Why is there like no lore for druids?

Why is there like no lore for druids? They're the most mysterious and uncovered class in almost every game they're in and the writers for these settings simply absolutely refuse to give them any sort of important role in the history of the world, they never have any heroic figures of their class and they just seem like a complete afterthought that are only featured in the games they are in out of some sort of duty to tradition.

I think the last time any sort of effort in fleshing out the class was in AD&D Second Edition, when they still had to seek out a fellow druid and defeat them in combat to level up. Now all we get is that they don't like wearing metal armor (for a reason that has never been explained and never will be explained) and that they believe in some extremely vague concept of "balance" and "revere nature", neither of which mean fricking anything.

Seriously, what is the point of this class even? When is Wizards going to stop pretending they give a single shit about druids?

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  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    Pathfinder has a druid named Nevan Feathereyes who actually became a king with his own nation.

    They have never elaborated on what this kingdom was like. In fact, the only information we have about it is that it was very short lived.

  3. 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    Because you could replace Druid with cleric and achieve the same thing. D&D doesn't even go out of its way to put any real meat on the "power sources" outside of the various settings so the idea of primal being this force that one can learn and harness and become apart of that is separate from divinity or arcane is fricking moronic.

    • 5 months ago

      In real world lore they are very different things. Psionics, artifice, and primal magic should all be the same thing from the same source to have a consistent logic. They're the power of the physical, the material, the natural, and the bodily inhabited. Divine is appeal to extranatural beings, and Arcane is the manipulation of specifically mysterious and unnatural forces.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh my god, how did you get literally absolutely every single detail of everything you said so completely wrong in such an unmitigated way? Like. Frick. Do you need professional help wiping your ass because you try to lick the toiletpaper afterwards?

    • 5 months ago

      Divine magic is just praying to a god for miracles, while Arcane magic is scientific formulae that allow mere mortals to work the Weave. Primal magic just seems to be reverence and understanding of the very essence of life itself and the elemental forces that make up the world. Basically the same shit as divine magic but praying to "nature" instead of a god. Or sometimes a nature god.

    • 5 months ago

      >D&D doesn't even go out of its way to put any real meat on the "power sources"
      Need settings and systems that actually focus on this

  5. 5 months ago

    At least we have daddy Halsin

  6. 5 months ago

    They have lore in Iron Kingdoms RPG. They're eco-terrorists who use mutant werewolves and golems to curb the effects of industry so that capitalism doesn't disturb the leyline network keeping a giant worm spirit from waking up and devouring the entire world. They're pretty cool, but kind of hard to play without the right team willing to handle their dickishness.

  7. 5 months ago

    Make it up yourself bro

    Or play Eberron. They're a core part of the setting there.

  8. 5 months ago

    I think about this constantly especially in regards to more rural human life. Like an agrarian society with many druids would be much more likely to try to act in attunement with nature than to fully bend it to its will if it has access to actual fricking nature magic (and monsters in the woods). Half of d&d villages should be in a very sustainable state if druids are doing anything at all, unless they are all truly isolationist from any form of civilization. If I was a druid and lived near some people I would make their crops grow and teach them how to live in harmony with the laws of nature before just abandoning them as if mankind is somehow not also a member of the world. The logical response is just "there aren't that many" or something but idk it feels like a huge missed opportunity and it bothers me that so many fantasy settings have villagers just haplessly laying around hoping to never be struck by a dire wolf or something and spells like Plant Growth exist.

    • 5 months ago

      Druids already do all of those things. If a druid isn't a loner hermit type chances are they're a leader in smaller communities and use their nature magic to increase crop yields and protect the people from wild animals or monsters.

      • 5 months ago

        I've just come across so many poor hamlets RP'ing as medieval peasants worshipping some "light god" or "god of order" like b***h get that bag don't listen to the stinky cleric guy listen to the stinky tree guy that will teach you how to not piss off the local fey and not starve to death. I also have a general problem with commoners in high fantasy worlds triggering my autism when they try and fail to use earth society strategies to survive manticores and shit though

  9. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      have a nice day puckee

      • 5 months ago

        You first you little homosexual

  10. 5 months ago

    Because they are played by exactly 3 kinds of people: Furries, Wannabe Eco-Terrorists, or the people that has .0001% Native American ancestry and made it their whole personality.

    • 5 months ago

      They're unpopular precisely because there's no fricking lore about them. Who the frick wants to play a class that doesn't fricking DO ANYTHING but stay in the woods all day and jerk off to a tree?

  11. 5 months ago

    Have you tried...... a hearty Arby's signature sandwich?

  12. 5 months ago

    Druids are violent frickers who practise human sacrifice and eat their entrails for ritualistic purposes.

  13. 5 months ago


  14. 5 months ago

    There was an entire supplement for the Primal power source during fourth edition, but no one gives a shit about it.

