Why do we dislike Dark Souls 3 again?

I always see people shitting on this game, but I literally never hear them actually specifically break down what they dislike, it's always just vague nonplayer criticisms like "muh rollslop" or "muh linear"

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    I actually love this game. People b***h about the game being linear but on replays who even cares. there's no downright terrible zones. every zone is 7/10+ where as ds1 has some 10/10 parts and some 0/10 zones. combat is tight

    • 2 weeks ago

      I'd say Smouldering Lake is the only terrible zone, not even because it's bad, its just kinda bland and reeks of being unfinished

  2. 2 weeks ago

    It completely lacks the methodical combat of the previous three entries and for the most part you can kill everything by spamming the attack and roll buttons because you have infinite stamina.
    >inb4 best bosses in the series
    True BUT they're counted with the fingers of your hands. For every Pontiff Sulyvahn, Gael or Nameless King tier boss, you have to trudge through a Deacons of the Deep, Rotted Greatwood or Ancient Wyvern tier (shit tier) boss.

    Dark souls one is the only good soulslop.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >complains about rollslop spam bosses
      >proceeds to say Dark souls is the only good souls
      die secondary moron. you will never play Demon's Souls in 2009

      • 2 weeks ago



        I always see people shitting on this game, but I literally never hear them actually specifically break down what they dislike, it's always just vague nonplayer criticisms like "muh rollslop" or "muh linear"

        It’s just DaS2gays trying to deflect criticisms onto 3. My only complaint with it is the lack of any neutral poise (which got fixed in ER).

        • 2 weeks ago

          >My only complaint with it is the lack of any neutral poise
          I prefer the DaS3 method, you shouldn't be able to just ignore attacks while standing still. There should have been more weapons that could take advantage of poise frames, granted.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I agree for the most part and like the hyper armor system a lot better for PvP, I just think that ER’s system of poise where you can take 1-2 hits from a weak enemy (like a dagger guy or a dog) before getting staggered. For PvP neutral poise shouldn’t be a thing though.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      >It completely lacks the methodical combat of the previous three entries and for the most part you can kill everything by spamming the attack and roll buttons because you have infinite stamina.
      Completely untrue

    • 2 weeks ago

      Rotted Greatwood was a fun boss and reminiscent of what Demon's Souls and DS1 bosses were aiming for with most of their boss designs. I wish more were like that instead of so many fricking generic oversized knights.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Same. I miss gimmick bosses so much

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >I always see people shitting on this game
    You are mistaking a very vocal minority for "people shitting on the game". People who like DS3 don't go around seething over the other souls games and dont roam around contrarian boards like this.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    It’s front loaded with shitty swamps and only really starts at Irithyll. Ds3 has some really good areas but it is just a slog to get to the decent content. Shout out to the smouldering lake for being extra crap

    • 2 weeks ago

      I like DS3 a lot and this is probably my 2nd biggest criticism besides the linearity. Cathedral of the Deep has great level design but Deacons is a crap boss. Road of Sacrifices, Crucifixtion woods, Farron Keep, Catacombs of Carthus, Smoldering Lake and Demon Ruins are all uninspired slogs. Bosses also dont feel very inspired in the early game.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Deacons is a well designed mob boss fight, it’s just easy.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    It was a MASSIVE step back, From recovered from it only by the time Elden Ring rolled out. Imagine what would have been if they had built on the grandeur of DS2 right away.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >click bait article title taken from a misconstrued quote
      As expected of DaS2 tards.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >wah wah
        I accept your declaration of utter defeat

  6. 2 weeks ago

    >it's always just vague nonplayer criticisms like "muh rollslop"
    the rolling in 3 really was gay as shit, you could spam rolls together instantly and chain 12 of them in a row with default stamina

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not true. At SL1 you can roll 6 times until you're out of stamina. At the soft cap of 40 Endurance its 10 or 11 rolls.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    the best darksouls game. after Ds2

  8. 2 weeks ago
  9. 2 weeks ago

    7.8/10 too much grey

  10. 2 weeks ago

    BB > 3 > ER > 1 > DeSo > 2

  11. 2 weeks ago

    It's just kinda mid. It feels really uninspired, kind of like a cheap cash grab.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >It was, before ER, the most popular and successful Souls game
    >It went hard against what made DaS so popular and featured a very linear world layout.
    >It's a convenient scapegoat for DaS2 tards

