paper mario games and the bad ones better then origami king but worse then 64

        but as a mario and luigi game its the worst one no question

      • 11 months ago

        Super Paper Mario is the best one. I’m now leaving the thread.

    • 11 months ago

      Because it should have been called Paper Toad.

      >first three
      There were only 2 though. Shame we never got a 3rd.

    • 11 months ago

      It is though, more than Super
      Stop pretending you like Super

      • 11 months ago

        >good story
        >fun gimmick
        >great writing
        >mediocre gameplay
        >generic story
        >bad gimmick
        >mediocre writing
        >mediocre gameplay


    • 11 months ago

      Cope and Seethe
      The truth of the matter is that Paper Mario is objectively in a much better state than it was during Super's time and the next game is guaranteed to be kino just by using ToK's qualities alone

      • 11 months ago

        I wouldn't call Sticker Star 3 an improvement over Super. And this is coming from someone who has no inclination to play Super ever again.

    • 11 months ago

      Was surprised by the area variety in this one, at least. First world is pretty tame but the second world being a shinobi amusement park was cool. The areas and fights in TTYD were still a lot better, and super had better dialogue, and the original is good for all of the above. Still a good game, probably like a 7.5/10 idk.

    • 11 months ago

      You're one to talk, SPM cuck.

  3. 11 months ago

    it's lack of originality and original characters and the combt system altough not it's not the worst the one in previous games was way more indept and refined, it shouldn't be as hated as it is but it's by no means a masterpiece or a very good game even, just a somewhat fun game, right in the line between mediocre and good separate each other

    • 11 months ago

      >it shouldn't be as hated as it is
      it deserves every bit of hate it gets
      for absolutely no reason at all they took out everything that everyone liked about the first two games and didn't even make a decent game to boot

  4. 11 months ago

    This was honestly my favorite portable paper mario game. I mean I'd rather have this over some weird puzzle rpg shit

    • 11 months ago

      B-but it's the only portable paper mario....

      • 11 months ago

        You forget that the switch is a tablet that acts like a home console

  5. 11 months ago

    >Fun gameplay
    Fights were trivial and pointless. Even bosses were trivialised with their counter stickers. WIthout them they can become downright possible though, even if you go in with a decent set of stickers cause you can only use a limited number until you can't do anything anymore.
    The writing is also pretty unmemorable. Previous games had some weird shit that stuck in people's minds, but Sticker Star is just a whole lot of nothing over paper and sticker.

    On top of that, it's a game of a serious that did much better already.

  6. 11 months ago

    >fun gameplay
    As a literal zoomer that played this as a kid, frick no. This game is the primary reason I still haven't bothered touching any of the other PM games because it was so fricking boring and annoying.
    The disco boo part was funny, though, and that's the only praise I'll ever give it.

    • 11 months ago

      >judging the other amazing pal-
      Sorry hold on
      >judging the first two amazing Paper Mario games off of this dumpster fire
      64 and TTYD are legitimately amazing. SPM is mediocre with a good story. Everyone hates this and the other ones

      • 11 months ago

        I'm not judging them off it, but when you start a series with dogshit it becomes hard to work up the motivation to play a different entry

        • 11 months ago

          >fun gameplay
          SS has genuinely awful gameplay. The battle system is poorly thought out and underdesigned, and the overworld "puzzles" are frustrating tedium.
          >beautiful graphics for a 3DS game
          Dream Team is down the hall, anon.
          >hilarious writing and quick witted snappy dialogue
          Wasn't this the game where characters regularly acknowledged being made of paper? Frick your own ass.
          >gorgeous music
          Not awful music but largely just forgettable jazz shit that feels like rejected cuts from Mario Kart 8 recording sessions. CS has the actually good music.

          Anon, the first two are so many leagues above the 2010s-onward games that it's basically a different series. Treat it that way, especially since PM64 wasn't even called "Paper Mario" in Japan but rather "Mario Story".

