Why the frick Sarah from The Walking Dead had to die?

Why the frick Sarah from The Walking Dead had to die?
Even if you save her at the beginning of chapter 4, Jane will later let her die just to prove her stupid point, just to be right in everything, because that's what Jane cares, fricking b***h.
I'm so mad, Sarah had so much potential if she used her autism as a tool, and she was cute too.

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  1. 1 week ago

    >Telltale "game"
    >your choices mattering

    • 1 week ago

      Frick Telltale games for writing a shit script for season 2, trying to force moronic conflict between Kenny and the glass eater and realizing they have to get rid of every single other character just to make it happen, so they kill them all in stupid ways except Arvo and the backstabbers for some reason.
      Sarah deserved better and Clem could had teach her

      • 1 week ago

        Season 2 is moronic for more than just that.
        >Hey twelve year old girl, you look pretty strong, why don't you clear the bridge for us?
        >Hey twelve year old girl, you look like you know your way around mechanical engineering, why don't you go repair the windmill during a storm for us?
        >hey twelve year old girl you seem strong, can you handle the murderous tyrant for us?

        • 1 week ago

          TWD2 legitimately just needed a longer time skip. Clementine probably needed to be even older than she was in the Final Season.

          • 1 week ago

            Which clem is the hottest

            • 1 week ago

              psycho from 2, but her age just made the entire game silly

              • 1 week ago

                the first episode in s2 is really interesting in hindsight because it's just an hour and a half of clementine getting treated like shit by everyone and everything around her, really different from her being the designated tard wrangler/ quasi leader in the rest of the season

            • 1 week ago

              Season 4 by far

      • 1 week ago

        S2 was terrible in that Clem was consistently the only person acting like an adult. There's only so much that can be explained by these people being exhausted/traumatized. At a certain point they act so much like bratty children that I didn't care about them dying.
        Solo Clem ending for me.

      • 1 week ago

        she looks like my irl wife

    • 1 week ago

      Season 3 was the ONLY season where you could save someone and have them live until the end and it was some old angry Black person who hated clem

  2. 1 week ago

    She was too autistic to survive. Didn't exactly help that her father sheltered her. I knew she was going to die no matter what when you get the choice to save her from her first possible death. I still remember how no one cared about her dying later, and everyone went "Aww look at the cute baby :3"

    • 1 week ago

      Not even Luke, who knew her for a long time and it was his fault that she died, cared about her. What a group of buttholes.

    • 1 week ago

      >and everyone went "Aww look at the cute baby :3"
      Never happened. People just talked about the teenage mom stereotype and how Kenny was a cuckold. Also everyone was cheering in how Luke fell into the frozen lake and died.

  3. 1 week ago

    >Luke: Okay, if I move slowly, I can get out of the ice, Clem shoot the walkers to give me more time
    >Luke: The ice is too tin it will break, don't do that, I can get out myself, just shoot the walkers.
    >Clem: Got you Luke
    >Clem: Luke is dead 🙁
    >Clem: I literally am always doing everything for everyone, you adults are useless as frick.
    was Bonnie menstruating or something?

    • 1 week ago

      Clem can fit in small spaces.

      • 1 week ago

        I am not going to say it

      • 1 week ago

        the real question is if I can fit in Clem's small places

    • 1 week ago

      Most aggravating moment in the whole series. Even Arvo didn't piss me off as much as Bonnie did. That fake "i'm sorrrrrryyy Clem I-I-I" fake half-whisper bullshit she does every single time she talks still triggers me 10 years later.

    • 1 week ago

      She's just a typical Irish person

    • 1 week ago

      It's so funny that this 400 days character that actually bares a major role in the game pulls this shit. I think her acting this way confirms that Dee had the right idea about her when it came to Bonnie stealing her husband Luke's not even interested in Bonnie despite hints that they dated before, she really has some weird complex with going crazy over men she can't lawfully have. She's basically a female Shane since that guy had a track record of screwing already married women.

      Also speaking of 400 days what the frick is with Dee killing you if you choose not to do the accidental oh shit I caved ur skull thing. You're forced to cave her in by accident or get killed by her and game over. We know she couldn't have mistaken Bonnie for one of the attackers because she knew Bonnie was in the cornfields. Even the wiki and all other info we got says that her motivations are supposed to be she was going to help Bonnie out but that game over screen makes it unknown.

    • 1 week ago

      That made me so mad I punched my desk

    • 1 week ago

      this is the scene I lost all faith in Telltale, Luke didn't deserve a group full of b***hes

    • 1 week ago

      Season 1 was really a fluke wasn't it? As far as TWD goes anyway. Because Tales from the Borderlands was fantastic

  4. 1 week ago

    Looks 100% exactly like my childhood crush, even down to the shape of the glasses. Time to shoot gallons of cum to her. Thanks OP.

