Will FF16 become a cult classic in 10 years?

Will FF16 become a cult classic in 10 years? It's not the return to form or sales success SE hoped, but the fans it has really enjoy the game and the VAs are passionate about their work.

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  1. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      it will

    • 8 months ago

      yoshitpiss cultists will all be completely dead in 10 years so this game will be more fairly assessed at that time as pure slop.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


      >DMC/Bayonettagays don't like the game because it has 20hrs of cutscenes interrupting gameplay in a 30hr game. And gameplay is braindead until you finish it and start over in new game plus anyway.
      >HBO/Netflix watchers don't play games and unanimously agree that GoT, from which the game copypasted several character archetypes without transferring what made said characters interesting, went to shit after Season 5.
      >Sony movie game gays are turned off by the anime jrpg shlock the game turns into by the final arc.
      >Yoshida cult MMOtrannies are either too lazy to get a PS5 for one game, or those who do have to desperately justify their thrash purchase.
      >Classic FF gays dislike the game because it inverts the roles and puts the hero in a position of destroying that which the series originally stood up for, that is, the divine transcendental things that endure through the transient worldliness of men, typically represented by the crystals or otherwise divine forces (the lifestream in 7, Aeons/Fayth/Memories of beloved ones in 10, gods and the crystal line in 11). They are substituted in favor of Maehiro going full fedora neckbeard.
      And people wonder why XVI sold like shit. People already forgot about it and will forever remain on the garbage dumpster of forgettable jrpg slop for all of time.

      yoshitpiss will cry on livestream again

  2. 8 months ago

    Doubtful. Cult classics require replayability, which 16 doesn't have. The game only really starts fighting back in NG+, and even then the entire combat system is still a waiting game because skills are on a cooldown instead of the far more sensible system of normal attacks generating MP to spend on skills.

    • 8 months ago

      >Cult classics require replayability, which 16 doesn't have.
      This, I started my FF mode playthrough right after finishing the game and I still haven't finished it. I got to the part where you chase Barnie and hitting that giant wall of sidequests just kills any desire to continue.

    • 8 months ago

      >cooldown instead of the far more sensible system of normal attacks generating MP to spend on skills.
      Why the frick didnt they just do this? It makes for a better combat system AND its more casualgay friendly

      • 8 months ago

        MMO dev = MMO design

        • 8 months ago

          Also: MMO dev = MMO design = Do not Play

        • 8 months ago

          Also: MMO dev = MMO design = Do not Play

          >Implying straight men care about this pozzed game

          You are fricking obsessed with this game dude

          • 8 months ago

            That tendie never got over the fact that ff14 has fans

          • 8 months ago

            But is he wrong tho?

    • 8 months ago

      How would you have fixed the combat? I keep wondering how FF saves itself. Combats been meh since 12.

      • 8 months ago

        The KH/7R system is great. If you're going to make a game around playing one character, playing that character needs to feel deep and free.
        Have combat go into a temporary slowdown as you open a menu for eikon abilities, using them spends MP. Hitting things with basic attacks replenishes tiny chunks, completing attack sequences, perfect dodging, and parrying replenishes more. Remove the egregiously long cooldowns, just have it be mana-based.
        I don't know if this goes against any patents or whatever, but I also feel like eikon switching being like DMC style switching would be a better solution than a KH/7R menu. Have the abilities be on combination inputs rather than limiting face buttons. The amount of things Clive can do with his sword are woefully minimal.

        In general, enemies also need to be more aggressive as a baseline. You never really use the defensive options very much outside of boss fights because the trash will just orbit you while you bully one guy as you wait for cooldowns to finish, which wraps back around to why the combat is so painfully slow. Enemies have lots of health, take lots of damage when staggered. But when you've staggered something, your abilities are on cooldown and you're left uselessly twatting things over the head with your beatstick and not doing very much damage.

        • 8 months ago

          Doesn't have any menu slowdown, what are you smoking

          • 8 months ago

            I didn't say it does, I said the overall system works well. But 16 is going for faster combat, so navigating a menu with a bunch of abilities will necessitate a slowdown.
            Which is also why I think style switching is a better solution, but I don't know if it'd be "allowed" because of the israeli patent system.

        • 8 months ago

          >select eikon abilities through a menu
          >temporarily slow down time
          FRICK no. this was why remakes combat was ass imo combined with the wonky aggro, aerial combat, and lack of defensive options.

          • 8 months ago

            >I also feel like eikon switching being like DMC style switching would be a better solution

            • 8 months ago

              that's a better alternative, yeah. The easiest fix would be to just give the ability to switch between every eikon instead of just 3. they considered it during development but stopped at 3 for some reason. it'd get rid of cooldown issues cause then you'd have access to over double the amount of abilities at any time.

              • 8 months ago

                It'd help in the long-term, but short-term is what solidifies most peoples' opinion on a game, and half of the game is gonna be very rigid just letting you cycle through every eikon, not to mention the inherent problems that presents.

        • 8 months ago

          The countdown timing combat is horrific, but FF7 though much better still isn’t fun imo. FF is great everywhere but the actual gameplay. To me that’s the big question. I don’t think a action rpg can do it. Give me turn based or dark souls. In between doesn’t cut it for me but curios to hear ideas.
          I agree on the aggressive enemies and mp.

          • 8 months ago

            Why is the instant opposite to turn-based dark souls of all things? I've never considered Souls games to have well designed or even functional realtime combat.

      • 8 months ago

        7R and strangers of paradise combat are so much better. idk how they fricked up so hard with 16. combat fricking sucked

    • 8 months ago

      >Cult classics require replayability
      Not really. Look at Skies of Arcadia.

  3. 8 months ago

    Only a troon can stand such a shitty game

    • 8 months ago

      >Will FF16 become a cult classic in 10 years?
      The DLC would have to be amazing, otherwise no. It's not perfect, and the combat gets repetitive with the stagger system and lack of basic actions outside of a sword combo. Setting and plot are in many wayso a throwback to the old FF games, which is fine, but didn't really go far enough.

      This is 16, not 14.

  4. 8 months ago

    It's a Final Fantasy.
    Even FF8 and FF13 which were at one point both considered "absolutely terrible" are considered fantastic classic FF games by some diehards.
    Given enough time, FF16 will probably get the same shit. Hell, we've got people saying FF15 was good currently.

    • 8 months ago

      No lol, its a very vocal minority to say 13 is good and most of that is just because it's the first mainline with a female protag since 6. A more accurate comparison would be 12 because opinions on that game absolutely did a 180 as time went on.

    • 8 months ago

      >mfw I liked XV on launch and haven't even played the DLC
      I mean shit, the story makes no sense and the gameplay is mediocre, but it had great visuals and an amazing score. Some good character moments as well.
      I really don't know what people are expecting from FF titles anymore. Like are there people who are genuinely convinced that their favorite title had a good overarching story or engaging gameplay? Are they on drugs?

      • 8 months ago

        >Like are there people who are genuinely convinced that their favorite title had a good overarching story or engaging gameplay?
        That's what FF used to be about, yeah.

        • 8 months ago

          The villains of the first eight games in the series can be safely described as "Wants to destroy or take over world because they are evil"

          • 8 months ago

            Another midwit filtered by Kefka.

            • 8 months ago

              I didn't say they were bad for it, you double moron.

            • 8 months ago

              Then elaborate. What is Kefka other than being evil for the sake of evil? Show us your literary prowess without resorting on "lol you just don't get it"

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but he’s not evil. He is nihilistic. Nothing matters so go have some fun.
                It’s not great writing, in fact I give it the bottom tier of acceptable writing. Still, the Nihilist villain is still better than 90% of the Hate porn villains the Western media uses.
                People loved Joffrey of GoT and that’s so fricking pathetic.

              • 8 months ago

                >People loved Joffrey of GoT and that’s so fricking pathetic.
                I won’t pretend I ever cared much for the show but they should have kept functioning mental invalid Joffrey from the books imho

              • 8 months ago

                Anything would of been better. I knew when I saw him he’d just say something to piss the audience off. Kick a dog, than say something moronic, than hide from his grandfather, than brag about how brave he was. The dumbest most incompetent person alive with no redeeming qualities being the most powerful.
                If every scene is perfectly written to piss you off, none of it possess me off. He’s not a character, he’s a cheap writing tool. How many villains are this or powerful evil or a combination. It’s bad writing.

          • 8 months ago

            >Wants to destroy or take over world because they are evil
            Emperor wants to rule not destroy, Zemus wants to wipe out humans because he's a lunarian supremacist, Sephiroth wants to travel the cosmos devouring planets because that's what his mom did.

