Why is?

Why is /vp/ like this?

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  1. 7 months ago

    why is OP like this?

    • 7 months ago

      Thats pokemon fan in genral, moron.

      This one is true

  2. 7 months ago

    Because sexual degeneracy is being celebrated now rather than being ridiculed like it should be.

    • 7 months ago

      Not zoophilia

  3. 7 months ago

    Persian has a surprisingly nice ass tbh. It is also a surprisingly usable lead. I run it with Technician, a sitrus berry, Fake Out, Covet, Taunt, and either Feint in doubles or U-Turn in singles

    • 7 months ago

      Hypnosis and Switcheroo are also good last attack options for Persian in singles. Persian kinda became my Ace pekemon since people never expect the damage it can do with Tera normal boost, Technician, and STAB Covet. It gets walled hard by the cheese head, but so do a lot of pokemon. I have killed so many specs goldfish and Mousholds with it that it's kinda hilarious.

  4. 7 months ago

    Nice shill pic but everyone knows eevees reputation is in the bin now thanks to the new gen 9 character, pennis.

  5. 7 months ago

    Judging by that collage - Glaceon

    • 7 months ago

      he's so cute

  6. 7 months ago

    *sniffs glaceon*

  7. 7 months ago

    this is what /vp/ is like

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Why are you posting brainwashed gay children onto a 18+ website, not-Janny?

    • 7 months ago

      That's a man

  8. 7 months ago


  9. 7 months ago

    Glad God didn’t make me live the Pokémon world, because I would be arrested.

    • 7 months ago

      Daily reminder there is no explicit law about it in the Pokemon World, only unspoken taboo.

      • 7 months ago

        That’s only because Nintendo isn’t going to put a fictional law in their children’s game that states you can’t have sex with anime animals.
        If the Pokémon world existed, it would most definitely have anti-bestiality laws just like the real world. Criminalizing behaviors that deincentivize normal heterosexual relationships between men and women is beneficial towards society.
        Such a society would only not have such laws if the Pokémon world was in a period of degenerate civilizational decline.
        If we are talking about gen 1-4 then there would realistically would be anti-Human to Pokémon fornication laws. Seeing the clownworld from some of the nu-Pokémon games, I can very much see how no such laws would exist in those regions. Not sure about Orre, but I guess if you are rich and powerful enough no one would stop you.

        • 7 months ago

          >If the Pokémon world existed, it would most definitely have anti-bestiality laws just like the real world.
          No it wouldnt because Pokemon world does not even have a concept of animal/beast like Earth does.

          Not mentioning the facts that the world is governed by Pokemon God and the deraded "once pokemon and human were the same and could marry".

          For whatever god know reason people like keep failing to realize one of the main the reasons others find pokemon so appealing for sexual fantasies: it is PRECISELY because they are nothing like our world animals/beasts. A lot of them behave like if someone put a human mind (with various degree of IQ) inside a pastel-colored cute creature.

          Judging by all your posts so far you sure do sound like a closet zoogay. Your kind is not welcomed here, go back to 8ch

          • 7 months ago

            You kind of missed the whole point of why anti-Pokemonility laws would exist, because it being allowed to frick Pokémon free from consequences would be very unhealthy for society. Societies that do not have a strong culture around raising new human generations either die off or get replaced by more disciplined foreign civilizations. The Pokémon world would be no different. After 1000s of years, only the societies with a healthy sense of sexuality would make it out of the ancient world.
            And the extra human traits of Pokémon is precisely why you need laws against fricking them, because way too many people would frick them instead of humans. Birth rates in the developed world are already so low right now, imagine if you had Pokémon you could frick on top of that. Civilization would collapse so fast dude, like within 1-2 generations.
            >Go back to 8chn

            • 7 months ago

              > because way too many people would frick them instead of humans.
              So, bizarre, you agree with my statement about why they appeal then. What was the point of argue in a fitst palce.

              > You kind of missed the whole point of why anti-Pokemonility laws would exist, because it being allowed to frick Pokémon free from consequences would be very unhealthy for society.

              I never said it is allowed. I said the actual laws dont exist in a law form. But there is unspoken societal taboo.

              > Birth rates in the developed world are already so low right now, imagine if you had Pokémon you could frick on top of that. Civilization would collapse so fast dude, like within 1-2 generations.
              I dont necessarily agree.
              There is also quite a few fanfics that addressed the question and resolved in their own way.

              Yes I actually am 1.99 meters or about 6’6” in countries with a written constitution. You sound like you watch a lot of sports ball on the unregistered tele, so let me give you some perspective. Whites are the tallest race in the world, not black people. So for people who use forks and knives to eat, Glaceon is far too small.

              Okay, I'm still failing to see the issue. Well, the only way it would be a problem if you try missionary laying position with Glaceon underneath you. Sure, you probably could crush her (altho, it depends whenever you accept the Pokemon universe canon about their magical resilience), but other than that there aint any problem. With your size you could literally use her as a fleshlight with both of your hands.
              If you are bothered by the possibility of hole being too tight, dont worry, it is very stretchy. A bit foreplay might be needed, and it will accommodate in the end. In fact, assuming you wont be egoistically rough, due to the size she probably will get hooked on that because the further you spread the tight muscles of veganal canal the more it excites nerves endings that reside there and more pleasurable it feels(to the girl, regardless of species). So unless she meets even bigger dick, she is yours forever.

