Why do so many people struggle with fighting game inputs?

Why do so many people struggle with fighting game inputs?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Mobile touchscreens and general technological trend of accessibility for disabled people and morons.

  2. 2 months ago

    It's not the motion inputs in fighting games that are the hard part, is the situations where ALL of the inputs not just specials are to be learned.

    Let's look at street fighter's standard controllers
    >6 buttons, 3 for kicks 3 for punches with 3 different levels of strength
    >On average, all characters have 3-5 specials available to them
    >And also command normals inputted by pressing a direction and a button
    >And there's the super moves and other universal inputs like grabs, dashing and other meter related thing like EX moves or guard cancels or any franchise-specific gimmick
    On average, you're giving a player 16 tools for 160 different situations and when the process of a fighting game is basically boiling down to constant rock paper scissors micro-interactions where slacking off for one second = death, it starts to frustrate players off hard.

    I mean you try to learn the game by fighting the AI in arcade mode? Congrats, get ready to have anything you learned in training and arcade mode to not happen in a real match. The only reason modern controllers have success in SF6 is because modern compresses a character's kit to its bare minimum so it reduces the amount of choices to make at the cost of less options, but when said options are fundamentally situational and only something you can put to use after losing 30 times through knowledge check after knowledge check, it stands to reason why people drop fighting games after their honeymoon phase when it releases and never EVER picks up those numbers back.

    Fighting games are nothing more than a game that takes the mundane repetitiveness from a 9-5 job rather than an actual fun job. People who like fighting games are nothing more than homies with terminal stockholm syndrome

    • 2 months ago

      Oh and forgot to mention shit about frame data autism so that only adds up to more stupid shit an average joe has to go through when it comes to fighting games because all it takes is constnatly losing until you realize your character has dogshit frame data and pressing a button suddenly gets you killed.
      Fun genre fun life, totally not a buyer's remorse-inducing genre.

    • 2 months ago

      Oh and forgot to mention shit about frame data autism so that only adds up to more stupid shit an average joe has to go through when it comes to fighting games because all it takes is constnatly losing until you realize your character has dogshit frame data and pressing a button suddenly gets you killed.
      Fun genre fun life, totally not a buyer's remorse-inducing genre.

      You can just say you have a learning disability anon, we won't make fun of you

      • 2 months ago

        >anon provides an actual reason that people have issues with inputs
        >"you just have a learning disability huh?"
        >wonders why nearly every fighting game has sub-1000 players

        • 2 months ago

          I would agree had he not been so adamant on his dismissal of anyone who may not have the same grievances, but alas he is a whiny little b***h with no good faith argument.

    • 2 months ago

      I don't really agree with this. Many competitive games have dozens of knowledge checks and execution requirements but they don't have the player retention issue fighting games have.

      You eluded to it in your post but most people just don't want to get farmed over and over again for hours before they can finally get to the fun part. It has nothing to do with motion inputs and everything to do with losing in a 1v1 format where you feel like you contributed nothing to a loss.

      It unironically requires a growth mindset to play fighting games long term and most people just play multiplayer games for entertainment. It's much easier to queue up for a team based game because there's a chance you can get carried even if you're not good or still learning. There is no version of this in fighting games right now so your only option is to persevere.

    • 2 months ago

      It's ezpz, man

      • 2 months ago

        We're reaching levels of ESL that shouldn't be possible

        • 2 months ago

          The video was made by a Japanese player.

    • 2 months ago

      It might make people seethe but this is basically it you can't expect zoomoids to commit to anything that requires this amount of time to actually become sufficient at it.

  3. 2 months ago

    most games don't have them

  4. 2 months ago

    because the conventions for notations were really horribly made when the interpreter is ACTUALLY looking for "626" instead of "z"

    • 2 months ago

      it's 623
      and the Z is fine, if it was something like this you'd just be complaining about that instead
      and every game made in the last 20 years has an animated example or lets you see the inputs as the demo does them, it is really not a problem that people actually have, they just use it as an excuse.

      • 2 months ago

        it's 626

        • 2 months ago

          i love confidently wrong morons

          • 2 months ago

            i'm sure you love yourself daily

            the interpreter says when second "6" is actuated then it is ready
            binary inputs

            • 2 months ago

              do you not know how numpad notation works or do you not actually know what a dp input is?

              • 2 months ago

                i know how it works, i know what it is
                and i'm more familiar with the intricacies of subject when it comes to the interpreter than most, since i played on keyboard since 2001

                Are you autistic?

                don't think so

              • 2 months ago

                You seem pretty autistic.
                6 is the first input, then 2, then 2+6 which is notated as 3 by normal people because our brains work correctly, unlike yours.

