Why doesn't the Imperium just divide and conquer its enemies?

Why doesn't the Imperium just divide and conquer its enemies? Instead of dividing its forces to try and hold ground (and fail) against everyone, it should accept the loss of some territory to buy time for them to permanently destroy an enemy.

For example, if the Imperium set aside a few trillion soldiers, maybe .001% of its total military force, it could easily overwhelm the Eldar and Tau with numbers and take out both of those factions forever, thus never having to worry about them forever and dedicating the forces that would've been permanently on guard against them elsewhere.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Why didn't you just ask this in /40kg/?

    • 3 months ago

      why do you guys force us normal people to use that circle jerk of a general?

      • 3 months ago

        Because it exists for these questions you fricking dildo.

        • 3 months ago

          But it isn't used for these sorts of questions. It's used for redditors to ask dumb questions.

        • 3 months ago

          >why are we using the traditional games board to talk about traditional games and not circlejerking about non existant d&d made up scenarios, settings and games

    • 3 months ago

      Why haven't you fricking killed yourself?

  2. 3 months ago

    Because it is too busy perpetually dividing and conquering itself.

  3. 3 months ago

    Read the first chapters of the Taros Campaign. It does a better job of basically any other source at showing how monumentally inefficient the Imperium's logistics are due to a mixture of corruption, conflicting goals, ignorance, overcentralization and other political and administrative issues.

    Put bluntly, the Imperium is barely holding itself together on all levels and until Guilliman came back there was nobody with the power to actually do anything major because any true authority would immediately be challenged, spited and delayed by rivals which might only further escalate. Guilliman might have been able to do it, but he came back to an Imperium under double the pressure with half the resources that's actively on fire.

    • 3 months ago

      Guilliman himself says that administrating the Imperium is too much even for him. To unfrick the Administratum is a task beyond a single Primarch's ability. He can slow the rot if he does it full time, but then he needs somebody out there leading. He is discovering the same problem that the Emperor had, and as a result is finding himself making the same decisions the Emperor did.

      Meanwhile, he is also having to deal with the High Lords actively trying to assassinate him. He was back for barely a few months before they tried to pull off a coup and have him removed from power as a relic from the past not suited to the modern era. And it was only the Custodes and Trajan Valoris pulling a grand counter scheme to expose and destroy the conspiracy that stopped it from being successful. Guilliman nearly was stopped before he could even begin, simply because the Imperium is just that fricked up.

      Maybe with half a dozen Primarchs, but Guilliman alone? No. Not even with Guilliman and now Lion will it work.

      • 3 months ago

        >He is discovering the same problem that the Emperor had, and as a result is finding himself making the same decisions the Emperor did.
        Primaris Heresy when?

  4. 3 months ago

    >why doesnt faction X win the setting by applying this really obvious solution
    Because it cant and because it doesnt work this way.

  5. 3 months ago

    The Eldar and Tau have done less damage to the Imperium than the things they dealt with would have, you picked essentially the only two factions where their destruction would've been a net loss for the Imperium and highlighted exactly why Imperial-brand sledgehammer thinking is both self-destructive and ineffective.

  6. 3 months ago

    >it should accept the loss of some territory
    Yeah, that's going to get you a visit from your local Commissar.

  7. 3 months ago

    >it should accept the loss of some territory to buy time for them to permanently destroy an enemy.
    Inquisitor Fidus Kryptman did this and he got excommunicated for it.

  8. 3 months ago

    >it should accept the loss of some territory

    They do. Quite frequently. The fact that you don't know that proves you're a casual and a lorelet. One example being when the Imperium defeated a Tyranid hive fleet by preemptively destroying hundreds of worlds in their path to deny them the biomass they need to replenish their numbers.

    • 3 months ago

      Right, so do that again, but this time, use the time gained to destroy the Eldar and the Tau.

      • 3 months ago

        As others have already said, the Imperium isn't worried about the Eldar and Tau. They are minor threats at best and even have some use as allies of convenience in certain situations.

        Also, the point I'm making is that the Imperium does use that strategy all the time. The problem is the Imperium is facing so many simultaneous threats that any strategy they employ only slows their enemies down. They cannot possibly hope to dedicate the force necessary to defeat any one threat without opening themselves up to a catastrophic defeat somewhere else.

        And that's the entire point of 40k. The Imperium is dying. Humanity is in its twilight and nothing they do can prevent the fall of their empire. Even Guilliman's Indomitus Crusade did nothing but buy the Imperium just a little more time. To fight for the Imperium in 40k is to choose to struggle against inevitability and a doom that can only be delayed, never prevented.

        • 3 months ago

          That's precisely why the Imperium should use the time it has to take out the Eldar and Tau. If you're going to die anyways, why not die making sure that two more xenos species are extinct?

          • 3 months ago

            Again, the Imperium doesn't care about the Eldar or Tau. They are tiny blips on the Imperium's radar. Stop being a moron.

            • 3 months ago

              The Imperium cares about the extermination of all xenos species, to imply otherwise is heresy.

          • 3 months ago

            So your suggestion is the Imperium should kill themselves quicker to remove the aliens closest and least harmful to Humanity, in turn making it easier for the aliens furthest from and most harmful to Humanity, out of hatred for aliens?

            I don't get it.

            • 3 months ago

              "Suffer not the alien to live." Better to die making sure that more xenos are dead than to let them live.

          • 3 months ago

            Anon the Imperium engages CIA intel and subversion war against the Tau.
            Hard to do when the leaders of the enemy has ballclamp mind control over their core population.
            As for the Eldar they don't even know where most of them are or how their society and politics functions.

            • 3 months ago

              What's the point of subversion when the goal is to put them all into death camps anyways?

              • 3 months ago

                Well you can spend millions of lives and logistics to eliminate a threat directly.
                Or you send a handful of crafty goons to make them kill themselves for you.

