With how beloved this game is, you'd think there'd be more 1:1 imitators (slow gameplay, interconnectivity) but there are zero.

With how beloved this game is, you'd think there'd be more 1:1 imitators (slow gameplay, interconnectivity) but there are zero. Why is that?

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    Have you played DS1 lately? It's shit and boring.

    • 1 week ago

      >he can't enjoy a souls game unless all the bosses have anime powerups and spam kamehameha blasts while teleporting around

      • 1 week ago

        And what else is there? Riding elevators and fighting moronic mobs? Yes.

        • 1 week ago

          Exploring the world in ds1 is also fun.
          Fighting mobs is fun. More fun than the bosses

          • 1 week ago

            No it isn't. It's padded boring backtracking and fighting stupid enemies.

            • 1 week ago

              Not to me. I liked exploring the levels, and collecting items
              Each level has their own enemies which helped

              • 1 week ago

                Then you're wrong. moron.

          • 1 week ago

            Fighting mobs in DS1 is miserable as you just roll under every attack and backstab or mash stun-lock. Those strats deal with 100% of the enemies.

            • 1 week ago

              >as you just roll under every attack
              No, you can also block or just kill the weaker ones before they can do anything to you.
              Exploring in these games is actually fun because it feels like true exploration. Whereas in other games you have map markers and waypoints telling you where everything is.
              There is plenty of enemy variety which keeps the first playthrough fun

              • 1 week ago

                Why block when you can instantly backstab them due to hilariously generous backstab detection? I mean against total little shits, sure, block and swing.
                Anyways, the exploration is about the same in all the games. You go from one place to the next picking up items and fight a boss at the end

              • 1 week ago

                >Why block when you can instantly backstab them due to hilariously generous backstab detection?
                In a first blind playthrough this isn't always intuitive, especially on non human enemies.
                I couldn't figure out how to backstab until i looked up a guide since you have to position yourself in a specific way. Closer to the enemy's right shoulder than the center of their back.
                Also, there is no need to backstab normal enemies. You can just attack normally. It would only make sense against really tough enemies.
                Chasing backstabs every time would be annoying and unfun. I treated back stabs as attacks of opportunity, on my second playthrough.
                If you deliberately chose to play in an unfun way then it's your fault.

              • 1 week ago

                You say fighting mobs is fun, and sure, it is, but it's not the game's strength at all. In fact, Dark Souls 1 is probably the worst except for maybe Dark Souls 2 or Demon's Souls. At least Demon's Souls had some novel bosses. Combat will never be the strength of these games, but the earlier ones are worse than the later ones.
                Anyone that played Demon's Souls will 100% gravitate to these play styles, so it's not some crazy outlier of players looking up guides.

              • 1 week ago

                >Anyone that played Demon's Souls will 100% gravitate to these play styles
                I should certainly hope that people that played demons souls didn't gravitate towards either spending the whole game running around incredibly slowly or constantly menuing between every fight. Thinking that poise was the bestest most brokenest thing on release and consequently playing the game by face tanking everything doesn't make you an enlightened genius. It makes you an idiot for not realizing that i frames were better (like everyone else). Especially since ninja flipping was even more busted on release.

              • 1 week ago

                >Bandwagoner thinks there was a need to choose between these things.
                DWGR isn't really that much more broken, because roll is like 95% as broken (and continues to be so) and poise offers a new apparatus to steamroll the game that they wisely nerfed into oblivion. Why they ever got rid of the vastly superior Demon's hyperarnor will forever be a mystery.
                You are never forced to make a choice between the two until later patches, which you might've known if you'd played Dark 1 on release (DWGR had a much higher weight tolerance for flip). Even now you're not, but you need to go up in levels and carefully curate weapon weight.

              • 1 week ago

                >wiki reader equates late game pvp builds with an entire playthrough
                I already new you didn't play the game on release, but now it's obvious you've never played it all.

              • 1 week ago

                >He didn't play Demon's on release
                Anyway, post your trophy dates.

              • 1 week ago

                Already having that image saved does the opposite of what you're trying to do.

              • 1 week ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 1 week ago


              • 1 week ago

                Are you going to post your trophy dates... or... ?

              • 1 week ago

                I literally can't. My xbox has been dead for years (my first game was dark souls not demons souls). And you haven't posted yours so why would I even need to?

