Why do people despise RTS games? Why did this genre die?

Why do people despise RTS games?

Why did this genre die?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >games about building civilizations fade out as more blacks and women pick up gaming as a hobby
    I'm sure this is just a coincidence

    • 2 years ago

      >what they did to Dawn of War

      • 2 years ago

        >play SS
        >build holy icon on listening post
        >50 req and 20 power or whatever it was
        >get 50 req and 20 power refunded
        >build holy icon
        >50 req and 20 power
        >get 100 req and 40 power refunded
        >build holy icon
        >50 req and 20 power
        >get 200 req and 80 power refunded
        >repeat until everybody stops playing multiplayer
        >or it gets patched
        >whichever is first lol
        12 year old me used to rage at getting wiped by sisters 5 minutes into the game AGAIN

    • 2 years ago

      Blacks are more OG in video games and geek shit than the average white homie, blame the women but dont blame the 13/50

      • 2 years ago

        t.Black person

      • 2 years ago

        >Blacks are more OG in video games and geek shit than the average white homie
        nerd shit has been around since at least the 70s, meanwhile you had no idea any of that stuff even existed until you were issued an obamaphone in like 2014

      • 2 years ago

        I've never seen a blackman be an RTS fan

        • 2 years ago

          I've played +10k hours of blizzard rts games + a lot of other rts games t. non-amerimutt Black person

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Are you the deck guy?

      • 2 years ago

        its 13/60 now

      • 2 years ago

        True about fighting games tbqh.

      • 2 years ago

        All the blacks I know play GTA on consoles. RTS games would probably melt their brains.

    • 2 years ago

      >mfw the only good melding of RTS and RPG is a shitty Turk game
      I love Mount & Blade but I wish a more competent studio would put together a game like it.

      • 2 years ago

        I want Mount and Blade in the Kenshi setting

    • 2 years ago

      get new material

  2. 2 years ago

    people complain fighters are too difficult so we cant never have another good rts

  3. 2 years ago

    because you need big IQ to play it and theres no sexy opposite sex you can fap to and make fanfics about
    also AoE isnt a great example of RTS games, it was like entry level in ~2004 of RTS games

    • 2 years ago

      >theres no sexy opposite sex you can fap to
      never stopped me

    • 2 years ago

      It used to be good but then it got into the hands of minmaxing autists (particularly from worst korea) and became great.
      However greatness comes at the cost of accessibility. For example, box art armies get mogged by single unit compositions which in turn have no chance against actually balanced armies who again get fricked by properly microd single unit comps which in turn gets mogged half of the time by macro beasts and so on. NormalBlack folk barely have the brain capacity to play fortnite and you actually expect them to both memorize shit and innovate? Frick.

      RTS is too hard for the average braindead gaymer
      You are basically playing a fast paced 1 v 1 match of chess on steroids. You make ONE 1 second mistake and you can lose the match
      There is no social aspect and no team to blame for your shitty performance

      >big IQ required
      you people are talking about hardcore pvp or something right? You can't have actually have felt smart completing the campaigns or beating bots in just about every RTS ever, right?

      Because nobody bought all the creative strategy games and everybody bought starcraft. So now RTSs are synonymous with optimal meta gameplay.

      Likely this. Observing the RTS genre from the outside became synonymous with optimal gameplay, which isn't a great appeal. It also was hard to innovate the core well gameplay.

      • 2 years ago

        >you people are talking about hardcore pvp or something right?
        2/3 comments you replied to mentioned things that only happen when fighting another player
        so yes

    • 2 years ago

      >also AoE isnt a great example of RTS games, it was like entry level in ~2004 of RTS games
      lol fricking moron

    • 2 years ago

      >and theres no sexy opposite sex you can fap to and make fanfics about

    • 2 years ago

      >AoE isnt a great example of RTS games, it was like entry level in ~2004 of RTS games
      this. every aoe game is just the most basic of basic rts games. sure you can 'master' them by being an autist and do the same building route every game, min maxing your peasants and build route.

      I consider aoe games extremely boring and bad. When I tried the 3rd I beat a guy on my first try, he was playing it for like 10 years... he got so irrationally angry he hates me ever since. lol.
      that being said I played a lot aoe2 multi and it wasnt much fun.

      • 2 years ago

        and then everyone clapped

        • 2 years ago

          aoe 3 had ridicilously low cap and there was a peace time at the start...
          I would beat your mediocre ass too in any of your favourite rts games, first try.

    • 2 years ago

      >and theres no sexy opposite sex you can fap to and make fanfics about


    • 2 years ago

      I exclusively play rts
      the problem isn't IQ, it's macro
      macro (while pleasing to autists like me) is basically just looking up build order and repeating until you become speedy gonzalez
      micro (you know, combat, aka the "fun" part of the game to most people) isn't even relevant until you are good enough at macro to do it basically on autopilot. multiplayer for nearly every RTS is just "who is better at macro" until you reach the highest tiers of play.

      RTS is too hard for the average braindead gaymer
      You are basically playing a fast paced 1 v 1 match of chess on steroids. You make ONE 1 second mistake and you can lose the match
      There is no social aspect and no team to blame for your shitty performance

      >chess on steroids
      again, not until the highest levels
      I really doubt there are many people on this board (let alone this thread) who are good enough at their chosen rts for this meme to be true

    • 2 years ago

      >AoE isnt a great example of RTS games, it was like entry level in ~2004 of RTS games
      this. every aoe game is just the most basic of basic rts games. sure you can 'master' them by being an autist and do the same building route every game, min maxing your peasants and build route.

      I consider aoe games extremely boring and bad. When I tried the 3rd I beat a guy on my first try, he was playing it for like 10 years... he got so irrationally angry he hates me ever since. lol.
      that being said I played a lot aoe2 multi and it wasnt much fun.

      What RTS games do you recommend?

  4. 2 years ago

    It used to be good but then it got into the hands of minmaxing autists (particularly from worst korea) and became great.
    However greatness comes at the cost of accessibility. For example, box art armies get mogged by single unit compositions which in turn have no chance against actually balanced armies who again get fricked by properly microd single unit comps which in turn gets mogged half of the time by macro beasts and so on. NormalBlack folk barely have the brain capacity to play fortnite and you actually expect them to both memorize shit and innovate? Frick.

    • 2 years ago

      >le asiatic meta argument
      Even setting aside you don't need to be an autistic minmaxer to enjoy 1v1s (matchmaking exists for a reason: it matches you with other shitters) things like campaigns, custom games, coop, team games, etc were made precisely for people like (you) who complain about the supposed "overly competitive" nature of RTS, and yet you still don't play them. The truth is RTS is a niche genre that filters morons like yourself, who never actually liked it.

      • 2 years ago

        Why the frick are you assuming that I dislike the competitive nature? It's the direct reason that it is good but also the direct reason for it being a niche genre forever. SC2 was a blip on the radar but as you can see we are back to status quo.

      • 2 years ago

        >campaigns, custom games, coop, team games
        this is so wrong, every RTS post 2004 had budget, second-rate copy paste afterthought campaigns and content suites exactly because they wanted to pander to MP obsessed homosexuals after Starcraft made it big, including changing core gameplay so much to pander to them even the meager offerings were no longer fun to play

        • 2 years ago

          name some of them

          • 2 years ago

            Grey Goo
            Dawn of War 2
            Dawn of War 3
            Supreme Commander
            Supcom 2
            8-bit insert name here games (there's like 41 of them)

            that's just off the top of my head

            • 2 years ago

              I keep forgetting it exists, no joke

            • 2 years ago

              are you implying that supreme commander is bad?

              • 2 years ago

                the SP is dogshit

            • 2 years ago

              Planetary Annihilation too
              I don't think it has a campaign at all

            • 2 years ago

              Dawn of War 1 not mentioned
              One of the best RTS games of the past 20 years

              • 2 years ago

                It came out way before starcraft 2

              • 2 years ago

                Dude was talking about shitty RTS games
                Dawn of War 1 is not a shitty game
                Neither is Company of Heros
                What ever happened to Relic?

            • 2 years ago

              Dawn of War 2 has a full singleplayer campaign with tons of voice acting, side missions, and a loot and upgrade system that is completely absent from the multiplayer mode. It's basically an rpg. Also the devs removed macro and resource gathering from the game entirely.

              This is evidence that they were chasing after the Starcraft multiplayer scene?

              • 2 years ago

                > full singleplayer campaign
                it was full of repetitive dog shit missions
                and DoW2 was MPgay central, asscancer victim TotalBiscuit used to like it, c'mon

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            name some of them

            • 2 years ago

              top of my head is AOE4

        • 2 years ago

          generally I agree but starcraft 2 is supposed to have a decent campaign. They also tried adding some coop and other shit but people still just kept playing mp

          • 2 years ago

            >starcraft 2 is supposed to have a decent campaign.
            Yeah, it was supposed to have one. Except it ended up being pretty shit in comparison to BW.

            >Eh campaign design, eh storyline.
            >Slightly better campaign design, the story tanks quite a bit though.
            >Get to do the last mission with a full brood war protoss army as your layout. Pure kino. Fricking bash my head against a rock storyline.

    • 2 years ago

      depends on what game you play, i remember playing sc2 10 years ago with gold/platinum players all i had to do was mass producing units and A + LMB on enemy base to win the game, completely 0 macro involved

      RTS is too hard for the average braindead gaymer
      You are basically playing a fast paced 1 v 1 match of chess on steroids. You make ONE 1 second mistake and you can lose the match
      There is no social aspect and no team to blame for your shitty performance

      >There is no social aspect and no team to blame for your shitty performance
      aka competitive gameplay kek

      >theres no sexy opposite sex you can fap to
      never stopped me

      meh, twitter "artist" inserting his own characters instead of taking ingame characters and anime'ating them

      >big IQ required
      you people are talking about hardcore pvp or something right? You can't have actually have felt smart completing the campaigns or beating bots in just about every RTS ever, right?
      Likely this. Observing the RTS genre from the outside became synonymous with optimal gameplay, which isn't a great appeal. It also was hard to innovate the core well gameplay.

      you havent even touched RTS if you think all AI is easy especially when they have huge advantage

      • 2 years ago

        > attack move up to gold/plat

        You're lying. That shit barely flies in bronze half the time.

        • 2 years ago

          it did work at the time idk about now, i regularly was taking advantage of people playing passively or cheese meta (like protoss backdooring with stalkers) and focus on economy
          the biggest classic was me playing zerg vs terran id usually had 3/4 bases while enemy was sitting tight gathering tanks around his only base. my brood lords would tear everything while tanks are fighting endless streams of hydralisks
          literally right click hatchery on enemy base FTW

  5. 2 years ago

    RTS is too hard for the average braindead gaymer
    You are basically playing a fast paced 1 v 1 match of chess on steroids. You make ONE 1 second mistake and you can lose the match
    There is no social aspect and no team to blame for your shitty performance

    • 2 years ago

      >games about building civilizations fade out as more blacks and women pick up gaming as a hobby
      I'm sure this is just a coincidence

      because you need big IQ to play it and theres no sexy opposite sex you can fap to and make fanfics about
      also AoE isnt a great example of RTS games, it was like entry level in ~2004 of RTS games

      what nerds can't understand is that normal people aren't dumb, they just don't want to be bothered spending hundreds of hours learning how to minmax a game
      if you're a shut in with no friends then any time consuming activity will good because you'll be getting something to dedicate your life to for months, but for the average person there's more going on in life so games are just a way to have fun and take breaks from other aspects of life, besides, intelligent people challenge themselves developing real skills for high paying jobs, not learning how to efficiently do things in a game for nothing more than a victory screen

      • 2 years ago

        >normal people aren't dumb

      • 2 years ago

        >hundreds of hours learning how to minmax a game
        holy shit you are on Ganker, we already spend hundreds of hours shitposting
        why are you so mad? did your gf(male) beat you in age of empires?

