would you want larian to make a shadowrun game next? do you agree that glory was best girl?

would you want larian to make a shadowrun game next?

do you agree that glory was best girl?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    >glory was best girl?

    The woe is me dyke who cries non stop and tries to get a pity party on every conversation? no thanks.

  2. 11 months ago

    Pffft. Glory is lame and corrupted. EIGER is best girl. You blind fool

    • 11 months ago



      would you want larian to make a shadowrun game next?

      do you agree that glory was best girl?

      I just want more shadowrun in general

  3. 11 months ago

    No but I would like to see them do a proper Cyberpunk 2020 CRPG. Harebrained at least gave SR the justice it deserved with the Dragonfall and Hong Kong but Cyberpunk could use some justice after CDProjekt fricking butchered 2077.

    • 11 months ago

      In all fairness, Returns was quite shit and I hated every second of it. But I agree with you outside of that.

  4. 11 months ago

    Isn't shadowrun a shit crpg phone game?

    • 11 months ago

      >phone game


      would you want larian to make a shadowrun game next?

      do you agree that glory was best girl?

      Hong Kong was the best one

      • 11 months ago

        I didn't even bother with Hong Kong after the disappointment that was Dragonfall. The Genesis game is better.

    • 11 months ago

      The first one (Shadowrun Returns) is. It's stupidly linear and felt more like a teaser for a phone game. Dragonfall and Hong Kong on the other hand felt more like actual CRPGs and actually felt more open ended in terms of how you could approach shit.

    • 11 months ago

      Dead Man's Switch, the base campaign for Shadowrun Returns, is pretty mediocre. It starts out pretty well, actually, but takes a sharp nosedive around the halfway mark when the campaign's central mystery is revealed to be lmao bugs can't have a SR game without the BUGS haha. Tack on an absolute slog of a final dungeon that forces you to use a weapon your character might not even be proficient with, that ALSO takes up one of your precious few weapon slots? It's ugly.
      But then came Dragonfall, a DLC campaign that was so much better than DMS that it pushed Harebrained Schemes to retool their engine (from tabletshit) and release DF as a standalone "Director's Cut" (that ironically has DMS hidden and disabled in its files). Dragonfall is one of the best CRPGs of its decade. It may not be as reactive as some people like their RPGs, but it had a stellar cast (shoutout Eiger who is the biggest bro in the franchise) and fun, if easy, combat.
      Hong Kong is also great, but suffers from overwriting. And I know that sounds like a terrible complaint to have against a CRPG of all things, but seriously. If you're actively exhausting dialogue you spend two hours talking to people for every thirty minutes you actually spend in a shadowrun. Dragonfall has a better balance between narrative and gameplay, so that you never feel like the scale is tipping too much one way to the detriment of the other.
      tl;dr Dead Man's Switch sucks, Dragonfall is GOAT, Hong Kong is still pretty good

      • 11 months ago

        DF could've done without Apex

        • 11 months ago

          I'm a sucker for Apex just since it's so Neuromancer. I also think it's a great ending for a Decker protag to release Apex but refuse to give it full freedom—leading to it promising to fry you the very next time you EVER connect to the matrix. Also very Neuromancer.

  5. 11 months ago

    >do you agree that glory was best girl?
    Imagine wanting to frick an amputee instead of climbing the mountain

  6. 11 months ago

    >this whole setting is about being a member of a criminal, non-person underclass that prostitutes itself out to corporations in their endless conflicts against each other
    >"we need to make all our games in this setting about saving the world"

    Did they miss the point on purpose

    • 11 months ago

      You START out as a low-tier loser, anon. High tier shadowrunners are stupidly overpowered. I remember making an street sam that could kill literally everything short of a cyberzombie troll with a single hit.

  7. 11 months ago

    Should i give this a second chance? I got 4 hours into hongkong and it filtered me. The combat never clicked i could do it but i never felt like i was having fun.

