Why does the NCR remove most of the parts of Power Armor when random raiders in Boston can use a full suit no problem?

Why does the NCR remove most of the parts of Power Armor when random raiders in Boston can use a full suit no problem?

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

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Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Because Todd is fricking moronic

    • 2 weeks ago


      Cause Bethesda added it in 3

      Because the NCR uses wrecked power armor that they salvaged from dead brotherhood members.
      The power amor suits in the commonwealth are largely intact.
      And you don't need special training to use power armor. That was added in Fallout 3 as a gameplay mechanic to prevent you from using it very early.

      It is not difficult to understand.

      • 2 weeks ago

        But even if you shoot a guy with a missile in boston, the frame is intact

        • 2 weeks ago

          You can't loot a power armor frame off a dead guy

      • 2 weeks ago

        >That was added in Fallout 3 as a gameplay mechanic to prevent you from using it very early.
        They could have done something like Fallout 1, where power armour is late-game equipment on the normal route, but can be aquired early by taking a more dangerous route and succeeding at several skill checks.

        • 2 weeks ago

          But meeting an Enclave patrol early on is exciting.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >They could have done something like Fallout 1
          1 isn't a 3rd person open world. PA training was added because you could random BoS and Outcast patrols getting bodied by Deathclaw and Yao Gui in 3.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Pic related is a NCR power armor that for some reason requires power armor training.

      So it's not Todd's fault. Obsidian contradicts themselves in their own game.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >suit meant for a high ranking general
        >juryrig a power supply so he doesn't get a bad case of exploding knees every time he sits down
        It is bad enough having a moron defending the Hoover but the last thing that you would want is a paraplegic watching the only road back to California.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You think that might have to do with some people having the training to use it?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Pic related is a NCR power armor that for some reason requires power armor training.
        >So it's not Todd's fault. Obsidian contradicts themselves in their own game.

        Colonel Royez is an elite, and it's not impossible for NCR to have gotten a handful of power armors working and to give them to their best soldiers. Royez guards the Long 15, the main roadway into the Mojave.

        If you want to call out "goofy", it's them not removing any of the cars along the road after 200 years despite building a giant statue or two mere meters away. Or the pack brahmin not having any god damn carts or places for people so sit. No you gotta walk from California to Nevada?

      • 2 weeks ago

        >"Power" Armor
        >only 24 DT
        Fallout 4 did power armor perfectly.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >0 DT
          It could've been done better

          • 2 weeks ago

            DT gay, we got actual armor stats now.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Even with DT, the minimum damage guaranteed through DT adds up annoyingly quickly. Fallout 4 and especially 76 did it better by adding flat percentile damage reduction on top of existing armor values.

            Endgame Fallout 76 power armor is noticeably tankier than endgame regular armor even with supposedly the same armor values.

            • 2 weeks ago

              If I was going to do a threshold system I'd make it caliber based rather than stat based but that might be getting a little too autistic for Fallout and doesn't account for melee

        • 2 weeks ago

          >0 DT
          It could've been done better

          >PA in any Fallout game
          >you can take damage from anything smaller than 50cal bullets
          >even fists

  2. 2 weeks ago


  3. 2 weeks ago

    Cause Bethesda added it in 3

  4. 2 weeks ago

    because ncr shredded the shit out of some of those brotherhood goons and wrecked the armor so bad they had to gut it
    and power armor grows on trees in boston, apparently

    • 2 weeks ago

      >power armor grows on trees in boston, apparently
      Boston was supposed to be where they did most of the r&d for most PAs according to new lore

      • 2 weeks ago

        wouldnt california be caked in power armor tho, since its where all the suits would have to be to be shipped off to fight in China

        • 2 weeks ago

          no? it would be shipped to Alaska since that was the front of the war with China

          • 2 weeks ago

            Alaska stopped being a front in the war early on, after that they wouldve shipped soldiers and equipment out of california/seattle to fight in China proper

            • 2 weeks ago

              but the war wasnt being fought in CA, they'd have no reason for the suits to be on the ground there, if anything China would be littered with the suits or one of the forward US military bases like Hawaii or some other pacific island. As would Canada as we were actively annexing it before the bombs dropped.

              • 2 weeks ago

                are you moronic, how do you think you get power armor made in the US from the US to China

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                by shipping it to military bases much closer to China like Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, or places in Alaska--hell the US has bases in Japan, they'd probably ship it there. There is 0 reason for them to go to California, you are autistically hung up on this and it makes you look really, really stupid

              • 2 weeks ago

                And how do you get from the US to Hawaii, dumbass

              • 2 weeks ago

                by using vertibirds and giant blimps that exist in the Fallout universe, again no reason for the suits to ever be offloaded in CA, god you are really quite stupid

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yes, I'm sure all the factories had vertibirds to carry their power armor directly to the front lines.