      • 8 months ago

        I only ever played XV on release, and I got somewhat far trying to stupidly force myself to enjoy it, but I ended up dropping it.

        I heard Royal Edition is a huge improvement on the game, and people who previously didn't enjoy XV enjoyed this version, but when I think about giving it a try, I just remember my pushing through the release version and it stops me.

        I'm glad that it turned around for some people, though.

        • 8 months ago

          >I heard Royal Edition is a huge improvement on the game, and people who previously didn't enjoy XV enjoyed this version
          it's much, much better, but it does the exact same fricking moronic shit XVI did where it hides the actual gameplay behind NG+, because now you need al 12 royal weapons to unlock the Armiger Unleashed, which is a completely revamped combat style for Noctis where you can actually swap weapons and perform cool combos with actual button inputs instead of Press O to cool


          also party member swapping and tons of added content like story cutscenes and dungeons

          just make sure you get it on PC so you can just grab a NG+ save and get to the good shit if you ever feel like giving it another change

          • 8 months ago

            That's so damn weird, why would they do that? (far more fun combat style only in NG+)

          • 8 months ago

            to be fair you can unlock armiger unleashed on a fresh playthrough by chapter 13 at the earliest, as long as you got all the optional royal arms in lucis
            once you get umbra power back you can just go to leide talk to the somnus statue and bam you have armiger unleashed
            then you can proceed with the rest of ch13 and do all of ch14 with it

          • 8 months ago

            Classic ff effect, always improving in sequels or dlcs

        • 8 months ago

          I’ve been a huge FF my whole life, but I only played XV for the first time this year. Watched the movie + brotherhood and did the DLC at the correct moments. It’s a huge pile of shite, but with a tiny glimmer of light somewhere in there. It clearly shouldn’t have been open world, and Ardyn‘s backstory is possibly the best part of the ‘plot’, which wasn’t even in the game. So it might be worth at least reading a wiki page about it and imagining what the could could have been, but don’t bother replaying it.

      • 8 months ago

        >mfw I liked XV on launch and haven't even played the DLC

      • 8 months ago

        I beat XV and all the DLC. I have something stupid like 440 hours on PS4 because I wasted so much time on hunts and grinding because severe autism.
        Frankly, you didn't miss much. Prompto's is a shitty sequence of stealth sections, then shooter sections, then wandering to find the next stealth-then-shooter sections, ad infinitum until you get chased by a giant robot worm in an incredibly milquetoast final battle. Gladio's DLC is the shortest and his gameplay style is rather dull outside of one neat fight with Cor. Ignis and Ardyn have actually fun gameplay but incredibly boring plots, Ignis' feels like a big and boring Dynasty Warriors level with just constantly moving around dealing with packs of shitter enemies trying to regain "territory," and Ardyn's is the most trite and wankish plot imaginable trying to make us le pity the evil man when he was more fun as an unambiguously evil c**t.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't remember much about the Ignis DLC, but I do remember the second verse where he puts on the ring and gains the power to kill Ardyn at the cost of his own life was absolute unfiltered kino.

          • 8 months ago

            That part was cool but also the absolute ass end of the sequence.

    • 8 months ago

      I disliked 8 and liked 9
      Now I love 8 and hate 9 with passion.

      • 8 months ago

        I played through both this year and found my opinions swap to the opposite of yours. How strange. What made you like VIII this go around? I thought all the characters were cringe as frick.

        • 8 months ago

          He opened his third eye and became a patrician.
          FFVIII is the thinking artist's FF.
          FFIX is for Nintendo children.

          • 8 months ago

            If you say so. VIII's dialogue amounted to a bunch of moronic teenagers talking to each other with about as much eloquence as a bunch of fricking cucumbers. And that doesn't even mention the countless asspulls that are never revisited or paid off in any way.
            I dunno, I loved FFVIII as a young teen, but in my 30s I found it to be so damn cringe.

            • 8 months ago

              Parts of the translation were rough, but the story is insanely clever.
              >MC is abandoned by his parents, then his sister, then his matron.
              >Parallel story is about memory loss. Event to the point of forgetting friends and relationships (abandoning them, so to speak)
              >Evil villain (likely missed a lot b/c of cut content) discusses memories, time, etc slipping away, presumably part of her motivation for time compression (freezing time)
              >Laguna and Julia miss their chance at love, only to find it again in superior relationships
              >Their children end up together
              >Rinoa and Squall both have mothers that died too young, and estranged fathers
              >Rinoa became a good person, Squall went the other direction
              >Squall is almost lost to time because he allows his memories and grasp on the present to slip away, to abandon reality. Represented by him even forgetting Rinoa's face. Rinoa brings him back.
              >Tomb of the Forgotten King
              >The main party trades their ability to retain memories for the power to save the world
              I'll bet it was even better before they cut a shitload of content. There's a genius story hidden in the fabric of FF8.

              • 8 months ago

                VIII and IX both reeked of lost potential, like their scopes were just too large and they couldn't deliver and had to cut too much to be satisfying. I'd love to see some alternate timeline versions of those and stuff like the original Secret of Mana all fleshed out to their full scope.

              • 8 months ago

                This was pretty fricking kino
                >There's a genius story hidden in the fabric of FF8.
                And I do agree with this. Replaying it this year I was super struck by it in the very early goings, and thought I was in for something very special, storywise. But I dunno if it's a problem with the translation, or the original script suffering tons of cuts, but the delivery of the story just didn't work for me.
                I like it in theory. But all the coolest parts of the story are so fractional and tiny and to the side of the A Plot. And the A Plot spends just too much time on the microinteractions of these kids that ultimately never really have much of anything to say.

                I will say though, Seifer was pretty expertly handled from top to bottom in this game. I liked him a ton, and his obsession to this C-list movie that Laguna starred in was very cool.
                So yeah, I acknowledge there's a clearly cool story at the heart of the game. I just hated nearly every minute of dialogue and delivery of it. Even Laguna came across as mentally challenged to me.

              • 8 months ago

                Completely agree that they shoved wayyy too much of the core plot points into side quest, rare npc conversations, etc. I'll bet it was originally going to be better fleshed out. Hell, you have to dig pretty far just to figure out wtf magic is about, and where sorceresses come from.

                VIII and IX both reeked of lost potential, like their scopes were just too large and they couldn't deliver and had to cut too much to be satisfying. I'd love to see some alternate timeline versions of those and stuff like the original Secret of Mana all fleshed out to their full scope.

                >Secret of Mana fleshed out
                Fricking RIGHT? The remake should have had the cut content and it had nothing. Massively disappointing.

              • 8 months ago

                SoM can't ever have the cut content back because too much of it was recycled for Chrono Trigger.

              • 8 months ago

                >cut content
                what was the cut content for secret of mana?

            • 8 months ago

              FF8 turned me off instantly when I found out it was functionally a high school anime.

              • 8 months ago

                It tricked me early on too. I was like, 'oh shit, this is a mercenary school for child soldiers? I can't wait to see how fricked up this place gets.'
                And then by the end of the game, I'm watching the party run around trying to matchmake Squall in Rinoa while their school and classmates are being blown to bits.

        • 8 months ago

          I can understand enjoying 8, it's probably better on your second time through when you know to just draw spells and never grind in order to circumvent the moronic level scaling system.
          I've never heard of someone hating FF9 though, what was your issue with it? 8 has the better story IMO but 9's vastly superior gameplay with more customizable characters through the ability system makes it more enjoyable to play, propping up the slightly weaker story than 7 or 8 had

          FF8 is just a chill game, it's hard to describe. Yes, Squall is edgy, and I'm not buying that
          >"Ok, you are silent guy, but we like you anyway"
          attitude of his team, but you can always say it's because there were in an orphanage so they are attached lol. I love how you can see a change and how he becames a leader eventually. Seifer was a cool guy. Fujin and Raijin scenes were funny. Dunno, the whole game shines with some sort of positivity. Even Laguna, the guy who attracts misfortune, was positive. And Deling City...if there is one place (from videogames) where I would want to live, it would be Deling City.
          FF9...this game loses its focus after Brahne's death. Suddenly you have several new villains who all want something, and I just want to finish the game.

          • 8 months ago

            Except they aren't attached. They forgot that they even knew each other because of GFs.