              • 7 months ago

                >What was the point of arguing with me in the first place
                Simply to debunk your claim about the Pokémon world not having laws about fornicating with Pokémon. While that is technically true, that is only because Nintendo would not put any explicit mentions of sex in their childrens game. My whole point is that I think the Pokémon society not having these types of laws would be very unrealistic and go against human social behavior and civilizational evolution. I really do not think social taboos are not enough of a deterrent when Pokémon like fricking Lopunny exists. Lonely young men who are disillusioned with society would just frick their Eeveelution wiener sockets instead of making the effort in finding a human partner.
                Also I’m not surprised you are the same person who really wants to frick Glaceon that I was previously arguing with.

              • 7 months ago

                >While that is technically true

                > that is only because Nintendo would not put any explicit mentions of sex in their childrens game.

                > My whole point is that I think the Pokémon society not having these types of laws would be very unrealistic and go against human social behavior and civilizational evolution.

                No, it wouldnt. Your fallacy is that you equate them to colloquial term "animal". Earth's animals are very limited in terms if intelligence and self-awareness, hence why we have such laws (human morals dictate them).
                But pokemon are nothing alike. A lot of them passes the same unique traits as human do, some have intellect equal or greater. To put in in plain terms and address the commonly used low-hang-fruit fallacy: there is 0 issues with consent. So there is no precedent nor any ground to mimic human laws that exist on out planet, because environment and conditions are different.

                While I understand the point you are trying to push for, I dont think it would be such a catastrophic issue. But even the picture you are painting has a slew of possible resolutions without requiring drastic laws.

                > Lonely young men who are disillusioned with society
                The fallacy here is that you just set up premise to support your supposed argument, but you didnt even consider to ask yourself "what made these people disillusioned with society? What is the root cause we can adress?"

                > would just frick their Eeveelution wiener sockets instead of making the effort in finding a human partner.
                The law isnt gonna stop it and magically force someone to have human partner. In fact, with pokeballs and ease of access it would be easy to silently circumvent.

              • 7 months ago

                >Pokémon can consent
                Don’t care, that is not the point I am making. A relationship between a human and a Pokémon being consensual is irrelevant to me.
                Okay by that logic zero humans in the Pokémon world show zero sexual interest in any Pokémon outside of the ancient past where humans and Pokémon used to be the same thing. However, you and I know that actual humans do lust after Pokémon. If the humans in Pokemon were allowed to behave like actual people, there would be quite a few noticeable changes in that world.
                But yes these hypothetical laws are fanon, so is having sex with Pokémon.
                >You aren’t addressing the root cause of why humans would chose to have sex with Pokémon
                And? Most laws don’t address the root cause of societal issues yet many of them have existed for hundreds of years despite of that.
                >These laws wouldn’t magically stop humans having sex with Pokémon
                Agreed but it would accomplish something else very important. It would prevent people from publicly advocating for said relationships without facing criminal prosecution. This would greatly halt the normalization of fricking Pokémon, this leading to a far fewer amount of people partaking in it. You can see how when western countries decriminalized homosexuality, far far more people starting to have gay sex since it was know a topic that can be spoken about freely and openly. Of course I don’t think laws would completely eliminate an activity, criminals always exist. But most people do not want to be criminals, so having laws against undesirable behaviors is very beneficial.

                > Also I’m not surprised you are the same person who really wants to frick Glaceon that I was previously arguing with.
                Nice instant ad-hominem. And no, not that guy, and no, I dont want to "frick" pokemon like they are some cheap sex toy for me to use. You are talking about [ab]using alive creatures and *using them as means*. That's disgusting.
                I want to make love to them. I want them to feel things. I want them to desire to be physically close to me, as a continuation of out spiritual closeness. I wan to see them making faces, I wan to hear their cute moans. You are failing to see that in such relationships, it is not about me, or not just about me but them as well. This is where I find the beauty of it and that's why I dont see it being wrong or perverted.

                Alright you are just sperging out here. No one but the voices in your head said they wanted to abuse Pokémon in this thread (yet). Also just to be autistic, the comment you are referring to was at the end of my post, so it’s not an INSTANT ad-hominem.

              • 7 months ago

                >Don’t care, that is not the point I am making.
                Fair enough, but you've missed the point. Because you were trying to project human's laws about zoophilia on Pokemon world, where they arent applicable, I've tried to make an example as to why. You cant just do that yet you kept trying and until you see the reason why I dont think our conversation can go anywhere useful.

                > Okay by that logic zero humans in the Pokémon world show zero sexual interest in any Pokémon outside of the ancient past where humans and Pokémon used to be the same thing.
                I mean, that is kind of true? If we take all the pokemon media material.

                > However, you and I know that actual humans do lust after Pokémon.
                Imaginary. Actual humans - we - dont have pokemon.

                > If the humans in Pokemon were allowed to behave like actual people, there would be quite a few noticeable changes in that world.
                Of course, it would be drastically different than what we have, but again, you are missing the point and you are resorting to the same mistake you did before - projecting Earth humans onto pokemon world. The people of pokemon universe grew up and evolved in different condition, side by side with pokemon, they are not necessarily share all the same morals 1:1. For most people here on the board Pokemon is an object of quick&dirty sexual gratification/desire, but people of pokemon world might have developed a different set of values in this regard.

                > "You aren’t addressing the root cause of why humans would chose to have sex with Pokémon"
                > And? Most laws don’t address the root cause of societal issues yet many of them have existed for hundreds of years despite of that.


