Why was AOE 4 completely trash?

Why is this trash?

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  1. 1 year ago

    well, it's made by relic. what did you expect?

  2. 1 year ago

    It's not trash unless you can demonstrate

  3. 1 year ago

    because it looks like a videogame made by Disney. Disney was good but now is boring and awful.

  4. 1 year ago

    No Romans

  5. 1 year ago

    I enjoy it, 140 hours in. It's not perfect by any means but good enough.

    • 1 year ago

      Do you prefer AOE2 or AOE4 and why?

      • 1 year ago

        I played sc2 before, never got into aoe2 but want to do that soon.

  6. 1 year ago

    Lol, I forgot this existed. No one talks about it.

  7. 1 year ago

    >Why is this trash?
    Do you remember where every other RTS was a cheaper and worse copy of AoE or Warcraft?
    Well AoE4 is exactly like that. Made by different devs trying to copy the god and falling short, creating a somewhat janky game with one gimmick and tacky graphics that will find some audience but doesn't reach the levels of the grand 3. It's just made in 2021 instead of 2001.

    • 1 year ago

      Is picrel a good game?

      • 1 year ago

        >Medieval Lords
        nah, it's some C-tier trash from the 2000s. Me and that anon you replied to are probably the only people on this board who still remember it.

    • 1 year ago

      it's better than AOE3. cope harder. The biggest problem is that it's a glib facsimile of aoe2

      • 1 year ago

        I think by 'grand 3' he meant AoE2, Warcraft (3?), and Whatever, not AoE3.

        • 1 year ago

          Westwood, Blizzard, Ensemble the 3 biggest names in RTS. Most were trying to copy them, like that Korean series which had a WC2-clone, then a WC3-clone (pic unrelated).

      • 1 year ago

        Lol no, aoe3 is the better game. Aoe4 isn't horrible, especially for an rts made within the last 10 years.

        The problem lies with rts games being dead. You wonder why moba games are SO popular but RTS are not. Bad marketing? Might have the same problems as fighting games - skill ceiling is so high and normies feel bad when they lose. Then again, normies will queue up for CoD and Apex Legends, games that have systems in place to ensure that you lose 50% of the time you play.

        I think by 'grand 3' he meant AoE2, Warcraft (3?), and Whatever, not AoE3.

        Probably AoE2, Warcraft 3 and StarCraft. Might also be command&conquer/red alert or Empire Earth 1

        Anyways, I thought that Franks and huns were ez dubs, but then I played Ethiopia.

        • 1 year ago

          >You wonder why moba games are SO popular but RTS are not.
          My guess is that the F2P model drains players from paid games. In the past cheapskates would pirate games and you'd have a decent population of players as a result but with all these free games available there's not even a reason for them to bother with torrents (and they're also busy grinding all day - it ain't easy paying nothing at all). I'd actually put that very high on the list of things that demolished PC and mobile gaming.

          • 1 year ago

            Lol no, aoe3 is the better game. Aoe4 isn't horrible, especially for an rts made within the last 10 years.

            The problem lies with rts games being dead. You wonder why moba games are SO popular but RTS are not. Bad marketing? Might have the same problems as fighting games - skill ceiling is so high and normies feel bad when they lose. Then again, normies will queue up for CoD and Apex Legends, games that have systems in place to ensure that you lose 50% of the time you play.

            Probably AoE2, Warcraft 3 and StarCraft. Might also be command&conquer/red alert or Empire Earth 1

            Anyways, I thought that Franks and huns were ez dubs, but then I played Ethiopia.

            Have heard arguments that mobas are RTS games boiled down to their essence, but I just don't see it.

            Can anyone explain why?

            I see StarCraft as the epitome of RTS with perfectly designed asymmetric civs

            • 1 year ago

              >Why is this trash?
              soulless campaigns catering to normies, documentaries > cheesy immersion with funny accents was a shit decision

              The biggest reason is that the game is just 'fine'. It's not bad enough to meme on and be memorable for how shit it is like DoW3, but it's not good enough to truly replace the niche of other staple RTSes like AOE2 or Starcraft, or even AOE 3 for people who're more into that.

              It also looks like mobile trash-garbage.