    • 1 week ago

      oh well uh, have fun with that, hope you cum a lot, I guess?

    • 1 week ago

      This but Clementine. It's why I'm so drawn to her, honestly.

  5. 1 week ago

    what could had been

  6. 1 week ago

    It feels like Season 2 Walking Dead really leaned into conveying the hopelessness and brutal reality of the situation everyone was in to the point of subverting expectations. Even the few moments where you can just breathe and be at peace were very short-lived.

    • 1 week ago

      a big part of why s2 feels so disjointed is because it was going through rewrites up until the final episode
      the original draft of s2 was very different, with the only episode that resembled anything close to the final game was ep1, kenny returning, and a very early idea of wellington
      a later script that was used for a decent amount of production, sometimes called the 'dark' or beta script, is where the bleak atmosphere comes from
      notably this is where the whole 'kenny vs luke' thing comes from and the infamous 'clementine dies in the snow' ending

      • 1 week ago

        wasn't there a point where Kenny was going to be Carver and full villain?
        I feel like they later reused that idea for Lilly.

        • 1 week ago

          there was an idea for it at the initial meet for s2, but according to kenny's va it didn't really go anywhere beyond that
          iirc when s2 started production proper carver was already established, although he used the now 'troy' model instead of the current one and troy didn't exist as a character

          • 1 week ago

            Based boat bro. I don't care what any Janegays say, i dropped the salt lick on that motherfrickers face and I was right to do so. I'd do it again, Kenny did nothing wrong except losing his tempter on occassion. Which is a frick of a lot better than the yellow bellied b***h Jane. Watching youtubers try to act like he was wrong just shows how scuffed their grift brains are.

            • 1 week ago

              there are only two kinds of people who defend jane
              simps and people who with sunk cost fallacy after killing kenny
              i understand disagreeing with kenny, many of his ideas, although usually correct in the end, can come off as very rash and unpredictable
              the only thing kenny did that was truly wrong was yelling at clementine with what happened to sarita, although he always apologizes afterwards

              • 1 week ago

                I watched that shite years ago and seem to remember Jane trying to reiterate that she'll explain everything to Kenny in a way that will make complete and total sense if he just calms down and lets her, and I seem to remember her holstering the knife after that only for Kenny to charge her the second she did. That was like the moment I thought he really did go off the deep end. Like there are so many hypothetical situations in which Jane could be ambushed and separated from the child in a way that suggested no malice or negligence.
                Ultimately Jane is a c**t who bailed on Clementine by not just killing herself, but doing so in a way that endangered Clementine, and Kenny isn't a bad person, but he is kind of a deranged short-tempered petty moron, and at that time without the meta knowledge of all the future outcomes it seemed more like putting the poor lad out of his misery than crossing him. Like he even seems to aknowledge it as he dies.
                Maybe I'm misremembering the final sequence?

              • 1 week ago

                if you stand there and point the gun at kenny after he killed jane, he is first surprised for a second. Then he says "Do it... just do it."

              • 1 week ago
              • 1 week ago

                Okay, so she doesn't actually tell him she'll explain, but she does sheathe the knife and tell him it was an accident. It's more gray than I remember, but Kenny is still a dipshit in that scenario, especially the way he waited for her to disarm herself and de-escalate before attacking. In the moment his lapse of judgement is indeed catastrophic.

              • 1 week ago

                kenny is just being kenny, right or wrong is irrelevant. jane knew he was unhinged, genuinely how did she not see how it would go down? she keeps telling clem hes out of control but intentionally locks herself into a death match with him?

              • 1 week ago

                Okay, so she doesn't actually tell him she'll explain, but she does sheathe the knife and tell him it was an accident. It's more gray than I remember, but Kenny is still a dipshit in that scenario, especially the way he waited for her to disarm herself and de-escalate before attacking. In the moment his lapse of judgement is indeed catastrophic.

                I watched some alternate choice videos and they're just both gigac**ts. Both will fricking throw you across the parking lot so one call kill the other. Just let them both perish.

              • 1 week ago

                >I am going crazy because people who are important to me keep dying around me. Oh also this baby is really important to me
                Jane deserved to die for being such a fricking gigamoron

              • 1 week ago

                I think I remember liking Jane because she was a proven surviver and she wanted to get rid of the baby. That and while Kenny wasnt an ill intentioned guy to Clem he was very antagonistic with others and also seemed like he wanted to die.

