why doe RE2 feel so special compared to every other RE game? Something about it both the OG and remake just hit different

why doe RE2 feel so special compared to every other RE game? Something about it both the OG and remake just hit different

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  1. 11 months ago

    It's 90's kino. However, I'd argue that RE1 also had it's own strange and unique feeling

  2. 11 months ago

    Re2 is by far the easiest because the game drowns you in ammo

    • 11 months ago

      all the games considered the best of all time are easy as frick.
      Because they are the only ones that journalists and normies managed to finish.

      >resident evil 2
      >castlevania :symphony of the night
      >resident evil 4
      >ocarina of time
      >chrono trigger
      >super mario world
      >last of us

      • 11 months ago

        Dark Souls is also considered best of all time and it was infamous for being too fricking hard on 2011. Yes don't try to play it cool, more crazy action games have released since then, but DS was nuts and way too unforgiving at release.
        Journalists didn't finish that one, but the effort could still be praised (similarly to how almost nobody finished the original Mario, Contra and Megaman games but we still played them for hours and consider them big classics)

      • 11 months ago

        Had this realization when I played SotN for the first time. Boring traversal, annoying/easy trash mobs, cakewalk bosses. The only thing kino was some of the secrets in-game

    • 11 months ago

      A lot of the ammo is hidden into the pre-rendered environment that you can't actually physically see on the screen, and it's very easy to miss them unless you already know it's there or mash X while running into every wall and object. Sure, you can argue most of them are in logical places like drawers, lockers and other containers, but some are downright bizarre (the fricking garbage can).

    • 11 months ago

      all video games are easy whats your point? have you tried getting a girl to touch your willy instead

  3. 11 months ago

    >The licker
    How did this one game manage to create so many of the most iconic horror monsters of all time? Its insane

  4. 11 months ago

    I was there, back in 1998 when it came out. It was the perfect blend of X-Files style conspiracy theory mixed with science fiction horror from Stephen King + Michael Crichton, with direction and style from James Cameron eg Terminator 2. It was typical Japanese stealing ideas from the West and turning it into something greater than the sum of its parts. The problem today is there is no more good content being made in the West, it's totally devoid of creativity and soul, and thus this is reflected in the way Japan has nothing good to steal from us and is making garbage today.

  5. 11 months ago

    It's a shame that we got some third person shit remake instead of a proper REmake2

    • 11 months ago

      That third person RE2 almost completely mogs the original game in nearly every way, minus the reduced A/B scenarios. Cope.

      If you truly cared, you'd have bought Remake 1 for yourself, your friends and multiple copies per person back when it released. Guess what? It was a faliure - people were tired of classic RE, which was basically Japanese CoD at that point. You will NEVER have a high budget fixed camera game again. Cry about it.

      • 11 months ago

        REmake sold just shy of what RE4 did on the memecube the franchise really died with 0.

      • 11 months ago

        See, this is the kind of stance that only comes from someone that doesn't actually like the games. You're vindictively attacking the classic gameplay style as if it had personally banged your mother while defending a dumbed down remake that takes away what made both the series at large and what made RE2 itself unique away.
        You are the one that doesn't care, you just want to attack what you know people other than you enjoyed

        • 11 months ago

          I absolutely love the games - what I hate are the rampant shitposters who've ruined RE discussion. I can replay classic RE2 an endless number of times - but Remake 2 is JUST as good, and improves many aspects of classic 2, like the dogshit combat and awful bosses.

          Stating that you will -never- get a modern, high budget fixed camera game is simply reality. Remake 2 shouldn't be knocked at all because you autistically can't accept that OTS is a widely popular form of control, and that the vast majority of people wanted to see RE2 reimagined that way. Keep crying b***h, you will never contribute in a positive way to RE discussion.

          And again - if you actually cared, you'd have bought multiple copies of REmake when it initially came out. You didn't, so deal with it.

          • 11 months ago

            Remake 2 is just s different game, esp ecially because the writing is fricking atrocious.

          • 11 months ago

            I wanted to see the classic games reimagined in OTS... back in the RE4 era. Maybe the 3ds era with Revelations would have given us a RE1-2-3 in TPS style that was STILL THE EXACT SAME GAME AS THE ORIGINALS with the only change of improved graphics and a different camera, and of course some added stuff but still the exact same feel as playing the original just with a light touch of more action since now you get to point your laser and shoot bodyparts.

            The remakes are just games based on the originals. I'm not sure I'm explaining it well enough.
            I just wanted RE4 or Revelations 1 but set in the RPD station / Racoon city / Spencer Mansion with minimal changes. Obviously remove stunning + kicking, that doesn't work on zombies.

            • 11 months ago

              Gay. The ots camera would break the game, plus you wouldn't get the soulful backgrounds and music. Why not just play literally any modern game if you want a homosexual cinematic ots tps? That's almost all that's been made the past decade and a half

          • 11 months ago

            >I can’t replay remake RE2 because it was dogshit, once was enough, I have no desire to ever play it again but classic 2 is WAY BETTER, many aspects of demake 2, like the dogshit combat and awful bosses.

          • 11 months ago

            The remake butchered the characters. NuLeon and NuClaire are among the most disgusting people I've ever played as.
            I want to punch the laptop everytime I see claire go karen and say "mah brotha's stars he gonna frick you up" in the chief cutscene

            • 11 months ago

              One thing I hated about the Remake was how they handled Claire's scenario. You can tell they didn't give a shit about her as much as they did Leon. Removing all her interaction with Sherry, including the adorable hand-holding bit you could get in the og, making their relationship seem forced. turning Irons from a slowburn, unnerving villain who became mindbroken after realizing Umbrella used him, to an over-the-top, mustache-twirly caricature that I couldn't take seriously at all.

              All of the things that made Claire's scenario interesting just got utterly butchered and it annoys me greatly.

              • 11 months ago

                Remake Irons is so terrible

              • 11 months ago

                In the file where he describes how he intends to kill his men, he says "sayonara suckers".
                Lol what a travesty.

              • 11 months ago

                Its kinda funny how it may seem at first glance that they went for a srs tone yet when you look at again the remake was very cheesy, but in a very cringe way.
                Case in point, Sherry going "you guys can adopt me :D" after her parents just died (also claire is a teenager)

              • 11 months ago

                And Birkin is a manchild and throws a tantrum when hunk and co. Go to the steal the G virus.

                Meanwhile Annette is a bpd b***h.
                Theres no character that was spared from this shitshow.

              • 11 months ago

                >You can tell they didn't give a shit about her as much as they did Leon
                That was unfortunately pretty damn obvious as soon as the game was revealed at E3. You definitely get the feeling they wanted to make RE2R solely about Leon.

                Claire's entire scenario was extremely choppy, especially in regards to Sherry. No idea why they decided to make Sherry's gameplay section that nonsensical Orphanage chase sequence, and not after the elevator falls.
                You can tell Sherry had this entire little mini adventure after Claire blacks-out, where apparently she got infected and somehow ended up in the dump. You don't see any of it happen.

              • 11 months ago

                Re2remake is full of baffling decisions tbh. You can really tell they made it only because fans kept begging for it and not out of passion.

                And leon is such a fricking spergy moron in it. The fact that he actually believed ada's cover as an fbi agent, really speaks volumes.

              • 11 months ago

                I mostly agree, but I don’t know where this perception that Irons was somehow more nuanced in the original game comes from. Dude had a fricking rape & murder dungeon hidden behind his office and it’s implied that his secretary ended up there after finding out was going on. “Disturbing stuff.”

          • 11 months ago

            >like the dogshit combat and awful bosses
            RE2 has great combat. It does what it should while being faste than RE1.
            REmake2 bosses are also the worst part of that game, claiming that REmake2 improves the bosses shows your ignorance.

      • 11 months ago

        You sound like a gay.

      • 11 months ago

        >minus the reduced A/B scenarios.
        Ah yes, when its not repayable it must be better.

      • 11 months ago

        I enjoyed both the OG and remake but I just wanted to say that people like you and your personality are absolute cancer and I'm sorry for you.

      • 11 months ago

        >If you truly cared, you'd have bought Remake 1 for yourself, your friends and multiple copies per person back when it released.

        I absolutely love the games - what I hate are the rampant shitposters who've ruined RE discussion. I can replay classic RE2 an endless number of times - but Remake 2 is JUST as good, and improves many aspects of classic 2, like the dogshit combat and awful bosses.

        Stating that you will -never- get a modern, high budget fixed camera game is simply reality. Remake 2 shouldn't be knocked at all because you autistically can't accept that OTS is a widely popular form of control, and that the vast majority of people wanted to see RE2 reimagined that way. Keep crying b***h, you will never contribute in a positive way to RE discussion.

        And again - if you actually cared, you'd have bought multiple copies of REmake when it initially came out. You didn't, so deal with it.

        >And again - if you actually cared, you'd have bought multiple copies of REmake when it initially came out.

        lol stfu

    • 11 months ago

      Remake 2 is better in every aspect except zapping and that stuff lol

      • 11 months ago

        No its worse, especially for the (lack of) music and the added scooby doo sequences that only make the game tedious, the UI looks generic as fricking shit, they managed to make the sewers worse than in the original, new Kendo's gunstore was a poor attempt at adding more cinematography for the movie audience, they cut areas in general.

        • 11 months ago

          And yet it's still better wow

          • 11 months ago

            Its not but keep being a zoomer with no taste

      • 11 months ago

        Original had better gameplay. I have no fun fighting zombies in the remake, while in the original they were video-game obstacles to kill if they crossed your path.

        • 11 months ago

          >better gameplay
          >waiting for zombie to be in a 3 ft range and pointing shotgun at head 50 times in a playthrough is better gameplay

          • 11 months ago

            I literally only had fun in re2r once I got the shotgun and started doing that, yes.

    • 11 months ago

      iPhone era zoomies can seethe all they want. The Demake was a total mess.

      That third person RE2 almost completely mogs the original game in nearly every way, minus the reduced A/B scenarios. Cope.

      If you truly cared, you'd have bought Remake 1 for yourself, your friends and multiple copies per person back when it released. Guess what? It was a faliure - people were tired of classic RE, which was basically Japanese CoD at that point. You will NEVER have a high budget fixed camera game again. Cry about it.

      REmake sold just shy of what RE4 did on the memecube the franchise really died with 0.

      >It was a faliure - people were tired of classic RE
      The main problem was Crapcom making a deal with NINTENDO, literally locking their main target audience out of the games for a good decade. At the very same time, survival horror was living its golden age on the PS2, with the Silent Hill, Fatal Frame and Siren trilogies coming out and becoming iconic franchises of their own, on top of RE's spinoffs like Outbreak doing great.

      The RE4 would've suffered the very same fate as REmake and Zero did, had Mikami not been kicked out and the game released on Piss2 just months later.