    • 5 months ago

      And there's zero druid lore in that book. It literally just says "Uh, yeah, some druids turned into animals and stayed that way and shit. Huh? Did they actually do anything, at all? Uh, nah, not really. Wait, what? Notable, historical figures that were druids? Bro, just turn into a bear and frick a donkey, it's cool."

      Thanks, Wizards, that's great.

      • 5 months ago

        4e actually gave a considerable amount of lore for druids (and the other primal classes, like barbarians, shamans, and wardens) in the Player's Handbook 2 and Primal Power.

        I really liked the lore of the primal spirits and how they interacted with the gods and the primordials.

        4e's default Points of Light setting seldom ever established specific, named NPCs. It was more concerned with broad locations, gods, primordials, primal spirits, traditions, and the like.

        Take this piece of druid lore from Primal Power, for example:

        >Druids don't speak with the spirits as naturally as shamans do. Some druids choose a different mode of understanding the will ofthe spirits, a form of observation of nature that blends into a nomadic lifestyle that takes them across the world.

        >By observing the movements of storms, clouds, winds, birds and other flying creatures, druids who think of themselves as sky speakers believe that they can trace the earliest motions of the primal spirits—movements that lead to ancient places of primal power and hunting ranges in the clouds that have been preserved since before the Dawn War.

        >Sky speakers erect shrines atop the highest peaks. One sky speaker seldom has any difficulty recognizing another, because no one else pays so much attention to the world above, even while in the form of a creature that has four paws upon the earth.

        • 5 months ago

          4e fricking sucked because it didn't have a setting. Not really, anyway. That was its biggest mistake. They had the Forgotten Realms and they just threw it away, and then after realizing how moronic they were they "brought it back" to 5e, except it's not really the Forgotten Realms, just a generic, default "setting" so that the DMs have to do the actual work of making a world that has PEOPLE in it that DID THINGS.

          That "lore" you posted is boring as frick precisely because of how generic and non-descript it is. Well, at least it makes reference to the Dawn War. That's...SOMETHING, I guess.

          • 5 months ago

            The Dawn War is one of the most repeatedly described events in the Points of Light setting. The entirety of page 5 of the Player's Handbook 2 talks about the primal spirits' role in the Dawn War. The Primal Power book likewise spends time establishing what the spirits were doing during the Dawn War.

            • 5 months ago

              That's cool, but I don't give a shit about what the spirits are doing, I want to know what DRUIDS do. As PEOPLE, and what impact they've had on the world's history. You know? LORE? Even fricking WarCraft did this. WARCRAFT! That dumbfrick shitty setting! Even THAT had fricking druid lore. In fact, druids were EXTREMELY IMPORTANT in that setting.

              • 5 months ago

                Primal Power, pp. 116-120, "the Spirit Way."

                The primal power source is the single most culturally unified power source in-universe. An artificer (arcane) has very little in common with a warlock (also arcane), and a cleric of Bahamut is a natural enemy of a cleric of Tiamat, but a druid and a shaman belong to the same overall faith which worships the same overall tutelaries (primal spirits, in this case).

                Thus, you will find 4e lore talking more about primal characters as a whole. Druids are not that different from shamans in terms of cultural role, essentially.

  15. 5 months ago

    >why is there a mystery of the druids

    • 5 months ago
  16. 5 months ago

    Because druids are fricking boring.

    • 5 months ago

      Druids are fricking boring because they have no lore. And they have no lore because they're unpopular. And they're unpopular because they HAVE NO LORE.

      • 5 months ago

        And they have no lore because it's boring to write for druids.

        • 5 months ago

          No it isn't. Druids kick ass, it's just that homierds of the Coast are lazy pieces of shit who don't even know how to write anymore.

          Druids can turn a forest into a spy network and standing army, can transform into beasts to infiltrate and sabotage and may or may not practice human sacrifice by placing the victims of their conquests into a massive effigy of a man made of wicker and lighting the entire thing aflame. Get the FRICK out of here with your "boring" bullshit. It's not my fault you completely lack imagination.

          • 5 months ago

            Sounds pretty dull though. And hippy shit.

            • 5 months ago

              >hippy shit

              Who said anything about being a hippy? Druids can have lots of reasons to frick someone's shit up. It doesn't always have to involve saving a tree. We're talking about people that are seen as mage-priests that can change the fricking weather or cause natural disasters.

              Your lack of imagination continues to rear it's ugly head. You'd make a great homierd of the Coast.

              • 5 months ago

                >I want druids that hate trees!

              • 5 months ago

                There ARE druids like that, dummy. And there are druids that would rather turn a forest into a desert, or flood it into a swamp, or just have it all rot into blight. Druids run the gamut because they all have different ways of interpreting the will of nature. They are as varied and multi-faceted as nature itself.

                But leave it to an unimaginative dummy to think like you, I suppose.