              • 1 week ago

                I don't have any snoy consoles anymore and I did post mine. Feel free to look your shit up and post it. I can post others trophies on the same profile too. Demon's, Dark 2, etc, though I do like the utter denial you're in

              • 1 week ago

                The only reason for anyone to have an already cropped image of an account that platted the game in 4 weeks is because they constantly find themselves unintentionally admitting they never played the game and hope they can fall back on it as a gotcha. Thinking that poisetanking everything was some kind of gigabrain strategy instead of unnecessary tedium discredits you more than any image you post could ever salvage.

                The game is full of dogshit levels and failed concepts. A step or two below is shit like New Londo or Blighttown. Valley of the Drakes, Izalith, Demon's Ruins, Catacombs, Ash Lake, etc, are really bad or literally unfinished, and then there's just failed concepts like Crystal Caves and Great Hollow.

                Of everything you mentioned only demon ruins and lost izalith are bad.

              • 1 week ago

                I can post the full account if you like if you think that will cure your denial. In fact, I can post a lot more than that. If you actually go and lookup the original poise breakpoints, and you will find these on Reddit or GameFAQs, you will find my old PSN account. For the record, it was me that actually figured out a lot of the poise breakpoints in the first place. You never know who you'll talk to on here.

              • 1 week ago

                >this person isn't buying my lies?
                >oh I know. I'll make them even less credible!
                >that oughta work

              • 1 week ago

                It doesn't matter if you buy them or not. It's reality. I know you think it's outrageous, but coping won't help.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm sorry, anon. But my dad works at fromsoft and he says you're lying.

              • 1 week ago

                I've forgotten more about DS1 than you ever knew, anon.

              • 1 week ago

                Yami Tamashi knew a lot about that jank game. DS1 was always jank as frick and super simple but somehow fun because of the level design especially Undead Burg that level is still to this day the crown israeliteel of Fromsoft but they are too moronic to understand what made it fun. Also poise never returned, ever.

              • 1 week ago

                Imagine if you spent this much time actually playing the game instead of pretending to.

              • 1 week ago

                I don't know how one pretends to play a game by logging into someone's YT account

              • 1 week ago

                By being fixated on saving and/or creating gotcha "proof" images instead of just not saying moronic shit in the first place.

              • 1 week ago

                If you weren't intolerable here:

                >wiki reader equates late game pvp builds with an entire playthrough
                I already new you didn't play the game on release, but now it's obvious you've never played it all.

                trying some credential shit, you wouldn't have gotten stepped on. Now you can constantly whine that "gotchas are moronic," and sit there in disbelief. I played DES/DS1 on release, and not only that, I figured out how incredibly feeble and broken DS1 was before the game even came out. Do you have anything of worth to add?

              • 1 week ago

                Black person, you were already trying this shit before that post when you started calling everyone that disagreed with you a bandwaggoner. It is painfully obvious that you've gone around shitting on this game before, gotten criticized for saying things that didn't make sense if you actually played the game, and now come in waiting to post your "proof".
                >stepped on
                You are a literal child. Were you even born when dark souls released.

              • 1 week ago

                The difference is you are a bandwagoner. You didn't play DES on release and really have no room to talk. Anyways, the later games improved on all this broken shit by reigning it in. You putting training wheels on the gameplay doesn't make it good. It has nothing to do with perceived fun, but execution, and their execution with gameplay has indeed improved.

              • 1 week ago

                >You didn't play DES on release
                Neither of us did. But I'm willing to say that because what I say about dark souls is the truth and can be verified by simply playing the game, even now. Meanwhile you're trying to claim "my dad works at nintendo" tier shit that would require you to be a 30+ year old man that went from loving and being obsessed with the game to spending your Sunday afternoon shitting on it on Ganker all while talking like a middle schooler.

              • 1 week ago

                >Neither of us did.
                Denial won't help. You're not worth any more energy since you think everything is some grand conspiracy

              • 1 week ago

                >one anon lying on the internet
                >"everything is some grand conspiracy"

              • 1 week ago

                the original version, i refused to "upgrade" to the de-master version. Fromsoft was dead to me when that slop happened.

              • 1 week ago

                >Also, there is no need to backstab normal enemies. You can just attack normally.
                This is something that hindsight critics always ignore. When enemies aren't health sponges or spastics that never stop attacking there isn't much benefit to backstab fishing over just fighting normally. Dark souls encounter design was more about where you fought enemies and where they were coming from rather than each of them being individually strong.

              • 1 week ago

                >Anyways, the exploration is about the same in all the games.
                The other games don't have the same inter connectivity or use of shortcuts.

              • 1 week ago

                Yes they do, especially Bloodborne and Elden Ring

              • 1 week ago

                Elden ring is open world so it doesn't have the same design at all.
                I haven't played bloodborne so I'm not sure.
                But ds2 and 3 didn't have the same design.

