Why do these derivative millennial indie shit games have such obnoxious fanbases?

It's a mediocre, entirely derivaive "Metroidvania" with Reddit-esque "git gud" Dark Souls autism smeared all over it. Random bug theming, overly forgiving controls, everything feels like the creatores just took the idea from something

Unironically a dozen better, more sophisticated games that do "muh Dark Souls + Metroidvania", like Blasphemous 2 or Death's Gambit Afterlife, which actually feels and plays like a 2D Souls game. Literally the porn game FlipWitch is better

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    it's 99% young normies who never played sm or sotn and the million other copies so it's all new to them

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'm 26. SM and SOTN are two of my favourite games. I don't mind if you millennial queers got filtered by a pretty damn good metroidvania.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    sex with bugs

  3. 2 weeks ago

    The bug looks cute, there that's all you need to know.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's a white circle with two black circles and a fat, blurry Photoshop outline, besides just derivative af. You are LITERALLY cattle with no standards

      • 2 weeks ago

        You sound like the cattle if you can't imagine expression upon a mostly blank canvas anon

        • 2 weeks ago

          There is nothing to imagine here, it's 100% set in stone what it's supposed to look like and anything else would be wrong. Maximum contrast and thick outlines leave no room for imagination anyway. Literally the opposite of Ma. That's a reason games like Hollow Knight are so ugly and boring-looking. There is nothing to do here for your brain. And that's probably why idiots love it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            this is why games unironically felt more realistic on PS2 20 years ago, everything was masked by low resolution, pixel softening, color bleeding, etc. yakuza 2 always looks more realistic in my head than the ugly high definition models in the new games, just looks like a playdoh world

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yeah and people see sasquatch faces in fricking leaves while the real frickers are out hiding in caves. Your no different

      • 2 weeks ago

        Thanks for saying what needed to be said, I fear the post woke era will be the pendulum swinging way hard the other way and coomer retatds making shit worse than even woketards could

  4. 2 weeks ago

    its dumb zooms whove never played a metroidvania before
    besides millennials are too buys b***hing about boomers or new games to play anything anyway

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I also think it sucks, floaty ass newgrounds flash games-tier graphics and animations

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I also think it sucks, floaty ass newgrounds flash games-tier graphics and animations
      This. Anyone with actual taste and standards can immediately see this and will look for something else instead. The music also sucks and takes itself way too seriously or just doesn't even fit and forces melancholy when nothing melancholic even happens or you don't even know what's going on and just started

      People compare the game with Dark Souls but Dark Souls doesn't do this. Compare the first 10 minutes of both games

      If you look at this and the first thing you think of is "newgrounds flash game" you are genuinely delusional. If it was 3D you wouldn't have made this thread

      You are mentally ill if you think this is in any way impressive. The game is quite literally made of Photoshop drawings and not exactly amazing ones

    • 2 weeks ago

      >floaty ass newgrounds flash games-tier graphics and animations

      • 2 weeks ago

        Literally the best description of HK I've ever seen tbh. Really hate the blurry digital art style, reminds me of cheap Toei an ime today

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >Death's Gambit Afterlife
    this is criminally overlooked just because the original was flawed

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Hollow Knight is unironically garbage The kind of shallow pretentious indie slop that the hive mind loves to jerk itself off to. “No my basic metroidvania isn’t a dumb kids game it’s ART”

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Hollow Knight is unironically garbage
      I am allowed to disagree with this (to an extent)
      >The kind of shallow pretentious indie slop that the hive mind loves to jerk itself off to. “No my basic metroidvania isn’t a dumb kids game it’s ART”
      agree with this?

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's ok to like mediocre games.

    • 2 weeks ago

      To be fair its got a good soundtrack and ambience. Thats the best aspect from what I've played of it, it's a medicore 'gtame' with i'm guessing fun boss fights eventually (the early ones are whatever)

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >Reddit-esque "git gud" Dark Souls autism smeared all over it.
    moronic buzzword salad that can be applied to any difficult knight themed game

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because almost every difficult knight themed game today is Souls like trash

      • 2 weeks ago

        and that does include the Zelda games right?

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            >all knight themed games are trash!
            >e-except for Zelda though

            • 2 weeks ago

              I said almost and difficult

              • 2 weeks ago

                don't care, most of your "criticism" of HK in this thread doesn't even make sense. Play the game.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Unironically trash.

    1. Dark Souls had an awful impact on vidya, everyone now tries to do some gloomy, self-fellating 2deep4u lore fest with the most basic action combat overcompensated by every enemy two-shotting you.
    2. Frick off with the Metroid-likes (Metroidvania makes no sense because Symphonia was a Metroid-like) if you don't have any really good new ideas you can bring to the table. Backtracking and hitting every wall isn't fun for the 1000th time and it's almost never a believable world that's worth immersing into.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Dark Souls had an awful impact on vidya, everyone now tries to do some gloomy, self-fellating 2deep4u lore fest with the most basic action combat overcompensated by every enemy two-shotting you.
      i have to agree, i miss stuff like GoW, DmC and NG Black, now combat is all slow motion but you are frail as papel mache, and then a bunch of lore spread around item descriptions or something.
      it was cool a decade ago, but now it is getting almost as annoying as Ubisoft open worlds.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Dark Souls had an awful impact on vidya, everyone now tries to do some gloomy, self-fellating 2deep4u lore fest with the most basic action combat overcompensated by every enemy two-shotting you.
      i have to agree, i miss stuff like GoW, DmC and NG Black, now combat is all slow motion but you are frail as papel mache, and then a bunch of lore spread around item descriptions or something.
      it was cool a decade ago, but now it is getting almost as annoying as Ubisoft open worlds.

      its why I liked that Crab game

    • 2 weeks ago

      >1. Dark Souls had an awful impact on vidya, everyone now tries to do some gloomy, self-fellating 2deep4u lore fest with the most basic action combat overcompensated by every enemy two-shotting you.
      I agree but you dont have to play them

  10. 2 weeks ago

    >do something that has been done before a million times
    >sell it to people who are seeing it for the first time
    >they'll defend it as significant because it's their first time
    >retroactively they'll hate "better" examples because they were shilled by someone who shit on their favorite game as being derivative
    >"the original sucks this is better"

    • 2 weeks ago

      i also love that the name is hollow knight, perfect description of something so hollow

      don't care, most of your "criticism" of HK in this thread doesn't even make sense. Play the game.

