>win a war. >15 year truce

>win a war
>15 year truce

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    you need to respect the BALANCE OF POWER bro

  2. 2 years ago

    >loses war
    >occupied & puppeted for 75 years

    • 2 years ago

      Why did you have to go there man?

      They are trying to balance history with game design.
      Ottomans are the last faction that need more power to blob.

      I'm honestly not sure if it is even possible to buff ottomans even more.

    • 2 years ago

      Religion is fricked.
      Protestant just needs to be protestant with the meme versions working like syncretism does as a secondary feature.
      New world natives need to be fixed. Aboriginals and Polynesians need to frick off.
      Revolution is bugged. If the first target dies (usually to its own rebels), one of the modifiers/choices/whatever is permanently locked out, but if the centre is killed, it doesn't stop another nation from becoming the target and applying a fricking awful region wide modifier even when the AI decides to be a pacifist.
      Also GB's rev flag is feminist wank from the 20th century and should never have been put in.

      >warscore system prevented Denmark annexing its rightful territory

      remember when the ottomans gradually conquered egypt in 5 successive wars with 15 years between each one? good times

      Remember when England puppeted Scotland and then formed GB?
      Reddit posts.

      • 2 years ago

        Denmark is not a real country

  3. 2 years ago

    remember when the ottomans gradually conquered egypt in 5 successive wars with 15 years between each one? good times

    • 2 years ago

      >not minmaxing stab cost and AE modifiers to chain truce break with minimal loss

      >not firing C&C disaster to get shitloads of Absolutism cap and mimaxxing CCR to gigablob

      Both ngmi

      • 2 years ago

        Oh just ignore the -5 STAB penalty

      • 2 years ago

        Ah yes let me fire the C&C disaster in *checks notes* 1600, ergo 1610 by the time its finished

    • 2 years ago

      The Ottomans conquered the Mamluk sultanate in 3 years. In this moronic game you would be lucky to get 5 provinces in one go before an 80 year truce. There should be an event for the mamluks to collapse and get annexed by the Ottomans if the war is already lost

      • 2 years ago

        >Use an event to railroad the result of a tactic
        >Don't put the tactic in the game
        Yup. PDX time.

      • 2 years ago

        In a hypothetical EU5 I'd like to make extremely autonomous land very easy to annex, so the HEIC can grab huge swathes of the Mughals or the Ottomans can waltz in and take over the Mamluks in a single war. Same thing with frontier provinces of China, etc.
        The internal stability of a state should also play a role, so the divided and weak PLC can have the Prussians, Russians, and Austrians very easily chop off bits of it while a unified and centralized France has to be beaten up much more to actually lose land.

        • 2 years ago

          I like this take having a province modifier based on the time from which you got said province how far it is from your capital and how integrated in the country it is to regulate its price in a peace deal is a good idea
          Also you could also not put a limit to how much land you can take in a peace deal and just have agressive expansion evolve exponentially along the number of province you take depending on sais modifier

      • 2 years ago

        When EUIV released the Ottomans could annex the Mamluks through a mission. The CB was broken long ago and never fixed. It allowed for full annexation but was only used in a few circumstances

      • 2 years ago

        They are trying to balance history with game design.
        Ottomans are the last faction that need more power to blob.

        • 2 years ago

          If they would care about history and realism they would made managing large empires much more difficult
          In that case you could blob as much as you want but then your country would disintegrate afterwards

          • 2 years ago

            >Large empire is difficult, because it just is, ok?
            Go home, Ubik. You're drunk again

          • 2 years ago

            >If they would care about history and realism they would made managing large empires much more difficult
            Game design is very difficult, anon.
            You usually want every nation to behave very similiarly, internally.

            • 2 years ago

              They have huge amount of money and computing power to solve it, they simply don't care. Why waste effort on improving game mechanics when people still buy they crap? Look at CK3, almost two years after launch we had a couple of cosmetic DLCs, without fixes to core mechanics

              >You usually want every nation to behave very similiarly, internally.
              You want to have universal mechanics, but the actual outcome of these should depend on the exact situation. Every nation in the same situation should behave very similarly but nations in different situation should behave differently. Managing a tiny city state is very different from huge land empire, managing huge land empire is very different from huge sea empire (Portugal, Dutch)

  4. 2 years ago

    Why is this game runs like shit? It's literally just painting map

    • 2 years ago

      Few years back, PDX released some graphs that show that 90% of the processing power is used on AI pathfinding.
      IMO the problem would be alleviated if the AI no avoid distant expeditions, or at least scale them down. Like in 1444, France will often send all their troops to fricking Lithuanit to fight Moscovy.