  7. 11 months ago

    Color Splash > OK >SS

  8. 11 months ago

    I wasn't fond of the sticker gimmick.

  9. 11 months ago

    I'm home....

  10. 11 months ago

    I agree with graphics and music. Everything else is bs

  11. 11 months ago

    >Kersti is one of the most unlikable and worthless companions in the series.
    >You are actively insulted by her for not one-shotting bosses with Thing stickers, the only difficult fights in the game at all.
    >Thing stickers are required to even damage the Cheep Cheep or Blooper, forgot which, so if you didn't take two or more it's an impossible fight if I remember right.
    >In order to get Thing stickers without running to the real object repeatedly you have to spend ridiculous amounts of money at the printer for copies.
    >Game balance makes no sense because world 3 to 4 introduces shiny stickers as commonplace but 4 to 5 gets rid of them appearing at all, and you barely find any on the way to Bowser.
    >There is absolutely no reason to fight any enemy as there is no EXP gained for doing it and you will always gain significantly less or worse stickers than you had to input into the battle and a worthless amount of coins leading to them being something you intentionally and actively avoid.
    >One of the flag achievements requires a disgusting amount of coins on hand at the same time so if you bought any stickers at all, haha, enjoy the grind.
    >Can only gain HP upgrades from exploring.
    >Virtually all NPCs in the game are Toads in different colors.
    >Virtually all the enemies are just normal Mario enemies instead of anything unique like every previous Paper Mario game.
    >The vast majority of the areas feel generic and lacking in any reason to explore them.
    >Even managed to make the Boo house boring.
    >World 5 feels like it's mean to be world 1.

    • 11 months ago

      I don't even remember world 5
      >ice mountains

      • 11 months ago

        It was the jungle world that was basically the grass world but with more water and more spear enemies.

    • 11 months ago

      >>You are actively insulted by her for not one-shotting bosses with Thing stickers, the only difficult fights in the game at all.
      Lets add to this that some are actually impossible if you didn't use the sticker and then punished with a near instakill attack.
      I learned that the hard way with the giant pokey

    • 11 months ago

      >You are actively insulted by her for not one-shotting bosses with Thing stickers, the only difficult fights in the game at all

      She insults you even if you do use the Thing stickers to insta-finish the fight.

      • 11 months ago

        You're given an extra insult for "Using too many stickers in a fight." She also tells you to plan stuff out better or something like that.

  12. 11 months ago

    Nice try revisionist moron. Just because you grew up with it doesn't mean it is good and you will forever be laughed at for liking this shit. Different =/= good

  13. 11 months ago

    >lol what's that?
    >you didn't bring that ONE obscure thing sticker in your inventory to this battle and use it EXACTLY at this one particular time?
    >lmao better run away and restart the battle!
    And then when you DO bring the appropriate Thing sticker, the battle turns into a joke. RPG battles should not be this restrictive ESPECIALLY with one time use items that you have to go back and re-collect.

    Meanwhile, in PM and TTYD, players are free and encouraged to try many different badge/partner set-ups for different battles.

  14. 11 months ago

    this was my first Paper Mario as a zoomzoom kid
    i will never play another one

  15. 11 months ago

    it completely destroyed everything that people liked about the series. It was so bad that it retroactively made spm seem good even though it destroyed half of what people liked about the series

  16. 11 months ago

    new paper mario mod has arrived

    • 11 months ago

      We've hit maximum kino. Trying this right now.

    • 11 months ago

      >10 hours ago
      Holy shit, I didn't expect this for another year.
      An absolute triumph in modding.

    • 11 months ago

      >Was expecting bullshit
      >Got the exact opposite
      This is what I wanted for Ocarina of Time modding once the PC Port got off the ground. Good to see someone do this with PM. I might even take a whack at it.

    • 11 months ago

      Goddamn I thought it'd be some dumb cosmetic mod with some changes. Gonna give this a spin soon.

  17. 11 months ago

    >fun gameplay

  18. 11 months ago

    >Why do boomers hate this game?
    Because it sucks.