              • 3 months ago

                >What's the point of strategy when the goal is to win the war anyways?
                That's how your question sounds to me.

      • 3 months ago

        Every major imperial confrontation with the Tau has ended in a stalemate at best and a defeat at worst. The number of "worlds sacrificed" would be astronomical, the sort of figure that would make chaos lords have to do a double take.

  9. 3 months ago

    It's very important to your ability to understand the lore of the 40k universe that you come to realize one thing:

    The Imperium sucks at life.

  10. 3 months ago

    I always find it funny that people think of shit like nonsensical military strategy making it too unrealistic when they will buy the concept that an organization of human beings numbering into the high trillions, or even more as you suggest, that spans galaxies would even resemble anything close to our current political concepts and organizations. When you are taking trillions of people the entropy and room for conflict makes a concept like the imperium absolutely ridiculous from the start. Could have actually explored some cool ideas with that concept instead they went with le space crusade zealots! Darn heckin' xenos!

    Literally the entire Warhammer setting and the lore therein is the sloppiest of slop. It's a genuine wonder that people actually devote hours of their time to it and overanalyze it to try to extract meaning and tease out an iota of nuance or originality to the setting or its characters and plot

    • 3 months ago

      for a fellow who "always finds it funny" you seem more like a seething hater and loser! food for thought

  11. 3 months ago

    >bro why doesn't the mad colossus dying from a thousand wounds just calmly stop rampaging and eliminate the threats against it in a logical and ordered fashion

  12. 3 months ago


    Doesn't matter. The board is called /tg/ not /40kg/.
    It is better to keep 40k things in /40kg/.

  13. 3 months ago

    warp travel makes focusing large amounts of resources in one area impractical

    eldar are well hidden, if they were easy to find, Slaanesh would have wiped them out already

    t'au are just one of dozens of b-list xenos threats, there is no particular reason to focus on them, especially as there are many more powerful opponents in that region of space

  14. 3 months ago

    You can’t have combined arms units underneath the, idk, army group level because of the threat of heresy. Every branch of the military requires its own administration in case a whole structure turns traitor, that way it’s too hyper specialized to actuall pose a threat.

    Remember the Imperium’s biggest threat is itself. It’s fascist at the best of times and feudal at the worst, and always theocratic. It’s allergic to good administration, but in contrast to actual fascist theocracies irl, it actually has a reason to be.

  15. 3 months ago

    Good lord you are moronic.

  16. 3 months ago

    Eldar are too well hidden. The only reason they would be exposed is because they've decided to turn up and meddle, or fricked up in some other way but that wasn't exposed to the Imperium but the Tyranids (the Imperium wouldn't have been able to capitalise, while the problem was they ended up where Tyranids were literally everywhere).

  17. 3 months ago

    They threw more forces than they had defending the cadian gate at the tau and they lost badly. The imperium doesent just throw enough forces to overwhelm its enemies at its enemies because it doesent have those forces, and pulling enough forces from places to actually do it would cause such harm that it wouldnt be worth it.

    Because if the imperium decided to try damocles 3.0 and actually pull the massive forces needed to overwhelm the tau it would mean giving up a massive amount of worlds, abandoning multiple fronts to nids, orks and chaos (and necrons, and minor xenos, and rebels) and letting all those threats fester and grow more powerful. This would then diminish the imperial supply base for future campaigns, which means they now need to deal with various chaos empire and ork empires and rebellions with a smaller industrial base than they would have had beforehand.

  18. 3 months ago

    Yeah but why doesn't the Imperium of Man, the larger of the galactic entities, simply eat the others?

    • 3 months ago

      Obviously the tyranids are the largest empire

  19. 3 months ago

    >bro why doesnt every guardsman just 360 noscope every enemy, bro, like even if they have better armour just shoot them in the weak point lol? Just like throw a grenade perfectly down the barrel opening of all the enemy tanks bro? why don't they just do that and win with conscripts lol so easy, they are so moronic for not doing this

  20. 3 months ago

    You see, Ivan, it hard to divide and conquer when everyone else is trying to do the exact same thing.

    Except Orkz, that's less divide and conquer and more just them being unfocused.

  21. 3 months ago

    Because the imperium is incredibly incompetent. That's the point.

    • 3 months ago

      B-b-but they're the hecking based anti-woke good guys!

      • 3 months ago

        Both are true, yes. YWNBAW.

  22. 3 months ago


    >competency is woke
    It's actually the complete opposite lmao, the Imperium is fricking fictional it doesn't behave like the real world.

  23. 3 months ago


    But the fatties are mostly woke, moron, they're the ones who go "fitness is fascist, don't body shame!!" and other psychotic bullshit.

  24. 3 months ago

    The last guy who came up with this idea got murdered by a rival. The guy before that got killed by a commissar. The guy before was burned at the stake. The one before got turned into a servitor.

  25. 3 months ago


    >a single 12 year old study from before wokeness even took off as we know it today

  26. 3 months ago

    Nice idea, go and tell your higher ups that
    >A controversial act of insubordination sees Lieutenant Nathasian of the Cadian 86th slated for execution. Yet he is spared when a band of grim-faced Custodians from the Aquilan Shield appear at his side in a blaze of golden light, and wordlessly cut down his would-be commissariat executioners.With his remarkable bodyguards at his side, Nathasian is free to exercise his flair for unconventional tactics, which soon sees his promotion to Commander Army Group, then to Warmaster of an entire Imperial crusade. The Shuddering Stars are swept clear of Ork tribes, stopping Waaagh! Dakskrag in its tracks before it can descend upon the Sol System. In the wake of Nathasian’s triumph over the greenskins, his bodyguards depart as suddenly as they had arrived and – never ones to rescind a sentence – the commissariat see Warmaster Nathasian dead before the day is out.

  27. 3 months ago


    Good thing I'm in my 30s then, gaslighting commie moron!

