Why was so much of this forgettable?

Why was so much of this forgettable?
I played the shit out of it for years, but compared to Vice City, San Andreas, or 5, I can't remember any of the dialogue, characters, radiostations, songs they played, map except for a few things like Roman asking to go bowling.
>Name one antagonist
>Name two radio stations
>Name three songs
Can (You)?

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  1. 2 years ago

    All GTA single player sucks aside from Vice City, honestly Cops N Crooks in this was the funnest thing I've done in GTA. It was a shame they didn't bring it back

  2. 2 years ago

    >The Albanians - Darden and Bleeder
    >Mikhail Faustin
    >Dymitri Rascalov
    >Mr Bulgarin
    >The government stooge in the newspaper room
    >Jimmy Pegorino

    Two Radio Stations
    >Liberty Rock Radio
    >Integrity 2.0

    Three Songs
    >Edge of 17

  3. 2 years ago

    There is exactly one memorable mission, the bank robbery, every single mission apart from that is "drive the most unlikeable person you can imagine to some random shithole while they keep talking endlessly about some stupid shit, then shoot 7 Albanian bums when you arrive, then drive back".

    • 2 years ago

      That mission is also that. You show up and 4 guys are bickering. You get a 4-door car so you can listen to 4 guys bickering. You go to the bank to hear 4 guys bickering. One dies. You shoot police and need to make an escape out the front door. Escape into the subway. Get a 4 door car and escape. Boom.

      • 2 years ago

        Ultimately every Rockstar mission has been that since GTA IV but at least they've tried to mix it up to a degree with later games. IV is nothing else, it's really not good gameplay.

  4. 2 years ago

    i don't remember characters or dialogue in any gta game. probably because i just always skipped those and went to shoot people and drive around

  5. 2 years ago

    no shit
    by the end of the game it seems both nico and dimitri forgot about each other
    it's not really clear why nico had such a hard on for dimitri and not the other russian mustache frick bulgarin which is the one who had a personal beef with nico
    also nico's search for the traitor is basically solved by the cia out of the blue, that guy was never in liberty city, he went there for nothing
    and nico was never anything more than a hired gun that is dumb enough to take the fall for murdering higher ups

  6. 2 years ago

    It's fricking SOVL, and Nico is the best and the funniest GTA protag. There will never ever be a game world as impressive as Liberty City.

  7. 2 years ago

    I know you're trying another one of these "the best game is the worst and the worst game is the best" things but it's pretty generally agreed upon that San Andreas is the top dog and 4 is just a kind of weird mid-puberty state of the franchise like TES with Oblivion

  8. 2 years ago

    I can, but I played it very recently.

  9. 2 years ago

    cars do not catch air going 40 over a hill

  10. 2 years ago

    Are we angry about last nights thread?

  11. 2 years ago

    Without looking anything on google I can remember a bunch of tracks of Vladivostok FM, but not by name. The friends are all memorable too.
    >The Jamaican dude
    I think the main antoagonist is a Russian guy named Dimitri, but I not sure.
    Also I remeber one of you GF's, I think her name was Michele, she's a secret police agent or something
    There's a guy that gives you some missions named Boris (I think), You kill him at the end of the "first act" and I think he was Russian and had contacts with Dimitri.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Mikhail Faustin
    >Liberty Rock radio
    >China Grove
    >Let's get lost
    There you go you disingenuous gay

  13. 2 years ago

    Beeg american teetees are iconic though.

  14. 2 years ago

    Niko: Hey boss how dare you question my loyalty I would never betray you
    Also Niko: Frick you boss you're a rotten man and I have to kill you now
    Also Niko: Dimitri how could you betray your own friend you piece of shit you're my arch nemesis now

    • 2 years ago

      The ironic thing is that Niko is purely a mercenary. He does awful things to people and he's basically a hired gun. Only when it comes to wrapping up his past trauma does he care.

