Why has Sonic eclipsed Crash Bandicoot in popularity despite Crash not having the string of horrible games like Sonic did in the 00s?

Why has Sonic eclipsed Crash Bandicoot in popularity despite Crash not having the string of horrible games like Sonic did in the 00s? What did Sonic do that Crash didn't?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Crash not having the string of horrible games like Sonic did in the 00s?

    What fricking world did you live in where post Naughty Dog Crash wasn't shit? Every game after CTR in the 2000s barring MAYBE Twinsanity was mediocre as frick.

    • 10 months ago

      How is that different than Sonic? Neither franchise has had a good game in decades except for Mania (made by another dev) and Trilogy (remaster, made by another dev).

      • 10 months ago

        It's not different from Sonic so I don't get why OP would say such a blatant lie. The only reason Sonic has stuck around for as long as he has is because the character designs are timeless at this point. Say what you want about the quality of the games but Sonic's design is genuinely great.

        I would honestly argue that even some of the shittier Sonic games are much more palatable and easier to stomach than the shittiest Crash games. Sonic has an actual personality while Crash never really had one, until the PS2 games started to flanderize him and turned him into a complete moron who screams about pancakes.

      • 10 months ago

        autists like the characters and lore of sonic, only furry coomers and contrarian autists like crash

  2. 10 months ago

    Sonic was cuter and fast, way more cool.
    Crash was an ugly idiot, and we like it for that.

  3. 10 months ago

    >despite Crash not having the string of horrible games like Sonic did in the 00s?
    except he did?
    in fact,so horrible he had to wait 9 years for the remakes

  4. 10 months ago

    Because sometimes all it takes is a good or rather recognizable character design. If you were to put both characters behind a screen and can only make out their outlines you would know full well the one with the spiky 3 rows of shark like heads is Sonic where as Crash just doesn't have anything to distinguish himself. Sonic also has been in much more forms of media aside from merely games which is all but Crash has and just overall Sonic is more popular with kids as his stories are pretty shōnen like (at least were for a time until Frontiers return to form) and as some people joke Sonic is DBZ but for kids which cannot really fault the observation of similarities here and there.

  5. 10 months ago

    Sonic was an icon thanks to the marketing campaign and the cartoons.
    I love Crash but he never even approached that level of popularity

    • 10 months ago

      Because sometimes all it takes is a good or rather recognizable character design. If you were to put both characters behind a screen and can only make out their outlines you would know full well the one with the spiky 3 rows of shark like heads is Sonic where as Crash just doesn't have anything to distinguish himself. Sonic also has been in much more forms of media aside from merely games which is all but Crash has and just overall Sonic is more popular with kids as his stories are pretty shōnen like (at least were for a time until Frontiers return to form) and as some people joke Sonic is DBZ but for kids which cannot really fault the observation of similarities here and there.


      Crash will always be known as just some wannabe poser trying to be Sonic with how he was marketed as in trying to dethrone and failing at beating Mario. Sonic's been the only one that has even if it was only for a short while once 3D dropped looking at the impact Mario 64 had on the industry which Sonic himself did in turn at the time with all the coming out of the wood works anthropomorphic animal mascots trying to be the next Sonic with Crash being no different.

      • 10 months ago

        >Crash will always be known as just some wannabe poser trying to be Sonic

        • 10 months ago

          As I've said with how Sonic started the trend of all these anthropomorphic animal mascots due to his success at the time in having done the impossible in defeating Mario. Don't you try denying it especially when Crash trying to be over a mascot with attitude hence him being a wannabe poser.

          • 10 months ago

            >mascot with attitude
            he was never originally marketed like that so now im sure youre full of shit

            • 10 months ago

              Fake fan when tvtropes even has it mentioned (among other similarities) and again with his own commercial for his debut. Keep coping to yourself. https://youtu.be/mTi5EaocGaY?si=QTODZo2qgmp0srZb

  6. 10 months ago

    Crash might not have games on the same level as Sonic 06 or Rise of Lyric, but Sonic at least consistently get games with the occasional solid or good one, or with meme value like Shadow.

    • 10 months ago

      Even Shadow isn't really horrible. Its just tedious. IMO Sonic Chronicles is the worst Sonic game.

