why should I give a shit about what furries like and what they dont?

why should I give a shit about what furries like and what they dont? Is having badass wolf and lion people in fantasy games not cool anymore?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Yes, these creatures are ugly. They are wrong. You should want to destroy them. That IS their purpose and the purpose of their ugliness. You should want to destroy them and make the world more beautiful in doing so.

    • 2 years ago

      >t. Self-Hating mutt bugman advocating for the murder of white people

    • 2 years ago

      They're still cool, except now some mentally ill paraphiles you'll never meet think they're sexy.

      >muh beauty gay again
      Where is your chin?

  2. 2 years ago

    You shouldn't.
    Dragons are dragons regardless of how people try to sexualize them.

  3. 2 years ago

    "Group of people I don't like" likes "thing"!? Better dogpile on it so I don't get accused of being part of them!

  4. 2 years ago

    So while we're all in agreement that furries are disgusting cretins who deserves things worse than waterboarding, you can have beastmen and such without being a furry yourself. It's not us reasonable people who are responsible for what they did to Tony. That being said, it's better for everyone if you don't give them ammunition or gratification.

  5. 2 years ago

    There is no reason you should care about public opinion or aesthetics.

    However, you do not live alone, nor run or play in a game populated by your clones.
    When an idea or motif reaches a critical cultural threshold, it becomes the primary interpretation of that symbol.
    Wolfmen and werewolves have never ceased to be manifestations of savage nature, but furries have populated the internet with concern to their sexual natures. These things are known by, and appeal to the same demographic that gravitate towards TTRPGS: the awkward and the poorly socialized.

    This is important when it comes to setting tone and theme. If you want an intense scene where the group is pursued by an unnatural monster that seems immune to attack, you could use a werewolf.
    Except many people will be aware of the furry context of werewolves. They will think about it. Someone will crack a joke about being raped. Someone will "joke" about intentionally lagging behind.
    Monty Python did the same thing with Arthurian legends.
    The word "Daimon" as reference to a spirit in ancient Greece retains the cultural implications of "demon" in modern parlance and colors how people interact with it.

    Public symbols and cultural context are the paint with which you give life to the world. Furries are just another group of people who ruin your pigment. They are worthy of contempt not because they change symbols or appropriate them. It's because they're just sexual deviants who smear their lecherous fantasies on otherwise good or useful things.

    • 2 years ago

      >Wolfmen and werewolves have never ceased to be manifestations of savage nature, but furries have populated the internet with concern to their sexual natures
      Very true, if there's one thing that's never presented as savage and animalistic, it's sexuality!

      • 2 years ago

        You should have your head caved in by your father and your family should openly mock you as you die and they burn your corpse on livestream.

      • 2 years ago

        FRICK YOU Black person GO have a nice day I HOPE YOU DIE
        You sound mad. Super mad. Where do you think you are? You have to go back. You sure took that personally, didn't you? *flutters eyelashes* *shits cum* you're so so mad. Teeheeheeheehee! *does pirouette*

        You should have your head caved in by your father and your family should openly mock you as you die and they burn your corpse on livestream.

        Based. B-based. BAAAASED... UGHHHHHHHH... *Shits pants* Baaaased... *Drools* *Beats hollow skulls like a drum*

  6. 2 years ago

    Don't give a shit
    Play as chad lizards
    Just play them as actual beasts, instead of doing what furries do and just playing beast races as
    horny humans that look like animals

    • 2 years ago

      And to clarify, playing them as a beast doesn't mean "NOOOO THEY NEED TO ONLY BE CHAOTIC EVIL ALL THE TIME"
      I just mean to actually think about them and their background and their culture and how they would act as a result of it
      Their priorities aren't the same as humans, that doesn't mean they automatically hate humans though

  7. 2 years ago

    You know why gays own the rainbow and pride month? People hate us enough to deny themselves those things just to performatively maintain the image of not associating with us. Furries arent the reason you cant use furry characters...

    • 2 years ago

      furries are absolutely the reason beast races are controversial, you genetic dead end.