        • 2 years ago

          So that's why we are all professional shitposters.

      • 2 years ago

        They hated him because he spoke the truth.
        On average normies are moronic. But the difference between someone good at a game and someone great at a game is hyper autistic levels of dedication that no self respecting person should consider.

      • 2 years ago

        You are fricking WRONG my friend. You could only believe what you're saying if you are a normalgay yourself or if you rarely have to interact with them. I swear to you, the most simple things need to be explained to them, I regularly have to talk to these fricks like they are children, I can't give them the respect I would give to someone I know is intelligent because they literally wouldn't know what to do with it, they could not engage with me on topics I'm interested in and so it's pointless treating them as though they are intelligent people with interesting insights to share with me, because they simply aren't.

        • 2 years ago

          The moment you drop your superiority complex is the moment you'll be happy

      • 2 years ago

        >they just don't want to be bothered spending hundreds of hours learning how to minmax a game
        because that was really necessary for AOE2 where you could just spam units you thought look cool

      • 2 years ago

        cute puglet

      • 2 years ago

        >spending hundreds of hours learning how to minmax a game
        Learning isn't that hard for most games, probably and especially including the ones you like

    • 2 years ago

      This is the problem with RTS games. You bought into the competitive meme. People who aren't bugs don't care to play a kps competition.

  6. 2 years ago

    Because nobody bought all the creative strategy games and everybody bought starcraft. So now RTSs are synonymous with optimal meta gameplay.

    • 2 years ago

      >now RTSs are synonymous with optimal meta gameplay
      I loved RTS for fricking around and beating AI, as soon as other people, PvP and competition gets involved, it's all just "if you don't have your barracks by 87 seconds, might as well give up"
      Besides some battle micro, RTS games are so cut and dry with its timings and calculations, it's like you're just following and executing someone else's blueprint and if you don't do that, you lose.

      The same to an extent happens in MMORPGs and similar, get X equipment and Y talent or you suck.

      You have to either introduce ever-changing, shit-tons of variables like Path of Exile does to keep things fresh or you're just calculating and executing someone else's work over and over. RTS are the pinnacle of this problem and it's why it died out.

      • 2 years ago

        I always liked playing against bots. It’s not hard or anything, but it was fun building a little civilization and watching it grow. Multiplayer never appealed to me in RTS’s.

    • 2 years ago

      Like this guy said the RTS genre was THE game's game genre. People were treating RTS's like city builders but the way you're supposed to play them was too arcadey, metagaming heavy, dumping buildings in a nonsensical blob-like way like a homosexual, harvest spamming, and ideas that were cool like technology being entirely focused on how fast you progress, which triggered a lot of autism.

      Eventually the RTS genre made way for like Dungeon Keeper, Evil Genius, Startopia, Anno, and DF-like games like Rimworld and Banished. THOSE games survived, but RTS died like piss on the weeds.

  7. 2 years ago

    Because all the good players use macros so it's not fun playing against literal cheaters.

  8. 2 years ago

    everyone wants to play them differently and still want to win

    • 2 years ago

      yeah this is honestly it. I love turtling and building a huge fortress. my friend and I would play without siege units and make huge meatgrinder battles. too bad thats not how you are supposed to play the game

    • 2 years ago

      People don't despise it. They despise that it became minmax macro shit across the entire genre.


  9. 2 years ago

    buy homeworld deserts of kharak

    • 2 years ago

      I had a friend who played that a lot. He died.

      • 2 years ago

        Are those two facts related?

  10. 2 years ago

    >Play RTS
    >Tired of just cheesing bots
    >Play online lobbies
    >Get shitstomped every game
    Gee I wonder why people despise RTS games.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't playing ranked modes for a while help with that? If you keep losing you'll eventually be placed against players of your own skill level, no?

    • 2 years ago

      This. Tryhards ruin the game and make it impossible for noobs to learn how to play. Not to mention that when you aren't a try hard chink who plays the game 12 hours a day the other players are extremely toxic to you for being a noob.
      The "solution" was for people to make host games saying "noobs only" in shit like warcraft 3 but ofc they would be swarmed by tryhards and ruined.
      That said I still had a blast playing WC3 it's sad that it's not very fun to play online anymore because the only people who still play it are tryhards. Was great when there was a large casual player base.

    • 2 years ago

      For every person getting shitstomped there is another person doing the stomping.

      • 2 years ago

        Wow so this is the genius intellect of an rts player

        • 2 years ago

          You're just saying you hate the game because you suck at it.
          That comes back to the point made that the reason RTS is not that popular is because you have to not be moronic to get good at them and almost everyone on Earth is moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            You are a moron though?

  11. 2 years ago

    Like it's always Medieval or WW2 and stuff.
    I'd like to have an RTS that is based on anime girls for a change.

    • 2 years ago

      Out of the big 4 you have two sci-fi, one medieval and one near future title.

  12. 2 years ago

    The RTS genre was already perfected in the late 90's/early 00's.
    And as perfect as they were (some of the greatest games of all time), there was no where else to go.
    There's a reason AoEII still has a community 23 years on.

    The only thing left for the genre was to dumb it down and sell micro transactions to zoomer morons (MOBAs).

  13. 2 years ago

    The real answer is they are just boring. no one wants to watch tiny guys fight from an aerial view, people want to be up close to the action and have more individual control over their own character

    • 2 years ago

      >The real answer is they are just boring.

      Lack of strategy in them.

      >Lack of strategy in them.

      • 2 years ago

        cool deathball
        the real killer of RTS games btw: giant deathballs where nobody can tell one unit from another and it takes hours upon hours of training to tell two-units apart in the gray, low-contrast 'next gen' graphics.

        • 2 years ago

          Honestly it's this. Modern graphics were a huge mistake because it made everything into a muddy mess that's hard to tell the difference between everything on the field. It's no surprise its' heyday was the era of high-contrast sprites and obvious differences between even the tiniest unit.

  14. 2 years ago

    compgays and devs sucking their dick

  15. 2 years ago

    Too indirect.

  16. 2 years ago

    >Select normal difficulty
    >Ok enjoyable but its impossible to lose
    >Select moderate
    >CPU already with 200 Paladins in my base while I still in feudal.

    • 2 years ago

      everyone wants to play them differently and still want to win

      >Play RTS
      >Tired of just cheesing bots
      >Play online lobbies
      >Get shitstomped every game
      Gee I wonder why people despise RTS games.

      Best answers. RTS games on standard difficulty tends to be too easy while moderate or higher difficulties has the most inconsistent and annoying difficulty spikes that just waste your time.

  17. 2 years ago

    They turned from comfy base builders into multiplayer sweat-fests

    • 2 years ago

      They're pretty comfy tho

      • 2 years ago

        >webm ends before the result of the battle is witnessed
        Whoever made this webm is a moron. Probably you the idiot who saved it and posted it.

        • 2 years ago

          Blue was getting surrounded close-range and had no garrisons or towers made or even the most flimsy of palisades to funnel them, it was over.

          • 2 years ago

            Also watching again, that was Viper. So maybe he did win it. Though idk why the frick he let that happen in the first place. Those things wipe the floor with two-handed swordsman

      • 2 years ago

        good luck with multi-pronged attacks 2bh

  18. 2 years ago

    The best time to play RTS games was when the internet was still new so you played with friends or locals at LAN parties. Playing AOE2 or Dawn of War with people you know in person is comfier than getting matched with a stranger who build orders you to deletion.

    Also the focus shift to competitive online. Everyone remembers warcraft 3 for the custom games. Everyone remembers command and conquer for the atmosphere and story.

  19. 2 years ago

    Lack of strategy in them.

    • 2 years ago

      >Lack of strategy in them.

  20. 2 years ago

    it didn't die, it just changed to grand strategy and went for depth. Unless you're looking for a unit spamming game, those are mobas now

    • 2 years ago

      what about resource extraction and base building games? that's the fun part of rts, after all

  21. 2 years ago

    it's inherently a sweaty genre for autists
    normal people moved on to mobas where player skill is above macros and spastic APM

  22. 2 years ago

    RTS games died out because of their incompatibility with consoles and the asiaticclick memes scare away all the zoomers that jumped onto the PC bandwagon to be like their favorite streamers

  23. 2 years ago

    requires thinking and decent reflexes

  24. 2 years ago

    I miss watching my buildings progress through the ages on Empire Earth.

    • 2 years ago

      EE was objectively better than AoE2 in every way except the camera/view controls.

      • 2 years ago

        >EE was objectively better than AoE2 in every way except this gigantic overarching flaw that touches every facet of the game
        I love EE anon but c'mon dont downplay this.

      • 2 years ago

        Absolutely not. EE is only good if you are a little kid who just wants to do botmatches and frick around for a couple hours. AoE2 actually functions as a game with decent rock/paper/scissors, an expanding arsenal, and actually good graphics and sound.

    • 2 years ago

      >you VILL live in the pod

  25. 2 years ago

    "Fans" killed RTS

  26. 2 years ago

    I love it when compgays get btfo, like in this thread

  27. 2 years ago

    People hate RTS because they're very stressful to play. I for one would love to see an RTS that did away with fog of war. If you're the better player you shouldn't need it anyway. Do chess players whine about their opponent being able to see their pieces? Is chess not a strategy game?

    • 2 years ago

      Chess is turn based, meaning once you make a move you're locked in an interlocking assembly which forces you to eat knives often to achieve a better position.

  28. 2 years ago

    base building shit fell off a cliff, which sucks

    i liked making aesthetic bases with impenetrable defenses
    layers upon layers of bunkers, barbed wire, houses that fit just right

  29. 2 years ago

    RTS was doing great until asiatics figured out you can attack, retreat, attack, ad infinitum. And the faster you click, the more you can do that, and other things.
    Then very quickly RTS went from armies fighting each other and sieging bases, to autistic clickfests no one but asiatics wants to participate in.

    • 2 years ago

      >asiatics figured out you can attack, retreat, attack, ad infinitum
      What in the literal frick are you talking about?

      • 2 years ago

        he described micro?

        • 2 years ago

          No he seemed to be describing some sort of specific tactic that somehow ruined every single RTS, which has never been a thing ever. If a Korean 4pools you, that's not doing what he said.

          Chess is turn based, meaning once you make a move you're locked in an interlocking assembly which forces you to eat knives often to achieve a better position.

          Doesn't matter. Try to imagine what would happen if Starcraft didn't have fog of war for a second. Cheese automatically no longer works and the game becomes about making better decisions than your opponent.

          • 2 years ago

            It matters but sure let's move on.
            Cheesing would still exist for asiaticclickers because just making the damn units faster than the opponent can react is often the path to victory.
            What you describe can also happen and is the design thinking behind AOE1: you can focus on controlling your army or controlling your econ but not both. "Decisions" in your scenario would simply become a game of watching your opponent's moves and countering them continuously.
            Naturally, the UI elements of the enemy players are still hidden as are transport details, hidden units or targetting reticles for things like Nydus canals.