      • 2 years ago

        If I had any faith in nu-paradox I would ask for a logistics system for EU5 because its pretty moronic how the Spanish can roll up ro Mexico with like 40k conquistadors in 1510 when youre playing the Aztecs

        • 2 years ago

          honestly even basic logistics system will solve so many problems.

        • 2 years ago

          This, a slower and more realistic colonization system, and a real progression from feudal principalities to centralized states would fix 75% of the issues with EU.

  5. 2 years ago

    >All wars are total wars: The game

    • 2 years ago

      That's HOI4

      • 2 years ago

        It's PDX at this point.

        • 2 years ago

          >That's PDX since EU2
          And the only reason why it wasn't true in EU1 was because I genuinely struggled with using transport fleets.

          • 2 years ago

            *because AI

      • 2 years ago

        You have border conflicts in hoi4

        • 2 years ago

          And it's both an underutilized and yet also shit mechanic.

  6. 2 years ago

    >attack their ally
    >siege them down and white peace them
    >truce now a fraction of the time
    EU4 is a game of exploiting mechanics thanks to mana.

    • 2 years ago

      Just like in reality

      Just play with MEIOU

      • 2 years ago

        2 dogshit opinions in a row, damm, post a frog next time so my fitler hides your moronation.

        • 2 years ago

          Not an argument

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Extended Timeline or bust, homosexual.

        • 2 years ago

          Why do you need an extended timeline? To blob some more? MEIOU is what EU4 should have been to begin with, not some shitty tacked on mod.

          • 2 years ago

            >imagine not beating the shit out of the Parthians as Rome from 58 AD, and preventing your fall so that Glorious Rome lasts until the present day

            • 2 years ago

              EU4 game mechanics aren't ideal for anything pre 1400 or past 1800, its like playing HOI4 with a modern day mod.

              • 2 years ago

                EU4 game mechanics aren't ideal for its own time period either.

              • 2 years ago

                They are at least acceptable, simplistic but acceptable, HOI4 mechanics literally aren't acceptable since the economy and trade system it has are as deep as a puddle, for a game set in 1940 its unacceptable.

              • 2 years ago

                >They are at least acceptable, simplistic but acceptable
                Not at all.
                >Spanish colonization of the Americas
                >The impact of said inflation on global trade
                >The benefits of trade
                >Basically anything in Sub-Saharan Africa
                >Naval warfare
                >Notable happenings of history, like droughts, inept government, Political shuffles, etc.

              • 2 years ago

                EU4 mechanics aren't can't even deal with 1400-1650.
                EU4 mechanics are designed around depicting 1648-1799, anything before it would be better depicted by Crusader Kings and anything after it Victoria-series.
                It is absolutely ridiculous that everybody has standing armies in 1444 and all wars are total wars.

  7. 2 years ago

    >win one battle against large ai
    >ai bankrupts itself to buy 5 different merc companies
    >all this over 3 provinces

    • 2 years ago

      tbh isn’t that the story of France befire the revolution?

    • 2 years ago

      >all this over 3 provinces
      Wait until you have to death war the ai because you want a colony that has a fort nearby.

  8. 2 years ago

    EU4 does not have truce, it has time-limited non-aggression pacts.
    A truce would imply that the war auto-resumes once the truce expires.

  9. 2 years ago

    >occupy entire
    >wipe out their entire army
    >noooooooooooo, you can't just annex all of them in a single war because YOU EXCEED YOUR DEMAND EXCEEDS 100% WAR SCORE
    >truce out for 15 years
    >repeat 3-5 times until they no longer have provinces

    Well that's moronic, but I guess I make them my vassal then and—
    >can't vassalize because YOU EXCEED YOUR DEMAND EXCEEDS 100% WAR SCORE
    What? Why the frick? Isn't the whole point of liberty's desire to prevent situations where OPM would vassalize France, because liberty desire would cause France to immediately rebel.

    What is the point of these arbitrary restrictions?

    • 2 years ago

      > What is the point of these arbitrary restrictions?
      1) you can make wars super painful: whole manpower goes down very fast and regain very slowly but you can take stuff regardless of warscore.
      but then you will have:
      1.1) extremely frustrated players who start as an opm, lose whole manpower during one siege and need to settle for white peace
      1.2) even less functional ai which has much less room for errors now
      2) you can make them less harsh but then you will need to limit expansion somehow in order to account for war being less punishing than it should be

      • 2 years ago

        Paradrones are morons and trannie devs are incompetent, got it.

        • 2 years ago

          >Preventing human snowball bad, because it is, ok?

      • 2 years ago

        >extremely frustrated players who start as an opm
        What is the point of playing as OPM? If you goal is to form Germany, why would start as a free city, instead of a bigger regional player like Brandeburg, Austria, Bavaria, Cologne, The Palatinate?
        If that is for sake of challenge, surely it would just add more challenge?