      The final piece of evidence required for this perspective of mine is the EXPLOSIVE sales of the REmake HD back in 2014-15, which shocked even Crapcom's boomer execs and single-handedly revitalized the entire franchise once more.
      Sadly instead of continuing the classic style and standing out from the sea of brown & gray cinematic slop, they instead embraced it and plagiarized every modern cancer trend out there with the DEmakes and RE7-8.

      • 11 months ago

        Seconding this; I used to hang with out on a RE-focused board with an userbase of a few dozen around the time REmake came out. Two of us total had a gamecube, and one of those technically belonged to the dude's little brother. The entire userbase was hard Sony locked back then, the Nintendo deal was insanity.

        • 11 months ago

          If you didn't switch to the Cube you were a fake fan. For years it was the only way to play the whole series and it was great.

        • 11 months ago

          To be fair, could you seriously imagine the PS2 running REmake? Look at the RE4 port, it's not the worst thing ever really but it's clear the system couldn't handle it the way GC could.

          • 11 months ago

            It's just 3d characters on .jpg backgrounds. The Onimusha games used the same technique and looked great.

            • 11 months ago

              They couldn't have handled it on that overrated DVD player. That piece of shit would have choked to death just trying to render the bouncy breasts on Julia Voth Jill.

        • 11 months ago

          Capcom and Nintendo thought Resident Evil was popular enough to be a system seller. That might have been true in 1998 but clearly wasn't the case anymore by 2002.

          • 11 months ago

            >Capcom and Nintendo thought Resident Evil was popular enough to be a system seller. That might have been true in 1998 but clearly wasn't the case anymore by 2002.

            Resident Evil has always sold best on PlayStation.

            Gamecube was the last time Nintendo tried to use console horsepower to draw people to them. That's why REmake, Zero and RE4 all looked so good.

        • 11 months ago

          >Two of us total had a gamecube
          >all but two of us were complete morons
          Checks out

      • 11 months ago

        If people were really that crazy about fixed camera RE games at the time, Code Veronica would have sold a shitload when it got ported to PS2.

        • 11 months ago

          But Code Veronica is an absolutely terrible game. Even worse than RE0.

          • 11 months ago

            Incorrect. Zoomies were already 10 when RE4 dropped, but at that point Leon had only appeared in two games total. Three if you count the GBC Gaiden.

            1. False narrative. Literally no one had any trouble with fixed camera RE games or horror in general. It was part of the whole genre's identity. Silent Hill and FF continued the trend and are some of the biggest names out there.

            2. CV sold well, but it was already 2 years old by the time it came to PS2 and GC, and thus felt outdated already. And like said, many OG fans considered CV to be a step back from the RE3 gameplay- and story-wise.
            Alongside with RE0, it's one of the few classic REs I instruct people to skip.

            Absolute shit taste.

    • 11 months ago

      You are correct.

    • 11 months ago

      REmake2 is vastly superior to og. Sure some segments like the sewers and especially the lab could be longer but the remake is just superior. First time playing on hardcore and a single zombie could be a game over while in og you mow down a group of them with ease.
      >t. grew up with RE

      • 11 months ago

        That's EXACTLY the reason I dislike the remake. I play games to relax, even the horror ones. As a kid I remember being terrified of the RE trilogy simply because the atmosphere and story were scary, and resources could run low, but at least it didn't demand mechanical skill from me. I could play it "relaxed" if you catch my drift. Still scared but I didn't have to put much effort into the combat.

        The remakes are stupidly hard because on top of being scary, I might also just fail to kill a zombie with my pistol before it mauls me to death

        • 11 months ago

          Anon, are you a woman?

        • 11 months ago

          Then play on easy you whiny baby

          • 11 months ago

            anon really needs to clarify if he's a woman or not.

  6. 11 months ago

    the police station is top 10 level design of all time
    Leon and Claire are more developed protagonists than Jill and Chris. The score is better, the scares are better.

  7. 11 months ago

    It doesn't.

  8. 11 months ago

    Because it has one of the best endings in history

    • 11 months ago

      Everyone always uses Leon B and not Claire B

      • 11 months ago

        I tend to forget she's a playable character, for me RE2 is the story about rookie police officer Leon

      • 11 months ago

        Leon B is canon

        • 11 months ago

          >Leon B is canon

          What are the differences between Leon A/Claire B and Claire A/Leon B?

          • 11 months ago

            Sherry isn't infected with Gand cured in Leon A/Claire B which isn't compatible for future games.

  9. 11 months ago

    For me it's the story, I think it's story is by far the best in the series

  10. 11 months ago

    >voice acting

    it's sheer perfection

    • 11 months ago

      What minigames?

      • 11 months ago

        4th survivor, tofu, and extreme battle

        Will check it out, thanks.

        no problem friend

  11. 11 months ago

    Featured Claire's future husband.

  12. 11 months ago

    Should I play the OG RE1's PC version or emulate the PsX version with crt shaders?

    • 11 months ago

      pc version of RE1 with the REbirth patch is the ideal way to play the game

      • 11 months ago

        Will check it out, thanks.

      • 11 months ago

        >Biohazard Mediakite ISO
        >Classic Rebirth patch
        >Installation instructions

        >Biohazard 2 Sourcenext ISO
        >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
        >Installation instructions

        >Biohazard 3 Sourcenext ISO
        >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
        >Installation instructions

        You guys really think a modern classic style RE couldn't work? Seeing some of the mods people have made for the series in more recent years makes me feel like as a genre there's a lot of untapped potential for fun challenges you can design around this style of gameplay.

        holy shit this is kino best thread on Ganker right now

        • 11 months ago

          I haven't played them all but there's actually a decent handful of RE romhacks that have come out in the last few years, recommend them if you want more classic style RE gameplay. There's a really neat one that tries to recreate the original vision for RE1 when STARS was still cyborgs and there were four playable characters.

          • 11 months ago

            sweet thank you anon I love videogames fr you deadass killed it

          • 11 months ago

            I can't stand most of the classic romhacks because they're bullshit hard. Most of them throw bosses at you as normal enemies and just flood areas with late game enemies while giving you pitiful resources.

    • 11 months ago

      Will check it out, thanks.

      >Biohazard Mediakite ISO
      >Classic Rebirth patch
      >Installation instructions

      >Biohazard 2 Sourcenext ISO
      >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
      >Installation instructions

      >Biohazard 3 Sourcenext ISO
      >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
      >Installation instructions

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          >Blue the Reddit

          • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        why does this show Elza and the beta PD in the RE2 section?

      • 11 months ago

        If you're gonna play RE1 with the REbirth patch check out the True Survival mod for it
        I wish the guy who made these mods didn't indefinitely shelf the Dino Crisis 2 mod

      • 11 months ago

        Sourcuuu nextuuuu! Ding! :3

  13. 11 months ago

    Dawn of the Dead x Aliens and handled pretty well.

  14. 11 months ago

    It doesn't really
    The original RE 1-3 all feel pretty similar

  15. 11 months ago

    Anyone have the drawing where Claire is in a couch playing with a ps1?

    • 11 months ago

      Found it

      • 11 months ago

        >Upside down system

      • 11 months ago

        Leon won't frick THAT?

        • 11 months ago

          He just doesn't like white women. He tried once with Laura, and it was so bad, he never bothered again.

    • 11 months ago

      speaking of fan art: I've been hunting a drawing of a chibi-kinda style jill blowing up nemi with a rocket launcher for a couple years now. originally saw and saved on here, but lost it and haven't been able to find it. if anyone has it, that'd be great.

      • 11 months ago

        closest thing i found is this, i'll keep searching later

        • 11 months ago

          appreciate it! the one I'm thinking of is very minimal and in black and white. almost looks like a sharpie drawing.

          • 11 months ago

            Found these

            • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                Found these

                into the trash it goes

  16. 11 months ago

    It feels like it had the most heroic plot, maybe. RE1 is trying to survive in a horror mansion, RE3 is trying to survive hunted by some ungodly monster.

    But RE2 actually feels like more than surviving. Leon and Claire are trying to save people, uncover the big Umbrella conspiracy, and battle against a corrupt police chief and crazy scientists.
    Also that start with the SWAT team losing to Birkin and the rats infecting the whole city, now THAT'S how you set up a plot.

    • 11 months ago

      good point

  17. 11 months ago

    That's just nostalgia, bro.

  18. 11 months ago



  19. 11 months ago

    because it's almost the perfect vertical slice of a zombie apocalypse.

  20. 11 months ago


  21. 11 months ago

    Why the frick is Leon A-ClaireB so much more sloppy than ClaireA-LeonB? Wasn't LeonA designed first?
    There's so many things in the story that just don't flow right compared to the other way around. Even the timeline doesn't match up compared to the other way

    • 11 months ago

      >Wasn't LeonA designed first?

      • 11 months ago

        That can't be true.

        • 11 months ago

          How so?
          Jill was the #1 route in RE1.
          Eliza was the OG main route for "1.5", hence all the focus on Sherry and William stuff.
          Claire's the big connecting thing between RE1 and 2.

          Leon becoming the posterboy of the franchise is a literal zoomer thing.

          • 11 months ago

            Because Leon was the first gameplay footage shown
            Most of the gameplay footage was always Leon in the gaming mags. Even in 1.5, Leon was the default character
            He's also the first disc.

            • 11 months ago

              Nah, Elza and Claire got plenty of coverage.
              Similarly, Chris was the RE1's first choice, but obviously not the route to start with.

              Nip fans outright trashed on Leon back in the day.

              >Leon becoming the posterboy of the franchise is a literal zoomer thing.
              It's a millennial thing you dumb dumb.

              Nope, it's a Gen-Z shit.
              The progress towards the current status begun with RE4, and was cemented with 6 ,the CG films, and the nu-DEmakes.

              • 11 months ago

                >The progress towards the current status begun with RE4, and was cemented with 6 ,the CG films
                All millenial games you fricking moron.

              • 11 months ago

                Incorrect. Zoomies were already 10 when RE4 dropped, but at that point Leon had only appeared in two games total. Three if you count the GBC Gaiden.

                If people were really that crazy about fixed camera RE games at the time, Code Veronica would have sold a shitload when it got ported to PS2.

                1. False narrative. Literally no one had any trouble with fixed camera RE games or horror in general. It was part of the whole genre's identity. Silent Hill and FF continued the trend and are some of the biggest names out there.

                2. CV sold well, but it was already 2 years old by the time it came to PS2 and GC, and thus felt outdated already. And like said, many OG fans considered CV to be a step back from the RE3 gameplay- and story-wise.
                Alongside with RE0, it's one of the few classic REs I instruct people to skip.

              • 11 months ago

                >Zoomies were already 10 when RE4 dropped,
                So they had nothing to do with its sales. Glad we agree.

                Before Leon dragged her into relevance with the RE2make all of Claire's games had been outsold by Shevas and that's a fact.

              • 11 months ago

                >So they had nothing to do with its sales.
                Another trademark of zoom zooms: absolutely terrible reading comprehension skills and various deduction problems.