              • 1 week ago

                Play Bloodborne, stupid

              • 1 week ago

                You haven't played Elden Ring either apparently, because Elden Ring is designed like Dark Souls scaled up 20 times in size. It's not a true open world, it's all interconnected passageways with a handful of fields.

              • 1 week ago

                >It's not a true open world, it's all interconnected passageways with a handful of fields.
                It is primarily an open world. And doesn't feel like ds1 at all. Ds1 feels more like a metroidvania, although not exactly the same

                You say fighting mobs is fun, and sure, it is, but it's not the game's strength at all. In fact, Dark Souls 1 is probably the worst except for maybe Dark Souls 2 or Demon's Souls. At least Demon's Souls had some novel bosses. Combat will never be the strength of these games, but the earlier ones are worse than the later ones.
                Anyone that played Demon's Souls will 100% gravitate to these play styles, so it's not some crazy outlier of players looking up guides.

                >Anyone that played Demon's Souls will 100% gravitate to these play styles
                Deliberately playing in a way that you didn't find fun is mental illness
                Most people didn't play demon souls either so we didn't gravitate to poise. This is a you problem

              • 1 week ago

                >Most bandwagoners stood around with their shields poking enemies and getting dusted
                That's not any funner. The later games improved the combat. I don't know why these balance issues can't be criticized without "That's a YOU problem!"

              • 1 week ago

                >Balance issue
                Some people like being op in their RPGs. Single player games don't need balance.
                You deliberately choosing to play in a way you find unfun, is infact a you problem. Especially since it can be turned off with a few button presses
                ALL GAMES have a degree of self imposed challenge.
                Summons and coop are broken too, why didn't you criticize those?
                All Elden ring bosses are trivialized through coop.

              • 1 week ago

                The later games are just better in terms of combat. They're indeed "funner."

              • 1 week ago

                No, the boss fights in Elden ring are worse and too anime

              • 1 week ago

                I'll take some total anime shitshow over moronic DS1 demon fights where nothing happens. Also, all the regular mob combat is drastically improved, which is most of the game

              • 1 week ago

                Yeah, they mostly do

              • 1 week ago

                >You go from one place to the next picking up items and fight a boss at the end
                You can say this about any video game, you reductive moron wienersucker zoomer.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm not saying it's bad. I'm saying it's the same in every one of these game, with only real exception being the lack of teleportation in DS1, DS2 being so fricking ugly, you don't want to explore it, and Sekiro having terrible >sugar or >potshard """rewards""" for exploration

              • 1 week ago

                >Sekiro having terrible >sugar or >potshard """rewards""" for exploration
                This is actually one of the reasons I don't like Bloodborne.
                >see item
                >pick it up
                >it's a blood vial, Molotov, or pebble every time

              • 1 week ago

                BB has enough items weapons and armor sets where it isn't offensive. All the games have consumable drops but I only really found it to be obnoxious in Sekiro and ER, same with duplicate bosses

              • 1 week ago

                Bloodbored easily has the worst weapon/armor selection in the entire series what the frick are you talking about
                >muh trick weapons
                Shut the FRICK up

            • 1 week ago

              Fighting mobs feels very good in DS1. Especially if you parry. But even if you just space them and bait their attacks, you can still kill most of them in one stamina bar after they stop attacking.

              • 1 week ago

                What i love about Ds1 is that the parry is considered a default unarmed action. It's so gay they made it tied to weapons in later installments

    • 1 week ago

      it's the best one in the series

    • 1 week ago

      I'm replaying it right now and it's the best souls game.

      • 1 week ago

        i'm playin it right now and the game is a snoozefest

        • 1 week ago

          Well yeah, if you're an ADHD riddled zoom zoom that can't focus on anything for more than 30 seconds at a time, it would be hard to stick with OG Dark Souls. Thankfully, such "people" are worthless and their opinions matter not.

    • 1 week ago

      It's literally the best one you homosexual zoomer

      • 1 week ago

        in what possible way?

    • 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      i always replay it every year I played DS1 1 month ago the early game is extremely good, better than Elden Ring due to Undead Burg alone & because of poise & the simplicity of the game.

    • 1 week ago

      Unironically best fromsoft game ever after Sekiro, put some subway surfers gameplay in the background so that you wouldn't be bored, homosexual.

  2. 1 week ago

    Not even from can imitate it lel

  3. 1 week ago

    The slow mashing gameplay blows. Tons of games have interconnected levels.

