Why is it often said that Square Enix sucks Sony cock?

Why is it often said that Square Enix sucks Sony wiener? In the past two gens, In the past few years, they have published more exclusives for Nintendo.

Recent SE exclusives for PS4 and 5 (not counting PC)
>FF7 Rebirth
>Kingdom Hearts 0.8
>Nier Automata
>Valkyrie Elysium

Recent SE exclusives for Switch (not counting PC)
>Octopath Traveler
>Live A Live
>Triangle Strategy
>Dragon Quest XI S (definitive edition only as a timed exclusive)
>Dragon Quest Treasures
>Bravely Default II

Am I missing any?

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  1. 7 months ago

    >(not counting PC)
    automata is on the switch btw

    • 7 months ago

      This is going by initial release. Automata was originally released only on PS4. Dragon Quest XI S is also on PS4/PS5, but released as Switch exclusive

      And yes, obviously PC invalidates both consoles. Cmon now, anon

      • 7 months ago

        i don't even think this counts as goalpost moving, but just blatantly ignoring goalposts exist

        • 7 months ago

          What point are you trying to make exactly?

  2. 7 months ago

    "Recent" in this case is defined as in the last 6 or 7 years. Which is not exactly recent by the actual definition, but at least goes as far back to show their supports between the two systems since the Switch's release.

  3. 7 months ago

    I would assume it's because that's in regards to ms vs sony which nintendo themselves said years back no longer considered them direct competitors

  4. 7 months ago

    Did SE have anything to do with Mario RPG? If they do that seems like it will be the only successful thing they have this year.

    • 7 months ago

      I think it was all ArtePiazza

    • 7 months ago

      you're forgetting star ocean 2 r

  5. 7 months ago

    Because they gobble snoy's weiner

  6. 7 months ago

    prolly cuz they guzzle sony cum

  7. 7 months ago

    Look at your list of games. Stop. Think.
    Think about the differences between these games in terms of production values. Think about the difference between these games in budget. Think about how for the budget of a single ffviiR part, SE was able to produce all games on the lower list.
    This is why people say square sucks sony wiener. They are shoveling money into making games for them, while the money to make those games comes from the switch titles.

    • 7 months ago

      >They are shoveling money into making games for them, while the money to make those games comes from the switch titles.
      Utterly delusional statement, I also don't know why you're so salty that Nintendo doesn't get godawful shovelware like VIIR or Forspoken.
      Maybe if Nintendo didn't stick with hardware straight from the mesozoic era they'd get something that looks passable, since all you care about is looks.

      • 7 months ago

        After anal wake 2 nobody that isn't a shill is willing to give devs better hardware.
        Both XC2 and XC3 run on the switch, same with BOTW and it's sequel, and doom eternal, there's literally no reason for games to not look just as good while running on the switch.

        • 7 months ago

          it literally drops to 360p

        • 7 months ago

          >Both XC2 and XC3 run on the switch
          Barely, what's the point of "high end" visuals at post stamp resolution and unstable 20 FPS?
          But hey, thanks for confirming that you only care about graphics rather than substance, not like it's surprising in a Squenix threads, but still.

    • 7 months ago

      and the funny thing is even square is realizing that's just pissing money away

    • 7 months ago

      >Think about how for the budget of a single ffviiR part, SE was able to produce all games on the lower list.
      This. SE's only problem is overinflated budgets.
      You KNOW SE is capable of creating good vidyas, because they do occasionally. But when they spend 250 MILLION dollars on a game like FF16, it doesn't pay off. Somehow it becomes mediocre despite so much time and energy invested in it. I think it's a "too many cooks in the kitchen" type of situation. That's how pic related came to be

      • 7 months ago

        >I think it's a "too many cooks in the kitchen" type of situation.
        it's a "westoid influence ruins everything it touches" type of situation
        games like octopath and the likes may be palatable to westoids, but they don't really pander to them directly, meanwhile goyslop like wokespoken very much does

  8. 7 months ago

    >octopath traveler
    also it's on xbox now I'm pretty sure

  9. 7 months ago

    Anon, compared the types of games Square is putting out on the Switch versus the PS4/5.

