Why do people say It has been always shit? I remenber enjoying it back in the day and I still do unt...

Why do people say It has been always shit? I remenber enjoying it back in the day and I still do until this day.

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  1. 3 years ago

    It's not shit at all. It has the best campaign (although I do personally prefer the kino atmosphere of ODST), and people who hated the multiplayer got rekt by fellow jetpackchads.

    • 3 years ago

      nothing beats 2's campaign.

    • 3 years ago

      >got rekt by fellow jetpackchads.
      I probably have a million of these from 5 shotting you fricking morons. Reach is the worst Halo. Cope.

  2. 3 years ago

    Mostly 3babies getting their kicks out of Sprint and Armor Lock. Campaign, Forge, Custom Games were all top notch kino (the latter two better than 3). Frick now I want to play some Fat Man.

  3. 3 years ago

    The popularity of online multiplayer games on console accelerated massively around the of Halo 3/COD 4's release, and Reach was always going to be less popular for it. Many early fans of Halo 1/2 were probably also getting to the point in their lives where education/work took priority over videogames, thus limiting their later fondness for it. Possibly explaining why the first three games are that much more revered.
    Some considered the campaign to make one too many retcons with the existing lore at the time, and others viewed franchise additions like spartan abilities a step too far in desecrating the traditional arena-style shooting ground the games were known for.
    Personally, I thought the multiplayer maps were always a bit weak, even if they were designed prior to the campaign.

    However, for those who stuck with Reach in its heyday and enjoyed the thriving custom game scene, there were many fantastic memories to be had. The addition of Forge World especially inspired a wealth of classic maps that for me at least, far exceeded the glory days of Halo 3. Even if it was somewhat harder to round up a decent gathering of mates to enjoy them with.
    Plus, invasion was a fricking awesome game-mode.

    • 3 years ago

      couldnt have said it better.forge saved the game.343 failed to realise what made people play 1-3&reach for such a long time.4 didnt have any of the strengths the other games had and thus started the halo exodus.

    • 3 years ago

      >far exceeded the glory days of Halo 3
      You weren't around for them and it shows.
      >invasion was a fricking awesome game-mode.
      It was better in the beta. Removing 2-man squad pairing and changing the more immersive Green vs Purple into just another red vs blue was a fricking travesty.

      • 3 years ago

        >far exceeded the glory days of Halo 3
        >You weren't around for them and it shows.

        I bought 3 at release and played it endlessly.
        It took a while, but Reach customs were better in the end. The only thing missing was the gigantic playerbase, and the absence of party-chat.

        • 3 years ago

          >The only thing missing was the gigantic playerbase
          This was the main problem. The maps and modes that were popular in Reach customs were a reflection of the fact that all the creative Halo forgers... were still forging for Halo 3. It wasn't until Reach came to MCC that it finally started to get some actual good custom games that could stand against Halo 3's.

  4. 3 years ago

    You were a child
    >no I wasn't
    You were. And now you're in the midst of nostalgia.

  5. 3 years ago

    Multiplayer in Reach was just worse than multiplayer in Halo 2/3 (awful maps like Sword Base or oversized Broadwalk, annoying armor abilities like armor lock, etc.) and Halo 3 mutiplayer already struggled against CoD. Reach's main weapon was DMR, whose only interesting feature was random bloom - thing that many Halo kids hated (because they've forgotten CE's Magnum).

    Sure, it was supposed to be creative development of CE's multiplayer, rather than sequel to H3 (there's a reason it's prequel to CE), but even with different mind set, it's still not as fun as anything that was popular back then.

    Campaign was, and still is, fine.

    • 3 years ago

      >awful maps
      >Sword Base
      >oversized Broadwalk
      they weren't that bad honestly. none of the reach maps were any worse than a lot of the stuff in CE/2/3. remember narrows? isolation? snowbound? construct? epitaph? waterworks? burial mounds? colossus? warlock? gemini? the problem with reach's maps is that there weren't nearly enough, and a good portion were gross looking forge maps.

  6. 3 years ago

    reach gets hate for 2 reasons
    1) the story contradicts the fall of reach book, but if you ignore the books like a sensible person it works fine.
    2) armour abilities weren't limited use pick ups.
    honestly i don't know why they didn't just make a game that didn't break the lore, and why they thought unlimited use abilities were a good idea. they could've saved themselves so much headache. also i guess the maps were lacking given that 5 were ugly ass forge world filth. also frick the brutes in this game look like ass, and so do the big headed elites. elites are sleek, not fricking dildo heads. also why did they make the elite major into a bright orange abomination? where are the cool red/crimson elites i know and love? also who thought giving the DMR infinite range was a good idea? and taking out vehicles with a sniper? are you serious? and not being able to punch through the other players shields? good lord why? on second thought frick reach. shit game.

  7. 3 years ago

    Mostly just loadouts detracting from the arena style combat. Remove loadouts and make spartan abilities multi use map pickups like some custom games did and it was perfect.
    Most complaints about spartan abilities came from people too brainlet to use them properly. Too many people never figured out that the bubble shield heals you cos they just wanted to fly around with the jetpack and ree because they became an easy target.

    • 3 years ago

      >make spartan abilities multi use map pickups
      Halo: Infinite

      • 3 years ago

        I expect Infinite will probably take too much away from other areas. Call me a cynic but I think 343i and ~~*Microsoft*~~'s track record speak for themselves

        • 3 years ago

          I played about 16 hours of the beta and I really enjoyed it. Better than Reach, 4 and 5 easily.

          • 3 years ago

            It's looking very promising imo, I just hope they tidy up some of the more glaring issues for launch.

  8. 3 years ago

    it's weird. the whole story felt like some tv show you would watch in background until the final "survive" scene where you suddenly pay attention since it's the ending. that's what i felt from bungie's work

  9. 3 years ago

    its only because the mcc version not only has very shit map selection favoring the dlc maps and little to no forge world maps but it uses 343's title update that makes dmr starts the default and bloom etc etc
    btb really suffers from it and infection never has any of the actual maps youd expect to play on it

    • 3 years ago

      >it uses 343's title update
      Why the frick would it not? Are you really going to defend Reach not having damage bleed-through shields?

    • 3 years ago

      I only hate DMRs starts in social playlist, a problem made even worse with the TU which makes it a shitshow of boringness.

      >favoring the dlc maps
      I wish.
      At most I only see Anchor 9 and Condemned.

      >infection never has any of the actual maps youd expect to play on it
      Which ones?
      The one on rotation are pretty much the same as 360 version if I remember right.

  10. 3 years ago

    >Bungie B-team
    >handed over to 343i a few months after release
    That's why.

    • 3 years ago

      >343 managed to turn Reach from a 4/10 into a 5/10
      >people retroactively pretend to mad about this because Halo 4 and 5 sucked

      • 3 years ago

        >cutting out all the cool game modes
        >making the DMR more aids than it already was
        >this is somehow improving the game
        yeah no

        • 3 years ago

          the only thing the TU did good was the melee bleed through. everything else ruined the game. https://www.halopedia.org/Halo:_Reach_Title_Updates

        • 3 years ago

          what game modes were cut?

  11. 3 years ago

    Reach has peak aesthetics and is the only halo game that feels finished

  12. 3 years ago

    reach multiplayer fricking sucks. it isn't really the armour abilities, it's more bloom and it just feeling crappy. i respect campaign and customs though.

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