            • 2 years ago

              >Cheesing would still exist for asiaticclickers because just making the damn units faster than the opponent can react is often the path to victory
              You're a complete fricking moron because the only reason cheese works if that you don't see it coming due to fog of war. Cheese is VERY EASY TO STOP by definition.
              >What you describe can also happen and is the design thinking behind AOE1: you can focus on controlling your army or controlling your econ but not both
              What if I just play fast enough that I CAN do both?
              >"Decisions" in your scenario would simply become a game of watching your opponent's moves and countering them continuously.
              So why don't chess players just counter their opponent continuously? Oh wait it's because their counters risk putting pieces out of position and weakening them elsewhere.

              You're a fricking teenager, it's so obvious.

            • 2 years ago

              >Cheesing would still exist for asiaticclickers because just making the damn units faster than the opponent can react is often the path to victory.
              That's not cheese, that's called economic victory and is also how you win wars in the real world.

              • 2 years ago

                >Cheesing would still exist for asiaticclickers because just making the damn units faster than the opponent can react is often the path to victory
                You're a complete fricking moron because the only reason cheese works if that you don't see it coming due to fog of war. Cheese is VERY EASY TO STOP by definition.
                >What you describe can also happen and is the design thinking behind AOE1: you can focus on controlling your army or controlling your econ but not both
                What if I just play fast enough that I CAN do both?
                >"Decisions" in your scenario would simply become a game of watching your opponent's moves and countering them continuously.
                So why don't chess players just counter their opponent continuously? Oh wait it's because their counters risk putting pieces out of position and weakening them elsewhere.

                You're a fricking teenager, it's so obvious.

                I've seen plenty of games where pros do pick up on what their opponent is doing but still cannot stop them, usually because of a hole being made regardless resulting in unrecoverable worker loss.
                Most cheese is just converting micro into enough early econ deficit so result in eventual victory.
                >fast enough that i can do both
                Well then the devs would want to crush your attention span even further to preserve their design philosophy or scrap the game and rebuild the architecture & design entirely because you're breaking it. Many such cases.
                >just counter their opponent continuously
                That's one of the things which does tend to happen. Do you play chess only holding your asscheeks tight and never sacrificing your queen? Chess games vary a lot, even more than pro RTS games imo, though the comparison is obviously unfair because of the centuries. This does highlight one of my beliefs: that if Blizz had let SC1 & 2 stay as they were at launch players would have eventually dug for new strats and adapt to those continuously. Boxer always did this to much fame.

              • 2 years ago

                >I've seen plenty of games where pros do pick up on what their opponent is doing but still cannot stop them
                Yes, because they found out too late BECAUSE OF FOG OF WAR.

                I'm talking to a bot.

            • 2 years ago

              DeWalt, a Russian, ended 2 - 3 against Barracks a minor "asiatic" pro without people helping him.
              A chinese broodwar player was close to defeat the best amateur
              We might send the best outside of korea to see if he can level enough to beat amateurs

              You are bad at games

              • 2 years ago

                >this arbitrary evidence of whatever the hell I'm talking about happened
                Gold star for you, schlomo. Back to the cabin.

    • 2 years ago

      >superior economy
      >superior army
      >lose battle because other dude exploits some right-click meta strat that was never intended by the dev

      • 2 years ago

        Literally never happens. Unless you're playing against the avatar of the Korean spirit himself, good macro will demolish micro 9/10 times.

        • 2 years ago

          >the avatar of the Korean spirit himsel
          Flash, MarineKingPrime, Innovation, Bisu, Boxer etc.
          Ah frick it, any korean then?

          • 2 years ago

            Thing is, the average Gankerirgin won't out-macro them either, so the micro aspect doesn't really matter.

          • 2 years ago

            Holy shit kill thyself

        • 2 years ago

          >Literally never happens.
          You literally never play games.

          • 2 years ago

            Feel free to provide some examples of someone with
            >superior economy
            >superior army
            getting mogged only because his opponent is a micro god.

    • 2 years ago

      I just play PvE with friends in AoE2 at this point because of this. I just want a comfy RTS session.

    • 2 years ago

      moronic take

    • 2 years ago

      they hated him because he told the truth

    • 2 years ago

      I've been watching Warcraft 3 matches and they seem to be just fine, armies get built, armies clash, bases get sieged

    • 2 years ago

      Completely agree, when Starcraft tournaments began RTS died.

  30. 2 years ago

    I hate multiplayer gays so fricking much

    • 2 years ago

      competitive, "meta" homosexualry and epeen obsessed weirdos need to die

      it led to the creation of mobas, and sweaty starcrafts compgayging and "ladder" homosexualry, which is supremely gay

    • 2 years ago

      competitive, "meta" homosexualry and epeen obsessed weirdos need to die

      it led to the creation of mobas, and sweaty starcrafts compgayging and "ladder" homosexualry, which is supremely gay

      did it hurt your feelings when you discovered people were better than you

      • 2 years ago

        no? it just ruins games, which, again, is what this is all about at its core.

        • 2 years ago

          Name 3 good RTS that got ruined by MP gays.

          • 2 years ago

            >goalpost moving

            People being better at a game than you ruins it for you? I fail to see how this isn't just you whining about losing to a better player. You're looking back with rose tinted goggles at a time when you were an ignorant child.

            comp/metagayging being a thing means rts are no longer comfy, and are designed with those types of games in mind.
            "being mad about losing to better players" is rich.
            i dont give a frick about that shit. that's the problem. my interests are not being supplied by the market at all.

            • 2 years ago

              You claimed it ruined games so feel free to post games that got ruined by catering to MP gays. Surely you aren't just a shitposting homosexual, right?

              • 2 years ago

                the fact that there's no games that focus on single player base building, fighting, and it's all been replaced by few units, micro intensive moba style garbage or micro/macro shitfests like starcraft ?

                see the progression of dawn of war series for a real time degeneration of the genre as an example.
                the entire genre was molded to suit homosexuals like you instead of upstanding citizens like me.

              • 2 years ago

                >the entire genre was molded to suit homosexuals like you
                Black person I haven't bought a new RTS since SC2 (which was sorely disappointing). Also, the Stronghold guys kept trying with what you described, maybe if Black folk like you actually bought games instead of endlessly whining online you'd see more of it. And the degeneration of RTS into MOBAs is only proof that the brainlets are winning, not that the asiatic crowd is being catered to.

              • 2 years ago

                This entire thread is just one moron seething. He has a Hollywood vision of strategy in his head where he spends ages coming up with 200 IQ plans and "out thinks" his opponent, and his opponent isn't allowed to do anything to prevent himself from losing to his masterful plan.

                "Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics."
                - US Gen. Omar Bradley

                Even decorated real world generals think the seether is a moron. He either needs to stop playing games that involve unit production, or shut up.

          • 2 years ago

            Age of Empires

            • 2 years ago

              I'll admit I don't know anything about cnc but
              >the poster child of custom games in rts
              >ruined by mpgays and not the braindead company that executed it just so they could sell it again
              >anyone caring about any aoe but 2
              >implying that aoe 2 doesn't have more sp content than ever before

              • 2 years ago

                >the poster child of custom games in rts
                you mean the poster child for 40 different lobbies of DOTA Allstars, where you had to fricking dig just to find a game of Uther Party
                MPgays even managed to destroy customs by giving way to the blight that is MOBA, and thus MPgays are directly responsible for the focus on trash like HOTS and the death of WC3
                >anyone caring about any aoe but 2
                people had to stick to 2 because devs shifted hard into pandering to MPgays after it
                >implying that aoe 2 doesn't have more sp content than ever before
                implying that AOE4, the one new game in the series, wasn't a forced MPgay tailored failure and dumpsterfire
                clinging to aoe2 remake adding another cheapo set of mission is cope, devs clearly showed they do not give a frick nor are willing to learn, and will always prioritise mphomosexual game design and pandering over making a good sequel to 2

                all the C&C games starting with Generals were MPgay designed shitfests trying to bandwagon SC's asiaticclick gameplay
                people blame 4 for killing the series, but it was flopping by RA3 because C&C3 showed that they're just going to resking Generals' shitty gameplay and fail yet again to get MPgays on board a franchise famous for live action cutscenes and building lots of tanks

              • 2 years ago

                >>the poster child of custom games in rts
                Uhh no, Brood War had way better maps.

              • 2 years ago

                Broodwar had like 12% of the customs WC3 had

              • 2 years ago

                Quantity doesn't mean quality bro. Name a single UMS game on WC3, that was better than Diplo Infi. Today's world would be much better if Infi got the standalone game ports and not dota.

              • 2 years ago

                wc3 had the best customs?
                >footmen wars
                >tower defense

                srsly. It spawned the DOTA and TD genres.

              • 2 years ago

                You new to Ganker? Everyone knows dota originated from Starcraft, it's called ASShomosexualS for a reason. And like I said, the world would be a better place if dota didn't grow anyways.

                Also, pretty sure tower defense also started on BW.

              • 2 years ago

                AoS was shittier than dota that's why everyone played dota and not AoS

              • 2 years ago

                >dota originated from Starcraft,
                thats Aeon of Strife, distant ancestor of Dota allstars

              • 2 years ago

                There were 100000 wc3 custom rts maps that were better than that, I'm sure. Personally I liked Warlock, Island Troll Tribes, Dota, escape maps etc though. Starcraft is mostly just good for standard, the customs are shit compared to wc3. Sorry senpai.

              • 2 years ago

                Brood war custom maps were extremely limited in comparison

        • 2 years ago

          People being better at a game than you ruins it for you? I fail to see how this isn't just you whining about losing to a better player. You're looking back with rose tinted goggles at a time when you were an ignorant child.

    • 2 years ago

      competitive, "meta" homosexualry and epeen obsessed weirdos need to die

      it led to the creation of mobas, and sweaty starcrafts compgayging and "ladder" homosexualry, which is supremely gay

      dude, my favorite game is AoM, AoE 2 and Warcraft 3, but i don't play them online because people killed them with competitive meta and shit.

      The best thing to do is gather friends to play, throw Black Florest in AoE2, progress to the last Age, build a huge army and start a diplomacy play with your friends.

      I remember one time when i was the strongest in the game and one of my friends made an treat with me to attack another friend, but the moron tried to back stab me! Thank God i knew to never belive my friends in this game and managed to destroy them both lololololol.

      It's soo very cash money playing with friends only trolling.

  31. 2 years ago

    Because the genre was popular because there weren't really many alternatives and people didn't know better.

    • 2 years ago

      not like we have that many alternatives now, im constantly playing old games and occasionally something fairly new

      • 2 years ago

        Deserts of kharak and that grey goo game.
        There's that ww2 mech game but it's pretty bad
        AOM remake soon though

  32. 2 years ago

    If you want to just build a base why don't you just play city builders?

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking this. If you hate PvP so much go play PvE. If an RTS dev would make a game with a fun PvE mode maybe it'd catch on.

      >Randomly generated maps
      >Random objectives
      >Random enemies
      >Team based

      Ever play Deep Rock Galactic? Imagine being sent on random missions like that, except the gameplay is RTS. Then obviously there can be PvP mode for the sweaties.