        • 2 years ago

          >Check my GR0ßULMIUM reddit!

      • 2 years ago

        >extremely frustrated players who start as an opm, lose whole manpower during one siege and need to settle for white peace
        If you want a challenge don’t then ask for it to be simplified there is a reason ulm didn’t form the German nation

    • 2 years ago

      I think grabbing the whole country in a single go should be possible, on one simple condition:
      Each province over the limit is +whatever to revolt risk. Congratulations, you conquered, beated and humiliated some big country and made it part of your own. Enjoy policing the discontent locals now!

      • 2 years ago

        Agree, even if the player would have to deal with constant rebellion next 50 years, it should be a choice, in certain situations worth taking.
        But I think the reason why PDX doesn't want to give the choice is that it would reveal to people how barren peace time is.
        PDX keeps adding bloat like estates, state limit, and absolutism, ultimately these do not exist to make the empire management harder, but the impression the game is more complex than it actually is. Ultimately everything in the game comes down to conquest, everything serves to further it, so essentially forcing player to sit 50 years in peace while dealing with rebellions in unstable region would alarm too many people.

      • 2 years ago

        Agree, even if the player would have to deal with constant rebellion next 50 years, it should be a choice, in certain situations worth taking.
        But I think the reason why PDX doesn't want to give the choice is that it would reveal to people how barren peace time is.
        PDX keeps adding bloat like estates, state limit, and absolutism, ultimately these do not exist to make the empire management harder, but the impression the game is more complex than it actually is. Ultimately everything in the game comes down to conquest, everything serves to further it, so essentially forcing player to sit 50 years in peace while dealing with rebellions in unstable region would alarm too many people.

        what a fascinating idea my Serbian brothers, let’s call this mechanic “overextension”

        • 2 years ago

          >get overextended (an exeption)
          >two years later everything is fine again
          Woah great mechanic

          • 2 years ago

            >”boy I wish this game gave me an option to conquer big nations quickly in exchange for penalties…*bites potato and stares vacantly*
            >well truce break and overextend yourself
            >”what! The game punishes you for that!”

            • 2 years ago

              The game doesnt punish you for that.
              >truce break and lose 2 stability
              >click a button three times at most
              >overextend yourself
              >push one button and wait two years

        • 2 years ago

          >overextension affecting anything in the slightest
          Let me guess - aggressive expansion is a great mechanic to prevent player from endless conquest in all directions, right?

          • 2 years ago

            My favorite part in Imperator how it makes the least amount of sense because AE makes pops unhappy.
            Yes, remember how angry the Romans were when Caesar conquered Gaul?

            • 2 years ago

              wowe caesar paid his debts and conquered a bumfrick nowhere that will economically drain us for 500 years to come. how happy we must be.

              • 2 years ago

                >economically drain us for 500
                You mean how all the landless poor will receive new lands to farm? And how there will be abundance of slaves so that even the middle class can afford slaves?

              • 2 years ago

                >And how there will be abundance of slaves so that even the middle class can afford slaves?
                Slaves have always fricked the middle class over, just by undercutting them. They don't contribute to the economy either, and the end result is the centralization of wealth in the hands of elites.

              • 2 years ago

                >Literally the new, easy to control breadbasket for Rome and the way to placiate plebs for next 300 years
                >Economic drain
                American educated, or just moronic?

              • 2 years ago

                >bumfrick nowhere that will economically drain us for 500 years to come. how happy we must be.

                Romans didn't realize that, and that's why Western Empire was doomed to become unsustainable.

            • 2 years ago

              Remember how just about anyone was angry after winning the war and conquering new lands, at any point of the history? Those were the times!

              • 2 years ago

                When Hitler conquered Paris, your average Berliners were lamenting:
                >"Gee, why did we have to win? I wanted another station war"

            • 2 years ago

              Bad example. That literally started a civil war.

              • 2 years ago

                It did? Caesar became so popular that he felt confident in refusing the senate's ultimatum to relinquish his place as a governor.

              • 2 years ago

                Except it's a great example, since the civil war was "unpopular ruling clique" vs. "super-popular conqueror of far-away places".
                In other words: the government, which already was unpopular, went so down, that people were willing to side with Caesar due to how great it made for them with his political maneuvering.

              • 2 years ago

                The civil war didn't happened because of war in gaul

      • 2 years ago
        SUPREME RULER ULTIMATE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        SUPREME RULER has exactly this. If you conquer a somewhat strong country, you have to keep military around for some months; otherwise rebels pop up.

        • 2 years ago

          Dont care, shill

        • 2 years ago

          Is it worth the $20 unironically?
          I'm tryna have a bit of map-painting fun over the next week

          • 2 years ago

            I played it alot, now I'm a little burned out of it.

