Why is there no go-to FPS game nowadays?

It's like, all competitively-focused hero shooter shit with small teams. Like, all of it.

I remember the variety and ease of just hopping onto CoD 4 then Battlefield then Halo. Super low stakes and just fun. The frick happened?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Battleground Black person slop killed the genre

  2. 5 months ago

    There are more fps games than ever, you don't need to play the ranked modes either. Like all of your examples are also still around too.

    • 5 months ago

      >Like all of your examples are also still around too.
      CoD is psychologically designed like a fricking mobile game, Halo was mismanaged for 10 years by people who didn't like Halo, and Battlefield 2042 was a fricking hero shooter that bombed.

  3. 5 months ago

    Doom Eternal

  4. 5 months ago

    e-sports and e-celeb killed the fun
    now everyone's a wannabe pro e-sports content creator.

  5. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      This. Lack of pregame lobby banter, checking out the other players profiles with their custom maps and images killed the hell out of multiplayer. It's amazing how hard they work to make video games as unsocial as possible

      • 5 months ago

        because most people who aren't loser NEET millennials already have friends and just chat with them in their own discord server rather than talking with unfunny strangers in a game. its just not interesting anymore

        • 5 months ago

          >he can't appreciate the joy of some rando he's never met before and will never meet again doing something funny

          • 5 months ago

            i did it when i was young and its just not funny or interesting anymore. grow the frick up man. only thing thats fun is shitting ziggers in CS when they wont shut the frick up

            • 5 months ago

              Being unable to find joy in the goofy actions of your fellow man isn't a sign of maturity, it's a sign of being a sad frick. You don't have to act like you have a tungsten rod straightening out your intestines to be an adult.

              • 5 months ago

                look, the point is just that there is nothing holding you back from doing this today. you can still shit-talk and banter in tons of fps games like CS that i mentioned. i have fun goofing with my actual friends and shitting on ziggers and thats where it ends. some homosexual screaming "Black person" and blasting moronic furry music in my ear is not funny or interesting

              • 5 months ago

                you know what is funny? me and everyone else in the lobby laughing their ass off because the mic spammer found your irritable ass and pissed you off

        • 5 months ago

          what? how are those two things even loosely correlated? you have discord/telegram to talk with people you know or meet on the app. you have game chat to chat with people in the game you're playing right at that moment. the two have absolutely zero overlap, except discord being integrated into every game because it's easier to use a discord API than it is to write your own voice chat.

        • 5 months ago

          You either never played multiplayer games in early 2000s or you were the unlikeable gay everyone roasted

          • 5 months ago

            Back when you had community servers the people weren't total randos. You'd become familiar with the regulars.

            Once games moved to matchmaking it was just total strangers in a lobby who you'd likely never bump into again. There was no community, just some kids yelling dumb/annoying shit into the mic.

            • 5 months ago

              most games don't even have this concept anymore. the list is short in my experience

              >zero caliber
              >ground branch
              >early battlebit, idk now because i haven't played it in months

        • 5 months ago

          >because most people who aren't loser NEET millennials already have friends and just chat with them in their own discord server rather than talking with unfunny strangers in a game. its just not interesting anymore
          he says while talking to random strangers on an anonymous message board

    • 5 months ago

      It's so insane that the appeal of online games went from playing meeting and communicating with strangers, to queue matchmaking by yourself or with some dudes you know irl, sit in private party chat, do not talk to anyone else, act like everyone else doesn't exist.

      People treat online like it's some sort of singleplayer experience.

    • 5 months ago

      Eh, wrong.

      What killed FPS games was gaming going ultra mainstream, this in part led to modding being rarer or outright banned and the normalization of matchmaking as the go to way to play a game. A side effect was that FPS games became very popular on consoles and that further ruined the scene as people not only grew up with but defend terrible control schemes because it's all they've ever had force fed to them.

      "Esports" had nothing to do with it, that scene was always around and was integrated into the pub scene in the early days, everyone enjoyed it.

