Why do people hate fantasy settings that embrace the idea that its fantasy?

Why do people hate fantasy settings that embrace the idea that it’s fantasy?

If the setting is not literally just Britain but with an elf or two, it’s freak shit and not even worth engaging with in good faith. What happened? Why is fun illegal?

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  1. 8 months ago

    trips witnessed
    provide examples to your claim, cause I do not believe it to be true

    • 8 months ago

      What do you mean by "embrace its fantasy"? The Gods of Pegana is fantasy at its core and the only things in it are gods and men. You don't need dozens of weird races to be fantasy. That being said I have nothing against having other races, but thinking they're a requirement to "embracing" fantasy is stupid.

      He's talking about garbage like Age of Shitmar, which has no concrete world or setting and is just a bunch of planets/realms shittily jumbled together intended to ape off of 40k. It's an extremely off putting way to do a setting because there are no stakes when there's a gorillion realms that are born and created every day and a gorillion people are born and die every day.

      What do you mean? Some of the worlds most popular fantasy IPs are

      >Elder Scrolls
      >Final Fantasy
      >Runeterra/ LoL
      >Critical Role
      With honorable mentions for stuff like Dragon Age, Pathfinder, the Witcher, various Gacha Settings and alike.

      All the stuff you listed have an actual grounded world the characters live in which gives the audience something to give a shit about.

      • 8 months ago

        Not off putting at all and the setting is more fun than anything you've ever come up with.

        • 8 months ago

          It is demonstrably off putting by the lack of external interest in the setting compared to what you get for whf or 40k. You personally might not find it that way, but that's because you're part of an autistic minority.

          • 8 months ago

            Hell I'll go even further and say it inspires less external interest compared to ANY more grounded fantasy setting. Look at how devoted people are to Warcraft still. To Skyrim. Frick, Gwent as a spin off for the Witcher is/was a thing. Do you seriously see that ever happening for AoS? It's been 8 years and the STILL haven't figured out wtf they're doing besides defaulting to ripping off whf aesthetics

          • 8 months ago

            No it isn't dumbass, your preferences are wrong

            • 8 months ago

              moron, this isn't even about preferences- all I'm doing is pointing out how much more successful traditional fantasy is compared to the astral realm hopping bullshit. Clearly the latter simply doesn't work for the genre as well as the former.

              • 8 months ago

                nope you're wrong

          • 7 months ago

            >what you get for whf or 40k
            twwgays aren't real fans and neither are youtube short zoomers

  2. 8 months ago

    What do you mean by "embrace its fantasy"? The Gods of Pegana is fantasy at its core and the only things in it are gods and men. You don't need dozens of weird races to be fantasy. That being said I have nothing against having other races, but thinking they're a requirement to "embracing" fantasy is stupid.

  3. 8 months ago

    everyone who believes this thread is genuine is moronic and should kill themselves

    • 8 months ago

      You say this on a board that has daily circle jerks about how much they hate things like tieflings and anything not a human male fighter

      • 8 months ago

        point me to these circlejerks
        if they're daily they should be around considering the several day old threads that refuse to drop off the board

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            >first one (4 days ago) is someone complaining about use of the term, the next is from two weeks ago and is clearly an offboard moron
            >human fighter
            >would you accept a human male fighter? what's your problem with human male fighter? (a few general threads with the meme somewhere in the op)
            doesn't seem like a circlejerk to me, just a shitty board meme

    • 7 months ago

      A thread is as genuine as the posters who post in it. If it's a shitty bot thread, take it over.

  4. 8 months ago

    >Why do people hate fantasy settings that embrace the idea that it’s fantasy?
    Because the execution sucks

  5. 8 months ago

    I don't like kitchen sink fantasy slop
    Pick a setting fricker

    • 8 months ago

      b-but fantasy thing good and normal thing bad?? more fantasy thing means gooder, right?? all fantasy things goodest!

    • 8 months ago

      Sorry your soul died when you were six.

    • 7 months ago

      If the setting is an entire world it SHOULD be kitchen sink because it contains everything on the planet.
      If it is space fantasy, it would be moronic if it WASN'T kitchen sink because it encompasses all reality.
      I swear, you frickers want a game with minimal magic taking place in a couple of square miles of land or something.

      • 7 months ago

        Ok but if it is a kitchen sink only magic and technology should be viable. The "martial" living in an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon should stand no chance at all against a modern soldier. Kitchen sinks create moronic scenarios that make no sense but can be done well, Pathfinder 1e did it well by making the scifi technology objectively better than modern tech, which is better than medieval technology. What I cannot stand is balance in a kitchen sink setting.

      • 7 months ago

        absolute moronic take. "kitchen sink" has NOTHING to do with size and everything to do with content. I can do a kitchen sink island where everything is allowed to happen or an infinite universe full of aliens but with a set technological ceiling, cultural patterns and no magic.

  6. 8 months ago

    having lots of fantasy elements =/= a fantastical setting
    it's not a matter of how many elves a setting has, people complain about "freakshit" exactly because they're usually used as a substitute for presenting things in a truly fantastical manner.