  28. 3 months ago

    I dunno, ask /hhg/

  29. 3 months ago


    He goes on about memes because his central argument is a meme and you've already posted the data refuting it.

  30. 3 months ago






    He goes on about memes because his central argument is a meme and you've already posted the data refuting it.

    >seething so hard you reply to yourself half a dozen times
    Traditional games

  31. 3 months ago


    I'm not the homosexual you're screeching about homos flashing their penises at kids with, homosexual

  32. 3 months ago


    Try to compose yourself so you don't have to consistently samegay in seething indignation next thread, lil fella

  33. 3 months ago


    >because literally every graph and study
    You posted one study from over a decade ago. Meanwhile this is the political discourse on the subject of fitness these days.

  34. 3 months ago


    >ummmm FACTS?! FACTS?!
    >where's your DATA, anonners?!!!!
    homie this is the traditional games board where you're crying about how your neghole has gone unpozzed for generations or whatever it is that's got your bussy blown out today. I'm just here to shitpost in your mouth until jannies sweep this whole argument away since you seem like the kind of degenerate who's into that. Munch on my sloppy turds, little boy.

  35. 3 months ago


    >xhe's STILL so mad that xhe's still doing it

  36. 3 months ago


    You're just mad that all it takes to destroy woke talking points are simple memes, kek

  37. 3 months ago


    >ummm UMMMM ACKshully......N-NO U
    Lmao, even

  38. 3 months ago


    >at basic facts
    You didn't post any facts in your previous post at all, deflecting moron wokie, lol
    You are unable to answer my simple question

  39. 3 months ago

    I'll commend the (hopefully fake) leftoid for his tactic to get these shitty 40K threads deleted. I don't think I'd have it in me to pretend to be this moronic, but you can't deny results.

  40. 3 months ago


    >Not in the mainstream.
    Huge goalpost shift. It's still not in the mainstream. You're an idiot. Most rightoids are idiots.

  41. 3 months ago


    Ah yes, the organization that can't even publicly acknowledge Taiwan. Bastion of truth, them.

  42. 3 months ago


    >one group is every group
    For someone who worships numbers you're really bad at counting lel

  43. 3 months ago


    >he literally doesn't know
    >too stark-raving mad to even google it
    Underage b& detected
    The most pathetic thing is you think it's something political, revealing just how ignorant you are.

  44. 3 months ago


    But the ugly woke freaks are the subhumans and we all know it and you know we know it

  45. 3 months ago


    Lmao "no u" is literally all you leftoids ever have. All you can do is project.
    >was the first to bring up fat people
    >prominent twittard leftoid in the 40k sphere looks like this

  46. 3 months ago


    >n-no u
    I accept your seething concession
    Perhaps one day you'll achieve the Dao

  47. 3 months ago


    Those are two different anons, for one thing
    >In what world does turning yourself into a moron
    Ah yes, classic leftoid tactic of suggesting an untruth within the question as if it is pre-established as truth. You homosexuals are so obvious.

  48. 3 months ago


    >samegays so hard xhe thinks everyone else does it too

  49. 3 months ago


    >if you post things that destroy my argument... you must be a moron!
    Are you done here? Whole thread is laughing at you at this point

  50. 3 months ago

    absolutey tremendous thread, bravo

    • 3 months ago

      Again, leftoids are gonna seethe extra hard over the next few months as the ones that aren't completely 100% delusional are starting to realize they are losing the culture war and have no outs.

  51. 3 months ago


    >proven wrong
    >change the subject
    >proven wrong again
    >blame israelites

  52. 3 months ago

    Samegayging again, I see

  53. 3 months ago


    Listen, moron, you claimed that obesity correlates with right wing politics. This is not evidenced by your silly image, and the most obvious proof that you're wrong is that the fattest demographic in this country, Black folk, who are half over again as fat as whites, vote almost 100% partisan democrat in every single election. If you want to scientifically determine whether obesity has a political impact one way or another you'd have to square away the abundance of morbidly obese Black folk with your broader theory.

    • 3 months ago

      Well put anon, but he's not going to give you a fair argument, see pic in


      The entire foundational core of woke ideology at its deepest level is lying to get what they want, their stupid minds are already made up and they believe they are morally justified in doing anything because they're the "victims" and you are the "oppressor".

      • 3 months ago

        >see pic in


        Sad skitzobabble. This already happened and your side lost. The uncommitted apolitical normies have been exposed to your argument, and they think you're angry unhinged morons, because you sound like angry unhinged morons. Now tell us more about how the game was rigged and it isn't fair, that's the part we're on now, we're on the part where you blame the israelites.

        • 3 months ago

          >and your side lost.
          Is that actually what you think is going on right now? Lmfao
          >The uncommitted apolitical normies have been exposed to your argument, and they think you're angry unhinged morons
          No bro, they saw you fat ugly troony freaks trying to push kids to take hormones and mutilate their genitals and went "hold the frick up". They also realized that immigrants maybe aren't the innocent poor starving families that they were claimed to be now that their city streets are overrun with rampant crime to the point that the national guard is being deployed to guard subway systems. Everywhere is going right. The youth vote of 18-27 is polling 60/40 conservative right now which is fricking unheard of. You gays tried to rig the game and STILL fricking lost.

          • 3 months ago

            >The youth vote of 18-27 is polling 60/40 conservative right now which is fricking unheard of

  54. 3 months ago



    >2 more months!
    Something like that, but unironically.

  55. 3 months ago

    I like the part where traditional games

    • 3 months ago

      Can't have a 40k discussion these days without these communist subversives making some dumbass fricking post like

      B-b-but they're the hecking based anti-woke good guys!

      turning it into a dumpster fire like this, and no, I don't think it's reasonable for the opposing side to just ignore it and say nothing and let communist shit spread itself like a homosexual virus throughout the board.