      >don't care
      your brain on liking hollow knight

      • 2 weeks ago

        thanks for confirming you never played the game, I won't listen to you now

    • 2 weeks ago

      What IS a better metroid style game? personally i hate nearly all of them and think the gener is MASSIVLY overrated, but I really liked Zero Mission.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >What IS a better metroid style game?
        Every Metroid and some Vanias simply because they actually did it first and didn't just copy something. It's your fault for thinking "Metroidvania" is a genre and not just an excuse to copy and rehash another game, same thing with "Souls-likes", Hollow Knight literally being the combination of the two. Then you also have a lot of indie slop like Dead Cells, Souldiers, Faeland, Ori, Blasphemous, Death Gambit, etc.

        We aren't talking about food here. You can't just copy games or movies people already experienced and then say it's an amazing high-quality product. Of course unless your target audience is morons and zoomers

        99% of indie games are actual aids

        >cares about anything that isn't gameplay
        Woman moment.

        >implying the DaS like presentation and music isn't 80% the reason Reddit loves this game

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Every Metroid and some Vanias simply because they actually did it first and didn't just copy something.
          Even ignore that one is an Aliens ripoff and the other is a grab bag of classic monsters, neither series invented even a single unique gameplay element.

        • 2 weeks ago

          actual sub-room temp IQ post. Genuine NPC logic

          • 2 weeks ago

            Imagine how low your IQ must be when you can't debunk a "sub-room-temperature-IQ post.

            • 2 weeks ago



        • 2 weeks ago

          it's ok for a game to be like another game as long as it's a good experience

      • 2 weeks ago

        Any Metroid mogs Hollow Shite and I will forever laugh that MP4 will release before Silkshit. BugBlack folk couldn't stay out of Metroid threads, this is what they deserve.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Find a nice game
      >Play it and have fun
      >Some autistic purists keep telling you how you didn't actually have fun and that the original metroids and castlevanias were the actually good games
      >They never tell you why the game you liked is bad though, just that it is and that the old games are better

      • 2 weeks ago

        Welcome to this homosexual board full of that kind of homosexualry

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't even encounter this particularly often outside of Hollow Knight bait threads. Maybe Terraria too, but it deserves the treatment gives Red's recent spiralling homosexualry.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Wanna know why it's dogshit?
        >Combat is barebones and piss easy
        >Nail arts are useless unless using all bindings (ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE POSTGAME DLC)
        >Spells are boring and for homosexuals
        >clanking is too op and gives too much leeway to just avoid all damage
        >free healing
        >Movement is slow and boring both in and out of combat
        >The map is too big, too boxy and too empty for it's own good, you need to have 2 charms permaequipped to be able to move at a decent speed
        >Money is useless after less than 50% of the game
        >Most bosses only have like 2 attacks, if lucky
        >If you upgrade your nail at a decent pace, you instakill anything you come across, making the boring world even less threatening and uninteresting
        >ALL dlcs focus on the worst aspect of the game (the combat)
        >dogshit boring upgrades like crystal dash that serve no function
        >Pic related, I am better than 99% of it's players at this mediocre shit

        • 2 weeks ago

          is barebones and piss easy
          Not everything has to be SUPER ULTRA MEGA HARDCORE SUPER GAMIST HARD. 'That your own screenshot?
          >Nail arts are useless
          No they're not. I used them outside of godhome, with the most memorable example being Nightmare Grimm
          Abyssal screech is cool, regular soul ball is nice and simple, the dive is pretty cool utility with the iframes. You're gay.
          I don't speak transgender speedrunner, use the normal people language.
          >free healing
          You gotta smack 'em a few times first and then heal during a sufficient vulnerability window.
          >movement is slow and boring
          ADHD behavior.
          >map is toooooo biiiiiiig and sloooo-
          ADHD behavior.
          You sound autistic enough to the point I'm willing to assume you sat somewhere in the colloseum and grinded dosh for hours before you came to this conclusion. I'm willing to believe otherwise though.
          >most bosses have two attacks
          Not feeling like posting a leftist meme sized boss list.
          Did you use a guide to upgrade yours? Be honest.
          I liked Nightmare Grimm. I don't remember any other DLCs, I played after they were all added, save for Godhome.
          Crystal dash is slightly underwhelming, but dashes and wall jumps and shadow dashes and double jumps are all neat. Even crystal dash is neat in some places.
          So it is your screenshot. Given your previous claims it sounds like you're a gigasperg who read a thousand guide articles out of pure spite. How about the later pantheons by the way? First 3 are babby shit, bet even my lazy ass could do them with all bindings if I was as much of a sperg as you are.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Lol this is going to my compilation

            • 2 weeks ago

              >No argument
              I won

              • 2 weeks ago

                I am just waiting for you to reply with something that's not
                >you sperg
                >you looked a guide
                >I could do it (Which means you didnt lmao) if i was a sperg

    • 2 weeks ago

      I literally played every 2d metroid game up to samus returns including AM2R before hollow knight came out and I ended up loving HK more. Just because a game is derivative doesn't mean it's inferior. I'll admit the shinespark equivalent not kiliing enemies was grating but it's a minor issue. I haven't played any castlevania game though and likely never will because when I tried SOTN the controls felt clunky as shit compared to even the NES metroid. Why

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's a zoomer thing. They just want to appear up to date. Once Hollow Knight 2 comes out, they'll be saying that they HATED Hollow Knight 1 and that it was never good, only nostalgia

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nobody actually enjoys Hollow Knight.

      Notice how there's no one who simultaneously likes Hollow Knight and Metroid/Castlevania.