    • 8 months ago

      What is truly fantastical? Be specific.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm sure you can google it if you're not just trying to bait me into a war of semantics, but sure, I'll give you a definition: something strange, weird and wondrous, that invokes or indulces a sense of awe.

  7. 8 months ago

    >Why do people hate fantasy settings that embrace the idea that it’s fantasy?
    I don't, I make it a point to make my games fantastical.
    >If the setting is not literally just Britain but with an elf or two, it’s freak shit and not even worth engaging with in good faith.
    When I finish my game, I'll engage with it plenty.
    >Why is fun illegal?
    I hadn't noticed. I'm too busy creating my games.

  8. 8 months ago

    Tolkien rip offs are boring.

    • 8 months ago

      Because Tolkein and his works have been a disaster for Fantasy as a genre. if it's not a Tolkein clone it's not "real fantasy".

      Gay firbolgs in crayon isn't real fantasy.

      • 8 months ago

        ... ok?
        Are you trying to make some point or something?

      • 7 months ago

        Good thing you're not forced to play as one the same way you're not forced to allow combat wheelchair.

      • 7 months ago

        It's more interesting and creative than Tolkeinslop, that's for sure.

      • 7 months ago

        >Gay firbolgs in crayon isn't real fantasy.
        gay firbolgs in crayon moralizing at people has more in common with tolkien's shitty christcuck setting than it does actual pulp adventure stories which is what Gygax was primarily inspired by. D&D is way more Conan and John Carter than it is Tolkien, and the implementation different races in D&D is literally just how aliens work on Barsoom.

        Eru Iluvatar can suck my fricking wiener, at least C.S Lewis wasn't a coward and just outright said "The Lion isn't a Jesus allegory, he's LITERALLY Jesus"

  9. 8 months ago

    Because Tolkein and his works have been a disaster for Fantasy as a genre. if it's not a Tolkein clone it's not "real fantasy".

  10. 8 months ago

    What do you mean? Some of the worlds most popular fantasy IPs are

    >Elder Scrolls
    >Final Fantasy
    >Runeterra/ LoL
    >Critical Role
    With honorable mentions for stuff like Dragon Age, Pathfinder, the Witcher, various Gacha Settings and alike.

    • 7 months ago

      Most D&D settings or homebrew come off as basically Britain-like without being Britain. Or at least that same kind of flavor. You really have to splice hairs here.
      Greyhawk... Very Britain feel.
      FR is absolutely not fricking Britain at all... but it still kinda feels like it. All of it's major cities really feel it, and more so the later in editions you go. The Novels definitely took inspiration, but then again the RPG and novels aren't quite the same thing.
      Hell anyone read the Original 2e Planescape setting book? Sigil was absolutely just "Strange" London, and I will fight anyone that says otherwise. The Not!Thames, the Not!Fog, Not!TowerOfLondon and all. Elements that were basically never repeated in later editions, but they were absolutely there in the first printing. (I can't speak to new 5e book since I haven't read that yet, so don't At me with that. Unless you've read the 2e box setting.)
      >No Brits
      Dark sun? None of that in the slightest.
      Eberron? Parts of it maybe, but not really.
      Ravenloft! Well it's Europe but definitely more movie monster vibes.

      >Critical Role
      CR's pretty generic fantasy. At least S1 and S2, which is all I've listened to until I gave up on it. The appeal is the voice actors. If you don't think so then I think you're pretty lost in the fandom of that.

      >Your own homebrew?
      Well I'm sure dear replier that you're setting is prefect not a Britain copy, but how many homebrew have you played? And how many were absolutely that.

      I feel Warhammer/40ks also falls under this, but I don't know all the different settings especially well so maybe I'm wrong there.

  11. 8 months ago

    ... the frick you are even trying to bait about here?

  12. 8 months ago

    >OP mentions freakshit
    >asks about a problem which indicates he doesn't play games (as in there are tons of interesting game settings that people try that aren't D&D's Greyhawk)

    If you talk freakshit you're nogames. Period.

    If you want to run an unusual setting take it to your LGS and start recruiting. Normalgays only want D&D because that's all they've heard of, but game store nerds can GM, can learn new settings/systems, are willing to help someone run a game they're enthusiastic about.

    But homosexual OP will never do that because he likes being a nogames homosexual.

    • 8 months ago

      Dunking on people who love freakshits are a good filter to weed out bad players. In fact, most freakshit species are total fricking garbage, all they are is a stand in for a human culture except they can have cool and wacky magic abilities. Give me something that is actually unique like an octosquid who can only communicate by changing colors and have a wider range of emotions that humans can not possibly understand.

      Part of something being fantastic is the mystery and fantasticalness of fantasy things.
      If purple tieflings and scalies are just totally normal and common in your setting, there's nothing fantastic about them, and if magic is basically just a kind of science that's totally predictable and quantifiable, it's no longer fantastical either.
      For a proper fantasy setting, stuff like magic and elves need to be strange and mysterious and poorly understood, it needs to be extant, but subtle, never shown TOO much.

