Why does no one talk about the fact that Ghosts n Goblins launched two months before Super Mario Bros., and had four directional scrolling, multiple w...

Why does no one talk about the fact that Ghosts n Goblins launched two months before Super Mario Bros., and had four directional scrolling, multiple weapons and far more varied levels? The only innovation SMB brought to the table was more secrets and more complex movement and physics. GnG was a huge landmark in the game industry as the first GOOD sidescroller platformer yet no one credits it for it. Pac land can go to hell by the way

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  1. 1 week ago

    release dates didnt matter then. you found a game and played it, or it didnt really exist to you..

  2. 1 week ago

    I was also baffled when I checked the release date. The game is also the least trollish game in the series

  3. 1 week ago

    Because Capcom let this series died. The SNES game wasn't that well recieved, neither were the Gargoyle's Quest spin off. After that, it was a new era in which challenge based action games of old had no place and Resident Evil was their new king.
    Then on PS2 they made one great 3D game that takes root from the 2D series, but it wasn't that well recieved either because people got filtered. The sequel of that falls into let's just copy button masher bullshit.

    Capcom just didn't a vision to bring GnG into the modern (95 onwards) era and/or didn't give that vision enough of a chance; unlike Castlevania which persevered even if not doing that well to the point that it is more remembered today even though Castlevania was clearly a GnG clone to begin with.

    • 1 week ago

      On the topic of Castlevania, while it is very obvious to me that the first one is a clone of GnG, I believe GnG kept an influence on the series for years.
      For instance after the GnG series introduced more move for the player (like double jump), so did Castlevania. After GnG introduced upgradable weapons, so did Castlevania.

      I don't see what is similar about Castlevania besides the dark fantasy theme and I guess knockback.

      • 1 week ago

        >horror theme
        On that topic, Dracula in CV isn't just "a vampire". He's the Demon Lord, master of all demons, just like the demon lord in GnG.
        >action-platformer that primarly focuses on the action with the occasional platforming
        >platforming dealing with moving platforms
        >character jump is a single fixed arc
        This isn't a given btw, The Goonies came out before Castlevania and had 2 different kind of jumps. The jumps in CV are identical to GnG.
        >action deals around various weapons with different arcs, speed
        >annoying small flying enemies that keep spawning relentlessly

        As others noted, having a boss at the end of every stage, and a different boss too, may not seem to be a big deal now; but it wasn't a given atm either. But of course GnG had that so CV does too.

        But the one nail in the coffin is
        >money bags for score

        • 1 week ago

          In makaimura, you can turn your character while jumping and shoot in the direction you jumped away from, but you can't do that in castlevania. You need to do a backwards jump which requires extremely tight timing

          • 1 week ago

            You can jump and attack backwards in Rondo IIRC

            • 1 week ago

              Can also do that in Bloodlines

  4. 1 week ago

    On the topic of Castlevania, while it is very obvious to me that the first one is a clone of GnG, I believe GnG kept an influence on the series for years.
    For instance after the GnG series introduced more move for the player (like double jump), so did Castlevania. After GnG introduced upgradable weapons, so did Castlevania.

  5. 1 week ago

    Gaming is filled with stuff like this. Things that were revolutionary dont get credit and things that did nothing new are called revolutionary.

    The reason is non experts write our articles, books, and publications. And that is in major part due to non expert gamers. Ghosts and goblins is just known as 'that hard game'. Of course even places like this and other more hardcore places are filled with fanboyism that pushes out history.

  6. 1 week ago

    Spartan X already came out the year before. And any decent historian knows that GnG is as influential towards design as SMB. The problem with zoomers is you guys start conversations against a false premise propagated by shitty sites during the early 00s. Ghost n Goblins is highly respected in Japan. There's a reason Tokuro Fujiwara was asked to come back in 2021 and make a sequel. It's the original action game with both horizontal and vertical scrolling. But you wouldn't know that if you based all your information off "get the knife!" and kids turned "journalists" who talk endlessly about Castlevania and Rockman.

    • 1 week ago

      Kung Fu Master isn't a platformer

      • 1 week ago

        If you think Spartan X doesn't have a relation to GnG/SMB1 than you shouldn't be having this conversation.

        • 1 week ago

          If you think Jump Bug doesn't have a relation to kung fu Master then you shouldn't be having this conversation.

          • 1 week ago

            If you think Spartan X doesn't have a relation to GnG/SMB1 than you shouldn't be having this conversation.

            if you guys can't get along im going to have to ask you two to leave.

