Would you recommend Gladius?

Would you recommend Gladius?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Hell yes

    Just pirate the dlc

    Its not Warhammer Civilization, it's a wargame, there is only war. I like to think of it as a turn based RTS, the city building is a turn based translation of RTS base building.

    It's great fun getting raped first by the neutrals, then by the AI, then you rape the AI, then you turn the difficulty up and the AI rapes you again until you rape it again, until you get to impossible difficulty.

    • 2 years ago

      >Just pirate the dlc
      cream work? i wanna play online with my friend

      • 2 years ago

        yeah but you need to make a bunch of empty files for it to work, check the thread on rin for details

        • 2 years ago

          thanks. I'll buy it now because nothing beats 40k and pray I don't eat a ban.

          • 2 years ago

            Played it online for a gorillion hours with pirated DLC and never got a ban. If you're worried about that you can always pirate everything from GOG, the game is there.

            Have fun my man

    • 1 year ago

      better tell me how to pirate the fricking steam mods, that the steam israelite has made exclusive to their shitty
      >own nothing and be happy

      really pisses me of as a GOG chad
      only the crappy mods are left on Nexus

      • 1 year ago

        never tried it but you'll find an answer on cs.rin

        if it's not there then most likely you can't

        • 1 year ago

          >impossible to pirate free content
          Yeah, I'm pretty much resigned to get the core on Steam again so I can manually copy it to my actually owned fricking legal copy.

          I still remember how Steam tried that shit a couple of years back and got a huge shitshow for it.
          These zoomies now don't give a flying frick anymore.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Other older versions of programs like these stopped working.

          Try skymods.

          >I need some explanation
          Well, explanation is POWER OF PRAYER unironically. Well, of faith. And warp.
          How we get living saints? By power of faith. Ppls look like they die, but in next moment they resurrected, usually with (warp)powers. And iirc no one of them was psyker before.
          And i think you agree that living saint stronger than spacemarine?

          About prayers. I think it's more or less heresy, but look at Orks and SoBs, did you see that similarity?
          >Orks believes red car faster, and their red car is faster
          >SoBs believes Emperor bless them, and they got their miracles
          Idk is can non-genetically modified, augument-less nun stack enoughs buffs for to be stronger than spacemarine, but it look like possible at least theoretically.

          Will try those out.

      • 1 year ago

        Try skymods.

        brothers, whats up with these b***hes (& you simps)?
        watching NornQueenAlexis and the b***h tells me a frickig nun is STRONGER then a goddamn space marine because of the

        has the whole GW gone full woke moron?
        I need some explanation or I'm going back into the stasis pod.

        >I need some explanation
        Well, explanation is POWER OF PRAYER unironically. Well, of faith. And warp.
        How we get living saints? By power of faith. Ppls look like they die, but in next moment they resurrected, usually with (warp)powers. And iirc no one of them was psyker before.
        And i think you agree that living saint stronger than spacemarine?

        About prayers. I think it's more or less heresy, but look at Orks and SoBs, did you see that similarity?
        >Orks believes red car faster, and their red car is faster
        >SoBs believes Emperor bless them, and they got their miracles
        Idk is can non-genetically modified, augument-less nun stack enoughs buffs for to be stronger than spacemarine, but it look like possible at least theoretically.

  2. 2 years ago

    I played it non-stop for the first few days after I bought it a while ago. It's really fun, and like the other poster mentioned, it's focused pretty much entirely on war and production of more units. Differences between races and their playstyle is great. I would say Eldar were my favourite but Tyranids were also fun.

  3. 2 years ago

    I'd think I'd recommend playing it but I wouldn't recommend spending very much money on it.

  4. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Yeah it's fine, though it feels weirdly lifeless.

      Where my minotaur chads at?

    • 2 years ago

      >Game is titled Gladius
      >The guy on the cover is not holding a gladius
      come on now

      • 2 years ago

        I think they just pick random nouns for Warhammer games

        • 1 year ago

          Warhammer: Spittoon
          Warhammer: Flange
          Warhammer: Pomegranate

          • 1 year ago

            >Warhammer: Pomegranate
            And why not? It shares an etymology with "grenade".

          • 1 year ago

            Warhammer 40,000: Enema

          • 1 year ago

            now make it faux latin and you're golden

        • 1 year ago

          It's the name of the planet

          Am I moronic or was he clearly talking about the original xbox game pictured in the post he’s replying to?

          • 1 year ago

            No, those replies were either prime fricking bait or moronic themselves.

      • 1 year ago

        It's the name of the planet

        • 1 year ago

          >Planet named gladius (prime)
          >does not have arms or hands and therefore cannot carry a gladius

          Now we're ack at square 1 anon.

  5. 2 years ago

    The neutrals are absolutely savage in this game. I've had games effectively end on the second turn because my starting armies stumble into a clump of those vespid guys and then get flanked by dogs while attempting to withdraw.

    • 1 year ago

      It can be useful to turn off overwatch sometimes and not always attack back because once you piss off one stack of kroot hounds or whatever then you piss off the rest of the group too. Useful to know that even if you eat an overwatch from a wandering neutral but don't hit them back they'll frequently just frick off the next turn.

    • 1 year ago

      >Run into a group of Castellans.
      Well, I guess I'm expanding North instead of West.

  6. 2 years ago

    My nippon gladius is folded 10000 times and much better

  7. 2 years ago

    not really

  8. 2 years ago

    Still kinda feels like a proof of concept.
    But each faction is unique enough to keep the game fun.
    I would highly suggest the voice mod that adds voice acting.

  9. 2 years ago

    I play it sometimes and I'm bored of most my games to the point of 80% of them I never play any more so yeah I guess.
    Just use the biggest map and crank up the difficulty

  10. 2 years ago

    If battlesector and this were a one game I would waste so much of my time on it.

  11. 1 year ago

    Yes, game is very unbalanced but it's fun.

  12. 1 year ago

    Would be nice if they added more factions...

    • 1 year ago

      What more factions? Basically all factions are already in
      >Space Marines
      >Chaos Space Marines
      >Astra Militarum
      >Sisters of Battle
      What more could they possibly add?
      Maybe gene stealer cults if we are really stretchingit but i doubt as it isnt really a popular army

      • 1 year ago

        Does it have Dark Eldar?

        • 1 year ago

          No. I'm just there will be a DLC adding them in a few months though, so get your $15 ready.