      I love how hard the guy is samegayging you saying you are wrong when you are completely right. The only way you can make a fantasy race common and fit in properly is if its the dominate race and not this melting pot fantasy that Americans love as they try to replicate their shitty surroundings into a fantasy world that could be literally anything else. People love to put their own thoughts and imagination into a world, if everything is explained then they can not put their own spin on it.

      • 8 months ago

        Your octosquid idea is buttfrickingly moronic, totally useless as a concept for a playable race in a ttrpg, and proof that you don't actually play anything at all.

        • 7 months ago

          >have a wider range of emotions that humans can not possibly understand
          How do you play this? Idiot

          >nogames-complainer about freakshit moronic suggestion for PC race, but frick, you're right nogames, octosquid is a unique gaming experience
          >can only communicate by changing color
          I turn blue
          I turn blue
          I turn darker blue
          I return to my original color
          I turn blue
          I turn blue
          I turn light blue
          I turn blue

          As an octosquid you can....
          >Have 8 more tentacles to hold objects is an unplayable concept
          >Being able to be aquatic and hold your breath for hours on end is an unplayable concept
          >Being able to squeeze through tiny holes is an unplayable concept
          >Being able to change colors to cameoflauge into your surroundings is an unplayable concept
          >Having more emotions then a human to try and roleplay is an unplayable concept
          >The culture barrier won't have any fun or interesting ideas at all between octosquids and humans
          You just sound angry, samegay. You just have proven my point tenfold that you freakshit players have zero imagination. No wonder you ask stupid questions all day.

          • 7 months ago

            Having more emotions than a human and having no way to effectively communicate them is fairly worthless as a concept. The rest is just a list of racial abilities you can find on any race (not those ones specifically all on one race, before someone nitpicks me). No hands means no sign language, and clicking its beak for simple responses only works when there is no need to express complex thoughts. The very first thing I'd do is pool money together for some magic item that gives telepathy to bypass that gimmick entirely.
            A race, on it's own, without any context for them as a people, is only as interesting as its statblock and racial abilities, and throwing something weird out there and asking "Isn't this much better than an elf?" is just asking to be ridiculed even if you do have a point. Its novelty for it's own sake.

          • 7 months ago

            >Have 8 more tentacles to hold objects is an unplayable concept
            It's dogshit game design, that's for sure.
            >Being able to be aquatic and hold your breath for hours on end is an unplayable concept
            It's dogshit game design, that's for sure.
            >Being able to squeeze through tiny holes is an unplayable concept
            It's dogshit game design, that's for sure.
            >Being able to change colors to cameoflauge into your surroundings is an unplayable concept
            Wood Elves already do this.
            >Having more emotions then a human to try and roleplay is an unplayable concept
            Yes, it unironically is.
            >The culture barrier won't have any fun or interesting ideas at all between octosquids and humans
            It would either be a bloodbath or they wouldn't interact at all because nothing else fricking works because they are incapable of communication which axes the RP in RPG right out of the gate.
            >"The character turns into swirling reds and oranges to communicate danger is ahead" or "the character changes green and mimes taking coins out of a purse, saying that she wants to shop"
            That's stupid. That's fricking moronic and no different than rainbow tieflings and firbolgs. In fact, that's even worse it's some fricking literal rainbow sparkle dog shit. Go frick yourself you moronic homosexual and please never design a TTRPG.

            • 7 months ago

              >options? In my tabletop? What the frick?

      • 7 months ago

        >have a wider range of emotions that humans can not possibly understand
        How do you play this? Idiot

      • 7 months ago

        >nogames-complainer about freakshit moronic suggestion for PC race, but frick, you're right nogames, octosquid is a unique gaming experience
        >can only communicate by changing color
        I turn blue
        I turn blue
        I turn darker blue
        I return to my original color
        I turn blue
        I turn blue
        I turn light blue
        I turn blue

      • 7 months ago

        As an octosquid you can....
        >Have 8 more tentacles to hold objects is an unplayable concept
        >Being able to be aquatic and hold your breath for hours on end is an unplayable concept
        >Being able to squeeze through tiny holes is an unplayable concept
        >Being able to change colors to cameoflauge into your surroundings is an unplayable concept
        >Having more emotions then a human to try and roleplay is an unplayable concept
        >The culture barrier won't have any fun or interesting ideas at all between octosquids and humans
        You just sound angry, samegay. You just have proven my point tenfold that you freakshit players have zero imagination. No wonder you ask stupid questions all day.

        >Give me something that is actually unique like an octosquid who can only communicate by changing colors and have a wider range of emotions that humans can not possibly understand.

        Listen Son, how am I supposed to play a game when I can't talk to my party? It's not one person, we're all confused that you can come up with something that fricking stupid only because you've never sat down and played a game, but still think you can toss insults til it sounds like you know what you're talking about. It's a very creative idea and would work in systems like Mutants and Masterminds or GURPS or some FATE settings, minus the lack of ability to communicate.

        Freakshit complainer is nogames, and also mildly moronic. ssdd.