      • 3 months ago

        In this case

        B-b-but they're the hecking based anti-woke good guys!

        actually did start it, but all he did was make a cheeky allusion to your asinine opinion, and you couldn't wait to post and yes "Why yes that is me I am the guy that holds that opinion". So in this case it's totally mutual.
        Conversely, when rightoids inser their opinions it's not because they want to throw down, they want other rightoids to agree with them, if the conversation deviates even slightly from this then all of the rightoids will play victim.

  56. 3 months ago


    Stop being terminally online and actually interact with humans. It will help with your moronation I promise.

    • 3 months ago

      Leftoids aren't human to begin with

  57. 3 months ago


    lol, I knew kids who couldn't play D&D because they had christian moron parents, you people are such a joke.

  58. 3 months ago


    She was opposed because her "solutions" were neither healthier nor more economic, they just benefited corporations her family had close ties to.

  59. 3 months ago


    Q: "Why don't people believe my anecdotal selection-biased evidence from my supposedly healthy social life that I supposedly have?"
    A: "Because you're mad about black ladies in 40k."

    • 3 months ago

      >let me just strawman you with some homosexualry I pulled out of my ass, that will convince you

      • 3 months ago

        So what 'woke politics' are you mad about in 40k? Are you mad that somebody somewhere is painting pastel rainbow space marines? Go on, make an on-topic post, I dare you.

        • 3 months ago

          You aren't clever. Everyone knows what you homosexuals are actually trying to do by pushing female space marines. It's just another extension of the erasure of comic book heroes that hollywood already did and is now suffering massive losses for, and the similar battle going on right now in the gaming industry. It's a cultural attack on masculinity and on white people and you can't play the "conspiracy theory" card anymore because you homosexuals are all over twitter in videos now coming right out and admitting to it like that dumbass b***h from Sweet Baby Inc who managed to trigger another episode of Gamer Gate.

  60. 3 months ago


    Yes, I'm sure that will happen, any minute now. And if it doesn't happen it will be because the game is rigged against you.

  61. 3 months ago


    >I don't even play space marines but I don't want the setting being corrupted and destroyed by these subversives.
    >They aren't fans, they don't like warhammer, they don't care about it at all, they just see it as another hill to plant their hideous queer flag on as a cultural "conquest"
    There is no self-awareness to be found here.

    • 3 months ago

      >yet another projecting "no u"
      Shut the frick up homosexual, I've been playing 40k since the mid 90's.

      • 3 months ago

        >I've been playing 40k since the mid 90's.
        Right, because you worship it as a totem of maleness, and by your own admission your enjoyment of the hobby is easily squashed by the mere existence of other people playing it differently.
        Like I said, there is no self-awareness to be found here.

        moron he didn't say "lady space marines" he said "black ladies".


      • 3 months ago

        Post models.

  62. 3 months ago


    moron he didn't say "lady space marines" he said "black ladies".

  63. 3 months ago


    >hah but you see, I implied that the thing he said which is entirely real is delusional, therefore I can make the joke that he lacks self-awareness because the called the leftists (who are liars) delusional! It's the same!
    These gaslighting tactics don't work on people with functional fricking eyes.

  64. 3 months ago


    It is as they say, the rightoid cries out in pain as he strikes you.

  65. 3 months ago


    NTA but AI generated slop is extremely fitting for representing leftoids.

  66. 3 months ago


    copying insults
    Except I didn't, I pointed out how you using it in the first place was coping the right who have been doing that for years, and you know it. Everything you post is stolen memes from the right. You have no original thoughts.

  67. 3 months ago


    I notice how he had absolutely no response to this except to try and deflect by crying about the AI art.
    Leftoid utterly bullseyed and in full damage control mode.

  68. 3 months ago


    Look at all the neutral bystanders that you're convincing! 😀

  69. 3 months ago


    >totally not suffering from a deficiency of self-awareness
    >totally not struggling with basic theory-of-mind
    >totally winning over the neutral 3rd party observers

  70. 3 months ago


    >This shit is so feminine and gay
    lol, you said it not me.

  71. 3 months ago


    >words that weren't said, again
    All you can ever do is lie

  72. 3 months ago


    lol, after a certain point it becomes like a bodily function, they just go on and on and on about how much they hate their own imaginary boogiemen.

  73. 3 months ago

    Because none of the enemies that are an actual threat can be divided or conquered.
    It is implicitly a decentralized bunch of violent anarchist cults that worship four mutually incompatible gods that demand their followers kill both one another and Imperials for said god's amusement.
    Old lore made them immune to psychology, new lore makes them better at these tactics than the Imperium. Also they're robots who don't give a frick what humans think.
    A ravenous swarm that cannot be reasoned with. The only hope is to bait them to attack your other enemies, but this just feeds the swarm biomass.
    Ironically, they can be reasoned with, bribed, and set against one another. The problem is allowing them to exist at all just causes them to build strength, especially if made to fight one another.
    >Dark Eldar
    Annoying but irrelevant.
    Naive and irrelevant.

  74. 3 months ago

    /tg/ - traditional games

    • 3 months ago

      Tbh OP is an obvious troll post.

  75. 3 months ago

    really fa/tg/uys?

  76. 3 months ago

    >Why doesn't the Imperium...
    Because the Imperium isn't unified. There's countless worlds who would breakaway the moment it's convienent, the moment tithe gets a little too high, and communication is absurdly difficult. It's not some unified, efficient government structure. It's essentially a Kingdom with many, many, (millions) of fiefdoms controlled by a council of people with different interests.

    Then if they focused on one enemy, the other enemies will notice this flank is weak or undermanned, and attack it.

    • 3 months ago

      There are more people in a single hive on a hive world than there are in the entire tau empire. All it would take is for a single hive to declare war on the Tau and they'd be finished.

