Why do I feel so "wrong" when I buy games like this? It happened with Horizon Zero Dawn too.

Why do I feel so "wrong" when I buy games like this? It happened with Horizon Zero Dawn too. And it was so bad, that I legit haven't even touched the game. I bought both that game and this game on sale too, this one for literally $8 so its not exactly making me poor. But I bought The Last fo Us Part 1 for almost full price and only almost regretted it, but actually bothered to play and enjoy it. I personally think that games a special case but whatever

It just feels weird. It's like I'm scared I'll enjoy a game like this. But also can't POSSIBLY see myself enjoying a game like this so there's like some weird mentally ill conflict going on in my head, likely induced by Ganker (yes I'm blaming you morons) but at the same time even making my own judgements, I don't necessarily disagree with what has been induced so I'm just mindfricked.

Anyway whats the deal with this game verses shadow? I hear shadow has better exploration and puzzles. How MEANINGFULLY true is that?

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  1. 1 week ago

    >mentally ill
    reddit buzzword

  2. 1 week ago

    you're scared because you're playing as a female and you'll like it.

    you are currently at undecided troony Stage #1

    • 1 week ago

      ???? what I already like the original tomb raider games and I have and had zero fears or doubts about those games. They were surprising masterpieces.

      • 1 week ago

        the nu-Tomb Raider games are woke but they are also good games, polished and technically impressive.
        just ignore Lara Croft is now a twinkboy and you're good to go

        • 1 week ago

          2013 and Rise are kino, and nu-lara is hot as frick, what's the problem?
          Rise isn't woke either, it's just making fun of christcucks for believing in fantasy bullshit

        • 1 week ago

          it's not woke
          it's also not good

  3. 1 week ago

    honestly, tomb raider 2013 and 15 are fine games. just forget the 2018 one even exists.

    • 1 week ago

      >honestly, tomb raider 2013 and 15 are fine games.

      I CANT experience a "fine" game right now. Need a good or great game to get over my gaming drought.

      Rise of Tomb Raider is a great game though. The story is not woke the slightest.

      >Rise of Tomb Raider is a great game though.

      We'll see...

    • 1 week ago

      The game just didn't have enough combat. It seriously just throws weapons and gadgets and gear and upgrades at you and if you just wanted to try them all once you would have to switch to a new one every single combat arena. That's how little there is.

      6 pistols, 5 shotguns, 2 SMGs, 6 rifles, 1 LMG, a knife and like a dozen bows with different types of arrows, grenades, traps and other consumables. And they all can be modified a bunch with attachments. You just don't get enough time to really test them. This game would have needed some hostile zones with respawning enemies or just a lot more combat arenas in general.

      • 1 week ago

        Then you reach the ancient mexican city where you can't use guns.

        • 1 week ago

          Where you spend like half the game.

          Combat is the LEAST of what these games needed. The only valid criticism here is throwing an abundance of weapons upgrades and gear anyway. These games need something as radical as reducing combat to emphasize bigger and better tombs. Shadow might be shit but it was a step in the right direction in one sense atleast

          I don't care. I just don't like it when games give you lots of shit and no real opportunity to use it.

          • 1 week ago

            >I don't care.

            I didn't ask whether you care. Was just calling you objectively wrong in your premise. Don't respond to me again.

            • 1 week ago

              Yeah well have a nice day, homosexual. Go play the ps1 classics if you hate combat that much and prefer obstacle courses with a timed gate at the end.

              • 1 week ago

                lashing out and calling names doesn't make you any less moronic and wrong. insecurity. posturing. overcompensating. the marks of a shallow man. can't even be objectively right enough to prove they've played the PS1 games calling them "obstacle courses" when it's far more puzzle platforming than reaction or precision platforming, but the fact that you used "obstacle course" almost like a mean word says it all. you lack any substance. you just lash out like an emotional child reaching for any and all words to turn "bad" because you have no thought or self control. I'm confident now in your stupidity.