      • 2 years ago

        It would be easier for you in every way to just not care, but by all means keep indulging in virtue signaling. You hate them sooo much! Gotta show all your anonymous Ganker friends how mad you are! Imagine if random strangers didnt think you were cool on the internet!

        Just dont come crying to me later like i didnt give you the answer on a silver platter...

        • 2 years ago

          >It would be easier for you in every way to just not care
          So would it be for you. You could've just not replied and not care.
          Why didn't you? Just stop caring. Never reply to any Ganker thread ever again.

          • 2 years ago

            Benevolence. I am providing the tools for you to uplift yourself

        • 2 years ago

          >Capra demon will keep you safe

      • 2 years ago

        lol no, not to any real person outside Ganker. The real reason you don't see them much is you can't virtue signal with them, and that they are seen as less "serious and mature" than having humans/demihumans.

  8. 2 years ago

    It is still fricking cool.
    Quit basing what you like around what's popular; have some agency and like what you like for the reasons you like them.

  9. 2 years ago

    > Is having badass wolf and lion people in fantasy games not cool anymore?
    Trick question. It was never cool.

  10. 2 years ago

    kys furgay

  11. 2 years ago

    >why should I give a shit about what furries like and what they dont?
    you shouldn't, what you should do is oppose furries and their degenerate content

    • 2 years ago

      You can't both oppose furries and not give a shit about them. Actively opposing someone requires giving a shit.

  12. 2 years ago

    have a nice day ER furry

  13. 2 years ago

    I remember when I was little and I was thinking how cool khajits and argonians in elder scrolls were and I wanted to play as one. Then as I grew up I found out about furries and all those cool races got spoiled for me. The idea of playing as one never crossed my mind again since. No wonder why people always choose boring conventional races. Damn mentally ill furries spoiled everything.

    • 2 years ago

      They did. It's your duty and mine to drive them to suicide. Or you know, if possible, arrange an accident for them. You're literally a hero by destroying a disgusting monster.

    • 2 years ago

      You're a furry without even realizing it, sheep-man. Keep going with the herd, instead of enjoying what you want.

      • 2 years ago

        >Keep going with the herd, instead of enjoying what you want.

        That's the problem, I don't want it anymore. Furries have repulsed me to a point where I just don't want to see such races in a setting. And I don't think I'm a furry.

        • 2 years ago

          You're not a furry. That homosexual is one and he's angry and projecting. It's fine to think animal people are cool without wanting to be one IRL or sexualizing them.

          • 2 years ago

            >telling someone they're a furry because they're acting like a sheep and they should stop acting like a sheep makes me a furry
            Interesting mental gymnastics.

  14. 2 years ago

    It's fine as long as they're not furries playing them. If they are furries, you should throw them out of your game, out them to their family and friends and get them fired from their jobs so they kill themselves. Only you can prevent furries from living.

  15. 2 years ago

    >why should I give a shit about what furries like and what they dont?
    unless you are actually a furry you shouldn't
    >Is having badass wolf and lion people in fantasy games not cool anymore?
    it is cool
    however, the loudest part of tg doesn't care about what's cool, it cares about yelling at people it thinks is doing it wrong
    stop listening to it so much and play your game how you want

    • 2 years ago

      it's just lonely anons trying to stir controversy to get (you)s and enhance their internet tough guy ego

      Do what you think is cool. You don't have to worship the shitty tastes of the kind of people who do nothing but stew in their own bitterness.
      They don't like anything, they just hate the opposite of whatever they believe makes them look the most cultured and enlightened.
      They don't bother reading anything like conan or fafhrd, they just endlessly b***h about internet subcultures nobody cares about because that's easier.

      • 2 years ago

        In other words, their whole worldview is based around this false dichotomy. Before 5e everything was perfect, and every single session was game of thrones but even more dreary and banal, while today every session is a homosexual tiefling frickfest where a non-binary communist professor recites Dad Kapital while shoving a dragon dildo loaded with dice up his ass. This can be viewed as a frankly hilarious translation of anti-immigrant rhetoric applied to a hobby instead of a country, what, with the "cultural subversion" they b***h about, since they have not gotten around to realizing that WoTC is a company, and not their daddy, and companies sell to the most profitable demographic. i.e. homosexual theatre kids, not wannabe grognards in their 20s pining for a past that never existed outside of their imaginations.