          • 1 year ago

            >Game is 90% off at $6 right now
            >Game bundle with the DLC is $100
            I hate it. I can't justify spending that much on a mediocre game. If they were like 10 bucks each I'd probably go for it, but $20 for race packs is fricked.

            what are sales

            granted, the fricking slytherines are even bigger israelites than the swedes
            newest factions aren't even discounted and the others barely go below 50%

      • 1 year ago

        Needs GSC, deldar, and daemons.
        And League.

        • 1 year ago

          Nu-Squats do not apply. Frick those. People wanted space miner dwarfs with industrialist and Fantasy Dwarfs elements instead of something that looks painfully generic as frick.

          • 1 year ago

            They just need to release more Robot stuff to tie the entire faction together. Upgrade sprues that add more robot AI bits and pieces to your models, as well as AI helper models you can stick on your bases like the Tau. Also the berserker units not wearing a shirt looks dumb as frick considering how advanced they are.

            • 1 year ago

              For starters in a perfect world they would've simply retconned the whole being eaten by Tyranids thing to be overblown and that the Squats hid in their underground fortresses that also had powerful anti-psychic fields to hurt away Chaos Daemons and such. The ones that were eaten on the surface were all volunteers who bought time for the rest to escape underground. Nids not only couldn't sense the remaining Squats but instead felt those anti-psychic fields that made their Synapse Creatures get their heads violently explode when they got near the areas. Then they emerge back centuries later and go to GRUDGE against the Nids in such a way that even the most Turbo-Ultra-Puritan Inquisitors would be impressed by their commitment to exterminate Nids.

              But no we get what we get. At least they could've made the suits and exo-armors more industrialist looking and with extra dwarf-like stuff (runic inscriptions, ceremonial elements for the higher ranking guys and more).

      • 1 year ago

        >Sisters of Battle
        They are in? Did not know that

        • 1 year ago

          They are in and they feel borderline overpowered right now because you can spam a cheap healing unit that heals a huge chunk of HP on a unit of your choice once per turn. This means the AI has to kill your units in a single turn or you'll just patch them up again. You can take down AI cities with basic infantry if you're patient, since you can often heal faster than their defenses can dish out damage.

  13. 1 year ago

    tried to play it but i get render error while launching the game (something about vulcan), updated drivers but it didnt help, does this game not work on win7?

    • 1 year ago

      It works on Win7 for me.

    • 1 year ago

      Works fine, it has pretty modest requirements too. I only got graphical glitches after installing huge faction mods but that got remedied by increasing swap file.

  14. 1 year ago

    I'm shocked at how much I like it actually. I picked it up on the autumn sale on steam and I've been playing the shit out of it. It's the most fun I've had with a more modern strategy game in ages.

  15. 1 year ago

    i tried newest nvidia drivers didnt work, searched vulcan drivers on official https://www.vulkan.org and they just link me to nvidia site which has vulcan 1.3 for win10/11 and nothing for win7, older 1.2 version doesnt exist or is on some sketchy site im afraid to download from, wtf do i do.

    • 1 year ago

      Aside from wrong drivers this error could be caused by game trying to use integrated graphics if you have that enabled.
      Alternatively yo can try to force the game into opengl/direc3d mode.

    • 1 year ago

      Aside from wrong drivers this error could be caused by game trying to use integrated graphics if you have that enabled.
      Alternatively yo can try to force the game into opengl/direc3d mode.

      i already fixed it, downloaded vulcan 1.3 from sdk section, theres runetime installer + zip, game loads suspiciously long for something which has below 3gb tho

  16. 1 year ago

    Ork AI scary. Just infinite units coming at me. Also I don't really get the tech tree. There's techs to improve the landraider, but no tech to unlock the landraider, so I have no idea how to get one.

    • 1 year ago

      >There's techs to improve the landraider, but no tech to unlock the landraider
      Tier 9, called Land Raider.
      Requires DLC

      • 1 year ago

        >Requires DLC

    • 1 year ago

      The AI in general is surprisingly good from what I've seen so far, and especially good with orks and maybe necrons. On the other hand it seems pretty bad with eldar and tyranids. Still though on the whole it's very impressive; I've been pretty surprised at how it's actually pulled back and then unloaded on me when I reach one of its cities.

  17. 1 year ago

    >only 4 races in base game
    >like 20x 5MB paid DLC so game can finally be full release not a demo
    i hate modern games so much

    • 1 year ago

      >Game is 90% off at $6 right now
      >Game bundle with the DLC is $100
      I hate it. I can't justify spending that much on a mediocre game. If they were like 10 bucks each I'd probably go for it, but $20 for race packs is fricked.

      • 1 year ago

        Further to this
        >Think I'm being frugal and add only the DLC that's 40-50% off to my cart
        >Realise I can buy both chaos gate and Battlesector for that price
        Yeah get fricked.

        • 1 year ago

          >only 4 races in base game
          >like 20x 5MB paid DLC so game can finally be full release not a demo
          i hate modern games so much

          >Game is 90% off at $6 right now
          >Game bundle with the DLC is $100
          I hate it. I can't justify spending that much on a mediocre game. If they were like 10 bucks each I'd probably go for it, but $20 for race packs is fricked.

          You can play multiplayer on pirated gog copy without problems
          Piratechads win again

        • 1 year ago

          This crap exactly. That and it kept crashing after about an hour. (If it loaded.) This was when the game came out. Could be fixed now. Or maybe I could have. Because I run Linux and maybe the game wasn't prepared for how awesome I am, however lots of other people has issues. But honestly I gave up after the few hours I did manage to get in, because I realized I enjoyed Rites of War more. Armageddon is probably better as well. Unless they fixed everything and properly bundled all the content into a whole game at a reasonable price, I would not recommend.

      • 1 year ago

        just pirate the DLC you fricking moron

      • 1 year ago

        They even have a forum section so you can complain about the pricing, but they ignore it, just to add salt.

  18. 1 year ago

    Ok I have enough money for one of the cheaper faction DLCs and 2/3 of the older unit DLC's which is the best faction (and which of the unit dlc's are the best.)

    • 1 year ago

      I think Tyranids and Chaos are both quite good. I'd say with the unit DLC you should look at what they offer and see if they have things that look good for your favorite faction/s - there's too many of them for me to have a strong opinion about that.

  19. 1 year ago

    Is it just me or are Space Marines bad

    • 1 year ago

      Spam Terminators.

      • 1 year ago

        no spam centurions

    • 1 year ago

      They're borderline OP on smaller maps. Long games on frickhueg maps can be tough for them though.