          • 2 years ago

            From what I've heard, it sucks for alternate history shenanigans because the event chains are too rigid. If all you care about is the warfare aspects then it might be good enough. I tried playing it for a bit but I didn't have enough time to properly get into it due to my busy schedule so I can't give you my personal take on it.

      • 2 years ago

        It still a walk in the park if you can just hire mercs and have billions of mapower. The truth is Knights of Honor did it right but only by infamously limiting the amount of generals you can have. Alright you conquered the world now have fun trying to police it and hold invaders with only 7 armies

        Bad example. That literally started a civil war.

        It did? Caesar became so popular that he felt confident in refusing the senate's ultimatum to relinquish his place as a governor.

        The common romans loved a winner, the competitors for power of course were not so found of one man having too much fame and glory.

        • 2 years ago

          >The common romans loved a winner, the competitors for power of course were not so found of one man having too much fame and glory.
          Which is irrelevant in the game it impacts pops.

  10. 2 years ago

    >forge a questionable claim on ONE province
    >take a dozens
    >nobody minds this

  11. 2 years ago

    do you subhuman balkanshits even play this game? You can stack up to like ~85% warscore cost already in the renaissance due to monument/ideas/age ability bloat. The current meta is vassal feeding.

    • 2 years ago

      I did an Oda Ikko-Ikki Theocracy run recently, it was silly getting to annex an entire country minus a single province after like 4 battles and a few forts, ultimately it was kinda boring because most of the time was spent feeding clients because screw that OE.

  12. 2 years ago

    moron Here.
    What is the best country to play as for learning this game?

    • 2 years ago

      Ottomans, you are surrounded by much weaker, countries. So, as long as you don't attempt to fight Poland-Lithuania + Hungary before annexing the Mamluks, you can't fail.

      • 2 years ago

        it's almost impossible to do badly as castile. ottomans are an option too but they're a little bit too braindead, with castile you might actually have to learn how to play the game a little bit.

        Would Muscovy work? I've been watching parts of playthroughs on Youtube since I bought the game (I have every expansion), and they seem like a fun time. I like to play Russia/Russians in a lot of strategy games, and I learned HOI4 with the Soviets.

        • 2 years ago

          No, Muscovy's start isn't very noob friendly.
          Moscow strategies revolve around preventing Poland-Lithuania from expanding further in any direction, which is rather difficult considering they are much stronger than you in the startup, further complicating are the hordes who will bother you first 50 years. Not even mentioning that you will be always behind and your army will always be shit in comparison to anybody around you.
          It would actually be easier to start Teutonic Order than Moscow because while the Teutonic Order is on the radar of Poland-Lithuania, the TO army is superb and if you pick your battle, and go over your force limit you can defend yourself against them with ease.

          • 2 years ago

            You just need to restart till you get lucky game where Lithuania isn't in PU'd and eat them before going after hordes.

            > the TO army is superb and if you pick your battle, and go over your force limit you can defend yourself against them with ease.
            IMO it's easier to join HRE

            • 2 years ago

              Sounds like a loser speech.
              It is possible to defeat PL early, it is gonna hurt, I always guarantee Teutonic Order in my game, that alone usually delays their attack by a decade or two, which me more time to prepare.

          • 2 years ago

            You just need to restart till you get lucky game where Lithuania isn't in PU'd and eat them before going after hordes.

            > the TO army is superb and if you pick your battle, and go over your force limit you can defend yourself against them with ease.
            IMO it's easier to join HRE

            you're both moronic, even with the PU, PLC is an easy target after killing Novgorod, just merc up a little and you can easily get 80% wsc, take money, reps and provinces to release polotsk, chernigov and smolensk and vassall feed them in the future wars. Boom failed state poland in 3 seconds, on top of that if youre quick enough you can sap off Otto expansion into Moldavia and Poland and there you have it, all of PLc for yourself you fricking moronic homosexual Black folk

        • 2 years ago

          The classic noob nation is Portugal, because you be as aggressive with it as you want to be and it interacts with many game mechanics such as trade companies and colonies. The most passive way to play it is ally Castile, curry favors, and occasionally use it to help clear out your North African missions. Then colonize the Cuba, make a beeline to India/spice islands, and make yourself and your gay husband Spain incredibly rich. In the wars with Granada, take at least one of its provinces or castile will get a claim on your throne that they will use aggressively in the current patch, even if you are allied with them. Make sure to bump up your trust with castile to 90 or they will decide to conquer you in the 17th century for your colonies.

          Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, you can then try “intermediate” Portugal, where you ally Aragon, and backstab castile during their civil war. It’s a much more aggressive play through (and you can actually wc with it in the current patch) but it requires a lot of vassal play and monument sniping.

          Last thing; in the current patch you can actually force a personal union on anyone. Including Ming.

          • 2 years ago

            >Last thing; in the current patch you can actually force a personal union on anyone. Including Ming.
            More on this?

            • 2 years ago

              Ming collapses in the renaissance almost every time. You arrive in China, and finish them off. Then you release what cores you have of they’re as a vassal. This gets rid of the mandate if they have it, and are now a Chinese kingdom. Force convert them to Catholicism. Place a relative on their throne. (You can keep their liberty desire sane via prestige and returningcires). Royal Marry them. Break vassalage on the first of the month, claim
              throne, truce break to claim throne. You can deal with the stability hit via pope mana, and everyone already hates you in Asia so who cares about the AE. You now have a personal union with Ming who has cores on all of China.

              • 2 years ago

                Ming itself isn’t that useful for most wars. It’s on the far side of the world and the AI is too stupid to assist via naval transports. The advantage of a pet ming early in the game is it drives your perceived power through the roof, so you can ignore AE without being coalitioned so long as you don’t also piss off europeans.

    • 2 years ago

      it's almost impossible to do badly as castile. ottomans are an option too but they're a little bit too braindead, with castile you might actually have to learn how to play the game a little bit.

  13. 2 years ago

    >break mandatory 15 year truce
    > -6 Stability, +10 War Exhaustion, -3 Diplo Rep for 100 Years, +100 Aggressive Expansion with every country in the world
    Wow, such a balanced and realistic simulation of warfare and geopolitics in the Early Modern Era

  14. 2 years ago

    >make invading a nation much more expensive and risky
    >you can take what you want in a peace deal as long as you control it and the ai isnt confident that they can retake it, or even release nations (this shit really shouldnt cost diplo power)
    >you can even concede land for your enemy's land
    >after annexing a bunch of land your challenge becomes consolidating and stabilizing your realm instead of worrying about coalitions
    this would fix every issue, the main problem is that its way too easy to invade a nation, you can win literally any war if you take out enough loans, in no universe starting from 1444 would granada or the byzantines be able to win against castille or the ottomans, but in eu4 the solution is "DUDE JUST TAKE OUT LOANS LMAO"

    • 2 years ago

      >>you can take what you want in a peace deal as long as you control it
      The whole peace deal thing should be the opposite.
      Instead of negotiating what occupied territories you get to annex, the occupied territories should (in theory) be considered already lost to the occupier, so the peace deal should about giving back occupied territories to the loser, otherwise all occupied territories should be annexed by the winner of the war. In other words, wars should revolve around uti possidetis.

    • 2 years ago

      >you can win literally any war if you take out enough loans
      doesn't matter if you end up bankrupting

    • 2 years ago

      Albania really put the hurt on them, as did Wallachia.

    • 2 years ago

      >even release nations
      Personally, I would make it so that all releasable states are automatically vassals of the state demanding their release.

  15. 2 years ago

    they can’t even teach the AI how to not run out of sailors, the mechanic is completely disabled for AI. Much less do naval invasions. Get out of here with teaching to do anything sophisticated, first teach Britain how to actually invade India.

    • 2 years ago

      It used to be better.
      At this point they should just drop this global
      bullshit and reduce themselves to regional maps so they can actually design a dedicated system to support the gameplay in that specific region.
      I just did a Qing run and man this game is bland now, I never felt like there was some sort of global interaction or trade going on, I was just isolated in Asia and had no contact with Europeans and I dreaded to look at the absolute mess that was the rest of the world.

  16. 2 years ago

    Province occupation should be more procedural so neither enemy forces or yours can just go and walk across the country besieging every single cities you like
    They should also implement basic military supply-chain system so pushing hard into enemy's territory feels a lot more punishing
    Just remove the entire ceding province through a peace treaty thing, and replace it with auto-ceding system so when you occupied one province during the war and the former ruler isn't taking it back within a designated amount of time it will automatically become yours

  17. 2 years ago

    >remove long truces
    >remove conquest limits
    >remove coalitions
    >game over in less than 50 years

    good idea morons

    • 2 years ago

      How about
      >make war much more difficult and costly
      >make controlling new lands much more difficult and costly, especially if they are wrong culture/wrong religion/different type of government previously
      < NOOOOO we can't fix the game mechanics, let's just add totally arbitrary limitations

      • 2 years ago

        >lets make it more tediously boring and no fun allowed to appeal to my autism

        how about no its a video game to play for fun

        • 2 years ago

          Yes it's really fun to wait 15 years between truces or have 5 wars to conquer one country

          • 2 years ago

            >what is truce breaking
            Admit it, you're too cowardly to get a - 5 stab hit.