        • 7 months ago

          Please, people play characters that don't talk or mime stuff all the time, and those people tend to play freakshit races anyway. You can still communicate the basics of what a character wants though colors. Here, I will show you since your too dumb. "The character turns into swirling reds and oranges to communicate danger is ahead" or "the character changes green and mimes taking coins out of a purse, saying that she wants to shop". See? Easy! Sorry you got no imagination.

          Having more emotions than a human and having no way to effectively communicate them is fairly worthless as a concept. The rest is just a list of racial abilities you can find on any race (not those ones specifically all on one race, before someone nitpicks me). No hands means no sign language, and clicking its beak for simple responses only works when there is no need to express complex thoughts. The very first thing I'd do is pool money together for some magic item that gives telepathy to bypass that gimmick entirely.
          A race, on it's own, without any context for them as a people, is only as interesting as its statblock and racial abilities, and throwing something weird out there and asking "Isn't this much better than an elf?" is just asking to be ridiculed even if you do have a point. Its novelty for it's own sake.

          You ever seen octopuses communicate? They swing their arms around and also see my first response in this post, you can just communicate directly narratively or establish certain color patterns for wants and needs. Nothing is stopping you from writing stuff down either, or using your 8 tentacles to shape out words. Again, use your brain to think out solutions!
          >It's just a statblock, you are trying to be weird!
          So you are saying a race that has a wider range of emotions then people would't have an interesting culture? Shit you are stupid, samegay.
          It's obvious you are just shitting your pants at being outsmarted, no real reason to continue this conversation on. I seen how you act before and you bring nothing new or interesting to this board.

          • 7 months ago

            It's not a video game Son, most of what we do is sit around talking. You're not going to be able to form a plan and explain it to your team or have an opinion outside of agreeing or disagreeing with someone. I wouldn't approve this as a DM. If your DM approves it, that's great. If someone here pipes up and is like "I approve PCs that don't speak, worked great in _____ system" I might take you seriously.

            I still know you're a nogames because you haven't said what system it works in, it's just your wacky idea you're hanging on to and not something that comes out of ecperience.

            >Nogames freakshit complainer makes freakshit PC race, becomes attached to OC, doesn't know how to talk his way out of it.

            Is that your non-human emotion you're feeling right now? All "Squiddly" inside?

        • 7 months ago

          > Listen Son, how am I supposed to play a game when I can't talk to my party?
          You’re already describing what your character feels or why he feels or says something it’s literally just one more step to describe something else

          • 7 months ago

            I tried that. The character can't talk and that was the problem, the obvious problem that showed us we're dealing with a nogames freakshit-complainer. I turned blue. Repeatedly.

            It's not like I didn't think about this. Do you understand?

            • 7 months ago

              >The character can't talk and that was the problem
              I don’t see why in a hobby where character acting is just as if not more important than anything you’re saying. What’s the difference between
              >”The battle was hard fought, [PCNAMEHERE] breathes heavily and sits down on the blood soaked ground. His face twisted in emotion.”
              >”That was tough he’s sad about it now.”
              If you truly believe that’s a crippling problem and not an interesting hurdle
              to get over with as a group you underestimate how much you can do to communicate anything and I don’t know why you make it seem like an objective standard that’s being failed

              • 7 months ago

                >nogames Anon advocating for why a character that cannot speak works:
                >”The battle was hard fought, [PCNAMEHERE] breathes heavily and sits down on the blood soaked ground. His face twisted in emotion.”
                >”That was tough he’s sad about it now.”

                The frick do you think we do nogames, sit around and talk about our feelings? It's a game, not a play. If we're raiding a fort or castle I can't communicate during the planning stage on how to get in. If we're doing a murder mystery or other type of investigation I can't question NPCs. I cannot speak language so I cannot cast spells with a verbal component.

                You've never been in a game, like all the other nogames freakshit-complainers. It'll be fun to roleplay not speaking, but I won't be able to play in a lot of adventures and that's why a DM wouldn't approve it.

              • 7 months ago

                >He is moving the posts of "having difficulty communicating but ultimately can" to unable communicate at all
                You are either extremely moronic, red in the face with anger at being called out for being a nogames freakshit lover who only cares for D&D 5E OR you are a shit disturber for no reason. Which one are you? Nobody else should answer you until you answer this question.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm old school. I've played human, dwarf, elf, orc, aas, tief, lizardfolk, whatever. Sometimes it's fun to do something different, other times you need something for a build. Players who go human are new players who don't know any better. Other races have darkvision. Why would I not want to see in the dark?

                I'll play with whoever wants to throw dice at the table. It's a game. Sometimes they'll have their hair colored and/or cut weird. Doesn't bug me. We always had that one guy who played a woman or someone who couldn't roleplay for shit. If they show up on time, know how the rules for their class, and aren't starting shit with people that's good enough.

                This idea for an octopus race that can't speak is ironically out of a freakshit-complainer's post. It's a freakshit race by their defintion. Of course I'm going to give the kid shit about it. Everything isn't politics where you divide it into us and them. Who knows, I might be on your side if you played some games.