    • 1 week ago

      >slow mashing
      I keked

      • 1 week ago

        You literally stand on the spot with poise stacked and mash light attack for a hilariously slow stun-lock. Shits on basically every that isn't a boss. It's the ultimate Strat in that game

        • 1 week ago

          Right. Keep at it.

          • 1 week ago

            Whatever you say bandwagon sis

        • 1 week ago

          Getting that type of build on a first blind playthrough takes a long time though.
          Just don't use ultra cheese builds, those will exist in any rpg

          • 1 week ago

            You're trying to argue with a moron anon. If "slow mashing" didn't already tip you off

          • 1 week ago

            You should have probably played the games in order on release. If you played Demon's Souls, that is 100% the build you will gravitate towards since that game had the same problems, except the strategies are even more broken with poise. Casters are also obscenely broken too, so there's that "play style" too that managed to endure from Demon's.

            • 1 week ago

              I played dark souls 1 first, as did most people.
              Either way, if you deliberately chose the big ugly armor to give yourself a cheese build, that's your own fault. Any rpg will have some op builds
              Choose a play style that you find fun, that's the point of video games, to have fun.

              • 1 week ago

                >I bandwagoned in, therefore those broken strategies don't count or something.
                Yes, you had a very different experience than people that played Demon's. The game was broken as frick literally from the onset of the E3 demo, me being the only person in this shit hole that played that version. Poise was immediately noticable and broken even before the game came out to literally anyone that played the BK build. It was actually the ultimate monkey paw as people wanted the armor to do something, but my God, it just turns the game off.
                >Big ugly armor.
                No. You need about 53 poise to effectively turn off the game. It is easy to incidentally get this with a set of armor, but even 30 poise dramatically makes the game easier. Dogshit design, much like how weapon weight makes you swing slower and upgrades increase hit stun

              • 1 week ago

                So why are you using a playstyle that you find unfun? Also you have to level endurance a shit ton to be able to use the heavy armors effectively. If you're gonna sacrifice your ability to roll then you instead need lots of health.
                Either way its a playstyle that you deliberately used.
                If you use the normal armors you still need to engage with the game. Also even if you have high poise you still need to block damage unless you have a shit ton of health

              • 1 week ago

                It's a problem with the game design, frankly. Is it above critique or must everyone simply play with whatever arbitrary training wheels or limitations you suggest? This is why shit like BB and Sekiro simply play better. Even ER is more engaging despite making the bosses tranime flipping nightmares.

              • 1 week ago

                It isn't, it takes a while to get the armor and stats required for this build. Especially on a blind playthrough
                So it's people deliberately choosing a playstyle that they find unfun. A playstyle that can be turned off by wearing normal armor instead.
                It's not an arbitrary restriction, just don't use playstyles you didn't find fun. This applies to any rpg. Including Elden ring.

              • 1 week ago

                Nobody has mentioned fun. I've completely talk about this from a balance perspective. I don't know why you keep bringing this up like it's an argument. Furthermore, mashing attack with a stun-lock weapon isn't some sort of secret deep tech that tons of people didn't stumble over. In fact, it would be quite easy if you picked up many weapons and started using them to see regular enemies have zero recourse when they're stun-locked.

              • 1 week ago

                >Nobody has mentioned fun.
                I have, because games are about having fun.
                >Muh balance
                It's a single player game, with some tacked on mp features. You don't need balance. Some people enjoy being op in RPGs. For them the poise playstyle is perfect
                >regular enemies have zero recourse when they're stun-locked.
                It's a good thing then that you are usually facing crowds rather than singular enemies.
                The normal enemies on their own are easy, yes
                Also, certain tougher enemies didn't stagger as much, like the ones that have shields.
                Also ds1 was only moderately difficult on your first play through. You need to stop viewing the game from the lens of the bandai namco marketing

              • 1 week ago

                >Also ds1 was only moderately difficult on your first play through
                It wasn't if you played Demon's. It actually the easiest one, or maybe Demon's, it's hard to say.
                >You don't need balance.
                Anyways, the later games just handle it all better.

              • 1 week ago

                Demon's: harder levels, easier bosses
                Dark: harder bosses, easier levels

              • 1 week ago

                The route to Taurus Demon is harder than entirety of Demon's Souls.

              • 1 week ago

                The route to Phallanx is harder than the entirety of Dark Souls

              • 1 week ago

                That's like 3 routes together.

              • 1 week ago

                Maybe I'm just shit but I can't play DaS3 because I just find all the enemies to be annoyingly aggressive in a way that just isn't fun to deal with.

