Why do some people prefer 8-bit games to 16-bit? I always thought that the 4th generation is just th...

Why do some people prefer 8-bit games to 16-bit? I always thought that the 4th generation is just the 3rd, but improved? I'm curious because I've never got really into the NES, or other 8-bit systems and I'd like to explore that generations library more.

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  1. 3 years ago

    >Why do some people prefer 8-bit games to 16-bit?

  2. 3 years ago

    Other than SMB and Mario 3 I never played anything else on that POS system, only Americans are really fond of it.

    • 3 years ago

      Lol yeah go play your “games”

      • 3 years ago

        While the famikeks were still stuck with 9 shitty arcade clones, us SPECCHADS were already gifted with hundreds of better and more complex games, like this fully open world sandbox driving game, a true pioneer of gaming. Or would you like a shmup? Try Harrier Attack, Jetpac, Lunar Jetman, and Blue Max. Or an RPG adventure game? Might want to look into Valhalla, Black Crystal, The Orb, and The Hobbit. Feels good to be a spekky masterrace.

        • 3 years ago


      • 3 years ago

        >shitting on Barmy Burgers
        get a load of this homosexual

      • 3 years ago

        that game is from 1983, m8. have some mercy.

    • 3 years ago

      Every system will have its own fanbase niche. It just happened that NES went most mainstream as opposed to other systems.

      Come on. There is at least few dozen of good games on that. True that a huge portion of games are mediocre at best.

  3. 3 years ago

    I know some people that like the extreme simplicity of it. Story, cutscenes, and introductions are kept to an absolute minimum and its all "press start to play". The games are easy to pick up and play too with only 2 buttons to work with you don't have to mess around with any control setup learning.

  4. 3 years ago

    The games are fun, NES had lots of fun games

  5. 3 years ago

    Early 80's arcade games were simple and pure. Nobody cared about stories. Only high scores or to see what stage you can make it to. The 6809 was still 8-bit but a major upgrade from the Z80. Take a look at Splatterhouse and Rolling Thunder. You also have the PC Engine which is 8-bit. The NES had a stranglehold on the market like we will never see again. Every company in the biz had games on the NES. Even Sega had ports of their games done by other companies. I'd say its to 2d what PlayStation was to 3d.

    • 3 years ago

      >I'd say its to 2d what PlayStation 2 was to 3d.
      The VCS was the PlayStation

        • 3 years ago

          >The 2600 was a terrible machine
          So? Doesn’t change the fact that it dominated it’s gen like the NES after it. So the comparison to the PSX / PS2 is valid.

          • 3 years ago

            Yes, the VCS is like the PS1 of 2D games, it wasn't the first 2D home console but it popularised the 2D game genres that aren't pong. The NES is more like Steam or Tencent. It wasn't really groundbreaking, it didn't do anything first, 2D games were already popular for years when it was launched, but it took over the video game market by storm regardless because Nintendo monopolised the industry.

            • 3 years ago

              >Nintendo monopolised the industry.
              not even the console market

              • 3 years ago

                They owned 90% of the console market at one point.

              • 3 years ago

                >They owned 90% of the console market at one point.

              • 3 years ago

                >They owned 90% of the console market at one point.
                This is what zoomers actually believe.

                >Of every dollar Americans spent on toys last year, 16 cents went to Nintendo. That was $2.7 billion out of a total $16.8 billion that Mom and Dad did not spend on Barbie dolls, Hulk Hogan "action figures," licensed merchandise like Batman soap or Scattergories board games.
                >While Nintendo's rivals, like Sega of America and NEC Technologies , say their sales are better than expected, they remain tiny blips on the radar screen of Nintendo, which has more than 90 percent of the game market.

              • 3 years ago

                Note this was the same year a judge threw out their exclusivity contracts for violating anti-trust statutes.

              • 3 years ago

                >no sources
                literally fake news
                >which has more than 90 percent of the game market.
                the QUI? ass of A is not the game market.
                And sales in 1990 is not the game market in general.
                Lie better next time

              • 3 years ago

                >They owned 90% of the console market at one point.
                This is what zoomers actually believe.

        • 3 years ago

          >The 2600 was a terrible machine
          How? It was launched in 1977 and served its purpose to bring arcade games of the era into your home.
          >a gamer's perspective
          Sounds like an objective and relevant perspective.
          >nostalgia googles
          The C64 possibly got more than 10,000 softwares throughout its lifetime, more than 10 times of the NES library. It's not nostalgia, it's statistics.

    • 3 years ago

      Outside Japan, no. The C64 had vastly more games from both Europe and the US. Even Japanese companies licensed their ports for the system too. It had even more movie tie-ins than the NES.

    • 3 years ago

      >Even Sega had ports of their games done by other companies.
      until the Genny actually became a clear hit in the US, that wasn't a big deal at all, in the Saturn era they even went back on porting their shit to PCs on their own.

      • 3 years ago

        Sega used to license ports of their games on other systems because their consoles didn't sell that well in Japan and it was a way to earn some extra revenue. The sudden success of the Mega Drive in the West caused them to suspend this policy for a few years but it was revived again due to the Saturn's lack of success.

  6. 3 years ago

    NES is better if you just want some quick fast arcade action without cutscenes and pretentious 2deep4u plots.

  7. 3 years ago

    Depends on the game I guess. SMB3 does have some unfortunate changes... But I can't think of any other game offhandedly that is better on NES.

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