      • 2 years ago

        you're still scared of truce breaking so i don't think you actually want a hard game
        this would make the problem worse lmao have fun sitting around with a thumb up your ass for 30 years waiting for your country to recover from every individual war moron

        • 2 years ago

          Conquering a neighbor after 3 wars and 45 years, then waiting for AE to come down for the next conquest is just as bad of a gameplay experience. When I play a game, I want to do things, not sit around and wait. Maybe if they had more stuff I can do during peace time it wouldn't be so bad.

        • 2 years ago

          Have about having some other content in the game beside wars? Managing a realm was extremely demanding task even without wars

          • 2 years ago

            Impossible without a pop system or lots of flavor and unique random events/figures.
            Pops are required for interesting country management, a stale list of seperatists and a "stability" modifier that governs over all is not fun or interesting. Only vic and ck have interesting internal admin, vic because of the pops and ck because of the interesting people in your vassals and holdings

            • 2 years ago

              >ck because of the interesting people in your vassals
              all characters in CK3 are fairly static and act mostly the same, it so boring and lifeless

              • 2 years ago

                CK2 is still solid on this front though, and even CK3 has interesting interaction with them through your differing goals and opinions, despite how they are lacking in uniqueness and flavor. It's still inherently more interesting to plot to remove the count of dickwiener from power because he is hindering your change of inheritance law, than it is to hit "increase stability" or "decrease war exhaustion" to kill unrest.

      • 2 years ago

        what is separatism, autonomy, non-accepted culture revolt risk modifiers

        • 2 years ago

          All are pretty easy to overcome. Seperatism just means you will have at lest one revolt when you take land. And generally if you can beat a nation you can beat their rebels. Something better would be Vic2 and how wrong culture land has lower admin efficiency, making it less productive overall. This would also incentivize the use of vassals/puppets. Maybe you can't make full use of a culture's land, but a puppet who accepts that culture can

        • 2 years ago

          Rebellions are whack-a-mole, because of their size and timing, they pose no threat, but are just irritating chore.
          Rebellions should not trigger after the arbitrary tick has finished, but wait for a time when the empire is weak

        • 2 years ago

          Petty trifles

    • 2 years ago

      How about making conquest harder?
      What if you had to leave soldiers behind in every province you occupy? Make the occupation requirement relatively to development.
      E.g. 3 development requires leaving 1 regiment, 6 demands 2, while 9 takes 3
      So, France's development in 1444 is 310, therefore its full occupation would require 103 regiments. Therefore, even if England would annihilate all French forces, they wouldn't be able to annex France, because their force limit is 30.
      And make occupation cost attrition like every month your 1,000 men while losing 50 guys to guerillas each month, making long occupation costly.

      • 2 years ago

        The decoupling of garrisons and occupation forces from your military capacity has always been insane to me. Ideally, at the start of the game you'd only occupy key cities/ports and loot the rest, both to hurt your enemy and because you don't have the manpower or bureaucracy to manage large amounts of conquered territory. Only later as mass conscription comes around can you really fully occupy an enemy.

        • 2 years ago

          A great example would Manzikert.
          The traditional Roman strategy was to keep 90% of their troops stationed in Anatolian forts, and commit only small field armies, which meant that losing forts in Anatolia was very slow reversible.
          Genius Emperor Romanos IV, decided that instead of letting attrition warfare finish the Turks, he gathered all the garrisons into one big army of 50K and faced the Turks in one big battle, in which the core of the army was lost.
          As the result, the Turks easily conquered all of Anatolia following the battle, because the forts had been depleted.

      • 2 years ago

        Making it scale with the existing absolutism mechanic i think can be a good way to implement it

      • 2 years ago

        Really, actually occupying random areas shouldn't be worthwhile for basically the entire game. Armies should loot and raid enemy territory that isn't cities/castles; those should be your real objective.

  18. 2 years ago

    >League War
    >Ottos and Russia join the same side
    >extra 100k troops
    Every fricking time. Is there a mod that makes it so only Prots and Caths fight in the League War?

    • 2 years ago

      Just use it as an excuse to declare on all the shitty little nations they’ve allied just to wienerblock you. Also works great for the shitty little countries your “friends” allied to wienerblock you.

    • 2 years ago

      always hated this too, they should make it so you can only join the league if you have land in the hre or are protestant. But of course they don't give a frick

      • 2 years ago

        Portugal wouldn't be able to join then.

        • 2 years ago

          No wait, I'm dumb, I forgot they were in a union with Spain then, what you posted makes perfect sense.