              • 5 months ago

                More dumb shit lol. Druids DO take down trees and clear undergrowth, dummy. What the frick do you think they're doing in the woods all day? They're managing it, of course, and protecting it because that's the source of their power. And yeah dude, weather manipulating magicians are just going to let the forest burn to a crisp. Sounds real smart, moron.

                A good ruse sir. You had me going for a while.

              • 5 months ago

                Okay, stupid. Go be a useless frick contributing nothing to the conversation somewhere else. Ganker could always use another moron.

          • 5 months ago

            >Druids can turn a forest into a spy network and standing army, can transform into beasts to infiltrate and sabotage and may or may not practice human sacrifice by placing the victims of their conquests into a massive effigy of a man made of wicker and lighting the entire thing aflame.
            Wow that all sounds inter-
            >a single lightning bolt sets the forest aflame from end to end, killing all the trees, furries, furry wizards and furry pets in 2 hours
            Forests in real life that aren't managed by humans doing all the things druids would hate (chopping down trees, clearing undergrowth etc.) are periodically devastated by cataclsymic wildfires.

            • 5 months ago

              More dumb shit lol. Druids DO take down trees and clear undergrowth, dummy. What the frick do you think they're doing in the woods all day? They're managing it, of course, and protecting it because that's the source of their power. And yeah dude, weather manipulating magicians are just going to let the forest burn to a crisp. Sounds real smart, moron.

            • 5 months ago

              Druids really need some sort of aura mechanic affecting the wilderness around them. Sort of how paladins (or champions or whatever herogays are called this week) have a protection aura covering party members, but the druid's covers a few miles of wildnerness. Lumberjacks would have to work twice as hard and any fires started would immediately get swamped by fog patches.

            • 5 months ago

              >Forests in real life that aren't managed by humans

              As opposed to forests in fantasy realms that are managed by druids and are also home to creatures like fey that are intelligent and have magical powers that can easily allow them to stop a forest fire?

              • 5 months ago

                Okay, stupid. Go be a useless frick contributing nothing to the conversation somewhere else. Ganker could always use another moron.

                >We want druids
                >But they cut down trees, kill animals, clear undergrowth and sell the wood for profit
                >But they're druids
                Corporate rebranding to manage public perception in acyion.

              • 5 months ago

                There's nothing wrong with any of those things. Druids are wardens and caretakers of their natural landscapes and sometimes you have to clear undergrowth to allow more breathing room for other plants. Sometimes you even have to burn some of it. And yes, druids use some of that wood to make things with and may even trade with others with them, maybe in exchange for amber for animal awakenings.

                So, where's the issue here?

              • 5 months ago

                found the guy whose brain stops working when he finds out that conservation was invented by hunters

            • 5 months ago

              1.this is only valid for a few types of forrest
              2.forrest fires are part of the cycle of nature and needed for some species of plants to be able to germinate

            • 5 months ago

              >periodically devastated by wildfires



  17. 5 months ago

    I'm surprised there are still morons here who have to be spoonfed lore and worlds.
    Should be expected from D&D homosexuals, though; they can't do anything themselves, despite how much they tell people to fix D&D's problems.

  18. 5 months ago

    Well, they're supposed to be mysterious. It's up the DM to actually come up with stuff like specific events that druids are involved in. The rulebooks are just supposed to provide a framework to base this stuff on.

  19. 5 months ago

    In my world, druids are warriors of nature who fight against industrial society. Non vegans get the sword, vegans might live if they return to a primitive lifestyle.
    They're the aggravated army of a dying world and god, they do not care about half measures anymore - join them or be devoured by the belly of the beast.

    They're lawful good.

    • 5 months ago

      Druids being depicted as anti-civilization never made any sense to me, since the most druidic race, the elves, are also the most advanced when it comes to civilization. They build incredibly intricate cities, surrounding themselves in the natural environment instead of trying to completely supplant it, and because of this they command very powerful magic, primal, arcane and divine. If anything, druids should be in charge of solarpunk-esque societies where everything is done with the help of the elements and awakened animals are running around with jobs that they get compensated for. The whole "nah, let's just meditate in the woods all day" thing just doesn't make any sense considering how much power they have and how easy it would be for them to do what I just described, like the elves do.

      • 5 months ago

        >We want druids
        >Who are also industrialist city builders

        • 5 months ago


          If you want achieve balance between nature and civilization then put your money where your mouth is, just like the elves do.

        • 5 months ago

          >beavers can build dams, bees can build hives, birds can build nests, but no, druids can't build cities

          Shut up, israelite.

      • 5 months ago

        >druids should be Amazon (the forest and the company)
        Interesting concept but nah. Ted K is a druid. Druids are the holy warriors of harmony, and the industrial revolution would be a blackpill for them.

        They're anarchists, commies and capitalists both their fundamental enemies.