              • 1 week ago

                I played dark souls first. one of the few things i knew about demon souls was that flamelurker was super duper hard. i beat him on my first try because of everything i learned in dark souls

                Demon's: harder levels, easier bosses
                Dark: harder bosses, easier levels


  4. 1 week ago

    They don't understand what made it good on a fundamental level. They are incapable of copying it because they lack the abillity

    • 1 week ago

      Explain what separates it.

      • 1 week ago

        It's designed as an adventure, think about the weird logical conclusions you have to make in Dark Souls immediately upon arriving Fire Link. The graveyard with re-animation skeletons, the underground with untouchable ghosts or the less dangerous path up to the town with just regular zombies. This is a really simple example and it permeates all the games but the souls copies don't do any of this shit. To them Souls is the hard mechanics surrounding the combat or the controls, or the logic behind enemy respawns and healing. They don't understand

      • 1 week ago

        aside from gameplay/design music and visual design also play a major role why the franchise is beloved.

  5. 1 week ago

    Even From completely stopped copying the formula as soon as 3.

  6. 1 week ago

    lords of the fallen is an imitator but for some reason people dont like it. its better than ds3 and er imo

    • 1 week ago

      I don't like how the player character lunges with every attack. It makes fighting without lock on annoying

    • 1 week ago

      it just feels janky. the combat doesnt feel good, the dodge roll is weird, it also kept bombarding you with new mechanics at the start of the game which was annoying and probably overwhelming for some

  7. 1 week ago

    >you'd think there'd be more 1:1 imitators
    So apparently OP has been sleeping under a rock for the past several years.

  8. 1 week ago

    Plenty of soulslikes have appeared over the past couple of years but a lot of them drew their main source of inspiration from the bosses rather than the game world.
    There's a higher demand for anime flip flopping bosses that look crazy when you're rolling in between a flurry of sword swings but as From's very own games are a prime example of this leads to an ever increasing pursuit of one-upping the previous instalment in the franchise.
    Even back when DS3 came out people were complaining about it being DS1 with combat too heavily inspired by Bloodborne, just like how some people said Elden Ring was too heavily inspired by Sekiro

    • 1 week ago

      >drew their main source of inspiration from the bosses rather than the game world.
      Yeah, I loved the simple, grounded, understated nature of it all the most.

      I have no faith in indie devs anymore. It's disappointing how everything ends up being a pale imitation and derivative.
      Not to mention that making games is hard, you can't cut corners, and most simply can't deliver excellent experiences.

    • 1 week ago


  9. 1 week ago

    The meme of difficulty overweighs anything else. Just look at any soulslike, they don't attempt the world design, "just make player slow and enemies hard" is all any other dev understood.

  10. 1 week ago

    It may be beloved, but compared to the sales of later titles like DS3? Is it really any wonder why everyone just copies modern From design instead? There was a DS1 clone, it was called Bleak Faith Forsaken. While it did a good job of having interconmected world design, literally everything else was trash.

    So yah, people like linear roll heavy games woth a million iframes.

    Normies don't actually care about level design, infact they hqte the thought of getting lost amd losing. That's why they cry about Elden Ring bosses. Who are the first to actually punish roll mash gameplay.

    • 1 week ago

      It was lightning in a bottle. Not even fromsoft understands why it was good. So the chances of anyone else pulling off a proper imitation are very low.

      Why are salesBlack folk always so moronic? Yeah no shit the game that released when hardly anyone knew who fromsoft were didn't sell as well as the games they released after everyone knew about them. But dark souls is what built that reputation.

      • 1 week ago

        Someone at From Software definitely understands why it was good judging from the level design of Stormveil Castle.

  11. 1 week ago

    Arx Fatalis?

  12. 1 week ago

    gays will have a collective headspace hall of fame and get mad if you say those games are shitty. There are a ton of games that were fun for the time but are ancient by today’s standards. But if you go around saying dark souls sucks or Mario 64 sucks they start seething. Mortal shell plays a lot like old dark souls and that game tanked.

  13. 1 week ago

    From can't even achieve this again. They made an attempt in every subsequent game and at some point gave up or just let you teleport. Interconnected level design that's geometrically correct is too hard to do and no other game has really done it.

    • 1 week ago

      >They made an attempt in every subsequent game
      Did they?
      DS2 has levels radiating off a hub in a flat world, DS3 has teleporting from the beginning, ER is open world
      It cant be that hard, just have your hub on the side of a mountain, have buildings around you on the mountain and on raised structures around the mountain, caves inside the mountain.
      If they did it 15 years ago they can do it today

  14. 1 week ago

    Because the "interconnected world" of DS1 is dependent on the game's terrible movement.