  7. 10 months ago

    Crash lacked a Sonic 06, but otherwise the rest of its games were on par or even worse than the painfully mediocre letdowns of Sonic during the era. Like with Unleashed, you can say
    >man, I hate this boring, repetitive, and ill-fitting beat-em-up action
    >but at least the speed-platforming Day stages are fantastic
    with Crash of the Titans you say
    >man, I hate this boring, repetitive, and ill-fitting beat-em-up action
    and that's it.

    Hell, if anything, Sonic 06 worked well for Sonic: it was so bad that people wanted to see them fix their egregious mistake, and while most of the follow-ups failed to land solidly. the possibility and hope for a better game magnified the next games' good bits before and after launch, leaving people with a lot of "well they did this well" even if they left disappointed. Crash just had middling to mediocre releases, not enough games to keep people interested, and while Twinsanity was abysmally half-finished, it was ultimately still better stitched together for a lot of people to still treat it fondly, so the series got no magnifying lens.

    • 10 months ago

      >Crash lacked a Sonic 06
      Boom Bang

      • 10 months ago

        Not a broken game and is shovelware. That's far closer to Sonic Shuffle than fricking mainline Sonic 06.

    • 10 months ago

      And again it played into storywise the shōnen like narrative with as much as people critic Sonic's story, the Silver and especially Shadow's stories for key moments still hit and are remembered.

    • 10 months ago

      And again it played into storywise the shōnen like narrative with as much as people critic Sonic's story, the Silver and especially Shadow's stories for key moments still hit and are remembered.

      ?si=GQMtqt92hD-uxQiw&t=71 The very reason some people hate the fact Shadow is just seen as some Vegeta clone to Sonic's Goku when he's not.

  8. 10 months ago

    The difference is that while the mid 00s Crash games weren't bad, they were all horrendously boring. Bad art can still have a lot to say, but boring art dies quickly.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, additionally while 06 falls into bad art it has proven by Project 06 if it had more time in the oven would have been great.

  9. 10 months ago

    This shitty thread again?
    Sonic is japanese and anime is far far more mainstream than looney tunes. It's ultimately why classsic Sonic is just not as popular than modern by sheer autistic numbers now despite people actively wanting classic back and now that we got it back, people still aren't happen because Taxman isn't behind it anymore and moderngays are tired of sharing """THEIR""" IP with boomers.

    Classic Sonic and Crash's western elements is just dated because the modern world hates America. Same exact issue with Rayman. People just worships Japan too much right now to prefer anything not anime. Trust me, let Trigger make a Crash anime and 5 billion people will "suddenly" call Crash beloved.

  10. 10 months ago

    "eclipsed" implies there was ever a point since his inception that Crash was more popular than Sonic
    what a weak trolling attempt

  11. 10 months ago

    Only snoys think crash was bigger than sonic

    • 10 months ago

      I did not even know the the frick Crash was, but I did know who Spyro was. The orange moron will always be a nobody that will never leave his mark in video game history.

  12. 10 months ago

    Crash has always had an identity issue. Sonics has almost always kept the exact same shape, aesthetic and gameplay of his games. A Mickey Mouse inspired mascot who goes fast, no more or less. Crash cant even go a single generation without him being redesigned or modernized. How many mascots can you say have been so heavily altered? Nintendo would sooner drown an infant on national T.V. than change how Mario looks.

    • 10 months ago

      >Sonics has almost always kept the exact same shape, aesthetic and gameplay of his games.
      What a fricking moronic post. Like seriously really fricking moronic.

      It could be said Sonic has been this shitty "Adventure style" the longest during the time of his biggest exposure period since the 90s via the nintendo audience, but only a non fan would say Sonic was identical for 30 years. You're completely full of shit and I'd say even Crash has been far more consistent because he only had two directions, Original and Titans. Sonic has Classic, Adventure, Boost, Boom and now BoTW.

      • 10 months ago

        What a winded autistic rant saying nothing of value.

        • 10 months ago

          >no argument
          I accept your concession.

  13. 10 months ago

    >What did Sonic do that Crash didn't?
    He wasn't a blatant rip-off.

  14. 10 months ago

    >"people" seething about crash itt
    for a "failed" mascot he appears to have had impact on morons anyway

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