      People just like to screech about how much they hecking love Hollow Knight to justify their hatred for whatever older games they seethe at for being overrated.

      There's a reason why you don't see better designed indie games discussed very much, because they can't really be weaponized and turned into some kind of "identity" thing in the same way Hollow Knight has been

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Nobody actually enjoys Hollow Knight.
        >Notice how there's no one who simultaneously likes Hollow Knight and Metroid/Castlevania.
        >People just like to screech about how much they hecking love Hollow Knight to justify their hatred for whatever older games they seethe at for being overrated.
        >There's a reason why you don't see better designed indie games discussed very much, because they can't really be weaponized and turned into some kind of "identity" thing in the same way Hollow Knight has been

        • 2 weeks ago

          Touched a nerve?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Nobody actually enjoys Hollow Knight.
        Strange, because I enjoyed the game.
        >Notice how there's no one who simultaneously likes Hollow Knight and Metroid/Castlevania.
        Even weirder, because I love both hollow knight and castlevania. The more you talk, the harder I realize you're the kind of kid that never had the talk about how it's perfectly okay for other kids to like different flavours of ice cream and not like your favourite one.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Notice how there's no one who simultaneously likes Hollow Knight and Metroid/Castlevania.

  11. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Stfu please and stop forcing everyone to care about your trash

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >Blasphemous 2
    Played through it twice. Probably won't touch it again until there's DLC. Not better than HK.

    • 2 weeks ago

      it's already better by dint of not looking like some shitty flash game and you controlling some moronic random blob, unless you are an autistic pedophile maybe

      • 2 weeks ago

        >cares about anything that isn't gameplay
        Woman moment.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Hollow Knight has the most generic game a 2D action game can have though? Even the basics like the jumps feel wrong: no momentum, floaty, inconsequential. In general the total unawareness of how limitations and some clunkiness are a good thing in games

          popular video games really make you incels seethe huh
          it doesnt make you interesting

          Then go play FIFA and have a nice day

          • 2 weeks ago

            the chad playing fifa is getting pussy and reproducing, what are you doing :DD

            • 2 weeks ago

              The same as you. Shit posting on Ganker.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >taking care of some mongrel children is considered in an anti-men matriarchy is chad now
              and you leftoid reddit gay don't even really believe this much less have offspring yourself

              • 2 weeks ago

                im sorry youre a mongrel, anon

    • 2 weeks ago

      Also pretentious slop that isn’t fun for even a moment, but at least it doesn’t look and play like a newgrounds flash game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Is it better than 1? I tried the demo and controls felt like absolute shite.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >nooo I can't just zoom through the levels with flash game physics like in my Reddit Knight
        >my character actually feels a tiny bit like a human in heavy armor and I have to do things with some commitment instead of being able to correct every sloppy input

        I can finally understand the people who hated Super Mario World's 'improved' controls over SMB3 30 years ago

        • 2 weeks ago

          Blasphemous is not a realistic depiction of medieval combat, you low IQ pseud.

          • 2 weeks ago

            No one said it is. Holy shit why are indie sloppers so unintelligent/disingenuous and moronic?

            • 2 weeks ago

              Your non-argument is that he feels like a human. Your non-argument hinges on an illusion of realism. Therefore I point out your intellectual inferiority, since you are a low IQ pseud who complains about things his own game is guilty of to a different degree, but it totes coo brah because it's the degree that YOU like and you are a narcissist (as is appropriate for low IQ pseuds) and therefore only your PRECISE degree of inorganic slop tolerance is the right one.
              You just aren't intelligent enough to connect the dots from your shitty argument to my clever rebuttal, since you were taught from the childhood to always compartmentalize and never see the bigger picture.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Your non-argument is that he feels like a human.
                No, that he feels a lot more limited like a human than your blob with jumps that have 0 momentum and let you air control without consequences and weight and spam your sword attacks while at it. Can't your brain comprehend gradation?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Your non-argument is that he feels like a human. Your non-argument hinges on an illusion of realism. Therefore I point out your intellectual inferiority, since you are a low IQ pseud who complains about things his own game is guilty of to a different degree, but it totes coo brah because it's the degree that YOU like and you are a narcissist (as is appropriate for low IQ pseuds) and therefore only your PRECISE degree of inorganic slop tolerance is the right one.
                You just aren't intelligent enough to connect the dots from your shitty argument to my clever rebuttal, since you were taught from the childhood to always compartmentalize and never see the bigger picture.

                can you two autists stop shitting on the thread

              • 2 weeks ago

                The thread is garbage bait anyway, at least me and him (however moronic he is) are talking about actual videogames.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Your moron argument is literally what I addressed in the post you just replied to. Keep the frick up, Black person. KEEP UP.

              • 2 weeks ago

                There was no reason for me to continue reading your post after a blatant mischaracterization/sign of low IQ in your first sentence

              • 2 weeks ago

                I accept your concession, Black person.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Dude, your a homosexual. He just preferred how one felt better than the other, You Indie frickers are subhuman. 95% of them being liberal gays tells you that

              • 2 weeks ago

                No, you Black person, he said one is superior to the other. AAA favella monkeys like you are the reason everything is shit in this world. If you can't shit up something yourself - the israelites import you into that something so that you can. In a moral and just world you browns would be executed on sight.

        • 2 weeks ago

          No one said it is. Holy shit why are indie sloppers so unintelligent/disingenuous and moronic?

          Based SMW chad

  13. 2 weeks ago

    popular video games really make you incels seethe huh
    it doesnt make you interesting

    • 2 weeks ago

      imagine you were constantly swamped with little stupid kids talking about how cool this nu gaem is and you look into it and they're literally just talking about Doom. yes, Doom is a game that came out in 1993 little kidz, we know.

      Now OCTUPLE IT.