  15. 1 week ago

    horrible thread
    are there good threads on v?

    • 1 week ago

      Never will.

    • 1 week ago

      Where do you think you are?
      Do try and make one though.

    • 1 week ago

      It's only been horrible threads today

    • 1 week ago

      the "CHASM" thread was awesome

  16. 1 week ago

    Because eldenring made it irrelevant
    Who would've thought that open world can be good

  17. 1 week ago

    It's not beloved. That's just a psyop by video essayists.

  18. 1 week ago

    Sekiro and Bloodborne sort of ruined Dark Souls as a whole for me. As good as that early combat was, it lacked the pure aggression that made later games better.

    Elden Ring is the worst in the "Frick it Ill go do something else" factor.

  19. 1 week ago

    For the same reason there's only ever 1 of any good game. The conditions needed to create a masterpiece are very specific and so impossible to replicate, even by the same people.

  20. 1 week ago

    Nah. It was surpassed on every way by the later games except for the denial of teleport and upgrading at bonfires

    • 1 week ago

      Not the later games in the series, OP is talking about the Soulslikes. The Niohs or Lords of the Fallen

  21. 1 week ago

    why do we have this garbage on Ganker every day? the quality of these threads reflects the quality of the game, utterly abysmal.

    these games stink so bad and it would be tolerable if the homosexual fans would admit they're playing the lowest common denominator garbage, but instead they pretend it's the pinnacle of gaming rather than the bottom of the trashcan slime. just frick off.

    • 1 week ago

      Ds1 wasnt as popular as the later souls games though.

  22. 1 week ago

    Whenever this game finally clicks, there's always some goddamn wrench thrown into it. I have nothing but questions and no answers.
    >does the blacksmith just take embers without providing ascension if you offer them to him?
    >what is atunement?
    >is there a goddamn light to get through the Tomb of Giants?

  23. 1 week ago

    People didn't actually play DS1. The number of people who only played DS3 onwards is an order of magnitude larger.

  24. 1 week ago

    >muh interconnectivity
    If I want that i'll just play a metroidvania
    Dark Souls combat is shit and the bosses haven't aged well at all

  25. 1 week ago

    The interconnectivity part is really difficult.
    The only explanation I can posit as to how it happened was that at the time, FromSoft didn't know how hard it would be.
    Dark Souls 1 has the stench of a game that was created by fresh rookie developers who didn't quite understand their limitations yet, so they tried to bite off more than they could chew.
    In some parts it created an amazing and memorable game, but on the other hand there are massive flaws and parts where the game just barely holds together.
    They learned from the experience and made sure to keep reasonable limits on world design in their future games.

    • 1 week ago

      A couple of the later levels are obviously rushed, but everywhere else the game maintains a consistently high quality. I can't think of any "massive flaws".

      • 1 week ago

        >aside from the massive flaws I can't think of any massive flaws
        Thanks for the insight, I can see your IQ is almost in the triple digits.

        • 1 week ago

          Levels a step or two below the quality of the rest isn't a "massive flaw", moron.

          • 1 week ago

            >Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith/Ash Lake
            >step or two below
            C'mon man, are you trying to have a serious discussion or not?

            • 1 week ago

              They all have interesting and unique layouts and themes. They're easy to navigate and flow smoothly. Each is memorable in some way. The bosses except the Asylum Demon reskin are good and have some fun gimmick to figure out. Yes that includes BoC, the hate for which is way overblown. But even if you want to count BoC as a "flaw", what others really are there? Copy-pasted dragon butts and taurus demons? Big deal.

              • 1 week ago

                Demon ruins is like one corridor.
                You beat Discharge, walk down some stairs, that's it you're at Fatty. You beat him and go downstairs and fight the Centipede. Then it's over.
                It's not just the carelessly placed enemies, which do stand out insanely following the intricately thought out placement up to this point. The zone itself is literally nothing.
                And then you get to Izalith with is SOMEHOW even worse.
                Why is it like this? Because the first half of the game is overpolished which led to huge concessions in the latter half of the game. They did not plan out well and I don't blame them, because what they tried to do was exceptionally difficult and that's why most developers wouldn't try, or if they did they wouldn't release the game.

              • 1 week ago

                2 mediocre levels doesn't mean that the entire game is bad. Also, I remember there being some side areas in demon ruins. It wasn't an actual corridor.

              • 1 week ago

                There are no side areas, certainly not like in previous levels, there's like two tiny branches with items that take no time at all to clear, one is under the lava with all the taurus, the other is a 5 second branch with a worm ambush. There's nothing else.
                There's the shortcut to lost Izalith which is a huge empty tunnel.