      • 8 months ago

        I can understand enjoying 8, it's probably better on your second time through when you know to just draw spells and never grind in order to circumvent the moronic level scaling system.
        I've never heard of someone hating FF9 though, what was your issue with it? 8 has the better story IMO but 9's vastly superior gameplay with more customizable characters through the ability system makes it more enjoyable to play, propping up the slightly weaker story than 7 or 8 had

        • 8 months ago

          nta but I hated 9 cause the gameplay wasn't deep (can be said for almost all the ATB games) and it was also slow as balls, like unplayable slow. I didn't like the cast beyond vivi and freya. half the cast aren't fleshed out much, and the story goes to shit halfway through disc 2 (similar to most FFs). I just don't understand what people see in that game to the point of constantly praising it and bashing the others from on high.

    • 8 months ago

      >considered fantastic classic FF games

  5. 8 months ago

    trash bad shit game and also you're a homosexual

  6. 8 months ago

    I doubt it, the game's a long slog to play through. With RPGs you can sometimes excuse bad gameplay with a good story but 16 doesn't have the benefit of that either. I think it'll be mostly forgotten.

  7. 8 months ago

    I still cannot wrap my head around the kino this game lashed out upon me.

  8. 8 months ago

    OP, you're assuming we'll all still be alive in 10 years and in a state where we'll have the luxury of deciding if a fictional media for entertainment is good or bad.

  9. 8 months ago

    They tried to appeal to the west and instead appealed to no one. They should have made a game like Larian made BG3. Stick to what they’re good at instead of trying to copy western RPGs. If they made ff turn based again or even a hybrid like ff7 Remake, then it would be good if they added a party system. There were no companions at all and ff is about ur friends. This game has none.

  10. 8 months ago
  11. 8 months ago

    The only reason it didn't sell well is because more people have a fricking Wii U currently than a PS5

    I'm a big Final Fantasy fan, I would have absolutely bought it if it were on a console that was possible to find and not made by a company who hates game preservation. But as it is I'm just stuck waiting for the inevitable broken PC port -_-

    • 8 months ago

      Nah dude. PS5 is readily available and in stock when FFXV came out at retail price.
      You know why you're not willing to pull the trigger; because it is not worth it.

      FF used to be a title that make people buy a console for it.
      But not anymore, not this FF.

      • 8 months ago

        Shit you're right. But also I'm poor and just generally prefer Xbox to PlayStation in every regard.
        Does this Final Fantasy use any of the cool hardware tricks of the PS5 console or controller or am I really just better off waiting for a PC port fixed up by fans?

      • 8 months ago

        Final Fantasy hasn't been "a game you buy a console for" since after FFX.

    • 8 months ago

      This is such an omega cope. Spider Man-2 sold 5 million in its first week. 16 just isn’t exciting. This isn’t fricking Covid anymore people have PS5’s.

    • 8 months ago

      >WiiU 13 million
      >PS5 46 million
      I know you're probably being hyperbolic, but jesus frick the amount of copium you homosexuals huff is astounding. PS5 is is not a poorly selling console.

  12. 8 months ago

    If any mainline FF are considered a "cult" classic in 10 years that just means the brand has fallen beyond recognition. Even more than it already has, I mean.

  13. 8 months ago

    I took this game off of my list of games to play after I heard there was a gay sex scene or something stupid like that

    • 8 months ago

      You got lied to. One dude has a quick zoomed out kiss with another dude, fully clothed with no sexual implications.

      • 8 months ago

        GROSS!!! ICKY >:(

  14. 8 months ago

    >DMC/Bayonettagays don't like the game because it has 20hrs of cutscenes interrupting gameplay in a 30hr game. And gameplay is braindead until you finish it and start over in new game plus anyway.
    >HBO/Netflix watchers don't play games and unanimously agree that GoT, from which the game copypasted several character archetypes without transferring what made said characters interesting, went to shit after Season 5.
    >Sony movie game gays are turned off by the anime jrpg shlock the game turns into by the final arc.
    >Yoshida cult MMOtrannies are either too lazy to get a PS5 for one game, or those who do have to desperately justify their thrash purchase.
    >Classic FF gays dislike the game because it inverts the roles and puts the hero in a position of destroying that which the series originally stood up for, that is, the divine transcendental things that endure through the transient worldliness of men, typically represented by the crystals or otherwise divine forces (the lifestream in 7, Aeons/Fayth/Memories of beloved ones in 10, gods and the crystal line in 11). They are substituted in favor of Maehiro going full fedora neckbeard.
    And people wonder why XVI sold like shit. People already forgot about it and will forever remain on the garbage dumpster of forgettable jrpg slop for all of time.

    • 8 months ago

      >gameplay is braindead until you finish it and start over in new game plus
      Someone didn't play the game. NG+ is literally Odin Zantetsuken spam.

      • 8 months ago

        you could just play however the hell you want cause clive shits out damage without even needing ultimates.

    • 8 months ago

      There are no party members, there is no turn based combat or a compromise with ATB, and the women aren't attractive. FF16 is shit, let PC gays have it I don't care.

  15. 8 months ago

    I liked it but no it definitely won't. There really isn't a a reason to replay it just like the second poster said. I mean I could see myself replaying it if I was bored in 5 or more years, but it really shuts itself down by being a one time experience. I replayed FVIII this year again having got it when it first came out, and I could still replay it again in a year if I really felt like it.
    I think FFXVI was good enough to begin to revive FFs reputation but it's not all the way there yet for Final Fantasy to be like, BACK back.

  16. 8 months ago

    No shot in hell. FF16 wasnt even an RPG.

    If they drop another edition of the game with jobs and shit and a combat system more akin to FF:Stranger of Paradise then it will.

    Jack's game is better than this shit.

  17. 8 months ago

    They made it too easy.
    That was a great mistake, if there isn't ever a challenge in a video game, then nothing about it is memorable.

  18. 8 months ago
  19. 8 months ago

    No. It's a very forgettable game.

  20. 8 months ago

    Everyone will forget this game even exists in 2 years.

  21. 8 months ago

    Cult classics need 1 thing: being memorable. There's hundreds of cult classics well known for being bad, yet they retain their cult status through they're ability to stick on people's mind.
    FFXVI is the opposite of memorable, with a story that manages to be both generic wester writing and generic Japanese writing, the characters are all dull archetypes with no deeper layers, the gameplay is braindead and derivative of it's genre with no hook or feature to make it it's own unique thing. FFXVI is fine tuned mediocrity, and you can't built a cult classic on top of that

    • 8 months ago

      >Cult classics need 1 thing: being memorable
      People are going to remember it fore sure as people talk shit about it only to try it out themselves.
      People need to actually forget about the game by not shitting on it or remember it.
      For example nobody is talking about Hogwarts other than to wonder why it was snubbed at the Geoff Show. I forgot that game exsisted.
      FF16 has threads daily .

      • 8 months ago

        Cult classics need 1 thing: being memorable. There's hundreds of cult classics well known for being bad, yet they retain their cult status through they're ability to stick on people's mind.
        FFXVI is the opposite of memorable, with a story that manages to be both generic wester writing and generic Japanese writing, the characters are all dull archetypes with no deeper layers, the gameplay is braindead and derivative of it's genre with no hook or feature to make it it's own unique thing. FFXVI is fine tuned mediocrity, and you can't built a cult classic on top of that

        I feel like XVI is crazy memorable based off the Titan and Bahamut fights alone.

        • 8 months ago

          There are going to be people that think of it as a good game and then theres the people who want SE and/or Yoship to fail and die because reasons.
          There are some clear low points in 16 story pacing. that being said people that played it will remember the big set peices they made .. and probably talk about that over building Mid's engines.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, those low points are pretty stinky. And there's two character moments with Clive I really thought were poorly handled(him snapping at Joshua for no fricking reason, and then not giving a single frick after Jill was captured by Barnabas).
            But those pain points aside, stuff like those nutso setpieces were something crazy special, and I retain this is the only JRPG outside of Xenogears to absolutely nail the killing God with the power of friendship trope.
            And that's mostly because Ultima wasn't a god at all. But a stand-in for oppressive governmental and cultural systems, and man made algorithms that dictate what you see and digest on a daily basis. XVI was the first game since Xenogears where I 'killed god' and then actually thought about what that meant. So I dunno. I thought it was cool. Look forward to replaying it someday down the line.

            • 8 months ago

              I am interested to see what the DLC they are going to put out probably when the PC version is done... whenever that is. If the game was as much of a failure that people say it is DLC would not even be on the table.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah I'm curious as well. Yoshi-P made it sound like their team wants to continue supporting the game and incorporating fan feedback, which sounds funny for a single-player game.
                Here's hoping the DLC adds a fullblown town to the game, or some optional dungeons littered across the world. I'd love a DLC that lets you rebuild Rosaria after Titan's attack. Let us explore that city proper with more involved quests and mini-games and shit.
                Most probably it'll be DLC focused on Leviathan though. But I'm not entirely sure what that looks like outside of a new combat loadout and another Eikon fight.

