Why is this so convoluted and annoying to use?

Why is this so convoluted and annoying to use?
Controls are different from menu and game, sound comes out somewhere else, having to google just to do anything.
I normally just ditch this and download the emulators on their own

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  1. 2 years ago

    Emulation is a hobby of its own. By its nature it is going to be more complicated than operating the original systems (from a software point of view).
    RetroArch is targeted towards people who are not just looking for a plug and play experience. It's for enthusiasts who want very fine and flexible control over many elements of their emulation experience.
    This comes with a learning curve.
    You would not expect to buy an arcade machine and swap out all the boards, monitor, and controls without needing to learn a bit about the technology first, right?
    You would not expect to be able to build your own PC from parts without reading a few tutorials first, right?
    RetroArch is a similar case. Read the manual. Spend an evening getting it set up right.
    When you are done you'll appreciate the power it gives you, and you'll understand why the menus are the way they are.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not that hard.

      It's not that complicated.

      • 2 years ago

        You're right, but it seems even "load core > load content" can be too complicated for some people.

    • 2 years ago

      Even though I dont find retroarch to be that hard, I will go ahead and say fpbp. Plug n play morons, ESL-kuns and people who generally hate fiddling with settings, will have a hard time getting used to it. Worth the time and effort though.

    • 2 years ago

      Retroarch is the best because it comes with an almost unrivalled customizability, including being able to manually installing cores and such. I have never really understood the disdain Retroarch gets, i mean anyone who has ever configured anything digital will find their way around the software. Please don't take this personally, but whenever I hear or read things like "retroarch is complicated" I usually just assume it's zoomer mentality when people honestly expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter and ditching the software at the very first sight of obstacle they encounter.
      If you want a perfectly clean experience without touching configurations just buy the console and the game somewhere. You often also learn the intricacies of the operating systems you use on a daily basis, why would any software be any different?

      perfectly said Anon

    • 2 years ago

      even though I do not personally find retroarch to be difficult to use, it is not a plug and play experience and was never intended to be
      it is a powerful system intended for enthusiasts who do not mind having to put in a small amount of extra effort to achieve specific results

  2. 2 years ago

    >Controls are different from menu and game, sound comes out somewhere else, having to google just to do anything.
    One of the biggest issues with RA if you plan on ever using more than 1 controller. Honestly you are better off just getting EmuVR and using that. Its got retroarch as the backend, but you never have to touch any of it to just play your game.

    • 2 years ago

      >One of the biggest issues with RA if you plan on ever using more than 1 controller.
      That's what remap files and controller profiles are for.

  3. 2 years ago

    >ITT: morons who cant into basic software usage

  4. 2 years ago

    Imagine posting to Ganker about RetroArch being too hard....

    • 2 years ago

      It's not that hard.

      It's not that complicated.


      I don’t understand these posters.

      Retroarch is if you wanna go full autism with individual system/game customization or with the display you're using, there's no advantages otherwise that can't be achieved with individual emulators

      idk what you're talking about, it just werks

      or these.
      At first, they make it seem like they might be just ordinary Windows Retroarch users, but then you realize they probably don’t use it like that and use a gamepad. Then you realize that they don’t actually give a shit about how annoying the GUI menu is with mouse and keyboard, and likely do NOT use the Desktop menu. They also have no interest at all whatsoever about playing the first person shooters with mouse and kb. Since they come and go and shit on the OP I lecture them on their selfishness and utter shitflinging and treating PC gamers like morons. Frick you.
      > Middle finger.jpg

  5. 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Yeah, it’s hard to set it up especially if yours didn’t install right if you built it yourself from code. You can find the set menu options to same as the game.
    You can also swap a and b (Japanese mode).
    I have to do this when I want mouse and keyboard to control the menus, but even then it gets so hard to use even after setup because it’s like they are treating mouse and keyboard users like morons.
    N64 and GameCube does not even come with the ability to map the joystick to the mouse. I can;t even use N64 games until they do this because I want to play it on mouse and keyboard. It’s this simple. Please do this.

  7. 2 years ago

    This could have been a thread about emulation accuracy of RetroArch vs standalone vs og hardware but you're probably too moronic to even know what I'm saying

  8. 2 years ago

    It definitely takes a while to get used to the menus, but once you learn where everything is, it really isn't that convoluted or annoying to use. One thing I wish is that they'd make desktop menu a separate entity, and have all the options included in that one. Also retroarch supports drag and drop so all you really need to do is download the cores and you're good to go.

  9. 2 years ago

    I didn't read any manuals and figured out how to download cores, get my library imported, get shaders running, get my controller working, and play with basic options like upscaling. Seems easy enough.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine every directory in retroarch under the Directories menu, pointing all to blank directories. Now you are just starting retroarch for the first time, and you didn’t know those weren’t set up correctly. There is probably some important instructions in the build notes about how to do that right, but it required extra tampering beforehand that wasn’t ever mentioned in the main build commands.
      So now you have to set each directory one by one yourself, and it keeps forgetting everytime you close it for some reason, till you realize it;s because it was crashing and you didn’t close it properly after setting them.