    >FF7R - highly requested AAA remake
    >FF7 Rebirth - sequel to highly requested remake
    >FF16 - company flagship mainline series installment
    >Forspoken - AAA title
    >Foamstars - contracted by Sony for a Splatoon competitor in PS ecosystem
    >Kingdom Hearts 0.8 - highly demanded by Nintendo fans yet none of the main games were ported to the Switch (the games are played via cloud)

    For the Switch, those are all B tier sized games at best save for maybe Dragon Quest but is on the PS ecosystem already.

    Surely you can understand the difference in pumping high risk high budget games for one console versus pumping out a bunch of low budget games for another and how it looks to others?

    • 7 months ago

      Look at your list of games. Stop. Think.
      Think about the differences between these games in terms of production values. Think about the difference between these games in budget. Think about how for the budget of a single ffviiR part, SE was able to produce all games on the lower list.
      This is why people say square sucks sony wiener. They are shoveling money into making games for them, while the money to make those games comes from the switch titles.

      Can the Switch even handle AAA games similar to what SE puts out on PS? While they could theoretically use that budget to pump out more Switch titles instead, they would likely just saturate their releases more than they have already

      • 7 months ago

        Anon, the Legend of Zelda Switch games aren't pushing the limits of graphical fidelity but they're AAA titles. Smash Bros is a AAA tier game.

        Doing pixel turn based strategy games are NOT AAA tier games.

        >While they could theoretically use that budget to pump out more Switch titles instead, they would likely just saturate their releases more than they have already

        But that's what they're doing anon. Instead of deciding to make some large scale game, they're making a bunch of small games on the Switch. Are you hypothesizing a scenario where Square is deciding to have budget for AAA title for the Switch but then opt to use that budget for a bunch of smaller games to complement their current Switch line up?

        You're missing the point of this topic here; SE is putting their best foot forward on PS while playing it safe with much smaller titles on the Switch.

  10. 7 months ago

    Xbox won.

  11. 7 months ago

    they still think its the late 90s and anybody cares about final fantasy.

  12. 7 months ago

    >Why is it often said that Square Enix sucks Sony wiener? In the past two gens, In the past few years, they have published more exclusives for Nintendo.
    People who say that are tendies who only like FF, because SE probably releases more exclusives on switch than on ps.
    The only reason why mainline FFs arent on switch is because the switch is a fricking cellphone.

    • 7 months ago

      At the end of day they will only stop seething when mainline FF come to their console. It's that funny situation where they talk how FF is dead but everyone wants it there lol

    • 7 months ago

      It's the same type of moron who talks how SE betrayed turn-based games, they only look at FF.

      • 7 months ago

        They did anon, every single sloppa they release always has some meme gimmick to try "innovate" turn based combat.
        It's like morons trying to reinvent the wheel with geometric shapes that aren't a circle.

      • 7 months ago

        SE unironically releases more turn based games than any company in this industry. It legit infuriates me when mongoloids go "they abandoned turn-based"

        • 7 months ago

          Again, these morons just care about FF being turn based, not the genre in general.

          They live in a world where they want a FF like FF7 released in 1997 and that will make their parents get back together, it was never about the gameplay.

        • 7 months ago

          Reminder ATB isn't turn based.

          • 7 months ago

            And? Saga doesnt exist? octopath? live a live?
            Who the frick talked about atb here.

            • 7 months ago

              I doubt he even knows these games exist.

        • 7 months ago

          Listening to these types of gays is what makes companies go bankrupt. They will talk how they love turn based but will never buy it if it's not attached to the big brand.
          Ganker is by far one of these funniest scenarios because 90% of these "jrpg boomers" from here dont really consume the genre in this old style if released nowadays.

        • 7 months ago

          FF homosexuals are a lost cause.
          They simultaneously hate Squenix for periodically discarding them like used tissues for new blood to fuel the franchise, but can't stop simping for them and live in their tiny imaginary bubble where FF simultaneously flops catastrophically but somehow is also the only thing carrying the company and the only games they make.
          Thank god we still have people like Horii, Tokita or Kawazu to keep some semblance of dignity, shame they're old and on their way out.

          • 7 months ago

            I love FF but the truth is that even these "FF gayots" from Ganker arent really FF fans. These are only morons that will complain every day until the end of times. As some people said before in this thread, it is never about the whole turn based genre, but just catering to their arbitrary taste in this particular situation.