        • 5 months ago


          But they're neutral.

          • 5 months ago

            Anarchist is literally the most neutral "political position", it's a refusal of politics and hierarchies they entail. No party no nothing. They're specifically anprims too.

            • 5 months ago

              Anarchy literally means "no leaders." That isn't balanced, that's chaos. And that's not how druids operate, at all. They're part of a hierarchy within their own group.

              • 5 months ago

                >he thinks there is a king of the jungle and it's the tiger
                Druids have circles, yknow the literal most equal shape. Their leader is nature, Gaia, the forest, the desert, the swamp, not some puny mortal.

              • 5 months ago

                >Their leader is nature

                No, their leader is the archdruid. Nature is their god.

              • 5 months ago

                Oh yeah the CEO of druidism who could I forget him.
                If anything a (temporary, for war purposes) leader would be a great wolf, a great boar, a great elk, or any other spirit of the forest, not some humanoid moron.

              • 5 months ago

                >not some humanoid moron

                But an archdruid isn't some humanoid moron, he's a wise, ancient humanoid master of his craft that can turn into a great wolf or boar or elk on command, to perhaps, yes, lead a war.

              • 5 months ago

                Druids should be the one faction that's not anthropocentric - else they're just priests of nature, and who fricking cares. Why not an elk that can turn into an human.
                It's sad that people can't dissociate their values of human supremacy and civilisation being good for them enough to be able to even conceive people who wouldn't. Even vegans usually are still anthropocentric morons and do the same in their settings. Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who speaks to animals and trees and has to see the constant holocaust of those, under his eyes, and tell me you wouldn't be mad - in both meanings of the term.

              • 5 months ago

                >Druids should be the one faction that's not anthropocentric

                Seeking balance is precisely what makes them not anthropocentric. Instead of being okay with razing the forest for more land for people a druid would bring up reasons why that's a bad idea and would present other solutions that everyone can benefit from with certain compromises. If they were anthropocentric then they wouldn't give a shit about the plants and animals at all, because they aren't human.

                You're just espousing an extremist interpretation of the druidic faith, which is fine and makes for a great villanous faction, but wanting ALL druids to be like that? Now THAT'S fricking boring. I want there to be druids that love living in cities as WELL as eco-terrorist druids that want to burn those cities down. And then I want those two druids to meet on the battlefield and clash their wills against each other. THAT is what makes for an interesting setting with interesting people in it. You might as well just keep druids as a type of monster like they originally were presented as if you don't want them to care about humans at all. Like it or not, druids ARE human, and a major part of their class identity is reconciling their human(oid)anity with their reverence for the natural world, which can have MANY interpretations, from the hippy meditating in the woods, to the red in tooth and claw savage reveling in the slaughter of lumberjacks and hunters, to the necromantic blight druids who believe nature is at its most beautiful in the midst of decay and death.

              • 5 months ago

                >Seeking balance is precisely what makes them not anthropocentric. Instead of being okay with razing the forest for more land for people a druid would bring up reasons why that's a bad idea and would present other solutions that everyone can benefit from with certain compromises.
                How are compromises working today?
                How's "ecology" (that meaningless liberal shite that's peddled by companies) doing?
                What the frick do you do when everything you tried that wasn't evil was refused and you have seen the deaths of all that you loved and the perpetual rape of nature and its denizens?
                You go mad, you want to purge the plane of the ones that are enacting such horrors upon you and your owns.
                Keep the context in mind - not medieval fantasy druids, but urban fantasy druids. The idea is that their ideology has devolved into pure hatred and just vengeance.

              • 5 months ago

                its a hold over from old dnd where it was more civilization vs nature and lawful vs chaos


                they have animist beliefs, as in they literally get their powers from nature spirits which is why they couldnt wear metal armor for the longest time

              • 5 months ago

                >its a hold over from old dnd where it was more civilization vs nature and lawful vs chaos
                druids were always neutral in that conflict though which means they were very much NOT anarchist

              • 5 months ago

                huh for some reason i was remember something about nature spirits being chaotic

              • 5 months ago

                some nature spirits probably were, but druids as a whole have always been neutral
                iirc in 2E they were forced to be True Neutral and literally could not pick another alignment
                gygax's druids were set apart from clerics primarily by their obsession with "balance," whatever that means

              • 5 months ago

                Pretty sure the official AD&D druids companion had a class kit named anarchist.

              • 5 months ago

                If you're talking about the Complete Druid's Handbook there is no such thing.

              • 5 months ago

                okay I haven't read it since it was published but I swear there was a druid kit in there who specialized in guerilla warfare and eluding whatever form of government had set up shop in his neck of the woods.

              • 5 months ago

                You're probably thinking of the Outlaw.