      >Tfw you will never again sit in an IRC channel watching a bot print out the killfeed/actions from CS LAN matches because streaming had yet to become possible
      >tfw you'll never sit down and watch each teams/players frag movie from each tournament

    • 5 months ago

      Also this, Esporthomosexuals are a huge cancer, this shit is one of the gayest thing that happened to video games.
      It sucks out the soul of everything.

      • 5 months ago

        Esports is cancer for sure but the rise of esports can be attributed to communities not maintaining an offline presence and letting grassroots competition die off. Look at fighting games. Esports have a foothold but it's constantly kept in check by players constantly running their own tournaments, cultivating online and offline communities, and having large public outcry towards corporate bullshit.

        What have RTS games or Arena FPS been doing on that front? Not a damn thing.

        • 5 months ago

          you shouldn't have to constantly be at war with the devs of the game you enjoy playing. that's not good for anyone

          • 5 months ago

            It's necessary for any community of hobbyists to hold on to the reigns, keep control and resist corporate influence. It's a balance to be maintained for sure. It's not about being at war with the developers and moreso having lots of sub-communities, players running their own events, drawing and educating new players, and giving healthy, constructive and vocal feedback to developers/organizers/etc. It's not just developers, typically the corrupting influence starts with advertisers, events, publishers, etc.

            Esports has been around since the dawn of the FPS genre, it's not new and it's not to blame.

            Esports has always been around but it's also not the same as competition or tournaments. Esports is advertiser/corporation-driven, typically to subvert and domesticate the existing community, or to displace the original members with uneducated/uninitiated members at a rate where the vast majority cannot learn the values/nuance of the community. Big-time corporate/advertiser influence is not necessary to have large-scale tournaments or leagues, either. While it's very expensive to host big regional or national tournaments, people do it all the time. Cutting deals with certain venues or hotels, charging venue fees on top of entry fees, getting volunteers from the community. It's also extremely important to have smaller local scenes where people meet up to play casually and/or host small tournaments themselves. Competition and healthy community starts at the smallest level.

        • 5 months ago

          Esports has been around since the dawn of the FPS genre, it's not new and it's not to blame.

  6. 5 months ago

    I tried playing Halo Infinite again recently, was fun until the game started putting me with homosexuals that treat every match like it's life or death. Can't just frick around and have fun like I used to in Halo 3 gotta try as hard as I can or every game is just a stompfest. Feels like these days everyone playing is trying to be the best at the game instead of just playing for fun like we did back in the day.

    • 5 months ago

      I find Squad Battle and Firefight honestly really fun in Halo Infinite, but I don't touch anything else because frick 4v4.

      • 5 months ago

        Even squad battle and big team is super sweaty now, last game I played there were two max ranks on the enemy team spawn camping us with shock rifles or a wasp.

        • 5 months ago

          Big Team is NOT in a good spot because maps and weapons spawns are super uneven, it's been a problem since day 1 which I heard they're only now looking into.

          • 5 months ago

            It's a shame the game wasn't delayed another two years

      • 5 months ago

        343's biggest mistake with casual matches was removing 5v5 in lieu of 4v4. They just don't get that even in a social 4v4 one death can open up the map too easily, so instead of a social experience you get watered down ranked. Once they removed 5v5 I just played BTB or the hypersweat playlist and nothing inbetween.

    • 5 months ago

      Matching by elo instead of connection has been a disaster on PVP games

  7. 5 months ago

    they peakedwith Black Ops, the latest one Cold War is great, so try it out nig.

  8. 5 months ago

    Forcing everybody into same matchmaking killed the joy.

  9. 5 months ago

    People grew more mentally ill as time went on so both the playerbase and developers became more deranged in their respective focuses

  10. 5 months ago

    FPS as a genre is massively fatigued and people want something new to mix it up

  11. 5 months ago

    Things that ruined multiplayer FPS
    >matchmaking (skill-based or not)
    >balancing for e-sports
    >removal/overzealous moderation of voice chat
    >discouragement of dedicated and community servers
    >f2p/cash shops

    • 5 months ago

      for e-sports
      this was the main factor that ruined every multiplayer game.

      FRICK esport.