  19. 11 months ago

    Chuggaa's been showing just how garbage this game is with a very in-depth series. Hope he gets back to it soon, he left it hanging at the end of World 3.

    • 11 months ago

      Last SS upload was 6 months ago too rip

      • 11 months ago

        Really wish he'd get over his cat already, I know a pet death is a sad thing but there comes a time you need to stop sobbing and get back to living.

        • 11 months ago

          Oh I didn't know that was why he was taking so long with Sticker Star. That's a shame. Pets are like family so he probably won't get back to SS for a while

          • 11 months ago

            SS was put on hold because of the other stuff he's doing on his channel and Runaway Guys. Kirby passed away over a month ago and he hasn't uploaded anything since, saying on his twitter and channel that he just can't focus or concentrate right now because of it.

            • 11 months ago

              He got back to recording recently but his throat is fricked.

              The SS series is great for a first time attempt at essayhomosexualry. Nu-Paper Mario is shite and deserves all the lambasting it can get online.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't much care for Chugga and his seemingly weird bone to pick with the other Mario RPGs, but I will appreciate that he won't stand to let zoomers change the narrative about SS by going over everything wrong with it and by extension everything after.

  20. 11 months ago

    Its a shit game, millenials hate it, boomers hate it, zoomers are literally the only people who like it and that's just because they grew up with it and had no other option

  21. 11 months ago

    >why do boomers hate this game
    boomers don't even play video games
    what the frick are you on about
    what kind of boomer even owns a 3ds

  22. 11 months ago

    Frick your thread, just post some sexy orbs like you wanted from the start.

  23. 11 months ago

    >Why does X not like thing?
    Why is every fricking post about what other things?
    Why don't you guys ever post about what youactually like and say why you like it?

    • 11 months ago

      Twitter.com may be more to your liking

  24. 11 months ago

    The only thing I’ll agree with you on is the music. I don’t like the overemphasis on the paper art style since it made the entire world feel lifeless.
    >fun gameplay
    What the FRICK are you on?
    >Oh boy, I sure do like wandering in these boring-ass levels to look for the shiny thing without engaging with enemies because you have limited attacks

  25. 11 months ago

    It's not great, but each game since it's been a steady improvement, to the point Color Splash is probably 4th best and Origami King's probably my favorite in the series.

    I was a lot more forgiving to it because I fricking hated SPM and it immediately changed the gameplay to something I liked more, trimmed the story down from wordswordswords, and put more focus on it being a Mario setting made of paper instead of making those side content to a cast of OCs.

  26. 11 months ago

    Did people really softlock themselves or something? I fought most enemies in my way when I played, it's not like it's RE1 or 2 with resources.

    • 11 months ago

      So you prefer wasting your time?

    • 11 months ago

      It’s not so much you don’t have enough resources but you get jack shit for winning battles besides coins.

      • 11 months ago

        This and it's trial and error with the Things and if you get it wrong you lose the Thing sticker and have to go back to where you originally got it to get another one.

  27. 11 months ago

    im not a boomer, but if even my 13 year old self thought this game was boring as frick then theres something wrong with it

  28. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      But by replying you took the bait

  29. 11 months ago

    Go back to work Shigeru

  30. 11 months ago

    The extreme hate is weird. It's at least more enjoyable than Super Paper Mario and Partners in Time. Is the formula in TTYD better? Absolutely.

  31. 11 months ago

    Why no ones talk about paper jam?