              • 2 weeks ago

                what are you even saying? the factories are on the east coast, the government would then use vertibirds and blimps to get that shit to their military bases in the pacific. There is 0 reason for them to be offloaded in CA

              • 2 weeks ago

                are you insane

                neither of those would be efficient for grand scale and long distance logistics

                You'd put them on trains to the west coast, then on ships headed for Hawaii/Japan/China

              • 2 weeks ago

                We barely use trains to ship weapons in the US today, its mostly used for raw materials, with actual weapons being too important and expensive to be left on trains. And in a world with literal airships, they would be be the most efficient way to transport stuff long distance. But even by your OWN logic, even if they did use trains (which they wouldnt) then there is still 0 reason for CA to be littered with suits, since they would just off the train and onto some other kind of transporation. Also funny how you ignore posts like

                >annex the eternal leaf to make use of extra staging points on route to Alaska. doesn't hurt to burn some indentured war labor on the way up
                >already in the good books with the soviets letting you bounce across the arctic, down past Vladivostok, through Manchuria straight into Beijing
                >rekt the chinks so hard that they pulled a dead mans switch sending the world into an early nuclear winter

                You are autistic and moronic

              • 2 weeks ago

                where do you think the suits would be waiting to be shipped off from

                youre so dumb you might be the italian shitposter

              • 2 weeks ago

                dude you are so fricking stupid, there is no scenario where they would be left in CA. Either they are:

                a) being sent on trains across the US and are then immediately put on a boat or airship to military bases in the pacific with very little time in CA

                b) they are shipped much more efficiently directly from the eastcoast / factories to the military bases via airship

                c) are shipped north via train to our forward base in Alaska

              • 2 weeks ago

                Good morning sir

              • 2 weeks ago

                >no counter argument
                lol moron
                I accept your concession 🙂

              • 2 weeks ago

                our ports in alaska are nothing compared to our california/washington ports

                and the bombs dropped, meaning theres gonna be a lot of leftover suits of power armor that never got shipped off

              • 2 weeks ago

                >And in a world with literal airships, they would be be the most efficient way to transport stuff long distance
                Wrong. Airships are too damn slow for efficient transport.
                The real efficient way in the Fallout universe would be to use cargo planes, We know from debris of shit like the Skylanes planes littered all over the commonwealth that passenger planes are huge, and can infer that cargo planes could be just as big.

              • 2 weeks ago


                An airship flying over Wisconsin is one less airship flying over the Pacific, or over China. It doesn't matter if you can do it. It needlessly limits your capacity to move supplies to the front

                by that logic no cargo transporation would ever exist, you are extremely stupid

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                An airship flying over Wisconsin is one less airship flying over the Pacific, or over China. It doesn't matter if you can do it. It needlessly limits your capacity to move supplies to the front

                >a boat used to transport soldiers and equipment is one less boat to fight the chinese
                >a plane used to transport soldiers and equipment is one less plane flying over china
                thats how stupid you sound, there could be airships dedicated to transportation and airships dedicated for fighting, but your malformed brain is too fricked to comprehend such a thing since you are autistically obsessed with trains

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm sure there are, and if they're all dedicated to flying over the Pacific, rather than covering the whole trip, the more supplies you can move over the Pacific at once. You. Stupid. Mother. Fricker.
                Why is this not penetrating your thick skull? They don't have infinite airships

              • 2 weeks ago

                once again, we barely use trains TODAY IN THE REAL WORLD to move military equipment because military cargo planes are simply more versitile, less vulnerable and easier to control. And once again, even if trains WERE used, there would be no reason for Power Armor suits to be all around CA since they would be there for a few hours at most as they are moved on to a new form of transportation. Even in your fantasy world your initial premise makes no sense.

                You are autistically obsessed with trains and pathetically stupid.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >we barely use trains TODAY IN THE REAL WORLD to move military equipment

                this is objectively false, no idea why you keep spouting it as fact

              • 2 weeks ago

                its objectively correct actually: https://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/millennium/00137.pdf
                >Railroads are a primary means of transportation during deployment because of security, flexibility, and high capacity. Since 1976, U.S. railway accessibility and capability have steadily declined. As a last resort to combat the capacity erosion, DoD can purchase and maintain critical track sections when commercial ownership is not viable. Shortline railroads, formed as the larger railroads centralized, are now critical to maintaining a feeder network to and from the main rail lines. Today, only a limited surplus of rolling stock is available to serve during defense emergencies. As a result, DoD has purchased a fleet of more than 2,000 railcars.