      • 3 months ago

        This might be true if there were some Star Trek energy being turning everyone's weapons into cheap prop swords because it wants to feed on their prolonged hatred. But, by default, hive worlds have populations grossly disproportionate to their available resources, whereas the Tau have the opposite problem.

  77. 3 months ago

    What would be good steps to make Astra Militarum less attractive to nazis? 40k has became more inclusive and safe space which is great and all, but it seems the IG player meme still holds true.

    • 3 months ago

      scrap DKoK, introduce new regiment that's loosely inspired by IDF

  78. 3 months ago

    Because no faction in 40k is meant to win, ever. The only explanation would be that the Lords of Terra and whoever leads the Eldar and Tau are in league with each other and are keeping up a pretend, 1984-esque conflict for whatever reason. Bonus points if its all just a tool to maintain their control, and the real truth is Girlyman's unknowingly ending that.

  79. 3 months ago

    Why didn't the eagles just fly the ring to Mordor?

    • 3 months ago

      Sauron had anti-air and he would have seen them coming.

      • 3 months ago

        But why couldn't they use magic to sneak in

        • 3 months ago

          Because they're giant eagles made of righteousness. The more Sauron is afraid of a given goodguy the harder it is for that goodguy to sneak into Mordor, this was well established in the books.
          "The eagles are dicks" is also a valid answer, there were countless times in the 1st age when they could have made a difference by intervening but didn't, because they don't do anything that Manwe wouldn't do and Manwe thinks it's our job (as human filth) to struggle against evil.

          • 3 months ago

            I know, I'm mocking OP's dumb question

  80. 3 months ago

    >Why didn't the declining Roman empire just divide and conquer their enemies? Were they stupid?

  81. 3 months ago

    >Why didn't Neo just delete system32?

  82. 3 months ago

    >jannies let this shit thread stay unpruned but God help you should you dare mention ESG, AI slop loving poojeets, or bumpgay
    This board is fricking dead

    • 3 months ago

      Tomorrow this thread will probably be pruned and a few people will be banned. Maybe not, sometimes these arguments stay up just because no one reports them, but more likely they get deleted around 5pm EST the next day.
      The jannies hate the a.i. threads, moderation elsewhere on /tg/ has declined because they're wasting so much time policing the a.i. threads.
      Your posts are probably trash and they probably deserve to be deleted, no one is being unfair to you, and the health of /tg/ has nothing to do with your social justice victim complex.

      • 3 months ago

        >The jannies hate the a.i. threads
        Lol nope, I get warned/banned every time I tell slopgays to frick off back to their general.
        >Your posts are probably trash and they probably deserve to be deleted
        I assure you even my worst shitpost is nothing compared to this thread.
        >the health of /tg/ has nothing to do with your social justice victim complex
        Ironic, considering this whole thread is just two socjus morons from opposite sides of the aisle flinging shit at each other and jannies are doing frickall about it.

        • 3 months ago

          >Lol nope, I get warned/banned every time I tell slopgays to frick off back to their general.
          Good, those posts are trash, Ganker is an imageboard and relevant images are always encouraged. They still hate the a.i. threads. We're in a position now where the jannies hate them more than the mods do and are trying to enforce rules that don't actually exist. Maybe it's just me but I could swear that moderation elsewhere on /tg/ has gotten slower and more lax since October.

          /tg/ used to have a culture where you could casually use racial epithets without getting banned, the 'no racism' rule was reserved for off-topic evangelicals trying to insert their politics, but at this point you filter yourself just by sayng "poojeet". That's not ideal, but I also have no sympathy, you people made it like this.

          • 3 months ago

            >Ganker is an imageboard and relevant images are always encouraged.
            And slopspam is never relevant. Just because you learned how to tell a robot to photobash together a Frankenstein elf waifu for you doesn't mean spamming the same 12 images every thread vaguely related to elves is contributing to it.
            >I also have no sympathy, you people made it like this.
            Nice strawman, homosexual. I hope you suffer all the phantom moderation you falsely b***h about since we're holding randoms accountable for shit they never did here.

          • 3 months ago

            >is the only general allowed to have 6 simultaneously active threads at any given moment
            >constantly raid other threads and try to turn them into slop generals too and generally allowed to do so
            Total Slopgay Death

      • 3 months ago

        >the health of /tg/ has nothing to do with your social justice victim complex.
        This is hilarious coming from a butthurt slopper who thinks he's "victimized" just because mods enforce the barest minimum of rules on his off-topic spam threads. If the mods actually hated you pajeet homosexuals they'd just axe your threads entirely like they did to the Weekly Smut Threads and the old ERP generals.

        God, you homosexuals aren't just spamming little off-topic queers, you're also fricking tourists who don't know shit about this board.

        • 3 months ago

          >Ganker is an imageboard and relevant images are always encouraged.
          And slopspam is never relevant. Just because you learned how to tell a robot to photobash together a Frankenstein elf waifu for you doesn't mean spamming the same 12 images every thread vaguely related to elves is contributing to it.
          >I also have no sympathy, you people made it like this.
          Nice strawman, homosexual. I hope you suffer all the phantom moderation you falsely b***h about since we're holding randoms accountable for shit they never did here.

          >is the only general allowed to have 6 simultaneously active threads at any given moment
          >constantly raid other threads and try to turn them into slop generals too and generally allowed to do so
          Total Slopgay Death

          >If the mods actually hated you pajeet homosexuals
          Then the jannies ban requests would always go through, but they usually don't, the jannies specifically are mad. Mods don't care, hiroshimoot doesn't care, hiroshimoot wants ad views and doesn't care where they come from.
          >slopstpam is never relevant
          >constantly raid other threads
          Again, Ganker is an image board, and relevant image replies are always welcome. The board rules don't care (and will never care) if a piece of art was made by a human or not.