  16. 2 years ago

    it's just lonely anons trying to stir controversy to get (you)s and enhance their internet tough guy ego

    • 2 years ago

      Do what you think is cool. You don't have to worship the shitty tastes of the kind of people who do nothing but stew in their own bitterness.
      They don't like anything, they just hate the opposite of whatever they believe makes them look the most cultured and enlightened.
      They don't bother reading anything like conan or fafhrd, they just endlessly b***h about internet subcultures nobody cares about because that's easier.

      In other words, their whole worldview is based around this false dichotomy. Before 5e everything was perfect, and every single session was game of thrones but even more dreary and banal, while today every session is a homosexual tiefling frickfest where a non-binary communist professor recites Dad Kapital while shoving a dragon dildo loaded with dice up his ass. This can be viewed as a frankly hilarious translation of anti-immigrant rhetoric applied to a hobby instead of a country, what, with the "cultural subversion" they b***h about, since they have not gotten around to realizing that WoTC is a company, and not their daddy, and companies sell to the most profitable demographic. i.e. homosexual theatre kids, not wannabe grognards in their 20s pining for a past that never existed outside of their imaginations.

      You think not caring is a strength. That is why you are fat ugly and a non-achiever
      I feel sorry for you.

      • 2 years ago

        >You think not caring is a strength. That is why you are fat ugly and a non-achiever
        >shitting your pants and screeching impotently about homosexuals online somehow makes you buff, handsome, and an achiever

  17. 2 years ago

    If furries stop existing in gaming, the haters will just find something else to hate.

  18. 2 years ago

    You shouldn't care at all- because of one simple fact. There is nothing wrong with being a furry. There is nothing wrong with playing furry characters, or "sexualizing" them in tabletop games. The eternally online Ganker virgins here have a problem with this because they are losers, not correct in any way. Laugh and move on.

    • 2 years ago

      >There is nothing wrong with being a furry.

      Anyone who says this really lacks any understanding of the history of the furry fandom and what led to it being reviled by the wider science fiction/fantasy, comic book and video game communities through the '90s to '10s enough that the furry fandom actually had its own internal schism.

      • 2 years ago

        Wasn't there a split between legit zoophiles, homosexual fursuiters, and """art fans""" a few years back?

        • 2 years ago

          I believe there have been several splits and reunifications over the years.

          What started out as a peripheral funny animal fandom (later changing to furry as more "cool" action focused IPs like TMNT were made) in the wider nerd fandom became larger and was gradual dominated by a very sexually open and overt portion of the fandom that also promoted other deviance. The table top equivalent would be if ERP gamers were the face of the fandom rather than fantasy gamers. It got to the point that many furry activities at many conventions were suspected to be thinly veiled orgies and furry cons were closer to giant sex parties.

    • 2 years ago

      My main problem with furries is their huge overlap with pedophilia and animal abuse. if it weren't for that aspect of their subculture I wouldn't really give a shit. But much like the weebs (which many of them are as well) they have a big kidfricking problem.
      Anyways OP don't let a bunch of deviants ruin your enjoyment of cool beastfolk in your games.

  19. 2 years ago

    >Is having badass wolf and lion people in fantasy games not cool anymore?
    It sucks because they are cool, but they make everyone assume you're a furhomosexual now. Sort of like how queers/child molesters stole rainbows from people who just like colors.

  20. 2 years ago

    I simply don’t wish to associate with deviants who had children’s cartoons imprinted onto their sexual psyche. There is a significant amount of so-called furries who participate in real world bestiality. I don’t wish to associate with people who either participate in bestiality (even if only though pornographic cartoons online) or people who are OK in sharing a “subculture” with such people. They are aberrant wretches. Living abortions of the modern age. Biological failures. They disgust me. They make me physically sick. I simply do not want to have any interaction with them whatsoever. The majority of so-called furries are also paedophiles, homosexuals and transvestites. Deviant sexual fetishes are known to cluster together like that. I simply do not wish to associate with such people however remotely.

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