    That said, DaS3 might be my favorite souls game, it and DaS1 are the most fun to just start up a new character on and blast through. DaS2 and ER just introduce way too much tedium into the mix, and both games just feel bloated with filler content.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    it's formulaic and boring

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's literally a soulful love letter to the longtime fans there since day one in 2009

  14. 2 weeks ago

    they hate how kino it is, it hurts the soul

    • 2 weeks ago

      End of Fire is the most kino DaS trilogy ending.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    >it's always just vague nonplayer criticisms like "muh rollslop" or "muh linear"
    Because that IS what's wrong with it. You can choose to ignore it, but it doesn't stop being true. It's the most linear game in the series and the combat is as close as you get to the literal R1 and roll meme. If you HAVE played the game, all you need are vague one liners to describe games, assuming the person you're talking to also played the game. You only need to write essays to morons who didn't play the game and need everything broken down.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >linear is... le bad

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Non-linear (Dark Souls 1) good
        >Linear (Dark Souls 2/3) bad
        >open world (Elden Ring) dog shit
        Does that break it down enough for your disingenous brain to understand?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >and the combat is as close as you get to the literal R1 and roll meme
      I used to believe this until I played with an UGS with a focus on utilizing hyperarmour attacks and I can`t agree anymore.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's the opposite for me. I played with Ultra weapons first and realized how much shittier it is compared to older games. Poise and hyoer armor did not do shit againts most bosses and you could not upgrade armor to allow you to just trade and be tanky. So now you you just have to get small pokes in here and there while rolling most of the time. Then you turn aroumd and play through with a light bleed weapon and you realize that this is what they designed the game around now. Since there's no downside to playing with a light weapon that can do 2 r1s in the time it takes a heavy weapon to do 1 r1 and end up doing more damage, using less stamina, and have less comitment. It's just bad balance.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I played with Ultra weapons first and realized how much shittier it is compared to older games.
          Ultras and greats in Dark Souls 3 are fantastic. Finally, after 2 games of heavy weapons being interrupted instabtly unless the user has heavy armor, even light armor gives stagger resist to ultras in DS3
          >Poise and hyoer armor did not do shit againts most bosses
          Factually untrur
          >and you could not upgrade armor to allow you to just trade and be tanky.
          Also wrong. Armir since Dark Souls 3 doesn't have a gat flat damage reduction like DS1 and 2, but scales proportionally to damage, making it far more relevant as the game progresses, and exponentially so in NG+ cycles. This was to fux the fact that armor gave no damage reduction in endgame.
          >So now you you just have to get small pokes in here and there while rolling most of the time. Then you turn aroumd and play through with a light bleed weapon and you realize that this is what they designed the game around now. Since there's no downside to playing with a light weapon that can do 2 r1s in the time it takes a heavy weapon to do 1 r1 and end up doing more damage, using less stamina, and have less comitment. It's just bad balance.
          Skill issue

  16. 2 weeks ago

    The main problem is that many areas are both long and boring. DeS doesn't have any truly bad areas. DS1 has some bad areas at the end but that's easily forgiven because most of the game is goated. DS2, well yeah it's got some dogshit but that doesn't forgive DS3. DS2 is also a lot more challenging. In DS3 the whole middle section of the game is boring. Everything from road of sacrifices til you get to irithyll dungeon (which is great) sucks. The fact that it's nearly all moronicly easy doesn't help. Nearly every non-boss enemy is defeated by running up and pressing R1 until it's dead.
    >"muh rollslop" or "muh linear"
    Both true

  17. 2 weeks ago

    DS1 has humanity functions as spare finite healing items
    DS2 has infinite lifegems
    DS3 has nothing, encourage you to run straight to the boss instead of exploring

  18. 2 weeks ago

    >it's linear as frick with no exploration which was the main thing about DS1
    >the level design in general is among the worst they have done and there's a shit ton of swamps or swamp like areas
    >art wise sucks ass, all the game looks gray and souless
    >the lore is a nothing burger because the game was rushed as frick and is barely stitched together
    >thus they went with muh references, which were cringe af
    >the poor's man bloodborne gameplay turned the franchise into a moronic roll slop no matter what armor you have on
    >music is terrible in comparison to previous games
    >the 2 dlc are a cashgrab garbage
    >the message of the game is how little the devs want to work on it
    The only people who like this game are ps4 and elden ring zoomers.

