Why is none of the armor in Dark Souls designed around being able to consume estus?

Why is none of the armor in Dark Souls designed around being able to consume estus?

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  1. 3 years ago

    The armor was built by humans, most likely before the curse of the undead became commonplace. Also you could just lift up the face visor to drink, there doesn't really need more than that

    • 3 years ago

      >Also you could just lift up the face visor to drink
      But you can't actually do that in game

      • 3 years ago

        that's just a matter of game design though. It's a lot of work to produce a different animation of the player lifting their visor, then drinking. It's just more cost efficient to have one animation where the player drinks with the helmet still on. Games are full of these sorts of compromises between development time and immersion

      • 3 years ago

        >he doesn't remove his helmet everytime he needs to drink estus

  2. 3 years ago

    For me is elite CHADnight armor

    • 3 years ago

      I love when armor has pouches and stuff to show that it's designed for long term travel. Its not realistic but I love it.

      • 3 years ago

        A great journey maybe without returnal

  3. 3 years ago

    What do you want? A plate carrier with estus pouches? An estus camelbak?

    • 3 years ago

      we need one of those beer hats but with estus instead of beer

  4. 3 years ago

    Estus is not a drink, it's 'soul' fire. You don't drink it, you absorb it. It's just bottled fire from the bonfire.

    • 3 years ago

      The animation shows the guy fricking chugging it. There's like a slight pause between gulps even, as if he's taking a breath between quaffs.

  5. 3 years ago

    Alva set has a a flask on the belt.

  6. 3 years ago

    Pretty sure the armor is made by living cultures and it’s just self aware zombies wearing it, and only they consume estus.

    • 3 years ago

      They're clearly capable of re-forging their own armor though, if not through a 3rd party.

      • 3 years ago

        It doesn’t appear to be much of an issue for them to get the estus and use it.

  7. 3 years ago

    Someone can post that goblin slayer pic were he drinks tea with his helmet on?

  8. 3 years ago

    The estus just seeps through

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