                There are a lot of reasons we don't use trains and most of them don't apply to Fallout. Besides, you're the one insisting they use slow, and highly explosive hydrogen airships and tiny vertibirds rather than cargo planes

                actually all of those reasons do apply to the Fallout universe and in the fallout universe airships seem to move much faster than IRL zepplins do, but also I conceeded multiple times they could use cargo planes instead, you are the train autist

              • 2 weeks ago


                anon, what era is fallout stuck in

              • 2 weeks ago

                There are a lot of reasons we don't use trains and most of them don't apply to Fallout. Besides, you're the one insisting they use slow, and highly explosive hydrogen airships and tiny vertibirds rather than cargo planes

              • 2 weeks ago

                You know we used trains in the real world a lot more than airships right? Matter of fact airships were pretty much dead on arrival

              • 2 weeks ago

                by that logic no cargo transporation would ever exist, you are extremely stupid

                >a boat used to transport soldiers and equipment is one less boat to fight the chinese
                >a plane used to transport soldiers and equipment is one less plane flying over china
                thats how stupid you sound, there could be airships dedicated to transportation and airships dedicated for fighting, but your malformed brain is too fricked to comprehend such a thing since you are autistically obsessed with trains

                once again, we barely use trains TODAY IN THE REAL WORLD to move military equipment because military cargo planes are simply more versitile, less vulnerable and easier to control. And once again, even if trains WERE used, there would be no reason for Power Armor suits to be all around CA since they would be there for a few hours at most as they are moved on to a new form of transportation. Even in your fantasy world your initial premise makes no sense.

                You are autistically obsessed with trains and pathetically stupid.

                >we barely use trains TODAY IN THE REAL WORLD to move military equipment

                this is objectively false, no idea why you keep spouting it as fact

                >they would have used airships, they're huge and stable for low volume high value transport!!!!!
                >no, they would use cargo planes, they're faster and huger in Fallout!!!!
                >the boats would ship from Alaska!!!!
                >NO, they'd ship from California!!!!
                >no HAWAII!!!!
                you're ALL right and ALL WRONG


                THE SPRUCE GOOSE


                since this is Fallout, they'd overengineer it and stick LANDING GEAR on like the PBY Catalina so it can land in water OR on land, then give it NUCLEAR RAMJETS so it goes unreasonably fast and poisons the Pacific Ocean on both legs of every round trip like Project PLUTO

                the original was made by Howard Hughes, meaning its Fallout equivalent will be made by Robert House and RobCo, so it's probably running on robotic autopilot and still making totally automated supply trips well into the postapocalypse like the backup drone piloting bomber from Кpeпocть: Fortress, filled to the gills with valuable equipment that's going nowhere and lasering down any unauthorized scavengers trying to grab any goodies out of it

              • 2 weeks ago

                >with actual weapons being too important and expensive to be left on trains
                Bro your nuclear weapons are literally put on a truck to go several hundred miles for maintenance

              • 2 weeks ago

                So it's easier for the US to fly equipment in helicopters or blimps from then east coast to China than it is to ship it by train to the east coast, then ship it to China?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >zero reason
                You use civilian freight networks where you can so you have more military aircraft available for the things the civilian stuff can't do. Learn 2 logistics

              • 2 weeks ago

                there is 0 reason for them to use trains to ship military equipment in the fallout universe when they have both vertibirds and airships, both of which have been shown to be powerful enough to carry multiple suits of power armor in them. we barely use trains for shipping military equipment in the US today in the real world

              • 2 weeks ago

                An airship flying over Wisconsin is one less airship flying over the Pacific, or over China. It doesn't matter if you can do it. It needlessly limits your capacity to move supplies to the front

              • 2 weeks ago

                Alaska's ports were all fricked up from the invasion, or at least I assume they were. I'm pretty sure that came into play in Operation Anchorage

              • 2 weeks ago

                there is 11 years between the battle of anchorage and the bombs dropping, they could easily fix the ports by then

              • 2 weeks ago

                California is the biggest contributor in personnel to the US military there's tons of bases there. Makes sense there'd be a lot of power armour

              • 2 weeks ago

                >annex the eternal leaf to make use of extra staging points on route to Alaska. doesn't hurt to burn some indentured war labor on the way up
                >already in the good books with the soviets letting you bounce across the arctic, down past Vladivostok, through Manchuria straight into Beijing
                >rekt the chinks so hard that they pulled a dead mans switch sending the world into an early nuclear winter

              • 2 weeks ago

                Panama Canal

      • 2 weeks ago

        wouldnt california be caked in power armor tho, since its where all the suits would have to be to be shipped off to fight in China

        >trying to find the logic in something that has none

      • 2 weeks ago

        >according to new lore
        This is exactly the problem with Todd's Fallout.
        He does whatever he wants, then invents lore to justify it. Not the other way around.
        They did a fortnite battle royale mode in Fallout 76, and then tried to make it part of a vault experiment, and that it's canon.
        Fallout died with Fallout 3.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >trying to find the logic in something that has none

          >power armor grows on trees in boston, apparently
          Boston was supposed to be where they did most of the r&d for most PAs according to new lore

          this actually does make sense what with MIT, Boston Dynamics, RightHand Robotics, Veo Robotics, Harvest Automation and a bunch of other robotics companies based on Boston

        • 2 weeks ago

          Todd does it again. At this rate the state of Maryland will become the birthplace of humanity in the Fallout universe.