              • 7 months ago

                No anon you’re autistic not old school because old school tabletop was even less systematic or even structured I don’t know how you can say it’s a game in one breath and in the same one stick your fingers in your ear and start yelling when people tell you there’s more than one way to play a game

              • 7 months ago

                Octosquid guy here, I love how you autisticly focused on the octosquid race itself and not the main idea I was trying to convey, all while for days on end, samegayging the thread getting angry at me for saying the word freakshit when I used that word specifically to get you angry. You are the most pathetic person I have met on this website, blindly lashing out at anybody that doesn't fit in your narrow view of what this hobby is supposed to be and spending all your time on here. I genuinely want you to self reflect on your actions the past week and if you can't do that to at least take a moment to breath to understand the topic you engaging in. You claim to be an oldgay but the only times I have seen somebody get baited this hard are noobies. I am honestly concerned for your health if you are this easily antagonized and can't see the forest for the trees and I can only pray to whatever beings exist in the outer worlds that this was all a plot and you are the one who is trolling people into replying to you, that really doesn't matter though because of how real this is and how obsessively your keep posting not just in this thread but every one thread on this board.

                Seek God.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not angry. I'm not insulting you, it's just a bad idea. I'm the anon who kept telling you it was creative, but not being able to speak is a bad idea.

                If you don't like a setting, make a new one. Everyone expects a bit of brew in a game that isn't a module.

                Here we are, you're admitting freakshit-complaining is bait. You're a nogames here to troll. I'll see you in the next Freakshit General.

              • 7 months ago

                > but not being able to speak is a bad idea.
                If you have no experience role playing or playing tabletop games at all

              • 7 months ago

                I think the issue here is you barely have the intelligence to convey and communicate so sorry for asking for too much from you anon

              • 7 months ago

                >The frick do you think we do nogames, sit around and talk about our feelings? It's a game, not a play.
                In my fifteen years of posting on this god forsaken board this is by far the stupidest fricking thing I have ever seen posted on /tg/ congratulations

      • 7 months ago

        >Dunking on people who love freakshits are a good filter to weed out bad players.
        Found that it's the opposite, people who cry freakshit or storyshit or whatever are always 100% That Guy and get the boot immediately because they won't engage with the setting, they will whine and moan and rules lawyer, and they will make a build instead of a character.
        >In fact, most freakshit species are total fricking garbage, all they are is a stand in for a human culture except they can have cool and wacky magic abilities.
        Which makes them more interesting than "humans, but X" because those magical abilities and things like lifespan inherently force them to be different from humans in how they behave because they see things from a different perspective.
        >Give me something that is actually unique like an octosquid who can only communicate by changing colors and have a wider range of emotions that humans can not possibly understand.
        That's fricking moronic and boring because you're literally just copying what an IRL animal does.

        • 7 months ago

          >Have 8 more tentacles to hold objects is an unplayable concept
          It's dogshit game design, that's for sure.
          >Being able to be aquatic and hold your breath for hours on end is an unplayable concept
          It's dogshit game design, that's for sure.
          >Being able to squeeze through tiny holes is an unplayable concept
          It's dogshit game design, that's for sure.
          >Being able to change colors to cameoflauge into your surroundings is an unplayable concept
          Wood Elves already do this.
          >Having more emotions then a human to try and roleplay is an unplayable concept
          Yes, it unironically is.
          >The culture barrier won't have any fun or interesting ideas at all between octosquids and humans
          It would either be a bloodbath or they wouldn't interact at all because nothing else fricking works because they are incapable of communication which axes the RP in RPG right out of the gate.
          >"The character turns into swirling reds and oranges to communicate danger is ahead" or "the character changes green and mimes taking coins out of a purse, saying that she wants to shop"
          That's stupid. That's fricking moronic and no different than rainbow tieflings and firbolgs. In fact, that's even worse it's some fricking literal rainbow sparkle dog shit. Go frick yourself you moronic homosexual and please never design a TTRPG.

          >Still being this assmad because somebody want's a species to mean something more then somebody with funny horns with a different culture

  13. 8 months ago

    Fun is a buzzword. When you give a man a choice, he usually chooses wrong. A civilized society should point him in the direction of what is right.

    • 7 months ago

      oh dear... this is... this is some funny shit dude. people tend to like you more if you don't go around telling everyone their wrong about everything, also if everyone around you is always choosing the opposite of you, there might be a reason.

  14. 8 months ago

    Part of something being fantastic is the mystery and fantasticalness of fantasy things.
    If purple tieflings and scalies are just totally normal and common in your setting, there's nothing fantastic about them, and if magic is basically just a kind of science that's totally predictable and quantifiable, it's no longer fantastical either.
    For a proper fantasy setting, stuff like magic and elves need to be strange and mysterious and poorly understood, it needs to be extant, but subtle, never shown TOO much.

    • 8 months ago

      Nope they're still fantastic

    • 8 months ago

      The entirety of something being fantastic is it being impossible or improbable by our world's standards, because genre is a description of how the contents of a work relate to our world.
      Your feelings don't mean anything.