              • 2 months ago

                so you don't understand the notation then, I think you think it works like giving someone directions? Don't worry I can explain it to you.
                a DP is a forward input, followed by a down input, followed by a downforward input. On keyboard, you input that (cleanly) by pressing forward, then releasing forward, pressing down and holding it, then pressing forward. There's some leniency, you can press down before releasing forward the first time, and usually can release down before hitting the attack button, but the directions the game is looking for in the input reader are forward, down, down+forward
                Numpad notation gives a number to every possible input on a traditional arcade stick, which can only input 8 directions, or neutral. It uses the pattern you see on a keyboard number pad to make it easy to remember, and when talking about inputs so always assume the character is facing right, so 6 is activating the forward switch, 8 is activating the up switch, 5 is not activating any switches, etc. Now, the stick only has 4 switches in it, but the game has 8 directions. To inputs diagonally down forward, you do that by activating the switch for forward and the switch for down at the same time by pushing the stick towards the corner. Even though you're technically activating two switches, this is still considered a single direction, and a single position on the stick, so we refer to that as 3.
                Now, putting it all together. A DP is done by activating the forward switch, then activating the down switch, then activating both the forward and down switches at the same time. Forward is 6, down is 2, and down forward is both 6 and 2. If you're already holding 2, you might think you just need to hit 6 now, but that's not how the notation works. Down+forward is referred to as 3, so you just say 3, whether you're holding down or forward or any other direction already. This is a much more sensible and clear way to discuss inputs.
                I hope that helps, have a nice day.

              • 2 months ago

                i understand the notations, the interpreter uses binary inputs, 0 or 1, a stick outputs binary inputs 0 or 1, a stick can put out two binary inputs at once with proper rejection, but an interpreter is not looking for simultaneous binary inputs
                it will use simultaneous binary inputs in some scenarios, notably crouching blocks, "1", but this is not applicable to the command interpreter
                the command interpreter for a dp motion is looking for if forward was pressed, then if crouch was pressed, then if forward was pressed
                pressing crouch and forward at the same time will actuate it, as you have pressed forward, but the interpreter is solely looking for the forward input of the motion, it is not looking for 2(01) AND 6(01), it is looking for 6(01)

              • 2 months ago

                >I think you think it works like giving someone directions?
                oh god is this the same schizo from a while back who thought it should be drawn out like a path instead of a Z

            • 2 months ago

              Are you autistic?

            • 2 months ago

              you can completely skip the game noticing the diagonal if you come around the gate fast enough. it only checks once per frame. if you actually register 626 on any game it will not give you a dp because the 3 is coded as strict.
              33 works on sf4, 5, 6 though because the 62 is coded as loose there

              • 2 months ago

                >if you actually register 626 on any game it will not give you a dp
                i am familiar with zero games with this erroneous behavior, it is always applicable to frame 1 <6>, frame 2 <2>, frame 3 <6a> being applicable
                3 exists, but it is not a part of command inputs

              • 2 months ago

                >i am familiar with zero games

              • 2 months ago

                i am in fact wrong and gay. it's coded as loose 6 rather than strict 3

              • 2 months ago

                make no mistake, the interpreter is stupid, but people studying the interpreter is where notation became an absolute mess
                the notation we all use by in large, is bad

                it's exceedingly difficult to express when fuzzy inputs are allowed and when they are not, because there absolutely are times when they are not
                but dragon punch's final directional command is, to my knowledge, always fuzzy

  5. 2 months ago

    what genre is harder? Rank them from harder to easier, Fighting, Driving Simulator, RTS, or shooter

    • 2 months ago

      starcraft brood war

      massive power gap

      the rest of that gay shit

  6. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      It's like the video with the scrolling kid on minecraft

  7. 2 months ago

    It's odd that a place dedicated to discussing video games is so bad at them.

  8. 2 months ago

    i will say when thinking about the 623 notation, while it is erroneous and not how the interpreter functions, there is an interesting argument to be made (which is not being made) that 3 can be considered (solely to the human, not to the command interpreter) as an optional case that represents that you do not have to release 2

    the reason that this could be compelling is because 636 would be an invalid input, as 6 must be released while 2 is actuated for at least one frame in order for the command to be interpreted properly, yet 2 does not need to be released when the interpreter is seeking the second 6 (it is seeing 6, not 3)

    • 2 months ago

      adding more, let's look at some more examples of successes and failures with a dp motion
      we'll be using "5" as a notation but with a very specific clause, the "5" being used for command interpretation is only being used to imply that preceding inputs have been zeroed out, we will not be looking at 5 as being neutral for a frame till a later example

      65256 is a valid input
      65253 is a valid input (nobody would do this though)
      65356 is not a valid input
      65353 is not a valid input
      35256 is not a valid input
      35253 is not a valid input
      6523 is a valid input
      6536 is not a valid input

      the interpreter is explicitly seeking an input of 6, then it is seeking an input of 2, after that you have the option of using 3 or 6
      one could say that writing 3 OR 6 are both errors, as the interpreter is looking for 6(01) but doesn't care about the state of 2(00) or 2(01), it simply needed to be 6(01), 5[again, not for a frame under current notation, but 6(00) is now the input] 2(01), and 6(01)

      why is any of this relevant?
      because now let's use 5 as neutral notation, you can have a frame with neutral input and the interpreter will have some allowance for it (typically 2 or 3 frames, depending on the game)
      what happens?
      dragon punch happens.

