Why don't you like Vintage Story?

Why don't you like Vintage Story?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    I love VS but it isn't finished

  2. 5 months ago

    I dont think its bad but Im just not ready to undertake all that autism to learn a new game being over 30 with a life.

    I also hate the whole gear mechanic.

    • 5 months ago

      I love vintage story though.

      >I also hate the whole gear mechanic.
      That's the pleb/kid filter mechanic

      • 5 months ago

        >That's the pleb/kid filter mechanic
        yea dont give a shit, enjoy your small community if that's how you see it

        • 5 months ago

          >enjoy your small community
          That's another great thing about it. We don't have this gay ass shit like they do in minecraft. But there is a solo mode you can customize the rules in you know?

    • 5 months ago

      >I also hate the whole gear mechanic.
      so turn it off
      you have many options when making an new world

      • 5 months ago

        i would, like i said I dont think the game is bad i just dont have time to dive into it and enjoy it

    • 5 months ago

      It's understandable, but the gear mechanic is pretty simple. Also it's rarely ever a factor unless you're doing stuff related to it(or mining super deep).

      The real annoying thing is does thinking that having enemies spawn near/around you randomly is a good thing. Combat, the mechanics and enemy variety definitely need a whole overhaul.

    • 5 months ago

      >can't do anything

  3. 5 months ago

    Same reason no one else likes it.

  4. 5 months ago

    I do like it, I'm just waiting for more substantial content. aka Lore Update 2. But that shit isn't coming for months

  5. 5 months ago

    I just got it last week, and I love Vintage Story. It's everything I wanted Minecraft to be and more. In fact, I love it so much that I'm learning how to mod it, animate and make models just so I can add more content to it, so I can keep playing it more.

  6. 5 months ago

    I can’t play it on my iPad if I could I would fr

  7. 5 months ago

    I'll buy this game if there are any maid/anime girl npc mods like with minecraft
    waifus and blackpowder guns is all I need to play a game, and I know from skimming mods for VS that it at least has the latter

    • 5 months ago

      >I'll buy this game if there are any maid/anime girl npc mods like with minecraft
      it's over bro. either you make it yourself or you dont buy the game, VSgays making something like this is basically an impossibility

      • 5 months ago

        guess I'm sticking to modded minecraft then

    • 5 months ago

      I do but theres no servers to play on
      and the /vm/ clique is the most insufferable group i've ever had the displeasure of sharing a server with.

      Holy frick I wish I had a little maid VS pack

  8. 5 months ago

    like it doe

  9. 5 months ago

    Not on Steam. Doesn't exist.

    • 5 months ago

      app store cuckold

    • 5 months ago

      Gabe wienersuckers do not actually like video games

      • 5 months ago

        Certainly not shitty ones who think they are too good for the biggest store on the planet

    • 5 months ago

      Slurp gay yeah keep slurping it, you love it don't you you little bawd

    • 5 months ago

      The game doesn't even use it's own launcher, it's an .exe you buy.
      The "Not on Steam" excuse doesn't apply to this one. It only applies to games that have their own derivative launcher.

  10. 5 months ago

    combat sucks balls

    • 5 months ago

      It really does and the the directions they've taken it away from minecraft are the only good parts. They need to revamp it, but unfortunately they will probably only do so or see it as changes for the PC and not balancing the mobs differently.

  11. 5 months ago

    The last time I bought a game off the dev's website, it was Intruders and that game is amazing. Is vintage story good enough to justify buying it off of their website?

    • 5 months ago

      The block chiseling mechanics alone make it superior to minecraft on a purely bulding level. You can make Infinitely more things and meld textures; Make all your builds pop out, look very real and 3 dimensionsal.

  12. 5 months ago

    i like it, i like it a lot. i want more but updates are slow

  13. 5 months ago

    Is it out yet?
    If it isn't out yet that's why.
    Playing these long form, grindy survival games while in development is always aids with the changes to items and production and the potential for wrecking saves. If you make a game like this early access, you need to finish it quickly or I lose all interest and probably wont remember it when 1.0 comes out.

  14. 5 months ago

    >armor making and smithing is pretty tedious
    >prospecting/mining could be better
    >its basically chore sim for a lot of the game which is fine but i wish you could automate even more of it
    >no villages, or really anything that exciting to find in the overworld
    >no fishing or nets

    its still a great game and I love it

    • 5 months ago

      It isn't tedious if you use some mods that add molds for more tools. Clay forming shit is 1000x more tedious and definitely get the mods that use grid recipes for those. While the armor stuff definitely is still tedious, you rarely ever need to make more than a couple of sets of armor.

      The bigger issue is the comedic levels of ore and bars needed to make a full set of armor. I struck figurative gold when mining for copper(at the very bottom, highest density level too) was mining for over 30 mins the motherload. I came back with a bunch of stacks, melted them all and barely had enough for one full plate set.

    • 5 months ago

      It isn't tedious if you use some mods that add molds for more tools. Clay forming shit is 1000x more tedious and definitely get the mods that use grid recipes for those. While the armor stuff definitely is still tedious, you rarely ever need to make more than a couple of sets of armor.