      • 8 months ago

        >For a proper fantasy setting, stuff like magic and elves need to be strange and mysterious and poorly understood, it needs to be extant, but subtle, never shown TOO much.
        That just sounds like cope from someone who has no confidence in their own whimsical designs and knows whatever they shit out will be crap upon close scrutiny so you artificially make it more "fantastical" by keeping it like smoke and mirrors.

        The more common something is the less interesting it becomes. When it snows in Africa it is a big deal because it is a novel experience, when it snows in Minnesota no one cares because it always snows in Minnesota.

        • 8 months ago

          The entirety of something being fantastic is it being impossible or improbable by our world's standards, because genre is a description of how the contents of a work relate to our world.
          Your interests don't mean anything, and neither do snowfall amounts.

          • 8 months ago

            Something mundane is fantastic to someone who has never seen it before. Imagine showing a cigarette lighter to the people of North Sentinel Island.

            • 8 months ago

              Good for them for feeling what they feel.
              That doesn't change what something IS.

              • 8 months ago

                Of course it does. "Mundane" and "fantastical" are matters of perspective. If dragons were as common as airplanes no one would care about them.

              • 7 months ago

                Fantasy is the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
                Perspective doesn't matter.
                You're effectively trying to say an apple's skin doesn't emit a certain frequency of energy just because you can't see the color red.

              • 7 months ago

                >apple's skin doesn't emit a certain frequency of energy
                I don't think an apple's skin *emits* anything, anon.

              • 7 months ago

                >Fantasy is the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
                And by virtue of magic existing it's already fantasy because it's impossible and by virtue of gods existing it's already improbable. Unfortunately, those things are also matters of perspective, because some people consider alien life impossible while others consider it a fact, that alone disproves your moronic "argument".
                >Perspective doesn't matter.
                It absolutely fricking does.
                >You're effectively trying to say an apple's skin doesn't emit a certain frequency of energy just because you can't see the color red.
                It doesn't emit anything you braindead frick, it reflects light waves which go into our retinas which process that wavelength as the color red. Literally our entire scope of reality is based on perception, and one genetic defect or bit of damage can completely alter that reality. Hell, we can't even be 100% sure the "reality" we experience is anything more than a simulation.

              • 7 months ago

                >apple's skin doesn't emit a certain frequency of energy
                I don't think an apple's skin *emits* anything, anon.

                >Fantasy is the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
                And by virtue of magic existing it's already fantasy because it's impossible and by virtue of gods existing it's already improbable. Unfortunately, those things are also matters of perspective, because some people consider alien life impossible while others consider it a fact, that alone disproves your moronic "argument".
                >Perspective doesn't matter.
                It absolutely fricking does.
                >You're effectively trying to say an apple's skin doesn't emit a certain frequency of energy just because you can't see the color red.
                It doesn't emit anything you braindead frick, it reflects light waves which go into our retinas which process that wavelength as the color red. Literally our entire scope of reality is based on perception, and one genetic defect or bit of damage can completely alter that reality. Hell, we can't even be 100% sure the "reality" we experience is anything more than a simulation.

                I love when people say dumb shit like "perspective doesn't matter, reality is objective" and immediately reveal that their perception of reality was not the consensus.

              • 7 months ago

                Besides those posts, what are some good examples of that kind of thing that you’ve seen?

    • 8 months ago

      >For a proper fantasy setting, stuff like magic and elves need to be strange and mysterious and poorly understood, it needs to be extant, but subtle, never shown TOO much.
      That just sounds like cope from someone who has no confidence in their own whimsical designs and knows whatever they shit out will be crap upon close scrutiny so you artificially make it more "fantastical" by keeping it like smoke and mirrors.

    • 8 months ago

      The more common something is the less interesting it becomes. When it snows in Africa it is a big deal because it is a novel experience, when it snows in Minnesota no one cares because it always snows in Minnesota.

      >actually, fast cars aren't fast. What you want is fewer cars that drive slowly, so they seem more fast

      • 8 months ago

        The Model T was "fast" because it could go up to 45 mph. I go twice that speed on my morning commute.

    • 7 months ago

      He's right, isekai stories are the only real fantasy stories. But they always turn into some gay realistic fiction after the hero learns that magic is cast by groping an invisible spirit woman's breasts the right way and chanting and that the manticores have a stable breeding population in the mountains and only particularly violent outcasts descend to cause trouble for villages by eating people.

    • 7 months ago

      By your brain dead logic Tolkien’s work is fantastic because it heavily features fantasy races, one of the main characters is a wizard, and the main villain is an evil spirit with an army of demons

      • 7 months ago

        In Lord of the Rings these things aren't overexplained.
        The fantasy races are so obscure that some characters aren't 100% sure they're even real. Sam gets super excited the first time he meets an elf. Nobody knows what exactly Gandalf is and how his magic works. Sauron does NOT have an army of demons, he has an army of orcs and men, and nobody even knows what he looks like. Hell just look at Tom Bombadil, nobody knew what was going on with that guy, he was thoroughly fantastical. Yes the Silmarillion explains a lot of this stuff, but in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit the fantastical stuff is every bit as fantastical to the main characters as it should be.