                Mostly though because she didnt want a god damn wailing ass baby in a zombie apocalypse and I totally thought and was on board for her to do something about it. Shame she didnt

              • 1 week ago

                I won't lie that little homie dragged the rest of the series down. As good as Season 4 was he was a real dipshit. It would have been real hilarious if the baby came out looking like a carbon copy of Carver.

              • 1 week ago

                NTA but I didn’t hate AJ, he made sense to me and I understood the shit he did.

                You have to understand by the time season 4 rolls around most kids born into this world have to be hardened killers and survivalists in order to stand a chance and Clem knew this, which is why he comes across as a bit of a psycho at times. But she also knows that she has to teach him compassion and humanity for fear of making him into a complete monster, which makes for one of the more interesting relationship dynamics that the player has the option to explore.

              • 1 week ago

                iirc they flipped the script, aj was 100% supposed to be carver babby based on the entirety of s2 but they backpedaled and made him alvins actual son because they are pussies

              • 1 week ago

                Did they? With how psychotic AJ is in season 4 it seems like he really is Carvers son

              • 1 week ago

                yeah i mean i havent replayed s2 in years but its made clear rebecca, carver, and alvin ALL believe its carvers son even though rebecca copes about it 24/7 and even tries to claim he looks like alvin. i wish i could remember specific examples to prove my point but AJ was 100% intended to be carvers kid. it would have been better for his character and relationship with clem in s4 as well as help the nature vs nurture argument the season pushes

              • 1 week ago

                It's hard for him not to act psychotic. He was born in a zombie apocalypse with both of his parents dead, and every day is a struggle to survive by not being devoured by rotting corpses or killed by other people. Also being raised by a teenager did have some effects despite Clementines best intent.
                That would happen to every other kid that must face this world ever since birth.

            • 1 week ago

              there are only two kinds of people who defend jane
              simps and people who with sunk cost fallacy after killing kenny
              i understand disagreeing with kenny, many of his ideas, although usually correct in the end, can come off as very rash and unpredictable
              the only thing kenny did that was truly wrong was yelling at clementine with what happened to sarita, although he always apologizes afterwards

              Him losing his shit wasn't unjustified, all the survivors - except for Clem - were bunch of homosexuals and had to frick up something
              Too bad the fricking writers did not give Clem any power to stand up for Keny for example and shoot that fricking Russian c**t immediately

            • 1 week ago

              I still have no idea how people can shit on Kenny, the dude lost everything except his life following Clem around, he got our back from day one, and complained once or twice when the group decided to go full moron.
              meanwhile Jane never did anything for the group, even her beef with Kenny is for her feelings, no logical conclusion of any sort, serving up bullshit like "He'll go crazy, and will kill someone, I am better, I just want to kill him"
              honestly, this conclusion softened the blow a lot when TT went under, almost as if these gays deserved it

              • 1 week ago

                Even her ending was a pile of shit
                >you return to the shithole you escaped, now filled with copy-pasted killed walkers everywhere
                >predictably almost nothing left
                >a group of 3 survivors approached: Fricking Solid Snake - why the frick is he crouching? -, a clingy GF and a black kid for some reason
                >you either choose 1 to tell them to frick off because they are shady as frick 2 let them in regardless
                >if you choose 1, Solid Snake will threat you at first "we got guns" but Clem pulls a gun outta the baby and shoo them away
                >if you choose 2, the clingy GF switches side to hug Jane and the black kid tells you "Nice hat ;)"

              • 1 week ago

                >"He'll go crazy, and will kill someone

                It's because she murdered alot of innocents in the past (most likely her sister). The only thing I liked about Jane was how mysterious and nuanced she is. She accused Kenny of being crazy but in reality she was the crazy one. I also think she was stalking the group for a while waiting for them (or killing them one by one) till she got their supplies. Clem changed her plan since it was the first time encountering a child. We know this since she manipulated men at Carvers to help her out that she has a history of manipulation.

              • 1 week ago

                >most likely her sister
                I remember she left her getting munched-munched because she refused to jump from the rooftop to the next building, so she helped herself and never looked back
                >We know this since she manipulated men at Carvers to help her out that she has a history of manipulation.
                That's fricking clip when she pulled a gun and sweettalked that c**t until she shot him in the ball, when I first saw it I laughed my ass off
                Like really you did not see that? she got the gun right in front of you
                I wish someone made a paradoy of her pulling a bazooka and he still oblivious to her bullshit

            • 1 week ago

              Kenny might've been right in many things but otherwise he was unhinged as frick. When you're in the real world and you come across a dude like Kenny it would be highly stressing to travel with him. I still chose him over Jane but pretending like he's just misunderstood and a normal dude is just bullshit.