          • 3 months ago

            >I'm being oppressed when I spam 6+ generals and a shitload of off-topic threads to boot!
            >you should KNEEL and thank me for shitting up your threads and being a nogames spammer!
            See, this is why no one likes slopgays

            • 3 months ago

              The jannies see an ai general and they see an off-topic image dump that gets at least 500 posts per day, they hate it. Hiroshimoot sees an ai general and he sees an arguably-on-topic image tump that gets at least 500 posts per day, he loves it. This conflict has lead to a lack of clarity regarding what actually is and is not allowed on /tg/.
              A janny looks at an a.i. image reply and sees an image reply. Hiroshimoot looks at an a.i. image reply and sees an image reply. There is no conflict here and there never will be, there is no such thing as a 'containment thread' for a.i. and there never will be, there's just you and your off-topic crusade shitting up /tg/.

              • 3 months ago

                >your off-topic crusade shitting up /tg/.
                Oh, the irony.

                Tell me, what traditional games are being discussed in your precious slopspam threads? Oh, what's that? None? How embarrassing, how EMBARRASSING!

              • 3 months ago

                No games at all, they mostly talk about how to use a.i. and sometimes do some light worldbuilding that (sometimes) is about things other than fetishes, but it's a /tg/-related tool and those same people are using it for /tg/-related things. I don't know why every other board has an a.i. general but I know why /tg/ has one.
                When someone posts an a.i. elf in an elf thread (or just some elf art that you think is a.i.) and you complain about it, their post is on-topic, and your post is off-topic. Sorry you had to hear it from me.
                Monster Manual IZ is too big to post so have a snail knight.

          • 3 months ago

            >claims moderation is oppressing him
            >ACKshully, mods love us and all my claims of oppression are nebulous and unverifiable
            >oh and if you don't embrace me ruining the board then you're a regressive bigot on the wrong side of history
            Woah, you've upgraded from a slopjeet all the way to a slopjew

            • 3 months ago

              I said that jannies hate the a.i., threads, I was letting you know in case you didn't know, you're the one obsessed with victim narratives.
              Your opinion is predictable because you only come here looking to express your anti-capitalist anxieties. It's exactly like the people freaking out about the black guy in AoS, they know that society is going to shit and they know that they are participating in its downfall, they come to /tg/ specifically to evangelize about useless shit so that they can feel less useless. It's like ritually stoning the devil, except the devil is corporations, and the stones are extremely-specific expressions of personal taste that are utterly harmless to said devil.

              • 3 months ago

                >you're the one obsessed with victim narratives.
                Yes, that's right. It's MY fault that YOU invented and screeched about this schizo narrative of jannies hunting down and executing sloppers in the (designated shitting) streets. That was all me.

                Fricking moron.

              • 3 months ago

                lol @ anonymous culture warriors with no point

                >they come to /tg/ specifically to evangelize about useless shit so that they can feel less useless
                This is REALLY funny coming from a nogames slopgay.
                >No games at all
                I rest my case.

                Do you also want to ban the character art threads? What about the WIP threads? This is a morally vapid moral crusade. I know that there are going to be people like you on /tg/, and I know that you're going to cry when you think you see a.i. art, I'm just telling you why your posts are regarded as off-topic and why they get deleted.

              • 3 months ago

                >going for the oppression narrative AGAIN
                Holy shit, you are more poorly scripted than a Bethesda NPC

              • 3 months ago

                Do you deny that /tg/-related tools and crafts belong on /tg/? If so then please be more specific. You can't rest your case yet because you don't have a case.
                As for oppression narratives, I have stated that the jannies are trying to enforce rules that don't exist on the slop threads (mainly in saying that existing IPs are off-topic for /tg/, which is a rule that doesn't otherwise exist anywhere on /tg/, and which isn't backed by the mods or the administration). I'm 100% guilty of saying that, because it's true, I was letting you know because I assumed that you don't post in slop threads (I was probably wrong about that). And yes, I admit, I think that Ganker would be a better website if they addressed a.i. threads in the rules or at least made a sticky. You've got me.
                Now please, tell me more about how you get banned for poojeet while a.i. art is still around, tell me more about how unfair that is, and tell me more about the wider global narrative of (jannies/corporations/jews/indians/whatever) oppressing (you).

              • 3 months ago

                >Do you deny that /tg/-related tools and crafts belong on /tg/?
                >"Hey bros, I like to snack during games. Post your favorite GAMER CHOW!"

              • 3 months ago

                We've had those threads before, but food isn't generally part of any game, and when we DO have a gamer chow thread it usually focuses on how to change that and make the good part of the game (someone years ago said that he made bread bowls and filled them with rock candy and called it a dwarven thing, it sounds hilariously unhealthy but also undeniably dwarfy, that stuck with me).
                Art, by contrast, is actually part of the game (in the same way that worldbuilding or model painting is actually part of the game, because we talk about games where the story elements are explicitly part of the game).
                Imagine evangelizing so loudly with such ill-considered opinions.

              • 3 months ago

                Also, and I'm sorry if this makes you shit your pants, but also we used to have /tg/ music threads, and table/gameroom threads, and VTT/projector threads, and landscape art threads, and monster art threads, and more specific WIP threads for things like terrain or papercraft, /tg/ used to be a lot cooler. Now it's mostly generals full of shrieking culture warriors who are angry about nothing.

              • 3 months ago

                >no trust me gaiz I'm le oldgay!
                I see that tourist remark cut you deep, lel

              • 3 months ago

                It's not your fault that you've never seen a gamer chow thread on /tg/.
                Oh wait, lol, yes it is. You don't belong here and you never will.

              • 3 months ago

                I never said they didn't exist dipshit, just that they're not /tg/ related.

              • 3 months ago

                In theory, game snacks are /tg/-related, just not quite as directly /tg/-related as slop threads.
                In practice, game chow threads are allowed, just like slop threads.
                Where are you going with this? Nowhere. You don't have a point.