    • 11 months ago

      By crossing over with modern Paper Mario AlphaDream was contractually obligated to make the game boring and same-y so no one cares too much about it

    • 11 months ago

      >fun gameplay
      that's a lie and you know it
      >beautiful graphics for a 3DS game
      >gorgeous music
      nah most of the ost is lame aside from most of the boss themes
      everyone knows tower power pokey and glooper blooper
      and even then even if the ost was overall great they fricked up the sound test you have to flip though every song to get to the one you want
      Kirby's dreamland has a working sound test since 1992
      people have talked about the gameplay already so ill leave that alone

      nah it deserves to be in the good games
      great story and if the gameplay was like ttyd it would have been widely regarded as better then ttyd and a better end to the trilogy
      ffr like i have so much hate for kersti
      i legit tried to finished the fight without her so i could have sold her at toads shop but i couldn't
      its ass
      ironically the middle ground between the good paper mario games and the bad ones better then origami king but worse then 64

      but as a mario and luigi game its the worst one no question

      Paper Jam isn't a bad game at all, but the talk has just been Paper Mario gays seething at not being about Fawful and Dimentio jerking each other off.
      The game works on it's own because M&L never had a basic standard game so making it this crossover worked in a way.

      Also, Alphadream blatantly stated that they wanted the story to be a lot better but the ideas they had were becoming a giant fricking cluster of dogshit that they were forced to play it safe.

      • 11 months ago

        >Paper Jam was going to have a bizarre story between crossing both worlds
        >"we had to simplify it because it was very muddled"
        I'm trying to read in between the lines here. My guess is they presented the first draft to Nintendo who told them they couldn't do any of that creative shit with PM due to him being held on a tight Rein so they had to keep cutting away stuff until they came out with a NSMB type story?

        • 11 months ago

          No you fricking moron, Nintendo had zero input, at best Miyamoto suggests they have a dash to let all 3 move easier.
          They didn't like the plot they tried to do, trying to make a collab story was flawed from the start.

          • 11 months ago

            >No you moron Nintendo had no input on the property they owned on this company that they owned. At most, Nintendo just-
            lol. What's it like? Accepting everything a company tells you as the 100% truth? Must be nice being so dim

    • 11 months ago

      Paper Jam came out in a time where people really hated what Nintendo was doing in the Wii U era, so people got mad at sticker star related stuff and when people suddenly hated the M&L series out of fricking nowhere despite Dream Team being an amazing game.

      The game is generally good, gameplay is very good, gets rid of the random bloat and a lot of Mario characters get their chance to shine.

      >fun gameplay
      that's a lie and you know it
      >beautiful graphics for a 3DS game
      >gorgeous music
      nah most of the ost is lame aside from most of the boss themes
      everyone knows tower power pokey and glooper blooper
      and even then even if the ost was overall great they fricked up the sound test you have to flip though every song to get to the one you want
      Kirby's dreamland has a working sound test since 1992
      people have talked about the gameplay already so ill leave that alone

      nah it deserves to be in the good games
      great story and if the gameplay was like ttyd it would have been widely regarded as better then ttyd and a better end to the trilogy
      ffr like i have so much hate for kersti
      i legit tried to finished the fight without her so i could have sold her at toads shop but i couldn't
      its ass
      ironically the middle ground between the good paper mario games and the bad ones better then origami king but worse then 64

      but as a mario and luigi game its the worst one no question

      No I disagree, the worst is still Partners in Time and I say this as someone who loves the Shroobs and find them as the best threats in any Mario game.
      M&L has no bad games, at worst PiT is just a weak but still great game

      • 11 months ago

        >Dream Team being an amazing game
        the entire game is a tutorial. unironically worst game i've played in my life

  32. 11 months ago

    I'll be generous and say this about Sticker Star
    It's combat was quick and snappy
    The 3D Effect is probably one of the best the 3DS has to offer
    This game released in an era where Nintendo handholded fricking everything and yet the entire premise of this game was throwing you out to figure out the most convoluted shit in the world with zero help.

  33. 11 months ago

    >Classic gays suddenly bring up Origami King
    The fact that this game is still making you seethe because a lot of people like it just shows that IT IS deserving of it's respect.

    CS is already forgotten and SS is forever remembered as the disaster but ToK's entire legacy is making classic gays upset by the amount of peole supporting it.

    • 11 months ago

      Because most TOKgay are Switch kiddies who have never played any other Paper Mario in their life.