      • 1 week ago

        Combat is the LEAST of what these games needed. The only valid criticism here is throwing an abundance of weapons upgrades and gear anyway. These games need something as radical as reducing combat to emphasize bigger and better tombs. Shadow might be shit but it was a step in the right direction in one sense atleast

    • 1 week ago

      I liked shadow much more than rise. Felt more like you actually set out to raid tombs instead of going to war armed with a college degree.

  4. 1 week ago

    Rise of Tomb Raider is a great game though. The story is not woke the slightest.

  5. 1 week ago

    I played a whole bunch of these 8~12 hour shooty games in place of going to the cinema during the 'rona lockdowns.
    And that's cheaper than a movie ticket.

    >Anyway whats the deal with this game verses shadow? I hear shadow has better exploration and puzzles. How MEANINGFULLY true is that?
    Rise focuses on the combat and even had some survival shooter mode with microtransactions.

    Shadow focuses on the puzzle/platforming tombs but the weird thing is that most of them are optional content or DLC. There's only like 1 big puzzle segment in the main campaign. Not sure what you mean by exploration they aren't open world games. I guess Shadow does have more hub areas you circle back to.

    • 1 week ago

      >Not sure what you mean by exploration they aren't open world games.

      where the frick do you get the idea that "exploration" was invented in open world games? Have you never played videogames before 2007? Super Metroid is an Exploration heavy game. The LITERAL classic games that the modern games coast off the name of is literally an exploration heavy game...dios mio...

      since you clearly need to be spoonfed a bit. No offense. Exploration just means...finding your way through an area and figuring out how to progress or find things. Literally trying to understand the area you're in enough to progress through it. In metroidvanias, this is remembering certain parts of the map to go back to and unlock progression with newly acquired abilities. Open world games are actually the weakest at this. Since you can't get lost "exploration" is meaningless. It's more like "wandering" than exploration.

      • 1 week ago

        So you mean "exploration" as in a "metroidvania" sense not "open world". Alright, grandpa. In that case Shadow has less of that. Meanwhile 2013 and Rise have you unlock new paths in the hubs when you acquire new gadgets but it's all in a linear order so I'm not sure if that counts in your arbitrary definition of "exploration/metroidvania", dios mango amigo.

        • 1 week ago

          >in your arbitrary definition of "exploration/metroidvania", dios mango amigo.

          >mfw when triggered moron can't actually make a counter argument because he doesn't remotely have an indepth idea of exploration so just calls it arbitrary because he's not open to the idea of understanding words beyond superficial use as "labels" and just wanted to use it conveniently and generically to mean "le open world"

          lmao, you shouldn't have even tried a response. kek

          • 1 week ago

            idk but you're the one sounding desperate.

      • 1 week ago

        Games nowadays are very linear outside of open world ones, no need to be so pedantic grandpa

  6. 1 week ago

    you're not suposed to buy shitty games anon

    • 1 week ago

      yeah I know, but I'm in my desperate arc where I need a certain type of game and this was one of the reccs I got for that certain type of game.

  7. 1 week ago

    I recently tried gamepass for $1 and came to realise I dont like games anymore. Literally nothing on it is good except Viva Pinata TIP. But thats an old 360 game so it hardly counts.

  8. 1 week ago

    Why the hell did they turn Lara Croft into Katniss Everdeen? What's with this fetish for gaspy-breath waifs who shoot bows and arrows?

    • 1 week ago

      Aren't you answering your own question? It was early 2010s

  9. 1 week ago

    One of most forgettable series I played. Kinda sad because you can tell they put a lot of effort into it.

    • 1 week ago

      >they put a lot of effort into it.
      And a lot of their fetishes.

