Why is Fallout 3 garbage?

is it garbage? Tell me why.

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Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 years ago

    It was the first game I played on my PS3. I had multiple playthroughs and I have very fond memories, so I can't give you an objective opinion.

  2. 4 years ago

    It is garbage because it doesn't do anything well and does many things piss poorly, so bad that games that are 10+ years older than it do better.
    That doesn't even account for the bugs and technical problems.

  3. 4 years ago

    Fricking play it and find out yourself. If you're asking for our opinions mine would be that's it's an alright time sink. Nothing too groundbreaking just a fun ARPG to play on your console as a kid.

  4. 4 years ago

    Shit world building.

    • 4 years ago

      Fallout always had shit worldbuilding.

      • 4 years ago


  5. 4 years ago

    It's actually pretty good, but a lot of people are shitheads. If it really sucked noone would even consider buying New Vegas because it's just an upgraded version and people praise it. Fricking degenerates

    • 4 years ago

      >If it really sucked noone would even consider buying New Vegas
      Yes, people bought NV because of fo3, not because it was from a company who made better rpgs and whose devs worked on FO2.

      • 4 years ago

        literally no one had heard of fallout before fallout 3

        • 4 years ago

          God I fricking hate children like you
          No wonder NMA is the way it is with spastics like you, and I always used to argue against those c**ts

        • 4 years ago

          And that's a good thing, I wish people would still not hear about it.

      • 4 years ago

        >people know the people in a studio
        >people care about the dev behind the game
        >people care about the publisher
        I put the game in and went "Oh they're familiar"
        Following devs with anticipation just gives you disappointment, like Gollup.

        • 4 years ago

          >>people know the people in a studio
          >>people care about the dev behind the game
          >>people care about the publisher
          >turn customers into fanatics

  6. 4 years ago

    Fallout 1 and 2 did everything that 3 does, but are good. If you are a zoomer, who doesn't want to play two of the best RPGs, then I could see the appeal of 3.
    If you like the idea of walking in a random direction and shooting the Rock-It Launcher at things, instead of doing the main quest, there's fun to be had. But at that point, you can find better gunplay in an FPS.

    • 4 years ago

      Yeah but not a single FPS had the freedom you had like in Fallout 3. I too liked New Vegas but I have no idea where the hate towards FO3 comes from. NV had better rpg elements sure, but FO3 had more memorable quests like nuking a town.

      • 4 years ago

        >Yeah but not a single FPS had the freedom you had like in Fallout 3.
        The purpose of an FPS is to have good gunplay. Is FO3 an fps? If yes, it fails at what it is.

  7. 4 years ago

    I liked it. It's probably the most hated game that I really like. People have an ideological objection to casualised classic RPGs and Fallout 3 represent everything they hate. They ignore that it pioneered open world action RPGs on consoles, had incredible atmosphere and undeniably decent world building and side quest design.

    At the end of the day it's a Bethesda game so you can call it garbage if you want but it's just boring at this point. Praising NV but hating the game that did all the hard work to make it possible is classic entitled millennial zoomer behaviour.

    • 4 years ago

      >undeniably decent world building
      >lifting elements from past Fallouts and throwing them in at random for no reason other than brand recognition with no regard to whether it makes sense or not

      • 4 years ago

        Implying Fallout had any brand power prior to 3 besides about 200 incels with PCs.

        >They ignore that it pioneered open world action RPGs on consoles
        Who gives a frick
        >had incredible atmosphere and undeniably decent world building and side quest design.
        If by "atmosphere and world building" you mean "skeletons in cool poses" then yes, otherwise no.

        >who gives a frick
        The vast majority of the video game playing world.

        >skeletons in cool poses
        Play the game.

        Fallout fans are mentally ill. I don't see these levels of cope and OLD GAME GOOD in any other discussion. Can you not be happy that your shitty literal who franchise got a bit of exposure thanks to 3? And admit that it did some things well?

        • 4 years ago

          >The vast majority of the video game playing world.
          Appeal to popularity might work on israelitebook or ribbit, pick whichever you prefer.
          >skeletons in cool poses
          >Play the game.
          Wanna try again?
          >Can you not be happy that your shitty literal who franchise got a bit of exposure thanks to 3?
          >dude, who cares that your franchise became [PRODUCT] instead of dying gracefully, aren't you happy that more common denominator gets to [CONSOOM] it??

        • 4 years ago

          >popular = good
          Try again, this time without coping.

          • 4 years ago

            >cope cope cope cope cope cope cope

            Anon it's a video game, not a serious life decision. It's just a video game, it's not real. It's not serious. You either like it or play something else. What level of onions do you have to be to act like that over a video game?

            • 4 years ago

              >you're mad, not me!
              I've posted in this thread two times, get over yourself

    • 4 years ago

      >They ignore that it pioneered open world action RPGs on consoles
      Who gives a frick
      >had incredible atmosphere and undeniably decent world building and side quest design.
      If by "atmosphere and world building" you mean "skeletons in cool poses" then yes, otherwise no.