      • 1 week ago

        >infamous 'clementine dies in the snow' ending
        Mind giving me a quick rundown or throwing me a link? Sounds interesting.

        • 1 week ago

          In one of the developer commentaries they discussed about how in the original draft of the Clementine alone ending, she would die from Hypothermia. Where the final choice would be to either sit in the snowstorm with AJ and slowly freeze to death or to leave him and keep going with an ambiguous fate. The original title of Episode 5 "Better to Sleep" and the cut music were both in the beta files back when Season 2 was coming out in the 7th gen console era and they would release each episode periodically as DLC.



          • 1 week ago

            that would have a great ending. i would have ditched a.j for sure.

      • 1 week ago

        Nearly all of Telltale's seasons were written on the fly, because the company was run like shit back to the gametap days. A good example of this not being to disastrous consequence is Borderlands, where Loader-Bot wasn't even going to survive the fight until a decision made a week before the first episode went gold, so couldn't have even been a recurring character let alone the masked guy's real identity.

        • 1 week ago

          there's being written on the fly and there is radically changing and cutting parts of the episode while said episode is being worked on
          in s1 according to lee's va he recorded the death in ep5 during ep3's production, so that was clearly planned for a while
          in s2 there's shit like fishing with alvin in s2e1 that was 100% complete only to be cut because the higher ups didn't personally care for it, the longer escape sequence from carver's camp, and the infamous option to shoot mike in the ps3 version that made it to release only to be patched out in about an hour

        • 1 week ago

          jesus, you just reminded me of the whole shitshow that went down with that one
          like seriously, how the frick can you screw up in management that bad that a game requires FOUR different rewrites?

        • 1 week ago

          there's being written on the fly and there is radically changing and cutting parts of the episode while said episode is being worked on
          in s1 according to lee's va he recorded the death in ep5 during ep3's production, so that was clearly planned for a while
          in s2 there's shit like fishing with alvin in s2e1 that was 100% complete only to be cut because the higher ups didn't personally care for it, the longer escape sequence from carver's camp, and the infamous option to shoot mike in the ps3 version that made it to release only to be patched out in about an hour

          part of the moronation came from writers INTENTIONALLY wanting to one-up the audience. ironically, they tailored game scripts according to player choices. TWAU was especially hurt by that because it was supposed to be a tight detective story.

          • 1 week ago

            They also started to feel ground disappearing as no game really re-captured the magic of TWD in terms of sales. Hell, that game funded pretty much everything.

          • 1 week ago

            Lies started early with that one.

            • 1 week ago

              Who's the chick with the gun? I don't remember her.

              • 1 week ago

                Part of the original TWAU storyline where a mundy cop would investigate Bigby and Fabletown. After the season was rewritten, they dropped this completely. Rumors say that S2's story will go back to this.

              • 1 week ago

                Damn that sounds like that would have been cool, hope the rumors are true. Speaking of S2,where the frick is it?

              • 1 week ago

                Development hell for the past few years. They just released an announcement a couple months ago stating that production had "started", which probably meant they were moving to a new engine or some shit. But it's confirmed to happen, at least. I don't think we're getting anything before the end of 2025.

        • 1 week ago

          tales was the best thing they made after twau and twd, it was a really pleasant surprise

    • 1 week ago

      Season 2 was nowhere near as good as Season 1. I haven't played any of the others because I lost interest after finishing Season 2. I've thought about what made Season 2 so much worse and for me it was
      She should've never been the protagonist. She should've been a main side character like how Kenny was in Season 1. All of Season 1 revolved around Lee (you) doing things for her, either to teach her or protect her or both. Sometimes, you had to do horrible shit or tell her something cruel in her best interest. By making her the MC of Season 2, you can do whatever you want and it removes all of that from the equation. For example, I could've been the meanest, most blunt butthole Lee in S1 and be a soft little flower Clementine in S2. It makes no sense, but I can do that. It would had way more staying power to watch Clem do things that your Lee would've done from S1. For example, if you were purely a survival mode butthole, Clem would embrace that and you'd have no choice but to watch in dismay as what you did in S1 came in full force as you realized your sweet pea was now basically an animal.
      The characters in S2 never get a chance to have much of a backstory. It always feels like it is full steam ahead, in a bad way. S1 you had routine downtime between solving puzzles or setting out to the next stage to get updates on how people felt about different things.
      >Frustrating and boring cast
      Really speaks volumes that by the end the only two people I felt attached to were the remnants of S1: Kenny and Clem. There was really only one character from Season 1 I outright hated (Ben), and even then I understood where he was coming from. Jane and Bonnie were nonsensical, stupid, and irritating. Not to mention that one black b***h who I can't even remember her name. Everyone else is so utterly forgetful I don't remember them at all.

