Yes Man is the objectively best choice. >NCR fricks off with it's imperialist bullshit and stops spreading thin

Yes Man is the objectively best choice.
>NCR fricks off with it's imperialist bullshit and stops spreading thin
>Legion dies off completely
>House dead
>If employing help from the followers, a new government can be introduced slowly, despite the rough start that independence will bring to the mojave
>The various tribes can finally pool together to introduce common care for the people of the mojave
Anyone saying legion is a coping larper
Anyone who wants NCR is a moronic dipshit stuck in the old world
Anyone who sides with house is just playing the part of Yes Man, only sacrificing political autonomy of the people of the mojave for the sake of a vague technological progress that isnt even guaranteed.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I believe in spaceflight.
    Don't you?

    • 2 years ago

      >I have no interest in abusing others
      >As repayment for their NCR loyalty, Mr. House sends Securitrons to Primm to "protect" it and collect heavy taxes from its citizens.
      >Accusing The Kings of lying with a foreign invader for their newfound ties to the NCR, Mr. House punished them by ordering their forced removal. The Kings, defiant to the end, were destroyed to the last man by House's Securitrons.

    • 2 years ago

      Political autonomy is more important than technology.

    • 2 years ago

      >Can't program drivers to make a bunch of robots shoot missiles
      >think he'll get into outer space

      • 2 years ago

        This. The whole chip debacle just indicates how unsecure his whole operation really is. Also, you would think to secure your personal chamber a little better.

      • 2 years ago

        House isn't going to personally do it, his whole plan is essentially to get mad stacks of caps into the Vegas economy and use that to fund various scientific pursuits.

        • 2 years ago

          What, is he gonna use the robots to hold scientists that are smarter than him hostage?

          • 2 years ago

            No you fricking moron, he's going to give them JOBS.

    • 2 years ago

      >I don't want to legislate but demand what's left of the world comply with my every whim at gunpoint to chase a stupid dream from the bygone era I was just a moment ago ridiculing
      I like watching him die when I force open his stasis chamber

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly spaceflight seems like a pretty solid dream in the fallout universe. Not saying you should comply with someone as dumb and neurotic as house but FO is a literal hellworld and a pretty compelling argument for not leaving all of humanity in a single place

        • 2 years ago

          It's funny because Starfield will basically be Fallout in space.

    • 2 years ago

      the only time in history ancap was tried as a form of governance the people ended up having to beg for a foreign despot to invade their country

  2. 2 years ago

    >The various tribes can finally pool together
    How naive are you?

    • 2 years ago

      Why do good if you cannot trust others to do good in your stead? No man lives forever. Even House will die eventually, though sheer probability

  3. 2 years ago

    And then Yes Man retains control in the end, suddenly ignoring your commands.

    I'm sure that's gonna work out well for you, moron.

    • 2 years ago

      Josh Sawyer and Avellone have stated numerous times that the "code snippets" just mean that Yes man will obey you and nobody can just walk up to him and say "help me take over vegas" and he rolls over for them. moron.

      • 2 years ago

        Not the point, dipshit. If you actually bothered to play the game, you'd know he responds "haha no I'm not gonna do that, anyways moving on-" if you ask him to relinquish control of the securitrons and all that.

  4. 2 years ago

    >House dead
    Already objectively not the best choice

  5. 2 years ago

    gib pladnum chib

  6. 2 years ago

    >implying the various tribes will work together

  7. 2 years ago

    >>The various tribes can finally pool together to introduce common care for the people of the Mojace
    The fiends are gonna raid even closer to Vegas now that basically all major powers are gone from the area, they're not gonna stop just because some good samaritan took over the Strip. At best the Khans either frick off or help make chems for/with the Followers, otherwise they're gonna keep supplying the fiends even more. Worst case scenario, the fiends take Westside, most of Freeside, and all the surrounding Vaults, camps, and abandoned NCR territory. And if the Sloan quarry is cleared out, they've got direct access to Goodsprings, the NCRCF, and everything south of there. At that point your only defenses are the Brotherhood and securitrons, and anyone with a brain will blow the Mojave chapter sky-high.
    Fiends and gangs will run rampant, and the only ways to deal with them would be fricktons of securitrons, sending the Boomers to carpet bomb the wastes, or to let Elijah's 200 year old farts wipe the ass clean

    • 2 years ago

      Yea, Independent ending is the only one where the Fiends can outright take over Outer Vegas so long as Motor-Runner lives. Every other faction ending has them get wiped out regardless.