    • 4 years ago

      >incredible atmosphere and undeniably decent world building and side quest design.
      Here's how you achieve amazing world building and atmosphere in FO3, ready?
      First, you make a town full of people who live near an undetonated and still dangerous atomic bomb.
      Second, you give the player a quest to detonate the a-bomb and destroy the town for no good reason at all.
      Then, you get an annoying radio DJ call you out on the radio for said destruction but that doesn't stop him from asking you for your help.
      Lastly, after you find your dad (middle aged guy btw) he basically tells you "gosh darn, scooter, I am really disappointed in you killing all those innocent people. Wanna play catch?"
      Bam, perfect, immersive world building and atmosphere.

    • 4 years ago

      Agree completely, but the modern internet is nothing but circlejerks and the Ganker circlejerk is FO3 BAD NV GOOD. Even though they're largely the same fricking game and if you like one you will 100% play the frick out of the other.

      Implying Fallout had any brand power prior to 3 besides about 200 incels with PCs.

      >who gives a frick
      The vast majority of the video game playing world.

      >skeletons in cool poses
      Play the game.

      Fallout fans are mentally ill. I don't see these levels of cope and OLD GAME GOOD in any other discussion. Can you not be happy that your shitty literal who franchise got a bit of exposure thanks to 3? And admit that it did some things well?

      >I don't see these levels of cope and OLD GAME GOOD in any other discussion
      The Ys series has a very similar fanbase split due to the later games being Ys in name only, same as Fallout.

      >popular = good
      Try again, this time without coping.

      Ironic since you're literally regurgitating the popular Ganker opinion.

      • 4 years ago

        >if you like one you will 100% play the frick out of the other.
        How does it feel to be wrong on the internet?

        • 4 years ago

          Need I remind you about the popularity of Tale of Two Wastelands? It's a mod that combines FO3 and NV into one game since most people prefer both and would like to play them together at the same time.

          • 4 years ago

            ttw is used to play f3 because GFWL makes the steam version unplayable otherwise dude, plus upgrading the terrible gunplay vanilla 3 has

            • 4 years ago

              Steam Fallout 3 no longer uses GFWL, or at least mine didn't. Played just fine on Windows 10 with the exception of the audio crackling program that was also present in Oblivion.

          • 4 years ago

            >>if you like one you will 100% play the frick out of the other.
            Need I remind you of what words mean?

    • 4 years ago

      >They ignore that it pioneered open world action RPGs on consoles
      I don't ignore it, that is but one of Fallout 3's many sins.

  8. 4 years ago

    It's like 7/10, but New Vegas does every aspect better apart from debatably the open world itself

  9. 4 years ago

    Yeah cause it spawned other FPS shit like fallout NV, it is total cancer and I hated all 300 hours I played of it
    Not excuse me while I go back and play the classic, retro and all about great game made by the awesome OG developers, Fallout BoS will always be the best, before Bethesda raped and killed the series...

  10. 4 years ago

    replaying it with few mods, its still fun for a single playthrough, not much replay value beyond waiting months/years to "refresh"

  11. 4 years ago

    It's not garbage. It's a fun game, but don't expect it to hold candle to the first two games. Play it and see it for yourself, don't listen to the hystedrical soibois and their moronic hyperbolical cries of the game being "LiTeRaL cAnCeR11111!!!!11".

  12. 4 years ago

    It's not garbage at all though that is with the exception of the Main Quest itself which lacks good opportunities for roleplaying as you get into the latter half of it. Otherwise, the world is fun to explore with lots of stories to tell and fun and creative quests that are open-ended.

  13. 4 years ago

    Good not great. People just like to shit on it because it's babby's first Fallout. It's fun as an open world theme park but falls short on the roleplaying and world building. The Pit and Point Lookout are also pretty good.

  14. 4 years ago

    the role playing isn't as good as fallout nv but its still good. fun to play. fallout 3 is obviously dated and buggy though. just like nv.

  15. 4 years ago

    No but maybe just let it remain as good nostalgia

  16. 4 years ago

    Garbage? No. It does pretty much everything well that Bethesda is known for getting right. Sadly, those apsects aren't really what Fallout 3 needed.

  17. 4 years ago

    The super mutants ruin it.

  18. 4 years ago

    No. The gulf between Fallout 3 and New Vegas is about identical to the gulf between Star Wars KOTOR 1 and 2.
    You have the cartoonish and silly but much better paced and polished adventure, and the dark and serious more mechanically ambitious but more flawed followup.
    But for some reason with Fallout this means that 3 is peepee poopoo the worst game ever and an insult to some old ass isometric garbage that plays like shit and with New Vegas it means it's a flawless masterpiece and people actually play it while wearing cowboy outfits for thousands of hours.

    • 4 years ago

      >3 is peepee poopoo the worst game ever and an insult
      >and with New Vegas it means it's a flawless masterpiece

      Good talk, spergoidlord

    • 4 years ago

      the ramblings of a zoomer homosexual

  19. 4 years ago

    wish power armors could be only used by perk

  20. 4 years ago

    id say yes, but that's because eveything related to the main quest is criminally bad. the rest of the game, even the subway exploration, is kinda ok

  21. 4 years ago

    no but play it and see for yourself

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