    • 7 months ago

      no, 99% of capeshit heroes have some way of flying, and it does not diminish the fantasticalness or cool appeal of people thinking "Man, wouldn't it be awesome if people could fly?"
      this moronic idea that fun works the same way as corporate brand dilution is so unbelievably moronic, "we can't make the setting TOO fun, because otherwise people suddenly won't enjoy flying and blowing shit up, we gotta make it mudcore and unfun and MUH REALISTIC so they appreciate the moments they're allowed to have fun"

      stop being moronic. Magic the Gathering wouldn't be more fun if your deck was 54 basic lands and 6 actual spells and you spent the first 30 turns playing lands because otherwise you might """""reduce the mystery and fantasticalness"""""" of magic. Tabletop Wargames would not be more fun if you were forced to only play with basic conscripts with no abilities for 95% of your army and you got one single wizard/psyker/champion whatever who had good stats and abilities so you'd """"appreciate"""" having your one leader more. D&D would not be improved by giving you nine dead levels in a row where you only improve hit points and nothing else as you level up so you appreciate your class features more when they actually come (and in fact "dead levels" are the single most derided design decision for many 3.5 classes)

      stop being moronic. you're a grown man, you're capable of paying attention to more than one thing at a time. Seeing a beautiful sunrise on the horizon with a cup of coffee in hand is enjoyable whether it's the hundredth or thousandth time you've seen it. You never stop appreciating beautiful women no matter how many you've seen. """"Fun""""" is not some fricking corporate brand dilution scheme, it's not a zero sum commodity, it's one of the few things you can get something from nothing.

  15. 8 months ago

    Because fantasy settings that embrace the fact that its fantasy is actually extremely hard to pull off. People love world building but a true fantasy realm would be difficult to world build for because of how the rules of fairy tales are. If you add in world building to a fantasy realm all you end up doing is using LotR with some quirks like the elves are all a actually cannibals or something, so its boring. People now a days want high fantasy with freak shit because they are trying to get away from Tolkien fantasy without realizing or understanding they are trying to run away from it. If you try to make a unique world the general population will not be interested in it because it's something completely alien and different from what they are used to and actually have to learn the worlds in and outs (which by the way is a form of gatekeeping).

    The most obvious reason though why people don't want to embrace the idea of a fantasy world is because it is "childish" and will use the magic space wizard argument for not taking it seriously. Everything has to be a parody or ironic. The only way you might break that conditioning is if you convince people your work is actually much deeper and has something to say by throwing in some allegory about the demiurge, human suffering and maybe throw in a ghost of a dead kid so people know you are serious, but don't actually kill the kid on screen or else you are too edgy and grimdark.

  16. 8 months ago

    >Why is fun illegal?
    Why do you only think that only the way you engage with fantasy is the only fun way to do it? You seem just as moronic as the people you're bemoaning are.

  17. 8 months ago

    >It's not fantasy unless somebody has horns, a tail, and pastel coloured skin

  18. 8 months ago

    What about Discworld?

  19. 7 months ago

    Because freak races dont matter.
    You see, they appeals to two players:
    They change dumb stats for moronic players that like to exploit shit systems, and they change imaginary aesthetics for theater kids who love having great original ideas and just thought of playing an old tortle Monk called master oogway.
    Its something that appeals to the lowest commons denominator o ttrpg players, that is why It sucks.
    Good fantasy is semi-historical fantasy, with Race as class so that being of a different Race is something that truly matters.

  20. 7 months ago

    I have been watching Ant videos and they are facinating.
    Makes me wanna make a setting where everyone plays as giant sentient insects in an alien world, with strange customs and habits, in world that is in a constant war between billions of hives across a massive super planet.
    Different races could be based on different ants, and hell why not other bugs as well.

    Pic related would be how "human" avarage things look.

  21. 7 months ago

    It's because /tg/ is obsessed only with one way of playing these games and will never deviate from the template bashed into them by shitty memes they're all trying to ape ever since they came to Ganker last summer. /tg/ is not a final arbitrator of quality in the ttrpg space...hell It's opinions isn't even valid or interesting most of the time. It doesn't make anything, it doesn't provide a good space to make anything. I've notice most of its 'projects' are really the concentrated autism of one or two people while the others ape and jeer providing nothing of worth to said project because the fact is.../tg/ is inherently uncreative and more importantly it's mostly summer tourists that don't play games, nor do they have the social skills to play games...you wanna no why everyone accuses everyone else of being nogames. It's because it is mostly insecure nogames trying to prove to a buncha randos on the internet that they do indeed play games...best to leave now and let the kill themselves with an infection on their dick skin after they chafed it too bad at the 'modern fantasy art is le bad' circlejerk pit and it got septic.