              • 5 months ago

                tomatos fricking potatoes man you get my drift. druids have a long and storied history of tearing down governments to restore natural order without giving a shit about the negative repercussions to lawful populations within. anarchy, chaos and neutrality are thinly separated and one of the core aspects of the druid is that it strattles and encompasses these conflicting aspects, boiling it down to a force any layman who never ventures outside of civilization can understand: nature. the forces of nature are unknowable and as abstract as the arcane and if you homosexuals can't wrap your head around this you need to go on an actual fricking hike. and (I hope) have a confrontation with a large carnivore. and be killed and eaten and shat out by that animal. and to be re-absorbed into the earth and after a millennium of death be reborn miraculously, impossibly into the world that just consumed you.

              • 5 months ago

                That's nice and all, but druids still are not anarchists and the Outlaw is not presented as one. Opposing an evil government is not anarchy, it is resistance and revolution.

                In a region where evil forces have triumphed and hold a position of authority, good people who
                resist have turned outlaw. From their exile in the wilderness, these folk conduct guerrilla warfare
                against the cruel victors in the fashion of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. Since the balance has
                swung so far to the side of evil, the druid may freely act as a military commander in the struggle to
                overthrow the oppressors. In some situations, the druidic order itself may be outlawed; then the
                Outlaw druid faces threats like widespread persecution of druid followers and burning of sacred

              • 5 months ago

                I really appreciate you quoting the source material, really taking me back. wish I still had that book. you seem to cling to published material to rigidly to understand what I'm getting at. touch grass. have sex. you will never be a druid.

              • 5 months ago

                What you're getting at is your own personal interpretation of what a druid is and presenting it as fact. You can make your druids do whatever you want, but that isn't how they're usually presented. Druids are neutral by default.

        • 5 months ago

          Nah, they're elves.

          • 5 months ago

            Wood Elves disappeared with the industrial revolution - their ancient cities destroyed by the colonial powers wanting to exploit the forests for their natural resources. When druids weren't blackpilled, they were accepted - but now they have either assimilated into the industrial society, or joined the "extreme druids" who ravage what they can without much thought. A last cry, a last rage, until the iron and coal void.

      • 5 months ago

        >druids should be in charge of solarpunk-esque societies
        Why would they willingly create a dystopia?

        • 5 months ago

          Same reason anyone wants to do anything. They think it's the right thing to do.

          • 5 months ago

            Most people don't think an obviously wrong thing to do is right, though.

      • 5 months ago

        >Druids being depicted as anti-civilization

        They're not in D&D. They seek balance between civilization and nature. The whole city-hating hermit is just a stereotype. There are druids that live in cities and have apothecaries that they sell potions out of or even serve as advisors to kings.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah dnd sucks and is literally a Disney World setting where nothing makes sense, we know.

          • 5 months ago

            I mean, they're seekers of balance in most of their interpretations, precisely because they're based on the D&D druid. The druids that want to burn down every city in the world is one faction of druids at most, and are usually the bad guys, while the good guys see nothing wrong with civilization as long as it doesn't pave down the entire world.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah I'm specifically talking about druids in a post-industrial revolution setting - think Arcanum but progressed to what would be today in fantasy world.

              • 5 months ago

                Well in that kind of setting, sure, I can see most druids being anti-civilization since it's fricking up nature everywhere.

              • 5 months ago

                It's actually fun to imagine how in that kind of setting the ones still living at peace with humanoids would be seen as traitors, and probably hated even more than the average humanoid. I can imagine them being denied the rites that would allow their souls to ascend to the (dwindling) woods - maybe they'd just worship some human goddess of parks or whatever stupid god they could find instead.

              • 5 months ago

                If the world has progressed to that point there would have already been wars happening, probably some fey lords and elemental spirits manifesting in the world demanding to know what the frick everyone thinks they're doing destroying nature everywhere.

              • 5 months ago

                I mean yeah - the idea is that those wars are already lost. It's just a last flicker for the spirits of the woods, a last insurrection, before the machines finally cut the last tree. Shit you could have a machine god emerge even, demanding the world to be lifeless steel.

      • 5 months ago

        >they never have any heroic figures of their class

        Lisandra, a half-dryad druid, is the main character of Holy Avenger, the first comic book set in Brazil's greatest campaign setting, Tormenta.

        I dunno about you gringos, but Brazil had a druid as a great hero in its fantasy world ever since its inception.

        In Tormenta, druids are against civilizations (large empires, enormous cities and such) but not against tribe, primitive way of living.

        • 5 months ago

          >against civilizations

          that's bullshit unless it's specifically empires and cities destroying the environment.

          animals can have their own societies and ecosystems have their own interrelationships

        • 5 months ago

          lmao I was thinking about Tormenta and you went and mentioned it.
          I only read Holy Avenger like 2 years ago, fun balance between 90s anime and classic D&D.

  20. 5 months ago


    Shut up, gay.