    • 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      >an earlier boss painted orange and copy-pasted a half dozen times all t-posing motionless in a line in a giant empty abyss? *sip* yeeeep that's that Miyazaki magic behind Dark Souls

    • 2 weeks ago

      >music is terrible in comparison to previous games

    • 2 weeks ago

      >>it's linear as frick
      Don't care I love linear games

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I don't dislike it. it has some problems, but it's a mostly solid experience.
    1. too linear. people will cite that the levels loop back into themselves via shortcut, but it all feels so rote, so mechanical, so by-the-books compared to lordran.
    2. too self-referential. dark souls 2 ruined the story before it, so it's admittedly not 3's fault entirely, but it's pretty egregious to just see a cast of characters that are just rehashes of previously established characters from previous games, going all the way back to demon's souls.
    3. the first game to truly kill the old multiplayer experience and replace it with 'fight clubs' and ganks for good. kinda lame, a step back for the series if you ask me.
    and that's about it. everything else was mostly solid. good boss fights, good combat, and the multiplayer was still fun, even if it wasn't the evolution the series needed.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    DS3 sucks because its boring and mostly forgettable. I played it one time when it first came out in 2016. that was enough for me. but DS1 and Demons are still fun to randomly play through all these years later.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Also, vocal minorities are always the loudest. Most of the souls games are pretty fantastic games, and people have tricked themselves into believing liking one or two of them means you have to hate the rest.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Most of the souls games are pretty fantastic games, and people have tricked themselves into believing liking one or two of them means you have to hate the rest.
      I genuinely believe people who say this are genuinely autistic or simply can't pick up on social ques.
      When you have a fanbase discuss the games of a series amongsts themselves, it not uncommon for them to use hyperboles. Like saying "its shit", "this is the best x game", "the only good x game", etc. They aren't talking about them in reference to other games, it's all in the context of the that franchises "bubble". At the end of the day these are all superfans with hundreds of hours in each and will buy every new game by From. Why wouldn't they have a favorite game in said franchise? Why wouldn't they have a least favorite game in said franchise? Why wouldn't they prefer games closer to their favorite and not want to see more gamea like their least favorite. It's natural discourse and common sense.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    I loved it. Dark Souls 1 was still my favourite though.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Kind of incredible and sad how Dark Souls 3 just faded into irrelevancy since Elden Ring's release, the other games (especially BB/Sekiro) just got more popular and DS/DeS are cult classics.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Doing triple Dragon's Dogshit 2 numbers, unlike Dead Souls 2

  24. 2 weeks ago


  25. 2 weeks ago

    soulless rememberberries nostalgia bait

  26. 2 weeks ago

    It's like an arcade version of Dark Souls with a bunch of lazy references and fanservice. "Rollslop" is a perfectly cromulent descriptor: you can just mash roll and breeze through the whole thing. The level design is serviceable at best, and yes, it is very linear. The DLC areas all being fricking turret sections that you have to run through to kill a summoner or giant laser angel or whatever the frick then running back to pick up items is a slog. It has no fricking substance, you just blast through it and forget about it, and I've played through it like 4 times.
    Also Gael is a dogshit character and a dogshit boss and the people who like him are fricking normie scum who played 3 first.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >arcade version as a derogatroy
      >arcade [...] has no fricking substance
      brown zoomer hands pecked this

      • 2 weeks ago

        Arcade games are fine, but the design philosophy is at odds with what makes a Souls game good.

      • 2 weeks ago

        pecked your moms cervix just now

  27. 2 weeks ago

    We don't

  28. 2 weeks ago

    >Why do we dislike Dark Souls 3 again?
    We don't. You see a few schizos who despise it because of DS2