              • 7 months ago

                Who are you quoting? I never said that, nor it was my intent. You stated:
                > Lonely young men who are disillusioned with society
                You are again projecting out social state to pokemon world. There is absolutely NOTHING, not even a hint, that human society in PU faces the same issue as current collective West, for example. Why would they be disillusioned to grow up with the same social issues as Earth's humans? PU didnt strike me as anything, but Utopia.

                > Agreed but it would accomplish something else very important. It would prevent people from publicly advocating for said relationships without facing criminal prosecution. This would greatly halt the normalization of fricking Pokémon, this leading to a far fewer amount of people partaking in it.

                Sure, I dont disagree with this, but again, you are missing the point: passing of such laws requires a need for such laws. As of now, as I have mentioned before, your justification was a blind projection of our beastiality laws as one of the reasons +collapse of the society "because all human would just want to frick pokemon and that's it".

                But there lies a problem you are oblivious to:

                > You can see how when western countries decriminalized homosexuality, far far more people starting to have gay sex since it was know a topic that can be spoken about freely and openly.

                The laws have nothing to do with it. Notice that said homosexuality is predominately male, like 9x% numbers. Why is that so? This ties to these social issues you brushed upon but never bothered to look deeper: males in our world are forced to "accommodate each other". It became ever so increasingly hard to achieve desirable female partner because of unrealistic expectation and moronic complexity society built upon such relationships and Sexual Revolution failed to properly revolutionize casual sex just for fun/pleasure. So a lot of males just give up and seek consolation elsewhere, homosexuality and troonydom is one of these extremes


              • 7 months ago

                >Passing such laws requires a need for such laws.
                The fact that some Pokemon are very sexually appealing and would be easy to groom into a waifumon is reason enough. That combined with the other reason I’ve been talking about. Also not all humans would want to frick Pokémon, but it would be enough where it would be a massive problem with society if said society did not take necessary methods of discouraging such behaviors. Similar reason why you discourage homosexuality, not all humans are going to have gay sex if you don’t, but enough will that it will be a significant health problem for society. Except normalizing Pokémon sex would be far far far more disastrous.
                >The laws have nothing to do with it
                The laws are a very important component and absolutely have something to do with it. Ancient Greek Pederasts fricked little boys despite not living during the sexual revolution, because they did not face punishment for doing so. HomosexualsBisexuals and troonys existed way before industrial society and the societies that punished those who engaged such behaviors had far fewer instances of said behaviors than the societies that did not. Laws are extremely important for dictating the Overton window.
                Also you have some hang up that I think people will basically just pump and dump Pokémon if they can freely have sex with them. I do not think this is the case, in fact I think it’s the opposite. I think humans would form such tight bonds with their waifumons that they wouldn’t want to ever try and wife a human girl, which is exactly why allowing this to happen could be cataclysmic for a civilization.
                And stop using Reddit spacing.

              • 7 months ago

                >Zoophilia laws are not applicable in this situation
                They are, healthy societies have laws against zoophillia and homosexuality for the same underlying reason. You can’t reproduce with an animal and you can’t reproduce with someone of the same-sex. And you can’t reproduce with a Pokémon. Consent or how physiologically disgusting the act is are not the factors I am considering here when I bestiality with homosexuality and Pokémon sex.
                >Pokémon are imaginary therefore people would not lust after them if they were real.
                1800-comethefrickon you can’t actually believe that.
                >Humans evolved side by side with Pokémon
                They sure did, they sure did. Which is exactly why they would be very well aware of how dangerous and deadly the normalization of human-Pokémon relationships would be. What happened in the real world, was that all the cultures with anti reproduction and civilization building sexual behaviors got wiped out and conquered by the civilizations who discouraged such sexual behaviors. I see no reason to expect the Pokémon universe would be any different in this regard. Surely the ancient cultures who had sex with their Pokémon got wiped out by the cultures who didn’t, because the cultures who didn’t could multiply more efficiently than the ones who did.

                Who are you quoting? I never said that, nor it was my intent. You stated:
                > Lonely young men who are disillusioned with society
                You are again projecting out social state to pokemon world. There is absolutely NOTHING, not even a hint, that human society in PU faces the same issue as current collective West, for example. Why would they be disillusioned to grow up with the same social issues as Earth's humans? PU didnt strike me as anything, but Utopia.

                > Agreed but it would accomplish something else very important. It would prevent people from publicly advocating for said relationships without facing criminal prosecution. This would greatly halt the normalization of fricking Pokémon, this leading to a far fewer amount of people partaking in it.

                Sure, I dont disagree with this, but again, you are missing the point: passing of such laws requires a need for such laws. As of now, as I have mentioned before, your justification was a blind projection of our beastiality laws as one of the reasons +collapse of the society "because all human would just want to frick pokemon and that's it".

                But there lies a problem you are oblivious to:

                > You can see how when western countries decriminalized homosexuality, far far more people starting to have gay sex since it was know a topic that can be spoken about freely and openly.

                The laws have nothing to do with it. Notice that said homosexuality is predominately male, like 9x% numbers. Why is that so? This ties to these social issues you brushed upon but never bothered to look deeper: males in our world are forced to "accommodate each other". It became ever so increasingly hard to achieve desirable female partner because of unrealistic expectation and moronic complexity society built upon such relationships and Sexual Revolution failed to properly revolutionize casual sex just for fun/pleasure. So a lot of males just give up and seek consolation elsewhere, homosexuality and troonydom is one of these extremes


                >Who are you quoting?
                You when you asked what the root cause of disillusionment of society was.
                >There is no hint that the PU is facing the same social issues of real modern western societies
                Gen 6 has literal troony characters and Gen 8 and Gen 9 have clear evidence of mass migration with all these different looking humans who somehow all exist in the same region. I would personally call these societies dystopias and also Orre is objectively a dystopia.
                But that’s not too important anyways, because a Utopia wouldn’t just allow it’s citizens to seek whatever pleasure they want, because that society would quickly turn into a shithole.