          >"according to new lore"
          >beloved games establish world
          >new studio takes over franchise to make new games
          >shit all over established worldbuilding

          >IRL Boston/New England area have been centers for robotics and military R&D for decades
          >lore is established that resembles this for the newest setting in the game

          • 2 weeks ago

            You are sucking todd's wiener for free, i hope you enjoy it, homosexual.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Jerk off your little white wiener while playing New Vegas, catamite.

            • 2 weeks ago

              But that's hot anon.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Todd does it again. At this rate the state of Maryland will become the birthplace of humanity in the Fallout universe.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >"according to new lore"
        >beloved games establish world
        >new studio takes over franchise to make new games
        >shit all over established worldbuilding

  5. 2 weeks ago

    mobility. and by the way FRICK ncr

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Why don't the Legion use salvaged power armor?

    • 2 weeks ago

      They do

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Because the NCR is run and populated by mouthbreathing morons with less intellect than a drug-addled malformed savage.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Based. I miss Schizo Ellijah, sadly all the troony redditors fanboys of Enclave made him stop

      • 2 weeks ago

        Don't blame Enclavegays for terminally online troonidditor NCRgay activity

        • 2 weeks ago

          lol, did you saw the typical Enclave fanboys we get nowadays? See Enclave Emily on israelitetube, a literal troony

          most of them used to be groyper anyway.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Schizo Elijah quit because his friend died and he wanted to take up a religious pathway.

        • 2 weeks ago

          he got blackmailed by some discord homosexuals tho, especially this crew of pseudo-based enclave fanboys

          • 2 weeks ago

            That may be true, but he said publicly he was leaving his account because of what I originally posted.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Because they know that power armor looks fricking moronic and the gigantic pauldrons are a stupid design made up by a 10 year old, but they're in too deep with this overrated IP and must use what they have.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Because your mother is a homosexual.
    But also because they ran out of fusion cores.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Its literally answered at Camp Golf I think, they don't need Power armor training ergo contact to the brotherhood, because you kmow, they meat grinded each other.

    Why can you wear a suit after 5 minutes of the game in fallout 4? Everybody can and the Bethesda cucks wanted to hook the normies as Quick as possible, no rhyme, no reason, no explanation.
    Catch the Rats and don't look back

    • 2 weeks ago

      but no one needs power armor training to use it

      • 2 weeks ago

        As much as I hate to admit this. But the fallout tee vee show did power armor training best.
        Anyone can get in the suit and walk around, but if you're not trained, you'll be very slow and clumsy. That's the absolute best interpretation to date.

        • 2 weeks ago

          New Vegas went full moron and said it was literally impossible to use it without training. 3 never went into detail on why you needed training but NV double downed on it

          • 2 weeks ago

            The guy in 3 who teaches you says something about it being enough for it to not destroy your limbs or something so I guess if you don't learn to move in a smooth and deliberate fashion you'll get what happens when you put an unaugmented human in a Spartan's Mjolnir suit

          • 2 weeks ago

            The guy in 3 who teaches you says something about it being enough for it to not destroy your limbs or something so I guess if you don't learn to move in a smooth and deliberate fashion you'll get what happens when you put an unaugmented human in a Spartan's Mjolnir suit

            So I feel Deus Ex's skills just make more sense as they have "Environmental training", and I think this would fit in Fallout. Each type of clothing or equipment takes more training to war, with clothing being 0, metal armors and suits being like 10-20, and power armors being 70, 80, 90, or 100. "Power armor training" would therefore be someone giving you +25 in this. Or alternatively, tie power armor usage to your science skill.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I really didn't mind. Seems to me that you could wind up breaking your own bones inside the armor if you don't know what you're doing. People need forklift training to know they shouldn't jump out if it's tipping over, because it will crush you to death. People also get ground up inside of lathes because they wore loose clothing and got yanked into it. The "training" might just be a series of life saving tips like that. Imagine being asked to do electrician work with no prior knowledge; you COULD do it and not get electrocuted, but would you?

      • 2 weeks ago

        In 3 and nv sure you do, not in 4

    • 2 weeks ago

      They wanted an epic 3 way battle to show the press and couldn't put it later in the game for some reason

      • 2 weeks ago

        Bunker Hill?