      • 1 week ago

        Season 3 was bizarre and felt like a self insert by the guy showrunning the game. Not bad in some ways but calling the walkers by a spanish name was too much.

        Season 4 was really good and you can tell the writers were trying to fix the last two seasons mistakes. I didn't like the art style choice but overall it was closer to Season 1 than to Season 2.

        • 1 week ago

          >season 4 was really good
          can you elaborate? interested because i do not see it being praised often here and i certainly didnt like it but i want to know why you did anon

          • 1 week ago

            Won't spoil it but it felt more satisfying of an ending then Season 2. The characters are pretty likeable unlike Season 2 and care about Clem more than past survivors did. It's alot darker and more raw than even Season 1 defiently on the level of the kid in the attic. Only gripe is your two love interests is a black guy and a lesbian (that they really try forcing hard). Their was a cut part where Clem goes back to her old house either i real life or a dream which would have been interesting. It's used in the main menu of TTTWDDE.

            • 1 week ago

              The good thing is that you can friendzone all your love interests, which is what I did

            • 1 week ago

              biggest problem with s4 is the ending
              if they wanted to do lee's death again they should've gone all out and have aj get bit instead of clementine, could've been a gut wrenching quasi book end for the series as a whole

              • 1 week ago

                But she didn't.

      • 1 week ago

        What pissed me off is no matter how Clementine acted throughout the season, saint or fricking psycho, the outcome is 99% the same. I remember in S1 if you acted like a dickhead at one point someone will call you out.... Not here though!
        Also, REALLY homie? A little girl barely survived a hyperthermia, a car crash and getting fricking shot and STIL MADE IT? Sorry but that's just some BULLLLLLLLLLLLLSHIIT even for a fricking video game

  7. 1 week ago

    I fricking hate telltale games now. If your choice is so important that it could decide whether a character dies or not, you can be certain that character will die anyways and have absolutely no impact in the story afterwards.
    Picking Kenny or Jane at the very end of Season 2? Doesn't fricking matter because whatever you choose they'll just die and you'll start at the same point as the poeple who made the opposite choice.

    • 1 week ago

      two face in the batman telltale game becomes schizo and crazy and murders innocent men under his command even if you dedicate the entire run to making him as happy as possible with bruce and batman. You HAVE to be Selena's apartment and even if you didn't sleep with her or give any attention there's a QTE with a cat that doesn't give a shit if you pass or fail because Dent sees you in there anyway. At least the scene in wolf among us was a real deal misunderstanding and Beast was sorry for it but that scene was just there to add action into the chapter I feel.

      • 1 week ago

        You can't side with Oswald either, no matter how much you acknowledge he's right.

      • 1 week ago

        Enemy Within somehow turned out great.

  8. 1 week ago

    I hate how they don't do anything with Christa after she escapes.

    • 1 week ago

      christa is an unfortunate victim of the s2 rewrites
      although she was always supposed to get separated from clementine, the two of them were supposed to reunite at some point over the course of the season
      the original story for s2 was very much a personal journey for clementine and christa rebuilding their relationship after omid's death and the death of christa's baby
      the ending for this initial story would've been clementine and christa, along with presumably some other survivors picked up along the way, making it to an early wellington and being sorted into one of two 'castes' of the settlement, the well of high caste and the lesser low caste
      i'm not sure on the exact details but the final choice would've been with clementine getting the choice to pick due to her being a child

    • 1 week ago

      >she escapes.
      Given what we learned and the shitty development, she's most likely got killed and they were done with her

  9. 1 week ago

    She was a sheltered femcel kinda like most Gankerirgins

    • 1 week ago

      that's why she should had survived, she was like me

    • 1 week ago

      Yep we’re all cute femcels girlies here

  10. 1 week ago

    Telltale games had this "trick" they did over and over where any branching choice gets reset as soon as possible.
    Save character A or character B? Doesn't matter whoever survives dies right at the start of the next chapter or whatever.