      • 2 years ago

        >Imagine every directory in retroarch under the Directories menu, pointing all to blank directories.

        It should point to default directories so they aren't blank, the only directory i've ever had to switch was the content folder since i don't want to put my games in RA folder.

        • 2 years ago

          lol it should. I am talking about building it and what some people had trouble with. Which there are different ways to build it, too.
          Not Steam version cucks who just click the steam install retroarch button.
          The text editor that Retroarch uses is also pretty bad, it doesn’t let people close it with a simple Esc key press. Other than lack of mouse support and modern mouse features like for playing Turok, Duke Nukem 64, Doom 64, Jet Force Gemini, Metroid Prime, Goldeneye 007 and more with mouse and kb with actual good sensitivity for the games which would be nice.

          • 2 years ago

            Never tried the Steam version but i assume it should be identical to the standalone one.

            1) it's designed with consoles in mind. retroarch is on ps3, vita, switch, 3ds etc
            2) you probably did not bother enabling the desktop view specifically designed for PCs

            >it's designed with consoles in mind.

            The UI design but not the content, a lot of the cores and shaders probably don't even work well on the most powerful modern consoles.

            • 2 years ago

              >thinks steam version identical to vanilla
              Get wrecked.

              >text editor bloat

              >Esc key too hard for my Black person laptop console brain that only can code for phone
              >by the way, I don’t just think it is too hard, I am literally trying to stop you…

            • 2 years ago

              >Never tried the Steam version but i assume it should be identical to the standalone one.
              It isn't, because of the way Steam works it doesn't come with the Online Updater and so you have to download the cores and shaders manually.

          • 2 years ago

            >text editor bloat

  10. 2 years ago

    >Controls are different from menu and game
    Different companies had different control schemes. Nintendo has "confirm" on circle/A while western PS games have it on X/B. It will always be different with some games unless you invert the buttons for Nintendo consoles or something.

  11. 2 years ago

    >english patched Dr. Slump for PS1 works perfectly, literally zero issues
    >update cores
    >load game
    >10 seconds of black screen followed by an infinite loop between the Bandai logo and PS1 logo
    Anybody know where I can get a PCSX core for Switch from 2021?

    • 2 years ago

      Use Beetle PSX

  12. 2 years ago

    >have to navigate multiple levels of menus to update a playlist
    >have to navigate multiple levels of menus to remove missing entries from a playlist
    I love RA otherwise but holy shit some of its UX SUCKS

  13. 2 years ago

    1) it's designed with consoles in mind. retroarch is on ps3, vita, switch, 3ds etc
    2) you probably did not bother enabling the desktop view specifically designed for PCs

  14. 2 years ago

    This is the kind of shit that James Rolfe actually put up with in his Videogame Development Episode where his pretend-employee argued that it is just too hard to make good videogame so they have to only make bad ones. So he just concludes okay, I just accept this then. Which ruins the premise of all of his old previous episodes where he gets mad at bad videogames. Now he is just accepting it like he has gotten old.
    No time for getting old. The text editor needs an actual escape button condition that closes it. Has nothing to do with bloating it with text editor features. Only an idiot would design it like that.

    • 2 years ago

      Mmhmm like the text field that opens when you are typing in your IP address to connect to, and like other times the text field opens for whatever reason?

      • 2 years ago

        Btw I am sameposting this because I just got the added idea from God: it’s like my grandma’s hair needed washed, she ACTUALLY IS getting old and could die. So she doesn’t wash or wear clean clothes sometimes (getting tired) so we bring her to a place that washes hair and wala, grandma’s hair is clean and soft and shiny. Doesn’t matter if you old, shit needs done.

  15. 2 years ago

    Retroarch is if you wanna go full autism with individual system/game customization or with the display you're using, there's no advantages otherwise that can't be achieved with individual emulators

  16. 2 years ago

    idk what you're talking about, it just werks

  17. 2 years ago

    Don't ever get a job using PC's mate. Stick to laboring, or mowing peoples yards or cleaning toilets, jesus christ.

    • 2 years ago

      Jesus Christ says you need to read the thread better and unfrick it.

  18. 2 years ago

    No soul

  19. 2 years ago

    The logo for RetroArch is the Space Invader.
    The Space Invader are the fricking alien foreigners form out of the country moving in who DIDN’T GET AN ENGINEERING OR SCIENCE DEGREE in Computer Language Programming and just want to move in and acquire our THINGS. They have no interest in actually working for a living. They just want to leech.

  20. 2 years ago

    how about instead i just use software where i click on it, load a game, and it just fricking works

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