  22. 7 months ago

    it's no that, it's that your ideas specifically are trash and you should have a nice day

  23. 7 months ago

    Nobody outside here claims this stuff anon
    Do not give the views of internet randos so much weight

  24. 7 months ago

    >why do people hate (the most popular type of fantasy settings)
    Man only on /tg/ will you see people have such a victim complex over having the most generic takes possible

  25. 7 months ago

    I really hate how you type and would probably hate how you think too. I hate the English monarchy and still have a desire to disagree on purely the grounds that you seem kinda peculiar in a bad way.

  26. 7 months ago

    I’ll chime in, cause I feel strong about it. I am sure, somewhere over the rainbow, a cool high fantasy setting exists (like Ravnica, Tamriel or Planescape), but for each one of them you get scores of skin-deep settings where they just pile in shitloads of flavour of the month shit that looks cool and has a cool gimmick and they never explore it.
    I think, the good lithmus test question of a good high-fantasy setting is:

    How does a day look for an average dude.

    If you can not answer convincingly, refering to all the freakshit cool cranks and gizmos you piled up in your setting, then your setting sucks.
    Why I dislike freakshit settings, is that they never take time to explore how magic and different races would affect the society. Instead, it’s literally SoCal, but instead of Mexicans, there are humans with elephant heads. There are no considerations like, where those types of people eat or defecate, or how do their oversensitive hearing deal with the urban bustle cause they are literally you but with an elephant head.
    Adding colourful freakshit into a setting is a paupers cope for a lack of imagination.

  27. 7 months ago

    Good games are made of fairly simple stuff. Economy, travel, promises and deals, known dangers, and some surprises. If those work, any setting is good. Yes, even Britain plus two elves. Even a world with all your waifu races. But you running a game with your favorite waifu races, with 3000 words of creation myths, and with your epic homebrewed magic? Never. You don't think about what it's like to equip a caravan to travel to the walled city of Ab Duluun. You think about how epically your take take on the goddess of light subverts common isekai expectations. The player-facing world is missing. It can't be played. The wiki article would be epic, though.
    tl;dr: High fantasy is cool, you are not. Stop "worldbuilding".

  28. 7 months ago

    I’m going to assume you mean to ask why some people prefer low fantasy to high fantasy.

    Because the alternative is just babbling, unfounded nonsense.

    And in that respect the big appeal is that low fantasy is actually more rewarding of creative thinking and problem-solving. See the thing with high fantasy is that it’s a slippery slope into self-indulgent power fantasy that really is just a string of scenes where you flex on your enemies and they drop dead. And for more well-adjusted players, that shit gets old after the second or third such encounter. Low fantasy means lower power levels, means reckless behavior has higher risk, which means you can’t just go full marry Sue and high-number your way through the problem. So there’s more challenge and a sweeter sense of reward for having either weathered the seemingly impossible odds, or for having found a way to circumvent the challenge altogether and still getting that treasure at the end.

    This kind of gameplay CAN be done in a high fantasy game, no one is saying it can’t. But when such people hear that the campaign is going to be high fantasy, the chance that the game is going to be a multi-session circle-jerk over how OP the PCs are is not zero and they cringe.

  29. 7 months ago

    making wierd races rare is good because if they were numerous it wouldn't be as wierd anymore.
    You need norms and rules in order for contrast to mean something. If everywhere in your setting there's always 30 different races then you rob the races of their identity.
    Dorfs live in the mountains, elves in the forests, lizardfolk in the swamp, orks in the badlands etc.
    and they're shaped by their environment

    if everything lived everywhere and was as numerous as everything else then it becomes one big glob of average.

  30. 7 months ago

    You have /tg/ brainrot. Your perspective has been warped by trolls and schizos that endlessly bloviate about "the state of fantasy" when the overwhelming majority of people here have not played a game or read a book since highschool. I wouldn't be surprised if a chunk of people here are just NPCs with aphantasia and are so bitter about it that they just post randomized opinions in threads like this.

    • 7 months ago


      It's this:

      Octosquid guy here, I love how you autisticly focused on the octosquid race itself and not the main idea I was trying to convey, all while for days on end, samegayging the thread getting angry at me for saying the word freakshit when I used that word specifically to get you angry. You are the most pathetic person I have met on this website, blindly lashing out at anybody that doesn't fit in your narrow view of what this hobby is supposed to be and spending all your time on here. I genuinely want you to self reflect on your actions the past week and if you can't do that to at least take a moment to breath to understand the topic you engaging in. You claim to be an oldgay but the only times I have seen somebody get baited this hard are noobies. I am honestly concerned for your health if you are this easily antagonized and can't see the forest for the trees and I can only pray to whatever beings exist in the outer worlds that this was all a plot and you are the one who is trolling people into replying to you, that really doesn't matter though because of how real this is and how obsessively your keep posting not just in this thread but every one thread on this board.

      Seek God.

      I got this guy to admit he doesn't play games and it's bait. He thinks it's me pretending to be a bunch of people, not that you're not going to make any sense if you're not a tabletop gamer.

      • 7 months ago

        He didn't admit that. Stop acting like this. It's unhealthy.

        • 7 months ago

          >getting angry at me for saying the word freakshit when I used that word specifically to get you angry
          It's troll. It's bait.

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