    • 2 weeks ago

      4 has the issue that you wore it in the war so its basically a second skin to you, unless you played the woman then as a lawyer she has no real excuse and probably nothing more than basic firearms familiarity in the land where you can buy a 9mm and your milk in the same store. So it has a good excuse but also none.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I would say lorewise you could argue that the husband snuck the missus in to try the kickass armour they have on base. I mean it seems like something a retroscifi couple would do.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Because Bethesda added the concept of power armor, and Obsidian didn't want to step on any toes when they were only borrowing the IP.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    Fallout 3 and 4 aren't main games anon

  13. 2 weeks ago

    NV tries to keep things believeable while 3-4 and the tv series do not care about resources. Everyone has off-screen infinite resources, everyone has thousands of power armor suits, etc. 3-4 are truly more popular in terms of sales, so I can't fault Bethesda for seeing Fallout as just an Apocalyptic stasis Roller coaster ride. Most people are idiots and lap it up.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >NV tries to keep things believeable while 3-4 and the tv series do not care about resources. Everyone has off-screen infinite resources, everyone has thousands of power armor suits
      In fairness, none of that is a story element and is just a gameplay element thanks to wanting to make sure the player will never run out of resources to complete their game.
      4 does a really shitty showing of resources being scarce setting wise by having the non raider/brotherhood/enclave empty power armors not respawn once you pick them up. Same goes for fusion cores that you pluck out of generators. But that all falls apart because gameplay wise, they'll always restock the inventories of vendors, even ones who sell power armor frames and fusion cores, and the enemies/factions that have power armor will always respawn after a few days with those armors again, even if you looted the frames off of them in a previous engagement.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'm more willing to forgive gameplay mechanics, as even New Vegas does that. You can empty the world of respawning Raiders, Legion, NCR, and Brotherhood, and they will just respawn in 3-4 days complete with whatever they had. Games are meant to try to cheat at more complex systems behind the scenes.

        But 3-4 are written from the viewpoint where everyone has infinite resources at all times. Enclave and brotherhood have endless power armor troopers, everyone has electricity and food, and water deliveries only appear after the end of the main questline.

        To compare to New Vegas, the brotherhood lose to the NCR, and thus are a mere shell of themselves. If this was 3-4, they would still have a massive army and infinite supplies.

        3-4 are just designed from a fun first, story second mindset.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >But 3-4 are written from the viewpoint where everyone has infinite resources at all times.
          Not really, not outside gameplay mechanics at least.
          >Enclave and brotherhood have endless power armor troopers
          But they don't. Not everyone enclave enemy you meet is running around in power armor. And they're only "infinite" in that once you kill some enclave/brotherhood mooks they'll eventually respawn units in power armor as well. You might as well complain that the enclave/brotherhood/raiders have infinite manpower since if you play the game long enough and kill them every encounter you get you'll eventually kill enough of them to equate to the current population of the world.

          • 2 weeks ago

            This is pretty true in Fallout 1. Most of the BoS are in advanced Combat Armor not Power Armor

          • 2 weeks ago

            Not talking about gameplay mechanics, but the campaigns. At no point does any faction like Brotherhood or Talon seem to complain about their casualties or seem to run low on men or reserves. Count up all the patrols plus quest spawns for enclave and brotherhood, and it's in the hundreds, yet Enclave never has any issues fielding more men.

            It's because Bethesda doesn't care. Enclave are cool Nazi power armor guys and they're good to fight so they think of the gameplay and player feelings first.

            The downside is that New Vegas lacks strongly armored units to fight. There is ONE merc camp that can spawn in the game, and it's the only chance for Combat armor mark 2 to spawn and it's only a 50/50 spawn, and will be replaced by Zetans if you have wild wasteland. The only other combat armor units are Silver Rush guards, or Gun Runner guards. That's it. The rest of the game you're fighting lightly armored tribals. You can never fight a single power armor soldier in the game if you so choose.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    why would you use an insanely slow and expensive airship to transport supplies

    • 2 weeks ago

      because they can carry a lot of supplies and go high up in the air meaning they can cover more ground quicker than virtually all land transporation, also if it bothers your autism that much just replace airship with cargo plane since those also exist in Fallout

      • 2 weeks ago

        You've got one example to compare anything to and it moves at sprinting speed

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Why are people saying they didn't use trains to transport armor in Fallout when you literally grab a power armor frame from the remains of a train in a location marked as "Military armor transport"?

    • 2 weeks ago

      becsause theyre schizo

    • 2 weeks ago

      that isn't a fallout game though

  16. 2 weeks ago

    The NCR pa is not powered, so they removed the elements that require power to be functional or add excessive weight. The raider pa in fo4 still uses fusion cores.

    • 2 weeks ago

      what does being powered even do? i thought it was only relevant for moving around but apparently not. its not like being powered turns on a force field or something

      • 2 weeks ago

        Extra strength. All that protection weighs a lot

      • 2 weeks ago

        In 4 the fusion cores move the suit itself. When you run out you are stuck at walk speed until you get more ( I know moving it yourself with your body is ridiculous but it makes sense gameplay-wise). 3/nv were probably the same case but implementing it would be a pain or it was retconned. In 3/nv the headlamp, respiration system and the visor were powered.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The suit carries itself and aids the wearer when they move. That's why T-45d and 51b come with a STR bonus. They're also environmentally sealed and climate controlled.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    >stuck in the cold war era about nuclear readiness
    >no nuclear missile trains
    Missed opportunity, Todd.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    good question, let's ask josh sawyer about it, or John gonzales, or chris avellone?