      • 2 weeks ago

        meds moment

    • 2 weeks ago

      this board is full schizo now, every game is the worst thing ever, just look at any Doom DA thread

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >why is troonslop troonslop

  15. 2 weeks ago

    You sound like a seething fromdrone, given that the entirety of your post is all about muh souls. Fromdrones are sub-people.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    i don't like Hollow Knight, but is not indie sloppa like Vampire survivors.
    it annoys me to see Hollow Knight clones selling like hot cakes tho, seriously just the same game again and gamers go crazy.

    also putting the dark souls death mechanic in a game that is mostly a platformer is dumb beyond belief

    • 2 weeks ago

      >hollow knight
      >mostly a platformer

      • 2 weeks ago

        combat is just "press x", even boss fights is more platforming than anything else

        >seriously just the same game again and gamers go crazy.
        Sometimes more of good thing is enough to satisfy a person. If Hollow Knight had twice as much content I'd like it more than Hollow Knight without twice as much content. By extension, if a sufficiently competent Hollow Knight clone comes out and gives me more good content to have fun with at a reasonable price - I don't see any reason to scoff at it just because old bad new good. I wishlisted Voidwrought during the next fest, and it's unironically a jankier Hollow Knight clone. If they tighten up the controls and set a decent pricetag - I'll buy it, because it will look nice and be fun to play.

        this forces the whole industry to stagnate, hollow knight is a seven yo game and indie games have to aim to iterate and innovate not re thread the same ground.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >this forces the whole industry to stagnate, hollow knight is a seven yo game and indie games have to aim to iterate and innovate not re thread the same ground.
          Indie games should aim to provide a good time to the players. Innovation is a buzzword of nextgen dudebro homosexuals. Fun is all that matters. If a player can play 2 different Hollow Knight clones and not feel like he played the same game twice - both of the clones are merited enough to be on the market. Reinventing the wheel for the sake of reinventing the wheel every single time is a fool's errand.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Innovation is a buzzword of nextgen dudebro homosexuals.
            bruh, do you want to buy Mario Bors from 1985 again? you know there are gameplay innovations and that games are more than just a pile of graphics right?

            >Fun is all that matters.
            sounds like Vampire Survivor gay

            • 2 weeks ago

              >bruh, do you want to buy Mario Bors from 1985 again?
              No, because it's the same game, you dumbarse. Reread the whole thing if you weren't smart enough to understand it the first time.
              >sounds like Vampire Survivor gay
              VS preys on impulses and compulsion, it's not fun, gay.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >No, because it's the same game, you dumbarse. Reread the whole thing if you weren't smart enough to understand it the first time.
                i was speaking figuratively, obviously you are too much of a zoomer to understand i was not speaking literally and my criticism was merely that with your mentality we would just be playing the same game for four decades.

                >VS preys on impulses and compulsion, it's not fun, gay.
                we can agree on that, i hate that thing one trillion times more than i dislike Hollow Knight clones

              • 2 weeks ago

                >i was speaking figuratively, obviously you are too much of a zoomer to understand i was not speaking literally and my criticism was merely that with your mentality we would just be playing the same game for four decades.
                You're a moron who can't comprehend the argument. It is not the same game. Neither figuratively nor literally. And your attempt at removing all nuance from the argument is Black personious.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >it annoys me to see Hollow Knight clones

      • 2 weeks ago

        but they're not trying to clone metroid. they're trying to clone hollow knight

        • 2 weeks ago

          what is 2D indie animated cartoon knight a clone of genius?

          • 2 weeks ago

            dark souls

    • 2 weeks ago

      >seriously just the same game again and gamers go crazy.
      Sometimes more of good thing is enough to satisfy a person. If Hollow Knight had twice as much content I'd like it more than Hollow Knight without twice as much content. By extension, if a sufficiently competent Hollow Knight clone comes out and gives me more good content to have fun with at a reasonable price - I don't see any reason to scoff at it just because old bad new good. I wishlisted Voidwrought during the next fest, and it's unironically a jankier Hollow Knight clone. If they tighten up the controls and set a decent pricetag - I'll buy it, because it will look nice and be fun to play.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Really hate this game having 5 endings each one making you do secret shit that there would be no way knowing it without a guide or autism.

  18. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      >insert "SLOP" when I have no witty critique
      try harder

    • 2 weeks ago

      To this day Shallow Knight and Trial&Error are the only witty ones here. The rest of this image is shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        it is too bad because i would love something that shits on all these dogshit games.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Damn thank you for the recomendation list
      Will check out!

    • 2 weeks ago

      Fricking come up with something more interesting jesus.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I love these, keep up the good work, anon

  19. 2 weeks ago

    It's a fun vania other than the lack of weapons
    not as amazing as some zoomers think though

  20. 2 weeks ago

    also making a metroidvania, noways metroidvania means Hollow Knight like, which makes me worried if anyone will care about what I'm working on

    • 2 weeks ago

      honestly dude that looks amazing im a game dev too though so lol

      how do i subscribe?

      • 2 weeks ago

        you can go to my Twitter account, GhostHandDev
        you can also follow the Steam and Kickstarter pages

        • 2 weeks ago

          >that clip
          wtf that is seriously amazing

          • 2 weeks ago

            Thanks Anon

            • 2 weeks ago

              letting you know I appreciate you using 2d foregrounds with 3d backgrounds. love when games do this

              • 2 weeks ago

                i felt inspired by PSX games like Klonoa, i felt this was not explored enough

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Btw I have yet to see any genuine criticism of this game other than "indie slop" and "flash game". It's almost like you never played the game...

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Btw I have yet to see any genuine criticism of this pile of canine feces other than "it's dog turd" and "i'm not eating shit". It's almost like you never actually tasted it before...

      • 2 weeks ago

        >immediately proves my point
        like clockwork

        • 2 weeks ago

          I'm convinced it's shazamgays trying to switch targets after SotE

    • 2 weeks ago

      The combat is decent, but lacks and the story is not that great even if theorize about it. I played it back to back with Nine Sols and the latter blows Hollow Knight out of the water in pretty much everything.