              • 7 months ago

                >Consent or how physiologically disgusting the act is are not the factors
                > They are, healthy societies have laws against zoophillia and homosexuality for the same underlying reason.
                Then may be you should re-read the said laws because "inability to reproduce with animals" is not even the concern of said law. The body and concept of the law is dictated mostly by human morals and consent plays a huge part in it. Where as your main argument is based upon "reproduction partner" factor. Hence why I said this is one of the reasons it is not applicable here

                >Pokémon are imaginary therefore people would not lust after them if they were real.
                Again, you are putting words in my mouth. I never said that. But you know it, you just resorted to fallacy because you had no argument.

                > What happened in the real world, was that all the cultures with anti reproduction and civilization building sexual behaviors got wiped out and conquered by the civilizations who discouraged such sexual behaviors.
                I always thought of Sodom and Gomorra as more of a caricature "cardboard elephant" example.

                > Which is exactly why they would be very well aware of how dangerous and deadly the normalization of human-Pokémon relationships would be.
                I disagree, it is not necessarily the ONLY path:
                > I see no reason to expect the Pokémon universe would be any different in this regard.
                Because out world is the only example, your mind instantly jumps to the only solutions you can fathom: forbid, lock up, punish.
                Growing side by side with another race dont have to be as pitiful as it would be in out world. Both human and pokemon can learn to value and respect such relationships and instead of laws that forbid things, situation can be addresses by mandatory child program laws to keep population more or less stable. Any day I take small, but happy, stable emotionally and psychologically civilization, to the shitfest we have on Earth.

              • 7 months ago

                >Inability to reproduce with animals is not a factor in bestiality laws
                It is. If you could frick your dog and your dog would birth a human, then human morals towards fricking animals would be very different. Being reproductively incompatible is an essential reason for having anti-bestality laws.
                >I never said that
                You did
                >This is not the only path for allowing human-Pokemon relations.
                >You jump to the only solutions you can fathom
                It is the most likely path a civilization would take. And even if you could get it to work momentarily, you will always be walking on a fine line towards following a darker path. That’s why you can’t take any risks. Extreme criminal prosecution is the safest and most effective solution. That is why it is also the most likely solution humans will take.
                >This is not the time or place to discuss weather or not Pokémon can be considered slaves
                homie this is Ganker, it’s absolutely the time and place to have such a conversation. We are literally talking about if a fictional society would forbid having sex with fictional super powered animals.
                >The West had to decriminalize homosexuality because of the sexual revolution
                They absolutely didn’t and just made the consequences of the sexual revolution worse. The only did so because they are evil despots who hate plebs.

              • 7 months ago

                >It is. If you could frick your dog and your dog would birth a human, then human morals towards fricking animals would be very different. Being reproductively incompatible is an essential reason for having anti-bestality laws.
                No it isnt, you should probably re-read your local one and if you had recording of debates, the argument used. Reproduction capability was least of concerns. Always.

                > It is the most likely path a civilization would take. And even if you could get it to work momentarily, you will always be walking on a fine line towards following a darker path. That’s why you can’t take any risks

                Out history is filled with examples of severe restrictions failing and blowing up violently into our own face. It is like keeping a slave, it is obedient until it gets a valid opportunity to slit owner's throat. Such approach was always a ticking bomb. The grievances and discontentment only grows over time with life under such laws.

                > That is why it is also the most likely solution humans will take.
                As I said - it it the easy way. The cons are above. It DOES not have to be.

                > homie this is Ganker, it’s absolutely the time and place to have such a conversation. We are literally talking about if a fictional society would forbid having sex with fictional super powered animals.
                No, because it is its own giant rabbithole and we are discussing slightly different subject.

                >The West had to decriminalize homosexuality because of the sexual revolution
                You are putting words in my mouth again. I explained why homosexuality and troonydom began such a steep raise in modern society and what was one of the driving factors in one of my previous posts.

                Not responding to all of this, but sexual repression is a necessary component to every single successful civilization.

                I disagree. Actually, I think it is the source of many conflicts. It fricks up human's psyche incredibly fast. I mean, you are the one who mentioned the results of that in a first place: homosexuality, gender identity crisis. Wouldnt be a problem if majority of males in modern society had no issues with females.

              • 7 months ago

                You are really showing a lack of imagination when you talk about bestiality laws. Some boomer writing down an explanation on why bestiality is illegal does not fully encapsulate every reason for its criminalization. Do you understand how fricking huge being able to have human children with an animal would be? Do you not see how that factor would make human beings reconsider their morality in regards to bestiality? Human reproduction is the most important value of civilization, really of life. So if you had a new way of creating more humans, even if it is through a method the real world considers vile and disgusting, humanity would have to consider its usage. You seem to think human beings care a lot more about consent than we actually do. Look at all of human history, humans often did not ask for consent for doing what they did. No one really gives a shit about weather or not a cow consents to being killed for meat, except mentally ill vegans. This is because killing cows, despite it being cruel, is of great utility to mankind and that trumps any notions of consent.

              • 7 months ago

                >You are really showing a lack of imagination when you talk about bestiality laws. Some boomer writing down an explanation on why bestiality is illegal does not fully encapsulate every reason for its criminalization.
                I was talking about the current Earth' laws. They are based on current reality.
                > Do you understand how fricking huge being able to have human children with an animal would be?
                then things would be different. But they arent.