  10. 1 week ago

    How gay does a man have to be to say that Lara is ugly or woke in the new trilogy? Yes I know, smaller boobs (although she's not flat), and no shorts. But other than that? From the face she looks better than ever, besides that she is slim and has a nice ass. The story in the new trilogy at no fricking, I repeat literally at no time is woke, and Lara doesn't whine like a leftist prostitute how the natives are persecuted etc.
    >muh exploration
    You have a ton of tombs to plunder in each installment, and the fact that the new Tomb Raiders are more action-packed than ever is to thank the Uncharted series

    • 1 week ago

      Rise Lara is literally the peak female of all videogames. There is none that compares. Her mannerisms and expressions are just SEX

  11. 1 week ago

    >thread somehow devolved into Lara simp circlejerking
    >somehow didn't predict this

    • 1 week ago

      Deal with it b***h

  12. 1 week ago

    Sounds like a weird fixation to some gay imaginary Ganker cred, just play whatever you want, no one cares

  13. 1 week ago

    All three of the new Tomb Raider games are excellent, and only chuds who never even played the originals disagree.

    I would say Rise is probably the weaker of the three, but has an engaging story. Shadow improved it to what they thought Rise should be, but didn't sell well for whatever reason.

    • 1 week ago

      Rise is the best one. Shadow is the worst.

    • 1 week ago

      Rise is the best one. Shadow is the worst.

      Both have kinky/nude mods now.

  14. 1 week ago

    You think it might bring your penis back but it won't, superglue didn't work either.

    • 1 week ago

      why is Ganker mentally ill and obsessed with "trannies"?

  15. 1 week ago

    I wish tomb raiding was a real thing you could do. Just go out and explore forgotten, grand things. I'm saving up to travel the world one day, but it won't be like tomb raider.

    • 1 week ago

      urbex seems to be the modern equivalent.

      • 1 week ago

        I should really look into that.

      • 1 week ago

        >Super Woke Tomb Raider Re-Reboot
        >Laura is now fat and gay
        >Raiding abandoned American malls instead of culturally sensitive tombs
        will it work?

    • 1 week ago

      You can barely travel the world anymore in general when everyone just becomes the same iteration of a person who consumed all of the same corporate products, got propagandised the same news, and had the same educational program the people in your town did.
      There's virtually nothing left to discover.

  16. 1 week ago

    why ask here? go watch 5 hours of youtubers to let you know what to think so you dont have to play it

  17. 1 week ago

    >can't POSSIBLY see myself enjoying a game like this so there's like some weird mentally ill conflict going on in my head, likely induced by Ganker
    You're probably right but you're one of the few to realise it

    • 1 week ago

      self awareness doesn't seem to matter for much in this world I'm afraid

      • 1 week ago

        Certainly not if your world is no bigger than Ganker

        • 1 week ago

          I don't even want to try and argue against this honestly but. I feel like I've had more than enough experience generally with social media to say that no. It's not just relegated to Ganker. And if you want to extrapolate it to real life. Neither that too. I can think of some examples of when somebody in real life has called me "self aware" or intelligent and...it changed nothing. The world move on. People treat me the exact same as everybody else, nothing changes.

          You might be mistaking "self awareness" for something else. Just plain old "awareness". Awareness of the "problems" of society that people think are in important of which allow acceptance into the "group". Broadly speaking.

          I said I wouldn't argue and now I've said more than I wish to. So I'll leave it at that.

          • 1 week ago

            Self-awareness is a prerequisite for self-improvement. But self-awareness is only the start.

  18. 1 week ago

    >there's like some weird mentally ill conflict going on in my head
    you think?

  19. 1 week ago

    this moron is so autistic and contrarian, that he claims dark souls 1 is his favorite of all times and he's so desperate to play an adventure game, that when the whole fricking world and the whole fricking board is just playing elden ring dlc after waiting two years for it, he decides to ignore it and gets mad about it and instead watches youtube videos about batman and nularashit and makes threads whining about purchasing games when he could just pirate them

    fricking hell this moron is endlessly entertaining, i hope he never leaves

    • 1 week ago

      morons like this guy unironically exist btw^ should tell you a lot about society.

  20. 1 week ago

    I'm currently playing shadow . The npc are boring to talk to, they drone on too much. I hate that I can't wear my normal clothes everywhere. And you gotta pay somone for good mods. The most flat Lara. I hate that the game arbitrarily takes your guns away.

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