    • 5 months ago

      >I want to be a druid
      >Who is in every single way, literally single way philosophically, aesthetically, morally, ideologically diametrically opposed to druids
      >And I'll call anyone who calls me out on this a gay

      • 5 months ago

        >philosophically, aesthetically, morally, ideologically diametrically opposed to druids

        Wrong on every single fricking account. The Xenowardens are druids to a T. Cope harder, gay.

        • 5 months ago

          >Can't cope with reality
          >Tells others to cope
          What is this mental dysfunction?

          • 5 months ago

            My capital ship is a garden amongst the void of space, your argument is invalid.

            • 5 months ago

              That's pretty fricking cool lol

              • 5 months ago

                Their ships even have sentience that they were given so that they can consent to what the crews asks of them. They even get upset and have to be consoled by the crew whenever their pods are destroyed in battle, as if they were its children.

            • 5 months ago

              >I don't have enough Light Hawk Wings for this shit.

          • 5 months ago

            The Xenowardens are literally what the druids become in Starfinder, though.

        • 5 months ago


          Shut up, gay.

          Starfinder easily has the coolest and most creative lore for druids, and all they had to do was put them in a science fantasy setting. Some of them even worship a god of evolution called Oras that blesses his followers with mutations that help them solve their problems.

          • 5 months ago

            This is awesome, and is the first time since launch that I've wanted to get into Starfinder
            But frick Starfinder, I'm so goddamn pissed at that game
            This is a amazing to steal, though, thank you

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah, their starships are really cool. They grow them like plants and they're pretty much like animals in the level of sentience they have. Their smallest pods can merge together to create bigger arkships, and their gardenships are essentially massive sacred groves that the crew communes with for navigation and during combat.

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >Can't cope with reality
        >Tells others to cope
        What is this mental dysfunction?

        learn what a post-scarcity, resource based economy is and start reading karl marx and especially mutual aid by peter kropotkin. moving up the kardashev scale is capitalist pollution

        • 5 months ago

          scuse me, *moving up the kardashev scale is NOT capitalist pollution*

        • 5 months ago

          >read Kropotkin
          >thinks polluting more is the solution
          Yknow we're not in the 19th century anymore anon, we might have learnt more stuff about ecology and seen the horrors and consequences of industry since.

          • 5 months ago

            >any kind of progress is pollution
            >pic is a man in the woods but he's cleanly shaven which requires the manufacture of metal blades or maybe carefully crafted obsidian

            okay moron

            No you moron, it's physics. All velocity is relative to a reference frame.
            But why would I expect a marxist to be educated?

            >all velocity is relative to a reference frame

            shifting goalposts and intellectually dishonest. you are not standing still if you step off a train. but if you REALLY think that, i highly recommend you try it. if that's not feasible, since you think you're sitting still when you drive a car, by all means see how still you are by jumping out while going above the speed limit on an interstate highway. please get back to us with your scientific results

            • 5 months ago

              >man in the woods
              That's Arne Næss to you

  21. 5 months ago

    >Why is their no lore for the mysterious class?
    Anon, please reread your post and think for a second. By giving indepth explanation you kill the mystery. You're asking for the equivalent of how we ended up with midi-chlorians in Star Wars.

    • 5 months ago

      No, I'm asking for something like there being a council of Jedi before they were abolished and ended up as hermits in the woods like Yoda. You don't need to do anything that destroys the mystique of a group of people simply by giving them something to do in the history of a setting. The introduction of midichlorians was completely unnecessary from a lore perspective and also from a fan's perspective.

  22. 5 months ago


    >you can't be neutral on a moving train
    But my velocity relative to the train is zero.

    • 5 months ago

      >but i'm standing still

      no, dipshit, you are still moving on a quickly rotating planet that is hurdling on orbit around a star we call the sun. you are not a static entity and your life is determined by your material conditions

      • 5 months ago

        No you moron, it's physics. All velocity is relative to a reference frame.
        But why would I expect a marxist to be educated?

        • 5 months ago

          In my world the "marxists" led by Leigh Nine took over and instantly killed the "anarchists" led by McNough because they didn't want the people to hold actual power. Then Stephany Nine took over after Leigh Nine died and did a genocide on the tah'ta'rs.

          • 5 months ago

            I have no idea what you're talking about but it is pretty historically accurate for marxists to execute anarchists after the revolution. Virtually everyone with a hammer and sickle in their twitter bio would be up against the wall after Musk.