    • 7 months ago

      At the end of day they will only stop seething when mainline FF come to their console. It's that funny situation where they talk how FF is dead but everyone wants it there lol


  13. 7 months ago

    >Kingdom Hearts 0.8
    the frick is kh 0.8, you mean 2.8? that came out on xbox at the same time

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        to be fair they did release 3 at the same time on xbox, I did forget they release 2.8 later for some reason despite it essentially being 3's prologue

  14. 7 months ago

    >Kingdom Hearts 0.8
    Please, I can't take any more of this bullshit. I'm already so lost in the lore. Is this game actually relevant to the overall plot or is it a complete clusterfrick that creates more questions than it answers?

    • 7 months ago

      if you have to ask at all then you're unironically too stupid to understand the lore
      luckily for you there's a solution in an easily digestible format, that format being eceleb sloppa

      watch this and stop getting your panties in a twist by overcomplicating surprisingly simple lore, the only complex parts are the names of the games and the norting

  15. 7 months ago

    They make a lot of products that I do not like. Which sucks because I met two artists that had contracts with SE and they were ridiculously cool. I want to say that they don't get enough freedom. But at the same time I know you can't give developers freedom or they will make nothing and waste your money

  16. 7 months ago

    Look at their SNES/PS1 output, then come back and try to make that statement. They've been shit for generations.

  17. 7 months ago

    As far as I understand,the Xenoblade franchise exists because Nintendo couldn't get a Final Fantasy on their consoles since... well, since the Nintendo 64. Obviously, not counting the DS remakes (because the DS was the DS and not having the franchise there would be suicide), and the spin-offs that generally were water test to some stuff they wanted to implement on the main franchise.

    Saying that, let's go title by title.

    >FF7R and FF7Rb
    Sony treats this game and the FF7 derivated games as first party. After all, it was this game who gave them the victory over their enemies.
    Considering the alternatives, Square Enix knew that the fanbase of the series is on Playstation.
    It's a classical situation of "game looks fun, so obviously it's a Playstation exclusive". The poor sales doesn't justify it's investment.
    Not sure what to think. People who played said it's decent.
    >KH 0.8
    Kingdom Hearts born with the mentality of searching specific characters who were able to beat Nintendo characters in a videogame. Even not being acceptable, it's understandable that they're absent on Nintendo consoles.
    >Nier Automata
    Drakengard series are like, the antithesis of what a Nintendo consumer would like for many years. Only recently this started to change.
    >Valkyrie Elysium.
    Awful game, from an awful series. Nothing of value was lost.

    • 7 months ago

      >Octopath Traveler
      This game was probably made due to a deal of Nintendo and Square, with they needing to deliver an specific number of games in a frame. What Square didn't count is that people would like the game - and that's why OT2 isn't exclusive anymore, and sonygays brag to say the new game looks better on their console
      >Live a Live
      Weird game from the Super Famicon era, probably part of the deal that Nintendo and SE had. Decent
      >Triangle Strategy.
      Not Final Fantasy Tatics, so no one cares.
      The dream of Sony and the Squaresoft side of SE is turning this series a Playstation exclusive and being succesful while being there. But this is another case of Castlevania: They can't admit a large part of the fanbase is on Nintendo consoles and treating them as a secondary platform would immensely hurt the franchise. Bloodstained is a part of it.
      >Dragon Quest Treasures
      No one knows what that game could have been, but it turned itself into a cheap and boring spin-off.
      This game's idea was good on paper. But just on paper.
      Game is repetitive, soundtrack is forgettable and the farm part is boring.
      >Bravely Default II
      This game is a curious case. It started as an exclusive for 3DS, but it started to gain popularity, but when some executive from SE played a build and saw the game had a real potential of being something, he probably said "Uh-Huh! It's too good for being in a Nintendo console. Cut the story by half, make the player restart from the beginning and then when they reach at the same point they were before, add a boss and end the story". Everything that came after the first game did it's best to kill the interest of this game, but people still like it. Masochism, who knows.

      • 7 months ago

        wait that was a fricking square game? it felt like a low effort jp solodev project i would see on jp twitter

        • 7 months ago

          If you see a game with a dumb name coming out it's very likely from Squeenix nowadays.

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