      • 2 years ago

        Battleforge has essentially all of this
        Starcraft, RA3, Ao2:DE has coop campaign

        RTS was doing great until asiatics figured out you can attack, retreat, attack, ad infinitum. And the faster you click, the more you can do that, and other things.
        Then very quickly RTS went from armies fighting each other and sieging bases, to autistic clickfests no one but asiatics wants to participate in.

        Battleforge actually fixed this as well. You make units sluggish and hit and run doesn't work anymore

        The genre peaked hard and early, there's nothing to add when AoEII, Warcraft and Starcraft already cover everything and have fans that are hard to woo with anything else.

        lack of vision. There is a lot of cool stuff some games tried and a lot of stuff completely untouched. Spellforce mixed RTS and RPG
        Universe at War had interesting factions and turned every asset on the map into a resource.
        Warzone, Earth 21X0, Impossible Creatures allowed you to design your own units

    • 2 years ago

      city builders are not fantastical or fun, and there aren't outside threats to fight to spur your progress.
      you can remain an irrelevant shithole forever in city builders.
      also engaging in a fake economy that is obtuse and worthless is less satisfying than personally mining resources to expand.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean a lot who played for building pretty cities and maps did.
      Those who liked big battles left for Total War.
      The ones who liked the ruling aspect turned to GSG.

      The only people left are nostalgiagays trying to replicate their childhood - who won't play newer games in the genre anyway - and autistic asiaticclickers.

      Like I said above, the genre was popular because there weren't many alternatives and/or people didn't know better.

      • 2 years ago

        >The only people left are nostalgiagays trying to replicate their childhood - who won't play newer games in the genre anyway - and autistic asiaticclickers
        This, harsh truth that tards will never accept

    • 2 years ago

      That's basically what happened but rts had way more character and an actual goal
      Also as an aside multiplayer has always been the mode of choice for the minority of players. Catering to muh e-sports bullshit is what killed the genre.

    • 2 years ago

      The "City Builder With RTS Turtling" genre fusion isn't too big yet, only They Are Billions hit it big

    • 2 years ago

      That's what everyone did

  33. 2 years ago

    do y''all think aoe2 now more popular than sc2?

  34. 2 years ago

    Dead genre

  35. 2 years ago

    >Why did this genre die?

    Same reason fighting games died: too multiplayer focused. Once companies figure out only autists care about multiplayer and focus should always be on single player mode, they'll come back.

    • 2 years ago

      Multiplayer is the only thing keeping RTS games alive, dummy.
      You think AoE2 would be having global tournaments sponsored by Red Bull if it was just a stream of somebody playing the campaign by themselves?

  36. 2 years ago

    Because it was catered to nerds, DOTA was made by an autistic nerd.

    • 2 years ago

      DotA was made by a series of nerds passing the baton to each other.

  37. 2 years ago

    These games require some work. You have to build a base, balance an economy, upgrade your equipment, etc. Most zoomers can't handle that shit. Games like Total Annihilation would have had them running to their troony discords to complain.

  38. 2 years ago

    I just want some modern equivalent to RoN or EE, a civ RTS, is that too much to ask?

  39. 2 years ago

    because they're hard and people complain when anything is hard
    just look at all these people who want an SP rts where they beat on brainless ai without any strategy because they don't want to lose to other players online

    • 2 years ago

      >just look at all these people who want an SP rts where they beat on brainless ai without any strategy because they don't want to lose to other players online
      you are incapable of understanding why single player rts is fun while i am perfectly capable of understanding why multiplayer rts is fun.

      you are less than me.

    • 2 years ago

      >just look at all these people who want an SP rts where they beat on brainless ai without any strategy because they don't want to lose to other players online

      brainlet compgay take as usual

    • 2 years ago

      >look at all these people who want an SP rts where they beat on brainless ai without any strategy because they don't want to lose to other players online
      Actually the reason I don't play most RTS games multiplayer is because of build order meta homosexualry, I just think that's a really tedious thing to have to get good at so I won't waste my time, instead I'll play Wargame: Red Dragon or something else without basebuilding if I want to fight against humans in a strategy game.

      • 2 years ago

        >instead I'll play Wargame: Red Dragon
        *napalms the road out of your spawn*

        gg 🙂

        • 2 years ago

          Napalming my spawn with what? a jet? all the way over here this early in the game? yeah I don't think that jet is gonna make it back home

      • 2 years ago

        you know I never understood this hate against build orders
        it's a game, so of course there's gonna be some level of optimization for what you should do right at the start, it's like complaining about chess openings

        • 2 years ago

          Chess is turn based. RTS build orders crunch your nervous system.

          >I've seen plenty of games where pros do pick up on what their opponent is doing but still cannot stop them
          Yes, because they found out too late BECAUSE OF FOG OF WAR.

          I'm talking to a bot.

          Most games your scout will reach their base early enough to spot exactly what the opponent is doing.
          On some level you will always have the fog of war regardless: your screen shows only one small part of the map, cloaked units remain stealthed in any scenario for consistency, you can't view boarded units, you can't see the enemy queue.
          At the same time, you're just being a whiny c**t because Fog of War could always be disabled in Starcraft and AOE.

        • 2 years ago

          >I never understood this hate against build orders
          Building things quickly/in a particular order just doesn't feel like a rewarding skill, but it is, in fact in mp strategy games with basebuilding the result of the game is often decided within the first few minutes before any combat takes place at all.

          That is quite simply boring. Watching builder units construct buildings or gather resources is not entertaining at all, but this is actually where most of the decisive shit is happening in these games - that's boring to me.

          • 2 years ago

            Just rush.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah I'll rush to go play wargame or something

        • 2 years ago

          Well I guess for one thing in chess it's only a few turns carrying out the "meta" opening moves and even then some variation becomes immediate based on what your opponent does. Not to mention both players in the early game would be making their moves immediately so little time is wasted.

          In your typical RTS it's a little while doing the same shit at the start every time and it's always a fixed time.

          • 2 years ago

            that "little while" is a couple minutes at most, and it's not like there's only ever one build order in a game

            • 2 years ago

              Supposedly there's no reason for it to be a couple of seconds. Think about how quickly a game of chess gets going because both players already know the opening moves off by heart and will waste no time moving pieces.

              >Well I guess for one thing in chess it's only a few turns carrying out the "meta" opening moves and even then some variation becomes immediate based on what your opponent does.
              Same applies to RTS. You're supposed to scout and react to what your opponent does. Good luck blindly completing your "meta build order" if the other guy decides to go for the rush.

              But that's not immediate, it's a reaction that first requires you to get a scout over to their base.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's a reaction that first requires you to get a scout over to their base.
                How is reacting to what you see your opponent do or having to do something to actually revealing his actions a bad thing?

          • 2 years ago

            >Well I guess for one thing in chess it's only a few turns carrying out the "meta" opening moves and even then some variation becomes immediate based on what your opponent does.
            Same applies to RTS. You're supposed to scout and react to what your opponent does. Good luck blindly completing your "meta build order" if the other guy decides to go for the rush.

        • 2 years ago

          >it's like complaining about chess openings
          well guess what

      • 2 years ago

        >Build order meta homosexualry
        It's okay anon, not everybody's physiology is made for playing games requiring a brain.

  40. 2 years ago

    Do they still make FPS/RTS hybrids like Natural Selection and Battle for Newerth? I miss those games and I doubt anyone plays them anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      Raging +40y/o crybabies are still into Natural Selection.

  41. 2 years ago

    Because I actually just want to build pretty bases and not actually strategize, much less play against other humans.
    So I stopped building pretty bases in skirmish AoE2 and started just playing colony sims/city builders/tower defense instead

    From the way Ganker acts I'm pretty sure I did the right thing since you guys seem to hate "casualgays" that only play single player.

  42. 2 years ago

    Zero-K beats them all and it's free

  43. 2 years ago

    People started playing MOBAs instead.

    • 2 years ago

      I wouldn't call them people.

    • 2 years ago

      Those people were never RTS players in the first place.

      • 2 years ago

        >Lying on the internet

  44. 2 years ago

    I miss the old starcraft 2 interface. It had its issues but it was full of soul

  45. 2 years ago


  46. 2 years ago

    1. the skill ceiling is extremely high so it's inaccessible to casuals unless the ladder is very, VERY segmented
    2. strategy games require thinking moreso than reflex and a lot of people don't want to have to think in their games
    3. the people who DO enjoy thinking often want time to think about their moves, that's why turn-based strategy games like civ and real time with pause strategy games like most of pdx's library are a lot more popular
    4. nobody who really enjoys RTS wants to spend a bunch of time relearning everything from the ground up, which is why only a few big names tend to have success

  47. 2 years ago

    >why is the genre dead
    >because of [reasons]

    • 2 years ago

      Kek true
      They just don't want to accept they are the problem

  48. 2 years ago

    You need to kill your hands to play rts, and to get to that point you'll have grind a lot to memorize shortcuts and get good reflexes with the mouse but at that point most sane people would have given up because they have better things to get good at

  49. 2 years ago

    PCs shrinking market share combined with RTS only being viable on M+KB

    • 2 years ago

      >pc's shrinking market share
      that's not a thing

      • 2 years ago

        What's the percentage of gamers who play video games on PC today as opposed to during the heyday of RTS?

        • 2 years ago

          probably larger. rts carried PC gaming back in the day and even then it was dwarfed by console/handheld. starcraft in its heyday never held a candle to mario, final fantasy, halo, and the other big names of console gaming. even doom's popularity was vastly overshadowed by later comers like goldeneye and halo. it was consoles that brought laypeople and casuals were the biggest market by a large margin. a lot of people in the 90s didn't even have a computer and in the 2000s i recall countless magazines fortelling the death of pc gaming.

          it wasn't until a little while after orange box came out and steam started popularizing pc gaming that it started to take off, and even that wasn't an immediate thing. pc gaming now has grown a lot since then, although it was overshadowed by mobile gaming which captured a large number of people who do not consider themselves gamers.

          there's also the fact that consoles used to have fairly unique architecture that enabled some interesting titles. ps3's architecture in particular was much hated by devs but also was different enough that some really cool stuff came out. these days, most console games are identical on every platform and (outside of nintendo's library) usually get ported to pc, and nintendo's stuff just gets emulated.

          • 2 years ago

            Remember consoles couldn't really do shooters as well as pc too so stuff like quake doom and others were popular on it. It took until Halo to really take off console shooters

            • 2 years ago

              they were, but at that point in time a lot of people didn't have PCs. i had one because my dad worked for IBM, but i knew a LOT of friends who didn't have a PC until like the early to mid 2000s. on the other hand, the reason goldeneye was so big despite the controls being complete dogshit was because it was accessible to a lot more people -- lots of people had N64 and ps1, so games on those systems were accessible to a majority of people. quake and unreal were extremely popular relative to the number of gamers who played on PC, but the total number of people who played on PC at that point was overall fairly small.

          • 2 years ago

            I dunno, it just seems that PC used to be more relevant to the gaming scene, whereas now it's more for indie games whilst AAA devs develop for consoles first and maybe port to PC later. And that obviously means you can't have a game that doesn't work with a controller. The opposite isn't a problem, especially when they started making controllers that you can use with PCs.