              • 8 months ago

                I am always down for another Eikon fight but i think that first one is going to be that story.
                Maybe after that we get something that pushes some more random events and the like to show up but by then it will be on PC and people will be happier with the porn from the game.

            • 8 months ago

              >Snapping at Joshua for no reason

              That was insanely jarring and so extremely out of character, actually said 'what the frick?' out loud.

              I think they were trying to show how after so long apart they had no idea how to interact with each other, but it was still so far out there that it didn't work at all.

              Joshua punching Clive was similar, although I think it had something to do with a mistranslation from the Japanese version where it was implied that Clive had Eikon raped Jill.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, I just didn't buy it, and it like, never turned into anything from there, really. Just a really abrupt snap out of nowhere for almost no reason. If they kept leaning into that as a relationship development point it could've been a bit better.
                Joshua punching Clive I didn't mind as much, since like, in the end Joshua was right to do it. Clive ultimately does do exactly what Joshua fears at the end of the game, and takes everything on his fricking back, which is precisely what pissed Joshua off in the first place when he took Jill's blessing from her.

                Clive ultimately had a selfish selfless streak in him, and that was something Joshua really hated. Probably since it reminded him of when they were kids and Clive constantly shouldered as much as he could to protect Joshua. So while the punch felt jarring at first, I ended up really liking it by the end.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, I just didn't buy it, and it like, never turned into anything from there, really. Just a really abrupt snap out of nowhere for almost no reason. If they kept leaning into that as a relationship development point it could've been a bit better.
                Joshua punching Clive I didn't mind as much, since like, in the end Joshua was right to do it. Clive ultimately does do exactly what Joshua fears at the end of the game, and takes everything on his fricking back, which is precisely what pissed Joshua off in the first place when he took Jill's blessing from her.

                Clive ultimately had a selfish selfless streak in him, and that was something Joshua really hated. Probably since it reminded him of when they were kids and Clive constantly shouldered as much as he could to protect Joshua. So while the punch felt jarring at first, I ended up really liking it by the end.

                Yeah that was lost in translation, it makes sense in JP.

              • 8 months ago

                >officially script is written in Japanese, translated into English and reworked
                >English version is then translated into Japanese with edits made to the OG so they line up
                >voice recordings for the audio tracks occurred over roughly the same timeframe
                >somehow the discrepancies between the two scripts are no less than the average Japanese game translation
                Which part of this process do you think is where they lied?

              • 8 months ago

                Second, Koji greatly exaggerated his involvement. Japanese wasn't edited and remains the final version, English is a rewrite of Japanese that changed the narrative for western audiences. Every time something doesn't make sense it will once you switch to Japanese.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah I know the scene just before the timeskip where you see joshua defending clive against ultima makes a lot more sense in japanese because he's casting his spells instead of having some stilted dialogue while fighting.
                Then again I find instances where the dialogue is better in english like otto's side quest with gaute. Don't know if its worth the tradeoff.

              • 8 months ago

                >Barnabas shouts ZANTETSUKEN as his special move
                >English texts completely replace this
                I want to punch Koji in the head

              • 8 months ago

                If it’s that ultimate zantetsuken in the final barnabas fight, the English version is unironically better. Dude fricking yells
                at to top of his damn lungs. That whole fight was top kino.

              • 8 months ago

                That's what zantetsuken means, dumbass.

              • 8 months ago

                Wtf are you talking about? No it doesn’t.

            • 8 months ago

              Found Ultima pretty fricking dull through most of the game and less interesting than the dominants, but he was absolutely spot on in the final battle.

              It fully leaned in to the absurdity of 'killing God' and it paid off.

              • 8 months ago

                terrible final boss, sounded like it came right out of some looney toons garbage

              • 8 months ago

                first FF game?

              • 8 months ago

                13-3 did killing god 10x better and that shit was a low budget sequel of a sequel

            • 8 months ago

              same, there's a lot of stuff I read out of him when the credits were rolling. a bit of a shame people don't want to dig around and analyze what the game was saying but they're ready to do it for other entries.

        • 8 months ago

          The meme fights aren't unique to XVI either tho, it's another aspect that's not unique to it

          >Cult classics need 1 thing: being memorable
          People are going to remember it fore sure as people talk shit about it only to try it out themselves.
          People need to actually forget about the game by not shitting on it or remember it.
          For example nobody is talking about Hogwarts other than to wonder why it was snubbed at the Geoff Show. I forgot that game exsisted.
          FF16 has threads daily .

          The thing is, most of the shitposting about XVI comes from factors wholly outside of it as a product, with the main drives being turn-based fans and anti-FFIV/Yoshi P people, so the hatedom isn't gonna help the game be pushed into being a cult classic because it has nothing to do with the product itself

          • 8 months ago

            I do not think its going to be a cult classic.
            I think its just going to be an FF game that people remember the neat boss fights and forget the absolute dumpster fire low points of the story.
            But it has much more chance for people to say
            >is it really that bad?
            When people talk about it like they do here.

    • 8 months ago

      >Cult classics need 1 thing: being memorable
      People are going to remember it fore sure as people talk shit about it only to try it out themselves.
      People need to actually forget about the game by not shitting on it or remember it.
      For example nobody is talking about Hogwarts other than to wonder why it was snubbed at the Geoff Show. I forgot that game exsisted.
      FF16 has threads daily .

      From this year I played FE Engage, Redfall, Tears of the Kingdom, Final Fantasy XVI, Hi Fi Rush, Lies of P, Cocoon, Mario Wonder and Spiderman 2. I'm also playing Armored Core VI and Starfield, but haven't beat them. FF16, Lies of P and Hi Fi Rush are the ones I remember the most by far, and the ones I find myself thinking about more often.

      • 8 months ago

        I mean it's cool that you do but that doesn't change the fact that the world at large is ambivalent to the game, while Ganker shits on it for reasons that aren't even part of the game itself, that's not how cult classics are built

    • 8 months ago

      I’m be remembering the summons fights for years

  22. 8 months ago

    If there was no Ultima then FF16 would've been alot better. Ultima was a really dogshit antagonist. Also Maehiro doesn't know how to write a conclusion to save his life.

  23. 8 months ago

    I really wanted to like the game. I REALLY wanted and was even coping that it surely will be better when doing NG+ and it has some actual challenge. Sadly its easily the most boring and soulless FF to date. Even fricking FFXIII was better. XVI just lacks any uniqueness. Its bland as frick with its cheap ass attempts to try to pander to western gamers and all its GoT shit going on. Only saving grace are some of the esper fights, other than that it will end up as the GoT knockoff FF game. Good job Yoshi.

  24. 8 months ago

    I got Bahamut. Do I have a lot till the end?
    I honestly thought that Dion was a father of Anabelle's child. But then, it turns out that Dion likes to play at home...

  25. 8 months ago

    I want to FRICK Joshua.

  26. 8 months ago

    The least ambitious Final Fantasy...

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        16 has no ambition
        it doesn't even have a party

  27. 8 months ago

    The game is a shallow mess that’s carried by top tier VA and being pretty. It’s combat is “fun” but it’s hard mode being locked by base game completion is BS. And the fact that there hasn’t been a patch to fix that means SE doesn’t care.

    • 8 months ago

      >it’s hard mode being locked by base game completion is BS. And the fact that there hasn’t been a patch to fix that means SE doesn’t care.
      I guess its mostly because its balanced around you having all espers. So for them it would mean its a spoiler to start at NG+ difficulty.

  28. 8 months ago

    the game is shit

  29. 8 months ago

    No it was mediocre all around

  30. 8 months ago

    Standard Ganker logic says that it is shit, until FF17 comes out when it becomes underrated in favour of shitting on that instead.

    • 8 months ago

      You seem to forget that FF16’s predecessor is 7 Remake. No one really skips over it to 15 because 7 Remake is basically a mainline side game. And 7 Remake was better received than 16. Rebirth is gonna show people what 16 should have been.

      • 8 months ago

        But 7R was boring too. You just run in a straight line and fight the same guy over and over, it's practically FF13-4.

        • 8 months ago

          This level is bait posting isn’t needed for engagement when we are already talking about what these games did or didn’t offer. I know the time jannies made you ass made but FF7R is higher quality game than 16 and muh straight line isn’t an argument.