      • 5 months ago

        >this was the main factor that ruined every multiplayer game
        absolutely not. multiplayer fps was solved with this and created the perfect multiplayer fps. there is nothing wrong with making a game that is solely made for competitive play. all meat and potatoes. no fluff

        • 5 months ago

          The only good thing about Quake 3 was the engine and all the other games + mods.

          Quake 3 itself was always a boring and rightful forgotten game.

          • 5 months ago

            Quake was the perfect skill based FPS game. perfect weapon archetypes that fulfull particular roles for control. The game is simple, like chess, but immensely deep. its all about aiming, movement and map control skill. There is nothing like it. a truly egalitarian fps game.

            • 5 months ago

              Arguably too skill-based. It has become so overrun with sweaty 30k+ hour no-lifers that trying to get into the game as a complete newbie is a turnoff for most in this day and age. Meanwhile the original Counter Strike, which is of a similar vintage, still has tens of thousands of legit players (and many more playing cracked versions) across the world because the game has just enough random bullshit to keep things interesting, although a complete lack of spray pattern consistency is a massive point of frustration once you actually get decent at the game.

  12. 5 months ago

    They still have CoD. In fact they never stopped making them and they never stopped being popular, you just grew out of it.

  13. 5 months ago

    Battleblock Remastered is pretty fun, although it's mostly only populated on weekends. Don't play at night unless you enjoy 1/4th of every enemy team being 5000hr clans nubstomping.

  14. 5 months ago

    It's still Call of Dudley. Nothing has replaced it yet. At this point I don't think it can be replaced.

  15. 5 months ago

    MW2 ruined the FPS genre in 2009 by taking what should have been a one and done deal with CoD4 and turning it into a dopamine crack factory blueprint for every other company to follow.

  16. 5 months ago

    All the old franchises killed themselves.

  17. 5 months ago

    Frick man I think about it all the time. Sometimes I just want to shoot the shit but all these games are dead

  18. 5 months ago

    Tribes 3 will save the FPS genre

  19. 5 months ago

    """""esports""""", hero slop, zoomers and fortnite.

    everyone wants to be a hyper-competitive super gamer who wins millions
    >hero slop
    most new shooters are stupid hero bullshit. it's a great way to continuously make money by charging people dlcs for each character or locking new heroes behind a paywall. absolute bullshit, but it happens.
    they entered the market at the absolute worst time. they literally just have their parents bankroll fortnite and any other hero slop they can get. it is undoubtedly their fault
    introduced "constant dlc, multiplayer only, buy currency and get minor changes each season" as a business model. yeah, other games did it before, but fortnite was successful and continues to be successful because they sealed expectations. it's the same goddamn island, every goddamn season, but now you can go dressed up as a banana if you pay $5.

  20. 5 months ago

    its because you are a moronic console gamer. there are more fps games than ever that are alive and well. even some of the biggest like counter strike have completely normal casual games. are you just stupid or very inexperienced?

  21. 5 months ago

    >Halo Infinite bombed and is now only played by the desperate or sweats
    >COD is simultaneously the same as ever and also too different to enjoy
    >Solo FPS fills the voice for a while but lacks the multiplayer fun
    >Battle Royales are shit
    >Extraction Shooters are either a barrage of fun/frustration or hours of nothing.
    >Indie Shooters die too quickly or don't do a good enough of job of filling the void
    Of all the myriad reasons I blame live service and battle royals. Every game is trying to either be Destiny 2 or Pubg still and it's been nearly a decade of the trend not diverting. Overwatch was the freshest shooter and that mfer is turning 9 this year.

  22. 5 months ago

    Play squad

    • 5 months ago

      >tryhard milsim shit where I have to treat it like a job to play properly
      Why wouldn't I just play ARMA at that point?