                I'll spoonfeed you this once:
                The OG topic was about Claire being even more significant than Leon S Kennedy back in the day, before he became the "poster boy" of RE.
                This indeed happened only after the series got overhauled for the first time, post RE4, arguably post RE5 even.
                At which point the casual GenZ was indeed the target audience, the gaming had become WAY more mainstream, and the sales (plus budgets) of AAA vidya had already exploded.
                During PS1-2 times, 500k world-wide sales was all it took for the "Platinum" / "Greatest Hits" status and re-release, while nowadays that'd be a disastrous flop for a triple-A slop.

                Judging solely by RE1-3, it would've been safe to deduct that Jill was the MC, appearing in two main games + in Capcom VS Marvel.
                Taking in CV, it wouldn't had been that crazy to call RE a feminist franchise, since now there was 2 female MCs ruling the show, Claire and Jill. Even DC's Regina indirectly added to this image.

                I absolutely love the games - what I hate are the rampant shitposters who've ruined RE discussion. I can replay classic RE2 an endless number of times - but Remake 2 is JUST as good, and improves many aspects of classic 2, like the dogshit combat and awful bosses.

                Stating that you will -never- get a modern, high budget fixed camera game is simply reality. Remake 2 shouldn't be knocked at all because you autistically can't accept that OTS is a widely popular form of control, and that the vast majority of people wanted to see RE2 reimagined that way. Keep crying b***h, you will never contribute in a positive way to RE discussion.

                And again - if you actually cared, you'd have bought multiple copies of REmake when it initially came out. You didn't, so deal with it.

                >Remake 2 is JUST as good, and improves many aspects of classic 2
                It improves nothing.
                It tramples on everything.
                The nu-gameplay is the very same handholdy, generic run & shoot trash made for ADHD post-Gears Of War audiences that infected even Silent Hill back in the 00s. The nu-OST.... doesn't even exist. Art style = gray and blurry. Story is flat as frick and characters even more tryhard edgy.

              • 11 months ago

                >Leon S Kenned

                What was Leon's character arc?

              • 11 months ago

                Look at the average age of gamers through the years and it's clear that Gen Z had nothing to do with Leon games being better recieved. You brain-dead fricking moron.

                I'm betting you're a Gen X homosexual and have no idea just how influential Millenials have been. Crusty old moron.

              • 11 months ago

                Sorry kid, but I'm a true-blood mid-gen Millennial.
                RE1-3 were the peak Millennial kino.
                RE4 and up are absolutely driven by Zoom zoom game design tropes.
                And before that, Leon was just one of the many meh male characters no one cared about, since the chicks were hotter and better.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh I get it now. You didn't have a GameCube.

              • 11 months ago

                Wrong again. I've owned my GC since 2003. Got RE4 back in 2005.
                Again, one game =/= the entire image of the franchise up until that point.
                And even if I wouldn't had a GC, RE4 was released on PS2 just 8 months later. On which I assume most people played it originally.

              • 11 months ago

                You should get the Umbrella Chronicles. It's better than Darkside.

              • 11 months ago

                >RE4 bad
                jesus christ it's been almost twenty years. go to bed already grandpa

            • 11 months ago

              Nah, Elza and Claire got plenty of coverage.
              Similarly, Chris was the RE1's first choice, but obviously not the route to start with.

              Nip fans outright trashed on Leon back in the day.

              Nope, it's a Gen-Z shit.
              The progress towards the current status begun with RE4, and was cemented with 6 ,the CG films, and the nu-DEmakes.

              I am 36 years old, and I confirm that Leon was the face of the product, because a man on the cover always sold more, especially if the consumer is a baron. Also his weapons are better and it is easier to play with him. But it is also true that Claire A Leon B is indeed the main route (there is more content and it is a little more difficult). But no wonder about CAPCOM after all, since in Street Fighter II the main story path is Chun Li's.

              • 11 months ago

                How hyped was RE2 back in the day?

              • 11 months ago

                It was a HUGE Phenomena.
                RE had already become a flagship title for Sony, and the game everyone wanted to play. The sequel was some Terminator 2 -tier mega happening, that did not disappoint.

                1998 in general was crazy times, with super classics like MGS, LoZ:OoT, HL1, SS2, Starcraft, Pokemon R&B... etc, all coming out the same year.

                t. got into the series back in 1997.

                Absolute shit taste.

                Anyone shilling shit like CV or 0 is either a bot or the true feces eater.

              • 11 months ago

                I would read the articles about it in GamePro and EGM constantly and when it finally came out for N64 I was so excited I rented it from Blockbuster right away and then got scared as hell by it and didn't make it past Kendos shop until my second rental.

              • 11 months ago

                Extraordinarily hyped. RE2 and FF7 are the first games I can remember that had big marketing campaigns in mainstream channels. There was a TV spot for RE2 that had Irons' line "Everyone's gonna die!" over footage of Leon shooting the minigun that was in heavy rotation during Monday night wrestling. I saw the 2 page spread in picrel in Maxim or Entertainment Weekly or some other similar non-gaming magazines too.

              • 11 months ago

                I hope the poor sap that "won" a spot in the early abandoned attempts at making a film at least got a few t-shirts and other merch as an apology for failing their end of the deal.

              • 11 months ago

                Lots of people played it and got annihilated before they got to the Kendo shop (they weren't used to tank controls and the game forced you to learn quickly or die early on). The pre-rendered graphics for that year were great to look at. And the gore level was very good, the story had many influences from films like Terminator 2, an excellent OST and characters that were charismatic. When I first saw it running on a psx it scared me so much that it made me fear zombie apocalypses for months, I finally got over my fear by wanting to play it, and it was my first survival horror that I played until I beat it. I remember the magazines with guides to getting the A rank, the infinite weapons, and Hunk. I was actually the first player in the play store in my town to unlock all of that.

              • 11 months ago

                >The pre-rendered graphics for that year were great to look at

                Reminder that Capcom scrapped the original RE1/RE2/RE3 source code

              • 11 months ago

                Just about all Japanese devs did that to all their finisher projects back in the day. Square and Konami both did that and it came to bit 'em in the ass later.
                No one thought that people would WANT to play, or even re-release 20-30yo retro games again in the futuristic era of 2020s, when we'd most likely be playing Matrix-tier simulations while riding our flying car to the Moon.

              • 11 months ago

                Well, it was the 90s, when you no longer used something, you threw it away and you forgot it forever (long live disposable ultra-consumerism).

                RE2 and FF7 were the most hyped games on Playstation.

                Tyrant busting through the wall in the lighter puzzle room and then following you into the east hallway scared the shit out of me and it took me days to go back

                That part wrinkled my penis until it was all small and vulnerable. Special mention when you get to see the security camera in the chemical plant.

                >RE2 and FF7 were the most hyped games on Playstation.

                What about RE3 and FF8?

                FF 7 and MGS were very played and highly rated by the pros at the time, RE 3 was very popular because of NEMESIS, that damn fricker was so annoying and hateful. Silent Hill was also a tremendous thing, and people started comparing it to Resident Evil almost instantly. It was also much more terrifying, there was no doubt about that, it was like playing the game from the Exorcist movie or something like that, it was a game for the brave. I also remember how they played Chrono Cross, Tekken 3 and Bloody Roar 2.

              • 11 months ago

                > How hyped was RE2 back in the day?

                I'll tell you: i was almost 10 when it released. For almost all 1997 you had magazines previews 15 page long. Here in Italy a Judge from Rome had copies sequestrated from shops because of concerns about violence. It was a really talked game. Watching my cousin play it is still one of my fondest vidya memories. It was definitively a big deal

              • 11 months ago

                RE2 and FF7 were the most hyped games on Playstation.

                Lots of people played it and got annihilated before they got to the Kendo shop (they weren't used to tank controls and the game forced you to learn quickly or die early on). The pre-rendered graphics for that year were great to look at. And the gore level was very good, the story had many influences from films like Terminator 2, an excellent OST and characters that were charismatic. When I first saw it running on a psx it scared me so much that it made me fear zombie apocalypses for months, I finally got over my fear by wanting to play it, and it was my first survival horror that I played until I beat it. I remember the magazines with guides to getting the A rank, the infinite weapons, and Hunk. I was actually the first player in the play store in my town to unlock all of that.

                Tyrant busting through the wall in the lighter puzzle room and then following you into the east hallway scared the shit out of me and it took me days to go back

              • 11 months ago

                >RE2 and FF7 were the most hyped games on Playstation.

                What about RE3 and FF8?

              • 11 months ago

                They were hyped, but nowhere as hyped as FF7, RE2, and MGS. Those were the mega hits releasing at the perfect times

              • 11 months ago

                >What about RE3 and FF8?
                FF8 was bombarded everywhere. Even the Olympics used FF8 OST.
                It was still mostly flying with the "sequel to FF7!" fame, and the end result did not please too many.

                RE3 was way lesser of a game in comparison, but at that point PS1 was already entering its final days.

              • 11 months ago

                I remember commercials for RE3 ran like crazy, the zombies cornering the SWAT team and zooming in on that one dude over his own muzzle flare is still burned into my memory.

          • 11 months ago

            >Leon becoming the posterboy of the franchise is a literal zoomer thing.
            It's a millennial thing you dumb dumb.

    • 11 months ago

      >There's so many things in the story that just don't flow right compared to the other way around. Even the timeline doesn't match up compared to the other way


      • 11 months ago

        >Leon leaves for the sewer before Claire even reaches the basement. Yet Claire still beats him to the train?
        >Sherry falls in the drain, and then just randomly shows up right as Claire is about to ride the tram. Claire just gave up on her and was lucky Sherry found him
        >Ada saves Claire from Tyrant for no reason. Ada has no idea who Claire is nor does she care.
        >Sherry and Birkin have no interaction.
        >Claire runs into Leon as he's been shot and is told to go after Ada, then just leaves him there. Nothing comes of this.
        >Tyrant is specifically after Sherry and the G Virus, yet chases Claire for no reason.

        None of these problems are in Claire A/Leon B. The story just flows much better.

        • 11 months ago

          >There's so many things in the story that just don't flow right compared to the other way around. Even the timeline doesn't match up compared to the other way


          >Claire runs past a shot Leon in the sewer, but somehow Leon still reaches the tram first.

          • 11 months ago

            How does the remake handle Claire A/Leon B?

            • 11 months ago

              They both run through the full Claire/Leon A scenario no matter which order you play them. The only difference is the starting spot and a couple of small changes but it's really minor compared to the OG game.

              There's a couple of really dumb things like Annette dying twice and fighting the same bosses in the same areas.

            • 11 months ago

              Non existent. The only change aside from some every minor item switchups are who meets Marvin in the police station, who fights the true final boss, and early Mr X.
              Otherwise the story combines aspects of all 4 scenarios of the original game
              Ada and Leon have their Leon A relationship, Claire and Sherry go through their Claire A dynamic, Claire reaches the train first like Claire B, Leon kills the Tyrant like in Leon B

              • 11 months ago

                >Ada and Leon have their Leon A relationship

                What was their Leon B relationship?