    • 2 years ago

      >ottomans join the league war
      >force a victory for the side in extreme minority
      >add a few extra conversions in and the HRE is a shell of it's former self because only a few one province nations are eligible to be electors or emperor

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      This is a good thing you fricking scrub. If you occupy all the territory of the war leader for 5 years you can annex any Ottoman or Russian land you want

  19. 2 years ago

    >wins war
    >has to wait 10 years to rain hellfire on the same xenos again

  20. 2 years ago

    I uninstalled

  21. 2 years ago

    I just wish it was harder to integrate vassals. I hate seeing the AI get all these free vassals only to swallow them up 10 years later.

  22. 2 years ago

    Most of the problems in eu4 is just the ai being moronic but if they actually made the ai play like a real person most of the shitter playerbase would complain about it being too hard

  23. 2 years ago

    >Start game as small/mid sized nation
    >Have fun for the first 150-200 years
    >Become the dominant regional power by 1600
    How do I fix this cycle?

    • 2 years ago

      uninstall.exe, ofc
      The sooner you realise it, the better
      I dropped out of PDX games circa '18 and dropped mods in '20, despite starting with EU2 in '02.

      • 2 years ago

        So why are you here?

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know if it's possible to mod but I think the number of rival slots should decrease with each rank and then make it so smaller nations can rival bigger ones. That way you would have sort of a natural coalition forming as you grew stronger. Also a better chance that two smaller enemies will be allied in a war against a greater threat. The fact the AE can even cool down is abit silly to think about, there needs to be a better system.

    • 2 years ago

      Defenition of map-painting game.
      The fundamental issue is how anti-blob mechanics are shit. AE and coalitions ultimately do not punish gradual expansion, but only rapid expansion. And because everybody gets treated the same, e.g. Ulm will face a coalition for taking five cities in HRE, if France did it they would get the same amount of AE, but coalition war would be unlikely because France AI gets scared. Thus the mechanic prevents the emergence of rivals to the blobs.

      It would make more sense AE to the great powers. So, only the great powers gain it. You could make AE gain relative to the development AE receiver and the weakest great powers.
      E.g. Aragon is 8th great power with 250 development, Ottomans 5th with 500 dev, and France 1st great power with 1000 dev.
      Ottomans get 2× more AE because (500/250), while France gets 4× more AE.
      This would make great power differences smaller because the top powers would face constant coalitions for any significant aggression, while bottom powers would grow to get less AE, and thus be allowed to expand more rapidly.
      Tell me how that's moronic idea?

      • 2 years ago

        The only fun thing to do is to conquer the world… it’s not like ck2 where you can spend 80 years dicking around with vassals, centralizing your state, cucking your heir cause he’s a gay and you need a grandson, etc. in eu4 if you aren’t conquering it’s speed 5 time.

        • 2 years ago

          At this point the two games really just need to be merged into a new series and go from 476 to 1776 and just go by month ticks instead of days.

  24. 2 years ago

    I was watching a video the other day about fun nations and when showing wars the guy basically most of the times had 100% warscore and then annexed a shit load of provinces which should give him a shit ton of aggressive expansion, yet he was fine
    Was he cheating or what? In my experience it's very difficult to reach 100% warscore because of all the allies not to mention the aggressive expansion which makes it so I can barely annex 3 provinces at a time (with claims) before it reaches 30+

  25. 2 years ago

    railroaded mission personal unions are garbage

  26. 2 years ago

    Also; the current patch highly encourages heavy use of vassals. If you are too low IQ for this, play as the Mughals and just core everything. Here is in example; in previous patches, the ideal way to play was to put everything into TC to avoid the state cap. Now the ideal is to put trade centers into tc, and have the rest of the land administered by a vassal (or even better, a personal union, lmao). What you note in this picture is the land owned by Ming is getting +40% to goods produced due to trade power of my TC, but my TC provinces themselves don’t receive this. Also roughly half of the TC buildings bonuses *also effect provinces you don’t own*, such as ming in this picture.

    The net effect is early in the game you should be only coring ports, feeding the rest to vassals, and smashing even further away nations immediately after. Strong duchies let’s you sit on 6-10 vassals no problem.

  27. 2 years ago

    Catholicism could be split in half and it would be the first and second best religion in game.

  28. 2 years ago

    >play as daimyo
    >other daimyos take turns declaring war on me
    >win two wars
    >more wars keep coming
    >go bankrupt from all the loans
    >get annexed by 1450 anyway

    • 2 years ago

      Had to restart 4 times until I actually was able to make an alliance with more than one daimyo. Now I'm colonizing Southeast Asia.

  29. 2 years ago

    The game simply has too stark of a difference between "control" and "ownership", fundamentally the distinction between the 2 should be minor and mostly diplomatic and other mechanics should represent how well ruled and how well pacified a given province is.