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I just realized, I finished new vegas without ever owning any kind of power armor. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Holy frick this is why Todd put it at the start of FO4's campaign. Because of morons like (You) who'd miss it otherwise.

      • 2 weeks ago

        There's only one way to get PA training and if you don't feel like having your character play along with the brotherhood, you never get it.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You can also get it from the Enclave remnants extremely late in the game.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    Bunch of cowboy deputies in the desert dont know shit about technology and robot ware. I mean look at their uniform, look at their style, at least the legion were fully aware when they're cosplaying as roman empire people and could justify their decision if you talked to them about it, but ncr? Literal old schooler in post apocalyptic world, the only cool armor that they have is the desert ranger long coat and that's it, the rest? In Ganker sense, literal trash

    • 2 weeks ago

      Putting aesthetics first when designing military uniforms is n@zi as f*#ck

    • 2 weeks ago

      The NCR is aesthetic tho

      • 2 weeks ago

        >see a clip of the fallout show fight between the NCR and the others
        >one of the guys there has a helmet with modern rail mounts on the sides

        • 2 weeks ago

          The NCR troops looked like generic raiders in the show. If you hadn't played the games, you'd have no idea they were once a professional, uniformed military force.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Also, the way that Bethesda handwaves NCR away is stupid. I am fine with the NCR collapsing, but they didn't do anything interesting with it. A civil war and fight over resources in the NCR would be perfect, and that could perhaps end in the destruction of Sandy Shades. Bethesda just writes Fallout wanting to keep post-apocalypse stasis so they sabotage any attempt at civilization, then teat the setting as a rollercoaster ride.

            • 2 weeks ago

              chuddy, Todd said the NCR is still around
              He isn't done plapping the republic yet

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don't really care. If anything NCR needed to be taken down a notch. I just think that Bethesda has added absolutely nothing of value to the Fallout lore, and if anything taken away from it.

                Mad Max is still more moronic. There are gangs that spend all day driving around in petrol cars, but water is apparently scarce.
                WW3 happened in 2077 in the world of Fallout. It's possible that under the leadership of its greatest president, the most powerful faction of post-WW3 California scavanged some technology from before WW3 and installed it in its capital.
                The real moronic thing is nuclear-powered everything being everywhere, but WW3 still happening over fossil fuels. Breeder reactors are old technology in real life.

                >Mad Max is still more moronic. There are gangs that spend all day driving around in petrol cars, but water is apparently scarce.

                Oh and gasoline is also super reactive, so after months or years it stops being a viable fuel source beause it reacts to the air. So you are not going to be scrounging up old vehicles and fighting over gasoline if you're not producing more oil. This would also be an issue for the batteries and cells that energy weapons use. Are people constantly recharging them in power sources? Okay sure, but each charge they get less out each time. Which means an end-point to energy weapons unless you are recycling, mining, and reifning more materials.

              • 2 weeks ago

                The war in the Mojave taking years until the Courier decided to single-handedly turn the tide of the war probably ended any appetite that the general public had for war, which would have been more interesting. The NCR being nuked by a nuclear weapons factory under control of a long-dead company is just the writers not wanting to allow the setting to continue to develop.
                Energy cells and microfusion reactors (miniture fusion reactors) are disposable in the first two games.

      • 2 weeks ago

        For me it's the trench raiders hopped up on psycho. Would've been cool if some traded out their hatchets for sledgehammers and fire axes.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Not a fan of the Brodie helmets. I think I saw some M1 helmets in that video which was nice

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Bunch of cowboy deputies in the desert dont know shit about technology and robot ware. I mean look at their uniform, look at their style, at least the legion were fully aware when they're cosplaying as roman empire people and could justify their decision if you talked to them about it, but ncr? Literal old schooler in post apocalyptic world, the only cool armor that they have is the desert ranger long coat and that's it, the rest? In Ganker sense, literal trash

      Lowest NCR rank has a plate carrier, which is perfectly reasonable, and their armor just gets better than there. Ranger Combat armor is akin to combat armor, NCR Vet is one of the best in the game, plus NCR Heavy Troopers. meanwhile Legion are running around with football gear and somehow they have higher DT?

      To fix this I think they should have just had repurposed NCR and Super mutant plates but colored with Legion bull.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Lowest NCR rank has a plate carrier
        That's being generous it is little more than a leather chest piece thrown over a burlap sack. Only the rangers get access to some decent stuff.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Lowest NCR rank has a plate carrier
          It's literally a piece of hardened leather.
          The ncr is a 1700's era society roleplaying as a millenium era america.