              >Have heard arguments that mobas are RTS games boiled down to their essence, but I just don't see it.
              It's a shit take, mobas are more like MMORPGs boiled down to 30-60 minute matches instead of 4+ months of poopsocking for +0.25% stat increase

              Honestly mobas are closer to something like diablo than something like AOE, just because first mobas were based on RTS engines people draw parallels, but that's moronic.

              • 1 year ago

                >mobas are more like MMORPGs boiled down to 30-60 minute

                Interesting. I haven't thought about it that way. I can see the Diablo connection.

                More like eviscerated so that the only aspect left is micro. Some sad types consider that to be the essence of the genre which is where that argument comes from.
                RTSes are complicated games comprising many parts (base-building, eco, exploration, combat, projectile dodging, etc), and the idea to remove some of them was often explored through custom modes/maps which is how we got gimmicks like Tower Defense, Autobattlers, the Tug-of-War thing (e.g. Nexus Wars) and who knows what else.
                I'm surprised new RTSes don't actually come with MOBA mode out-of-the-box to snatch some of those weirdos in a similar vein to modern FPSes that now absolutely must include BR mode.

                >the only aspect left is micro.

                Yeah micro is the worst part. I totally agree but can see how they go that direction.

                >I'm surprised new RTSes don't actually come with MOBA mode out-of-the-box

                It's a pretty good idea. Especially because it's so fricking easy to make one in an RTS engine. Like you could almost see them using it as their in development test bed.

            • 1 year ago

              More like eviscerated so that the only aspect left is micro. Some sad types consider that to be the essence of the genre which is where that argument comes from.
              RTSes are complicated games comprising many parts (base-building, eco, exploration, combat, projectile dodging, etc), and the idea to remove some of them was often explored through custom modes/maps which is how we got gimmicks like Tower Defense, Autobattlers, the Tug-of-War thing (e.g. Nexus Wars) and who knows what else.
              I'm surprised new RTSes don't actually come with MOBA mode out-of-the-box to snatch some of those weirdos in a similar vein to modern FPSes that now absolutely must include BR mode.

              • 1 year ago

                There is macro play in mobas, what with map control/map awareness/vision, but it's obviously nothing to the level of an actual RTS

                >You wonder why moba games are SO popular but RTS are not.
                My guess is that the F2P model drains players from paid games. In the past cheapskates would pirate games and you'd have a decent population of players as a result but with all these free games available there's not even a reason for them to bother with torrents (and they're also busy grinding all day - it ain't easy paying nothing at all). I'd actually put that very high on the list of things that demolished PC and mobile gaming.

                I don't think so. Empires Apart is a free RTS on steam and it doesn't have a huge playerbase. There is just too much going on in an RTS for most people to enjoy it. We'll see what happens now that Xbox aoe2 is gonna bring in newbies, maybe it will revive the genre.

              • 1 year ago

                AoE2's popularity is a double-edged sword. It continues to reel in newbies to the genre, but its massive gravity doesn't let new games stay popular for long. People briefly check those out, get tired of playing against the same people, and leave the servers dead empty for newcomers forever.
                Regardless, I think AoE4 largely succeeded in establishing a foothold, and it's going to maintain stable player numbers in the future as the discounts get higher. It really is the only game that had a shot in this competition, huh.

              • 1 year ago

                CoH3 will carve out its own audience, of that I have zero doubt.

              • 1 year ago

                it's super hard to make successful MOBA game that doesn't get obliterated by dota or lol and then you need to compete with riot patching every 2 weeks and constantly rotating the meta to keep the game fresh

              • 1 year ago

                >you need to compete with riot patching every 2 weeks and constantly rotating the meta to keep the game fresh
                This is true of RTS games as well. AoE2 (and to a lesser extent AoE4) are thriving because they receive a lot of support, while something like SC2 withers away in maintenance mode.

        • 1 year ago

          >skill ceiling is so high and normies feel bad when they lose
          This is what pushes new players away instantly, because there is nothing more frustrating than booting up a game to have some fun, only to get matched against turbo sweat lords that got entire build orders memorized and tryharding the everliving shit with micromanagment as if their lives depend on winning that match.

          • 1 year ago

            >How DARE people play to win!
            Stick to compstomp, dicking around with your friends, or custom games. If you go into multiplayer don’t seethe because the other person doesn’t want to just turtle and jerk off.

            • 1 year ago

              Can you win without being obnoxious homosexual? If not, then don't complain that your game genre is bleeding players as not everyone wants to participate in your homoerotic neckbeard seance.