    • 1 week ago


  11. 1 week ago

    >she was fine, she only got fricked when her dad was killed
    I cannot believe there are people defending this shite

    • 1 week ago

      carlos in s2e1 is very different than the carlos in the rest of the season
      he's actively antagonistic to clementine and clearly wants her gone asap and doesn't care how

      • 1 week ago

        I mean duh, this issue wasn't exclusive to him though

    • 1 week ago

      >cease to function
      kek havent thought about that line in years, carlos was such a moronic dad and an even worse "doctor"

      • 1 week ago

        why is she doing the ahegao face

        • 1 week ago

          don't call it that

      • 1 week ago

        I couldn't forget, it was such a bullshit statement
        What the frick does it even mean? If she was an AI maybe I would've got it
        Also by then people got used to the apocalypse by then, it is not like it happened yesterday

    • 1 week ago

      she watched her dad die. Anyone would freak out.

  12. 1 week ago

    BG3 proved that it was possible to have billions of different choices that matter

    They either where bad at dev-ing or had zero budget or both

  13. 1 week ago

    I jerk offd to her a lot even before knowing what game was she from. After that i sampled all her deaths and kept fapping.

    • 1 week ago

      >R34 only has 20 images
      Where are you getting Sarah fap material from?

      • 1 week ago

        >R34 only has 20 images
        That's because you are thinking in R34 XXX, which randomly deletes things if the mods think is e-girl/shota, he's probably talking about R34 Paheal

  14. 1 week ago

    Luke's death was some prostituteshit

    • 1 week ago

      There are homosexuals who actually used this shit as an argument

  15. 1 week ago

    She was annoying and shit at everything. Just like you. That's why you like her. Unfortunately for you, how Sarah is treated is how everyone around you feels about you as well. Take the hint.

  16. 1 week ago

    >jane just kills herself in S3 because she was pregnant and leaves a child an baby on their own
    Too lazy to have a miscarriage I guess?

  17. 1 week ago

    >Writers ran out of time for Luke
    >Errr uh lets just kill him off real quick with some water

  18. 1 week ago

    Besides /k/ and Ganker which board would suffer the least amount of deaths in a zombie apocalypse?

    • 1 week ago

      /k/ I.e. opinionated gun owners who talk shit constantly. They probably get themselves killed in droves by being arrogant

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Ganker would likely manage the large scale of exertion needed to get shit done better and some select circumstances where either speed or strength is needed to get by with less trouble. Ganker would be at less risk of food-related illness and likely could do more with less options and potentially be able to eat when most others couldn't because they might not know how to make bread or turn pantry leftovers into a reasonable meal. Ganker would likely be able to stay on the road longer than most and thus get further away from difficult areas and potentially put themselves in a better starting position.

    • 1 week ago

      /v/Because corpses moving around in either humidity or under the sun would decompose and be unable to move, the knees would break down after a few days

    • 1 week ago

      The apocalypse wouldn't happen, TT zombies are so weak and stupid that the initial waves would be contained and go extinct in a month. Maybe the more crowded countries like India would have large waves.
      Life would go on as usual except it's standard procedure at morges to put an ice pick through the brains of the dead

    • 1 week ago

      /misc/ because they already live in their mom's basement

  19. 1 week ago

    Those Give Yourself Goosebumps books did choices better than telltale.
    >Verification not required.

  20. 1 week ago

    The whole of point of her character was to be a reflection of clementine if she was sheltered from the beginning of the apocalypse.

    Clementine was lucky In that she had Lee and Kenny to teach her survival tactics in a brutal world, Sarah didn’t.

  21. 1 week ago

    >just to be right in everything, because that's what Jane cares, fricking b***h.
    no she killed her because telltale are lazy hacks who couldn't be bothered to write anything different based on your decisions

  22. 1 week ago

    I miss this little moron. I hope they have The Gurgles in moron heaven.

  23. 1 week ago

    >autism as a tool
    Autists are so delusional about their disability

  24. 1 week ago

    >No one ever drew Kenny and Jane hatefricking

  25. 1 week ago

    I'd like to imagine that a post zombie-apoc society would be a bunch of recluses who have turned zombie survival tactics into autistic taboos.
    Not getting bitten evolves into covering your entire body with heavy layers of clothing like Tusken raiders and avoiding any kind of oral contact.
    Not making sounds evolves into punishing or even killing people for making loud noises even if it's shit like singing, and communicating by sign language instead of talking.

    • 1 week ago

      Anon, open that notepad app on your phone and start scribbling, because that's a pretty cool idea.

  26. 1 week ago

    You know compared to a lot of other survivor groups the survivors in both L4D games are way better.
    >can all use weapons
    >work together well in story
    >no drama that breaks up the camaraderie

  27. 1 week ago

    >SHUT UP

  28. 1 week ago

    she was completely useless

  29. 1 week ago

    Didn't care for Sarah though season 2 was just a mess and somehow AJ became a main character for the following seasons which was moronic.

