why havent (you) taken the Goronpill?

why haven’t (you) taken the Goronpill /tg/?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Because Reclaim the Wilds, the Zelda TTRPG somehow manages to be just as much of a castergay circle-jerk as D&D despite being based on a series where magic is only ever used by people who are evil, actual monsters of the Demon tribe, or main plot characters chosen by the gods (Zelda, Rauru, etc).

    • 5 months ago

      >reclaim the wilds
      >the Zelda TTRPG
      >not Crimson Crest

      • 5 months ago

        Never heard of it, but will look into it. Thanks.

      • 5 months ago

        >Crimson Crest
        >You are the game designer of this game.
        >These guidelines are merely built to help that game design flow easier.
        Sick and tired of every game these days telling me I need to do everything.

    • 5 months ago

      What about the Zelda D20 system?

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      There's also the ninja magic used by the Sheika tribe, like Impa did in Age of Calamity.

    • 5 months ago

      >despite being based on a series where magic is only ever used by people who are evil
      Except Link, Zelda, Fairies, Sages, Goddesses, etc

      • 5 months ago

        Did you just stop reading as soon as you saw evil?

  2. 5 months ago

    Don't know what the frick that it but it sounds awful.

  3. 5 months ago

    >it's another race with zero agency that the gm has to go out of their way to fit in
    I would compare them to halflings rather than dwarves

    • 5 months ago

      Halflings are fine. They fit in quite well into most settings where farmers fit in. I'd more for a more them to Gnomes, since they step onto the feet of an existing race, either Halflings in one way or Dwarves in another. Though I enjoy Gorons, since Dwarves are supposed to be fun, drink a lot, and are just good.

      • 5 months ago

        Traveling Goron salesmen are a thing in every 3D Zelda from MM onward, with the exception of SS where they are replaced with Goron explorers and archaeologists

    • 5 months ago

      There are plenty of traveling Gorons in the source material.

    • 5 months ago

      Goron traveling merchants has become something of a setting staple since at least Windwaker, and it's not hard to come up with an excuse for an adventurer goron. Hell, it's easier to justify why a gorin would leave his volcano than why a dwarf would leave their mountain.

  4. 5 months ago

    They are cool and all but are not as customizable as dwarves are and not as human.
    Besides, in game terms, what would change by playing a goron? Not wearing armor and having a natural plate?

    • 5 months ago

      Off the top of my head, they're larger than average (depends on source), eats rocks instead of normal food, sinks like the rock they might as well be in water, can roll around and build momentum and slam into things, may be able to augment that with magic if they have it, and high heat and fire resistance.

    • 5 months ago

      Off the top of my head, they're larger than average (depends on source), eats rocks instead of normal food, sinks like the rock they might as well be in water, can roll around and build momentum and slam into things, may be able to augment that with magic if they have it, and high heat and fire resistance.

      I've made a Zelda rulebook from scratch, in my game the Gorons specific gameplay changes are :
      >Can't swim (Too heavy to float, should drown but I'm thinking of allowing walking underwater)
      >Can't use any one-hand weapon
      >Two-handed weapon are used with one hand
      >Can only wear big armors (which sometimes imply "getting rid of the tighter parts of the armor", and losing AC as a result).
      >be a bit more naive than others in general, but not necessarily stupid.
      >Can eat rocks.
      >Nullify fire damages, but gets fricked by ice.

      Other than that they are pretty normal and are very good fighters.

      • 5 months ago

        Sounds like D&D with the numbers filed off. Do you do anything special for music?

        • 5 months ago

          While there is a bit of D&D influence, I actually designed the rules to have less values than D&D. They share some similarities but really not that much.

          Musics in the game play a big role yes. Before explaining, I should mention the game uses a stamina system very similar to BotW / TotK : actions use stamina, then stamina refills quickly (half stamina / round).

          Characters can use instruments and play music they know with it. Each types of instruments have a specific bonus : guitars will make any song ask for -1 stamina than normally needed, wind instrument can cover the sound of another character instrument to negate its effect, etc.
          Instrument have a pitch range, and each song has a recommended pitch and instrument.
          It is possible to play almost any song with any instrument, but the DC gets easier if the instrument is the recommended one ; the song's effect range is lowered if the instrument pitch range doesn't have the song's pitch.
          Along with this, songs have a minimum level of mastery as a condition to be performed, that influence the DC. It's still possible for an inexperienced musician to try any song ; but level 4 and 5 (the maximum) songs are impossible to play (or nearly for lvl 4).

          Sounds complicated ? Well, it actually is. I want to revamp all of this. I wanted a somewhat complex and semi-realistic system that encouraged reflexion for character builds, but it's just too much numbers for a specific feature. Plus the rest of the game is actually fairly easy to play so it's even more of a pain when a character uses an instrument. I'll update this system.

          For the songs, there is almost all the songs in the serie. Some are buffs and debuffs, but some have more specific effects. Manbo's Mambo for exemple summons a mountable Moon-fish ; all the sage songs of OoT give a buff to all characters, and another buff to the character from the race associated to their sage... There are also some homemade songs inspired by characters from the games.