                > Human reproduction is the most important value of civilization, really of life.
                And I disagree humanity would necessarily lose it if they embrace pokemon. Aforementioned mandatory child adoption program into the families of poke-x-human would resolve it. But things get even better. You need to mandate as a law only at the start of your journey here. Once first generation of mixed families grows up, you now have this understanding, these values being inherited by your child. You dont need a law and a gun into the face to explain how it is important to do if you decide to go for mixed relationships. The things will began to fix and balance itself.
                Hell, I absolutely would LOVE to have a human child (along with a pokemon one) with my dear Sylveon Would be hell of a fun family.

                You also failing to note other factors that stiff human birth rate we are facing right now and one of the biggest is current ecomonical state. it simply too expensive. A lot of "proper" as you say, human female x human make families often refuse to have children because it just too much of a burden. Here is your "healthy relationships" failing spectacularly and you dont even need an animal or a pokemon here. Take a look at Japan.

                Pokemon should be least of your concern here.

              • 7 months ago

                I’m not discounting other concerns about reproduction, I am focusing on the issue of Pokémon and Human relations because this is board about Pokémon. I understand how you think a civilization where humans and Pokémon are allowed to have sexo could work and could arise, but I think it is extremely unlikely to work(especially long term) or arise. It goes against trends about how human beings had to navigate similar issues in the real world.
                And the point of the bestiality hypothetical was to show that human beings value reproduction and other great utilities more than consent.
                Healthy human societies will always take great steps to assure that human reproduction is fulfilled, many times even if it goes against other moral notions.
                You laid out some ideas on how humans can still effectively reproduce while allowing people to fornicate with Pokémon, but I think they are very elaborate and unlikely to work at all. Human beings enforced harsh draconian measures for other issues than even remotely threatened reproduction. And I see Pokémon X human relationships would be a much bigger threat. Therefore successful Ancient Pokémon societies would have outlawed it. And the modern Pokémon societies that descend from them would retain this sensibility. Society would only start to question these repressions once civilization starts to decline, just like people do for similar repressions in the real world.
                You are very optimistic and I respect that, but I cannot see how human beings would not repress these types of relationships.

              • 7 months ago

                >nd I see Pokémon X human relationships would be a much bigger threat. Therefore successful Ancient Pokémon societies would have outlawed it. And the modern Pokémon societies that descend from them would retain this sensibility. Society would only start to question these repressions once civilization starts to decline, just like people do for similar repressions in the real world.

                The problem is that otherwise, if optimistic proposal can't work, we end up with the same bad outcomes: either pokemon then basically are slaves/tools in human society (which they *essentially* are in current canon pokemon universe) and take place of what would be a place of an animal/beast on Earth or, in case of a scenario where Pokemon have/regain their civilization, we most likely end up with a war between Pokemon and Humans because the differences and friction between the side are too great (human/pokemon enforcing draconian laws, etc). Which would lead back to the first scenario, except now the losing side are "essential slaves".

                I honestly would prefer take chances at my making my naive utopia work. I prefer hope

              • 7 months ago

                > But that’s not too important anyways, because a Utopia wouldn’t just allow it’s citizens to seek whatever pleasure they want, because that society would quickly turn into a shithole.
                I disagree, Utopia would find way for it to work. You can't just erase Pokemon from the world an even if you did, it would not solve the issues, they would end up in the same situation as we are. Avoid solving the issue hard way is what causes problems. It is easy to forbid something under a penalty and call it a day, any moron can do it. But it wont stop the flood and eventually these locks wont be able to held the said flood any longer.

                > The fact that some Pokemon are very sexually appealing and would be easy to groom into a waifumon is reason enough.
                We are going into dangerous territory of eternal debate "are pokemon essentially slaves". Not the time and place.

                > Similar reason why you discourage homosexuality, not all humans are going to have gay sex if you don’t, but enough will that it will be a significant health problem for society. Except normalizing Pokémon sex would be far far far more disastrous.
                You dont have to do blanket allowance, it can be done with regulations. Said regulations also can be used to make sure here is balance, see Chinese Birth Law.

                > The laws are a very important component and absolutely have something to do with it.
                No, in your particular example the laws aint the reason, they are consequence. See my metaphor about the flood. West had to pass the laws, because otherwise something would frickign EXPLODE and the end result would be even terrible.


              • 7 months ago

                > I do not think this is the case, in fact I think it’s the opposite. I think humans would form such tight bonds with their waifumons that they wouldn’t want to ever try and wife a human girl, which is exactly why allowing this to happen could be cataclysmic for a civilization.

                I dont think this is the issue as much as you try to make it look like. You just dont see any other solution outside of repression. But I believe if you bring order and control into the process it can be addressed proeprly.
                As I said before - pokemon exist in PU universe, you can't erase them. Putting stuff behind locks never worked out well in long-term, see human history, eventually things always explode, often into very blood mess we have to deal for the rest of the future. Human *CAPABLE* of finding a way to co-exist them properly, without the need to restrict intimate interspecies relationships. If this particular civilization too lazy and fails at that - well, they failed the Great Filter and deserve that.
                I also think pokemon would have to work towards the goal too. Granted not all of them on the same level as human to tackle such problem, but majority of them is pretty smart. Integrating them into society properly with rights, helping them for their own little society/civilization (they once had?) would help with this.
                Think about the possible future where you have to work to convince both sides (pokemon and human, in a from of some Committee of Relationships/whatever) to give greenlight for your relationships. This already would cut off quite big portion of surface casual sexual relationships. And it would help address actual love relationships. I mean, after all, if you fall in love with you pokemon (or vice versa) - not like you gonna contribute to your society "naturally". Add on top mandatory child program/donor program that helps keeping population numbers stable and I believe it could be healthy civilization. At least not a civlization of sexually repressed

              • 7 months ago

                Not responding to all of this, but sexual repression is a necessary component to every single successful civilization.