                And more importantly, when did I ever say the game was bad?
                I fricking love the game, I think it's a masterpiece, but it's a flawed one.

              • 1 week ago

                Short, sure, but still visually distinct and with enemies / bosses that at least make an attempt to be unique. For example the chaos eaters and the worms. Izalith has quite detailed architecture that uses totally different assets from the rest of the game. What with looking like a southeast Asian temple as opposed to the medieval German/French style used everywhere else. Similarly all late game areas have plenty of things going for them and obviously a lot of effort was put into them to make them interesting. Escaping Seath's prison, moving stairways, invisible paths, needing a light source for catacombs, special item for killing ghosts, draining the city, using ring to survive abyss, etc. The bosses also come with their own quirks. Actually bad, rushed levels would look more like Kiln of the First Flame.

              • 1 week ago

                >Yes that includes BoC
                You went full moron

          • 1 week ago

            The game is full of dogshit levels and failed concepts. A step or two below is shit like New Londo or Blighttown. Valley of the Drakes, Izalith, Demon's Ruins, Catacombs, Ash Lake, etc, are really bad or literally unfinished, and then there's just failed concepts like Crystal Caves and Great Hollow.

            • 1 week ago

              None of those levels are bad, though.

              • 1 week ago

                Yes, most are actually terrible.

              • 1 week ago

                Nah, most are good with a few being mediocre or bad.

                I'll take some total anime shitshow over moronic DS1 demon fights where nothing happens. Also, all the regular mob combat is drastically improved, which is most of the game

                >I'll take some total anime shitshow
                Disagree. The bosses are fricking shit.
                They need to cut out summons and coop mechanics which are a part of the problem. They made the bosses faster and spam aoe to account for spirit summons

              • 1 week ago

                I'll be engaged by the that and never by the slow moving demon with 4 moves. So yeah, they're better. To be fair, BB hit the sweet spot between these two extremes, and that's why it's the best. Again, the combat against regular enemies in ER still shits on the old games, but you're going to strategically ignore that.

            • 1 week ago

              Ash Lake is kino. If you don't like it you're probably brown.

              • 1 week ago

                >A straight line with assets randomly dropped into it is kino.
                kek, no. Post hand.

        • 1 week ago

          >1 bad area
          >1 mediocre one
          >"massive flaws"

    • 1 week ago

      >The interconnectivity part is really difficult.
      Elevators & stairs.

  26. 1 week ago

    hollow knight has a similar level of huge interconnection and non linearity once you get the walljump

    It has pros and cons compared to ds1 though
    >ds1's interconnectivity shits itself and doesnt exist in 50% the game
    >HK takes a long time to stop being linear, but once it does it completely opens up and lasts all the way to the end of the game

    >DS1 does some silly things like comical elevators, "doesnt open from this side" gates to turn 30 minute journeys into 2 minutes, and sometimes geographically making no sense (as in excess areas inside eachother, super innacurate height or stuff like izalith not being visible from ash lake)
    >HK is more coherent but its built with fast travel in mind, even if its optional and the game works fine without it

    >DS manages to last a long time without fast travel, but the fast travel is trash and kills level design
    >HK always has fast travel but its through proper/fitting means than just bonfire warping, first you have the generic stagways, but then you get the trams and later unlock your own dreamgate you can place anywhere

  27. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      You can just play this game
      Hackzaki don't know how he made this game (did he?)
      An anomaly

  28. 1 week ago

    not even Miyazaki understands what made DS1 great. why do you expect others to be able to emulate it?

    • 1 week ago

      This is so fricking sad but extremely accurate.
      I was so hyped for DS2.
      It was shit but I coped that it wasn't Miyazaki-directed.
      I was so hyped for DS3.
      It was shit but I coped that Miyazaki didn't want to make it to begin with and had to also work on Bloodborne simultaneously.
      I was so hyped for Elden Ring.
      It was shit and I'm done coping.

  29. 1 week ago

    >but there are zero.
    Hellpoint exists, and it sucks ass. Also Bleak Faith has the same interconnected world design, but it's made by two poor serbs and isn't really a soulslike.

    • 1 week ago

      If you can stomach older jank play Xanadu next. It's short.

      • 1 week ago

        I played it and I got really bored around the time you get the item that lets you swim underwater and go to the castle so I dropped. The game would have been a lot better if it didn't have 20 different layers of time wasting bullshit and if there weren't so many enemy reskins. The combat being really easy outside of the bosses also didn't help.