          • 8 months ago

            Your posts are even more boring than 7R's 13-corridors lmao

            • 8 months ago

              >muh straight line isn’t an argument.
              Yeah it is, it was when 13's boring ass came out and it is now. Cope, seethe, dilate, and whatever else it is you do when you're mentally ill enough to still be a FF fan in 2023

              >I have no argument so instead I’m gonna be a mentally I’ll homosexual
              Look I know your life is jaded and your room smells of cigarette buds but 7R is a fantastic game and Rebirth will also be fantastic. And you both of you will be here in 2024 screaming about a franchise you hate. Looks like I win.

              • 8 months ago

                This level is bait posting isn’t needed for engagement when we are already talking about what these games did or didn’t offer. I know the time jannies made you ass made but FF7R is higher quality game than 16 and muh straight line isn’t an argument.

                LOL look at this ginormous homosexual, probably attracted to this level design because it resembles the enormous dicks he sucks every day HAHAHA

              • 8 months ago

                damn 500 whole gil
                that's a bargain

          • 8 months ago

            Frick the XVI vs VIIR discourse. As someone who thought both games were based as hell(timejannies and multiverses can frick off), I find pitting the two games against each other to be very gay.

            • 8 months ago

              >I find pitting the two games against each other to be very gay.
              that's the entire basis for ff fans unfortunately
              these threads very specifically gets a XV-obsessed autist who will rage about other titles, but more specically with specific directors

            • 8 months ago

              Not as gay as saying based. But here's youre wholesome heckin reddit gold anyway. Upvoted my dude.

          • 8 months ago

            >muh straight line isn’t an argument.
            Yeah it is, it was when 13's boring ass came out and it is now. Cope, seethe, dilate, and whatever else it is you do when you're mentally ill enough to still be a FF fan in 2023

  31. 8 months ago
  32. 8 months ago

    No party members, no 5 homies in a row turn based, no hit women. FF16 is pure YoshiPiss, FF14 cultists.

  33. 8 months ago

    16 was good on release. I think 15 was a little more ambitious. Lol, now I'm remembering the least ambitious ff posting.

  34. 8 months ago

    >Will FF16 become a cult classic

    • 8 months ago

      That was my exact reaction with both FF8 and FF13.
      Hell, it's what I and a ton of people thought about the Star Wars prequels.
      Younger people grow up, and it's their favorite shit later on.

      • 8 months ago

        no one will grow up with boredom 16

        • 8 months ago

          I thought it was impossible for anyone to love the Star War prequels.
          Yet here we are.

          • 8 months ago

            The thing is a lot of people watched the Star Wars prequels. No one but the rapidly dwindling Final Fantasy fanbase even bothered to give XVI a glance.

            • 8 months ago

              I want to play ff16 but I don't want to buy a ps5
              I only play on steam deck
              Clive and Dion look hot

              • 8 months ago

                Why not, PS5 is comfy

              • 8 months ago

                I don't want to buy consoles and everything comes to pc anyway

              • 8 months ago

                I bought a PS5 specifically for 16. I's currently collecting dust until VII Rebirth comes out.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't have a television, only a monitor

                >why don't you buy a television
                Because it is a waste of money and space, only cucks and boomers watch TV. Real ADHD patricians trow the movie on the second monitor and watch it while shiposting on Ganker

        • 8 months ago

          this, only moronic manchildren will cope otherwise.

          • 8 months ago

            Never underestimate stupid opinions becoming standard with enough time.
            This all happened before, even in its own series.

        • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        No one liked 13 when it came out, and still don't. There's a reason 13 and it's shitty sequels were abandoned by Square.

      • 8 months ago

        the most memorable thing about FF13 and it's sequels is the music.
        After playing theater rhythm FNB I'm still shocked just how much I love FF13 music and how memorable it is

  35. 8 months ago

    I hope CBU3 will take the criticisms to heart and make a vastly better game if they are the ones to make ff17. Better cast of characters, story, pacing, combat etc.

    • 8 months ago

      If CBU3 ever considered criticism, XIV would be the best MMO ever made. They're stubborn AND lazy, and will always blame the playerbase for decisions they make to deflect most criticism.

      • 8 months ago

        3rd best isn't bad though.

        • 8 months ago

          LOL xiv isnt the 3rd best mmo.
          wow, ffxi, uo, eq, tera, aion, mabinogi all are better than xiv

          • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              wow in its current state is pretty shit but acting like xiv is any better is pretty insane
              old wow completly dunks on any iteration of xiv

              • 8 months ago

                I'd rank it:
                Old wow
                Everything else

                Mayve DQX on top if they ever localized the fricking thing.

              • 8 months ago

                good list if the first is XI, that's about where I'd put it. Modern wow and FFXIV are an absolute disgrace to the genre. Don't know how I managed to play the game for a thousand hours when there literally NO CUSTOMIZATION AT ALL in the entire fricking game, not a single piece of loot that's interesting, nothing. I seriously don't understand. The journey also is absolute dogshit, the only thing that's good in it and it's maybe the best in the genre for this are the boss fights.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, that's a typo. Meant to say XI for the #1 spot.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah, meant old wow, meant prime versions of any of the games i listed. But even at their worst theyre still probably better lol

          • 8 months ago

            >post dead and dying games in his list
            The frick are you smoking?

    • 8 months ago

      cbu3 is not doing ff17 or ff18
      cbu2 or cbu1 is

  36. 8 months ago

    So now that everyone agrees this is the worst videogame ever made, can we finally let this cursed franchise die?

    • 8 months ago

      I think ET on Atari is still considered the worst game ever made.

  37. 8 months ago

    I hope CBU3 will take the criticisms to heart and never make a FF game ever again

  38. 8 months ago

    it will be in the bottom tier of the series. like ff13 and 15

  39. 8 months ago

    FF13 had legit criticism because people actually bought a ps3, people actually bought the game, people were actually disappointed.

    With FF16 - nobody owns a ps5. They want it to be bad to they don't feel like they're missing out on something great.

  40. 8 months ago

    It'll probably be looked more fondly upon after
    >2 new DLC and potential adjustments to the game that come with them
    >PC port
    >another mainline FF comes out for FF oldgays to rag on

  41. 8 months ago

    No, because zoomers didn't buy it. You're not going to get a 4 hour video essay on why FF16 is a "cult classic" from a 45 year old boomer.

  42. 8 months ago

    I haven’t played it yet, but my PS4 disc drives been busted for a few months and I’m just taking it as an excuse to get a PS5 in the near future. I’ll probably get this not too long after but to be honest from what I’ve seen I suspect I’ll have a similar attitude to this game as I did it’s predecessor; a couple of qualities I do enjoy that manage to make a generally subpar experience worthwhile but still leave it difficult to praise or recommend to others unless I know they too are forgiving of games that don’t really manage to be as good as they could or should have been. It’s possible I’ll be wrong and would prefer to be but I don’t expect to be proven so after finishing it either

  43. 8 months ago

    Barry won

  44. 8 months ago

    since 17 is already in development i think they should make it the final one if it sucks too. its time to stop, we havent had a good original game since ps2

    • 8 months ago

      If you can forgive the nomuraslop character designs, SoP is the best origin FF title in a long time.

      • 8 months ago

        was just talking about mainline numbered titles, otherwise 13-2 was pretty based too

    • 8 months ago

      FF17 will be a stealth FF7 prequel

      • 8 months ago

        It will also link FF X and FF VII together explicitly.
        Directed by Nomura so guaranteed KINO.
        FF 17 will save Final Fantasy.

  45. 8 months ago

    just finished this and am now playing SoP
    crazy how much better the combat is

  46. 8 months ago

    Maybe if they release it on a platform that people will play on in 10 years.

  47. 8 months ago

    I loved this game. I don't know why the media had a hate boner against this game. I thought the story of a man breaking his shackles from slavery from the system and from god himself was very cool and poignant. Clive might be my rpg fav protaf ever

    • 8 months ago

      Hell yeah, brother

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, I thought it was a pretty good game. I don't tend to play story games for replayability, though.

  48. 8 months ago


  49. 8 months ago

    yeah, solely because it shares a lot of j-action dna with other games that aged well. also the FF fanbase is kinda nuts, they hated 8 when it came out and now its a cult classic with a lot of reverance in the fanbase. same for 12.

    • 8 months ago

      8 doesn't have a ton of reverence, it's a small section of the overall fanbase that enjoys it.

      • 8 months ago

        that "small section" ends up being a lot when you realize its still one of the highest selling entries and a large portion of FF fans haven't played anything besides maybe 7 and 10

    • 8 months ago

      I'd argue XII was saved by its expertly rebalanced re-releases.
      I thought XII was a 7/10 when it first came out. It didn't become my 3rd favorite FF until IZJS and TZA came along.