              • 11 months ago

                In Leon B, Ada never betrays Leon. She gets the G-Virus sample from Sherry's necklace, saves Leon from the Tyrant, kisses him right before she *dies*, then escapes with the sample after throwing the Rocket Launcher to Leon
                Annette tells Leon Ada is a spy but Leon never confronts her about it because she saves his life.

                Umbrella Chronicles follows this route.

              • 11 months ago

                Cute :3

            • 11 months ago

              >How does the remake handle Claire A/Leon B?
              It doesn't. The demake is notorious for completely butchering the A/B system, having no difference nor any interaction between the two.
              Originally, Crapcum was going to make only 1 big story, no A/B stuff at all, but people complained enough for them to quickly assemble a pale imitation of the A&B mechanic before the release.

              • 11 months ago

                Zoomer take. Original zapping system was inconsistent as well.

              • 11 months ago

                Zapping system doesn't matter. What was important was how the 2nd scenario gave you a different story and bosses.
                Remake removed that.

              • 11 months ago

                A/B is definitely worse in the REmake 2 but you are false, B does have a different final boss.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not even going to bother with you.

  22. 11 months ago

    For me, its the custom shotgun.

    • 11 months ago

      I've been playing this game for years. Nearly since it came out, I'd say 2000 was my first playthrough. I never needed to read any guides or anything. I only discovered when I played it in 2021 that you could find the shotgun pieces in that part, never fricking knew it was even a thing.

    • 11 months ago

      Remington 1100 is a pretty good auto loader, or at least it was but I heard in general Remington's manufacturing went to shit a while back.

    • 11 months ago

      all these years later and it's contender for best shotgun in vidya so i am pretty sure this is a general feeling

  23. 11 months ago

    Love the classics but lets be real. The tps action games are RE at its best.

    • 11 months ago

      >The tps action games are RE at its best.
      You mean Operation Raccoon City?

    • 11 months ago

      >dudebro mainstream shootbang homosexual era
      lol, 4 derailed the franchise until 7 made it unique again

  24. 11 months ago

    You guys really think a modern classic style RE couldn't work? Seeing some of the mods people have made for the series in more recent years makes me feel like as a genre there's a lot of untapped potential for fun challenges you can design around this style of gameplay.

    • 11 months ago

      >You guys really think a modern classic style RE couldn't work
      No, I KNOW that it would not only work, but would also be a smash hit.
      Yeah, the casual boipuccy-Leon fangirls would get filtered by the gameplay, but big deal.

    • 11 months ago

      Signalis and Tormented Souls shows it absolutely could work.

  25. 11 months ago

    >streamlined levels
    >braindead enemies
    >too much ammo
    >zapping is an overrated meme
    It's a huge downgrade from RE1

  26. 11 months ago

    The remake is trash. The OG is one of the best games ever made.

  27. 11 months ago

    Weekly reminder that Outbreak was awesome as long as you had the proper hardware for it.

    • 11 months ago

      Proper hardware didn't exist the load times on the PS2 were atrocious. It should have been an Xbox game.

      • 11 months ago

        >he didn't have an HDD installed

    • 11 months ago

      Proper hardware didn't exist the load times on the PS2 were atrocious. It should have been an Xbox game.

      If people were really that crazy about fixed camera RE games at the time, Code Veronica would have sold a shitload when it got ported to PS2.

      Why did Mikami hate PS2?

      • 11 months ago

        Because it sucks and Snoy sucks. And he was right. I'm thankful his legacy is safe in Xboxs hands now.

    • 11 months ago

      They should remake Outbreak file 1 and 2 with the REmake engine and mechanics

    • 11 months ago

      >Outbreak was awesome
      Outbreak IS awesome. You can still play it online

      • 11 months ago

        Don't know about that.
        The game feels like it expects you to have studied every inch of every scenario on your own offline before touching online, but the NPCs are dogshit and will regularly pick up key items on their own so studying their spawns and relevant puzzles is that much harder.

        • 11 months ago

          Congratulations, you just figured out the exact reason why anon is lying.

          EVERY SCENARIO MUST BE OPTIMAL AND PLAY THE SAME speedrun trannies is why that games went nowhere.

        • 11 months ago

          Outbreak is incredibly beginner unfriendly, I'll give you that. The first scenario is a non-stop chase until the very end and it has 4 different instant kill situations. The NPCs are absolutely shit, and the game only shines when playing online.
          >The game feels like it expects you to have studied every inch of every scenario on your own offline before touching online
          I don't really think that that's the case, it's just that the game is designed with the intent that you WILL die, and that you're supposed to play the scenario multiple times to properly learn it. It's a difficult mindset to get yourself into compared to a lot of modern games and it makes it a lot harder to play with a group of friends since one death means that either everyone restarts or people get left out. If you can get over that massive difficulty spike of getting into the game then it's an absolute gem of a game.

          Congratulations, you just figured out the exact reason why anon is lying.

          EVERY SCENARIO MUST BE OPTIMAL AND PLAY THE SAME speedrun trannies is why that games went nowhere.

          Sure, if you try to play with randos you'll probably get matched up with someone who has 1k+ hours in the game and will just speedrun the level while you get left behind. That's why I'd recommend playing with friends so you can discover and figure things out yourself.

  28. 11 months ago

    >playing RE1
    >game is fine
    >get to the caves
    >realize I should've been more careful with shotgun and bazooka ammo
    >realize I have frick all for healing items too
    I'm playing Jill, am I just fricked?

    • 11 months ago

      No, RE gives you so many resources that you can easily kill anything you see and still be fine until the end. You just might have a bit of stretch you need to muscle through.

  29. 11 months ago


    This is a fact

    • 11 months ago

      why was 3 better? doesn't it have the same streamlined level design as 2?

      • 11 months ago

        NTA, but original RE3 has easily the most perfected survival horror gameplay. Jill has some nifty moves, such as the dodge, that still require mastery and do not break the game. Puzzles have randomized solutions so you cannot cheese them with a guide book. Similarly, some enemy mobs and item pickups are randomized.
        On top of this, the game has multiple "paths" that affect certain chapters, story bits and even the ending; some of the choices are literally presented as A or B option, while others are less transparent and are based on player's behavior in general.

        Other noteworthy aspects of RE3:
        >you actually explore the Raccoon City itself
        >the first and the best MERCENARIES game mode

        • 11 months ago

          hm, sounds like the only genuinely interesting classic RE, might be the only one I end up trying and finishing

          • 11 months ago

            Why do you wrote that like you would not have played any of the classics thus far?
            Because if so, what the hell are you doing? Go play the entire trilogy, in release order, all routes. Grab 'em from:

            >Biohazard Mediakite ISO
            >Classic Rebirth patch
            >Installation instructions

            >Biohazard 2 Sourcenext ISO
            >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
            >Installation instructions

            >Biohazard 3 Sourcenext ISO
            >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
            >Installation instructions

            , or emulate the PS1 originals.

            RE1 has the best "adventure game" vibes with the most open-ended exploration and the most routes / ends.
            RE2 streamlines things but its A&B route system and interaction provide tons of extra replay value, essentially 4 different stories.
            RE3's the most action packed and made for the series' veterans.

            REmake 1 is the magnum opus of the classics and assumes you've beaten the past games, and changes things there and here to challenge and surprise you.

  30. 11 months ago

    why rebirth website is blocked by firefox

    • 11 months ago

      It's down right now

      • 11 months ago

        it says "page not secure" or something like they got hacked

        also how do you install sourcenext re2? install text is gibberish without moonrunes

        • 11 months ago

          just keep clicking the top option and where the "NEXT" would be.

          What is the definitive version of RE2?


        • 11 months ago

          No clue, I downloaded a pre made version from here.

  31. 11 months ago

    It accomplishes a lot in scale and grandiosity by plotting the character through locations that keep the player from seeing the zipper in the monster's costume, as in the game isn't really that big, but it FEELS big.

  32. 11 months ago

    What is the definitive version of RE2?

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      I have the Gamecube version, which I play on a Wii, on a 29 CRT TV, I think the Dreamcast version could be considered the most valuable due to its extra content and image tweaks. if you don't have it, the next thing would be to play the sourcenext classic rebirth version even though it's not finished yet.

    • 11 months ago


  33. 11 months ago

    What's the verdict on the RE2 direct sequel?

    • 11 months ago

      It's shit.

    • 11 months ago

      worst game in the series

    • 11 months ago

      It's great. Only flaw though is the pacing. They went overboard on the backtracking

    • 11 months ago

      It's shit.

      worst game in the series

      RE3 and RECV were developed at the same time by different teams (in fact, RECV was outsourced to Nextech, the Sega-owned studios who made the Saturn port of RE1)

      >“The team looked into a Saturn version early on, but we could only do so on PlayStation due to lack of resources at the time,” Kazuhiro Aoyama explains

      >The decision to cancel the Saturn port did not end Capcom’s desire to bring Resident Evil to Sega hardware: Capcom was still a platform-agnostic publisher and a close partner of Sega’s. But even though Capcom (like other game companies) was sure to achieve its best commercial results with platform-exclusive content, the idea of an original, Saturn-exclusive Resident Evil in place of a port was a tough sell in 1998

      >Capcom did not have the capacity to develop yet another new Resident Evil in-house, given all the other games already in development at the time. Also, the company’s software engineers were unfamiliar with the new Dreamcast hardware. To support Capcom, Sega agreed to have Tokyo-based Nextech, the studio that previously ported Resident Evil to Saturn, develop the Dreamcast Resident Evil

      >The reason for going with a subtitle rather than a number essentially came down to console-war politics. “The idea was to keep numbered games on Sony and use different names for games made for Sega and Nintendo,” Okamoto explains. A project called Resident Evil 3 (distinct from the game released in September 1999 as Resident Evil 3: Nemesis) was already in development for PlayStation 2 by Hideki Kamiya’s team

      >Interestingly, while the initial trailer for Resident Evil CODE: Veronica featured Claire Redfield, Sugimura originally intended for Jill Valentine to be the protagonist. However, plans changed after Hideki Kamiya, without Sugimura’s permission, altered Claire’s final line in Resident Evil 2 to allude to her objective to continue searching for her brother, Chris

      • 11 months ago

        Damn, they were really all in on Jill back then. Such a fricking shame how it turned out. Jill and Claire barely get used.

        • 11 months ago

          Now that Jill's been de-aged by magical antibodies, they'll start using her again.

      • 11 months ago

        Nextech made the engine but a company called Tose developed the game. They mostly did ports and licensed garbage like Dragonball games.

    • 11 months ago

      It has Claire calling a crossdressing freak a crossdressing freak, so it's based.
      >Absolutely that line would not be in the remake if one happened

      • 11 months ago

        That wasn't based back then, it was just common thought.

    • 11 months ago

      Capcom externally contracted an actual writer for the plot in this game and that's just so damn funny it almost makes me forgive how much the game sucks ass.