  7. 1 week ago

    the arcade version yes.

  8. 1 week ago

    Because people in general don't have Nintendo rent free in an imaginary war to "one up" them all the time.
    Japan beat bongs and burgers, and that's the important thing.

  9. 1 week ago

    Now consider how recent history video games are, and how well documented it is.

    Okay. Now apply the same logic to the rest of history and you'll know how little you really know.

  10. 1 week ago

    Ghosts n Goblins, both the NES and arcade versions, are unfair bullshit and not worth playing, unlike the much better sequels. SMB got it right from the first game.

  11. 1 week ago

    Arcade Machines were more advanced than home consoles.
    NES was a modded Famicom from 1983.
    It could barely do diagonal scrolling without color/sprite banding issues on the side of the screen.

    A few extra things SMB brought to the table:
    -Jumping on enemies
    -Power-up that runs away from you
    -Destructible terrain
    -Warp zones

    Credit to GNG for some variety in bosses and randomness in enemy spawns too.

  12. 1 week ago

    It was too hard. Super Ghosts and Goblins was better in that regard but still very hard. Ironsword also comes to mind. It doesn't matter if a game's features are superior if you never see them. With Ghosts and Goblins and Ironsword unless you're a obsessive video game OCD weirdo you're never going to get past the second level.

    A lot of games were like that because they were designed to eat quarters. Even the arcade version of Super Mario Bros was like that because you got less time to complete levels. Nintendo was wise enough to turn the difficulty down for the home market and it paid off big time.

    Ironsword and Ghosts and Goblins were just as hard at home as they were at the arcades.

    • 1 week ago

      >Ironsword and Ghosts and Goblins were just as hard at home as they were at the arcades.
      Ironsword wasn't at arcades, and GNG had unlimited continues on NES which even saved your checkpoint.

  13. 1 week ago

    Capcom is probably the best developer of all time, broadly speaking. They didn't even have that embarrassing shovelware and/or "bootlegs of other games" era during their early years that other devs seemed to have. They came out of the gate with quality games that weren't just lazy rebadges of some other shit. Up until at least the 7th gen they had one of the most favorable ratios of great games to bad games of almost any developer, especially relative to the sheer volume of titles (and variety of genres) they produced. They remained a powerhouse in both the arcade scene and the home console scene well into the 2000s. Even their licensed games were classics in their own right, because they didn't just rely on IP recognition for sales, instead making games which would've been great regardless.
    Yeah, they had some fumbles, like their early Famicom arcade conversions which they outsourced to Micronics, and even that they rectified pretty quickly, even going so far as to make a lot of their future FC arcade conversions semi-sequels. I know people like to shit on SFC Final Fight, but that was not only an early SFC title, it really wasn't that bad, as far as arcade ports go.

    • 1 week ago

      You're not suggesting anything surprising. They poached Nishiyama from Irem and Fujiwara/Okamoto from Konami. They had a very established team early on. Ghosts n' Goblins was a major hit and ensured steady business. The business is family owned and has maintained control. Their biggest misstep was letting Inafune run around with too much power in the 00's. Capcom's DNA is in the design of their three original creators. Nishiyama, Fujiwara and Okamoto.

    • 1 week ago

      Konami was better.

  14. 1 week ago

    i salute you - i was thinking im the only one that know who the real king of games ... and no its not f mario

    its go even further - castlevania is konami g'ng ripoff made for casuals ... horror setting , same weapons (cross ,knife , axe , torch became water) they just change ladders for stairs and add lifebar so casuals could finish

  15. 1 week ago

    People always exaggerate the role of one single game and act like if this one game that did it first wouldn't exist, no one else would have come up with it.

    They do it with science too where they act like a discovery was only possible through this one unique individual even though there are many instances where two scientists came up with the same shit independently from each other, like Mendeleyev and Meyer or Newton and Leibnitz.

  16. 1 week ago

    Japanese wiki says it came out a couple days after. But anyway, it's a landmark yeah

    • 1 week ago

      The Japanese wiki had no reference for its September 19 release date. So I did some digging...

      >In Japan it will be made available on the market from September 5.
      >ln North America and West Germany, it will be sold almost at the same time.

      So it looks like it released just over a week before Super Mario Bros.

  17. 1 week ago

    >another dumb fricking zoomer thread starting with "Why"

    • 1 week ago

      >another dumb fricking obsessed homosexual post starting with -oomerposting

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