                >n-no u!
                But yes, I too like to play my traditional wargames with unassembled, unpainted miniatures because traditional games miniatures have nothing to do with traditional games. Besides, it leaves me time to generate slop that I argue is related to traditional games because it has pointy ears in it

                >But yes, I too like to play original characters and run original monsters with no art because traditional games art has nothing to do with traditional games. Besides, it leaves me time to paint and sculpt miniatures that I argue is related to traditional games because it can be used to enhance traditional games
                Dim as you are, I hope you at least understand that I like WIP threads and don't want them to go anywhere, I'm simply forcing you to confront how vapid your argument is. Either /tg/-related tools and crafts belong on /tg/, or they don't, or there is some fine distinction here which you firmly believe in and yet have utterly failed to articulate.

              • 3 months ago

                >Dim as you are
                >/tg/-related tools and crafts belong on /tg/
                So yes, you are moronic enough to genuinely believe your sloppy wallpaper thread is actually a traditional games miniatures thread. Sad! Pathetic!

              • 3 months ago

                >You don't have a point.
                Man, you really are stuck to that bad scripting, NPC-kun.

                I don't know why I expected more, but for a moment there, I actually did expect more.
                I might as well ask, are you both right-wing racist culture warriors, or is it just one of you?

              • 3 months ago

                >if you don't like my homosexual slopspam you're a bigoted alt-right culture warring gamergator!
                Holy shit I broke you lmao

              • 3 months ago

                At least one of you keeps referring to me (or to your vague enemies) as pajeets and israelites. Was it you? Be honest.

              • 3 months ago

                I think it's very ironic for you to b***h about culture warriors when you're on a crusade for slop acceptance and even went as far as to hinge the health of the board on the acceptance of AI slop

              • 3 months ago


                >jannies let this shit thread stay unpruned but God help you should you dare mention ESG, AI slop loving poojeets, or bumpgay
                This board is fricking dead

                let this shit thread stay unpruned but God help you should you dare mention ESG, AI slop loving poojeets, or bumpgay
                >This board is fricking dead
                I told this anon that the health of /tg/ had nothing to do with his social justice victim complex. Sorry if that offended you. Actually I'm not.
                You're still welcome to explain the difference between WIP threads and slop threads as you see it. Or to affirm/deny your status as a richt-wing racist culture warrior. I don't expect you to do either, you're too far gone to take any responsibility for your own opinions, even anonymously. I'm just saying, you still have the power to surprise me, it isn't beyond you you're just choosing not to do it.

              • 3 months ago

                Anon you literally said jannies gangstalking your posts is causing the entire board to suffer up here

                Tomorrow this thread will probably be pruned and a few people will be banned. Maybe not, sometimes these arguments stay up just because no one reports them, but more likely they get deleted around 5pm EST the next day.
                The jannies hate the a.i. threads, moderation elsewhere on /tg/ has declined because they're wasting so much time policing the a.i. threads.
                Your posts are probably trash and they probably deserve to be deleted, no one is being unfair to you, and the health of /tg/ has nothing to do with your social justice victim complex.


                >Lol nope, I get warned/banned every time I tell slopgays to frick off back to their general.
                Good, those posts are trash, Ganker is an imageboard and relevant images are always encouraged. They still hate the a.i. threads. We're in a position now where the jannies hate them more than the mods do and are trying to enforce rules that don't actually exist. Maybe it's just me but I could swear that moderation elsewhere on /tg/ has gotten slower and more lax since October.

                /tg/ used to have a culture where you could casually use racial epithets without getting banned, the 'no racism' rule was reserved for off-topic evangelicals trying to insert their politics, but at this point you filter yourself just by sayng "poojeet". That's not ideal, but I also have no sympathy, you people made it like this.

                because you're a paranoid schizophrenic. Keep seething though, it's hilarious and kills this shit thread faster.

                I'm mildly curious though, why have you twined your identity so inexorably to the acceptance of AI slop? You already admitted you don't play traditional games and have no interest in the., so why do you want /tg/ to accept you so badly?

              • 3 months ago

                Jannies are deleting a.i. images based on existing IPs. /tg/ would be healthier if they stopped enforcing this nonrule, or if they made it a rule and enforced it, one or the other. This isn't hard to understand. I'm not the one who said "this board is fricking dead" because my shitposts were being deleted, that was you, and/or your compatriot.
                >You already admitted you don't play traditional games and have no interest in the.
                You people are so far gone.

                Anyway, a few posts have already been deleted, we might all be banned in a few minutes but based on recent trends I don't expect it, I think it will be something like 9 hours from now.

              • 3 months ago

                >/tg/ would be healthier if they stopped enforcing this nonrule
                Spamming/flooding IS against the rules, gayboy. So is offtopic.

              • 3 months ago

                >admits ONE POST made him seethe for hours
                ha ha ha holy shit

                >But slop-kun, I thought you said you were fine Ganker's crude use of racial epithets.
                I didn't say that, but I implied that I miss the days when it was allowed, those were better times.
                Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, I didn't mean to imply that you sounded like someone from old /tg/, you sound like a modern mindless culture warrior. People like you are the reason why the casual use of racial epithets is no longer allowed. When I get banned for saying "Black person", I don't take it personally, I understand that this is necessary due to the massive influx of people like you.
                >You also have bo problem using homosexual or moron as a slur, which makes you a filthy hypocrite.
                You people are so far gone.

                >I didn't say that
                You did tho.

                >Lol nope, I get warned/banned every time I tell slopgays to frick off back to their general.
                Good, those posts are trash, Ganker is an imageboard and relevant images are always encouraged. They still hate the a.i. threads. We're in a position now where the jannies hate them more than the mods do and are trying to enforce rules that don't actually exist. Maybe it's just me but I could swear that moderation elsewhere on /tg/ has gotten slower and more lax since October.