      • 8 months ago

        XII zodiac age is absolute dogshit balance, but play it with mods and it becomes 99999x more fun. Search for Struggle for Freedom mod and just read the changes they made, it was such a good time playing it like that, every fight was hard, especially in the beginning.

        • 8 months ago

          I'll give it a shot for my next playthrough.

  50. 8 months ago

    But jokes aside, I thought the game was ok, I enjoyed it but it wasn't GOTY material, SPECIALLY this year.
    I'll probably remember the Eikon fights the most, Titan and Bahamut were just unbelievable amounts of epic.
    And like SoP, I hope they continue using the combat of this game in other projects and making it better.

    • 8 months ago

      >I hope they continue using the combat of this game in other projects and making it better.

      I hope CBU3 will take the criticisms to heart and make a vastly better game if they are the ones to make ff17. Better cast of characters, story, pacing, combat etc.

      >I hope CBU3 will take the criticisms to heart and make a vastly better game if they are the ones to make ff17

      I know that some people fricking hate CBU3 after XVI, but holy shit I could see them making something so unbelievable if they could take another swing at the franchise with the foundation they built in XVI.

      An FFXVII by the same team, but with:
      -An actual party system
      -The addition of status effects and elemental weaknesses/resistances in combat
      -Proper towns
      -Wider zones(a la FFXIV) with optional dungeons and areas to be found. Perhaps some light platforming. Actual exploration in general
      -Hunts that have more questing tied to them(like FFXII)
      -And a minigame or two

      That'd be a 10/10 FF. Possibly the best since the PSX era. And since I'm in full dreams mode, get Sakaguchi in as a creative consultant, co-producer, or full blown director, so that he can work on his 'Last Final Fantasy.'

      • 8 months ago

        I think we could see what they learned way before with the DLCs, only time will tell.

      • 8 months ago

        this but without elemental weaknesses, keep that timewasting shit out.

      • 8 months ago

        They could easily just give you a party wheel with more options than DOG and ITEMS for the people you've got traveling with you, I imagine that+gambits, triple triad and status effects are probably going to be things we get with the DLC outside of more story content

  51. 8 months ago

    It's a DMC ripoff, so I think not, it'll be remembered like 13 or 15.

  52. 8 months ago

    the other thread just got deleted

    • 8 months ago

      First day here?

    • 8 months ago

      >the other thread just got deleted
      probably because that exact same image is used for every thread that's made to bait
      they've been auto-saged on a few occasions
      Ones that don't use that image and have, pretty much, the exact same text tend to be fine

  53. 8 months ago

    >Titan and Bahamut were just unbelievable amounts of epic.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, they were.

  54. 8 months ago

    It's not a good game, so no. Cult classics are either good games that slipped under the radar, or games who got unfairly judged. Neither is the case for FF16.

  55. 8 months ago

    People will just play DMCV instead

  56. 8 months ago

    Loved this game. Idk why it caused so much seething.

    • 8 months ago

      It has Final Fantasy in the title, that alone will cause immense seething no matter the quality of the game

  57. 8 months ago

    lol. yeah it will become a classic just like Redfall.

  58. 8 months ago

    Demo was the peak of the game.
    It fooled me into thinking the game can only grow better from there but it just felt stagnant most of the time. Wish I got a refund

    • 8 months ago

      I legitimately think the demo is one of if not the best demo ever made.
      It's incredible that such a middling slow and overall boring game is attached to that demo.

  59. 8 months ago

    Ask yourself if any Final Fantasy game is a cult classic.

  60. 8 months ago

    Clive is the only 2023 vidya MC that had a shred of testosterone. Just look at the GOTY nominees. Every single vidya is filled with reddit-tier soiboys nowadays.

  61. 8 months ago

    Final Flopstasy 16. Just like 15.

  62. 8 months ago

    >Barnabas is zoomercore

    • 8 months ago



      Will FF16 become a cult classic in 10 years? It's not the return to form or sales success SE hoped, but the fans it has really enjoy the game and the VAs are passionate about their work.

      it will cause it was fun https://youtu.be/jev6GKiUfTQ?si=v37nIc1UVeFCmWLe



    • 8 months ago

      Huh? She's barely a character.

      • 8 months ago

        So were all the other female characters in the game. The fact they're not the usual western dev goblinas were their only saving grace.

  63. 8 months ago

    No, it doesn't have the qualities of one. Nobody will ever go back to play this

    • 8 months ago

      People go back to play FF2, probably considered the worst FF.

      • 8 months ago

        people going back to play a game is the bare minimum of being a cult classic. it has to actually have a following after that.

        people play ff2 for historical interest. that is the context wherein people will play FF16 moving forward

  64. 8 months ago

    Too early to tell. PS5 exclusivity was one of the biggest fumbles this generation, but after a PC port and DLC campaign it could have a turnaround story years later. I don't think it's likely, but recent history has repeatedly proven that the multitudes are eager and willing to forgive utter catastrophes as long as they are "fixed" later.

  65. 8 months ago

    FFXVI is just going to be the modern FFXII. Which is to say, a game thats adored by a couple autists in the fanbase, and barely remembered by the vast majority of every one else

    • 8 months ago

      As someone who adores both, I guess this tracks. Didn't realize it was because of autism though.

      • 8 months ago

        Many in the dev team also worked on XII, just saying.

    • 8 months ago

      Nah, i dont like XII as much as other titles but i at least respect it, XVI not only shat on the fans faces in search of mass appeal, but also failed in doing that.

      • 8 months ago

        you'd be surprised how many times the series "betrayed" the fans throughout its history.

        • 8 months ago

          Sure, lets pretend that yoshida straight up lying at PAX events talking about how the game would have rpg elements didnt happen.

          • 8 months ago

            it did have rpg elements, as much as something like IV. the problem is that they're extremely barebones.

          • 8 months ago

            >Sure, lets pretend that yoshida straight up lying at PAX events talking about how the game would have rpg elements didnt happen.
            That was so funny. He talked with so much confidence, then the game released with not only 0 content in its map but the rpg elements are the worst a AAA game can have.

            • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              Where is that image of "DID WE?"

            • 8 months ago

              His whinging about the term JRPG makes a lot of sense in hindsight. The idea that, to Japanese developers, they were just making RPGs based on western games, is perfectly encapsulated in how modern western games all have superficial and pointless "RPG elements" that only exist to put numbers on the screen for people who can't do math to be tricked into thinking their movie game has depth.

              • 8 months ago

                I dont buy this. I agree they dont care about the difference between the western and japanese ones when we talk about it. But i'm sure he understand at least how these genres work, and 16 is not a rpg. Japanese or not, it is not a rpg, that gear system is just a placeholder to call it that way.

              • 8 months ago

                >it is not a rpg, that gear system is just a placeholder to call it that way
                But that's exactly what western "RPGs" are now; he's just keeping up with the times. The irony is that the kind of thing you're talking about is what more people specifically associate with JRPGs today, and because he is apparently so adamant about that being a bad word, it makes sense that he moved away from that kind of game design.

              • 8 months ago

                Not true, because even the most generic and mass appeal focused western games have more rpg systems than XVI. When journos talked about nu-gow being more like a RPG than XVI they werent lying.

              • 8 months ago

                but FF16 is a better GoW than nu-GoW. The tutorial Baldr fight is the best they have and then it's just generic fights

              • 8 months ago

                You know that what i said is true because you instantly changed the point of the discussion, i was never talking about bosses or fights, at least you agree with me.

              • 8 months ago

                but talking about RPGs for the sake of having RPG elements means nothing. FF16 ultimately plays better. Whether or not you craft better armor to have +5 defense is ultimately irrelevant.

              • 8 months ago

                Not true, you're doing mental gymnastics because you went from "modern rpg games dont have rpg systems" and when i insantly pointed out how even the most casual AAA game had more rpg than 16 you went "MUH BOSSFIGHTS"

              • 8 months ago

                Bro went from saying that no one does it to no one does it good so 16 is good lmao
                Seeing goalposts being moved in real time is so funny.

              • 8 months ago

                There's no mental gymnastics. I said FFXVI is better at being GoW than nu-GoW, so why would GoW having more RPG mechanics matter? Its RPG mechanics do not work in service of having better combat.

              • 8 months ago

                >Not true, you're doing mental gymnastics because you went from "modern rpg games dont have rpg systems" and when i insantly pointed out how even the most casual AAA game had more rpg than 16 you went "MUH BOSSFIGHTS"
                I fee like this is one of the worst parts about talking about vidya here. Dude could just say he likes the game and that's it. But then he comes with a bunch of false statements and when you prove him wrong he changes the subject entirely.