            • 2 years ago

              the delayed release to PC is more (a) to avoid piracy and (b) for exclusivity deals with sony/microsoft than for any technical limitation. these days engines like unity and unreal have options to build on whatever platform you want pretty much, so porting is very little effort - it's mostly QA work to make sure it runs properly on a bunch of different hardware profiles since with consoles you usually only have a couple.

              there's no real platform-specific innovation driving it like there used to be and for most games these days the expectation is they'll eventually make it to pc if they don't launch there at release. people also have enough stuff to play where new titles aren't as exciting as they used to be -- look at the hype difference between old E3 and the last E3 we had. sure there's still SOME hype for new titles, but it's NOTHING like what it used to be. that's why people are willing to wait 6 months for something to come out on pc, or 12 months to get it for half price on pc.

              if anything, it's not so much any one platform dominating these days as it is a blurring of the lines between the platforms altogether. i think we're already at the point where there's no substantial difference between pc and console gaming and they're largely treated as the same thing.

              • 2 years ago

                >the delayed release to PC is more (a) to avoid piracy and (b) for exclusivity deals with sony/microsoft than for any technical limitation.
                Except the obvious techical limitation of having to work on a controller. People have tried to make a console RTS. None of them really succeeded.

  50. 2 years ago

    asiaticclick killed the genre

    >most players are just casuals who just love playing and turtling with frens
    >nowadays every new RTS is designed with asiaticclick in mind while there's a separate genre out there that caters to number autists and city builders
    >Blizzard fully embracing MMOs in the early-mid 00s spelled doom for the genre, even SC2's campaign is soulless outside of Wings of Liberty - the last game where the OG Blizzard crew of WC/SC worked on
    >Blizzard also JUSTed WC3's remaster and has permanently killed the IP in favor of WoW
    >there's only so much Warhammer 40k RTS you can churn out until series fatigue kicks in

    Stunned and surprised that EA hasn't shat out RA2/YR remaster alongside with Relic doing a Dawn of War remaster

    • 2 years ago

      >RA2/YR remaster alongside with Relic doing a Dawn of War remaster
      Never gonna happen

    • 2 years ago

      AoE chads rule supreme.

    • 2 years ago

      I think the bigger issue with asiatic click is that people completely forgot why asiatic click was even a thing in the first place. It was because the AI was so stupid that clicking really fast made them smart. Instead of it being a thing of the past they made a shitty mechanic that servered no reason in to the main mechanic of the game. To make it worse is that the only reason why asiatic click was so rewarding in the past was because of how much effort you needed to do in order to make your units not be moronic, now we have perfected unit AI, so to justify asiatic click they added in a bunch of mechanics that end up just feeling like meaningless work rather than actual skill.

  51. 2 years ago

    Age of Empires community is too arrogant to have a simple PvE lobby. It's like they WANT their community to die.

    • 2 years ago

      >PvE lobby
      What's that?

      • 2 years ago

        I wonder why janny wants to delete
        >the only reason why the government would want to disarm you after 243 years is because they intend to do something that you would shoot them for
        from an RTS thread while leaving thousands of disgusting offtopic garbage on the frontpage.
        Also leaving "what's a PVE lobby?" unanswered as if it isn't on-topic, the for-free operating frick.

        • 2 years ago

          What's the point of attaching random, unrelated images to your post in a thread that is mostly on-topic discussion? Especially boomer-tier milquetoast shit like that.

          • 2 years ago

            Subconscious programming. Next question.
            The post itself had on-topic text people could've answered.

            • 2 years ago

              >make complete non-post
              >attach attention grabbing image because you know your post is worthless and will be overlooked by itself
              >hurr durr y no one answer me?!

              • 2 years ago

                >read post
                >say it's non-post
                Hurr durr. As I said, go clean up the rest of the filth-ridden board.

  52. 2 years ago

    >10-20 years ago
    >you play against friends with moronic, but fun strategies
    >win or lose, you get some fun memories and banter
    I still remember spamming dogs in RA2 and using them to cleanup paratroopers my friend spammed

    >you play against online sweatlords where they try to execute the cookie-cutter strategy
    If you lose, you can only seethe, if you win, they say "gg" and leave. Both victory and defeat feel empty.

    • 2 years ago

      >10-20 years ago
      >have friends willing to play games with you
      >have no friends, have to play against people you hate online
      this is the reason rts "died"

  53. 2 years ago

    the fricking song names in AOM

    • 2 years ago

      Pure kino

  54. 2 years ago

    They just look so bad
    I look at games like AOE4 and I can't help but notice the washed out colors and downgraded looks of the game.

    • 2 years ago

      Doesn't look that different from other AoE games

      • 2 years ago

        SOVL - soul, I guess - soulless. Simple as.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        AOE4 had no colors dude. It's showing even in your image. It feels like they desperately wanted units to stick out so they just bleached everything.
        The white fog everywhere also doesn't help

        • 2 years ago

          Whoever's doing UI work for a lot of companies are complete imbeciles. Somehow that carried over to UX as well: gross scaling of ammo and units, washed out colors, weak-ass illustrator drawn cultural symbols instead of nicely painted artworks aoe1 had, buildings not looking as aesthetic as aoe1 either.
          Somehow the elefants still look kino at least.

      • 2 years ago

        Your pic exemplifies how it's uglier than AoE3 at a distance.

  55. 2 years ago

    The genre peaked hard and early, there's nothing to add when AoEII, Warcraft and Starcraft already cover everything and have fans that are hard to woo with anything else.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much this. Add Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander and CnC and there really isn't much left to do.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh yeah, how could I forget CoC.

      • 2 years ago

        Company of heroes 2 is also very good and isn't a click fest like SC2.
        Age of empires 4 is also pretty good imo

    • 2 years ago


      Pretty much this. Add Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander and CnC and there really isn't much left to do.

      There's plenty but nobody willing to innovate and the sale counts aren't sexy either. Nobody wanted to make a modern Harvest Moon so one guy just reaped all the profits.

    • 2 years ago

      uuuuuuhhhhh i still want to have new rts's made with b***hin' stories, you know... frick if i give a frick if the genre peaked, jesus...

  56. 2 years ago

    aoe4 is UGLY

    • 2 years ago

      it's a mobile game that they fashioned into a pc game, somehow. that's what makes it so shitty looking. shit graphics style, shit zoom, shit everything. like, no joke, why didn't they create a patch where you could zoom out more, it can't be so fricking hard for them to do? they did it with the aoe2 remaster, and i think they did it with the aoe3 remaster too, so why not with aoe4?? it boggles the mind, literally. this is relic we're talking about, we're not talking about a noob company here, we are talking about experienced devs. why did they frick up the zoom? and why the cartoon graphics???? this is literally the goddamn age of empires series we're talking about, a legendary fricking series, why the fricking disrespect????? truly, it boggles the mind...

  57. 2 years ago

    Is Submarine Titans any good?

  58. 2 years ago

    Someone give me RTS recs, I've only played AoE 1

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      warcraft 2
      warcraft 3
      aoe 2
      supreme commander
      rise of nations
      company of heroes
      never played them but the dawn of war games maybe

    • 2 years ago

      Age of mythology
      Basically the same but with a good story

    • 2 years ago

      Homewrold Deserts of Kharak
      Homeworld Remastered Collection

    • 2 years ago

      aoe2 and 3. age of mythology. company of heroes series. starcraft series. empire earth series. red alert series. dune series. warcraft series. homeworld series. i can't remember any others.

    • 2 years ago

      dawn of war 1: base game(GOTY edition) is my favorite campaign so far. winter assault's is a let-down, dark crusade is a risk-style map where you fight other factions and need to take land. soulstorm is only for mods because it's fricked otherwise.

    • 2 years ago

      warcraft 2
      warcraft 3
      aoe 2
      supreme commander
      rise of nations
      company of heroes
      never played them but the dawn of war games maybe

      Warlords Battlecry, Warlords Battlecry 2

      the third one isn't as good but has a longer campaign.. They changed summoning mechanics for the undead race among other things in order to sustained siege tactics, which was the only real trump card versus a pure merchant build, shifting the meta from resource management, upgrade order, tiered armies and planned sacrifice to merchant&command build to the extreme, then rush with cheap units asap. Still quite fun in single player, but unless you are in a house-rules community that bans the merchant build, pvp was ruined in it.

      • 2 years ago

        in order to nerf sustained siege tactics*

  59. 2 years ago

    I think they never cared about gfx and the casual players moved on to shit like Clash of Clans

  60. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >hitting a land vehicle

  61. 2 years ago

    >real time strategy
    >is actually a real time tactics game

    • 2 years ago

      Name 3

    • 2 years ago

      What's your strategy for winning said RTT game, anon? Oh.

    • 2 years ago

      >strategies are just a bundle of tactics
      you're blowing my mind here

    • 2 years ago

      The game is played in real time.
      The game can be won by the team with the best strategy.
      The game is tactical.
      Welp, RTS has been there all along.

  62. 2 years ago

    >Modern RTS
    >Trying to mod it in any way, shape, or form is a goddamn nightmare.
    >Developers offer zero tools, tips, or support for modding.

    • 2 years ago

      the red alert ads were legendary. they'll never have the balls to recreate those ads. 'nuff said.

  63. 2 years ago

    I don't get how Brood War is a competitive game. It's a buggy cheesy solved mess of shovelware.

    • 2 years ago

      cuz it's fun

  64. 2 years ago

    its the RT i dont like
    turn based is more strategic than tactical

  65. 2 years ago

    Factorio, Rust and Satisfctory ARE the RTS genre. Multitasking games with no real depth like BW and AoE can rot in their ghettos.

  66. 2 years ago

    >Real time strategy
    >No strategy

  67. 2 years ago

    usually only one civ is overpowered and wins whoevers fingers are fast enough to create the first villager to collect resources

    it's not a game of tactics but ritalin

  68. 2 years ago

    Memorizing dozens of hotkeys and build orders is as meaningless and visually unsatisfying as memorizing fighting game combos; not a lot of people want to do it. RTS was my favorite genre growing up, by the way!

  69. 2 years ago

    Need something built... Or blown up?

    • 2 years ago

      CoH3 comes out in 2 months but its clear that they don't have the funds to make it as compelling as CoH1 or 2 even

  70. 2 years ago

    Any good laptops for RTS gamin?

  71. 2 years ago

    because people are playing them in a way that "I personally" don't like, and regardless of how "I personally" play them that's just unacceptable

  72. 2 years ago

    I only played them for the campaigns

  73. 2 years ago

    espurts killed it

    • 2 years ago

      esports, meta circlejerking

      how did esports kill it?

      • 2 years ago

        Made Blizzard greedy enough to make insane mandates for SC2 and bury KESPA and all other competing esports greenfield companies.

        • 2 years ago

          and what exactly did that do to every other developer that wasn't blizzard?
          and even what you're saying seems like it just hurt esports and not rts

          • 2 years ago

            Well yeah it did hurt esport and in doing so killed most of the interest the games already had. You think MOBAs are popular with kiddos because they're just hella fun? Nah, it was the thriving esport scenes that popularized them because people will jump at the chance of winning gorillions.

            • 2 years ago

              Dota was a fun party game we played in internet café as a child

              • 2 years ago

                Sure but it was still SMALL as an audience. hundreds of MILLIONS have played it since then.

                Anyway, personally I'd rather have few games with a steady audience than many shitty ones or with flakey audiences.

                cool deathball
                the real killer of RTS games btw: giant deathballs where nobody can tell one unit from another and it takes hours upon hours of training to tell two-units apart in the gray, low-contrast 'next gen' graphics.