    • 11 months ago

      yeah theyre pretty good. id actually recommend you start with returns, because even though its a worse game, its a much easier intro to the game systems. hk and df are much better when you know what youre doing already.


      would you want larian to make a shadowrun game next?

      do you agree that glory was best girl?

      id like to see the ttrpg properly translated to video game form. if its larian or some other dev, i dont care. shadowrun, even 6e, is a much cooler system than dnd5e.

      • 11 months ago

        >even 6e
        Anon, I understand you are sick of DnD 5E, but lets not go too far

        • 11 months ago

          yeah 6e is straight up non-functional. 5e, even if it is a mother-may-I fest of boring HP bloat combat at least works so long as your DM is competent I guess.

        • 11 months ago

          i think wed all rather see 4e but i know itd never happen. thatd be like expecting an adnd game in current year.

  8. 11 months ago

    I want dark sun.

  9. 11 months ago

    I played the game from start to finish and I can't remember any of these frickos.
    I think I didn't like the bald guy

  10. 11 months ago

    the only game that genuinely made me feel depressed after completion because of the shit I've done during it and I'm not even talking about the end of the world ending. it's a great example of "show, don't tell", berlin feels much more hopeless and depressing than kowloon even though in hong kong they kept telling you how bad the city is

  11. 11 months ago

    Played some Dragonfall. Larian should stay away and troony up their own games. Doesn't need to be ruined by homosexuals.

    • 11 months ago

      This. Don't want to dodge gay advances every 5 steps.

  12. 11 months ago

    No, they should keep their AIDS infested hands off of Shadowrun. Also, have a nice day.

  13. 11 months ago

    Play order? How does it compare to Kotor/KM/WoTR/Pillars/BG3/OS2?

    • 11 months ago

      DMS, DF, HK
      They are not as reaction heavy and play more like simplified xcom, the setting is very strange and interesting thoughever
      I still remember the one odd mission in HK where you frick up the feng shui of an office space to ruin their business

    • 11 months ago

      I'd put the HBS Shadowrun games somewhere very close to KotOR in terms of feel—they're definitely on the casual side, as far as character building and gearing go. Still lots of room for experimentation and personalization, but the games are never super crunchy or ball-bustingly difficult. To their benefit, really. SR is a great example of how games can be fun even though they're broken.
      IMO Returns/Dead Man's Switch is completely skippable. Dragonfall is the game people tell you to play SR for, and Hong Kong is a great followup.

      • 11 months ago

        DMS, DF, HK
        They are not as reaction heavy and play more like simplified xcom, the setting is very strange and interesting thoughever
        I still remember the one odd mission in HK where you frick up the feng shui of an office space to ruin their business

        Does DMS have story relevance?

        • 11 months ago

          They're all standalone stories

        • 11 months ago

          Nope, each of the three games/campaigns is entirely standalone. There might be some SLIGHT references to earlier campaigns in DF and HK, but they're surface-level fanservice if they're there at all.
          Returns/Dead Man's Switch gives you the best introduction to the setting if you're new, and it's worth playing for that alone—just don't feel bad if you eventually drop it for one of the other games. DMS gets dumb later on.

        • 11 months ago

          they are all standalone but dms has a couple characters that show up in DF and reference your actions. The plot isnt much but it works as short introductory game. You can just blast through it within dragonfall instead of buying returns

  14. 11 months ago

    actual best girl coming through

  15. 11 months ago

    Been wanting a new Shadowrun game for a while now. Sucks that MS doesn't want to do anything with it. The IP has potential if done right on a bigger budget scale.

  16. 11 months ago

    The only conceivable reason to have Larian make a SR game is so we get Eiger lewds and a chance to climb that mountain
    tbh I do not want them or current HBS on it.

    • 11 months ago

      >current HBS
      I'm pretty sure this doesn't even exist. Battletech was released back in like 2018.

  17. 11 months ago

    As a heads up you can put the maps for returns into dragonfall's custom game folder to get the updated qol menu/hud stuff. I'd still skip returns anyway since it's more of a proof of concept but there ya go.

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