  34. 11 months ago

    >Why do you like Super?
    >Because of the story and Count bleck
    >Anything else
    >No, I hate everything else

    >Why do you like Origami King?
    >Atmosphere is awesome, music is awesome, characters are great
    >Anything else?
    >The Overworld was great, i didn't like the ring system but the bosses were fun, world feels alive

    Check mate super chuds

    • 11 months ago

      >Why do you like super
      >it's a fun spinoff of Paper Mario
      >Why do you hate Sticker Star 3?
      >It keeps ruining the Paper Mario games instead of being something else
      Checkmate, 3ds troony

    • 11 months ago

      >Why do you like Super
      >The story was fun, I enjoyed the atmosphere in the second half, I thought the gimmick was neat but not really fleshed out. The worlds were fun to explore and overall I enjoyed it.

      >Why do you like Origami King
      >I don't. The writing is still full of "WE'RE MADE OF PAPER!" memes, the battle system is horrendous for an RPG, the story is generic, the characters were forgettable outside of the Bob Omb.
      >But you liked the music yeah!?
      >UH I guess? I mean I don't go back and listen to it or anything. Good music is such a low bar I video games anyway, it's easier to mention what games don't have good music

    • 11 months ago

      >What do you like about paper mario
      >I like the fights and the partners
      >Did they fix the combat?
      >The wat?

  35. 11 months ago

    Shut the frick up and listen to the only real agreement of Paper Mario comparisons

    • 11 months ago

      I will never understand how you can rate tok so highly. It's like a zelda game for toddlers instead of teenagers but with a shitty combat system tacked on
      >b-but muh bosses
      are fun to fight exactly once

      spm is also half bad, but that's already been beat to death

    • 11 months ago

      The (barely) OK is B at max
      just because it isn't complete dogshit like Sticker star 1, Sticker Star 2 and...
      Nah it's shit

      • 11 months ago

        Always remember, Anon. Real Sticker Star has never been tried.

        • 11 months ago

          My only hope is that Tanabe sees TOK as "finally getting Sticker Star right" and fricking leaves the series. The new games feel like that "real communism has never been tried" joke where they just kept repackaging the same shit ideas differently.

          You literally beat me to it

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah no
      here you go TOK homosexual

    • 11 months ago

      put origami king in c where it belongs.

  36. 11 months ago

    Even if you do like Super's gameplay, the bosses are really pathetic and can be cheesed, you can't cheese anything in Origami King, toads can't help you in the difficult battles cause then you're doing nothing but wasting coins and they don't help during bosses, a lot of people are upset because they refuse to learn the fricking puzzles, you have only yourself to blame.

  37. 11 months ago

    stopped playing right there. Take your buzzwords back to

  38. 11 months ago

    I still vividly remember being in High School downloading Sticker Star from the eshop because I was so excited to have a new Paper Mario game.
    And then the increasing slow disappointment when I realized what I just wasted money on

  39. 11 months ago

    Sticker Star has quite possibly the worst battle system I've ever seen in a JRPG outside of Lunar Dragon Song. I would actually enjoy the game more if they just cut combat entirely and turned it into a pure adventure game.

    • 11 months ago

      Meh, Chrono Trigger's combat was also pretty fricking garbage but for different reasons
      mostly because it was mindless easy and the few mechanics it had were wasted because you literally never needed to use them
      piss easy game with virtually no way to lose

  40. 11 months ago

    the funniest part is you can auto the ring shit

    • 11 months ago

      >buy time
      lmao wtf is this garbage

  41. 11 months ago

    At this point just turn Paper Mario into a point and click adventure game if it means finally being free from this half-assed shower thought of a gameplay loop

    • 11 months ago

      a point and click game but the "innovation" will be that you have to yell into the Paper Mic accessory to tell Mario what to do and where to go

      And then there'll be puzzles where you have to tell stupid paper jokes into the mic, so Mario can move forward p

      • 11 months ago

        And a toad will come in for no reason and tell me he has depression so the dialogue can qualify as ""Witty"" and ""mature""

      • 11 months ago

        And a toad will come in for no reason and tell me he has depression so the dialogue can qualify as ""Witty"" and ""mature""

  42. 11 months ago

    Because we saw the beta images. We literally had what we loved and wanted more of in progress on a handheld. Then they moronicly decided to scrap it and drastically change it, removing all fun in the process. The worst part that we didn't know at the time was that this was the new standard and the series we loved was dead.