                There's a reason AOE1 had 50 units maximum. HP was supposed to abstract for each unit per point otherwise it made little sense. It could've had phallanx soft in the back but they couldn't get it balanced in time for release and just didn't bother.

      • 2 years ago

        Changed the perception of the genre from something fun to something competitive and difficult

        • 2 years ago

          looking at this thread that's a believable hypothesis
          so basically esports "killed" rts because people are too dumb to make their own opinions

          • 2 years ago

            People aren't going to buy a product advertised as something they don't like

            • 2 years ago

              the only reason most people bought rts games in the first place was because they knew nothing about them in an age where the internet didn't exist in it's current state

              • 2 years ago

                Nah dude I'm pretty sure I could fire up RA2 or AoE2 right now and have some fun, those are beloved classics for good reason

              • 2 years ago

                that's not what I meant, I'm saying most people bought them knowing nothing about the genre as a whole even if they turned out to be good games

              • 2 years ago

                Oh shit man good point my bad bro keep it up you're killing it homie

  74. 2 years ago

    esports, meta circlejerking

  75. 2 years ago

    the simple answer is RTS is an extremely niche genre, and its popularity is just a consequence of it having a lot of individual things people like

    People didn't like RTS, they liked building cool cities -> move to city builders or civilization
    People didn't like RTS, they liked groups of ancient armies fighting -> moved to total war or similar games
    People who liked microing their troops around moved onto mobas, people who liked the strategy elements moved to turn based tactics games

    only people who like the very specific combo of building up AND micro AND strategy WHILE under real time pressure actually enjoyed the genre for its own sake, there's a reason why in aoe2 or warcraft/starcraft you had literally half the playerbase just doing the campaign or custom scenarios, even at the genres peak the people who were actually playing an RTS in the RTS game were a minority

    • 2 years ago

      >the simple answer is RTS is an extremely niche genre
      Except it's not and people want RTS games. The issue is that new RTS games are ass in every aspect.

    • 2 years ago

      why do you keep posting this fricking meme? my homies and i loved playing rts's for the stpry and the awesome LAN, god damn, dude, stop posting this stupid fricking meme, it's just not true.

      • 2 years ago

        wow you and like 5 people play RTS'S? i guess they aren't niche and sell millions with playecounts in the high hundered thousands and they also come out like one every 3 months

  76. 2 years ago

    Surprised nobody mentioned the real reason.

    You have to babysit literally every single unit and greenlight EVERYTHING that happens in your civilisation. The units have zero autonomy, so there is zero unpredictabled or hilarious stuff than can happen aside from surprise attacks by the enemy.

    It's basically like playing with little action figures, moving them from point A to point B.

    That is a little unsatisfying. There is just not a lot of interesting shit that can happen except different variations of enemy troops which you have to defeat in a paper, stone, scissors kind of way. But you can't even enjoy the combat because you have to babysit like 40 villagers at the same time all the fricking time.

  77. 2 years ago

    I think that a big problem with rts is that they are either too fast or too slow, i don't know why people don't learn that warcraft 3 speed was perfect

  78. 2 years ago

    For the same reason why other niche genres exist, hardly anyone who isn't a vet can get over the wall that's been put over RTS games for over 20 years

  79. 2 years ago

    >oh nice an RTS thread I bet it won't be moronic

    • 2 years ago

      >I bet it won't be moronic
      where have you been the past 10 years

      • 2 years ago

        >hop on Ganker
        >"m-maybe THIS time it'll be different"
        I have to stop doing this to myself

  80. 2 years ago

    Still love the game but my micro skills are garbage.

  81. 2 years ago

    Low IQ casuals took over gaming and culture in general, plus a good RTS is hard to make and corporations don't want to make something difficult, only things they can churn out on a production line.

  82. 2 years ago


  83. 2 years ago

    I only played Age of Empires 2 to make cool looking medieval cities when I was 10

    I still watch videos about it and tournaments but I have no grasp of RTS games at all

  84. 2 years ago

    people got the dumbs. can't play them

  85. 2 years ago

    esports shit has made all games try to appeal to it
    i want devs to know, not everyone wants to play starcraft with 500 billion fricking APM
    1.remove shit like animation cancelling, eg like archers in age of empires being able to fire faster if you micro them intensly, introduce turning speed similar to dota to stop that
    2.fricking stop min maxing balance to be as "flashy" and "exciting" as possible for esports, noone gives a rats ass about that
    3.actually fricking make singleplayer content so people have fun offline and theyre not forced into MP from the start, on that note making singleplayer only RTS games would be nice because those fricking died

    • 2 years ago

      Ahh yess. The moron asking for casual gameplay mechanics.

      • 2 years ago

        did you read the post my dude? you are the moron

  86. 2 years ago

    The entire genre was shit but people pretend like it was popular because it is old.

  87. 2 years ago

    Because pc gaming died with Vista in 2007.

  88. 2 years ago


  89. 2 years ago

    >Why did this genre die?
    Because it became less about strategy and more about memorizing meta builds and clicking as fast as possible, and quitting if you missclick once

    • 2 years ago

      why do you play like that if you don't like it?

  90. 2 years ago

    Because grand strategy games absorbed all of the RTS player base.

  91. 2 years ago

    RTS isn't dead. The real issue is the massive divide between those who just want to play single player and those that want to play online. CoH2 was a massive hit, yet despite this only 1% of players ever hit the achievment "play 3 online matches". SC2 almost died way soon till they finally added in coop mode with the ability to choose commanders to alter your army. IN fact the coop mode is played more than vs. Even with AoE now being a literal behemoth still less than 1% of the player base ever touches online, but almost 100% of players do go through the story and challenge modes. The devs of Age of Empires online reported that the entire reason why the game failed was because it did not launch with PvE or skrimish options, which they found out the vast majority of people play. So the real big issue isn't that RTS is dead, but that devs constantly try to make RTS games that heavily focus on multiplayer rather than trying to make an interesting single player. To add insult to injury nu devs lack creativity. They do not create interesting worlds or game play. Name another RTS that has mechanics like zerg creep, or protoss reavers needing to build their ammo. At most a modern RTS will offer a unit like a seige tank, but that's about it. They do not try to think of new ways units can work or even just copy mechanics. They just make them as simple as they can be as they are neither creative nor compitent enough to do anything else, which says a lot since the devs that pioniered RTS had less time, money and tech.

  92. 2 years ago

    It sounds really cool on paper and then I remember my reaction time is subpar and I’m too lazy to learn real life skills, let alone micro and macro. Like MOBAs, it’s more fun to spectate than to play

  93. 2 years ago

    I played a couple games of AoE2 last night. I'm going to play another in a few minutes. I only play 1v1 ranked because if it's not ranked the other player will get salty if I don't follow some unspoken rule.
    It's a fun genre. I hope more games come out. It's deep and complex like MOBAs but you don't have to rely on other people.

    • 2 years ago

      Company of Heroes 3 and Homeworld are the only notable releases coming out maybe try CoH1 and see if thats your thing

  94. 2 years ago

    >Genre only works on pc so AAA won't touch it since they could just make any other game with crossplay and reap more money
    >To outsiders every game look the same but in a different flavors of "Build and research stuff to crush the other people doing the same" while with something like CSGO vs TF2 there are vastly different first person shooters at a glance
    >A split between people wanting good solo content and people who only care about multiplayer

  95. 2 years ago


  96. 2 years ago

    fricken christ, haven't we been over this a thousand times, already? it's because the fricking money men made two or three crap rts games in a row and then collectively decided that the whole fricking genre had died, damn....

    • 2 years ago

      Such as?

  97. 2 years ago

    so what are some of these games that asiaticclick changed that people talk about?
    people keep saying that all the devs catered to esports gays in their design decisions, but what games did those devs make?

  98. 2 years ago

    i have an old CD of SC2 WoL that's completely broken, installs but won't do anything but show script errors on the launcher and not update
    despite just werking on my shitty laptop 10 years ago
    anyone know what hoops i have to jump through? compatibility mode? i just wanna play bot matches frick online
    might as well ask here, all results on forums are just "update ur drivers lol"

    • 2 years ago

      download it from your battlenet account?

  99. 2 years ago

    npcs and most birdbrain idiots are too stupid to participate.
    not even kidding many people simply cant learn how to play even the most simple strategy games.

  100. 2 years ago

    It take sforever and everybody turtle up behind a billions defence.If there is a super aggro race like zerg in starcraft or china in command and conquer they ether get team up by everyone else or they steamroll everyone.

  101. 2 years ago

    >Waaaa! too hard! I do not know what my opponent is doing! I can't react to it! Fog of war is stupid!
    Learn to scout
    >Waaaa! my opponents cheated and followed a guide!
    Learn a build order
    >Waaaa! It is LITERALLY impossible to learn how to play these games!
    It has never been easier to learn RTS with the amount of information and tutorials out there.

    • 2 years ago

      and yet the genre is still dead and you are here defending the shit that made it die

      • 2 years ago

        Happy to see it die like that than having shitters ruin it I guess.
        >It takes skill and that's why it died!

        • 2 years ago

          okay dude, ill be enjoying my actual fun games now while you continue to kill RTS with your le epic mlg micro skills

      • 2 years ago

        the shit that made it die is just information. it's just info most people didn't have.

  102. 2 years ago

    RTS games are unfeasible to play with the tard controller

    • 2 years ago

      red alert on ps1 was fine

      • 2 years ago

        I wouldn't know because I played it on a huge fricking tower with a keyboard, mouse, and CRT monitor

  103. 2 years ago

    what we (i) need is turn-based strategy on the scale of command and conquer

  104. 2 years ago

    It use to be fun as shit online in the old days and call me stupid but the koreans and people that play 12 hours a day made the fun machine take a shit and die

  105. 2 years ago

    >Why did this genre die?
    Because even when they were selling really well most people didn't actually enjoy playing them, they enjoyed the single player or custom scenarios.

    It's like fighting games, you unironically need to be built different to have your cute little settlement with perfectly space buildings get completely fricking trashed by some dickhead tower rushing you and instead of ragequitting the game go "ok, how do I beat this"

  106. 2 years ago

    Meta build orders killed RTS games

  107. 2 years ago

    >ywn play Warcraft 3 again

  108. 2 years ago

    They didn't die out.
    RTS is just a odd genre out where instead of a constant slew of new titles every year the old pillars of the genre managed to stay popular.

  109. 2 years ago

    It's too big of an endeavor for indies to pick up and AAA studios only make 2 games and small studios are sort of few and far between.
    Also if any new ones do actually come out they often fall into the esports trap where they focus more on the games being competitive instead of focusing on them being fun.

  110. 2 years ago

    Its complicated, but i think one of the MAIN reasons is that the devs that make them died out or abandoned the genre. Think of how westwood, ensemble, etc. have died and you realize the people that want to do RTS just end up being bankrupt or going to other genres.

  111. 2 years ago

    I enjoy Age of Empires 3 and I'm glad it's still getting new content. That said the online scene is full of hypersweats.

  112. 2 years ago

    >Why did this genre die?
    didnt, more players than ever

  113. 2 years ago

    >Yet another 'RTS is dead' thread by moron homosexual OP that doesn't even play RTS games
    Abloo blo bloooo there isn't a starcraft 27 or C&C 2713890, RTS is DEAD!