            >any kind of progress is pollution
            >pic is a man in the woods but he's cleanly shaven which requires the manufacture of metal blades or maybe carefully crafted obsidian

            okay moron

            >all velocity is relative to a reference frame

            shifting goalposts and intellectually dishonest. you are not standing still if you step off a train. but if you REALLY think that, i highly recommend you try it. if that's not feasible, since you think you're sitting still when you drive a car, by all means see how still you are by jumping out while going above the speed limit on an interstate highway. please get back to us with your scientific results

            >shifting goalposts and intellectually dishonest.
            No, it's literally an undeniable fact of the universe. If I am standing still, I'm standing still. It doesn't matter if I'm on a train or in a space ship or stuck to a giant rock hurtling through the void. There is no way to tell the difference.
            >you are not standing still if you step off a train.
            Why would I step off a moving train? It's like saying that you can't stand still on Earth because if you "step off" Earth you'd be moving relative to the black hole at the center of the galaxy.
            Like all marxists, you're a pretentious moron.

            • 5 months ago

              okay so if you're not moving on a train or car, step off of it and you'll be completely safe.

              go ahead. do it. it's all relative, right?

              • 5 months ago

                The reason you can't step off a moving train safely is that velocity is relative, you colossal moron. You're proving me right.

              • 5 months ago

                i said you can't remain neutral on a moving train. you said that you're standing still. it's still a moving train. you know damn well it's still moving, you know damn well you are not in a fixed position in space and time. you're intellectually dishonest

            • 5 months ago

              >execute anarchists after the revolution

              no, marxists have to win the fights that anarchists start because anarchists are against all governments, but what that really means is that anarchists pave the way for capitalists to start governments again, and history shows that capitalists are the ones who created governments and states in the first place since the creation of a state begets the creation of another state to rival and compete nearby

              • 5 months ago

                The modern notion of a state predates capitalism. Applied more generally, the concept of a state is older than feudalism.
                Try again.

                i said you can't remain neutral on a moving train. you said that you're standing still. it's still a moving train. you know damn well it's still moving, you know damn well you are not in a fixed position in space and time. you're intellectually dishonest

                >you know damn well you are not in a fixed position in space and time
                There is no such thing. What point are you trying to make?

              • 5 months ago

                >state is a monopoly on force
                >force requires resources and materials
                >materials are acquired through primitive accumulation and violence

                "Evolutionary theory claims government emerged from familial ties. Force theory claims government arose from some class of people forcing others into being ruled and to protect the conqueror's interests. Divine right theory holds that God created legitimate rulers and authority is passed down through their bloodline."

                yeah all that shit sounds pretty capitalist, bro. bloodline cults and chieftains forcing cross cousin marriages to retain dowry shenanigans? that's all right wing bullshit

                >what point are you trying to make
                your trolling is 1/10 try again

              • 5 months ago

                You are so divorced from reality that you're using words in a way that's incomprehensible to anyone but yourself. It's impossible to have a conversation with you because your definition of capitalism is not "an economic system based on free exchange of goods and services on an open market" but rather "anything I don't like."

              • 5 months ago

                >you have to have capitalism for there to be trade

                i'll say it again. jump out of a moving vehicle.

              • 5 months ago

                >>you have to have capitalism for there to be trade
                That's not what I said, you intellectually dishonest c*mmunist.
                Free trade on an open market is capitalism. There are other forms of trade, for example mercantilism, which are much older.

              • 5 months ago

                NTA, but learn basic physics moron, your might be moving in relation to the ground, but you are not moving in relation to the car or the things inside it, otherwise would be impossible to travel in a car and surviving

                Also communist were responsible for some of the greatest ecological disasters in history and only capitalist nations give a shit about the environment and are able to be green
                socialist just use it as propaganda to give more powers to the state to control peoples lives, while doing nothing of really useful

  23. 5 months ago

    If making joke about the trash-heaps in Ethiopia, Haiti, Liberia, and Zimbabwe are what happens when the BBEG wins is off-topic, then surely all this crying about capitalism is also off-topic.

  24. 5 months ago

    they're just nature hippies, anon. they use life and spirit as their source of magic, instead of arcane or divine. the things they do are like "asking a favor" of something else, and they get to do it as long as their objective isnt a perversion of nature.

    "hey tree, can we pretty please travel long your super root system to another tree?" "yeah sure, you seem like a cool guy. let me open up for you."

    "hey seed, can you please grow really strong and fast and wrap up these bad guys? i'll set you up a real nice place to grow after."

    "hey animals, these guys are total dicks. can you help me get rid of them so they stop chopping down the forest? i've got some good food for you."

  25. 5 months ago

    Everybody gangsta until the space druid pulls out a gat

  26. 5 months ago

    no one knows who they were or what they were doing

  27. 5 months ago

    Honestly, Druid would be better if its aesthetics weren't shackled by a shitty not cleric whose only real gimmick is to turn into an animal. Then again, this could be said for most D&D classes.

    Create a Nature domain cleric and graft the animal shape shifting to it.

    Create a nature wizard whose a farmer/scientist or some shit.