      The bigger issue is the comedic levels of ore and bars needed to make a full set of armor. I struck figurative gold when mining for copper(at the very bottom, highest density level too) was mining for over 30 mins the motherload. I came back with a bunch of stacks, melted them all and barely had enough for one full plate set.

      these are both things that are better if you have people to play with. just like a real early tribe, its better to delegate jobs to different people. surviving is way easier if you have a guy hunting, a guy building, a guy crafting, etc

      now I just need friends...

      • 5 months ago

        Balancing something like this game around single player is dumb. Especially since its inspired by minecraft. Today you might think that multi-player was what made minecraft successful, but it was only way sustained it after it became popular. It was always a tacked on thing until server autism took hold.

        Balancing this game around the cancer that is minecraft severs will forever doom this game. It won't even be a cult hit but something only people that want to get into the existing communities servers(hint, next to no one). Or the people looking to host their own(very few).

        Multi-player and "it's fun with friends" brainrot mentality is always a crutch for these games. You need to have a solid core for the game to be not only good but successful.

      • 5 months ago

        blacksmith is my favorite job
        i literally spent a month doing nothing but making charcoal and working the forge for the town
        I think I have autism

    • 5 months ago

      >prospecting/mining could be better

      I think prospecting is fine as it is already, it only needs polishing. What don't you like about prospecting? (Other than the large amount of time it takes to get samples everywhere lol) Despite that, still enjoy it because it's realistic and pushes you into areas you otherwise wouldn't visit I order to prospect. Also it's one of the main reasons to continue to explore(since allot of content is not added yet).

      • 5 months ago

        >What don't you like about prospecting? (Other than the large amount of time it takes to get samples everywhere lol)
        I just think it's not interactive and video gamey enough, its literally reading text in the chat box. I do not have any ideas on how to change it or add a better prospecting, something thats more of a minigame would be good

  15. 5 months ago

    It's not finished.

    Smithing is based.
    Homesteading is well done.
    Atmosphere is stellar.

    The mining is COMPLETE dogshit. I would rather it be tedious/ more slow paced, because currently it just involves sprinting in and out of caverns with stacks of healing + dirt blocks to scan the walls and escape before it fills up with too many fricking mooks.
    That's after the DOGSHIT prospecting mechanic. It's been made better with most recent update, but holy frick is it not immersive.

    Enemy variety is DOGSHIT. The mooks that attack you are too annoying (and they've only been made MORE annoying with the constant rock chucking) and don't serve as a sensible PvM challenge. They're not particularly challenging. They're stale. They're annoying. Once you have steel and armor, they are trivial. It would make more sense if the mooks + storm intensity scaled with technology you acquire. (invoking storms to charge the weird fantasy machines, idk)

    Too many systems have first iteration with no upgrades. You'll be at steel age and still using shitty stick tongs for metalworking and open campfires inside your kitchen to cook.
    Crafting systems for tailoring/ leatherworking/ woodworking is not immersive/ as cool as metalworking.
    Clay is okay but it could do with something like a potter's wheel.

    Travel is still a core issue. Teleporters aren't the solution. Teleporters are weird jank.

    I know "just use mods" but I despise mods. Base game needs more work.

    • 5 months ago

      You can just place rocks on the ground and they can't spawn. I know it's a bandaid fix, but it should work until devs unfrick the current system/enemy stuff which is super obnoxious.

    • 5 months ago

      >Too many systems have first iteration with no upgrades. You'll be at steel age and still using shitty stick tongs for metalworking and open campfires inside your kitchen to cook.
      holy shit this, need more upgrades in utility and aesthetics for more items

  16. 5 months ago

    Got as far as iron once but restarted after an update. Not touching it again until the combat gets an overhaul, it's moronic to think a fox would out-dps a humanoid with stone tools in a slug fight but somehow that's what the devs think.
    Also homesteading and building up a cozy compound is great, but I love exploring just as much intermixed with busy work like that and there's almost nothing to see or find out in the world at the moment and a lot of the biomes feel very samey

  17. 5 months ago

    I played it with /vm/ for about two and a half years before a combination of shifts in the community, increasing demands at work, and the glacial pace of the updates forced me to put it down. It's a great game and if you're fresh and can get a few people together to play it with you. I recommend getting as many new players together as possible and working on homesteading an empire together. This is a great game to play with other players as long as you're equally dedicated to its demands.
    Clockmakers rise up.

  18. 5 months ago

    Is there a way to turn down the autism needed to play?

  19. 5 months ago

    It's my current autism game, I play nothing else. Very unfinished in many areas but I've been enjoying homesteading and going up the tech tree to really notice.
    It's very comfy, I put on a long video I only need to listen to and run between errands. Hours go by fast and I'm still left disappointed that actual work/sleep tears me away from it.

  20. 5 months ago
    Mad Hatter

    Wish they added more to minecraft other than terrain updates and fotm mobs, is vintage story a superior game to minecraft?