    God I wish you homosexuals would stop talking like you know any god damn thing about the genre. It's more alive than it's ever been before currently and we're spoiled for choice on great looking games coming out in 2023 and we've had some bangers this year too. Frick off back to your gay ass hero shooters and half assed FROM hack and slashers.

    • 2 years ago

      What's the game in pic?

  114. 2 years ago

    We're actually getting a full set of new moderately big budget RTS in 2023, so calling the genre dead is a bit of a stretch.
    Stormgate - Blizzard Stacraft/Warcraft-like
    Tempest Rising - Command and Conquer-like
    Sanctuary Shatter Sun - Total Annihilation-like
    Homeworld 3
    This in addition to tons of smaller indie games like crossfire, dorf game, muriet, etc. Pick a game and play it homie.

    • 2 years ago

      You're wasting your time, any homosexual calling the genre dead is just some nostalgia queer crying about not getting a new C&C, who hasn't actually played an RTS game in 10+ years.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Tempest Rising
      >checks store page
      >"2 epic single player campaigns with between-mission cutscenes."
      >can immediately tell it's gonna be glorified skirmish maps

  115. 2 years ago

    >Iron Harvest comes out
    >really cool unique setting and lore
    >fun campaign
    fans just can't be happy themselves

    • 2 years ago

      It was just a shit game.
      Cool concept bad execution

  116. 2 years ago

    >long gameplay session per game
    >require high apm and high focus/brainpower so you can't "just chill and play a comfy game"
    >pve ranges from too easy to way too hard for all the wrong reasons
    >pvp is incredibly sweaty and there is no "I just play for fun" option, you're tryhard or you're getting fricked

  117. 2 years ago

    AoE4's problem is that you can't deliver it with less content than AoE2 if you want to replace AoE2. It's a tall order where they need to have all the civs from all the expansions and map types and then more. As soon as they released it with less than a 20 year old game, it was doomed. People played the new campaign, thought it's cool civs are much more unique, saw the multiplayer was worse and just went back to what had more.

  118. 2 years ago

    It had several causes that led to its demise.
    First was the death of LAN and the Birth of Online Multiplayer
    Second was the death of the Campaign in favor of the E-sport.
    And third was the rise of the Moba.

    • 2 years ago

      World of warcraft is probably also partially to blame

  119. 2 years ago

    Why do people think RTS are harder than any other competitive genre online?
    I have seen friends get into league of legends and lose their lane every time for months straight and thats babies first moba.
    People b***h and complain about fightan and I got to red ranks in 4 months in tekken of never playing a fightan.
    If you put the work in, its no different than literally any game
    People just want wins handed to them

    • 2 years ago

      cause it requires more IQ.
      >quick decision making

      LoL is moron version of DOTA, polar opposite of RTS high skill ceiling

  120. 2 years ago

    >Why do people despise RTS games?
    they're low iq

  121. 2 years ago

    Try the Galaxy Angel trilogy.

  122. 2 years ago

    >We got the rockets!
    We got the rockets!
    >We got the rockets!
    We got the rockets!
    >We got the rockets!

  123. 2 years ago

    Been playing a ton of Dark Omen lately, it's still hard as nails
    I used to almost break my mouse frantically clicking to power up units in hand-to-hand

    • 2 years ago

      frick me, theres an old game with similar graphics ive been trying to find for many years, except the units looked more 3d
      it had gore and i think the demo had a mission with undead coming out of a river and some pumpkins you could smash

      annoying thing is i saw a compilation of easter eggs few years ago on yt and it had mentioned the game, but it didnt mention the name and few days later was taken down for copyrights

  124. 2 years ago

    The intersection between cool army battles and playing a game to win doesn't line up as I envision it in my head. And because I don't want to go through the hassle of learning and optimizing a build order Im less likely to enjoy it.
    The cool visuals of large armies fighting it out cant be enjoyed too much in an rts because you've got to constantly be looking around the map and managing economy too. That's a certain kind of fun but for me it's more often stressful and work and not laid back vidya like i'd like.
    AI typically are too moronic or even if competent not particularly satisfying to beat.

    Total war used to be the game for people like me but since warhammer and the faster pace of the game I cant even enjoy watching battles because they're over in 5 mins. Medieval 2 and prior units would duke it out for a couple of minutes before crumbling or routing.

    Someone needs to make a game with delayed unit orders and a maximum number of orders allowed. Let the superior tactics and strategy play it out instead of autistic unit behaviour manipulation and intense micro dictating every single game in the genre.

    That said Im glad AoE is in a second golden age and i'm hype for AoM.

  125. 2 years ago

    turn-based with a several factions/players is too tedious for most. thats why real-time age of empire is king

  126. 2 years ago

    How do the 'modern' versions of AoE 1-3/M hold up? I got my original discs of the series, although missing a couple expacs.

  127. 2 years ago

    Narrative and presentation demands rose, but the genre was not equipped for it.

  128. 2 years ago

    Give it to me straight lads, is AoE 3 actually good?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes but not compared to AoE2 so it might as well not exist.

    • 2 years ago

      As far as 3d RTS games went for the era it was pretty good, alongside having some formation features I wish AoE2 was better about.

      But it boils down to what

      Yes but not compared to AoE2 so it might as well not exist.


    • 2 years ago

      AoE3 is a fricking great game and absolutely worth a playthrough, its greatest crime is simply not surpassing what could very reasonably be called literally the best RTS ever made, and who can blame it for that?

  129. 2 years ago

    tell me how to enjoy AoE 2
    Right now all I say is a game where you rush militia and get to Castle ASAP

  130. 2 years ago

    Dawn of War 1 is the best RTS game ever made
    >Only requires an APM of about 4 for multiplayer, anyone can enjoy it
    >Every faction is fun and unique
    >God tier soundtrack
    >Amazing 40k autism army paint customization
    >No Black folk, no women (except sexy elves and space nuns)

    All that is required of the player for a perfect experience is to use the grid keys mod and camera zoom mod.

    • 2 years ago

      >played the shit out of DoW since beta
      >many lan parties had
      >DoW 2 comes out
      >oh boy here we go

      • 2 years ago

        >last stand

  131. 2 years ago

    Ganker is so absurdly casual it's insane

  132. 2 years ago

    I wouldn't mind learning a new rts. What are some rts games with an active multiplayer scene of enough players that you don't recognize names and a newbie can find other newbies? Other than the obvious blizzard rts and age of empires.

  133. 2 years ago

    I like rts because i have a tested iq of 137

    • 2 years ago

      So you're a moron?

      • 2 years ago

        Top 0.7%

        • 2 years ago

          Wow that's pretty moronic

  134. 2 years ago

    Black and White 1 and 2
    Frick Microsoft for ruining this franchise

  135. 2 years ago

    Homeworld 3 is literally the only game I've been genuinely excited about in the last 10 years.

  136. 2 years ago

    >Ganker STILL thinks "muh clickspeed" is all that matters
    Christ isn't there a real board for actual players?

    • 2 years ago

      yes, /vst/

      • 2 years ago

        Shut up

      • 2 years ago

        No one talks about WC3 there

  137. 2 years ago

    Because companies stopped making fun RTS and started making esports bait

  138. 2 years ago

    Don't care about multiplayer
    People who play pvp only are the most miserable homosexuals on this planet with their head permanently stuck in between their cheecks
    Just give me a good singleplayer one with fun mission design

  139. 2 years ago

    Supreme Commander FAF is still alive and well
    The casts are the best

  140. 2 years ago

    Anyone else hate when you have to actually engage with a games mechanics? How am I supposed to watch xqc on my second screen and film tiktoks if I have to actually play the game fr fr on god

    • 2 years ago

      Grasping at straws

  141. 2 years ago

    MP is so fricking boring its insane
    Just grind the same strategy till you climb the rank enough for your satisfaction

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like a horrendous game, glad RTS isn't like that

      • 2 years ago

        Cope all you want but i played it
        Everyone tries to cheese the other one to win under 15 minutes to get imaginary internet points to get a badge
        Unironically reddit teir

        • 2 years ago

          Holy shit where do you morons come from?

          • 2 years ago

            Im sure youll get that sticker
            Just do 56 more games

            • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Do you like any multiplayer games at all?

          • 2 years ago

            Not really
            Multiplayer grows old really fast on me since its just the same thing over and over

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah when you're moronic, when you start actually thinking it gets amazing and dynamic

              • 2 years ago

                Uh huh
                homie i played it
                Dont try to fool me

              • 2 years ago

                >do the same thing over and over like a moron without thinking
                >blame the genre

              • 2 years ago

                Yes thats what it became
                Either copy others or lose

              • 2 years ago

                ahahhaha holy shit does Ganker REALLY
                You are braindead genuinely

              • 2 years ago

                You homosexuals cant be honest if it saved your life
                Holy shit

              • 2 years ago

                If you're playing MP and only doing the same strats without thinking then no shit it'll stop working

              • 2 years ago

                It didn't stoped working
                I just got bored
                Sure if i come back in sc2 now after a decade it will be different but once you figure out what's working or look up the meta its back to the grind

              • 2 years ago

                Here's your last (You) homosexual, this is terrible shitposting even for Ganker

              • 2 years ago

                Sure, run

              • 2 years ago

                everything that anon said is correct, I'm confused as to why you find this controversial
                you can literally just look up vibes b2gm series and copy them exactly and it will carry you straight to platinum with 0 brain power
                it's not super stimulating, dude. the only circumstances in which you are correct are
                1) gentlemen's agreement among friends
                2) everyone playing is at the same level of macro prowess

              • 2 years ago

                Dude he is clearly just coping and arguing in bad faith
                For him rts is a holy genre that only literal geniuses can play because otherwise game just wouldn't load unless you pass mandatory IQ check
                Lets hope he doesn't choke on his own farts

              • 2 years ago

                It sounds like you dislike how difficult it is to come up with new and effective strategies by yourself. I get that. If your goal is to win and get good, it's much less effective to experiment on your own than it is to simply look up a guide written by an expert.

                But, you do not have to focus everything on winning and following the meta. That is not required, no one is forcing you. You are free to play as you like and if the game has a functional matchmaking system you will find evenly-matched games regardless. You can experiment, you can mess around, only it won't be optimal. That doesn't matter if you're still having fun.

                Also, it does take brainpower to implement and follow a plan and keep everything working properly in the heat of a match against a competent opponent. It's not very creative, granted, since you probably knew what you wanted to do before the match even started, but it's difficult and it requires awareness, focus, and quick thinking.

              • 2 years ago

                >no one is forcing you to win
                >just have fun
                I wish it was all that simple
                But one is hardly possible without the other
                Its rarely you have a game so close that loosing feels good
                Also yeah sure you can play without looking up meta but all it does is you taking a long route to learn all this
                Because other people follow meta, and you can see what they are doing, so you start to yake notes and copy them and in that way you will be following the meta just not as efficiently and it will take you 10 times longer to learn it

              • 2 years ago

                I was trying to say that as long as the game matchmaking system works, you will get wins even if you're playing like an anti-meta goofball. You'll also get losses, about half of the time. That's only a problem if you think it's a problem.

                But if you are instead focused on winning and improving and climbing the ranks, then I don't know why it would bother you to learn from others. That's what everybody has to do. No shame in it.