          You're thinking the outer layer is the full armor? It's a plate carrier (either leather or fabric), but it holds a metal plate. It's realistic armor. the rest of the NCR armor is fantasy armor so it blends realism and fantasy quite well. If anything, the game massively downgrades the NCR metal armor and then gives too much buffs to the Legion's football pads.

          Low rank rangers don't appear to have armor, although it's probably not necessary for their work

          Low rank rangers don't appear to have armor, although it's probably not necessary for their work

          Not about rank, but job. When they go out on patrol they don the "patrol" armor which is a bulky piece of combat armor. When they're at base or manning observation post they don their regular clothing.

          • 2 weeks ago

            NCR doesn't even start to make sense since they have literal star trek bullshit tech back home.
            Fallout is the gayest fricking post apoc setting even mad max is better. And that series is all form over function.

            • 2 weeks ago

              i'm not trying to defend the israelitenited states of california but they knock you over the head with this in game hundreds of fricking times. the mojave invasion is a pet project by a homosexual general and politican and everyone knows its completely doomed. all their decent troops are protecting their chosen ones back home and this project only got goys to throw into the blender. the rangers are all they have and hanlon is sabotaging things because he knows how moronic it all is, which is exactly why ncr is trying to transition them out so they only have brainwashed cattle.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Mad Max is still more moronic. There are gangs that spend all day driving around in petrol cars, but water is apparently scarce.
              WW3 happened in 2077 in the world of Fallout. It's possible that under the leadership of its greatest president, the most powerful faction of post-WW3 California scavanged some technology from before WW3 and installed it in its capital.
              The real moronic thing is nuclear-powered everything being everywhere, but WW3 still happening over fossil fuels. Breeder reactors are old technology in real life.

              • 2 weeks ago

                NTA but Mad Max is moronic
                Mad Max (1) is good, because it's peri-apocalyptic.
                Road Warrior suffers from "what do they eat" syndrome
                Beyond Thunderdome is just fricking stupid, feels like serious 80's shlock and I can't even make it past the actual fight with Blaster. Bungee ropes? WHY?!

                A Boy and His Dog mogs Mad Max 2 and 3 in every way

              • 2 weeks ago

                isn't it time we moved beyond thunderdome though?

              • 2 weeks ago

                i want to snuggle with tina turner

              • 2 weeks ago

                MM1 is underrated imo. You don't really see much functional society in apocalyptic settings, but I guess that's the point

            • 2 weeks ago

              >they have literal star trek bullshit tech back home.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Fallout two has a faction worshiping a man in a computer similar to Mr. house but different in the remnants of Los Angeles or something I forget where

              • 2 weeks ago

                they have replicators

              • 2 weeks ago

                Vault City is built on a GECK, which gave them everything they needed to form an idyllic suburb as soon as they opened up their vault and got to work. Although GECKs are really only for getting a settlement up, running, and stable. Not really enough to build a nation by itself.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah, well, the makers of Fallout didn't get that memo.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Vault City is one member state in the NCR. It's not even the capital, Shady Sands is.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Lowest NCR rank has a plate carrier
        It's literally a piece of hardened leather.
        The ncr is a 1700's era society roleplaying as a millenium era america.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Low rank rangers don't appear to have armor, although it's probably not necessary for their work

        • 2 weeks ago

          i don't think its a rank thing. in fact these homies are probably higher than patrol guys which is why they can wear casual clothing. you only see them hanging out in cowboy clothes in camps i'm pretty sure.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Do you think that the soldiers are the only people in the NCR? They have scientists and engineers? You can literally meet them in NV as well.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Because the NCR uses leather armour for generic troopers, since they have lots of cows.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >Why do writing by [company who puts effort into worldbuilding] seem so different from [company that doesn't]
    And I'm not praising obsidian. homosexuals actually thought ulysses was a intelligent character because of "muh symbols ooga booga".

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Todd first retconned power armor to require training. Then retconned it to not require training.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    how exacly did the brotherhood lose to the ncr? if it wasn't entirely the rangers then i don't buy it because those are the only guys in their whole military who can accomplish anything. and that because their best come from the desert rangers.

    in-game the brotherhood could retake helios in 3 minutes.

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      They were outnumbered 15 to 1. With them being distracted by all the bodies charging them head on, recon units were able to hit the flanks and break their formation

    • 2 weeks ago

      NCR weren't just tribal raiders, were using military tactics on par with them. They admitted defending Helios 1 was a bad position to be in and their one advantage of power armor was essentially nullified by the antimat rifles NCR had.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Judging by the thumbnail, I thought that was Soundwave. Anybody else? Just me?