    • 1 year ago

      No, but Guard is.
      Imagine needing to research 1 tech just to step outside your city walls.

      • 1 year ago

        IG is suffering right up until they fricking steamroll the map. Not a very fun faction to my taste though.

  20. 1 year ago

    I like that the factions are all different but I don't actually like playing the game. I don't find the combat engaging.

  21. 1 year ago

    Just pirate the DLCs, jesus christ

    • 1 year ago

      >It's ok for companies to charge out the ass because stealing exists
      I'm starting to think pirates are actually the worst kind of corporate shills.

      • 1 year ago

        keep filling the thread with DLC price whining moron

  22. 1 year ago

    How is the hex-based Armageddon game?

    • 1 year ago

      If you like Panzer General and its clones its ok, it has a lot of tank autism as it has almost all Leman Russ variants possible iirc

    • 1 year ago

      If you like Panzer General and its clones its ok, it has a lot of tank autism as it has almost all Leman Russ variants possible iirc

      Yeah that sums it up pretty nicely. It's like those old wargames where you have every single Panzer IV variant but they are warhammer tanks.

      • 1 year ago

        Personally what hurt me the most was the fact that the game has 1000 tank variants but like 5 infantry units in total.
        I love infantry in games but the tankwankers just keep dabbing on us poor footsloggers

    • 1 year ago

      I liked it up until about halfway through the campaign, where regular infantry units become worthless and it devolves into tank spam. It's one of those things that triggers my autism. Like half or more of your army should be made up of regular infantry in this game.

      Another autistic quirk of mine is that one of the most satisfying things I can do in a game is to be able to defend trenches, bunker, and other fortifications from attack, and that's something that you can do a lot of in this game.

    • 1 year ago

      Decent, gets easy once you have enough requisition to replace your units with Titans, Baneblades and other superheavy vehicles.
      Still if you want mass IG armor warfare is either this or Final liberation

  23. 1 year ago

    Playing as Imperial Guard is frustrating. Takes forever to produce one unit, all early units are shit, you cant even do anything if you run into an enemy in the first few turns since you cant produce units without research first.

    • 1 year ago

      >Research grenades
      >Build 2 barracks and keep building buildings every turn
      >Research chimeras and commisars (for that +6 AP bonus)
      >Spam edicts that increase your population growth
      By turn 50 you should control half of the map easily. Ive ran over hard AI on turn 60 with heavy weapons squads + chimera combo

      • 1 year ago

        NTA but man I suck at managing several cities with quick pop growth.

        • 1 year ago

          >several cities
          Thats your problem, stick to at best 3 cities. In early game optimally 2. Make a build que and dont let your city loyalty fall bellow 0.

      • 1 year ago

        >Research chimeras

        NTA but man I suck at managing several cities with quick pop growth.

        I don't go over 3 cities generally.
        I find it hard to spam them, let alone justify their value as the game moves on.

      • 1 year ago

        So you need 30+ turns before you can do anytinh besides turtle

    • 1 year ago

      I like going for Leman Russ Tanks as AM, best strat is
      >1st city is focused on getting at least 4 Tank Factories
      >2nd city is nothing but Ore and occasional Loyalty
      >3rd city is for misc resources, mostly energy, occasional food and influence
      Its a slower setup compared to more Infantry heavy paths, but you'll quickly get to a point where you can crank out dozens upon dozens of Tanks and Artillery, you're even very well setup to make Baneblades if you get to the end-game
      Most factions that can build cities rarely need more than 2 or 3, this isn't Civilization, making too many cities will ruin your loyalty and income

  24. 1 year ago

    Is Gladius decent on steam deck?

  25. 1 year ago

    >game feels very lifeless without voice acting
    >voice mod only adds voicelines to the Orks, Tau and Chaos
    what a wasted opportunity

    • 1 year ago

      Not quite, Guard and Space Marines have some too, but they want to rework it. They also added Eldar fully, and Tyranids and Necrons may already have unit voices, I am not sure.

      Besides, they are still working on it.

      • 1 year ago

        but I want to play voiced Sisters NOW!

        • 1 year ago

          Same, but give the guy a break, it is just a mod after all

          • 1 year ago

            but I really really want to play my miracle girls without them being mute...

            • 1 year ago

              wtf is point of this comic, i read and i have no idea whats is it about

              also the game is dlc ridden trash with price tag of AAA game and production value of shitty indie game, everyone moral obligation is NOT to support those greedy homosexuals and pirate it

              • 1 year ago

                >price tag of AAA game
                r you on narcotics.
                Also I'm pretty sure it IS basically an Indie game.
                Besides, it's not like the DLC is nothing. A bit overpriced sure, but I do not think they were cut from the base game(though the unit DLC should be updates imo)

              • 1 year ago


                they should be included from the start, base game is barebones even missing units to the pathetic 4 faction it has they obviously sold them later for money in 5mb unit packs, units still have no voiceover, one of the most downloaded mod is made by a guy who paid voice actors from his own pocket to add voices to units, if i was that company i would be embarrassed. You have to be their paid shill or scat enthusiast to defend this shit.

              • 1 year ago

                >units still have no voiceover
                Who cares moron? Name me one wargame or 4x game with unit voiceovers. Its not an RTS. Unit voicelines are not needed

              • 1 year ago

                i accept you concession, btw 30$ for base barebones indie trash with dozen mandatory paid dlc's to get it to playable state is not a acceptable price

              • 1 year ago

                How is it different from RTS? You don't need announcer in TBS but adding unit barks from DoW is a great addition already. Just like music and sound effects are not technically needed but can contribute greatly to overall experience and it's twice as important for any 40k game because 40k universe is why people are playing it instead of a hundred similar games.
                Part of why Gladius had lukewarm reception on launch is because all the story blurbs being just text and having no voices makes it so much less memorable and immersive than most 40k games.

                This is kind of a story of all Slitherine games, they have in depth and interesting gameplay but the overall feel and presentation is so obviously of something that was made on a very constrained budged.

              • 1 year ago

                >they should be included from the start
                You do realise that it takes time and work to develop games right? Also I'm pretty sure the guys that make it are a small studio, sometimes you just don't have the capital

              • 1 year ago

                Personally speaking, I pirated the game + DLCs and played the hell out of it before buying the thing on sale for around $60 in the fall. I played it so much that that seemed like a fair price, especially considering I have a couple of $60 games in my library already that I haven't played a tenth as much as I've already put into Gladius.

