Why is better? Why?

Why is better? Why?

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  1. 1 year ago

    They're not really comparable but if I had to choose I'd go with Stellaris. Not because it's better but because there's nothing else like it. Endless Space has fantastic aesthetics but it's a fairly generic 4X game beyond that.

    • 1 year ago

      >there's nothing else like it
      I mean it's just kind of moo2 with real-time battles

    • 1 year ago

      >there's nothing else like it
      Really? It seemed like an EU4, but on a random map, and you just colonize. At first, anyway. I guess they really developed it a lot since the beginning.

  2. 1 year ago

    Stellaris is actually a great game because despite being terribly laggy and basically an amorphous blob of DLCs, paradrones are still playing it 7 years after launch.

  3. 1 year ago

    I think Stellaris is slightly better but I like ES2 more. If I want to be braindead and play a Paradox game I'd play EU4 or CK2, if I want to play a space game I want to play the one with better visuals and more immersion.

  4. 1 year ago

    I love ES2, I just don’t know how they made a game where the DLC made it worse.

    Also I hate how Behemoths aren’t faction-specific.

    I like Stellaris just fine, but ES2 vanilla is just dollar-for-dollar a better product than Stellaris vanilla.

    • 1 year ago

      >just don’t know how they made a game where the DLC made it worse
      I think Sega outsourced the production of Awakening, I'm not sure if it was the choice of the developers. Even then, Awakening can still be disabled and the Nakalim are one of the lesser interesting factions so it's not a huge loss.
      Behemoths are only annoying in multiplayer when you get fricked by RNG and don't have a good system to build tall on. AI gets behemoths by turn 30 but they're terrible at actually making use of them.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah I can forgive Awakening and Penumbra. Supremacy and Vaulters are great.

        Like I said though, I’d pay actual money for faction-specific resins of behemoths.

      • 1 year ago

        Different developer than Amplitude, same ones that did the last two shitty Endless Legend expansions and the Masters of Orion reboot

    • 1 year ago

      >I like Stellaris just fine, but ES2 vanilla is just dollar-for-dollar a better product than Stellaris vanilla.
      Only because Stellaris is $300 with all DLC

    • 1 year ago

      >Behemoths aren’t faction-specific
      I'd want it too but pretty sure lore says Behemoths are an Endless creation so made sense to make them look identical.

  5. 1 year ago

    Amplitude games were carried solely by their aesthetics, art, music and lore. Despite this they are very gamey. At this point I'd prefer if they cut the bullshit and made them more story focused, instead of story quests being so safe and boring because muh balance. That's their strength anyway. I want half of my Empire to rebel if story says this happens, and not for a game to spawn a single system at the edge of my Empire. Premade scenarios would be great as well for their games.
    ES2 unlike EL is also ugly. Those holograms everywhere are awful, what the frick were they thinking? They made nice ship models showed them only in those completely pointless battle cinematics and instead used samey looking holograms on a campaign map.
    Also Unity engine sucks so fricking hard in those games. In a very late game AI turns took literally 20 minutes for me.

    Stellaris could be better, but at least serves it's role as a sandbox to frick around in. Which is the point. It's modding community is also better and bigger, probably because game itself is more moddable. And that's a massively good thing for a sandbox like this. Battles aren't separated by loading screen and you have more control over them. Real time is also better than turns at simulation. 2d art is uglier, but Stellaris makes better use of it's 3d assets.

    • 1 year ago

      Only one around here with 2D assets is your girlfriend ahaha

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      EL was very close to greatness, even if it was wonky at times and had some questionable design decisions. i liked how the quests and how they pushed players to interact with each other. i think they should've gone further and made that maybe even the focal point of the game, and essentially do away with economy/research maxxing in your cumfort or just blobbing across the entire game zone. i really thought humankind's victory points system was going to do that, but instead it turned out to just be another shit to grind out

      ES2 was a few steps forward, and another few steps back. a lot of the wacky asymmetric shit was dialed down and it's easier to pull yourself out of a shitty situation etc. but at the same time that was kind of the soul of EL to me. also they got rid of quest victories. frick you frenchies

      and then it feels like humankind was made by completely different people, and it probably was. i refuse to believe a team that could go from ES to EL to ES2 with all the calculated design iteration in those games, and then proceed to throw all that shit in the trash

  6. 1 year ago

    Stellaris suffers from procedurally generated soullessness.
    In other games you can kinda relate to the universe and different species, each one having his own story. In stellaris you don't really care about other blobs or their unique origin other than their enemy/friend/vassal relation to you. To be enjoyable it requires a long and tedious process of customizing races and making them spawn instead of randoms

    • 1 year ago

      I get what you're saying anon, i really do, but there is so much more to like about Stellaris than just the belivability of the races inhabiting it.

  7. 1 year ago

    ES2 suffers from no longer being 4x but instead some sort of bizarre turned based RPG.

  8. 1 year ago

    ES2, simply because it has better music.

    • 1 year ago

      >Not Edge of the Sky
      >Not Cygnus
      You had one job

      • 1 year ago

        I like what I like, and the brass section of Calabi-Yau is pure boner fuel

    • 1 year ago

      >Not Edge of the Sky
      >Not Cygnus
      You had one job

      No love for Together to the Stars? I became a staunch human patriot and xenomurderer after listening to it

  9. 1 year ago

    >game to play thru once for cool aliens and art and forget - never touch again cause gameplay is unremarkable
    >game to play until you realize everything is damn same, and you have to shill out hundreds bux for DLC to try new mechanics which mostly closed in base game

  10. 1 year ago

    ES2 has better <everything that isn't gameplay>. Stellaris has better gameplay but that's not saying much, also it's more of a sandboxy game compared to ES2. I'd get ES2 simply because judging from Humynkxnd and the released footage of Endless Dungeon Amplitude got fricked and that's the last you'll ever see of the frenchies being based. I suspect meddling from SEGA, considering they're also the ones funding HYENAS

    • 1 year ago

      >ES2 has better <everything that isn't gameplay>
      Sadly. The entire Endless series for me has been the games I really wanted to enjoy playing, but just couldn't. The ambient, the artstyle, especially the music, it's all been very comfy. But I never managed to care about the game itself.

  11. 1 year ago

    Both are good Black person

  12. 1 year ago

    Stellaris isn't half as deep as it makes itself out to be, but there is still mechanically fun stuff you can do.
    Endless space is really just an utterly generic 4x. The art style is really the only redeeming aspect.

    • 1 year ago

      I think what I like about ES2 that it does better than Stellaris, is that the organization really happens in the individual star systems rather than the empire as a whole. In Stellaris you shape planets to whatever you need them to be. There might be a modifier on the planet but all in all, half your planets will be tech world no matter what.

      That doesn’t fly in ES2. In ES2 you have to look at a system and say “okay how do I make this as optimized as possible?” I’ve legit stumbled upon a 5 planet system and made it almost entirely molten worlds, spitting out a new battleship every turn. Every system can only be changed with the understanding that terraforming only goes one way, so you have to be careful about what you decide to change, you have to dedicate the entire system toward one thing at a time and it’s legit fun to figure out how to do that. A lot of this is dependent on the kind of systems you find and honestly I respect the devs for making such asymmetric gameplay like that when no two systems are ever going to play the same.

      Love me some Stellaris but ES2 definitely does some unique things.

  13. 1 year ago

    Stellaris runs on Linux natively.

  14. 1 year ago

    Stellaris. ES2 is too railroaded.

  15. 1 year ago

    >Why is better
    That's pretty deep bro

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