              • 1 year ago

                >go into competitive multiplayer
                >wtf why are people playing competitively I should be able to play however I want and still expect to win?

            • 1 year ago

              Strawman. That was not his point. New players have to lose 20 games before they reach their elo. This is not good.

      • 1 year ago

        >it's better than AOE3
        No. At least AOE3 had the ambition to be different.

    • 1 year ago

      >Made by different devs trying to copy the god
      I absolutely didn't give a shit about AoE.

  8. 1 year ago

    because it was literally abandoned by devs.

    • 1 year ago

      They just put out a new civ in October and have space in their GUI for at least 2 more. Decent amount of patches so far and a landmark rework coming in the next week or so.


      Why is this trash?

      Im not sure why people say its "trash", sure you can prefer AOE2 or AOE3 over 4 but I think it achieved it goal of melding 2 and 3s gameplay pretty successfully, it definitely broke even cost wise. I think the only thing that's lackluster and will always be lackluster in AOE is naval.

      • 1 year ago

        W-what they put out a new faction 5 months ago?!!!! I guess this isnt just a contract work for relic then...

  9. 1 year ago

    They tried making AoE2 that would actually be fun to play but stuck too closely to the original unfortunately.

  10. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Why does AoE series lose its audience?

      • 1 year ago

        2 DE and 4 are doing really well.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah that's barely even a loss. those numbers will just go up down throughout the year

      • 1 year ago

        I didn’t post that to show the loss, but rather to show what the life of each game is:
        >AoE2 is huge
        >AoE4 isn’t nearly as big but still has a really solid playerbase
        >AoE3 has a niche audience
        >AoE1 is dead
        If 4 was as bad as some say you’d think it’s playercount would be at the most equal to that of 3’s. Instead it’s over twice as much (albeit half of 2’s)

        • 1 year ago

          >AoE2 is huge
          Not the word I'd use. In absolute numbers AoEs 2-4 are not so distant from one another compared to a behemoth like Dota 2 (by the way, there are hardly any RTSes on SteamDBs list of most played RTS). The player retention is superb though.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah the franchise is amazing at retaining player, I wonder how the AoM definitive edition will fare compared to the rest, I hope it does well, in terms of theme it's my favorite game in the Age series.

          • 1 year ago

            Fair, but really with the exception of AoE3 those are excellent player numbers for any multiplayer game, especially with the player numbers being that consistent.
            Also, I wonder how CoH2's numbers will be affected by 3's release. Will they drop like a stone or will 3 find a completely new audience?

            On a different subject I'm genuinally sad AoE1 DE didnt fly

            AoE1 DE was an example of developers being a little too faithful to the original game. The pathfinding is every bit as horrid as it was in 1997 and really kneecaps it compared to 2.

            Yeah the franchise is amazing at retaining player, I wonder how the AoM definitive edition will fare compared to the rest, I hope it does well, in terms of theme it's my favorite game in the Age series.

            I think AoM will have similar or slightly higher numbers than AoE3. Unless it looks fantastic though I doubt it'll hit 4's numbers though.

            Why are people still playing HD???

            There are some purists that prefer the balance in HD to DE, though personally the only advantage HD has to DE is less civ bloat.

    • 1 year ago

      On a different subject I'm genuinally sad AoE1 DE didnt fly

      • 1 year ago

        They're remaking it so it'll have a second chance. I think they did a good job with AoE2DE and AoE3DE from a technical standpoint, so there's hope.

    • 1 year ago

      Why are people still playing HD???

      • 1 year ago

        Believe it or not I've heard that, at least here in south america and maybe in some SEA countries, there's a lot of people that can't run DE, so they stick to HD

      • 1 year ago

        wait till you find out there's still about 800 people playing OG release of AoE2 age of conquerors on voobly.

  11. 1 year ago

    It's a good overall game with a lot of qol changes vs 2. The biggest problem is they just tried to make 2 again instead of something fresh. But on its own merits it's a pretty decent game and I had my fun with it. Overall I give it a 8/10 tbqh famalam

  12. 1 year ago

    Because it only carries the IP of age of empires, not any of the devs or talent that birthed the older games.

  13. 1 year ago

    All the competent devs at Relic left after DoW2

  14. 1 year ago

    It's just a soulless zoomer version of AoE2

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