                /tg/ used to have a culture where you could casually use racial epithets without getting banned, the 'no racism' rule was reserved for off-topic evangelicals trying to insert their politics, but at this point you filter yourself just by sayng "poojeet". That's not ideal, but I also have no sympathy, you people made it like this.

                >/tg/ used to have a culture where you could casually use racial epithets
                >but at this point you filter yourself just by sayng "poojeet".
                >That's not ideal
                You yourself claimed that the inability to use racial epithets is "not ideal" but now you're trying to walk your own statement back since it doesn't fit the current vector of pearl-clutching you're going for. Sad! Pathetic!

              • 3 months ago

                >You yourself claimed that the inability to use racial epithets is "not ideal"
                No, it would be ideal if the 'no racism' clause were reserved for people like you, it would be ideal if I could casually say 'Black person' without being banned, I have thoroughly explained my position in this matter and I welcome you to respond to it. But you won't. You're arguing with the boogiemen in your own head because you've forgotten how to do more.

              • 3 months ago

                >You're arguing with the boogiemen in your own head
                Oh the irony, this coming from Mr. "Alt-Right Gamergators are conspiring with jannies to kill this board by...not liking my slopspam"

              • 3 months ago

                >You don't have a point.
                Man, you really are stuck to that bad scripting, NPC-kun.

              • 3 months ago

                >character art threads
                At least have a focus unlike slop threads, which are just whatever random homosexualry you squirt out. The latest one is a goddamn shitty wallpaper thread, for example
                >WIP threads
                Holy shit, you ACTUALLY think spamming AI slop is on par with actually painting miniatures! You're either coping hard or completely fricking moronic.
                >This is a morally vapid moral crusade
                Ironic, coming from the gay pearl-clutching about how oppressed he is by those bigoted jannies
                >I'm just telling you why your posts are regarded as off-topic and why they get deleted.
                Funny thing, the slop posts always get deleted too. Ergo, you must also be an offtopic shitposter by your own appeal to authority.

              • 3 months ago

                >Holy shit, you ACTUALLY think spamming AI slop is on par with actually painting miniatures!
                Go on. Do you think that painting miniatures is a traditional game?

              • 3 months ago

                >xhe can't actually see what a thread for traditional games miniatures has to do with traditional games
                I should realized you were unhinged when you tried to claim /tg/ moderation was gangstalking you but this is just plain delusional cope.

              • 3 months ago

                I Have No Point and I Must Shriek

              • 3 months ago

                >projection and concession
                You've been shrieking and yapping ever since anon offhandedly mocked slopgays.

              • 3 months ago

                Tell me, what traditional games are being discussed in your precious WIP threads? Oh, what's that? None? How embarrassing, how EMBARRASSING!

              • 3 months ago

                >n-no u!
                But yes, I too like to play my traditional wargames with unassembled, unpainted miniatures because traditional games miniatures have nothing to do with traditional games. Besides, it leaves me time to generate slop that I argue is related to traditional games because it has pointy ears in it

              • 3 months ago

                >they come to /tg/ specifically to evangelize about useless shit so that they can feel less useless
                This is REALLY funny coming from a nogames slopgay.

                No games at all, they mostly talk about how to use a.i. and sometimes do some light worldbuilding that (sometimes) is about things other than fetishes, but it's a /tg/-related tool and those same people are using it for /tg/-related things. I don't know why every other board has an a.i. general but I know why /tg/ has one.
                When someone posts an a.i. elf in an elf thread (or just some elf art that you think is a.i.) and you complain about it, their post is on-topic, and your post is off-topic. Sorry you had to hear it from me.
                Monster Manual IZ is too big to post so have a snail knight.

                >No games at all
                I rest my case.

  83. 3 months ago

    >slopgay tries to make a case for slopgays by being as obnoxious (if not more) than the culture warring homosexuals he was complaining about
    Oh boi I am laffin

  84. 3 months ago

    This thread is AIDS so I'm gonna switch the topic. None of my nerd friends are into 40k so I don't have a group for the old ffg 40k rpgs. Has anyone tried to run them solo and if so which would run best?

    • 3 months ago

      >Has anyone tried to run them solo
      >This thread is AIDS so I'm gonna switch the topic to something inoffensive-but-depressing

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, fair enough

  85. 3 months ago

    You can't even find most craftworlds, also the deldar would eventually just chuck unrestricted black holes at you, murder your entire population with a virus or steal a couple suns in vital systems.

  86. 3 months ago


    >But slop-kun, I thought you said you were fine Ganker's crude use of racial epithets.
    I didn't say that, but I implied that I miss the days when it was allowed, those were better times.
    Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, I didn't mean to imply that you sounded like someone from old /tg/, you sound like a modern mindless culture warrior. People like you are the reason why the casual use of racial epithets is no longer allowed. When I get banned for saying "Black person", I don't take it personally, I understand that this is necessary due to the massive influx of people like you.
    >You also have bo problem using homosexual or moron as a slur, which makes you a filthy hypocrite.
    You people are so far gone.

    • 3 months ago

      Jannies are deleting a.i. images based on existing IPs. /tg/ would be healthier if they stopped enforcing this nonrule, or if they made it a rule and enforced it, one or the other. This isn't hard to understand. I'm not the one who said "this board is fricking dead" because my shitposts were being deleted, that was you, and/or your compatriot.
      >You already admitted you don't play traditional games and have no interest in the.
      You people are so far gone.

      Anyway, a few posts have already been deleted, we might all be banned in a few minutes but based on recent trends I don't expect it, I think it will be something like 9 hours from now.

      >You people are so far gone
      Might wanna get your script reworked NPC-kun, you keep repeating yourself while yapping pure nonsense.

  87. 3 months ago

    >Inside enemies

    And so on. States are not always cost efficient. A multimillion planets federation? Even less.

  88. 3 months ago

    All the discussion about traditional games on this thread is really fun and exciting.

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