              • 8 months ago

                Is it not relevant that GoW having more RPG elements doesn't make it better than FF16?
                Why act moronic about this? OG Cyberpunk had RPG elements up the ass and it was still shit

              • 8 months ago

                Now he's pretending the discussion was about if Gow or FFXVI were better than each other. Anon thinks everyone here is fricking moronic.

              • 8 months ago

                Everything to debunk yoship lying at PAX. That's how dishonest these guys are.
                I read the whole argument and he went over 3 different subjects to derail that discussion.

              • 8 months ago

                This makes me think how incoherent his statement even is. Because fricking yoship said the game would have rpg elements, but he's defending the game talking about how not having rpg games is good. Is he betraying his lord?

              • 8 months ago

                He's right about the rpg elements, his post made me think of Red Dead Redemption 2 being a better rpg than anything SE has done in 20 years

              • 8 months ago

                First 20% was so fricking fun. The more Eikons you got the more melee was nerfed the worst it got. I fricking loved fighting till the final Benidecta fight.

  66. 8 months ago

    >People b***h about DMC in FF
    >People celebrate KH2 mod turning it into DMC
    You motherfrickers are so fricking moronic.

  67. 8 months ago

    Oh are people pretending to have played this game to hate it again?

    • 8 months ago

      I'm curious to see what'll happen when it comes out on PC.
      And what changes will come with the DLCs and all that.

    • 8 months ago

      >pretending to have played
      Are you the pier autist?

      • 8 months ago

        What lies west, though?

        • 8 months ago

          kek, you ARE the pier autist!
          I even enjoyed 16 overall and make fun of barry, bless you pier autist. I still can't tell if it's shitposting or you're being 100% genuine

          • 8 months ago

            It's a genuine question.

  68. 8 months ago

    Melbourne: 11.23am. 68f. overcast.

    • 8 months ago

      I love that the aussie is still asspained about the first time Melbourne time zone started being spammed about them
      He stayed up until like 4 in the morning his time it bothered him so much kek

  69. 8 months ago
  70. 8 months ago

    It's hard to explain and i'm shit with words but there's something really embarrassingly tryhard about FFXVI. Like it's firing all cyllinders to make people like it in a very needy way.

    • 8 months ago

      b***h if gays can be out here defending FF2, FF8, FF12, FF13, and FF15, anything can fricking happen

      one of you is an imposter

    • 8 months ago

      I got the impression that FFXVI was trying to target some nostagic fantasy of what someone in the PS1 era thought Final Fantasy might look like 30 years later: absurdly bombastic with obscene production values, top end graphics, a massive score, etc.

    • 8 months ago

      Game reeks of "I wanna be GoT/ Witcher 3" so bad.
      did Clive die?

  71. 8 months ago

    b***h if gays can be out here defending FF2, FF8, FF12, FF13, and FF15, anything can fricking happen

    • 8 months ago

      16 was my GOTY. Deeply flawed, story made up for it.
      15 was pretty good, meh combat but overall pretty good.
      FF12 I think was better than 10, gambit system was better than what they replaced it with.
      FF2 is a dumpster fire so bad it gets good again like a Rob Zombie film. I respect every opinion as it is pure garbage and great.
      FF8 is one of if not the best FF if you stop half way.
      FF13 is indefensivable.

      • 8 months ago

        >Deeply flawed, story made up for it.
        This is funny because I thought the story was the worst part of XVI. The whole idea of finding or rekindling hope in a world gone to shit just constantly gets harder and harder to believe as the world somehow keeps getting even shittier no matter how much you do. It's not about just overcoming odds, you are actively out there making the odds worse for everyone, and you get to intimately witness exactly how much worse with every fricking sidequest. Oh, you rallied the shanty town of about 50 people to defend themselves against an encroaching horde? Eat shit butthole, the next time you come back the population will be 25, they'll be fighting amongst themselves, and the horde has now tripled in size. It takes an extreme suspension of disbelief to see anything other than complete human extinction as the inevitable outcome, and that suspension just keeps getting challenged more and more every few hours.

        • 8 months ago

          yes, the dark fantasy game is dark fantasy. Berserk also has a shit world that gets shittier, they still hold on to hope. That's why the Hideaway is there

        • 8 months ago

          I sorta disagree, cid and others flat out mention what they're doing is only gonna make things worse before they get better. destroying the source of magic regular people rely on will obviously lead to bearers being treated even worse because they'll eventually be the only source of magic. which is the first things you see after you get control of clive again after drake's head.

  72. 8 months ago

    The truth is it will, every FF has it's dedicated fans no matter how bad of a FF it is. At the end of the day every mainline FF game is at least a 6/10 game (yes even XIII and launch XV) with a nice graphics, good music, cool characters, and a overall interesting story.

  73. 8 months ago

    >will gay 3d action goyslop game become a sleeper hit
    lmao no

  74. 8 months ago

    replying to hours old posts to move the thread past posts you don't like is the least ambitious posting technique...

  75. 8 months ago

    The more time passes since I played through XVI, the less I like it. Story is garbage, Eikons are weird directors-pet-tier garbage, exploration is garbage because there is nothing but copy-paste shit to discover. The stupid mindless combat and general gameplay is fun, but the game doesn't have enough unique enemies to to justify its length.

    • 8 months ago

      You know our timeline is fricked when Rockstar knows how to make a better rpg than Square

  76. 8 months ago

    not even BB made me buy a console
    I'll play it once it comes to PC, for sure

    • 8 months ago

      based and same
      i am interested in xvi, but nothing can make me buy a whole console

  77. 8 months ago

    unironically what is wrong with a one-and-done game btw?

  78. 8 months ago

    Not even nioh 2 level dlcs will be able to save this game combat

  79. 8 months ago

    I'm really fricking glad FF16 was a timed exclusive. That meant it didn't sell as good as it should've compared to a multiplatform release which means less genuine discussion about the game online so I don't have to see it shilled everywhere. Timed exclusive is also good because it means sony fanboys can seethe about losing an exclusive.

  80. 8 months ago

    Benedikta helped me realise that I like b***hy, rat face girls

    • 8 months ago

      no one cares about your transexual coming out

  81. 8 months ago

    >protagonist is a giga chad
    >the slack-jawed homosexuals at Ganker hate it
    Why am I not surrised?

    • 8 months ago

      Unironically Ganker remembers it more than other people because the game was forgotten in one month.

    • 8 months ago

      You'll realize that just having buff guys wont make your game be remembered or succeed, bro. The gears of war moment of this industry is long gone. But i'm glad we have some gay bros here.

    • 8 months ago

      He cries in front of Jill and there is no implied relationship during the 5 year timeskip, he's pretty whiny in general too. How is that a Chad?

    • 8 months ago

      I like how he doesn't pull his punches in terms of aggression.

    • 8 months ago

      I want Clive to sit on my face

    • 8 months ago

      clive is less chad than fricking prompto

    • 8 months ago

      I liked him a lot

  82. 8 months ago

    >protagonist is a giga chad

  83. 8 months ago

    I like it more than XIII that's for sure.

    • 8 months ago

      Not a high bar to be honest

    • 8 months ago

      13 is better

  84. 8 months ago

    How much longer do I have to wait for yoshitpiss to get fired? It took them about a year to do it to Tabata who fricked up a lot less.

    • 8 months ago

      He makes them money with FFXIV so they won't fire him. He'll just get contained to working exclusively on that, and maybe the next MMO whenever they feel they need it for a refresh

      • 8 months ago

        No one plays XIV

      • 8 months ago

        XIV killed the franchise, yoshitpiss deserves to get fired for making that more tahn XVI

      • 8 months ago

        Tabata made the best selling Final Fantasy of all time and he was still fired. Yoshitpiss isn’t safe.

        • 8 months ago

          XV is not the best selling FF.

          • 8 months ago

            Still one of the best selling and Tabata still got the boot. Yoship’s head is on the chopping block.

            • 8 months ago

              We can only make suppositions, but looking back, I guess they wanted to force him to work on Flopspoken and he didn't want it.

              Also, I really liked Tabata's games. Crisis Core and Type-0 were pretty fun, and the part of XV you could see his style shine was great too.

              Type-0 is the only FF game that deserves to become a cult classic

              The PC port is so fricking awful I don't see that happening too. You can't even bind your keys in that piece of turd, you're better off emulating the PSP version.

          • 8 months ago

            FF4, 6 AND 7 CHADS RISE UP

            Very sad to see 5 that low though.