    Essentially if the game allows you to occupy an entire empire in one single war then the issue is not making expansion slower by forcing the winner to only take one small part, instead things like coalitions, war exhaustion and military losses need to be fine tuned to prevent too many such cases.

    • 2 years ago

      Again, if occupation itself would cost you 1000 men per 3 development, it would prevent wars which in annexation after one war, even if the attacker wipes out all their armies because they don't have enough manpower and mercs to carry out full occupation.
      It would also give quantity actual merit, at the moment quality is always better than quantity, because higher-quality troops will take fewer losses.

      • 2 years ago

        > at the moment quality is always better than quantity,

        It always surprises me how bad you guys are at this game. No, if you are trying to wc quantity is best mil group, followed by offensive (I personally like aristocratic for idiosyncratic reasons; but in an optimum play through it’s hard to justify)

  30. 2 years ago

    How come none of you are complaining about conditional military access ? EU4 is the only Paradox game that has this moronic shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically probably the worst feature in the game, removes every single piece of geography from the game except the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
      >be Portugal, want to fight the Ottomans for trade in the Red Sea
      >100k Turks march across Europe and siege down Lisbon
      >France marching thousands of men across the SAHARA DESERT to protect Kongo

      • 2 years ago

        If EU5 doesn't come with some attrition or other feature to prevent this shit, I'm not buying.

  31. 2 years ago

    If it wasn't for Anbennar, there would be literally zero reasons at this point to play EU4. And not even EU4 has brought me back since before the Afrikangz shit. This game just has too many moronic mechanics and factors involved. I can't even imagine how much of a fricking mess EU5 will be when they get around to that and figuring out what systems they want to pluck out of EU4 (while selling back the rest and more as DLC, of course), and what new moronic bullshit they want to sell with EU5.

    • 2 years ago

      >This game just has too many moronic mechanics and factors involved.
      Name one and explain why it is moronic? Checkmate you can't.

      • 2 years ago

        Innovativeness - moronic, you were already rewarded for teching up quicker than others.
        Professionalism - moronic, the game already has a ton of modifiers for an army which could be used instead
        Power Projection - moronic, destroying rivals is already inherently rewarding, no need for an another number
        Favours - "gather 20 friendship points and an allied giant nation will attack almost anyone"
        Governmental capacity - ???, random number to gimp AI
        Ages - no idea what is the reason for this thing to exist, just an another source of bloat

        • 2 years ago

          >Ages - no idea what is the reason for this thing to exist, just an another source of bloat
          It is pretty strange, I particularly hate the idea of the golden age.wyv4y

  32. 2 years ago

    god I just want to be a dutch east indies dude in singapore slaying jungleasiatic poon on the reg and dying of malaria at the age of 30

  33. 2 years ago

    >win a war that was declared on you
    >you're not allowed to take any of the land from the aggressor no matter how thoroughly you annihilated them because... because you just can't, okay!

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, the point is to depict localized warfare instead of total wars, but even that is ruined, because it takes five years to warscore to tick to 100% when you have occupied the warscore.

    • 2 years ago

      Obviously, you are encouraged to arrange strategic marriages and with some luck to boot you will have a claim on an entire kingdom because your hracters great grandfather was the cousin of the recently deceased King or something. Or you just inherit it right away.
      If you just forge a claim you should only be allowed to take that province.
      CK2 has a lot more going on than any EU game .

      • 2 years ago

        claims in CK games are devalued because anyone can easily fabricate claims, which ultimately means that marrying for alliances and genetics is always better.
        Additionally, devs were moronic to introduce "political concerns" modifiers that prevent AI from making marriages with any neighboring rulers, despite the fact that before, during, and after HYW English kings married French princesses

      • 2 years ago

        It's insane of much they tried to put content characters and marriages when vassal interactions, centralization, founding and proper city development and courts, still, come so short. Vassals are what matters, always mattered. The whole point is that you can't just declare war. CK2 tried to at least add the option, vestigial as it is, for you to consider your vassals as more than just opinions and adviors, positive factors to your rule, stats / mana to boost in a fluctuating way how powerful you are.
        It's silly when you think about the transition from CK to EÙ where in one history isn't just made by men but IS literally just men, and not just in a philosophical way, while in EU history is the amount of stat mana relative to how you use it and expansion down time in coring cost and infamy.

    • 2 years ago

      This is the only problem with CK2
      literally the only one

  34. 2 years ago

    I don't want to sound like a wehrabooish großgermanisus but Prussia and the german states haven't been touched in ages. They're still from a time where a CB would count as a mission! I want real content, real flavor for Prussia, Bavaria and Saxony; for Pfalz and Hannover, and the Hansa!

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