Why is collecting games seen as a negative thing on a board about video games

Why is collecting games seen as a negative thing on a board about video games

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  1. 3 years ago

    Because modern game collecting is far more divorced from actually playing games than it ever was.

    • 3 years ago

      That makes me wonder which other hobbies have the same stigma towards collectors and which don't. Maybe comics or cars?

    • 3 years ago

      Not so much collecting itself, as the massive scam that's going on in the market right now. People weren't pissed that Little Samson went for $800, because that's actually a rare game, people are pissed that completely banal and readily available games like Super Mario 64 are being slabbed and traded between convicted conmen, claiming to be going for $1.2 000 000, as a way to artificially inflate prices in their racket.
      It's a Prospector Bubble, like with comic books in the 1990s, many of the same people are involved even, the same people did the same bullshit to the coin collector market in the US as well, and were actually convicted for it.

      Nobody but a complete moron would be pissed at you for keeping a CRT and your old Genesis, occasionally picking up a game you're interested in.

      There's certainly people like that with the current market, but unless I see evidence otherwise, I'm going to assume that the typical collector around here does actually play games, and has opinions and emotions regarding the game itself and how it plays.

      That makes me wonder which other hobbies have the same stigma towards collectors and which don't. Maybe comics or cars?

      Guns sorta, with some people blaming boomers for changes in laws, and a "Don't care, got mine." attitude towards things which are collectible, but would have been a lot more available and a lot lower in price if it wasn't for said law changes (particularly importation). How accurate this blame is can be debated.

      • 3 years ago

        >people are pissed that completely banal and readily available games like Super Mario 64 are being slabbed and traded between convicted conmen, claiming to be going for $1.2 000 000, as a way to artificially inflate prices in their racket.
        >Nobody but a complete moron would be pissed at you for keeping a CRT and your old Genesis, occasionally picking up a game you're interested in.
        I feel like this is a bait and switch most of the time. Vast majority of collectors aren't buying sealed graded games, and I don't think they make up even 1% of the posters here, but the existence of that group is used to shit on basically all collectors. Just in another thread some moron was telling me my 10 year old Saturn collection is worthless because ODEs exist just because the physical media itself is worthless. They write off the entire hobby as too expensive when most loose games are not much more expensive then they were 5 years ago, the rare games skyrocketed in price but they were always proportionally higher than common games. And there is a common sentiment on this board that it's not just sealed games that are bad, but anybody not using ODE or flash carts themselves are moronic.

        • 3 years ago

          people who say dumps make physical copies worthless just make rare games significantly harder to get

  2. 3 years ago

    people who buy games just to put them sit on a shelf forever, never actually playing them, are homosexuals

    • 3 years ago

      Kind of agree, but if you collect games because they're interesting, still, how much are you going to actually play a rare game?

      The typical game which is rare and collectible is low effort crap, unlicensed shit which saw only limited production, and may have had some creative workaround for lockout functions, or looks unusual because they made their own cartridge shells and all. When it comes to actually PLAYING those games, they're often not fun, and I won't blame someone for leaving things like that on a shelf, you're not gonna play it either.

      It's like having a gun which isn't easy to shoot, maybe the ammunition isn't available, maybe the gun downright isn't safe to shoot at all, maybe it's broken, but the gun has some interesting history, maybe it's really interesting mechanically and does something which other guns don't (or at least tried to). I don't think it's wrong to have something in a collection which you aren't actually using, because a collection can easily be varied.

      Unnecessary. Expensive. Hobby attracts elitist homosexuals.
      >heh you're just too poor to waste money on free shit
      >your 99.9999% perfect emulation that would easily fool me in a double blind test connected to a CRT isn't the same bro
      >your flashcart isn't the same bro
      They're toys. They're husks. [...]

      Flashcarts really are the best approach for someone who wants to play a lot of games on original hardware.

      • 3 years ago

        >The typical game which is rare and collectible is low effort crap, unlicensed shit which saw only limited production, and may have had some creative workaround for lockout functions, or looks unusual because they made their own cartridge shells and all. When it comes to actually PLAYING those games, they're often not fun, and I won't blame someone for leaving things like that on a shelf, you're not gonna play it either.
        agree with this, understandable if it's rare but kind of shit to actually play

  3. 3 years ago

    You're supposed to play video games, homosexual. Not sit unopened boxes on a shelf.

  4. 3 years ago

    Unnecessary. Expensive. Hobby attracts elitist homosexuals.
    >heh you're just too poor to waste money on free shit
    >your 99.9999% perfect emulation that would easily fool me in a double blind test connected to a CRT isn't the same bro
    >your flashcart isn't the same bro
    They're toys. They're husks.


    • 3 years ago

      Have any emulators managed to get the megadrives music right yet?