    • 1 week ago

      Seriously disappointed in the way Mike went. For a moment I actually thought he might be a cool guy, only for him to abandon Clem with Bonnie and that rat Arvo.

      • 1 week ago

        Mike was always a piece of shit

  30. 1 week ago

    The writers went out and said they wanted to kill Sarah for a long time, thats why no matter how many times the game asks you to give up on her, she still falls and dies. The game is tailored to your choices, anon.

  31. 1 week ago

    Easily the hottest character in the game. Wish she was around for longer.

  32. 1 week ago

    In the definitive edition, the voice actor of Conrad thanks the fans that kept him alive


    Why couldn't they had done something similar for other characters? To have Kenny thank his fans for choosing him over Jane, or even Ben thanking them for not dropping him off the bell tower when they had the chance.

  33. 1 week ago

    I went full moron and decided to buy all TWD games from them at one point because I liked the first one and I was watching the show at the time.
    Then I finished the second one and went with Kenny, obviously, because who wouldn't?
    Only to find out in the third game that kenny dies immediately at the start
    Massive fricking bullshit
    I heard at one point the company shut down, which made me happy, but aparently they're still around? That sucks

    • 1 week ago

      yeah you fricked up, they hit lightning in a bottle with S1 which caused internal drama and the co-founder micromanaged S2 which caused a massive exodus of veteran staff including the original leaders of S1
      I think the studio shut down after S4, then immediately got revived by the staff and put out season 5 and some other shit before shutting down again

      • 1 week ago

        didn't a lot of those that splintered of create that godawful studio "Campo Santo" which has made exactly 1 (one) decent game 'firewatch' which itself a bunch left after it was finished, and then got absorbed into Valve, so now Valve has campo santo bedbugs everywhere

        >people leave Lucas Arts, creates Telltale
        >people leave Telltale creates Campo Santo

        is there any original dna left at this point or is it all just mush

        • 1 week ago

          >so now Valve has campo santo bedbugs everywhere
          Most of them gradually got forced out of the company over the course of Alyx getting reworked, and then subsequently congregated back together as Skunkape. That prick Jake Rodkin was one of the prominent ones. Valve did the same wholesale team acquisition->gradual shedding to the Narbacular Drop devs, so some assume it's their strategy for acquiring specific targeted talents instead of trying to directly headhunt or poach.

      • 1 week ago

        >I think the studio shut down after S4, then immediately got revived by the staff and put out season 5 and some other shit before shutting down again
        No, Telltale games went to shit when they made episode 2 of Season 4, then Skybound brought it and finish Season 4 of the walking dead, so the fans that got the game could see the end of the story.
        they are also the ones that released the definitive version, that is a collection of the 4 games together

  34. 1 week ago

    >Sarah survives
    >After Luke dies, Kenny gets so done with Arvo's bullshit that he beats him, like in the original game, but this time he kills Arvo
    >This is where Mike and Bonnie decide they will escape in the middle of the night
    >They are going to take Sarah with them, who is heavily traumatized
    >Still, Sarah wakes up Clementine in the middle of the night because they are best friends and she doesn't wants to leave Clem behind
    >This ruins Mike and Bonnie's plan
    >In this timeline, is either Mike or Bonnie the ones that shoot Clem instead of Arvo and they take Sarah away with them, who is freaking out
    >You don't know what happens to Sarah until Season 4, where you reunite with her

  35. 1 week ago

    you now realize walking dead is poorly written trash

    • 1 week ago

      You're just saying that because of zombie media fatigue.

      • 1 week ago

        He's not wrong. TWD has potential for great stories (i.e. Season 1 of both the TV show and game), but the writers never explore any interesting concepts and it becomes some lame drama between the characters with artificial tension. Such a waste of potential.

  36. 1 week ago

    >Kenny survives
    who cares Clementine crashes the car and he ends up dying
    >Jane survives
    who cares she just ends up committing suicide

    • 1 week ago

      At least Kenny and Clem stayed together for some years, while Jane just killed herself a few weeks after the events of the second game.

  37. 1 week ago

    why did AJ grow up to act just like modern black kids

    • 1 week ago

      clementine was a single mother at 11 please understand

    • 1 week ago

      Odd considering we got one of the most based black guys in vidya from the same series. Did season 1 have the same writers as the later ones?

      • 1 week ago

        no, the s1 writers left early on in s2's development
        only s2e1 has any of their writing in it post s1

      • 1 week ago

        >Did season 1 have the same writers as the later ones?
        Are you actually asking this?

        • 1 week ago

          Well I guess I asked wrong, I more meant how many people left after S1. Surely there were remnants right? Or did they really nuke the whole team?