  43. 11 months ago

    >ToK fans be like "Damn they really stepped up their game with the creativity!"

  44. 11 months ago

    >absolutely MOGS the frick out of any paper joke NuPM could ever come up with

  45. 11 months ago

    >colored paper
    >all of the arts and crafts gimmicks of the TOK bosses
    what else do they have to justify another one of these games? It's pretty clear that this is where their mindset is now before creating a game. They admitted as much when they said that deciding on origami or confetti was a main thing discussed before development of TOK

    • 11 months ago

      My deep wish is that SMRPG does so well that they realize what a stupid mindset this is and go back to art styles being non-diegetic.

      • 11 months ago

        This. I'm praying that SMRPG's remake hits the magic normalgay algorithm and sells ridiculous amounts so Tanabe and/or whoever is fricking over PM can eat crow.

      • 11 months ago

        >There is a non-zero chance that they could tweak the localization slightly to have someone mention how squashed everyone looks
        I don't actually think this will happen but I don't like that my brain had this thought to begin with

        • 11 months ago

          I highly doubt that would happen. One a different note, I am curious about the script. Will they use the original as a base and just correct some errors? Improve the Psychopath lines to be more accurate? Redo the entire thing to be more direct like the GBA FF games? Will the minor censored stuff from the original be reverted? What about Peach's ???, will that be changed or left? How about everything related to Culex/Crystaler?

          • 11 months ago

            most likely it will be translated to be more like the Japanese version
            Culex should be fine. Square shouldn't have a problem with Yoko redoing the track

            • 11 months ago

              >How about everything related to Culex/Crystaler?
              I hope they leave him as a 2D sprite, but then there's a new harder version of the fight where he actually gains the power of 3D.

              If Culex was supposed to be a gag on FF and its 2D sprites then I want the remake to turn his area and fight into a gag on the HD-2D style

              I'm 100% positive he'll stay in, I just wonder if we'll get his original JP dialogue and backstory, the Woolsey version, or something new.

          • 11 months ago

            If Culex was supposed to be a gag on FF and its 2D sprites then I want the remake to turn his area and fight into a gag on the HD-2D style

            • 11 months ago

              Live A Live remake was goty
              Better than that mediocre ass Chrono Trigger

          • 11 months ago

            >How about everything related to Culex/Crystaler?
            I hope they leave him as a 2D sprite, but then there's a new harder version of the fight where he actually gains the power of 3D.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm 100% positive he'll stay in, I just wonder if we'll get his original JP dialogue and backstory, the Woolsey version, or something new.

            I do wonder to what extent they're going to monkey around with the localizing. They HAVE to know that people have nostalgia for Woosley's take. Lines like "He knows about timed hits!" and the like.

            Will they go so far as to retranslate character names like Booster and Valentina? It's somewhat concerning to think about. I know there are goofs in the translation, but there's a lot of gold too.

    • 11 months ago

      My deep wish is that SMRPG does so well that they realize what a stupid mindset this is and go back to art styles being non-diegetic.

      Sadly Nintendo's mindset is Paper Mario can be the experimental series since M&L was the rpg series
      But M&L died and SMRPG is back so....rip

  46. 11 months ago

    I thought it was okay, but it was that weird middle step where they didn't know if they wanted it to be an RPG or closer to a platformer so it comes off as a neutered Super Paper Mario that also couldn't commit to being a traditional Mario platformer.

    Good ideas there, but terrible execution drags it all to hell.