        • 1 year ago

          Brudda relax, the Sisters dropped just a few weeks ago, give them time

          • 1 year ago

            haven't played a proper sister of battle strategy vidya since Soulstorm, I just want playing the best girls to be even better

        • 1 year ago

          >game feels very lifeless without voice acting
          >voice mod only adds voicelines to the Orks, Tau and Chaos
          what a wasted opportunity

          but I really really want to play my miracle girls without them being mute...

          haven't played a proper sister of battle strategy vidya since Soulstorm, I just want playing the best girls to be even better

          brothers, whats up with these b***hes (& you simps)?
          watching NornQueenAlexis and the b***h tells me a frickig nun is STRONGER then a goddamn space marine because of the
          >POWER OF PRAYER

          has the whole GW gone full woke moron?
          I need some explanation or I'm going back into the stasis pod.

          • 1 year ago

            Faith can perform miracles. Perhaps you should consider your lack of faith in the God Emperor as weakness to be overcome, instead of relying on technology for strength.

          • 1 year ago

            >SoB stronger than SM
            citation needed

            • 1 year ago

              yes, only watch her because red head and deliciously pale boobies
              but she seems a total W40k geek otherwise and I can't believe GW has fricked up SO hard.


              The Emprah is a simp now to and babysits millions of Stacies that somehow are allowed to prance around in full power armor by the FRICKING MILLIONS.

              • 1 year ago

                Not watching this but the Sororitas are absolutely not stronger than Space Marines given they have no genetic modification nor does their power armour have the biological interface that space marine armour has.

              • 1 year ago

                >Not watching this
                normally a great idea, to dispute females by ignoring them
                not helpful here though because she piles on fact after fact

                >W40k is female now
                this shit reminds me so much of fricking nuStar Wars

              • 1 year ago

                No one's going to watch your eceleb video and this anon

                Not watching this but the Sororitas are absolutely not stronger than Space Marines given they have no genetic modification nor does their power armour have the biological interface that space marine armour has.

                is 100% correct.

              • 1 year ago

                >not helpful here though because she piles on fact after fact
                So you can just wrote that facts there.

              • 1 year ago

                Basically the sisters are way more powerful as a whole because they're way more numerous, but in a one on on fight a marine will win, of course. He acknowledges though that sisters and marines have different purposes. Sisters are an army while marines are a quick surgical strike faction meant to give a battle an extra bit of force anywhere necessary to turn it around.

                One thing he said though that sounded wrong was that marine power armor only has enough juice to run for 7 days, but I'm pretty sure I've heard of lore where a few marines were able to last for months cut off from any support and still keep fighting.

              • 1 year ago

                >Basically the sisters are way more powerful as a whole because they're way more numerous
                Well, following this logic tyranids the most powerfull, then orks, then IG.
                Nah, this argument invalid.

                >Sisters are an army
                Sisters is not army in classic meaning. Sisters is battle order under command of Ecclesiarchy, their duties very wide.

                Are you sure you should keep listen to that streamer?

              • 1 year ago

                How's it invalid?
                Really, it just depends on how we're measuring power. If your going by the ability to conquer and hold more planets than another then sisters are more powerful. If you're going by the combat capabilities of an equal number of infantry then marines win (unless sisters often get massive buffs from praying to the emperor).
                I don't know how the ecclesiarchy limits them but I guess if they're not allowed to conquer often then that limits their power greatly although if i wanted to conquer a planet and there was a sisters world and a space marine world nearby I would go with the sisters as they'll have just havemassively more numbers.
                I only watched this video of his and I think a few years ago where, if I recall correctly, he said he was a troony.

              • 1 year ago

                >Really, it just depends on how we're measuring power
                NTA but moving those goalposts already, eh? Besides Space Marines routinely roflstomp vastly, VASTLY numerically superior forces - it's kind of their forte, actually. You're out of your fricking mind if you think SoB eclipse Gdubs big special boy faction, anon.

              • 1 year ago

                > Besides Space Marines routinely roflstomp vastly, VASTLY numerically superior forces - it's kind of their forte,

              • 1 year ago

                >tau memes
                pls stop, before the thread becomes unusable.

              • 1 year ago

                >>tau memes
                >repelled 3 First Founding Chapters assault
                >repelled and count-attacked after Space Marines legion assault

              • 1 year ago

                That's just Tau being Tau though. It's funny how they're in this weird spot where they have to perform shockingly ridiculously well in every major engagement or they'll go extinct yet they'll never actually be relevant.

              • 1 year ago

                They're like the bizarro-Tyranids, Tyranids are always relevant but always job and Tau are never relevant but never job.

              • 1 year ago

                This may just be because I like the Tau's method of high tech and battle suits for combat but I'd like for them to take some more land, ideally from Orkz and Tyranids though subverting more Imperial worlds doesn't bother me

              • 1 year ago

                You don't really 'take' worlds from Nids as they don't claim them except for that one - they leave them as dead barren husks.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, they could be terraformed I guess, but considering that they totally suck up the oceans and the atmosphere and even eat most of the valuable minerals you'd have to wonder if it'd be worth the massive expenditures to do that.

              • 1 year ago

                In reality, the Tau can take a few hits and still survive. Their empire is much larger than people assume, only closely packed together.

              • 1 year ago

                Briefly, Ecclesiarchy is crush and supervisor authority. They didn't control planets aside rare ones, iirc holy worlds.
                They limited in their ablitity to war with special decree, so they not conq planets. They have SoB only by loophole of mentioned decree, and they allowed to have SoB just bcs Ecclesiarchy need their own forces - as 40k crush and as supervisor authority. So no agressive expansion allowed for them.
                Also they didn't hold captured planets, it's IG work, nor SM nor Ecclesiarchy.
                So in terms "conq and hold planet" SoB totally invalid.

                >if i wanted to conquer a planet and there was a sisters world and a space marine world nearby I would go with the sisters as they'll have just havemassively more numbers.
                Did you know about night lords as example? They no need numbers.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                >They didn't control planets aside rare ones, iirc holy worlds.
                There are LOTS of Holy/Cardinal/Shrine worlds across the Imperium, though. They are more common than Forge Worlds. Age of Apostasy was ended with Ecclesiarchy's authority being limited, not flat out dismantled.

                >Also they didn't hold captured planets, it's IG work, nor SM nor Ecclesiarchy.
                Technically none of the listed should "hold" tithed planets that are in Compliance in general (because that's the jurisdiction of Planetary Governors and their PDF), but effectively all of them have to perform those functions from time to time because shit's fricked. And naturally, all of them "hold" their respective kinds of Aptus Non worlds. There's no tremendous distinction here.