  15. 2 years ago

    >Game map is one small city and 2 towns, the rest is mountains.
    >Physics considerably worse than the game that came before it.
    >No interiors besides safehouse and Ammunation
    >Shitty missions such as Crane operator, yoga, apple offices, any mission involving Michael's kids
    >Terminator cops with ridiculous accuracy so police battles are usually short
    >Removed crouch feature
    >Restrictive linear missions that fail if you try to be creative
    >Unlikeable characters
    >Forgettable villains
    >3 protagonists
    >So many guns that they all feel the same
    >GTA Online
    Just to name a few

    • 2 years ago

      >Terminator cops with ridiculous accuracy
      And that's a good thing! Or are you a pussy who won't make your stand?

      • 2 years ago

        It's more fun to make your stand when it isn't cut short by bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      >No interiors
      >Terminator cops with ridiculous accuracy so police battles are usually short
      People don't remember how important stuff like this is to a GTA game. What made GTA IV multiplayer so fun was that every interior from the story was open, you could hide or have a standoff anywhere. My friends and I would lure people into buildings all the time, it was a fricking blast. I remember how disappointed I was in V when I tried to go on a rampage for the first time and Michael was dead within minutes. Can't even go on roofs because NOOSE will rappel in perpetually.

      • 2 years ago

        For me it was the law offices, and Playboys penthouse.

        • 2 years ago

          We could go up to that penthouse that the diamond israelites hung out in. In the earliest builds of the game, you could only get into the hallway though glitching so we'd talk mad shit to everyone in the lobby and dare them to come kill us, then pick them off with RPGs before they realized we can see them but they can't see us.

          • 2 years ago

            I remember that lol, you just had to accept that people camping in there are untouchable.

  16. 2 years ago

    It wasn't. I remember everything about it because it's one of my favorite games of all time. I quote it all the time in my head, lines from it have stuck with me my entire adult life. I have yet to find a game with more fun driving, not even in racing games. It was an amalgamation of every crime drama of the past 10 years before it, and what it tried to do, it did brilliantly. Your entire thread amounts to
    >i dont leik it so itz bad
    Fricking boring. You're more boring than the boring game you hate.
    >Name one antagonist
    Dimitri was a poor stand in for Bulgarin, at least you get to kill him as someone else eventually.
    >Name two radio stations
    Liberty Rock Radio and Vladivostok FM was what I listened to the most at release, but I can't think of an actual 'bad' radio station in IV. There's so much professionally curated music in the game that I spent an hour trying to properly downgrade my steam version just so I could hear it all.
    >Name three songs
    Too much work. You get one

    • 2 years ago

      >I can't think of an actual 'bad' radio station in IV
      That one latin american station is pretty bad. But I genuinely think it was included as some form of joke: every taxi driver has that shit on and you can't help it but to ask him to change the damn station the second you enter their car.

      • 2 years ago

        >That one latin american station is pretty bad.
        I got used to it just on account of how many cars I stole with tuned to it lmao

        I have no idea wtf they're saying but it makes good 'running from the cops' music.

      • 2 years ago

        It was included because it was a NY game, NY rappers and artists are (some of) the pioneers of the reggeaton genre, Daddy Yankee, the Aventura group, including Romeo Santos, others, It's a great radio station, and it's true to life, people have loved reggeaton for decades now, you are just a nerd.

        • 2 years ago

          With all due respect, fellow anon: you're the nerd here, I didn't know the relationship between reggaeton and NY. I still don't like the music but now I understand the why they put it in the game and it makes perfect sense.

        • 2 years ago

          No one's complaining about the jamacan dancehall reggae shit, that's fun and people like that. Hispanic music appeals to other hispanics and no one else, I'm sorry. I'm not saying it should have been in but it's definitely the weakest radio station from a non-hispanic perspective.

  17. 2 years ago

    >>Name one antagonist
    Dimitri. He fricks you over and kills Roman accidentally if you choose the money.
    >>Name two radio stations
    Liberty Rock Radio and Liberty City Hardcore
    >>Name three songs
    That one song from Stevie Nicks. That other song from ACDC, and some song from Deep Purple.

  18. 2 years ago

    Who were the bad guys of 5?
    I remember a guy with a mansion.