      • 2 weeks ago

        what makes the story not good to you? Not trying to downplay your thoughts, you're just being vague right now

        • 2 weeks ago

          not him but hollow knight's story was just you wandering around a world who's story had already been told. I won't ignore that there's something in it for interacting with the beings that continued to live/those who were also exploring it like you, but most of it amounted to you just wandering around and finding characters telling you how fricked up everything is or beating a boss that is a remnant of it's former self. nine sols is similar in that a good portion of the story had happened, but it was still happening during the gametime and you have an actual impact on the outcome.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >hollow knight's story was just you wandering around a world who's story had already been told.
            It does tell you the main background of the game with a cutscene and dialogue, but I wouldn't say it tells you the entire story since there would be a lot of questions that get answered as you progress. Like where the Knight came from, how did the infection start and who is the Hollow Knight. In my opinion the loredrops are scattered is done well, it's not like some games like Undertale where you get big blocks of text explaining everything at once

            • 2 weeks ago

              *the way the loredrops are scattered is done well

            • 2 weeks ago

              I agree. I don't dislike hollow knight's approach to story telling, it's similar to dark souls in that the world is fricked up but you are there for a reason whether or not you know yet. Through exploring, you gain insight from both beings that still live, lore you find from the remains of the lost civilization, ect. This leads to you finding answers to what happened and eventually gaining tools/skills that were never unearthed/found to finally lay to rest the last vestige of the ancient land.

              However, I much prefer a story that sorta shoves itself in my face. When you play games with stories like Dark Souls or Hollow Knight, you need to want to engage with the lore it gives you and the characters that tend to be doing their own thing. A lot of times for me, I don't care much for these things, especially on replays, which means the game devolves into me just wandering around till I get to the end. This isn't a bad thing, it's just a matter of preferences, as I like to have characters that are more fleshed out and tied closer to the main story premise instead of everyone off doing their own thing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The mapping is shit.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Sell me on FlipWitch, do you have any cool webms or anything?

    • 2 weeks ago

      lel. i dont want to be b&

  23. 2 weeks ago

    you do realize every game in existence takes ideas from somewhere, whether its another game or not

    please go touch grass and get some fresh air

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not to the extent where you literally turn copying a game into a new genre without even adding anything to it. The only reason this is even accepted is because of morons like you and garbage journos
      >muh Metroidvania
      >muh Zelda like
      >muh Ultima like
      >muh Souls like
      >muh Monster Hunter like
      All excuses with positive examples like Okami, which is a Zelda copy but actually adds a million new things and stuff almost no other game did before, few and far between. Also the reason 99% of JRPGs were turn-based slogs with random encounters for 20 years

      If you have nothing new and can only crudely combine shit you grew up with AND don't even have compelling art direction: frick off and get a job that's useful

  24. 2 weeks ago

    >Reddit-esque "git gud" Dark Souls autism smeared all over it.
    You will never have a real personality.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    This isn't r/cuck

  26. 2 weeks ago

    I like videogames 😀

  27. 2 weeks ago

    If you look at this and the first thing you think of is "newgrounds flash game" you are genuinely delusional. If it was 3D you wouldn't have made this thread

    • 2 weeks ago

      the problem is that the late game assets look completely different from the early game ones, it does not look like the same game.

      combo that with every Area having some heavy colour filter and de-saturated textures and you end up a odd art direction.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >the problem is that the late game assets look completely different from the early game ones
        Gee, you fricking think? Almost like that's the point.

        • 2 weeks ago

          yeah, the first area looks a bit amateur

          >good gameplay

          early game combat is quite boring, it gets better later but god i would really prefer to start the game with the bare minimun

  28. 2 weeks ago

    >hk is le dark souls
    that's how I know you're a moron parroting other morons online

    • 2 weeks ago

      You are a troglodyte if you think the game would be the same without Souls (assuming it would even exist). Literally even has the same
      >le one try to get all your stuff back after you died or else it's gone
      almost no game did before Souls and suddenly a million games did after

      Makes the game even shittier and the devs shameless hacks for denying their "inspiration". Chink level fakeness

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Makes the game even shittier and the devs shameless hacks for denying their "inspiration". Chink level fakeness
        Do they really deny it? That'd be pathetic.

        • 2 weeks ago

          nta but they didn't completely deny it, one of the devs stated that some aspects of the game like the soul system was inspired by Bloodborne, which itself is a dark souls game, but the original Dark Souls was not their inspiration

  29. 2 weeks ago

    It's normal to be influenced by the things you grew up with. Of the western made metroidvanias with Souls influence it's on the better end. My only problem with it is it's way too long. It's a million times better than Salt & Sanctuary.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    It's not mediocre, and you seething on Ganker for a decade will never change that

    • 2 weeks ago

      >It's not mediocre
      If you have a brain it literally takes 2 seconds to realize it's mediocre because most of the gameplay is jumping and the jumping sucks and has no momentum. It's Mega Man 1 style elevator jumps, just faster and with braindead free air control. And you just have to watch a trailer to know the entire game is boring, repetitive caves with smudgy ugly graphics

      • 2 weeks ago

        it doesn't even feel like jumping but like flying in a shitty old superman game

        • 2 weeks ago

          i just reported you

      • 2 weeks ago

        >And you just have to watch a trailer to know
        You know, you could've just said that you didn't play the game.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's not a game, it's an indie slop mashup of the shit some millennial or zoomer grew up with

          • 2 weeks ago

            >not denying he didn't play the game

            >good gameplay

            Okay, now fully convinced that those threads are just straight up bait. That's a very early game encounter that made me realize quickly that it's something I'm not ready for an are supposed to bypass. I guess you're the kind of Black person that would try to throw down with Lu Bu in the first mission of Dynasty Warriors 8 then get genuinely assmad despite being specifically told to run from him because he's too powerful.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >That's a very early game encounter that made me realize quickly that it's something I'm not ready for an are supposed to bypass.
              Women beat it first try on their blind playthrough. It's just bad gameplay until you get some mobility upgrades but even encounters like that are nothing special.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Some of the worst and most needlessly insistent sound effects ever in a video game.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    My take on your take

  33. 2 weeks ago

    What I don't get is why normies specifically shill this of the countless indie metroidvanias there are. What's even the difference?