                The entire argument is moronic and stinks of homosexuals who think that GW finally giving some attention to the army that had NO CODEXES and NO NEW MODELS for literal decades is somehow "muh pozz". Adepta Sororitas as a military organization are orders of magnitude larger than Astartes - just like Astra Militarum are orders of magnitude larger than Soriritas. Sororitas still offer a lot of unique capabilities that Guard simply does not have, and Astertes have even more of those still. All of them are vital for the Imperium in any case.

                >1v1v1 regular
                Space marine wins

                >1v1v1 spehshulcnowflake
                Sister Ephrael Stern wins, but it turns out that it somehow a strategic victory for Creed despite him losing.

                >1v1v1 strike force
                Astartes win unless a divine intervention happens.

                >1v1v1 sector invasion force
                IG wins - Sisters and Marines literally drown in corpses and wreckage.

                >1v1v1 with EVERYTHING
                The Imperium collapses, everyone loses.

              • 1 year ago

                >SO SISTERS STRONK
                I can't get it, can you explain? With examples, please.

                >Well, following this logic tyranids the most powerfull, then orks, then IG.
                They actually are...
                The IG is the real army of the Imperium, the space marines work as an elite army used for precise strikes, no Space Marine has taken as many planets as chads like Macharius who was from the IG.
                The tyranids are probably the strongest faction of 40k, it's just that they've sent only their scouting fleets.
                I've never gotten into the sisters so I won't talk about them, but as someone who unironically like Space Marines and used to main them, the power of the SM are overrated, for the size of the galaxy their numbers are laughable and even a Primaris Space Marine can be killed by a guard who gets a lucky shot.
                Considering the numbers and how hard it is to make new space marines, thinking of them as a normal army is dumb, think of them more like SWAT or some super elite marine corps

                >They actually are...
                We have cost of units for some reason. And lore-wise there's no unlimited resources, and no instant delivery logistic.
                Also, is there a numbers for budget of factions?

              • 1 year ago

                >Well, following this logic tyranids the most powerfull, then orks, then IG.
                They actually are...
                The IG is the real army of the Imperium, the space marines work as an elite army used for precise strikes, no Space Marine has taken as many planets as chads like Macharius who was from the IG.
                The tyranids are probably the strongest faction of 40k, it's just that they've sent only their scouting fleets.
                I've never gotten into the sisters so I won't talk about them, but as someone who unironically like Space Marines and used to main them, the power of the SM are overrated, for the size of the galaxy their numbers are laughable and even a Primaris Space Marine can be killed by a guard who gets a lucky shot.
                Considering the numbers and how hard it is to make new space marines, thinking of them as a normal army is dumb, think of them more like SWAT or some super elite marine corps

              • 1 year ago

                they aren't stronger than a marine but a small amount of fluff on Sisters "duties" says they have the job of confronting misbehaving marine chapters

                yes, only watch her because red head and deliciously pale boobies
                but she seems a total W40k geek otherwise and I can't believe GW has fricked up SO hard.


                The Emprah is a simp now to and babysits millions of Stacies that somehow are allowed to prance around in full power armor by the FRICKING MILLIONS.

                i can't tell if its a women or not

              • 1 year ago

                >but a small amount of fluff on Sisters "duties" says they have the job of confronting misbehaving marine chapters
                NTA but I would the Ecclesiarchy trying to throw it's weight around with the space marines is an old story - and obviously it very often doesn't work out for them.

              • 1 year ago

                i imagine when Sisters are told to confront misbehaving marines they send ten thousand of them.

              • 1 year ago

                That's almost enough to defeat a squad of tac maines

              • 1 year ago

                >confronting misbehaving marine chapters
                I'm sure the fricking Space Wolves are absolutely shaking in their boots, kek.

          • 1 year ago

            >GW gone full woke moron?
            BDSM nuns with guns? ultimate male sex fantasy: the faction? woke? brother, it's a fricking miracle they haven't been cancelled and you still can play them AD 2023.

            • 1 year ago

              >BDSM nuns with guns
              just another way of saying chicks with dicks, queer

          • 1 year ago

            yes, only watch her because red head and deliciously pale boobies
            but she seems a total W40k geek otherwise and I can't believe GW has fricked up SO hard.


            The Emprah is a simp now to and babysits millions of Stacies that somehow are allowed to prance around in full power armor by the FRICKING MILLIONS.

            >Not watching this
            normally a great idea, to dispute females by ignoring them
            not helpful here though because she piles on fact after fact

            >W40k is female now
            this shit reminds me so much of fricking nuStar Wars


            • 1 year ago

              *shags ur arse*

            • 1 year ago

              I hate the current times so much.

  26. 1 year ago

    How do I Tau

    • 1 year ago

      They have the same problem as AM, you don't go out until you research gun drones. Avoid killing vespids, save influence and convert as many as you can. Just build fire warriors and heroes to spam gun drones, that should be enough until you can get XV8 battlesuits, which are 1st real combat unit.
      Hammerheads are very good, but are on the same tier as monstrous battlesuit crisis center, and everything that comes from there is amazing and can be buffed by Ethereal. Tau heroes are very squishy but provide amazing buffs and can hang behind, only coming in 3 tile range to get some xp. Endgame broadside battlesuits with fireblade's aura and accuracy mods have insane damage output for such a cheap unit, they can deal with anything, while extra ore and power should go into Riptides and Stormsurges or anything that can spam drones to create a meat wall in front.

  27. 1 year ago

    Man, this game really did turned around. I could've swore last year everybody was trashing this game but then almost everybody is recommending it now including RPGCodex, and they're a hard bunch to please.

    • 1 year ago

      the only real downside to the game is the excessive amount of DLC, even on discount
      if you can get past that, one way or the other, its a genuinely good game, and most importantly it has a fairly competitive AI

      • 1 year ago

        I've only played a few games and I just got fricking MONSTERED by the AI. Frick Tau and frick dronespam.

        • 1 year ago

          Smash their drones and dumpster their morale, EZ

  28. 1 year ago

    Mno, there is no campaign. It's just turn-based Warhammer 40K against multiple armies. No skirmishes or any worldbuilding. You start a game which might as well be against human opponents because it's otherwise against the computer. Then you get plunked down on a random map until you beat the opponents and that's it.