      • 11 months ago

        Noboru Sugimura (he wrote RE2, RE0 and CV) had created an overarching story that would end with Leon facing Spencer on his castle on an island somewhere in the British Isles, sadly Sugimura died from a heart attack and never finished the story.

        CV wasn't even originally going to be a sequel story-wise to RE2, it was going to star Jill and be about her investigation into Umbrella Europe. The lines from Claire and Leon about "stopping Umbrella" and "I have to find my brother" were put in by Kamiya without main writer Noboru Sugimura's knowledge (it does not seem that Kamiya had any idea what these lines were supposed to lead to). This pissed off Sugimura and caused him to have to rewrite CV to star Claire and make it about her meeting up with Chris.

        Sugimura was probably the best thing to happen to the series at the time as he stopped them from ending the game at 2, and a lot of his ideas were great even if you dislike the wackiness.
        European royalty that has fallen from grace and desires to regain its spot at the top.
        A corrupt police chief who spends his last days hunting his men like wild game before ultimately dying thanks in large part to his greed.
        A spy with a cold exterior who opens up to the main character, eventually abandoning her mission to protect him and not having it in her to harm him (her gun in the A ending isn't even loaded if you check it).
        In Survivor, a lot of the base story adds a lot to Umbrella, especially the method by which they create tyrants and how it requires extracting fluid from adolescent brains.
        Dead Aim and Gun Survivor work well together, as a show of Umbrella's failed attempts at cover ups, and the kind of people they'd hire in a pursuit of power through greed.
        0 isn't wholly Sugimura's though, his original concepts were lost in the transition from N64 to GCN.

        • 11 months ago

          very interesting

        • 11 months ago

          >RE2 and RE3 both build up Europe being the main branch
          >It ends up being a footnote in CV where Claire investigates it for the intro

          • 11 months ago

            Didn't want to offend whitey and get called racist.

          • 11 months ago

            Creative differences I guess. Sugimura seems to have liked the idea of confronting Umbrella Inc at their headquarters in Europe, or in a castle in England. But I suppose that after his death, and the cancellation of the RE 4 prototype, Mikami decided to change everything and put elements of his personal taste, like the village and the castle of Spanish origin. Something that almost repeated with The Evil Within, but was modified so that it happens in America at the end.

        • 11 months ago

          That's pretty cool. To CV's credit I liked the puzzle where you had to decipher the Ashford family lineage based on the heirlooms in their portraits as well as the ones preserved (or not), and the Anatomist's Office was really cool how it basically condenses the structure for an entire game in the series into one area.

    • 11 months ago

      Capcom externally contracted an actual writer for the plot in this game and that's just so damn funny it almost makes me forgive how much the game sucks ass.

      Noboru Sugimura (he wrote RE2, RE0 and CV) had created an overarching story that would end with Leon facing Spencer on his castle on an island somewhere in the British Isles, sadly Sugimura died from a heart attack and never finished the story.

      CV wasn't even originally going to be a sequel story-wise to RE2, it was going to star Jill and be about her investigation into Umbrella Europe. The lines from Claire and Leon about "stopping Umbrella" and "I have to find my brother" were put in by Kamiya without main writer Noboru Sugimura's knowledge (it does not seem that Kamiya had any idea what these lines were supposed to lead to). This pissed off Sugimura and caused him to have to rewrite CV to star Claire and make it about her meeting up with Chris.

      Sugimura was probably the best thing to happen to the series at the time as he stopped them from ending the game at 2, and a lot of his ideas were great even if you dislike the wackiness.
      European royalty that has fallen from grace and desires to regain its spot at the top.
      A corrupt police chief who spends his last days hunting his men like wild game before ultimately dying thanks in large part to his greed.
      A spy with a cold exterior who opens up to the main character, eventually abandoning her mission to protect him and not having it in her to harm him (her gun in the A ending isn't even loaded if you check it).
      In Survivor, a lot of the base story adds a lot to Umbrella, especially the method by which they create tyrants and how it requires extracting fluid from adolescent brains.
      Dead Aim and Gun Survivor work well together, as a show of Umbrella's failed attempts at cover ups, and the kind of people they'd hire in a pursuit of power through greed.
      0 isn't wholly Sugimura's though, his original concepts were lost in the transition from N64 to GCN.

      What an interesting story. A pity Sugimura's death, although I think Kamiya is a genius anyway. CV's story isn't that bad, although the worst are the controls, they are horrible, and the graphics, although they are innovative and the characters look great, it looks too much like a Sega Dreamcast game that got old very quickly. For me it's a shame, because both for the story and for the CV characters it must have been the real RE 3.

      • 11 months ago

        >For me it's a shame, because both for the story and for the CV characters it must have been the real RE 3.

        Why didn't it get a remake?

        • 11 months ago

          Who knows? Sometimes I have a headcanon, that in CAPCOM, they want to merge RE 5 with RE CV into a single game that mixes the best of both games.

    • 11 months ago

      I goes from being one of the most brutal game in the series to the easiest as soon as you find out the knife is the most powerful weapon in the game. Its poorly balanced.

    • 11 months ago

      Capcom is retconning the events of the game.

      • 11 months ago

        That guy is moronic. He says the letter makes no mention of Umbrella's base when it literally starts with Chris mentioning Europe. The creator of the video is too moronic to understand an obviously coded letter.

        • 11 months ago

          I think what he might’ve been trying to say is that despite Claire saying that the letter doesn’t sound like Chris, she never makes any mention of trying to locate him after she finds it. It does look like coded wording, but it’s also less obvious about its meaning to Claire than Chris’ diary in the original, which literally spells it out. This letter, by the way, is a completely missable file, unlike the diary which is placed on top of a key item you need to progress.

    • 11 months ago

      The only reason CV is shilled so much these days is because ~~*true*~~ RE fans hate 4 for killing off umbrella in the opening. People complaining about 4 being action heavy and then praising CV will never not be funny. CV has a lot of problems and isn’t as good as 3, losing quick turn, 3s biggest QoL improvement over 1 + 2, in what was sold as a new dawn for RE is comical. I know 3 and CV were developed at the same time but it is really noticeable playing them back to back.

      • 11 months ago

        >RE fans hate 4 for killing off umbrella in the opening
        Wrong. Everyone hates 5 for killing off Wesker

        • 11 months ago

          Both are correct, the story was finished with 4 and 5 shitting on everything

      • 11 months ago

        The last sentence of RE4's intro is "for all intents and purposes, umbrella was finished..." then instantly fades to Leon which implies they're not finished and their story will continue. Also it's a huge deal when Lewis says there's a sample of the T virus at the lab. Not to mention Wesker is basically controlling the whole thing. Umbrella chronicles pimped up Wesker so damn much, and then 5 just fricking killed him off. Frick Chris.

        • 11 months ago

          I think the point is that the let’s take down umbrella endings of 2 and 3 effectively go nowhere because umbrella are taken down before 4, and then the wesker stuff goes nowhere since he’s not in 4 all that much and gets killed off in 5

          • 11 months ago

            Yep, 4 sets him up as the franchise's cool mastermind sitting in a chair watching over everything (with matrix powers in the mercenaries) so it's a complete waste how in 5 you're killing Africans and suddenly he's just in the final chapter to get killed.

            • 11 months ago

              I really think the killing wesker thing was such a frick up, it’s why I expect a RE5 remake at some point, I’m sure they’d use that to show wesker maybe didn’t die or something, they haven’t had a iconic villain, or even a villain last more than one game, since.

              • 11 months ago

                >please retcon my 30 years worth of plot DEmake-sama!

                You are the fricking mistake. There was no "Wesker stuff". Wesker showed up in a leather costume wearing sunglasses and making smug comments. That's all the set up Wesker got. He's cool sunglasses Matrix guy getting the stuff to do bad things. He gets the stuff to do bad things. In 5 he is cool sunglasses matrix guy with the stuff to do bad things so he tries to do bad things but the good guys stop him. The End.

              • 11 months ago

                He’s a narrative through line, if you like the mould shit, just say it you fricking sperg

              • 11 months ago

                who are you talking to? Did you reply to the wrong post?

              • 11 months ago

                What I’m saying is killing wesker like they did in 5 left a big villain sized hole in the franchise that they haven’t been able to fill properly, the mould being an example of them trying to solve the problem, I don’t want them to bring back wesker, I just think they will because the mould is a poor substitute for him

              • 11 months ago

                They had Heisenberg who wanted to get out of there, is a genius, looks human, and never got to fight us using his magnetic powers and hammer... And they fricking killed him.
                Dude looked like he'd pull a Lucas and escape to be a boss in a dlc or sequel and he got wasted

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah Heisenberg was pretty cool, RE8 is particular was full of cool stuff that never got room to breath.

                I just wonder if they’ve given up on having an overarching plot, other than a couple of recognisable names and shit.

              • 11 months ago

                >Yeah Heisenberg was pretty cool, RE8 is particular was full of cool stuff
                So you are a terminally shit taste mongoloid, got it. Who could see it coming from someone asking for more DEmake slop...

              • 11 months ago

                The mold is fricking garbage. RE has three good villains after Wesker, Alex, Simmons and Carla, they are just not series constant villains nor do they need to be. The mold is shit because the people writing it are shit and because they are trying to shove their shit fanfiction all over Resident Evil. What you're asking is for more fanfiction retconing. Wesker was great but his story is over. Want more of him? Make a prequel. Or don't, because these c**ts could not write themselves out of a paper bag without shitting all over it.

  34. 11 months ago

    RE: Remake > 2 > 1 > 2 Remake > 3 > 3 Remake

  35. 11 months ago

    reminder we have a small but comfy horror gen on vg
    we have a complete rentry page with a lot of useful lists and links
    we had anons playing a lot of classic stuff lately like siren, clocktower, alone in the dark, silent hill, ghostbusters, obscure mods for RE or amnesia, even some indie devs showing their stuff...
    it's still fairly new and slow moving so we appreciate some fresh blood


    • 11 months ago

      holy based I didn't know I needed something like this until now

    • 11 months ago

      >Biohazard Mediakite ISO
      >Classic Rebirth patch
      >Installation instructions

      >Biohazard 2 Sourcenext ISO
      >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
      >Installation instructions

      >Biohazard 3 Sourcenext ISO
      >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
      >Installation instructions

      cheers lads. didn't know the seamless hd mods were made for anything besides the dolphin ports.

  36. 11 months ago

    Capcom got gud after RE1 and RE2 was basically their flagship game.

  37. 11 months ago

    I always see this image as some mutated guy in a hoodie looking at me. I never notice the zombie teeth.

  38. 11 months ago

    Because it improved on nearly everything from the first game:

    >Voice Acting

    Plus it really fleshed out Racoon City and the Umbrella Corporation and had the simple yet brilliant Zapping system.

    It's one of the very rare sequels that is in some ways superior to the original game just like Gears of War 2.