  34. 2 weeks ago

    made by a israelite btw

  35. 2 weeks ago

    It's a fun game, I liked it. After finishing it I went and played other games, some of them which I also liked. Crazy I know.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    It's a nother one of these prepare to le heckin die games which are popular since DaS. Gives morons an easy dopamine boost and makes them feel like they're good at a game when all they do is something as simple as reacting. There is nothing compelling about the game or anything anyone ever asked for. No one likes some dark, gloomy bug world.

    Average IQ is 98.

  37. 2 weeks ago

    >intricate, detailed rooms filled with secrets
    >unremarkable, trash enemies, basically like goombas

    >bland, featureless, repetitive hallways
    >interesting and varied enemies

    >Hollow Knight
    >bland, featureless, repetitive hallways
    >unremarkable, trash enemies

    I'm really not a fan of it, aside from the bosses which are admittedly very well made. Has a nice atmosphere and artstyle.

    As far as indieshit vanias go, I would rather play something like Cave Story or Dead Cells

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Pretentious, gameplay nothing special, boring backtracking simulation, cheap animations. Don't think it's bad but never got the hype.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Don't think it's bad but never got the hype.
      you just have to understand that it's a reddit game for redditors. if you get it you get it and can move on. theres literally rick and morty and wholesome chungus animals everywhere shouting moronic gibberish

      • 2 weeks ago

        We get it, you're a underage who got told that Ganker is a super cool edgy place where you shit on videogames. No need to try so hard.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >We get it, you're a underage who got told that Ganker is a super cool edgy place where you shit on videogames.
          i mean it used to be until all of you normalgays and election tourist trannies thought this place was for you for some reason. i remember getting banned from neogaf for linking to Ganker

        • 2 weeks ago

          >he says, as Hollow Knight fans made their entire identity about shitting on game and how much they hate all of the other games

          Why is it only ok when you do it, you incredibly fragile pussy?

  39. 2 weeks ago

    >good gameplay

    • 2 weeks ago

      nice cherrypicking

      • 2 weeks ago

        >posts a tutorial enemy
        >in the early part of the game where they made when they were still new developers

        >this part of my shit game doesn't count because it just doesn't

        >Makes the game even shittier and the devs shameless hacks for denying their "inspiration". Chink level fakeness
        Do they really deny it? That'd be pathetic.

        >that'd be pathetic
        Creator is literally a gay israelite

        • 2 weeks ago

          Imagine playing a game whose maker looks like this. What even are those arms LMAOOOOOO

        • 2 weeks ago

          I want a trend to start where every time this picture is reposted, his nose gets bigger, his arms get thinner, and his cheeks get hollower, just like with that asiatic sportsman.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >presses the spell button
      >turns this 20 second video into a 5 second video
      its that easy

      • 2 weeks ago

        >button, awesome
        >good gameplay
        souls ruined a generation of gamers

  40. 2 weeks ago

    >posts a tutorial enemy
    >in the early part of the game where they made when they were still new developers

    • 2 weeks ago

      The message that the player was supposed to take from that encounter is to frick off and come back with at least a dash and a spell, not poke him with your toothpick once every day for 6 gorillion years. I figured it out right away but kept going because I was stubborn. This homosexual must just be moronic.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    The combat of the game is good, but it's better to play it than watch it if you want a good feel of it




    • 2 weeks ago

      that's the most basic 2d action combat there is and the game doesn't feel good to play. all movement feels like you are sliding on the screen

      • 2 weeks ago

        No it doesn't what the frick are you on about? At no point in the game did I ever feel like I was sliding, it was smooth and responsive for me

        • 2 weeks ago

          >i'm a moronic subhuman
          the jumps literally aren't momentum based and are what people referred to as magnet or elevator jumps in mega man days, also felix the cat, wario land 4, etc. you don't actually jump but hold the button to slowly ascend and drop like a brick when you release it. standard sword attacks also have no weight and feel like a grandpa swinging his cane. play tropical freeze if you want to know what momentum feels like

          • 2 weeks ago

            If there was momentum in HK it would be an absolute pain in the ass to control, are you fricking mental? In fact if it had momentum it would be way less fun to move around. Frick off with your realistic physics bullshit

            • 2 weeks ago

              >If there was momentum in HK it would be an absolute pain in the ass to control
              why would that be? there is no excuse for jumps not at least having a certain minimum height to feel like an actual jump and some momentum in the air like most games do it. the norm or at least should be the norm since the 80s

        • 2 weeks ago

          Hollow Knight is so responsive that brainlets seethe about how excessively responsive it is and how actually totally bad it is to have such good responsive controls in your game instead of piloting a clumsy sliding moronic meat suit which is totally the real good gamedesign. Black folk like

          that's the most basic 2d action combat there is and the game doesn't feel good to play. all movement feels like you are sliding on the screen

          at this point are just making shit up to piss you off. Don't give them any of your attention unless you're prepared to whip out a 1500 files strong soijak folder to spam for hours, because that's the level of intellectual discourse these creatures will be providing you with.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I was going to go take a nap anyway. It's funny how obvious it is that most of them never actually played the game and just watched someone else play it for a while

          • 2 weeks ago

            Didn't read all your posts but giving a game maximum responsiveness and freewheeling isn't hard (neither is it to make a game difficult, as anyone can give his RPG-maker boss a cheap AoE attack). There is a reason many prefer old Monster Hunter over the new games which can feel like fricking the loosest and oldest pussy. Nothing has to sit just right, you can always microcorrect, less sense of reward. Gameplay is nothing but a series of rules and limitations. A game without rules isn't fun.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I agree completely, but people would rather everything just be homogenized. Just make every game some kind of FPS.

            • 2 weeks ago

              jeez this is like the polar opposite of witcher 3 before the patch

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Didn't read all your posts
              What did you even mean by this? What other posts do you attribute to me and which ones did you not read? My reply will depend heavily on your answer.