          • 1 week ago

            Since the writing was embarrassingly dogshit I'd say around 0

  38. 1 week ago

    >Clem will never have a sloppy lesbian kiss with with Sarah
    It's just not fair.

  39. 1 week ago

    legitimate waste of oxygen "nice girl" who never did anything

  40. 1 week ago

    >almost 20 years since wolf among us 2 was announced

  41. 1 week ago

    People who sided with Kenny only played the second game. He was a b***h in the 1st and I'm glad he died.

    • 1 week ago

      Kenny is literally the most helpful person after Lee in the first season and his only "mistake" is not checking properly if the old guy in the freezer is actually dead or not. And even then you can probably forgive him considering his family might be getting hacked to pieces by cannibals at any minute and he literally has no idea what to do.

    • 1 week ago

      Kenny is literally the most helpful person after Lee in the first season and his only "mistake" is not checking properly if the old guy in the freezer is actually dead or not. And even then you can probably forgive him considering his family might be getting hacked to pieces by cannibals at any minute and he literally has no idea what to do.

      kenny's motivations are really easy to understand if you take the well being of the kids into account
      every major choice of his is about trying to protect them in one way or another, even larry in the meat locker
      the only time this isn't the case is in ep4 where if you might have to convince him to go with you, and the only time you can't is when you have never sided with him up to that point

  42. 1 week ago

    >Last Season
    God I fricking hate AJ. The fricker was a literal sociopath and gave off weird vibes to Clem.

  43. 1 week ago

    I think I'm just gonna make my own e-girl zombie apocalypse game.

  44. 1 week ago

    god i wish telltale games had take it slow instead of having a ton of licend games realeasing back to back

    • 1 week ago

      They probably would've still collapsed, just on a longer timescale. Their problems as a company were more fundamental than just the symptom of what they were putting out.

  45. 1 week ago

    So Telltale died again?

  46. 1 week ago

    >hey be nice and quiet now ok?
    still makes me laugh

  47. 1 week ago

    I liked Sarah too. She presented an interesting dilemma and people that willingly chose to kill her just exposed what kind of people they really are. Yes, she was difficult to deal with , but anyone with any decency would be understanding that some people are built different. She may had value as a fighter, but she was still a person deserving of love. Survival is more than just being able to kill people and walkers.

    Sarah did nothing wrong.

    • 1 week ago

      >She may had value as a fighter
      She didn't. Her autistic episodes made her a tremendous liability. Clementine nearly killed herself pulling Sarah from the cabin and she doesn't get a return on her investment at all. Sarah just shuts the frick down and remains dead weight. She wasn't built for the world and she wasn't going to fricking adapt because Carlos kept trying to shield her from shit instead of having her recognize the reality: there are 5000 walking dead to 1 survivor and making too much noise draws these frickers like flys to shit. But Sarah didn't have the necessary guidance so she was dead weight from the word go. Carlos being a medical professional bought his useless kid insurance to be an extra mouth to feed but the instant something mild went wrong she's get triggered and


      • 1 week ago

        It's Carlos' fault, not hers. Either way she doesn't deserve to die for it.

  48. 1 week ago

    She is Clementine if Lee didn’t teach her to handle shit herself and kept coddling her and Jane is what she would become if she just went full on lone wolf selfish.

  49. 1 week ago

    we can't just pick and choose who deserves to live due to their lack of ability to fight. What's the point of trying to obtain peace in a chaotic world if we don't protect the people that need help?

  50. 1 week ago

    she needs the mating press creampire correction.. if you know what i mean

  51. 1 week ago

    if carlos was made the likable friend role like luke was i think it would have made the sarah situation more complicated for the player

  52. 1 week ago

    This chick was paralyzed by fear, it makes sense that she dies no matter what you do. You can't survive an apocalypse without acting, and she spent all her time huddled in a corner.

  53. 1 week ago

    ESL thread

  54. 1 week ago

    You get the impression they had a plan for her just to give up.

  55. 1 week ago

    Dont know how these shit games got so popular. None of your choices actually change the ending.

    • 1 week ago

      first one had good characters and decent writing, everything else was coasting off that good will

    • 1 week ago

      It's a run of the mill VN but it really tries to masquerade as a choices matter game.

  56. 1 week ago

    Didn't the series go full sjw shit making clem a lesbian or something raising some random nog baby?

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      Not exactly they tried to introduce "romance" in one of the later seasons but both choices are kind of garbage but at the least you have the option to tell them both off.
      As for the nog baby yeah it is kind of chained to your leg.

      • 1 week ago

        >As for the nog baby yeah it is kind of chained to your leg.
        Eerily realistic

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