  39. 11 months ago

    I really thought Jill, Carlos, Barry, and Ada would show up in Code Veronica because of those fricking epilogues in RE3. Got me excited for nothing.
    Those epilogues made it look like Jill called in the squad to raid Umbrella and save Chris. And Ada's epilogue mentioned her abandoning the fake name Ada because she's being called on a mission

    None of those goddamned epilogues lead to anything besides Claire and Leon's! Ada even kept the name Ada what the frick!

    • 11 months ago

      When RE1 was written, writer Kenichi Iwao did imagine Umbrella as an internationally large and influential corporation (and also very evil), but it was still a mortal organization and was much more grounded in reality compared to what later games did with Umbrella. RE1's ending screen even strongly implies that Umbrella was defeated after the game's events.

      In the prototype to RE2, now known as RE1.5, director Hideki Kamiya's story for the game would have been much more faithful to RE1's ending with Umbrella being a corporation that was either dead or at least in dire straits. Kamiya intended RE 1.5 to be the definitive end for RE with Umbrella being 100% dead and gone upon the game's conclusion. However, once Sugimura was attached to the project, he begged Kamiya not to kill off Umbrella because he felt that Umbrella should be a long recurring villainous entity.

      I think that's Sugimura's influence, as soon as he became involved with the RE series things progressively became more and more "out there".
      Prior to being involved with RE, he used to write a lot of Super Sentai stuff along with other japanese TV and anime.

      Code Veronica brought the wackiness on heavy and every game he wrote afterwards seemingly just kept up the wackiness; those being Gun Survivor, Dead Aim, and RE0.

      Even RE2 gets it more outlandish aspects from Sugimura's ideas. He made Chief Irons from a regular police chief to a secret serial killer, Ada Wong from an Umbrella scientist to a secret agent, and also suggested turning the mansion from a realistic building to something more like the Spencer Mansion.
      It seems like he was even the one that got the ball rolling in scrapping RE 1.5 due to finding the too realistic.

      • 11 months ago

        >Ada Wong from an Umbrella scientist to a secret agent
        I think they repurposed her original concept into Yoko for Outbreak.

        • 11 months ago

          Ada technically was a scientist too, wasn't, she, going by the allusions to her in RE1? Or was at least a mole doing work as a scientist.

          • 11 months ago

            John's letter to her is really one of the most interesting things. He talks to her as if she was in on a lot more than just being his GF like she claimed in RE2. She knew about the lab when he talks about leaving the locks open. He knew she'd be able to handle putting him down when he asks her to kill him if he's changed into a zombie. I've always wondered what she was doing before shit went down in the mansion yet it's never something that's really been revisited. John himself would be cool to learn about.

    • 11 months ago

      What's hilarious to me is Kamiya adding Claire's line of wanting to rescue her brother. It makes her abruptly abandon Leon and Sherry, the little girl she risked her life to protect like a mother, to their fate as tools to the government. They tried to fix that by mentioning Claire supposedly coming to see Sherry in RE6, but she apparently had no issue with leaving the girl to be a lab rat bred to become tool for the government.
      Really makes Claire not seem all that great when you think about it.

      • 11 months ago

        RE3 epilogue really made her look awful too.
        "It was clear Leon and Sherry needed medical attention" and she still leaves. Leon seems really pissed at her too

        • 11 months ago

          Poor Claire, she was used in a dirty corporate move between CAPCOM and SEGA. She didn't deserve to end up in a bad light because of an inferior spinoff game.
          I hope she gets the remake she really deserves.

          • 11 months ago

            Code Veronica isn’t a spin-off. It’s as mainline as all the numbered games.

            • 11 months ago

              NTA but CV was always a spinoff. It was never a mainline entry to begin with.
              Especially when it's not numbered.

              • 11 months ago

                Your an idiot. CVX was meant to be the actual RE3. RE3 only came to be because of corporate bullshit. REV1 and REV2 are mainline games as well.

              • 11 months ago

                >CVX was meant to be the actual RE3. RE3 only came to be because of corporate bullshit. REV1 and REV2 are mainline games as well.
                This is literally false.
                Code Veronica existence was due to a literal frick up on Capcom part as they failed to release RE2 for the Sega Saturn as it part of the deal with SEGA.
                SEGA was legitimately angry with Capcom as having no RE2 on the Sega Saturn means tons of potential sales lost given that RE2 was extremely popular back in the day.
                So Capcom tried to calm SEGA down by having a original RE title on the Dreamcast, which was Code Veronica.
                SEGA was also involved with Code Veronica development, as Nextech was a subsidiary owned by SEGA(So for anyone wondering why Code Veronica is very odd when compared to other RE entries, it's because of SEGA).
                The actual real RE3 never actually came out since it got scrapped due to the PS2 existence, so they literally took RE 1.9(Aka Jill game) and named it RE3 so Capcom could have a big success for the beginning of their financial year.
                So in other words, Code Veronica was never supposed to be RE3. It was always some random RE game made so SEGA could calm down and Capcom knows this, as the REmakes are outright ignoring it since it was never a mainline entry to begin with.

              • 11 months ago

                >It was always some random RE game
                No, it wasn't.
                It was the direct sequel to RE2 and continues the Umbrella storyline
                It brought back Wesker who went on to become the main villain of the series for awhile
                Claiming it's just some random game is pure stupidity.

              • 11 months ago

                Nextech was at least semi-competent. Unfortunately for CV, most of the game was outsourced to a shovelware dev called Tose. That's why it's such a janky, lazy piece of shit. No one involved in making it gave a frick beyond cashing the check and moving on to the next project making licensed garbage for the Game Boy or whatever.

              • 11 months ago

                This is false. You zoomers need to shut the frick up about shit you don't understand

    • 11 months ago

      The epilogues from 3 should just be thrown out. Remember that RE3 was only RE3 because of snoy shenanigans and that it really should be thought of as Resident Evil 2 Gaiden and Capcom really didn’t put that much effort into it.
      In general, Capcom mismanaged the series after 2 and failed to make 3, CV, and 0 as good as they could have been. Which is not to say that those games are bad, just that Capcom squandered the opportunity to realize the series’ full potential.

  40. 11 months ago

    Unironically, the OST.

  41. 11 months ago

    Leon just has the better games than Chris

    • 11 months ago

      Also notice how CGI films in which Chris shows up fricking suck. Chris' ass-suckage is so strong that even Leon can't save those movies.

  42. 11 months ago

    Best sound and art design

  43. 11 months ago

    i love how x-files the RE2 soundtrack is, remake makes you buy the orginal music packs, only music pack i think ive ever bought, makes remake2 much better.

  44. 11 months ago

    What's the best OG port of Resident Evil 2 to play?

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Love how the zombies have their RE1 grunts

  45. 11 months ago

    Was this going to be any good if it was finished?

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah. It looks pretty interesting and good since the zombies were intentionally designed to be more brutal and aggressive in 1.5.
      It's a shame it got scrapped though, as RE2 is ridiculously easy and feels meh overall.

    • 11 months ago

      Honestly it feels pretty dry and boring compared to the actual RE2. I can see why they revamped it.

  46. 11 months ago
  47. 11 months ago

    >hit different
    i know why they "hit different" but i won't tell you because you are a stupid fricking zoomer (or talk like one)

  48. 11 months ago

    2 just has a really cool setting

  49. 11 months ago

    2 is the game that sticks out in my brain the least. I can literally replay through 1 and 3 perfectly in my head because I know every story beat and screen but 2 is just a blank past the opening streets.

    • 11 months ago

      RE1 og extremely memorable vecause of the mansion and its design. I sometimes feel so nostalgic about the mansion that I want to live there

  50. 11 months ago

    I think I might start with the N64 version since it has analog controls. It's supposed to use higher quality sound and music too.

  51. 11 months ago

    >ywn be laying in your 1998 college dorm bed while rustic teenage biker Claire Redfield's head bobs up and down on your wiener giving you a toothy but rhythmic blowjob that just hits the sweet spot and you fire rope after rope of hot white nut down her throat without warning. She makes a little noise but greedily swallows it all down while breathing through her nose, looks up at you with her puffy face and opens her mouth and shows you her clean tongue afterwards hoping you are impressed.
    >you share a cigarette after and she leaves. She isn't your gf, Claire Redfield just really likes sucking dick and all the guys at college know.

    • 11 months ago

      This model gets shit on by Arabs in dubai

      • 11 months ago

        You know rich people go to dubai right?

        • 11 months ago

          She ain't rich bro

  52. 11 months ago

    Funny how people will keep mentioning and playing the original Resident Evil games while the third person over the shoulder slop RE are already getting forgotten since they are identical to a million of other different games, they don't even have any soundtracks for frick's sake.

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        It will be forgotten since all that over the shoulder slop has no staying power, the modern RE all look and sound the same especially.

        • 11 months ago

          And the first couple of RE games didn't all play the same mechanically?

          • 11 months ago

            How many games that sounded, looked and played like the original Resis have they made? Exactly, very few. Over the shoulder third person slop has been all the rage since RE4 came out, as the shit genre that it is they literally all look and sound the same.

    • 11 months ago

      >the third person over the shoulder slop RE are already getting forgotten
      REmake 2 literally became the best selling single SKU in the series yesterday because in the last quarter it sold another 700,000 copies. The game came out 4 years ago.

      • 11 months ago

        >4 years ago

        RE 2 is 25 years old and still going strong, good luck staying relevant for the next 5 years when all those modern RE games are the exact same.

        • 11 months ago

          >erm actually come see me in half a decade more and post that again kiddo i'll be waiting
          bored now, im going to jerk off to Jordan's face

    • 11 months ago

      You remember older games because of nostalgia. I even remember shit shovelware games like some action rpg on the ps2 where was a big ass black bar on the lower half of the crt screen.

      • 11 months ago

        That's your fault for playing shovelware that luckily no one remembers, for example classics like SMB 3 or the classic resis will always be remembered and replayed because they are as i said classics, good games unlike slop that forgot that soundtracks are an important part of a videogame, just wait for the next bland slop to arrive and no one will give a frick about them anymore.

        • 11 months ago

          You sure love the word "slop"

          • 11 months ago

            Must be the autism.

          • 11 months ago

            You seem triggered by the word "slop"

            >erm actually come see me in half a decade more and post that again kiddo i'll be waiting
            bored now, im going to jerk off to Jordan's face

            Typical waifugay, i bet you play gacha too

            • 11 months ago

              >eww you like GIRLS?!
              that's a nope on the gacha by the way. What's wrong anon? You don't think Claires a pretty girl?

    • 11 months ago

      It's much easier to remember the backdrop stills from fixed-camera RE than TPS, fully modeled environments.

      That being said, I'm confident I could sit down on the sofa, close my eyes, and perfectly picture myself playing through the entirety of RE4.

      • 11 months ago

        I could same about REmake 2 and 4.

      • 11 months ago

        Woah older game is more memorable because its a better videogame? Never heard of that one, maybe when developers stop trying to copying Hollywood slop videogames will go back to being actually great and not disposable products.

  53. 11 months ago

    It was a lot of fun. Back in '99 or '00, I remember hanging out with my relatives and neighbor friends to play. It was night, we were in garage, all of us sitting in front of a small tv playing/watching various games. We played some RE2 and I remember the window jump scare getting all of us. Good times.