        • 1 week ago

          What wasted time? I agree with the reskined enemies but combat that felt simple yet effective reminded me of DS1.
          The caste is the last dungeon. The game doesn't really overstay its welcome. I get that some things aren't for everyone.

          • 1 week ago

            >What wasted time?
            Keys, having to grind weapon mastery to get full damage on a new weapon, bosses being awful to borderline impossible to fight when you fight when you first meet them but trivial after 15 minutes of grinding. I'm probably forgettint something.

            • 1 week ago

              Weird, those things were very minor for me. You could buy up to 99 keys at a time and the game feels like it had around 200 to 300 doors max. Weapon mastery i only grinded to 100 to get the skill and that legit took around 3 minutes of cutting grass with the relevant guardian card. The 4 or 5 weapons i ended up using a lot maxed out without me paying attention. The only instance of me doing shit damage to a boss was the spider. Which got resolved after i got a better weapon with a lightning enchantment. But hey you're allowed to not like things, i'm not here to argue that.

    • 1 week ago

      I wish Bleak Faith got more attention. It's my favorite souls game.

      • 1 week ago

        Same brother. Hopefully these two serbs have another game or two in them. The game already improved tremendously from release, a sequel can only improve further.

  30. 1 week ago

    Because Suck Souls is shit

  31. 1 week ago

    Takes too much skill to make a great game such as DS1. Even From themselves haven't been able to recreate it.

  32. 1 week ago

    >slow gameplay
    Souls games are already slow

    • 1 week ago

      you dont get it

  33. 1 week ago

    >Why is that?
    lack of creativity and zoomers

  34. 1 week ago

    Jedi: Fallen Order is the best spiritual succesor.

    It’s even better than its actual sequels.

    • 1 week ago

      Fricking have a nice day

      • 1 week ago

        Jedi Survivor is a better Open-World game than Elden Ring.

        • 1 week ago

          Fricking have a nice day

        • 1 week ago

          yea i rather 1v1 any boss in that game over and over and over again while it learns and gets better
          than any boss in any dark souls game

  35. 1 week ago

    this game helps you understand why japs got bombed

  36. 1 week ago

    ur no longer the knight in the post apocalypse fighting undead soldiers around the same skill level as your character
    its all roll slop now

  37. 1 week ago

    this interconnectivity came from pc games its just nips that discovered it and put it together in consoles.

  38. 1 week ago

    It's an insanely hard game to develop, the budget and time issues became apparend towards the end of the game. Making a game like this requires an insane amount of effort, that's why even From moved away from it an turned to a more action gameplay with linear world design. Even the original would have needed about two more years of dev time to its proper completion

    • 1 week ago

      you're a moron and you have no idea about what you're talking about

      • 1 week ago

        I think it's apparent how much effort it takes to ensure that every single connection works properly in a world map as intricate as the DaS, but seeing how you have no argument, I'm gonna chalk it up to you being a frustrated nufrom twitteroid/redditor who likes coming here because their favourite word immediately gets you banned over there. Black person.

      • 1 week ago

        you're dumb as a hoe if you don't think that's true. if it wasn't we'd be seeing games with interconnected worlds a lot more often, and we indeed do in the 2d space where it's a lot easier to develop.

        • 1 week ago

          No we wouldn't because most homosexual devs only care about shitting out popular cinematic movie slop like Horizon and Asscreed. Elden Ring blew up but it's the only one. Most people who started with Elden Ring have no interest in the earlier games especially Dark Souls.

          • 1 week ago

            while you're right we're not talking about aaaslop here though, dark souls definitely wasn't and elden ring is the one exception

            there's a lot of not indie developers that develop games that still reach their comfy million sales to nicher audiences compared to the normie one

            • 1 week ago

              On that topic, Animal Well is fricking ass shit

  39. 1 week ago

    It felt undercooked with how they treated the Painted World and the second half of the game. I think they rushed it due to time constraints or something.

    • 1 week ago

      The Painted World is the og undead asylum its the beta test level they made so they ended up making its own world to put it in, its the opposite of rushed, they had it developed so they put it in so you dont miss out on it

  40. 1 week ago

    >best souls game
    >when everything past anor londo

    • 1 week ago

      pretty much

  41. 1 week ago

    cause if I wanted a 1:1 dark souls game I'd play dark souls

  42. 1 week ago

    Any attempt would end up having no identity besides being a Dark Souls imitator

  43. 1 week ago

    Because literally everyone learned the wrong lessons from Dark Souls, including From Soft
    Which is why we're just getting a bunch of dude it's hecking hard rollslop
    Instead of atmospheric, slow paced and thoughtful gameplay

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