      • 5 months ago

        >A job
        Lmao even

        Squad is gamey as hell and people play it for fun

    • 5 months ago

      Not fun, cannot get the game to not look like vaseline smeared garbage

  23. 5 months ago

    try VR games. it's a tiny, cloistered community of people who like having fun in games more than min/maxing random shit and finding the perfect meta. a Quest 2 and zero caliber/contractors will get you into two of the best online FPS communities there are.

    for context: zero caliber is my preferred choice. open mic, no PTT, and seriously just about totally unmoderated. I have heard people call each other homosexual, Black person, and whatever gamer word you can think of while also laughing it off the entire time. It's exactly what I think of when i look back to the fun era of gaming, where everyone was constantly chattering and having fun.

    if you're some kind of troglodyte who doesn't like VR, the next pick is ground branch. tactical shooter, but not full of tryhards. they are out there, absolutely, but it's not exclusively tryhards.

  24. 5 months ago

    Why are younger audiences opposed to self management? I still remember how smooth my favourite online experiences went because after a month or so you start to get to know all the regulars and everyone can play fair, so longer match times with more play and less debate, also ensuring everyone had the lowest possible ping led to even smoother experiences .

    • 5 months ago

      Zoomers never want to do anything for themselves and they also insist everything is out of their power. It's a very cucked mindset that removes their own agency (it's not an accident they're like this)

  25. 5 months ago

    >Pregame lobby loads up
    >Check which color I am
    >Yell over the shitty garbled music somebody is playing over their mic that everyone on the opposite color is gay
    >Shout down everyone that tries to say anything back until the map loads
    >Insult anyone that kills me with the shotgun/sword/rocket that they cant with without crutch weapons
    >Call anyone I kill with the shotgun/sword/rocket a noob
    >Yell BALLIN into the mic if I noscope someone
    Yup, they don't make like they used to

    • 5 months ago

      >erm ackhshyually thats like super toxic and like you're so totally banned like omg this is so problematic

      you can't say anything in VC anymore. you're constantly walking on eggshells. some guy got banned from overwatch for sending "gg" or something like that just recently, it's insane.

      • 5 months ago

        That has less to do with communication and more to do with the company behind the game. If you play little kids games made by childish companies like Blizzard and Riot well that shit is going to happen.

        • 5 months ago

          >If you play little kids games made by childish companies like Blizzard and Riot well that shit is going to happen.
          this is the problem. all the companies are infantile, childish small-minded people who want to limit bad words. the result is that no words get said at all because moderation practices are either buried in the EULA or not stated at all past "no racism/discriminatory language/obscene profanity/hateful conduct/..." which does *nothing* to foster communication.

          companies are both too childish to allow people to communicate how they want, and are afraid of being "on the hook" for something when someone gets pissed or butthurt that they were teabagged and called a gay after throwing a bad frag.

      • 5 months ago

        Getting each other fired up was half the fun. Women and low-T boys don't understand this

  26. 5 months ago

    Jews are pushing homosexuality and try to marginalize masculine things, thats why.

  27. 5 months ago

    Someone just needs to go back in time and murder anyone involved in making Halo and DotA to save the multiplayer timeline.

  28. 5 months ago

    >It's like
    >Like, all of it.
    "like", can you stop talking like a fricking valley girl you fricking troony

    • 5 months ago

      "like" is Millenial filler word little different from "uhh," you moronic zoomBlack person. Has nothing to do with troons

      • 5 months ago

        only actual autists type those words out. Same with ellipsis

      • 5 months ago

        >"like" is Millenial filler word little different from "uhh," you moronic zoomBlack person. Has nothing to do with troons

      • 5 months ago

        Would you type a filler word online? The purpose of "like" or "uhh" is for when you're speaking out loud and trying to formulate sentences. On the internet you have all the time in the world to structure your thoughts the way you want.

        Type like a white man you fricking homosexual.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm didn't write the OP, I'm just tired of dipshits associating every last little insignificant thing with looney troons. Their IQ is so low they can't conceive of a source for some negative from anything that isn't a israelite or a bloke that chopped their balls off

      • 5 months ago

        People used to make fun of valley girls who abused that word because of their stupidity and lack of vocabulary.
        it drives me nuts that everyone talks like that nowdays, fricking homosexuals

  29. 5 months ago

    tf2 and l4d2 are really the only ones like that to me still

  30. 5 months ago

    how do you think the heavy moderation of in-game chat has affected player toxicity?

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