  47. 11 months ago

    The game had the best 3D effect out of all 3DS games, so if anything it has that going for it

  48. 11 months ago

    Sticker Star had some of the best humor and jokes in the series.
    Color Slash has some of the best OST in the series.
    Origami King has the best level design.
    All 3 are equally terrible gameplaywise.

    • 11 months ago

      >humor and jokes
      so literally nothing that could make a game good
      >best level design
      >here's a puzzle please hammer it to solve it

      • 11 months ago

        >Admit all 3 are shit
        >Still complain about it
        I'm glad I've learned to appreciate what any of them HAD as opposed to you autusts that just have a scathing hatred for them.

        >>best level design
        >>here's a puzzle please hammer it to solve it
        Way to miss the point. Each zone is varied in terrain and is worth exploring. I'd give it to CS too, but I'm bias against that game so it gets an honorable mention at best.

    • 11 months ago

      any non-ost praise you can give to any of those games is just completely false.

      • 11 months ago

        Cry moar. There was some good jokes that weren't all "lol Paper! Get it??"

        • 11 months ago

          like what? "le toad did something silly/awkward"?

          • 11 months ago

            >Just before the town gets unrolled, a Toad gets caught under it the terrain, everyone celebrates like nothing happened and they just fon on about their day
            >Black Market Toad where you can buy Things saying "I got the goods..." looking shady
            >Pretty much most the Thing sticker attacks, Scissors being my favorite
            >Using the Bowling Ball Thing in the forest celebrates you getting a Strike
            It's been a long time since I last played it, but those ones stick out to me the most in my mind.

            • 11 months ago

              so boring shit that's a bit edgy?
              frick you must think kirby games are masterpieces

              • 11 months ago

                Humorless husk of a man.

              • 11 months ago

                >humorless husk of a man
                >for not finding the tryharding to be funny toad saying out of nowhere and without context that his wife left him haha it's edy xd joke
                kirby sucks btw 5/10 series

      • 11 months ago

        >humor and jokes
        so literally nothing that could make a game good
        >best level design
        >here's a puzzle please hammer it to solve it

        Can't agree about the jokes in SS at all, but I will say that CS had some cool locations. The Purple/Violet area with the negative dimension was legitimately great. Wish the rest of the game could be so good. You know, and the fricking combat could be made vastly better.

  49. 11 months ago

    It literally has no genre because there's no gameplay. Pleasant music and decent graphics is not enough to carry a game. It's a "jrpg" with no story, characters, roleplaying, combat, or ANYTHING. It has NO substance. It's almost literally nothing. That's why people hate it. The First 3 Paper Marios are all great in different ways.

  50. 11 months ago

    walking sim where
    >combat is a minigame that doesn't matter
    >the puzzles aren't engaging or difficult at all
    >the music is passable but since toddlers played it and it sounds """epic""" it's called kino
    >toad with a hat

  51. 11 months ago

    Why do Paper Mario """fans""" pretend like it isn't officially a "bad series" at this point? The series has only had two good games, and hasn't been good since the Gamecube. Most zoomers were still toddlers the last time Paper Mario was good. Give it up already

    • 11 months ago

      I think TTYD and Origami King are the only good games, and since the latter is the most recent one the franchise is a lot more alive than most Nintendo franchises.

      • 11 months ago

        You didn't include 64 in that comment, so I'll bring it up for you friend 🙂
        64 and ttyd are both really great games

    • 11 months ago

      It's both a persecution and victim complex with an unwavering stubborness of not letting go.

  52. 11 months ago

    >the game has been around long enough for soulless zoomers to be nostalgic for this game
    >still no return to what made the first two great

  53. 11 months ago

    i will never understand how people say super paper mario has a good story and good characters
    those are the worst parts

    • 11 months ago

      I will never understand how people think the sticker star trilogy has good writing or levels
      literally the worst part of it

  54. 11 months ago

    >Fight enemy
    >To get coins
    >To buy stickers
    >To fight enemy
    There's no point in playing the game. Sure is fun

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