    • 5 months ago

      Vanilla? Yes
      Modded? Minecraft sadly still wins out just due to sheer variety over the years and autism.

      • 5 months ago
        Mad Hatter

        I mean minecraft has been around for long as time and has probably like a million different mods and a young fanbase? But regargless if it's anything better than minecraft in terms of quality i'm willing to play it.

  21. 5 months ago

    Waiting for Early Access to end and a Steam release.

  22. 5 months ago

    It's alright but the grinding is aggressively autistic
    Also the character creator is fricking moronic and I have no idea why they insisted on making grotesque nonhumans

  23. 5 months ago

    Because whenever I find a cool place to build, there's always ALWAYS a fricking temporal drag or whatever the frick its called so my sanity goes down. I like the mechanic enough when roaming and exploring to not disable it, but every fricking where I want to build it starts to spin like fricking crazy.

  24. 5 months ago

    It's called vagrant story you moron

  25. 5 months ago

    they don't accept argentine pesos

  26. 5 months ago

    >3 billion armor choices each with their own benefits and downsides
    >all absolutely inconsistent in the ammount of effort needed to craft them vs their benefits
    >all mogged by simple cloth armor, which is easy as hell to make, has better damage mitigation than 70% of the armors, and has an almost null movement reduction (completely null in the case of the version that a specific classcan make)

    • 5 months ago

      The cloth stuff only has up to tier 2 protection, so it's only good for animals and light cave diving(i.e. 90% of the enemies itg LOL). But you still need higher tier armor for deep areas, or if you actually play to fight during temporal storms.

      • 5 months ago

        >But you still need higher tier armor for deep areas, or if you actually play to fight during temporal storms
        Skill issue, all you need for temporal storms is a couple spears and the mobility of the cloth armor is still better for kiting and ocassionally taking hits than having to constantly eat hits with any other armor's like 10% or 20% more damage resistance but the speed of a sloth.

        I think only the full steel sets are worth it at that point for tanking shit but who fricking cares lol, by the point you make them you're not even playing the game anymore.

        • 5 months ago

          >take one single hit from higher tier enemy
          >lose 3/4 your heath and half your armor durability
          >this is some how a skill issue

          No amount of pretending you dodge every attack from the litteral dozens of enemies attacking you at once will make up for the lie.

          • 5 months ago

            >lose 3/4 your health
            it's about 2/5ths but you have to be a moron to get hit by the ones with antlers or the ones with the serrated blades on their arms. Like one of them spawns at a time, a max of two during the WORST temporal storms, and you just focus on getting rid of them before the others and every single other one deals pissy shitty damage.
            >half your armor durability
            not only are you greatly exaggerating it, but you can literally just carry a bunch of cloth around with you and fix it extremely easily

            • 5 months ago

              Cloth farming only takes off in the mid game until you have enough cloth. Also the up front cost of the armor itself and windmill sails takes a while. So this isn't really viable until well after you acquired the armor.

              Now you are also claiming you can get off not being hit by all the enemies at once but accessing the inventory to repair armor in between?

              • 5 months ago

                >Cloth farming only takes off in the mid game until you have enough cloth.
                So you're such a little pussy that you don't even explore enough to find a bunch of traders, alright lol.
                I literally only started farming for cloth once I had already done the dungeon lmao, I snowballed into becoming rich off exploring caves and selling crates.
                >Now you are also claiming you can get off not being hit by all the enemies at once but accessing the inventory to repair armor in between?
                I literally have never had enemies hit gangbang mer to the point of breaking my armor mid-fight, because again the cloth armor has the best mobility and you can literally just not get hit.
                How do you even survive bears or wolves if you don't even know how to... wait, of course you don't and that's probably why you need higher tier armors to tank literally every hit.

              • 5 months ago

                And to add to this, you're still greatly understating the durability of the cloth armor.
                It's much more durable than you think.

        • 5 months ago

          >he's not a blackguard

  27. 5 months ago

    No automation beyond a hammer and a mill.

  28. 5 months ago

    I love it but the game is very incomplete and lacking in features. The combat also sucks major ass and there isn't enough enemy variety. If you play on a server with a few people and add some mods its good fun for a few weeks.

  29. 5 months ago

    the page looks sketchy af
    they have been put of being in any store for years
    it looks like a copy paste minecraft at first glance, even if its more complex

  30. 5 months ago

    because i cant find ore and theres no way to disable console commands to stop my weak willed self from cheating when the game throws some bullshit at me

    • 5 months ago

      read a prospecting guide bro
      and if reaching the bronze age is too difficult remember that you can buy bronze tools and tin/bismuth/zinc from traders

    • 5 months ago

      ore is simply triangulation and basic math anon

  31. 5 months ago

    t. someone who stopped playing MC after they added cave sounds

  32. 5 months ago

    Is it available on the usuals?

  33. 5 months ago

    Until there is some real content and ai, it's just the same slop

    • 5 months ago

      have you done the resonance archives dungeon yet?

  34. 5 months ago

    It's not content complete yet. I don't play unfinished games.

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