Yakuza 4

>you see Saejima you didn't kill all those people
>your gun was filled with rubber bullets and even though you shot some people in the head they all magically survived
>some other guy actually came in with a real gun and killed them after you left
This is the dumbest most moronic braindead shit ever.Which fricking moron wrote this? Is there something preventing Sega from writting yakuza protagonists as murderers? They barely even write them as criminals.

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  1. 1 week ago

    troon games

  2. 1 week ago

    The only good 'kuza games are 1 and 2 (the PS2 versions) and maybe 3

  3. 1 week ago

    >Is there something preventing Sega from writting yakuza protagonists as murderers?
    No, they've just refused to ever since Kenzan focused on it heavily. Even Ishin barely has Ryoma killing people and they find ways around showing him doing it like going off screen or having someone else kill characters for him. At least Kenshiro actually kills and explodes everyone since they want to be true to the source material.

    • 1 week ago

      I want to play Kenzan but it seems that the translation patch effort is dead.

      • 1 week ago

        They're likely alive, the project is just constantly cursed since every time they come here to talk about it they tell us how another translator dropped out or ghosted them.
        The Ishin project died a couple months ago though, I just found out yesterday by chance.

      • 1 week ago

        i've finished Y2 recently and i'll play kenzan following a guide + youtube later

        • 1 week ago

          Don't expect to 100% it or do all substories unless you seriously have like six copies of the GameFAQs guide open.

          • 1 week ago

            is it that hard?
            i've done all substories in Y1 and Y2

            • 1 week ago

              TL;DR: Even if the game was entirely in English you would be using guides if you want to do anything other than the main story. It's not feasible to do it without them so anyone waiting for a patch due to not wanting to use guides is just wasting their time.

              It's got the most missables in the series with multiple Heat Actions being in one area of one map only. One is even only available in a single fight during a substory to unlock the blacksmith.
              Bosses have exclusive Heat Actions you can only do in their specific chapter, and you have to unlock said Heat Actions by playing the melon cutting minigame every single chapter to unlock each new boss Heat Action.
              Komaki, his rival, and the Tengu training rely entirely on Gion being available to you.
              Substories, kakemawari missions, and bounties are based on chapter and time of day meaning if you advance too far they can't be done at all. In addition to this if any substory says 終 instead of 完 you can't fight the secret boss.
              If you finish Gyotensai's inventions before chapter 12 or 13 by getting the few items he needs from the arena you've locked yourself out of the secret boss because it glitches out and makes it so you can't enter his building but you need to for his substory.
              You can't PA/NG+ since it wipes your completion list and you can't leave things towards the end of the game because you're locked out of Gion for no reason. You either do your 100%/all substories run as you play or you don't do it at all.

              • 1 week ago

                thanks for the info
                this will be a very different experience for me, my first time playing an untranslated game

              • 1 week ago

                Just make sure you're making saves every single chapter, do not progress the main story at all until you've done everything available that you can at the moment, as soon as the chapter starts beeline towards the monk so you can do melon cutting, check your substory progress every substory completion to make sure you see 完 on your list and revert back if you don't (The hardest substory is the restaurant one where Musashi lies through his teeth because you have to make a bunch of choices correctly), and do all the training ASAP with Komaki, his rival in the suburbs, the Tengu, and the various minigames.

                When it comes to the boss-specific Heat Actions they're the "Feel the Heat" stuff. It's like 2 where you have to deal enough damage in a short amount of time to knock them to the ground but then you also have to run to them with the weapon equipped for it to trigger the attack. The first few bosses are just their specific Heat Action with a specific weapon. Once you reach the last third of the game you get generic ones so you have to make sure you do the greatsword against the guy in front of the giant door, do the 1kat one on the next boss, and then 2kat on the boss after that. I think that was the right order. I just remember greatsword first because it's easily the worst style in the game.

                The first or second chapter (Whenever the attack in

                >Is there something preventing Sega from writting yakuza protagonists as murderers?
                No, they've just refused to ever since Kenzan focused on it heavily. Even Ishin barely has Ryoma killing people and they find ways around showing him doing it like going off screen or having someone else kill characters for him. At least Kenshiro actually kills and explodes everyone since they want to be true to the source material.

                happens) and I think chapter 7 are the only times you can do the paper wall stab.
                Whenever you fight your first giant samurai in a tatami room (I believe that's also chapter 7, you're in a giant building fighting your way out without giving spoilers) you must do the tatami flip or it's impossible to get it.
                The blacksmith substory is the only time you can do webm related.

    • 1 week ago

      Kriyu in cutscenes vs in game is TLoU levels of Ludo narrative dissonance. The disconnect if at it's most ridiculous when Kriyu throws people off buildings or uses exposives on people like they'll just walk it off.

  4. 1 week ago

    Yakuza 4 was my first 'kuza. I genuinely liked the story back then because it so different to western games. I like it now because of comically traitorcore it is

  5. 1 week ago

    >rubber bullets
    Literal localization bullshit that made the thing worse. They outright say "Stun bullets" like ten times, in clear Japanglish. They're meant to be some extra painful hi-tech projectiles, not just rubber thumpers.

    • 1 week ago

      Made up asiatic magic bullets is not better writing than rubber bullets.

    • 1 week ago

      Okay... then why not just give him live ammo?

      • 1 week ago

        because katsuragi co-created the plan and didn't want to get killed

        • 1 week ago

          Fair enough I forgot that point, only thing i ever had a real problem with is the locker baby and how they gave ichi anouther brother in 8.

    • 1 week ago

      Literally no difference you moron. Those types of bullets don't just magically knock people out; they hurt like hell and can still be fatal if they hit a vital.

    • 1 week ago

      Anon, rubber bullets, fricking blanks, all that shit is still lethal at close range and near point blank like Saejima was with many one of the guys there
      Headshotting a guy with a rubber bullet so close still kills them

  6. 1 week ago

    don't criticize y4 frick you

  7. 1 week ago

    It's the thought that counts OP

  8. 1 week ago

    Is it really so bad for Japs to have a killer as a protagonist?

  9. 1 week ago

    Saejima not realizing that they were rubber is the most moronic shit ever
    >oh I just shot everyone in the head in close range with this revolver, but their heads didn't explode, there isn't even any blood. Whatever, I'm Japanese, I dont know how guns work

    • 1 week ago

      Dude, you can't have guns in japan. How can you expect him to know it's metal bullet or rubber. One joke that japanese always play for laugh is in their media nobody can portray female genital correctly because they never seen the real one only censored

  10. 1 week ago

    what a great ending fight

    • 1 week ago

      I just parried non-stop in the last fight. The enemy stumble knocks a few of them down as well lel

    • 1 week ago

      The Daigo fight was worse.

    • 1 week ago

      literal skill issue.

  11. 1 week ago

    The Yakuza games are pretty fun but there were a few times I kekd irl at the bad writing in y4 as well.

  12. 1 week ago

    >Which fricking moron wrote this?
    Current RGG studio head Masayoshi "the hack" Yokoyama.

  13. 1 week ago

    The worst offender of this shitty twist is Arai not noticing his gun wasn't firing real bullets or even bothering to confirm the kill before leaving. Also it don't care how advanced those bullets are there is no way in hell direct headshots with those things wouldn't cause some sort of severe brain damage or hemorrhaging.

  14. 1 week ago

    >it's another "Kiryu doesn't take the bad guy's gun away after beating him" episode

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