  26. 2 weeks ago

    You know when reddit is really taking over cuckchan when we have NCR simps in Fallout threads.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I finisged Fallout 3. Fallout 3 is even worse than Fallout New Vegas. At least Fallout New Vegas doesn't have a literal troon as an important major character during the main quest.
      Helping Moira make her book was more satisfying than the actual main quest.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You mean Fawkes? I don't think there's any sources for what Fawkes was before super mutation

        • 2 weeks ago

          Betty/Dr Braun.
          James says that the VR pods made him feel like he had 4 legs, so presumably, the VR pods also made the old man Dr Braun feel like a little girl. Dr Braun is also the inventor of the GECK.

          • 2 weeks ago

            This all operates on the assumption that Dr. Braun subjected himself to the same rules as his victims in the VR pods though.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Oh yeah Braun. I'm sure they only did it for the juxtaposition and the little girl horror villain trope, but when you look at it from a more modern perspective it's a bit more fricked up

    • 2 weeks ago

      There are valid reasons to hate the NCR but when you objectively look at the optimal NCR endings, they're a lot better than people give them credit for. Some of them are even more beneficial than the other factions' endings. The NCR-Followers ending, the NCR-Boomers ending, and NCR-Kings ending for example are all better than their respective counterparts.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Only thing is you have to work your ass off to get good NCR endings with various factions, and effectively fight the leadership (mostly Colonel Moore).

        • 2 weeks ago

          >work your ass off
          yeah it is more involved but I'm a completionist and always like to do everything anyway so it makes it more fun for me
          >effectively fight the leadership (mostly Colonel Moore)
          besides the BOS truce which just gets you some slight reprimanding and a negligible loss of reputation, not really. If there's anything else that gets your ass chewed out, it's not even memorable to me after doing 10+ autistic NCR playthroughs.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >besides the BOS truce which just gets you some slight reprimanding and a negligible loss of reputation, not really. If there's anything else that gets your ass chewed out, it's not even memorable to me after doing 10+ autistic NCR playthroughs.

            Pacer is a rebel and will ruin the kings if you let him live - there's a whole NCR questline about assassinating him. With him in place, Moore wants to go into the kings guns blazing.

            Also what do the Kings do in freeside? They're the most powerful and organized faction but they seem to do nothing. They should realistically be into smuggling, trading, prostitution, drug trafficking, etc. At least something to pay the bills otherwise, running freeside is pretty pointless.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Moore wants to go into the kings guns blazing.
              Moore wants you to go into every faction guns blazing like the morally bankrupt b***h she is.

            • 2 weeks ago

              The Kings escort people to the strip, and probably get a kickback from any businesses in Freeside

              • 2 weeks ago

                I get that, but it's very common to have "friendly gangsters" who are obviously some form of organized crime, but you never see them do anything shady. the Kings are meant to be a quirky faction that the player likes.

                I know they control the water and get a cut of that right?

    • 2 weeks ago

      The NCR are the protagonists of Fallout.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The player characters are the protagonists. Calling the NCR the protagonists of Fallout is like calling your government the protagonists of your life

        • 2 weeks ago

          >is like calling your government the protagonists of your life
          Hello, that is the mentally of NCRedditors.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    East coast vs Least coast.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    Who knows, but if I remember correctly the salvaged power armour didn't require training

    I can imagine there's a few reasons why it was salvaged like the name implies
    it could have been torn off of dead BOS and or they found tons of it in old military sites, and since it required training they likely removed a lot of the functionality for the sake of providing it to combat battalions before the battle of hoover dam.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Damn that armor's sexy

    • 2 weeks ago

      76 has some really good PA designs, I fricking love the hellcat armor. looks like if the enclave was deployed to the fricking gulf war. a shame the game is jankier than nearly any other one in the series but its art direction puts the fricking work in

      • 2 weeks ago

        Its a fallout 4 port

        • 2 weeks ago

          Oh shit I just started a Fallout 4 run. What's it called?

          • 2 weeks ago

            You have to go to /fog/ on /vg/. They have a few paid mods, it's called Alana's Power Armor.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I thought bethesda chimped out over people even porting 76 assets for free, you're telling me some fricking gay is SELLING them?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I thought bethesda chimped out over people even porting 76 assets for free
                That never happened. GUN has been doing since 76 released.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah I think its actually not okay for people to port stuff, the legality is weird.
                none of it is allowed on Nexus unless they want to get into legal issues with Bethesda or Zinemax but there's a still a couple modders that do it behind a patreon.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm amazed the Halo weapon and armor mods get away with it. Sure, it's not Bethesda's IP but they're both Microsoft properties now.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I'm amazed the Halo weapon and armor mods get away with it
                Microsoft gave them permission to do it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                They dont actually care its just bad for business. And if their parent company saw that then heads would roll at Bethesda

  29. 2 weeks ago




  30. 2 weeks ago

    Bethesda Fallout is its own series separate from the main trilogy of 1;2;NV

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Cuz it wouldn't be kool for raiders to wear salvaged powah armor if they can wear the real deal instead!11!

  32. 2 weeks ago

    >The NCR are the protagonists of Fallout.

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