              • 7 months ago

                >Alright you are just sperging out here.

                That was my reply as well, I forgot to mentioned it. Yes, I'm sparing because the way you dropped your "you just want to frick pokemon". Dont lump me with the primates here, using pokemon as means is not my desire. In fact, I find the concept of *giving* is more alluring than *receiving* even.

              • 7 months ago

                > Also I’m not surprised you are the same person who really wants to frick Glaceon that I was previously arguing with.
                Nice instant ad-hominem. And no, not that guy, and no, I dont want to "frick" pokemon like they are some cheap sex toy for me to use. You are talking about [ab]using alive creatures and *using them as means*. That's disgusting.
                I want to make love to them. I want them to feel things. I want them to desire to be physically close to me, as a continuation of out spiritual closeness. I wan to see them making faces, I wan to hear their cute moans. You are failing to see that in such relationships, it is not about me, or not just about me but them as well. This is where I find the beauty of it and that's why I dont see it being wrong or perverted.

        • 7 months ago

          >If we are talking about gen 1-4 then there would realistically would be anti-Human to Pokémon fornication laws
          not like i subscribe to the nu gen lore anyway so there was never some old fashioned time like legends arceus to me and pokemon became popular on our planet when we already had technology such as pcs. if we go by g1 lore then wed instantly have equal rights movements for pokemon like we see for gays. owning a pokemon would probably become illegal in both of these lore versions if its not tolerated to sex them because living together with a monster will always lead to sexo between those groups. they are simply too smart and even humanoid (guardevoir, incineroar or even machamp in g1). in g1 it is allowed to own them however. giving your kid a pokemon as a partner before it ever had a gf/bf as is the social norm there btw doesnt seem like theyd be scared of it happening. also we dont know if pokemon and humans are infertile or not together. maybe there was some implication they can make kids but i dont got it in mind except the unexplained psychic power trainers you come across or the butterfly girl with pokemon eyes in g6. basically starting with g1 pcs or internet.. all that is way too modern and friendly towards pokemon. i cant see them ban it at all. people are given pokemon as kids even though theyre dangerous weapons. if they dont regulate weapon like beings at all why the sexo? can you even enforce such a rule if everyone is armed with pokemon??? it would be more likely that they put up schools in order to teach them how to talk or sign language as a law instead. maybe even make them work and live like people do after that has been successful.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah you are right it would be very difficult to enforce such a law. In my mind, there would be many other social deterrents other than the criminalization of Pokémon sexo, but the legal aspect would absolutely be present.
            >Living together with a monster will always lead to sexo between the two groups
            I don’t agree, I think if you are taught values against fornication you would not be likely to do this. I think public education/indoctrination would play an extremely important part of maintaining a healthy society in the Pokémon world because of how easy it is to arm yourself with a Pokémon. But yes you can enforce the law, even when everyone is armed with Pokémon. You just get a bunch of cops with their own Pokémon to arrest the criminal. And if they don’t comply then you kill them and their Pokémon. If only a few people want to have sex with Pokémon, then there will not be enough of them to effectively rebel against society.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah you are right it would be very difficult to enforce such a law. In my mind, there would be many other social deterrents other than the criminalization of Pokémon sexo, but the legal aspect would absolutely be present.
            >Living together with a monster will always lead to sexo between the two groups
            I don’t agree, I think if you are taught values against fornication you would not be likely to do this. I think public education/indoctrination would play an extremely important part of maintaining a healthy society in the Pokémon world because of how easy it is to arm yourself with a Pokémon. But yes you can enforce the law, even when everyone is armed with Pokémon. You just get a bunch of cops with their own Pokémon to arrest the criminal. And if they don’t comply then you kill them and their Pokémon. If only a few people want to have sex with Pokémon, then there will not be enough of them to effectively rebel against society.

            Oh yeah forgot to address your most important point. I’m not buying your claim that human beings and Pokémon might not be sexually incompatible. However if they are sexually compatible, then that completely destroys my narrative that laws against having sex with them would exist. So yeah, big if true.

  10. 7 months ago

    the water one because it makes me think of gura

  11. 7 months ago

    laceon has the OBJECTIVELY fattest and THICKEST ASS out of all these DELICIOUS, FERAL, POKEPORN BRAPHOGS

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah okay, I can see how a pavement ape would only care about a dogs ass, but for a thinking man there are a lot more factors to consider.
      Size is another big factor, and Glaceon is by far the smallest Eeveelution. It would be very unpleasant to frick in my opinion.

      • 7 months ago

        > Size is another big factor, and Glaceon is by far the smallest Eeveelution. It would be very unpleasant to frick in my opinion

        Huh? Her size is perfect, unless you are 2meters tall black gorilla

        • 7 months ago

          Yes I actually am 1.99 meters or about 6’6” in countries with a written constitution. You sound like you watch a lot of sports ball on the unregistered tele, so let me give you some perspective. Whites are the tallest race in the world, not black people. So for people who use forks and knives to eat, Glaceon is far too small.