    • 1 year ago

      well that's all we had in alpha centauri and yet it was based as frick. the fricking dlcs though

      • 1 year ago

        Alpha Centauri still had an interesting plot and setting though. It used pretty creative storytelling. Gladius is so barebones in that department. Sure it has text blurbs for tech and missions, but the story in them is some bland shit. About as generic 40k as you can get. Random brown planet with McGuffin. We are all here to get it.

        • 1 year ago

          You just don't seem to care about the faction you played or 40k in general. Not just the goals, story events are very different, at least the fluff for Necrons, Mechanicus and Chaos was enjoyable for me. Gameplay triggers are pretty basic but even then seeing giant swarms of nids fighting each other or taking control of dozens kastellan robots does feel like a story mission.

  29. 1 year ago

    Just got to the last quest for Imperial Guard. This is cancer.

    • 1 year ago

      Actually nevermind it was pretty fun. Had to rush my main tank forces across the map while my rear infantry barely hold on because my air force was completely decimated by overwatch fire. Once the convoy of Leman Russes and a Baneblade showed up it was over. Was a decent challenge since the rest of the game was just steamrolling with bombers + tanks

    • 1 year ago

      Baneblade movement used to be 2, it was a pain, had to have a tank commander buffing it on CD.

    • 1 year ago

      Actually nevermind it was pretty fun. Had to rush my main tank forces across the map while my rear infantry barely hold on because my air force was completely decimated by overwatch fire. Once the convoy of Leman Russes and a Baneblade showed up it was over. Was a decent challenge since the rest of the game was just steamrolling with bombers + tanks

      You'd think they'd telegraph what was going to happen, like the Space Marine one.
      I play without quests because they're just stupid.
      >rest of the game was just steamrolling with bombers + tanks
      You spend most of an IG game without either of those.
      You can win normally with just the first IG plane with maybe a few pre-planned tech upgrades.

      Is it just me or are Chaos Cultists actually a pretty solid early-game unit?
      >can clear terrain from the get-go
      >actually good damage for the early game
      >can found new cities
      >mark of nurgle can make them tankier than spess-murheens
      >can build fortifications later on

      >can found new cities
      This is probably the most important part.

      is any faction broken unless you buy a certain dlc, or are base roasters good enough and dlcs are just pay-to-win?

      >or are base rosters good enough
      Against AI there are no problems.
      There's a lot of trash units in every faction. Marine bikers to me are supposed to cap resource points and be annoying, but most of the game they're useless thanks to neutrals existing.

  30. 1 year ago

    Is it just me or are Chaos Cultists actually a pretty solid early-game unit?
    >can clear terrain from the get-go
    >actually good damage for the early game
    >can found new cities
    >mark of nurgle can make them tankier than spess-murheens
    >can build fortifications later on

    • 1 year ago

      The fact that they're a cheap builder that can fight in the early game makes them quite good.

  31. 1 year ago

    is any faction broken unless you buy a certain dlc, or are base roasters good enough and dlcs are just pay-to-win?

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe the biggest one I can think of is the Scythed Hierodule for the Tyranids; they really need a giga unit like that in long games.

  32. 1 year ago

    About to play Aeldari. Tips?

    • 1 year ago

      Abuse overwatch with guardians. Eldar are glass cannons but they really do absurd damage when your ducks are in a row.

    • 1 year ago

      Hide Hide hide, in forests or imperial ruins. Enemy stepping into hidden guardians or fire dragons is satisfying.

  33. 1 year ago

    whats the best speed to play this game on ?

    • 1 year ago

      normal is fine, game's don't generally last long unless you are playing with a lot of enemies

    • 1 year ago

      I like slow with extra level of loyalty for both player and ai. Feels like a good speed but with a bit less unit spam.

      • 1 year ago

        >but with a bit less unit spam
        >he doesn't set the unit recruitment to fast and have massive battles
        wheres the fun

        • 1 year ago

          I wasn't having fun moving 30-50 identical units each turn. Makes the game a lot more interesting when highest tier units are few and supported by various other troops and tactics, using transports and buffs becomes more impactful when you don't have several hex lines entirely covered in units.

          • 1 year ago

            >I wasn't having fun moving 30-50 identical units each turn
            no need, just have an ally for the meat wall and play as the vanguard/breakthrough guy

  34. 1 year ago

    I say nope, it's a 4x based all around combat, the most boring part of that genre.
    DoW is just superior.

  35. 1 year ago

    Played first time as sororitas.
    At first look good units list - decent infantry, decent mechs, decent vehicles.
    Buuut 100 turns later (very slow/very slow) i meet group of mechanicus's snipers, who with superior range and armorpen just kill my bolter sisters squad with 15hp in 3 shots.
    And look like i can't counter them without vehicles.
    And i not sure, but there's no synergy between heroes and vehicles/mechs?
    Like, hospitaliers can't heal vehicles? And their dmg reduction buff not stacked?
    And i can't play just with infantry bcs low hp pool and they had hard countered.
    And i can't go with full geared heroes since all of them just buffbots.
    What i missing?

    • 1 year ago

      You need to go full infantry and not be bad at it.

    • 1 year ago

      Haven't played sisters, but skitarii rangers with their upgrade are crazy good, they destroy anything up until heavily armored vehicles.

    • 1 year ago

      Aren't the bolter units tier 1? What do you expect?

      • 1 year ago

        >Aren't the bolter units tier 1?
        All my infantry have same armor and hp stats, it's no matter.
        >What do you expect?
        From lvl7 unit with hospitalier and their dmg reduction aura, and this buffer hero behind? I expect tank them and kill them.

        • 1 year ago

          >unga bunga rush into sniper fire

          • 1 year ago

            It's not rush moron.
            Snipers at next turn just come and kill my bolters.

            • 1 year ago

              Did you consider hiding in the ruins, moron? Did you consider that there's no way in frick one unit of bolters was going to take on three of the nastiest sniper units in the game with only one healer for backup? It sounds like you're just seething about taking a bad fight.

              • 1 year ago

                >3 UNITS CAN'T DEAL WITH 3 UNITS LMAO
                Stfu moron.

              • 1 year ago

                >3 UNITS CAN'T DEAL WITH 3 UNITS LMAO
                I mean, obviously that's true in a massive number of scenarios, yes.

              • 1 year ago

                My 3 guardsmen units should totally be able to take on those 3 terminator units!

              • 1 year ago

                All this scenarios include huge difference between tier/levels.

              • 1 year ago

                True, but three snipers in an open field are for sure going to melt one unit of bolters in a turn, almost no question. You just took a bad fight man, try to learn from it.

              • 1 year ago

                Not even close. Good lord you think 3 units of termigants are a match for 3 units of tac marines? You're looking at it way too simplistically.