  54. 11 months ago

    first off, classic RE is special because it is an actual movie game series done correctly as it took a lot from the french new wave era of film.
    what they took were the new, stylish, and experimental camera angles which we call "fixed camera angles." they were considered experimental back then and then continued to be the standard for cinematography until this day.
    the camera angles can
    >hint towards points of interests
    >tell character where to go next
    >reveal hidden items and enemies
    >tell bits of the story and lore through its environment alone
    >showcase nice interiors
    all without saying a word too. i think that's the most "kino" thing in games.
    horror games and just the horror genre benefits from these camera angles. you should look up screenshots of, or just watch it, romero's "the night of the living dead."
    i'm really glad no one in japan was able to make a first person shooter at the time and it forced mikami to do this because he wanted RE1 to be first person


    now that everything was established, an answer to OP's question:
    it's because RE2 had the really cool, old police aesthetics from film noir which was around the same time as french new wave

  55. 11 months ago

    I love OG Claire and Sherry!

    • 11 months ago

      I genuinely wonder if this is a bot, this post is older than some anons here.

      • 11 months ago

        I'm no bot, thank you.
        I just enjoy expressing my love!

  56. 11 months ago

    Man I wish the custom shotgun was in REmake 2.
    Turning the top half of a zombie into chunky salsa was great

  57. 11 months ago

    Is there a name for this bullshit? Posting your opinion as a fake question that auto validates itself as a fact and prompting further validation form those who reply? What kind of fallacy is this? It's pretty fricking annoying, especially when slathered with zoomer speak like this one.

    • 11 months ago

      we get it anon, you're in your first year of college.

      • 11 months ago

        I am 37. Hence why i am tired of your bullshit. Talk like a fricking human being.

    • 11 months ago

      >bring back attention to the thing you don't like instead of treating the thread as a general thread and ignoring the OP like every sane person itt

  58. 11 months ago

    It does? I thought 1 was the most special. 2 just felt like generic zombie attack stuff and the lab was a holdover from 1.

  59. 11 months ago

    It was alright but RE1 was much better

  60. 11 months ago

    I like Chris in RE1 the most out of the original trilogy. It felt the most like I was surviving something as it had a true sense of difficulty. While 2 and 3 are also really cool, I also find them mad easy besides a couple boss encounters. I like 2 remake more than 2, and really have no issue with the zapping feature being omitted, as in original 2 you’re never really gonna use it because the things you get from it prevent you from getting an A rank

    • 11 months ago

      >because the things you get from it prevent you from getting an A rank
      No it doesn't. You can use the Sub Machine Gun freely and still get an A rank
      Only the unlockable Infinite SMG restricts you. The normal one is fine.

  61. 11 months ago

    Remake 2 gays need to be humbled

    It was a complete shit show and some fancy graphics don’t change that

    • 11 months ago

      Sorry i am not listening to an opinion video made by a 13 year old boy what the frick is that voice?

      • 11 months ago

        It’s a woman I think

    • 11 months ago

      >brief mention of sexual assault
      in what way is it relevant to the game?

      • 11 months ago

        I agree with all her points but in the middle there’s a moment where she has a but of a meltdown over chief irons being changed into a rapist because she finds it disgusting. Only moment that made me cringe but it’s a woman please understand.

        • 11 months ago

          he was a taxidermist in the original right?

          • 11 months ago

            He was a rapist in the og too.
            If you play as claire you get a fax from the fbi, when youre about to leave the Stars office. Chris had requested a background check on Irons and it comes out he was accused of sexual assault at one point.

            • 11 months ago

              >Irons was absolutely going to rape Claire in that dungeon if he could
              >thrusting raw in that hairy teenage pussy until it made him shoot his old man loads deep inside her
              >this could easily happen before or after he murdered her too he is that insane

              • 11 months ago

                I'm pretty sure the Perry novel elaborated much more on that.

              • 11 months ago

                He was without question one of the most disgusting antagonists in the entire series. A straight up serial killer to boot. No doubt Sherry would have been to his tastes as well had she not been so good at hiding. He has clearly been watching her.

              • 11 months ago

                Claire is canonically a bawd so she absolutely at the least bit has it nice and trimmed if not shaved.

              • 11 months ago

                Claire is a bit of a wild biker girl so kind of doubt it. I predict not a bush, but absolutely the full triangular shape on her mound. Not super long hairs sure but no uncovered skin either.

            • 11 months ago

              It makes sense, he allowed umbrella to conduct experiments on people, why would anyone think rape its too much for him to do?

              • 11 months ago

                The irony is that for the remake they added in "experiments on literal orphan children" but any mention of how he used to rape women was completely removed from the game. The remake also doesn't try to make it as clear what Birkin does to Sherry.

              • 11 months ago

                >but any mention of how he used to rape women was completely removed from the game
                because people are too sensitive about a villain doing villain things and wanted to avoid controversy for having such a piece of shit in the game. but somehow they're totally fine with jill being forced to deepthroat a bug kek
                >The remake also doesn't try to make it as clear what Birkin does to Sherry
                I havent played the remakes in like 3 years, they hided her getting infected?

              • 11 months ago

                They don't hide it but they don't outright spoon feed the audience that effectively G-Birkin now see's his biological daughter as his most prime breeding vessel because "reasons". Birkin the monster is effectively running around under the RPD with a massive hard on and all he can smell above him is her and he NEEDS to offload in her badly so he can make his G-children through her. There is a giant horny monster stalking her and that monster is her own father.

              • 11 months ago

                G virus turns you into a mindless coomer lol.

                I really think the killing wesker thing was such a frick up, it’s why I expect a RE5 remake at some point, I’m sure they’d use that to show wesker maybe didn’t die or something, they haven’t had a iconic villain, or even a villain last more than one game, since.

                I think wesker was mismanaged too in 5 but at this point, bringing him back wouldnt do any good looking at modern Re titles.

                The irony is that for the remake they added in "experiments on literal orphan children" but any mention of how he used to rape women was completely removed from the game. The remake also doesn't try to make it as clear what Birkin does to Sherry.

                All the remakes have had controversial material purged from them. At best you'll get some nods in a file. Like how he calls the major's daughter a pig and how he almost came, when he sliced ooen the tiger's belly.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah it wouldn’t, but I wouldn’t be surprised if capcom did it anyway, they clearly don’t know where to go with the story

    • 11 months ago

      5 minutes in and i am starting to smell a MUH FIXED CAMERA TRUE RE FAN speedrun autist. I got nothing better to do so I'll keep watching but I'm also keeping my finger on the trigger. I don't agree with the opinion already from the start, REmake 2 while not replacing the original like REmake 1 is the only good thing in the sea of garbage Nu-Capcom has produced (in regards to RE)

    • 11 months ago

      >this video
      Even though I disagreed with the main thrust of the video, I already kneeled to many of their points

  62. 11 months ago

    I wish it had more zombie enemy variants. They most had regular zombies but I was hoping for poison variants, suicide bomber variants, invisible guys, wall crawling guys, regenerator guys, big brutes with specific wake points, armoured guys. I don’t know why but I just like when games have large variety in enemy types.

    • 11 months ago

      >I don’t know why but I just like when games have large variety in enemy types
      It's a mystery

    • 11 months ago

      >I wish it was more liek muh L4D2!
      Frick off and die.
      The OG has twice larger enemy set than the demake.

      Zoomer take. Original zapping system was inconsistent as well.

      No son, it's a real OG Millennial fan take.
      Demake has no zapping whatsoever, nor any difference between the A and B routes.

      • 11 months ago

        You’re mad that I want to more enemy types but also pointing out how the original has more event types?!?

        • 11 months ago

          I'm mad at idiotic zoomer gays like you asking to turn a survival horror classic into a generic Nintendo-weakspot shooter sim with cartoony mobs, while also outting yourself to be a PS4 zoomie who hasn't even played the OG games.

          • 11 months ago

            I asked for more enemy variants not to turn the game into an action shooter moron

        • 11 months ago

          Regular George Romero zombies are the best.
          Everything else in RE should be body-horror mutants and mutated zombie animals (and plants).

          • 11 months ago

            I did like the fact that in REmake 2 if you tried to run by multiple zombies, two could do a group gab and absolutely frick you up.

            • 11 months ago

              Anon who complains about difficulty here, you just made me hate RE2R even more.
              Not only can't I fight the enemies, they even punish me for trying to run past the hardest situations (multiple zombies)

  63. 11 months ago

    The OST is by far the best. You can't beat shit like Ada's theme and the marshaling yard ambience.

  64. 11 months ago

    If the OG RE2 was so good why do you care about the remake being so different?
    can't you just play the OG if you want the original?

    • 11 months ago

      Updating the game to current hardware would make it a dozen times more enjoyable.
      Even if it became OTS, it could have been good. After RE4 I remember a lot of people wanting the original games in OTS camera... Monkey paw, we got them remade in the current moviegame RE7-8 era with a tone that doesn't fit classic RE.

    • 11 months ago

      >If the OG RE2 was so good why do you care about the remake being so different?
      Because people waited nearly 20 years for a REmake2, after the 2002's REmake1 demonstrated how great a freshed-up version of an older classic could be. The OG REmake is literally everything ALL fans of EVERY retro game have asked for since then.

      • 11 months ago

        This is true but we're no longer the target demographic, that would be the zoomers which is why Capcom is trying to balance between old and nu school.

  65. 11 months ago

    >complains about Ada wearing high heels to a zombie outbreak
    >but then later complains about Leon putting on police tac gear back at the station

    Hilarious. Certified woman moment.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah but she’s right that they made him a moron. Why’s he so hell bent on arresting people in a zombie outbreak?


  66. 11 months ago

    Because it is the perfect vidya sequel. It expands on the original in almost every way, crafted some of the most iconic characters and monsters in the series, and has immense replay value through the A/B scenarios. If RE1 is Alien then RE2 is Aliens.

    • 11 months ago

      >If RE1 is Alien then RE2 is Aliens.
      This is very accurate, but Alien is better than Aliens just as RE1 is better than RE2.

  67. 11 months ago

    >Irons smacks a woman! Uh...really guys? Yikes...awkwaaaaaaaard...pff good job...

    ooooh it's taking some non negligible amount of willpower to keep watching.

  68. 11 months ago

    kamiya's magic, simple as. re2 will remain the best re forever.

  69. 11 months ago

    Damn, regardless of what i agree with or not that video is like direct proof of the argument i always used against the viral marketing scum that keeps repeating the same marketing shill fallacies of:

    >lol who cares about RE plot
    >RE characters? LMAO
    >it does not matter
    >it's better this way
    >it was always like this
    >no one cares lol

    RE and it's characters did not became so iconic, loved and long running by having throwaway plot and characters. It did not attract such an unusual amount of female fans by not having fun story and characters. You can't just change things and claim it's still the same.