        • 7 months ago

          >hand right on the ass

      • 7 months ago

        I thought Jolteon was the smallest

        • 7 months ago

          You are correct, Jolteon is 3 pounds lighter and the same height as Glaceon. Jolteon might be wider though, because of its spiky fur.

  12. 7 months ago

    For me, it's Sylveon

  13. 7 months ago

    Which one has the flattest ass?

  14. 7 months ago

    My favorite ship is Eevee (male) and Glaceon (female).

  15. 7 months ago

    so many cringy posts in this thread. hope they all get killed.

  16. 7 months ago

    imagine reading all of this

    • 7 months ago

      >replying to tourists
      lol, lmao

      Stay mad dickygays

      • 7 months ago

        I'm a cookiegay not a dickygay. dickygays are infinitely worse than cookiegays.

      • 7 months ago

        I like shota tho

  17. 7 months ago

    >replying to tourists
    lol, lmao

  18. 7 months ago

    because real pokemon fans crave the cookie, OP.

  19. 7 months ago

    Can yall stop wasting bumps arguing about stupid shit? Let's just say that Human X Pokémon laws don't exist because Pokémon can impregnate human girls so even if all the dudes are banging their Lopunnies and Eeveelutions, they girls can still have kids with their Machokes and Inteleons. So ultimately the government doesn't care because they are still getting their toy soldiers and society doesn't care because they can frick whoever they want. I'm sure most people would prefer to frick someone that they can actually talk to anyway so I doubt that Human X Pokémon relationships would really be all that common anyway.

    End the stupid argument here and post more Eeveelution ass or you will be punished! Pic related.

    • 7 months ago

      It’s been three hours since anyone said anything about that topic.
      Also if a Pokémon impregnates a human girl, does she give live birth or does she lay an egg?

      • 7 months ago

        Whichever is natural for their species. Though I am of the mind that says that the only pokemon that actually lay eggs are the birds, most reptiles, and most of the fish. The mammal pokemon certainly give live birth just like humans. Eggs are just a child friendly game mechanic for the most part.

  20. 7 months ago

    I want to choke out and violently rape every single eeveelution.

    • 7 months ago

      >Tries to choke Jolteon
      >Gets heart stopped by high voltage cum bawd
      >Cops laugh at your micropenis when they find your dead body with your pants around your ankles

      >Tries to choke Flareon
      >Gets completely overpowered by base 130 attack pokemon
      >Gets 3rd degree burns over 95% of your body
      >Dies of infection 3 weeks later

      >Tries to choke Leafeon
      >Gets guts spilled onto the ground by Leaf Blade tail
      >Bleeds to death

      >Tries to choke Espeon
      >Brain gets squeezed and fall unconscious
      >You don't die because Espeon felt pity for you

      >Tries to choke Umbreon
      >Poison sweat seems into the bite wounds she gives you
      >Actually manage to overpower her
      >Pass out from poison and collapse onto her
      >She tears out your throat while you are unconscious

      >Tries to choke Vaporeon
      >She turns to water
      >frustrated, you splash her
      >She doesn't care and refuses to change back until you give up and leave

      >Tries to choke Glaceon
      >Actually manage to get her onto her back and squeeze her neck
      >She fails around and desperately tries to break your hold, but eventually succumbs and passes out.
      >whip out micropenis, but it is so cold from her struggling that your micropenis becomes concave.
      >Try as you might, you just can't get your concave penis into her.
      >She wakes up and promptly freezes you solid
      >For the next 2 weeks passers by point and laugh at your nonexistent dick, frozen in a block of ice before your corpse finally thaws out

      >Tries to choke out Sylveon
      >She's into it
      >can't rape the willing
      >She doesn't even laugh at your tiny penis
      >Great success!

      • 7 months ago

        >go to doctor after banging sylveon
        >your dick has been itching bad since that fateful day
        >doctor wants to run an STD panel on you
        >what you thought was jock itch became an HIV diagnosis AND jock itch
        >doctor assures you that HIV isn't a death sentence
        >unfortunately you get pneumonia and die the next year because of a compromised immune system

      • 7 months ago

        >Tries to choke Vaporeon
        >She turns to water
        >frustrated, you splash her
        >She doesn't care and refuses to change back until you give up and leave
        >not making her ooze into your urethra and reforming inside your dick - making it explode like a microwaved weenie

        • 7 months ago

          Water can't really move on its own so how would she do that? It's not like a slime or something that has a membrane that allows it to move around, she's just a puddle at that point.

    • 7 months ago

      Frick you

  21. 7 months ago

    I want to platonically bridal carry every single eeveelution.

  22. 7 months ago

    Nah, we need all these threads to create a safe space for dog frickers. especially two concurrent /ef/ threads. Surely it would be impossible to consolidate or delete half these useless threads, but seeing as jannies can't even clean up the cynthia vore spam, I guess this is just how /vp/ is now.

    • 7 months ago

      Makes you mad doesn't it?

    • 7 months ago

      We just need a pokefrickers general thread so the cookie eaters and rocket sitters could be contained in a single thread.

      • 7 months ago

        Nah, we need all these threads to create a safe space for dog frickers. especially two concurrent /ef/ threads. Surely it would be impossible to consolidate or delete half these useless threads, but seeing as jannies can't even clean up the cynthia vore spam, I guess this is just how /vp/ is now.