  28. 5 months ago

    Post moar treeships

  29. 5 months ago

    It probably mirrors the fact that we don't know much about druidic traditions from the real world, only extrapolations from folktales. The metal armor thing is explained via the iron/steel messing with their connection to primal forces. Do you only read sourcebooks for inspiration? Are you looking for the writers of your game to explain everything? Or can you use your brain to fill in the gaps with your own inventions, as the game is intended to be experienced?

  30. 5 months ago

    OP you have an excellent point and made morons out of the anons who challenge it. (except those who bring up Merlin or Gandalf or any other famous mystery hermit)I have thought allot about the topic and in the end you can't rely on people who never go outside to write lore around the viceral aspects of man merging with nature, surfing the thin green line between human and animal. You have to come up with it yourself after experiencing wild places and put a fantastic little skew on it to make it into a fairy tale.

  31. 5 months ago

    From the Complete Druid's Handbook:

    Creating a Druidic History
    The druidic order and hierarchy presented here are designed to work as a default or base system.
    Many circles of druids have their own customs, and on many worlds the druidic order has its own
    unique history that shapes its structure.
    The DM always should understand the history of the druidic order before beginning a campaign
    involving druids. A typical Order, like the one this chapter has detailed, is an ancient organization
    whose origin has become lost in the dim reaches of the past.
    But that doesn’t have to be the case. Instead, the druidic order may have an origin alive in
    history or myth. This background should explain where the first druids came from, why they worship
    Nature (or a specific Nature deity), why they protect the wild, and their purpose in standing at the
    crossroads between good and evil. The druidic origins might reflect true history, a legend whose
    truth remains uncertain, or a mixture of both. In any case, the origin tale must have a profound effect
    on how druids see themselves in the campaign.
    As an example of how the druidic order springs from a more detailed history, three very different possible beginnings for the druidic order are sketched out below.

    • 5 months ago

      I really like this one.

      The Exiles
      The secret founders of the druids were the crew of a spelljamming vessel, long-ago exiles from a
      world that would not accept their neutrality following the final triumph of evil—or good. (Exile was
      preferable to the fate of the members of the vanquished alignment, however.) The present druidic
      order traces its legacy to these ancient castaways.
      As victims of an unbalanced world, the exiles and their descendants and followers vowed to
      preserve the volatile relationship between good and evil in their adopted home. They can see this
      balance best illustrated by the forces of Nature. In addition to their normal druidic duties, the members of the Order remain on guard against invasion from their ancestors’ home world.

      • 5 months ago

        This one's good too.

        The Myth of the Great War
        Almost two thousand years ago a terrible war broke out between the two mighty guilds of
        wizards—one good and one evil—that controlled great empires. Wizards on both sides vowed to fight
        until they were utterly triumphant, seeking to purge their rivals from the earth. With fearsome magic
        and dragon armies they battled for centuries, neither side winning final victory.
        In the process of their warfare, the wizards wrought vast devastation on the world—forests
        blazed up, islands sank into the sea, entire races became extinct. Eventually, the great goddess of
        Nature awakened from her sleep to witness the savage conflict. Shocked by the destruction, the
        Goddess sent a vision to a single human: the woman who would become the first Grand Druid.
        Through the vision, this chosen figure saw that she must found a druidic order to preserve the
        fragile remains of her world’s ecology. With the guidance of her goddess, the Order grew in strength
        until finally it had the power to intervene in the wizard war. The force of young druids pooled their
        powers and together vanquished the members of both battling guilds, transforming the combatants
        into innocent wild beasts. Once the former wizards—now unable to fathom the concept of good
        versus evil—slithered, bounded, loped, and crawled off into their ruined habitats, the Order began to
        heal the world.
        Since then, the druidic order continually works to prevent such destruction from ever occurring
        again. Druids pledge to make sure the wars of good and evil no longer mar the precious earth. But,
        the Order also has bitter enemies in the ancient remnants of the guilds of warring wizards—those
        good and evil mages who luckily escaped the fate of their fellows. Each guild claims it had been on
        the verge of victory and would have won, had druids not interfered.

  32. 5 months ago

    I wish I were a druid. I'd wildshape my wiener into a horse's and go to town on the gnome prostitutes at the local brothel.

    • 5 months ago

      >not going full whalewiener and spitroasting 3 gnome bawds like a shishkebab

      You have much to learn, sapling

      • 5 months ago

        I wish I were a druid. I'd wildshape my wiener into a horse's and go to town on the gnome prostitutes at the local brothel.

        Good thing gnomes get a Con bonus...

  33. 5 months ago

    Bad druids : Fricking hippies

    Good druids : "Survival of the fittest" priest

    • 5 months ago

      "Nature" don't give a shit about pollution or civilization.
      Nature is all about feed, grow and reproduces.
      Hippies are antinatural by essence.

  34. 5 months ago

    Why would you want Wizards' hack writers to tell you what they are? Just make up your own shit. While you're at it ignore everything they say about the other classes.

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