              • 1 year ago

                I have suport hero, healer and combat unit.
                3 termigants, wtf you talk about lmao?

              • 1 year ago

                I don't think you're following your own conversation. I'll chalk it up to an ESL issue and move on.

              • 1 year ago

                >I don't think you're following your own conversation
                I think you just moron who can't read posts.
                Otherwise i can't imagine how hero+healer+combat units turns into 3 termigants.

              • 1 year ago

                I was being a dick, my bad anon. I admit defeat.

            • 1 year ago

              NTA but thanks for the image. Yeah, that's just a nasty situation for what it looks like you had at the time. There's no harm in falling back sometimes to get a little more muscle.

              • 1 year ago

                I think to restart, drop mechs and take tank instead. Mb try this jump infantry, but i think there's no difference in the end in tanking terms.

              • 1 year ago

                And you might just get overwatched to death depending on if they've shot or not even if you jump in. Tanks might be a good move. Sucks that SoB have zero(I think?) vehicle healing ability.

              • 1 year ago

                >Sucks that SoB have zero(I think?) vehicle healing ability
                There's t6 research wich give sacrament with healing to units with shield of faith, but i never use it. Need to test.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh interesting, I need to get a few more SoB games under my belt.

            • 1 year ago

              See if you were eldar infantry with 4 movement this wouldn't be a problem. You'll have to rely on first tier scout vehicles to get them.

              • 1 year ago

                Or just use cover and draw them out. It's not that hard.

    • 1 year ago

      How many bolter sister units? How many rangers? Did you let a sister unit tank some of the damage and then heal it up with hosps while getting closer, preferably with flamer sisters? There's just too much I don't know about what tactics you used and what the situation was, anon.

  36. 1 year ago

    It's one of those games where you can see the potential for a fantastic sequel. The gameplay is solid, the sequel needs to add voice lines and a campaign.

    • 1 year ago

      This plus touching up the graphics a bit and adding titans. Dunno what the sale data for the game looks like, but it seems to have been profitable, considering all the support and DLC it's gotten.

      >Really, it just depends on how we're measuring power
      NTA but moving those goalposts already, eh? Besides Space Marines routinely roflstomp vastly, VASTLY numerically superior forces - it's kind of their forte, actually. You're out of your fricking mind if you think SoB eclipse Gdubs big special boy faction, anon.

      Didn't GW straight up treat the Sisters like shit for 20 years?

      • 1 year ago

        >touching up the graphics a bit and adding titans
        That's why the steam mod stealing pisses me of so much, there's a great mod that corrects the unit sizes to canon and the titans already in the game finally look proper.

  37. 1 year ago

    so whats AM answer to heavy units ? even Leman Russ heavy tank does nothing to them, also sieging buildings takes ages im chipping it max 5hp per unit meanwhile when i played as Space marines i could do 30 per shot from centurion lol

    • 1 year ago

      don't forget to use techpriests to buff your tanks, the accuracy buff makes a big difference

      • 1 year ago

        >tech tier 10 unit

        thats such a bad design, most games are over before i even get to tier 10

    • 1 year ago

      Can't massed heavy weapon squads do good work in the earlier tiers, especially with Commisar support? I remember swarming things with chimeras as well, but I haven't played guard in a while.

      • 1 year ago

        havent tried it but the problem is if you decide to go for mech and focus on its infrastructure you dont have food, production buildings or upgrades for infantry.

        • 1 year ago

          Wish I could be more help but guard is easily one of my least-played factions; I just don't find them very fun at all.

    • 1 year ago

      Thunderbolts, if it has no AA (Admech spam in the last mission is bullshit because of this).
      Commissar with Bring it Down or whatever the attack buff is along with the ability to ignore dying because Commissars are not tanky. I cannot remember if he buffs krak grenades or just lasfire.
      Wyrdvane Psykers might help but I struggle to keep them alive and literally don't give a shit about them during the part of the game you would unlock them.
      Baneblades come too late to matter unless you're turtling.

      A commander + 2 or 3 lemans is good enough for most circumstances if a little awkward to ensure everyone gets the buffs, but I never properly build into that for how the commissar is just too useful, or rather, necessary early. But that's my opinion.

      >tech tier 10 unit

      thats such a bad design, most games are over before i even get to tier 10

      >thats such a bad design
      The game seems to just have compounding bad design.
      Why are all the vehicle upgrades before you get most of the vehicles they're relevant to?
      Why not have the Baneblade unlocked early, so you can then make it more powerful as the game progresses? If you did this for every faction's superweapon, you could have competing technologies so that you're building it a certain way to fulfil a certain role, not that it'd be friendly to the skint budget of the game.

      • 1 year ago

        >Why are all the vehicle upgrades before you get most of the vehicles they're relevant to?
        Where exactly in the research tree does that occur?

        • 1 year ago

          Oh you said 'most' I'm moronic, my bad kek. Why are guard so shite?

          • 1 year ago

            I'll be honest - this is a pretty challenging game and it sounds like a lot of you guys are just bitter because you're struggling. Lower the difficulty.

    • 1 year ago

      Thunderbolts are disgustingly powerful with range 3 weapons, every vehicle comes with skystrike missile that lets you snipe from 10 tiles away like who designed this game frick.
      Massing 3 or more basilisks as well always works.

  38. 1 year ago

    Any necrons guide? playing pure vehicles now on very hard, Triarch Stalker seems ass. which units are worth building

    • 1 year ago

      Arks and monoliths. Wouldn't recommend skipping infantry, destroyers are most effective anti armor for crons and you can teleport them directly to frontline when you get monoliths.
      I like to keep a few tomb blades around for killing infantry and heroes in cover. They are cheap enough to justify losing for a few easy kills.

  39. 1 year ago

    When space marines start misbehaving, they send Sisters of Battle to set up a field Brothel to remind the Space Marines: "The Emperor provides you with erotic nuns to frick, your enemies will not do the same"

    • 1 year ago

      >hot space nun vs gross slaanesh troon monster with one titty
      It IS a pretty easy choice to be tbh

  40. 1 year ago

    Is chaos dlc worth having? is it a copy paste of space marines as well?

    • 1 year ago

      They're okay. They've got some kickass vehicles and they really don't have any terminator or centurian equivalent and they don't have access to anything like the insane apothecary healing so yeah, they're fairly different.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh wait they have obliterators which are pretty much worse centurians iirc.

