Xenoblade thread.

Xenoblade thread.

Just Finished her game. Story was actually pretty great in the last few chapters. Why do people say its shit? It doesn't hold a candle to 1 & 2's story but its still pretty good.

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  1. 3 years ago

    >It doesn't hold a candle to 1 & 2's story
    And you were doing so well

    • 3 years ago

      honestly it doesn't. at least not for me. first 8 chapters or so are just so flat and don't do much at all. it picks up but its not enough.

      Maybe if we get the sequel the overall story might be better. I did enjoy riding around in the skells though. Shame battles seemed a bit slow in this until you get g buster going.

      This has been going on for almost 12 hours now, you'd think jannies would do something about it but they're fricking stupid as usual

      what has been going on? this is my first thread.

      • 3 years ago

        >what has been going on? this is my first thread
        I 99% doubt you're being serious, but it's good to inform everyone who's in this thread either way. Nearly every single xenoblade thread here on Ganker is made by a speedrunner and "her" discord group in effort to try and salvage the reputation of the series here. Considering xenoblade has been the laughing stock of Ganker for years now

        • 3 years ago

          >I 99% doubt you're being serious
          don't know what to to tell ya mate. Never made a xeno thread on Ganker before. I barely post more a of a lurker but i just finished the game and i'm bored as shit at home in lockdown so here we are. Was hoping for some discussion.

          What is everyone's issue with the Xenoblade series? Dpoes it cover gears/saga aswell? I've played gears which i enjoyed and Saga1 and half of 2 but that bored me. Gameplay was so slow.

          • 3 years ago

            Trying to have any discussion on this board about xenoblade is next to impossible because of the discord group and how much the series reputation has degraded over the years. Gears/saga conversation is still raided by them.

            • 3 years ago

              that sucks. guess i won't bother then.

              • 3 years ago

                Why is it better suited to Reddit or Twitter? Ganker tends to love JRPG’s and Nintendo games.

                And yes that person does seem like a shitter

              • 3 years ago

                They have lower standards than Ganker tends to have, especially for nintendo. 2 and the remaster of 1 have irreparably damaged the series' reputation here

              • 3 years ago

                >the remaster of 1
                Now I know you’re a dumb c**t. 1’s remaster was fine.

              • 3 years ago

                You keep on eating shit and tell me that it tastes good, anon

              • 3 years ago

                it's legitimately 99% shitters posting random pyra pics, xgay, and the morons who spam the same 2 xc2 webms that have ruined it, which is unfortunate

              • 3 years ago

                There was also that guy or bot who spammed the same thing in every thread even mentioning xeno for months. He posted the exact same thing almost 1000 times

        • 3 years ago

          You sound incredibly paranoid anon

  2. 3 years ago

    Best wii u game.

  3. 3 years ago

    This has been going on for almost 12 hours now, you'd think jannies would do something about it but they're fricking stupid as usual

  4. 3 years ago

    I really like Cross, I know that it's dumb but I like to think that they are more an avatar of humanity as a whole rather than just the player and in that sense I see humanity as the real protagonist of X.

  5. 3 years ago

    >this is my first thread
    you're not getting any more (you)s from me homosexual. Go back to your discord and tell enel I said hi

  6. 3 years ago

    The truth is that people just wanted a standard JRPG hand holdy "adventure" and instead got a bleak sci-fi game that puts gameplay and worldbuilding first. It having a remarkably cynical ending that leaves things up to the player imagination instead of the usual "happily ever after" is just the cherry on top.
    Basically, a great game for the wrong audience. Monolith would have been better off publishing it under a shell company as a WRPG and hire a couple of Americans to be the face of the "developers". I guarantee it would have been better received.

    • 3 years ago

      >The truth is that people just wanted a standard JRPG hand holdy "adventure" and instead got a bleak sci-fi game that puts gameplay and worldbuilding first.

      That kinda fits for me. First time i played it i dropped it at chapter 9 or 10 since i was expecting another story heavy xeno game. i had played 1 and 2 before playing this one so i expected it to be more like that.

      >It having a remarkably cynical ending that leaves things up to the player imagination instead of the usual "happily ever after" is just the cherry on top.

      I actually loved the ending once i powered through the whole game. Thought it was great.

      Does anyone actually believe we will get an X2? maybe on the next nintendo console

    • 3 years ago

      feel like almost none of this is true and X's ending is only the result of rushed development considering we know there was a huge plot point with the black knight that we have concept art for cut

  7. 3 years ago

    xenoblade x is cool

    i should commission more porn of elma

    port or sequel never fricking ever

  8. 3 years ago

    ELMA !
    >some unrelated discussion starts right on a rare XBX thread

  9. 3 years ago

    i hated X when it came out but over time have come to warm up to it, i think it just shouldn't have been labeled as a xenoblade game honestly, it's nothing like the rest of the series other than the combat
    the plot is a little weak but ultimately enjoyable enough to get you from point a to point b and the exploration is the best in the series bar none, hope they can recapture some of that in xc3

    • 3 years ago

      >i think it just shouldn't have been labeled as a xenoblade game honestly, it's nothing like the rest of the series other than the combat
      So, the actual gameplay isn't important to the identity of a game? Would it be a "real Xenoblade game" if Cross had a red magic sword?

      • 3 years ago

        i think having plot important elements that would tie it moreso to the rest of the series would impact my opinion of it in that regard, yeah
        titling is weird because imo it also depends what type of game it is, if it's a fighting game you can definitely title it the same as other games in the series given it plays similarly, even if the roster and aesthetics are entirely changed (i.e. SF2->SF3) but it's a bit different with a plot heavy JRPG series i feel
        sorry for the text wall

  10. 3 years ago

    >Why do people say its shit?
    Because it's literally unfinished?

  11. 3 years ago
  12. 3 years ago

    schizo thread

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