    How vindicating. Reminder to not sleep on nu-Capcom's israelitery.

    • 11 months ago

      >Damn, regardless of what i agree with or not that video is like direct proof of the argument i always used against the viral marketing scum that keeps repeating the same marketing shill fallacies of:
      >lol who cares about RE plot
      The last time I got into an argument with some 0 IQ RE4R defender, I asked him why Capcom removed all the banter in codec calls with villains, even though it's the key part of the OG RE4, and I'm not even joking or exaggerating he literally said that "he didn't even notice that they removed this part of the game"
      There is no winning with those mongs, as you said yourself, they will always make some dumb frick excuse and continue defending their precious remake.

    • 11 months ago

      This reminds me 4 was the epitome of good character writing and they just threw it all away, as evidenced by the remake.
      It's like Capcom actively wants to make the franchise all about gritty no-fun-allowed protagonists who swear.

      RE4 Leon could have carried a damn movie trilogy on his own, I'd have watched that. Salazar and Saddled were also immensely memorable due to the back and forth dialogues.
      All that gone... For what purpose? Capcom wanting to be seen as "super serious" or something

    • 11 months ago

      >lol who cares about RE plot
      >RE characters? LMAO
      Funny you mention it, because people who will pull that card on you fashion themselves to care about those things the most.
      Probably the best current RE fanartist was posting comics about crying in the cinema watching Death Island the other week.

    • 11 months ago

      >Damn, regardless of what i agree with or not that video is like direct proof of the argument i always used against the viral marketing scum that keeps repeating the same marketing shill fallacies of:
      >it does not matter
      Exhibit A:

      What's with all the RE3 Remake hate? Doesn't matter if it loses some of the original segments, it's still a zombie apocalypse in Raccoon city and mogs 99% of the generation. If the original RE3 didn't exist, RE3R would be praised for being so fun

  70. 11 months ago

    Thing is that REmake 3 did exactly the same things that REmake 2, but everyone already blew their nostalgia load so everyone saw REmake 3 for what it was.

  71. 11 months ago



  72. 11 months ago

    The intro is just that good

  73. 11 months ago

    Okay, now that's she's shitting all over nucapcom's writing it's getting good. I think REmake 2 is the least egregious example of it but it's true they have some of the biggest hacks in the industry writing their games now.

  74. 11 months ago


    2 is ok but not better than the original, 3 and 4 are the actual trash.

  75. 11 months ago

    i like every resident evil game besides a few outliers and i dont care about some homosexuals youtube opinion

    • 11 months ago

      She's not right all the time but she's making a lot of points about the REmake 2's story and character changes i had not even considered or paid attention to. She might be in the process of making me reconsider my only positive opinion when it comes to nu-Capcom's RE ouput. Also she is clearly an RE autismo fan so her opinion actually has merit unlike 99.9% of the rest of Youtube AND Ganker homosexuals.

      • 11 months ago

        nobody gives a frick. i like the remakes aside from 3
        simple as

  76. 11 months ago


    You're an imbecile

    • 11 months ago

      actually scratch that,

      >dudebro mainstream shootbang homosexual era
      lol, 4 derailed the franchise until 7 made it unique again

      you are a straight up moronic fricking homosexual.

      • 11 months ago

        Not an argument, keep seething. 4 was never a masterpiece and REmake 4 made it feel more like an actual RE game. Streamlined arcady shooter is nothing special, a point and click adventure in realtime is.

        • 11 months ago

          Shut the frick up you worthless mongrel.

          • 11 months ago

            behold, the intelligent reaction of the average generic shooter fan

  77. 11 months ago

    What's with all the RE3 Remake hate? Doesn't matter if it loses some of the original segments, it's still a zombie apocalypse in Raccoon city and mogs 99% of the generation. If the original RE3 didn't exist, RE3R would be praised for being so fun

    • 11 months ago

      >if you didn't have standards you would like anything!
      Get the frick out

      • 11 months ago

        No, I say RE3R might be inferior to the original but it far surpasses gaming standards.

    • 11 months ago

      Because instead of being a remake, it's more like a hollywood adaptation.
      I enjoyed it, but it changed so much about RE3 besides the overall story. Nemesis was a complete letdown.

  78. 11 months ago

    Well there it goes, thread ruined.

  79. 11 months ago

    RE5 is amazing because of the Wesker boss fight and theme. Nothing can prove me wrong

  80. 11 months ago

    >I get to visit so many different locations in Raccoon City
    >this Umbrella facility is the shoddiest yet because it's simply a dumping ground
    >coolest monster in the franchise with the hardest boss fight we would see for a long time
    >two streets with locations such as the pharmacy relegated to single room shops on the side of the street with an optional fifteen handgun bullets inside (I guess the hospital is still there)
    >NEST 2.0
    >fart sniffer who is only hard if you beat the game a gazillion times to unlock super duper hard and spicy mode, but the entire fight is simon says

  81. 11 months ago

    I miss the original RE3, it scared / saddened me as a child.
    RE1 and 2 are detached movie locations I'll never see irl. A mansion and a police station, okay.
    But RE3 was more like living through after the apocalypse. Just a grey day walking dead streets, broken glasses, seeing the sealed doors and dead people everywhere. Kinda like The Mist movie, I even remember a school bus (it might have been a regular bus though)

  82. 11 months ago

    Great game, but I still think RE1 did a better job of instilling isolation and claustrophobia in the player.

    Plus I'm a sucker for haunted houses with lots of traps.

  83. 11 months ago

    I'm a huge fan of RE2, it looks so soulful.
    I can't wait to play it for the first time at some point.

    • 11 months ago

      They totally missed the atmosphere in the remake

  84. 11 months ago

    most advanced highly adaptable BOW vs one hand grenade

  85. 11 months ago

    they consciously went more cinematic compared to RE1.

  86. 11 months ago

    Sigh...well she's crying about mansplanning again so it's going back downhill.

    Yeah you idiot, Chris Redfield the fricking former air force commando, special police unit, competition shooting winner crackshot taught his 19 year old regular college bawd sister the skills that are letting her survive this situation whereas literally hundreds of thousands of people did not and that is worth noting. She is right about the remakes constantly calling attention to muh strong wymin inherently having the opposite effect but being a woman she can't help but seethe over the fact the game correctly establishes that you can't just be a regular woman with a regular woman upbringing and make it.

  87. 11 months ago

    I'll be waiting at the top of the mountain for you anons when you realize that RE7 sent the series down a dark path and that RE6 was infinitely more soulful and innovative than what we have now. Oh wait you are terminally low IQ so you'll never meet me up there.

    • 11 months ago

      >RE6 was infinitely more soulful and innovative than what we have now
      Based and true

    • 11 months ago

      Holy based. Classicgays and zoomers will seethe. Actiongays don't just like the action games, they also like and respect the classic games. They just don't blindly worship them like morons by shunning any attempt at innovation. What we have now (RE7 onward) feels like regression and nostalgia pandering. Dead franchise. Brainwashed fanboy idiots.

      • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >I'll be waiting at the top of the mountain for you anons


      Well, I'm glad you finally made it anon <3

  88. 11 months ago

    What is the best way for me to replay RE2 and 3 right now? Last time i did i emulated PS1 version of RE2 and played the PC version of 3 with some HD mod or something. Is that still the best way? 3 felt weird, like i getting grabbed by Nemesis was a 50/50 coin toss of whether i would die or not despite mashing the buttons.

    • 11 months ago


      >Biohazard Mediakite ISO
      >Classic Rebirth patch
      >Installation instructions

      >Biohazard 2 Sourcenext ISO
      >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
      >Installation instructions

      >Biohazard 3 Sourcenext ISO
      >Classic Rebirth and official 1.1.0 patch
      >Installation instructions

      • 11 months ago

        what the frick is classic rebirth patch? Is the HD mod stuff i installed last time? I want a vanilla experience.

        • 11 months ago

          get a ps1 and a crt then

          • 11 months ago

            i am talking about gameplay stuff. If it's just higher resolution textures then obviously i am fine with it since i installed it last time

            • 11 months ago

              haven't tried it myself but seems to be just QoL and performance stuff

              • 11 months ago

                Cool. Thanks anons.

                Here's hoping those links still work whenever i decide to replay them.

    • 11 months ago

      Nemesis will only kill you with the grab if you're in the red Caution state.

      • 11 months ago

        Bullshit in the version i played. Literal coin toss, full green health, sometimes he would do the kill animation instantly before i could even mash. Most of the time i could not mash out of the grab at all, or even get up from the ground in time if i failed to mash off the first grab. Jill just kept spazzing out but nothing happened.

        • 11 months ago

          You're lying because you can't accept you were wrong
          This has been proven for years you imbecile, your playground stories mean nothing

          • 11 months ago

            You are a fricking schizo. Why would i lie about this? How can i be wrong about something that literally fricking happened multiple times?

            • 11 months ago

              >Dude the data that's been tested and proven for literal decades is wrong, it literally happened to me, I didn't die because I'm bad, honest
              Yeah, okay.

              • 11 months ago

                >referencing "decade old data" when i specifically mentioned it was something that should not be happening


              • 11 months ago

                >Only one person could possibly disagree with me! You must be the same person
                You pathetic loser

        • 11 months ago

          You are a fricking schizo. Why would i lie about this? How can i be wrong about something that literally fricking happened multiple times?

          Not gonna take the anecdotal "dude it totally happened to me" evidence of somebody who had to be spoonfed a patchlog seriously

          • 11 months ago

            >Not gonna "a bunch of random non related shit I'm gonna use as an excuse to be a dismissive schizo"

            Why are you even talking to me? Just who do you think you are exactly? I don't care what you believe moron. Stop talking to me.

            • 11 months ago

              The man who needed another man to click on a link for him and tell him what it said there

              • 11 months ago

                >Only one person could possibly disagree with me! You must be the same person
                You pathetic loser

                Frick off attention whoring underage

  89. 11 months ago

    1998 was the bes PSX year, or at least the one with SOUL and not being the mass marketing machine from 1999-2002. In 1999 everybody and his mom (gaming companies) jumped to psx in order to get some fresh money.

    • 11 months ago

      best year of gaming

      • 11 months ago

        I'll never forget it

        • 11 months ago
  90. 11 months ago

    I miss when video games was this wonderful, fantastical technology from the mystery land of Japan. I replayed Onimusha 1 a few days ago and even sitting down to read the story and character sections in the manual felt good, like i was about to embark on an adventure.

  91. 11 months ago

    Kamiya doesn't like horror (he's a big wuss) and developed RE2 to be more action without going as far as its own sequels. His RE4 would eventually become DMC, sure you heard that one before. Also Sugimura focused on creating a more compelling cast of characters than RE1 with more drama so people would connect with them more. I still think OG RE2 is the GOAT and the remake was very fortunate to have an already great game to build upon.
    Highly recommend reading Itchy, Tasty when you can.

  92. 11 months ago

    Sound effects and music. No sounds or music in the remake are memorable, but I still remember everything from RE2.

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