    • 1 year ago

      Do you mean chaos action itself? Like all the factions it has a bunch of unique mechanics, so no it's not like sm at all except for tanky heroes. They have research reducing cost of cities and can sacrifice population for bonuses, so a good faction if you want to build a bunch of cities, loyalty's still a b***h though.

      Oh wait they have obliterators which are pretty much worse centurians iirc.

      Yeah, havocs and oblits are mediocre, but the ranged daemon engine which is the dlc unit is insanely good, especially since chaos has no good anti air.

      • 1 year ago

        Agreed, that thing is a fricking beast - it's really fast to boot.

  41. 1 year ago

    interesting i disabled Gladius+ mod which is just scale of units and terrain and my GPU load dropped from pretty much permanent 90%+ to never going above 70%, its a shame cause the base game scaling is completely moronic but the mod definitely has some spaghetti mixed in but i was scared how long my old gpu can sustain that type of abuse.

    • 1 year ago

      Iirc it spawns a bunch of small bushes on tiles, which looks nice up close but game can't handle it on big maps and takes a big performance hit. I haven't found what's so different from how the game spawns vegetation but performance is definitely better without it.
      Rescaling the units is fine, you can do it yourself by finding "scale" in xml files in data/world/units, or in mod files which override them.

  42. 1 year ago

    Making quick cities as IG makes a huge difference. Shit actually feels playable now.

    • 1 year ago

      That and basilisks - 5+ of those things are an absolute nightmare to deal with.

  43. 1 year ago

    tried Tyranids but dropped them 10 turns in, do they lose annoying morale penalty when away from base in later upgrade or you are stuck forever with this annoying mechanic?

    • 1 year ago

      Get a hive tyrant asap, solves most problems.
      >group speed
      >4 tile span synapse
      >sick lvl 6 ability.

    • 1 year ago

      You need to next to a synapse creature - malanthrope, tyranid warriors, tervigon, hive tyrant, warrior prime, zoanthrope, a few others I think. Save your initial termagants so you can eat them to build a aedenthropium ASAP because you want a 2nd city as fast as possible. Make lots of malanthropes because they can really pump you research up when things die in exp range of them. Lictors are absolutely fricking OP.

      • 1 year ago

        I should also add that the upside of the snapse thing is that tyranids in synapse range are totally immune to morale loss which can really frick over the opposition sometimes and makes your units totally unstealable by uh... those fricking squid things.

  44. 1 year ago

    I like accessing the faction.xml file and reading all the flavour text of the various factions encountering/defeating one another. Some quotes I like:
    >Our WAAAGH! is the bestest WAAAGH! And dat's dat. End ov story.
    >The Old Ones’ creations are as weak as ever, where they themselves are impossibly strong. That said, we should seal off all webway gates we can find, to ensure there is no chance of having to face them again.
    >Leaden-footed, they stumbled after us. Firing at the places we just were, to us long-gone. Dying singularly, until only their leader remains, lost, doomed, demoralised. He turns the gun on himself, and we move on.
    >Ah, zog, da nidz are ere. All dey wanna do iz take our stuff, eat our snots, and drink our fungus beer! Good eatin on a nid tho, once youv 'it em ard enuff.
    >The mechanism-infested humans seem less unusual separated this way. On this side their human parts, burned, flayed, gaussed. On that side, their mechanisms, some still active even with the death of the organic host. We can learn little from their failures and less from their mediocre technologies. What a little distance the galaxy has come since we ruled it.

    • 1 year ago

      I really like the IG beating SoB one

      • 1 year ago

        >Why did you force me to do this?
        I just wanted to play video games.

      • 1 year ago

        >Yet when the dust cleared, it was the Astra Militarum who still stood
        The Emperor loves the Guard.

      • 1 year ago

        spank those nuns

      • 1 year ago

        >start big map carefully conserving each guardsmen squad's lives and resources
        >by end of map I'm hemorrhaging them out of chimeras to act as a meat shield for knights to have to stomp through
        It really is like being a general in the IG, kek.

  45. 1 year ago

    Can i unlock achievements with pirated dlc?

  46. 1 year ago

    not really i played it by a friend for a few hours it gets boring really fast,lack of diplomacy makes ai allies and enemies boring

    • 1 year ago

      Kek what a homosexual but you are right, game is boring tbh

      • 1 year ago

        >Space Marine quest victory is literally the apocalypse

      • 1 year ago

        i don't know man chaos enemies trash talking and screaming at me as i put them down would have made the game at least a bit more fun

  47. 1 year ago

    Worth a pirate if you like 40k. I spent a few hours going "just one more turn" and ended up barely sleeping so that's good in my book.

    However, it definitely lacks polish. Good for a few playthroughs but I dropped it since, it's definitely not something I'd put dozens or hundreds of hours into.
    As people said ITT it feels a bit soulless, voice acting would be nice. Unit models are ok but imo terrain looks bad and hard to read. Attack animations and sounds are disappointing. Tech tree is barebones. Economy is simplistic. Music is not memorable. No interesting pre-game settings.
    I know it's a 4X focused on war and that's fine but there would be nothing wrong if they had proper 4X mechanics to flesh it out. Even regarding war you could have more, for example unit upgrades could allow you to choose a specialization like in civ (and not just on heroes) or you could customize units like in dawn of war. I mean for a game that is "civ but more focused on combat" it doesn't really do much more in terms of combat.
    Honestly if it didn't have 40k slapped on it I think nobody would care.

    Maybe if there's a sequel it could actually be good.

  48. 1 year ago

    turn off quests they make game easy to win

    • 1 year ago

      quests generally ruin the game

  49. 1 year ago

    Creaminstaller doesn't seem to be giving me the dlc stuff, guess I'll have to find the dlc files

    • 1 year ago

      Why not just use the gog version? Achievements?

    • 1 year ago

      They're all on cs.rin.ru

  50. 1 year ago

    Should I play this or Dawn of War if getting into 40K lore is a bigger priority for me than a better game?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >Should I play this or Dawn of War
      Dawn of War
      >if getting into 40K lore is a bigger priority for me
      Oh for frick's sake
      Buy a codex, go to 1dGanker, watch Alfabusa, ask google for shovelkrieg memes and femarchs, browse tvtropes, you waste of space
      Lore's shit and changes, always has been
      It's a fricking game made for profit
      You don't say "I want to be an obnoxious secondary, which Ganker adaptation should I play?", you say "What's fun?"

    • 1 year ago

      Frick off normie scum.

  51. 1 year ago

    Beat my first map on very hard today, working my way up.

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