  5. 3 years ago

    Because the hobby is about playing the games which many of these collectors don't do.

  6. 3 years ago

    >Why does a board originally centered around playing games dislike people who buy and trade games just for their market and/or display value instead of playing games or showing any other interest in them
    We just don't know.

  7. 3 years ago

    Collectors bring nothing to the table for discussion about games and just attract shitposters like this, ironic or not.




    That being said, I know where I sit in the market and understand I'm not the target demographic for resellers. I could easily shit on some nerd paying 3k for Clu Clu Land, while in another scene someone could call me a moron for paying 2k for a guitar cab while any DAW+plug-ins with a nice set of monitors will yield the same results for a quarter of the price.

  8. 3 years ago

    Fear of missing out, lack of money/space.

  9. 3 years ago

    Because these people just got into the hobby last year and are assmad they didn't buy nes games when they were 99 cents a pop.

    The notion of collecting is also a boogeyman in their eyes. If you buy 10 games a year, that's not a lot. You're not putting any effort into hunting down games or bargain hunting doing that, and you probably aren't buying thematically, just shit you want. Over time, you're gonna have a decent stack though, and will have a "collection". If you have a collection, you are a collector, period. But these people think collectors are just fat virgins that buy wata sealed games and put them on display when these same gays have the exact same shelves and boxes they're mocking others for having, if they have any games at all anyway.

    I also think it's funny that people buy games but "don't want to be a collector". Like, everybody else who buys games is doing it for the wrong reasons, but my reasons for collecting are noble, don't throw me in with the bad guys! I'm a "real collector", I just buy the games I want, I don't collect just to collect! homie so is everybody else with a personal library, you're not special, you're just annoying pretending that you're the only one actually playing your games.

    • 3 years ago

      >these people think collectors are just fat virgins that buy wata sealed games and put them on display
      I've met on in person before this one even a thing. Now with the age of the internet and social medias it has become rampant. You're an idiot.
      And yes I have a fat stack of physical games, but I actually play them, even the old ones.

      • 3 years ago

        and you think it's impossible that people can't be you? They can only ever be the negative side of the coin?
        you're such a snowflake

        • 3 years ago

          Nobody who plays his games calls himself a collector.

          • 3 years ago

            you're splitting hairs now. Because If you saw me room you'd spew coomlector memes despite most of it being childhood games and all of it being games I've personally played and enjoyed

          • 3 years ago

            Is that a fact?

      • 3 years ago

        Okay you met one person and have seen pictures on reddit. For every one of those there's hundreds of people in the same hobby not like them.

        >And yes I have a fat stack of physical games, but I actually play them, even the old ones.
        Case in point. Thanks for demonstrating exactly what I was talking about. People love collecting but don't want to be "collectors". Bro I play my games too, you're not special.

        • 3 years ago

          Never claimed I was special. I'm just shitting on coomlectors. And pretending I'm no different from them won't change mind mind, especially when it's blatantly false.

          • 3 years ago

            I play my games but you spent all of last thread insulting me and calling me a hoarder
            You're a total hypocrite

          • 3 years ago

            You are a collector dumbass. If you have a collection, that makes you a collector. I don't care if you're "one of the good ones" because I don't have a childish assumption that collectors just hoard and don't actually play their games like you, the virtuous collector. Most collectors are like you.

      • 3 years ago

        Wow, your experience with one person and seeing some dorks online must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this encompasses all collectors.

  10. 3 years ago

    Because if more people start collecting games then I won't be able to buy cheap ones for my own collection.

  11. 3 years ago

    Someone post that image of the 4 colored Game Boys framed under glass and mounted on the wall

  12. 3 years ago

    Because anyone who is willing to pay what prices currently are is a moron worthy of derision.
    Better to focus on the parts of the hobby that are still fun and haven't been tainted.

  13. 3 years ago

    I think collecting used to be a nice, niche, interesting, fun and wholesome hobby that a few hobbyists were into and not too expensive. I was never big into collecting myself then or now but I liked that I could buy something if I wanted it. Now however with all the e-celebs more and more people are buying them, including some people who weren't even born when they were released and the prices are skyrocketing. Others are using them as some sort of "investment" with the belief their prices will go up higher in future and as pointed out there's the shenanigans going on with people trying to artificially inflate the prices. Grading and so on, it's all become a money thing, and it's supposed to be about the games and the collecting, not about having money.

  14. 3 years ago

    >Why is collecting games seen as a negative thing on a board about video games
    Ganker is here. It's too much to ask mlm people to stay in their lane. There always has to be a "right" and "wrong" answer. Saying "that's not for me" and moving the frick on is not an option for them.

    • 3 years ago

      mlm wasnt supposed to be there. Phone typo.

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