        >imagine thinking that rolling-back to the near-civilized days of /tr/ is still possible
        Trash already has 3 semi-permament threads for all kinds of pokefrickers, and there are still people who keep posting (un)cropped smut on both Ganker and /vp/ for the sake of reminding jannies that they do it for free.
        I mean are you even aware that actual dogfrickers like FoxyDani still keep on being a menace to Ganker since at least 2007, and there's literally nothing mods can do about it cause they'll just make another fork of their own custom VPNs every time they'd get banned?

        • 7 months ago

          That reshi needs to be mating pressed

          • 7 months ago

            No she needs her hand held

            • 7 months ago

              You want me to hold your hand?

        • 7 months ago

          What three threads are there?
          straight pokephilia, gay pokephilia and the beastiality thread?

          • 7 months ago

            Heterosex pokéXpoké is back on the menu as its own thing since Houndoomfricker and the AIanon spamming cookie'voir golemslop both got told to frick off by anthroplebs ruling-over straight pokephilia threads.

            • 7 months ago

              no idea what i just read but i think i get it
              theres a feral thread now

    • 7 months ago

      Those threads that (with the exception of the first two) mainly consist of cute Pokémon pictures sure are terrible for this board's quality. They are one of, if not the main reason this board is so bad.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm saying the amount of threads for the same thing is the problem, so I'm glad you agree. if instead of 6 threads for cute pics you had one, that's 5 other shitty threads that could exist instead.

  23. 7 months ago

    I heard that male trainers and their female pokémon tend to have 2-3x more egg production than other pairings. Is that true?

  24. 7 months ago

    glaceon has the fattest and stinkiest ass and its not even close

  25. 7 months ago

    civilization will literally collapse if you marry gardevoir

    • 7 months ago

      That's fine. I'll just marry a Lycanroc instead.

    • 7 months ago

      The west has fallen.

    • 7 months ago

      Good, I can’t wait for the collapse

  26. 7 months ago

    I am still waiting for steel and ghost evolutions

  27. 7 months ago

    For me, it's Jolteon

  28. 7 months ago

    which fox has the largest wiener?
    I wonder...

    • 7 months ago

      Vaporeon easily

      • 7 months ago

        No, it would be Flareon.
        Or maybe Leafeon, but I'm not really sure why.

        • 7 months ago

          No fricking way that low T pacifist b***h boy pokemon has the biggest dick.

          • 7 months ago

            Leafeon is the type of pokemon that tries to use Attract on other males.

          • 7 months ago

            I completely agree with you. But it's just a feeling. I think he's like a hung trap, huge swinging dog wiener.
            I'd imagine it's a fun surprise to those hippydippy ladies who want to raise an Eevee specifically for a cute twinky Leafeon, like Erika and her lot.
            But in reality, one of the first things they notice when he evolves is his larger than expected a̶c̶o̶r̶n̶s̶ nuts.

    • 7 months ago


      Best Cookie:

      • 7 months ago

        What's the matter, can't handle the zappy cookie?

    • 7 months ago

      Thanks for reminding me that I promised to make a stupidly in-depth hornypost on this matter…

  29. 7 months ago

    This is not sexual!!!

    • 7 months ago


  30. 7 months ago

    Culture upgrade alert, I have finally witnessed how an Aardwolf's pussy looks like.

    • 7 months ago

      Was it because she couldn't move?

      • 7 months ago

        If you must know she was making ass-butter

        • 7 months ago

          So does you, your parents and everyone else you know, except you know what you ate. Do you know who she ate?

          • 7 months ago

            I'm not talking about Haha's this time around…
            they don't even know that humans have no effect on my dick - unless they're depicted getting shown their place by an objectively superior organism

            • 7 months ago

              No different than a NEET slowly getting his cum on everything in the basement.

    • 7 months ago

      does that mean you aren't going to make every post about this pokemon about penis anymore or is that delusional to even think about

      • 7 months ago

        Sorry, anon. It's delusional.

        • 7 months ago

          yeah i thought so, your gay addiction to penis just cant be broken

          • 7 months ago

            His gay addiction. Unlike your bones and muscles, which can be broken.

            • 7 months ago

              I am so disgusting that I can't even be raped, no normal person would ever be jealous of something like that

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not a person in the first place. The real reason you can't be raped is because you'd enjoy it. Still not sure what this has to do with pocket sized critters, though.

      • 7 months ago

        I was wondering why the thread was going gay.

      • 7 months ago

        Only spotted yeens have a pseudopenor thoughever - maybe if Volcackle becomes real I can imagine myself trying to worship her wienerussy properly. . .
        also the larper who spoke to you wasn't me

    • 7 months ago

      Well now I'm curious. Got a link?

      • 7 months ago

        It's on the real uncucked 8kun, that's all I can tell you…

        I'm not a person in the first place. The real reason you can't be raped is because you'd enjoy it. Still not sure what this has to do with pocket sized critters, though.

        I was hoping that you are my master for a moment

  31. 7 months ago

    Is Vaporeon groomer-core?

  32. 7 months ago

    >forgot my pic as always
    C'mon, I haven't even started drinking yet…

  33. 7 months ago

    Them there are kitty cats

    • 7 months ago

      Eevee are just Eevee.

  34. 7 months ago

    Because humans are so shitty and unrelatable to me that I'd rather wish to have sex with fantasy animals made for the sole purpose to shill plushies to children via Japanese cartoons and videogames

    • 7 months ago

      That is a good picture may I save it?

      • 7 months ago

        save it, it's all yours my friend :^)

  35. 7 months ago

    Cope forever normocel, even a soulless machine translation software craves Jolteon booty with no shame

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