  42. 2 weeks ago

    >Metroidtroon seething

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's bold considering Metroid fans just got Dread and will get a proper 3D game soon while indie sloppers were spamming "SILKSONG WHERE :~~*~~*(" and crying in chat, desperate for their cheap Metroid slash Bloodbrone ripoff

  43. 2 weeks ago

    t. reddit spacer

    • 2 weeks ago

      Reddit does spaces for you, if anything people who don't do spaces are Redditors

  44. 2 weeks ago

    What a whole load of nothing. Fricking braindead moron

    • 2 weeks ago

      >What a whole load of nothing
      What i said after the credits

  45. 2 weeks ago

    I like bugs and the game is fun. simple as.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    I think it's about establishing a new "cool kid's club" after they found these older games to be too inaccessible.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    Play Renee's game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      A lot better than Soulless Knight at least. Actually feels like made by people with some knowhow and vision and not just some basedboy following the latest trends

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't think Hollow Knight was following a trend when it came out. If anything, it was a trendsetter. Actually, I think HK was a pretty "soulful" game, it just has a lot of flaws with the gameplay and map design.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I don't think Hollow Knight was following a trend when it came out. If anything, it was a trendsetter.
          The new Metroidvania trend was already going on for years with stuff like Guacamelee
          And the le hard = good trend was already going on with Dark Souls which it's obviously "inspired" by

  48. 2 weeks ago

    hollow knight is one of the best game ever. this is factually true.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >hollow knight is one of the best game ever. this is factually true.
      If you have low standards

  49. 2 weeks ago

    >millenial millenial millenial

    holy frick get a new buzzword

  50. 2 weeks ago

    it was a pretty good game

    • 2 weeks ago

      tried it, didn't like the /ic/ art style and the gameplay was boring

      >good gameplay

      not a fan of 'it gets good 5 hours in'

  51. 2 weeks ago

    Not even trolling but I was gifted this and played Hollow Knight for a few minutes and it just seems like another generic Metroidvania. What's so special about it? Maybe I'm just moronic.

    Also, why do people keep calling it a Souls-Like? It's nothing like it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >What's so special about it?

      Kickstarter cult hyping it up to raise money. A very personal investment to spread the word, raise public awareness, and make sure it succeeds.

    • 2 weeks ago

      People liked it because of it being pretty polished and having decent production for indie, and it had a cool world to explore with a decent amount of content. I don't underatand why this place gets so autistically assblasted over this game, but it's probably one autistic moron.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >What's so special about it?

      >Don't think it's bad but never got the hype.
      you just have to understand that it's a reddit game for redditors. if you get it you get it and can move on. theres literally rick and morty and wholesome chungus animals everywhere shouting moronic gibberish

      you people quit eliterally just have to understand this simple fact. it's a quintessential reddit game like most indie slop, they just love it out of principle

      • 2 weeks ago

        Creator is also a well-connected israelite

      • 2 weeks ago

        Creator is also a well-connected israelite

        Samegay more.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's competent. Movements are competent. Artwork is competent. Exploration is competent. With many metroidvanias there is usually something you hate. A controls issue, a boring map, a boring sountrack, a shitty boss with dogshit telegraphs, etc. This game just does everything well. Nice to listen to, nice to look at, nice to play, nice to explore. Few metroidvanias these days seem to be able to do that, even the ones trying to be borderline carbon copies of Hollow Knight.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Anyone that either nitpicks early game shit or blindly hates the game as a whole just wants to dislike it for contrarianism purposes

        Hating popular things is not a cool or unique personality trait to have, anons.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Movements are competent. Artwork is competent.
        For indie standards sure but no one is confined to indie games. The hype for this game makes zero sense

        • 2 weeks ago

          if you still play AAA slop in the year 2024 I don't know what to fricking tell you dude. I'd suggest you get better taste but your brain is clearly not capable of functioning.

          • 2 weeks ago

            You should probably play a few more AAA or AA games so you know what an amateurish turd Hollow Knight is instead of thinking it's the next coming

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Ummm you need to check your privilege and play some more heckin wholesome and inclusive high res triple A goodness my guy!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >unironically implying indie games aren't pozzed as shit too

              • 2 weeks ago

                >ummm bros are these games redpilled or woked? I need to know which binary opinion I'm supposed to have

              • 2 weeks ago

                Don't worry making this cringe post I know you're spiritually a leftist moron

              • 2 weeks ago

                I cannot imagine living like you do, shoveling the latest Content down my slop trough while bragging to a bunch of other schizophrenic morons about how we're the saviors of the west

              • 2 weeks ago

                I cannot Imagine living life a homosexual in denial

              • 2 weeks ago

                >w...w....well you're gay!

                look out we're dealing with a real mental heavyweight over here

              • 2 weeks ago

                NTA bur you're the troony enabler who gobbles up modern AAA goyslop. An indie game in 2024 is probably pozzed. An AAA game in 2024 is DEFINITELY pozzed. You are lower on the social totem compared to indiegays.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Name one good AAA slop game to come out in the last decade.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Batman fricking Arkham Knight

            • 2 weeks ago

              Is that the one that was responsible for Steam introducing refunds into the platform? Good one, goy. And 2015 too, barely on the tail end of my request, right by sheer technicality. AND it's from a studio that already got fricking butchered and nuked from orbit. Boy howdy, you sure did provide one hell of an argument about how the industry is totally okay with your game over half your fricking age.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    literally any flavor of the week shit game is better, see recently animal well which actually looks cool and feels much snappier

  53. 2 weeks ago

    >my wholesome little bug fella
    I'm not gay

  54. 2 weeks ago

    I was saying it for years and people thought I was just joking. I disagree on recommending Blasphemous 2. If you said 1 then yes, but B2 is a husk of what the first game is. Also Grime deserves to be mentioned too, it might be the best 2D metroidvania/souls game ever made.

    • 2 weeks ago

      GRIME is criminally underrated. It also uses the golem theme way better than Hollow Knight uses the bug theme.