              • 2 years ago

                its a npc complaint, you see the same things with card game players (mtg for example) that whine about "netdeckers" because they can't win with their shitty brew

              • 2 years ago

                >whine about "netdeckers" because they can't win with their shitty brew
                everybody has to be original and creative just like meeeeeeee

              • 2 years ago

                >shows up to casual locals with a tier 0 netdeck
                >wtf why don't people like me fricking npcs
                every time kek

              • 2 years ago

                Difference is a size of a playerbase
                I played mtg and our club was like 25ppl
                If someone created a tournament winning deck that wasn't that big of a problem
                Because you still need to play with the deck to feel it and how to play it, and later people know already what you are and they have tools to deal with you
                But when playerbase is big enough then it goes to
                >oh im playing A i need to build a wall like this and be aware of X harass and he might drop on me at 6 minute mark so i have to scout there
                And it never really changes

              • 2 years ago

                holy frick you're moronic lmfao

              • 2 years ago

                Im sorry that you are so blind that you fail to see a clear pattern in that

            • 2 years ago

              Understandable. And you're right it is repetitive, in the same way that all competitive activities with static rulesets are repetitive. Chess is just trying to trap the king over and over, basketball is just trying to get the ball in the hoop over and over, rts is just trying to defeat the enemy army over and over. The goal is the same every time and there's almost always an established meta.

              If the competition itself doesn't excite you there's no reason to play. But that's not a flaw with rts or with competition as a concept, it clearly appeals to huge numbers of people even if it's not your thing.

              • 2 years ago

                Not really
                Multiplayer grows old really fast on me since its just the same thing over and over

                Ganker doesn't play games if you think these are good posts

              • 2 years ago

                If you like grinding its okay dude
                I don't
                I play rts for the campaigns and custom shit

              • 2 years ago

                >refuse to think
                >this is the genres fault
                I can see why RTS filtered morons like you

              • 2 years ago

                You greatly overestimate the need to think in these kind of games

              • 2 years ago

                >outright admit you don't think about what you're doing
                >then try to have a discussion about multiplayer

              • 2 years ago

                Its like i talk to rick and morty fan who unironically belives in the iq pasta

  142. 2 years ago

    Best campaign?
    For me it's age of mythology. Fun characters and a good mix of scenarios

  143. 2 years ago

    >Why did this genre die?
    Because RTS games used to have something for most people to enjoy
    >Good singleplayer campaigns for casuals to play
    >Robust map editors for custom games
    >PvP for sweaty asiatics to minmax
    but then esports took off and companies stopped making their games appeal to all three and started strictly appealing to the PvP minmaxers only to discover that people who spend their entire lives minmaxing Brood War aren't going to jump ship to a new title. Oh and MOBAs took off too.

    • 2 years ago

      I like how pvp homosexuals now complain how genre is dead even though they got exactly what they wanted

  144. 2 years ago

    Any RTS that take from the C&C school of thought of just building mass armies to defend your base/throw at the enemy?

  145. 2 years ago

    I like how you can easily tell who's a normalgay and who isn't by the moronic twitch lingo they use

    • 2 years ago

      How do you distinguish twitch lingo

      • 2 years ago

        I assume its twitch, could be twitter, but you can easily tell.

    • 2 years ago

      >I like how

  146. 2 years ago

    RTS games evolved into MOBAs. Literally in this case, MOBAs started as mods for rts games. Why is beyond me, they're much worse.

    • 2 years ago

      They were party games.
      It would be like if they decided to make blood gulch warthog only a "sport" with hundreds of thousands of dollars up for grabs

      • 2 years ago

        wait until this guy hears about smash tournaments

      • 2 years ago

        What's a game like xhero siege?

        • 2 years ago

          I dunno, what even is xhero siege

  147. 2 years ago

    2 words.

    • 2 years ago

      >Carried again by my English Longbows

  148. 2 years ago

    It's NOT dead. The classics are alive and well. They're so well made that anything new has to compete with games from 20+ years ago. Not many other genre of game is like that.

    Want to make a new RTS today? Well, if it's not as good as Broodwar or SupCom why would I give a shit? So the bar has been set very high.

    I received my first ever donation this morning to keep the Dark Reign website alive after running the project four years. I've received plenty of offers in the past but today was the first time I actually accepted one. RTS lives on.

    • 2 years ago

      Name a good rts that was released in the past, lets say 7 years

      • 2 years ago

        Deserts of kharak
        I dunno if dune or starship troopers are good. I haven't played either yet

      • 2 years ago

        I thought LineWar was pretty cool and innovative, if simplistic. Did you read my post? Standards have been set extremely high by RTS games from 15year+ ago. Just keep playing the classics. RTS ages like fine wine. It's like Chess. Do you hate Chess because it's not new? Zoom ZO0m.

        • 2 years ago

          Chess is not a genre you moron
          Sure old games are "alive" (receiving next to none updates, and not growing they playerbase) but the fricks who play broodwar will play broodwar and only broodwar tillthe end of their days.

          • 2 years ago

            they're happy playing their old RTS games, are you? Chess is a strategy game that's timeless and many RTS games are the same. Strong rulesets. Servicable SFX/Grahics. People still play them 20 years later. They will still play them in 20 years from now.

            Who is going to play AAA flavor-of-the-month shit even five years from now? Ten years? TWENTY YEARS from now? Nobody. RTS will outlast them all.

            • 2 years ago

              It helps a ton that RTS devs all agreed on a general UI layout and handling from Starcraft onwards.

            • 2 years ago

              Cool words that you try to put in my mouth
              I haven't mentioned graphics no any other bullshit like that at all
              I just want to play a game that i haven't played yet

              • 2 years ago

                Tempest Rising soon. Basicaly the C&C4 we never got.

  149. 2 years ago

    Someone make a real RTS thread next time

  150. 2 years ago

    Original or Remaster Homeworld?

  151. 2 years ago

    easy, its resentment that we haven't gotten Warlords Battlecry 4 yet.

  152. 2 years ago

    i lost the fricking discs

    • 2 years ago

      i have original discs of games and i still pirate them cause im too lazy to get a CD reader, who tf has those anymore

  153. 2 years ago

    When everyone was new at RTS's, it was more fun to play because people didnt have much more strategy than A+Move at the enemy base and they still had to learn mechanics. Then everyone got good and casuals left it for dota and explored elsewhere. So no new blood sustains it.

  154. 2 years ago

    I am playing Age of Darkness.
    It's pretty good

  155. 2 years ago

    The switch to full 3D removed all SOUL from these types of games.

    • 2 years ago

      C&C Generals would like to have a word with you.

  156. 2 years ago

    play Dark Reign

    • 2 years ago

      The RTS that made me wish every other RTS let you assign patrol routes.

      • 2 years ago

        Outpost 2, WBC, WBC2, WBC3, SC, C&C all let you assign patrol routes, what shitty rts are you playing

        • 2 years ago

          >Outpost 2, WBC, WBC2, WBC3, SC, C&C all let you assign patrol routes
          in 1997?

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago


            I can boot up outpost 2 and show it to you on twitch or something. I believe you can get an iso from outpost universe or a number of abandonware sites and try it yourself too.

          • 2 years ago

            WBC is what, Warlords Battlecry? Never actually touched that series, how was it?

  157. 2 years ago
  158. 2 years ago

    More RTS needed to have alt-history campaigns the way Empire Earth did
    It's like the perfect genre for it but I never hear of it ever being done much.

  159. 2 years ago

    >hey to get the most out of multiplayer you really need to think critically and humble yourself
    Thanks for the good discussion Ganker

  160. 2 years ago

    I wish I could play Achron

  161. 2 years ago

    Starcraft and AoE are alive and well, the genre isnt dead.
    But yeah, its kinda stagnating. Little new games come out and the ones that do dont stick.

    I guess there are multiple reasons. The genre is hard to monetize. The genre is hard to function as a social network (which is the main purpose of a lot of games today). The genre is just very competitive and hard to get into.Mobas being very similar but fixing the first 3 problems taking a lot of market share away.
    I hope one day we can have another big name RTS again. But as is, I still enjoy playing SC2 and AoE2 ladder.

  162. 2 years ago

    e-sports fricking ruined the genre by turning it into "who can mash buttons faster"

    • 2 years ago

      wut lmfao
      You won't get anywhere in any game mashing buttons

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Meant for

          e-sports fricking ruined the genre by turning it into "who can mash buttons faster"

  163. 2 years ago

    >refuse to scout
    >refuse to learn
    >refuse to use your brain
    >god this game is so bad

  164. 2 years ago

    RTSgays don't like to believe it, but the genre really just boils down to who can click faster.

    • 2 years ago

      It doesn't, there's pro Terrans with an APM of 70
      Besides which Epm is what matters

    • 2 years ago

      not really

      • 2 years ago

        shitters don't understand that the reason for their low apm is that they haven't the slightest idea of how to play the game so they have to sit there reading tooltips and getting stuck in the tech tree and having there economy shut down with nothing to do because they forgot to build workers or supply buildings.

  165. 2 years ago

    The popularity of RTS was a time and place. Before RTS became a thing all you had was turn based strategy games until RTS came around and people would marvel at how you could watch battles unfold right before you and issue commands in real time. This isn't exciting anymore to the average player because other genres can and do offer similar levels is spectacle without all the hassle that comes with RTS.

  166. 2 years ago

    Here's thing big red pill on RTS games from a 90's PC gamer. They were only made because they were relatively simple to do so and you could get them looking really good for the time. When good looking 3D games became more common, they didn't really have a place anymore as few people actually enjoyed RTS gameplay that much.

  167. 2 years ago

    The genre isn't dead, it's just a little stagnant. There have been several big Age of Empires tournaments this year.

  168. 2 years ago

    I've mastered every genres there is but RTS, which one should I go for? Aoe2 or SC2? I tried Warcraft 3 (both reforged and classic) and the units felt so slow and there is a turnrate in the game that made me not enjoy it and I heard SC1 also had turnrate/delay on units
    I heard micromanaging in AoE2 is bad but the macro is super fun and it does look fun, I feel like SC2 might be fun too but it looks deader than AoE2
    Help appreciated

    • 2 years ago

      sc2 you need higher apm and there are way more cheese strategies you autolose to if you don't scout like dt rush. Micro is less important in aoe but there's plenty of micro potential especially in the earlierr ages with archers or scouts, its not that you can't micro but that 99% of players are better off using hteir limited apm to spam and build more units rather than controlling the ones they have lategame
      sc2 races are also way more different which can be a + or -

      • 2 years ago

        I enjoy macro more than micro honestly but I still want the micro to feel nice so I was thinking of either playing Zerg in SC2 or AoE2, seeing the early game in AoE2 looked more fun with the macro you're talking about (archers/scouts, finding food, kiting it to your center etc) than SC2 tho
        I thought AoE2 had more cheese than SC2 too
        I'll give AoE2 a try first then, I imagine AoE2 is way more popular than AoE4 right?

        • 2 years ago

          yeah aoe4 is mid, aoe 2 is kinda just better, also zerg has the least micro terran has the most. There's very little cheese in aoe 2 and the only ones that do exist won't auto win you the game like a cannon rush or proxy voidray or something will

          • 2 years ago

            kk, to be honest I also want to avoid playing a blizzard game again so I'm going with AoE2, ty for the help

            • 2 years ago

              I'm biased towards AoE2, but the other anon is right. If you love crazy fast micro and more asymmetrical factions then definitely try SC2 out.
              I think AoE2 is more balanced in that both fast players and slow players can win successfully. Macro execution and micro speed are both important whereas SC2 is more weighted towards micro.

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