          • 5 months ago

            That does sound complicated, but you gave an earnest effort at capturing arguably the most defining feature of Zelda, the music. Do you have any ideas on how to revamp the system? There's another Zelda RPG out now, called Forgotten Ballad, but it makes no distinction between any musician's instrument or skill, and it has a lackluster library of songs. It also has strange math involved where the main factor in the "power" of music is just having a lot of musicians play at once, since what determines if you can play a song is matching dice.

            • 5 months ago

              >That does sound complicated, but you gave an earnest effort at capturing arguably the most defining feature of Zelda, the music.
              Thank you. Most of my RPG tries to translate the videogames feels in a TTRPG way, so music was very important in the design. Also, thanks for your interest on my RPG, Anon.

              >Do you have any ideas on how to revamp the system?
              Not much right now honestly. I'm doing a little app to manage characters sheets for now and decided to not touch the game's design until I finished this. It's also a way to take a break and let time and inspiration come back, because I felt dry when finishing the rules and items books (one year+ of work, around 200 pages... It was long and tiresome).
              I think I'll ditch the whole pitch thing. For the recommended instrument, I don't really know, MM had this interesting feature of having some songs working only with specific instruments in some parts, it's a little detail I wanted to put in the game. But it bloats a bit the game mechanic. I think I'll keep the songs level because some of these are really powerful (think of these as spells in most other RPG).

              >There's another Zelda RPG out now, called Forgotten Ballad, but it makes no distinction between any musician's instrument or skill
              Never heard of this RPG, I'll check it out to see how they do it. I want to avoid this lack of distinction between musician instrument and skill ; I like my RPG to have a progression system with boundaries but also a sense of reward. Each instrument type has an associated skill level ; 1 level = +5 on DC (D20, kinda D&D similar).

              >It also has strange math involved where the main factor in the "power" of music is just having a lot of musicians play at once, (...)
              Interesting. In my case it's possible to have several musicians playing, but it does not go further than "the stat gets more boost" or "the dice involved in goes up (for ex. D6 to D8)". I want to avoid maths so it's a bit of a "on DM's discretion" rule tho.

            • 5 months ago

              Id be interested in hearing any ideas on how to do music. I'm planning on running a zelda themed BRP 4th edition game and I want the main way to cast spells to be playing melodies to basically convince your god to grant you power

              • 5 months ago

                I'd use a simple skill check and reaction mechanic for that, reaction modified by skillful playing and playing the right music for your god. Modeling playing music beyond a skill check takes a lot of work, and I wouldn't recommend diving into it unless you're a musician yourself/study the art of theory and composition.

  5. 5 months ago

    This is the only Goron I respect

    • 5 months ago

      Not even Biggoron?

  6. 5 months ago

    What happened to the dark fantasy zelda worldbuilding project?

  7. 5 months ago

    I really wish everyone spamming this "pill" meme would just overdose and die

  8. 5 months ago

    4e/5e/PF has plenty of freakshit already. Gorons are a better class of freakshit, granted, because they were created in Glorious Nippon, but still, they're a bit monkey cheese for a PC race if you're asking me.

  9. 5 months ago

    I never needed to be Goron-pilled. I was born into it, moulded by it. I did not stop eating rocks until I was already a man, and by then I did nothing but roll around.

  10. 5 months ago

    I'm cooking up something for this thread so this is a bump for now

    • 5 months ago

      Hope whatever you're cooking up is coming soon, this thread doesn't get much attention

      • 5 months ago

        It might get delayed to next Zelda thread depending on time, but on the other hand it is the weekend coming up so I'll have some time. It's an RPG I wrote that was mentioned earlier in the thread that needed updates and expanded content.

  11. 5 months ago

    Remove the r then we can talk

    • 5 months ago

      Why not be a goron goon working for the Volcano Mafia?

  12. 5 months ago

    Because I made my dwarf stand-in fire ants instead.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        As opposed to dwarves, who all share the exact same personality, appearance, and choice in weaponry because if they don't they "aren't real dwarves".

        Also, it's still fantasy, they have free will but well-structured, organized societies. While they might be named by their Queen and a number, they're akin to the Clones in Star Wars in how they act and how they often get nicknames based on their quirks or specialties in combat. Also, they mine a substance that is sticky and flammable akin to napalm that they use in flamethrowers (the system has rules for Exotic/Racial weapons).

        More interesting than drunk redheads who get angry over every little thing and hold a grudge anyhow.

        • 5 months ago

          All Zelda races have the dwarf problem where they're all one character copied and pasted for an entire species.

          • 5 months ago

            Not really. You're sort of correct in that most Zelda npcs get exactly one line of dialogue so there's not really much room to elaborate on distinct personalities beyond exaggerating one quirk or another, but BotW took the effort to give each race a pretty diverse spread of personalities. Yes, they still all have their defining "quirk" (gorons are mostly chill dudes who eat rocks, gerudo are all warriors want a husband, koroks are all playful lil shits, etc) but they fleshed em out a bit more beyond that.

      • 5 months ago


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