      I would rank Ender Lilies above Hollow Knight as well, but I think that's more contentious.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >GRIME is criminally underrated.
        The announced sequel is my most anticipated game now. I know the art direction is a bit of an acquired taste but man the gameplay is 11/10, especially on ng+ and the build variety is surprisingly huge.

  55. 2 weeks ago

    I don't know man, it's a fun game and i'm gonna play the new one but I'm not gonna obsess over it and make it my personality

  56. 2 weeks ago

    Genuinely the pretentious contrarian hate machine for this game is larger and as obnoxious as it's pretentious fanbase, so genuinely what is the point of this contest to see who can be the biggest snob over combat platformers?
    Nobody seethes this hard over other mid games being enjoyed.

  57. 2 weeks ago

    It's literally the exact same fricking thing as Nintendo gays constantly being obnoxious at anything Nintendo because one of their game imprinted on their boomer brain when they where a kid except it's with a random indie game instead of bing bing wahoo game so you notice the behavior cause it's not the thing you act obnoxious over.

    • 2 weeks ago

      god i hate nintenfats.

  58. 2 weeks ago

    Hollow Knight fills it world with nice weirdo characters à la Souls but honestly most similar indie games have better playability and combat.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Can't find this on steam. Does it have like its own website or someshit?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Can't find this on steam. Does it have like its own website or someshit?

      this game is horrid, or at least used to

  59. 2 weeks ago

    Why is the Hollow Knight hatebase so autistic?

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's an indie game and the standard audience is like this

  60. 2 weeks ago

    Is this the most overrated game of all time?

    >Combat is so fricking easy that you never even hear the battle theme get to the good part, just the shitty intro
    >Overworlds are empty as shit and small too, you can walk entire continents in 7 seconds flat
    >The game lets you explore a bunch of time periods, but going anywhere other than the main story just gets you overleveled / overgeared for the rest of the game making an already easy game piss easy
    >You can very easily overlevel and get to op
    >even if you don't the combat is mindless easy and you can destroy anything with iust regular attacks
    >If you somehow struggle in combat just spam your techs which obliterate everything and have almost little to no MP cost
    >Even if you run out of mp (unlikely) there are too many shelters that both fully heal and restore MP
    >Dino chapter is a fricking slog
    >the main theme is overplayed, more likely to hear it more than just the regular battle theme
    >The best part is frog vs magus and that's only like 1 hours of the total 17 hours runtime
    >no side content aside of giving money to poor family and the side quests at the literal last hour of the game
    >characters are shallow as a puddle consisting of
    >Engineer girl that likes tech and crono
    >Caveman girl that likes fight and crono
    >Princess girl that likes israeliteel and crono
    >a frog and mage that actually have some story
    >Bosses are mostly bad with 1 gimmick attack like COUNTER, COUNTING FROM 5 TO 0, and more
    >The bosses are just damage sponges with 1 gimmick, they are either a joke or too long for their own good
    >Time periods feel like an afterthought alongside the whole time travel sequence since the overworld is so small it could of easily worked the same with them just being different regions
    >final boss is a rerun unless you crash the ship

  61. 2 weeks ago

    Hollow KBlack folk will deny that in their game:
    >Movement is slow, boring and not challenging whatsoever
    >the environments are one single colored background + black gradient
    >exploration fricking sucks and doesn't feel rewarding
    >bosses are not worth finding because most of them are pretty easy and boring
    >powerups, are nothing original and have been seen multiple times and have been better implemented into the world
    >character designs are shit, as some anon said, they look like some flash fanmade oc
    >the ost is forgettable, there is literally no track I can remember from here, not even the title screen
    >had this game been a boss rush it would've at least a more competent game
    This was definitely not an enjoyable game in the slightest, but I had to give it a try since everyone was praising it so much. Very disappointing

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Challening movement

      • 2 weeks ago

        >moron lacks basic reading comprehension skills
        >can't make an argument when faced with facts
        Checks out for hollow trannies

  62. 2 weeks ago

    I found it extremely boring. I don't really know about the rest. I wouldn't say it felt pretentious, but the storytelling method annoyed me, as well as the way people spoke (in the written sense, not the audio).
    It took far too long to get the semi-interesting abilities. Even with them, navigating never became enjoyable. Combat is whatever, bog standard stuff.

  63. 2 weeks ago

    These threads are so forced, the seethe from schizos on here about this game being popular is embarrassing

    • 2 weeks ago

      This game isn't popular because it's actually good, but just because it appealed to the reatded millennials

  64. 2 weeks ago

    It's literally the most anticipated video game in the last 50 years (maybe GTA6 will surpass it)
    Just trust TC and let them cook

    • 2 weeks ago

      lmao, zoomers can't be this delusional
      >hollow knight and GTA6 are the most anticipated games in 50 years

      • 2 weeks ago

        GTA 6 unironically is considering that every normie wants to play it. Sports and cowadooty stuff have yearly releases so people already know exactly when it's coming, but I saw my ~40yo coworkers talking about how they are going to buy a PS5 when GTA6 drops.

  65. 2 weeks ago

    i dont get any of the hype about this game at all
    i have tried getting into it multiple times but i cant

  66. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine waiting 10 years for an indie sidescroller

  67. 2 weeks ago

    When compared to other metroidvanias, its movement and exploration is nothing special. It has a big map, but it's mostly devoid of meaningful content. Countless trinkets to sell for money (to the NPC that's hidden for some reason), and masks that become obsolete later on as the late game bosses deal double damage for no reason.
    Speaking of bosses, compared to other action games they are nothing to write home about. They're fine, but all of them just sort of go about their attacks while you wail on them with no real interactivity. The most complex AI you'll get put of them is they will move towards you before attacking (sometimes)

  68. 2 weeks ago

    Hollow Knight is the only good Metroidvania entirely due to it being the only remotely non-linear one.

  69. 2 weeks ago

    Plapshemous mentioned
    Just finished by second playthrough today, unfortunately I screwed up the order of things to get the true ending but I already accidentally spoiled that anyway so I'm probably gonna move onto the second game

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