  19. 2 years ago

    >the vibe
    >genesis - mama
    >lil wayne/fat joe - crackhouse
    who doesn't remember GTAIV lmao, what about the swingset glitch or how people used to and still b***h about the car handling. maybe i'm just autistic

    • 2 years ago

      o shit 3 songs
      >crookers - boxer
      stupid malaka

  20. 2 years ago

    Plot was shit after a few missions, but the world was fun to play on and you could do romance

  21. 2 years ago

    Bank robbery job with Irish guys, sniper execution of an informant, Playboy X (I think that's his name) and the other black dude and having to choose between them, diamond exchange shootout, final mission shootout on ship, killing the dude that killed Niko's squad. There. Frick you, OP, you queer.

  22. 2 years ago

    Liberty City is boring.
    The characters are boring.
    The missions are boring.
    The cars are boring (not the handling, the actual available vehicles.)
    Pretty much the only good thing about IV is the radio, but people only ever talk about is the shittiest station (Vladivostok FM).

  23. 2 years ago

    I still think of the juiced up junkie every time protein pills are mentioned, Mr. Ice Cold.

  24. 2 years ago

    antagonist: Playboy X
    Radio Stations: WKTT (we know the truth) and Massive B (dancehall)
    songs: youths so cold, badder dan dem, it's all about the weed (no idea if those are the real names)

  25. 2 years ago

    Sounds like you have early onset moronation.

  26. 2 years ago

    >III: finished the story at least 16 times
    >VC: finished the story at least 26 times
    >SA: finished the story twice (too fricking long)
    >LCS: finished the story at least 5 times
    >VCS: finished the story once (sucks)
    >IV+DLC: finished the stories once each (boring, would replay TLaD)
    >V: dropped after 5 missions
    >VI: won't even try
    SA was too long and a slog but it was still fun in the story or just messing around. Starting with IV everything's slow and boring and too "realistic" instead of the goofy cartooniness the older ones had. IV also felt too long with forgettable unlikable characters, lack of humor and really boring missions. The only good thing about boring Niko was his voice. IV also had the worst side missions or lack of them and killing pigeons was worse than collecting 4 types of shit in SA. TLaD was fun and felt more like GTA but it was far too short. TBoGT was okayish. Loved the new weapons, vehicles, improved combat and parachuting and some of the missions were good. But I hated the mission ranking shit they introduced here and took over to V. Triggers my OCD.
    Overall IV was just not good but for whatever reason even that felt more like GTA than V. I just couldn't like that one. The city was boring, the controls/handling were even worse, the story was a drag, the missions weren't fun. Lack of classic side missions. "Strangers" or whatever were the most GTA like but still boring. Messing around wasn't even fun in V. And I tried Online and it was just cheaters, hackers and morons. Why anyone would invest real money in that is beyond me.
    Oh right, music in IV/V was also trash. IV had a few good ones though but nothing like GTA radio used to be.

  27. 2 years ago


    Electro Choc & Fusion

    Waters of Nazareth, breasts and Acid, Flashing Lights

  28. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      ohhh the stand up shows, how come I've forgotten that shit. It was great.

  29. 2 years ago

    I liked it. I think the only problem its narrative has is that it gets a little lost in the 3rd act with the Italian mob that doesn't really go anywhere interesting. I would rather have had the game cultivate the characters it had been setting up since act 1 and 2 rather than continuously introducing new characters we didn't really care about, and didn't get satisfying conclusions in any ending. Imagine if we got more playboy x and dwayne-tier ludo but stretched over the course of the entire game with the whole cast

  30. 2 years ago

    this game sucks dick on steam. PC gaming is a joke. I had multiple game breaking bugs that never happen to me on xbox.

    1. The goldberg lawyers office would spaz out and go tan screen (unfixable, still hear ambient game noises in background)

    2. The bank robbery mission the dumbass AI irishmen got caught on the subway entrance doors and would just ragdoll themselves forever.

    I managed to get one through the door but the game made me go back for the other and he was gone underneath the map

  31. 2 years ago

    It was a successful experiment in style.
    2008 was a time you could still do that (see also: Mirror's Edge)

  32. 2 years ago

    Don't give a frick about Kate Mc death

  33. 2 years ago

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