      • 2 months ago

        instead of writing out all this dunning kruger schizo shit you could just open up any fighting game and see that a clean 626, without doing 6236, does not give you a DP

        • 2 months ago

          it in fact does, again, with keyboard use since 2001, this is something i am intimately familiar with
          feel free to leave my domain with your misunderstandings at any time

          • 2 months ago

            post a recording of it in literally any fighting game with input display turned on

            • 2 months ago

              nah, i'm leaving for a lan party in half an hour and already packed my laptop

              capcom, snk, tasofro, they are all 626 based games
              feel free to find one that isn't, you'll have a difficult time

              • 2 months ago

                lmao thought so

              • 2 months ago

                ah, yes a random douzin game
                yeah, that'd be about the only place that would get it wrong

                weird when even tasofro gets it right, isn't it?

              • 2 months ago

                lucky for you I've actually got soku installed
                wow look at that it's the same as every other fighting game

              • 2 months ago

                thank you anon i was about to post a soku clip too
                sadly this schizo is so far up his own ass i don't think even this will convince him

              • 2 months ago

                What drives you to do this? Why make such a fool of yourself?

  9. 2 months ago

    The fricking instruction should have the button listed instead of A, B, K, G.
    >But you can assign a different button
    Then the in-game instructions should update the button after assigning or make it so you can't change the button.
    Also A solid black arrow and a hollow arrow is confusing.

    • 2 months ago

      >Then the in-game instructions should update the button after assigning or make it so you can't change the button.
      Typically they have the listing for the buttons next to what they're labeled in game. Regarding the latter, not being able to change the buttons would severely limit the amount of freedom of control as not all characters play the same and some benefit from more unorthodox button placement in some games.

  10. 2 months ago

    who wants to memorize a bunch of useless shit to play a video game
    only the most massively autistic sperg would think doing the same thing over and over again is a good thing

    • 2 months ago

      You're memorizing how to do things in most games but competitive games tend to have abit more work for the memorization than most others. Singleplayer games with harder difficulties also require good memorization usually.

  11. 2 months ago

    Because Feet

    • 2 months ago

      Disgusting image

  12. 2 months ago

    You will have more fun playing in person with people, preferably ones you know.

  13. 2 months ago

    The intersection of people who have the desire to be good at fighting games, the people who have the persistence to become good at fighting games, and the people with the ability to become good at fighting games is extremely small.
    Fast paced games that require a ton of inputs to perform well will always have limited reach.

    Fighting games do well early on when casual players are just enjoying the game with other casuals.
    As the first casual players stop playing, more and more the number of people who casually play the game diminishes. They won't enjoy playing vs people who spent time practicing and learning to play well.

  14. 2 months ago

    because it isn't fun, simple as

  15. 2 months ago

    Ed's wife Menut

  16. 2 months ago

    Dudley's overhead into super 3 is a 2 frame link right? Should I just practice doing it with hp normally? Trying to do piano or only pressing hp for 1 frame and potentially getting the negative edge seems also hard to make consistent and perhaps unnecessary.

  17. 2 months ago

    In other words how long should it take to master a 2 frame link?

  18. 2 months ago

    i think if youre playing with a controller or a keyboard you might want to invest in a fight stick

    • 2 months ago

      keyboard is basically a budget hitbox, it's probably 2nd best

  19. 2 months ago

    I'm moronic
    I know the inputs, I know when to use them, but I cannot move the stick fast enough to input a super during freeze frames

  20. 2 months ago

    Lili players are b***hes, born and raised

  21. 2 months ago

    I just got 10-0'd twice in a row. I can't find the reason behind this
    >my controller is in a bad condition
    >I got rusty after not playing for a week
    >my opponent made me lost my will to keep playing
    One day I'll be free and play singleplayer games exclusively.

    • 2 months ago

      What game are you playing and how many hours do you have in it and the genre in general?

      • 2 months ago

        I've played other old stuff as well, but haven't invested as much in them.

        • 2 months ago

          That's a good chunk of KOF. Maybe you were just playing against the really good players?

  22. 2 months ago

    I only play fighting games in single player modes and jerk off to the women, I have 160hr in SF6 and at least 30ish of those hours are cammy in arcade mode.

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