          • 8 months ago

            yes it is

      • 8 months ago

        the dude and CBU3 are slated to make another game for Square, not XIV. no clue what it is, might not even be a FF.

        • 8 months ago

          if ryota suzuki is on that, I'll check it out.

  85. 8 months ago

    I managed to stick through both 13 and 15 despite their shittyness, and yet I put down 16 and just have no had the desire to pick it up again, and I'm pretty sure I'm probably 2 hours from the end of the game, everything about it is just so fricking unbelievably boring and generic.

    However saying that, I can see why some people would love it, not going to say it's "shit", but it has captured me less than even what are the worst games in the series for me personally.

    • 8 months ago

      get fricked barry.

    • 8 months ago

      Where did you stop at?

    • 8 months ago

      You actually picked up 16 in the first place? I don't know anyone who touched it lol

  86. 8 months ago

    literally no chance of that

  87. 8 months ago

    The game and XIV suffered from being worked on simultaneously by the same team. XVI is ok, but certainly not GOTY worthy. It isn't really a game I'd replay to just play on Harder difficulty when a good chunk of the game is just filler.

  88. 8 months ago

    Ff cycle, when ff17 gets announced the ff16 haters will defend it to shit on ff17
    Already happened with ff7r

  89. 8 months ago

    We need to release XVI on pc so Lazyprocrastinator can make pork of Jill, Benedikta, Annabella, Mid, Jote, Tharja, etc

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      canon animation of Jill being defiled by her Iron captors, for the degenerate

    • 8 months ago

      hopefully a concrete date gets announced around december

    • 8 months ago

      >Implying straight men care about this pozzed game

    • 8 months ago

      lazypros waifu> anyone in ff16

  90. 8 months ago

    Type-0 is the only FF game that deserves to become a cult classic

    • 8 months ago

      I've platinumed Type-0 and it's an even worst case of epic set piece moments spread out between hours of dogshit than XVI is.

    • 8 months ago

      tbf that ending was pretty kino, but I accept why pretty much everyone else hates the game

    • 8 months ago

      this who sequence was so sick and more darker than anything in ff16

  91. 8 months ago

    Final Trantasy 1/6

  92. 8 months ago

    Jill's cold and tight pussy.

  93. 8 months ago

    Honestly the more I sit on it the WORSE this game becomes.
    >extremely limited customization to the point where even calling it an RPG is laughable
    >dungeon design pulled straight out of XIV, or even XIII, with every single one being a linear hallway with a couple bosses before you get to the last boss at the end. no exploration, no side rooms with treasure, no puzzles, nothing
    >world design was flat and linear. side areas exist solely in service to sidequests and hunts. if you're committed to doing every sidequest and hunt then there's no reason to ever go explore because you will find everything on the map eventually.
    >nothing in the world regardless. treasure chests never contain anything useful and that glimmer in the distance is 2 gil 99% of the time.
    >your "party members" can't be customized or given orders in any way. they effectively act as nothing more than minor passive damage.
    >lame villain
    >completely schizo and non-commital ending
    >dogshit itemization that goes nothing but give flat stat boosts, with the sole exception being the berserk ring
    >underbaked crafting
    >dogshit skill unlocks that don't add anything to the game
    >pacing issues out the ass
    >game takes forty hours to complete and twenty of them are cutscenes. the other twenty are spent trudging through an empty hallway world fighting copypaste enemies with barely any mechanic variety.
    >zero use of the environment in any meaningful way during boss encounters because they all take place in flat square or circlular rooms
    >piss easy even on normal mode. hard mode requires a full game completion to unlock, and Ultimaniac requires TWO
    >eikon fights are the best part of the game, and while they can be replayed, they require you to trudge through the ENTIRE dogshit dungeon and mini-bosses before you can refight them
    This is a game carried ENTIRELY by its high points like the Bahamut fight, the voice acting, and the OST. As an actual video game its a failure in nearly every regard.

    • 8 months ago

      Look west of the pier and describe what you see.

  94. 8 months ago

    It will fade away in obscurity, much like XV, and especially considering that they're aiming all the spotlights towards FF7, and lord knows what else they'll try to milk in the future

    • 8 months ago

      Honestly the fact they positioned FF7R so close and started shifting focus to it even before XVI released, makes it clear not even Square truly believed in the quality of XVI

      • 8 months ago

        The timing was because of war, it was supposed to come out spring 2022.

    • 8 months ago

      xv kept on selling and is still outpacing every ff
      16 stopped selling after a week

  95. 8 months ago

    I bought a ps5 bundle with this game and never even finished it. the game sucks ass

    • 8 months ago

      I bought a PS5 specifically for 16. I's currently collecting dust until VII Rebirth comes out.

      Post it

      • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          >not 16

          • 8 months ago

            I bought 16 digitally, but the fact that it arrived one day after the release date of 16 does imply I bought it for the game.
            Also 16 ended up sucking dick.

            • 8 months ago

              How was GoW?

              • 8 months ago

                I want to play it, but I haven't had the chance to. Work ramped up and started up eating some of my free time. Additionally I had spent what little free time I've had over the past several months with BG3. I could be playing right now, but I don't want to commit to starting it just yet.

      • 8 months ago


  96. 8 months ago

    i use to defend 16, but the more I played the more I realized it actually sucks hard. Amazing bosses and some cool cutscenes, everything else is complete dogshit.

  97. 8 months ago

    if they are going to make it action combat it can't be slow as frick like ff16's is. the cooldowns, the hp to damage ratios, the stagger bar, the qte during the eikon fights are what 30 secs to press one button? it's like a game made for 50 year old game journalists. I wish they would be a little more willing to make their games a tiny bit difficult like playing metal gear rising or bayonetta, maybe even sekiro levels for the stagger bar.

    • 8 months ago

      >30 secs to press one button
      That only happens in the tutorial.

  98. 8 months ago

    >autistically spammed the board for 3 years about how ff16 was going to win GOTY
    >didn't even get nominated
    This has been the funniest shit ever. Comedy gold.

    • 8 months ago

      >screencapbait the post
      Comfy ff16 threads weren't like that

    • 8 months ago

      Kek, it's even funnier now that a lot of 14gays blame 16 for their game's problems.

    • 8 months ago

      and funniest part is it also sold barely 50% in 5 months of what ffxv sold in 1 month

  99. 8 months ago

    It really made me sad. For me at least it felt like it actually had all the "pieces" needed to be great but didn't know how or did a shitty job using them.

  100. 8 months ago

    its less relevant months after release than forspoken is months after release
    its also the worst selling mainline FF in history

  101. 8 months ago

    The high is extreme high and times will make people forget about MMO sidequests
    By the time FF17 come out it will become one of must play FF

    • 8 months ago

      90% of ff16 is downtime mmo sidequests so no

      • 8 months ago

        >90% of ff16 is sidequests
        >Completely optional quests that you don't need to do a single one of.
        This is why you're laughed at, you don't even think before you post, but you do want to fit in and you saw there was a hivemind of hate so you tried to join in and that's why you made such a moronic post.

  102. 8 months ago

    Probably not, no. I think this will go down as a mediocre action game in the future. There's ways to incorporate final fantasy stuff into an action game and they simply refused to do it. I think SoP did a better job at it but unfortunately that game isn't a mainline title and didn't have a LE SO DEEP AND EMOTIONAL story so it's basically written off. That and the world feels like it was written by either someone who thinks this is what the west wants, this is some super deep mature writing, or both. It also doesn't help that Square is trying its damn HARDEST to remove magic and fantastical elements from their games for some weird reason and if it was up to me, I would rewind things back and make a game more in line with FF9.

  103. 8 months ago

    What version of FF3 should I play for my first time?

  104. 8 months ago

    anyone got sales numbers for this game? it is extremely quiet.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Nah, Square refused to update the sales numbers in their quarter report. Which says a lot about how poorly its done since release. 3M is the latest sales we know

      • 8 months ago

        I imagine they're hoping that the PC release does well since its part of their '18 month plan' and then they can do another sales report then

    • 8 months ago

      still at 3m
      looking at sales trackers from july 1st to now its barely done 350k globally
      its only in the hundreds of copies sold in japan every week and thats its 2nd biggest region

  105. 8 months ago

    I played the demo at a friends house since I don't have a PS5. It was way too much of a movie for my tastes and I didn't like the heavy GoT wanking. The combat was alright once I finally got the high level part unlocked but I just don't know if it's worth trudging through all the movie nonsense. I heard it never really stops with that. I'd be more interested if it just focused more on the actual game part instead of trying to be a TV drama.

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