    • 2 weeks ago

      i dislike both

  29. 2 weeks ago

    I never meet people who hate on this game outside the internet

    • 2 weeks ago

      DS3 was babies first DS

      • 2 weeks ago

        All gotta start somewhere. Though I started with prepare to die eiditon ds1

    • 2 weeks ago

      DS3 was the only souls game I was recommended outside of the internet

  30. 2 weeks ago

    >funnest bosses to actually fight (Dancer, Twin Princes, Nameless King, Champion Gundyr, Friede). Elden Ring bosses are more cinematic but not as fun to take on imo
    >weapon arts (Elden Ring did it better though)
    >visually repetitive, lots of gray cathedrals/churches
    >worst PVP thanks to rollspam
    >not a lot of unique/experimental ideas for level design or combat scenarios (Grand Archives stands out at least, even if it's a callback)
    >bloated HP bars on Midir and Gael
    >weapon durability made pointless

    • 2 weeks ago

      >worst pvp due to rollspam
      Learn to roll catch

  31. 2 weeks ago

    >DS2troony is still mentally ill and buckbroken by DS3Kino

  32. 2 weeks ago

    I like DeS/DaS1/DaS2 better bc they are weird atmospheric RPGs that drop you into a realized world where you have to figure out where to go, what to do, etc. They even have a small element of survival horror that keeps me engaged. DaS3 feels too actiony and linear to be immersive in that way. It had too much Bloodborne in its DNA but minus the stuff that makes BB one of my favorite games ever. Elden Ring is just DaS3 with improvements to the core gameplay but I don't love the open world element.

    DaS3 and ER are still some of the best action RPGs ever though

  33. 2 weeks ago

    >DS2troony schizo buzzwords in endless seething dilation
    >desperately begging people to pretend xir's troony shitfest can be lumped together with DeS&DSkinos
    dickripped schizo KEKAROO

    • 2 weeks ago

      >malding and projecting this much about "dickripped trannies" because people have different values than you
      The only schizo here is you, we're having a discussion about the Souls series my man

  34. 2 weeks ago

    dickripped DS2troony schizo, why would you waste trips on sayin that

    • 2 weeks ago

      even if youre trolling youre too far gone bro
      its not even funny anymore

  35. 2 weeks ago

    Filtered morons, that's all, DS3 is kino and the best DS game by far.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    >mfw dark souls 3

  37. 2 weeks ago

    It is the most unsatisfying movement of all the Souls games to that point
    Movement felt fricking FAST, you roll off a cliff you go flying, even fat sprinting felt pretty solid
    Rigid, but diverse, and peak BIG TRUCK fatcore.
    Weird system where everything is in gradients, fatroll range budged up an extra 20% and you fatroll until 120%, fat is fun but at high points you can just feel the system conspire against you as the tank-esque controls make you turn slower, movement feels floaty at times besides that
    You ever kick a tin can down the street? That's how it feels to play at 99 encumbrance. That's all you're getting, unless you Iron Flesh and Perserverence to manually re-enable poise and actually get to feel like a knight for once. 70% fatroll for no reason, you achieve nothing, anybody that wants to be a fatroller wants to 2h their giant weapons anyway so the giant shields are a net negative. Besides that, you the player feel weightless and weak.

    I dunno how DaS3 players stand moving around as a DaS3 character for as long as they do. It sucks.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Only morons don't like DS3. It's nowhere near as good as 2,but nothing is. Michael Zaki needs to take all the cool shit from 2 and finally fricken use it.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    DS3 has always been my least favorite Souls game. I’m not sure which word is most accurate, but it generally felt like a combination of being too bland/safe/uninspired/forgettable. Most areas of the game are just kinda boring and generic, along with the enemies. Bosses are pretty hit or miss. Muh DS1 references, Andre is just there because nostalgia bucks.

    I know Souls games don’t rely on plot but I feel like DS3 literally had no plot of its own whatsoever, just a vague rehashing of DS1. Methodical combat was replaced with Bloodborne combat meaning enemies that constantly auto lock onto you and a cheesy fast roll that you have to compensate, turning fights into roll spamming autism (which also killed pvp which was actually fun in the previous two games, especially DS2).

    Not a bad game, but it felt the most contractually obligated of the Souls games, like it was just made for a quick buck.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    there's only one Dark Souls

  41. 2 weeks ago

    Because pic related.
    Any game after BB had to be bad in order to continue the idea that BB was the best From Game Ganker can't play.

  42. 2 weeks ago

    DS3 gimmick bosses are good for one playthrough and blow away game journalists and streamers and then have no replayability at all. It only works if the gimmick is fun in some way and adds to the combat. "hit the bracelet" "hit the ballsack" "hit THIS dude" no.

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