  8. 2 years ago

    The correct option is siding with Mr. House but only to keep the NCR in check and prevent them from power-tripping and not because you believe in his BS. The NCR is the best option ideally but they need to be reformed so they become the best option in reality.

  9. 2 years ago

    Continues the trend of helping them out from 1 and 2, get to do a neat alliance between them and their various enemies (BoS, Enclave via Remnants, Khans) to fight the Legion, pretty good endings for most communities, BoS can be safely spared and won't ape out

    Gives Boone a pretty kino ending, also assaulting Hoover Dam with a bunch of Roman Larpers is fricking hilarious

    General questline pushes you to him (have to go out of your way to join NCR or Yes Man), gives the NCR a bloody nose so they focus inwards and wrecks the Legion without needing to suck the Courier's dick like Independent does

    Fits the theme of 'letting go' the best, giving the Mojave a chance to form its own future without anyone's input. Provided you don't frick up like a moron things seem hopeful despite the rough start. But frick you you're not the god king of Vegas you canonically frick off fricking moron, No Gods No Masters INCLUDES YOU FRICKER.

  10. 2 years ago

    I picked yes man but you're still a gay

  11. 2 years ago

    YM works the best because
    >A) It parallels >Muh Bear and >Muh Bull as Vegas is finally free to carve it's own path
    >B) You sort out each faction's problems without having them leached to someone else
    >C) It purely ends up being the Players Choice and letting them decide rather than buying into one of the ideologies from the others
    A Courier with BigMT and Upgraded Securitrons would be a force to be recognised, stopping the memes about lawless anarchy

  12. 2 years ago

    Best choice? Why not the worst choice?

    >Help the powder gangers take over Goodsprings
    >Set Helios One to full region (emergency output level) to break the plant and prevent anyone ever using it
    >Encourage Haversam to sabotage the ghoul's rockets, which ruins Novac by leaking radioactive fuel
    >Get the White Glove Society back on canniballism, frame Ted's father for the crime of killing his son
    >Support the Omerta's attack on the strip
    >Convince the Great Khans to go on a suicide mission
    >Leave the named Fiend leaders alive
    >Get Chief Hanlon to kill himself
    >Sabotage every NCR Quest you can
    >Doom the NCR Sharecropper Farm by freeing Vault 34's trapped dwellers
    >Incite war between the NCR and The Kings
    >Kill Juilie Farkas to derail the Followers of the Apocalypse
    >Fail "Guess Who I Saw Today" to sabotage Jacobstown and unleash nightkin on the Mojave
    >Don't let Lilly take her meds
    >Destroy the Brotherhood bunker with Veronica inside
    >Sell Arcade Gannon to Caesar for his brain surgery
    >Get the Silver Rush to murder Cass
    >Have Boone kill Manny
    >Don't fix Rex or ED-E
    >Leave Utobitha untouched, and Raul locked up
    >Blow up the robots beneath Caesar's camp
    >Destroy the dam
    >Nuke both the Legion and NCR colonies in Lonesome Road

  13. 2 years ago

    The real choice in new vegas is guns/energy weapons/melee/unarmed.

  14. 2 years ago

    I always like the frick off I'm my own side option in RPGs, not a lot do it I don't think. Loved it in Devil Survivor 2 where you side with the Anguished One, and in Nocturne going Neutral to turn everything back to normal. If there's any other examples I'd love to hear them

  15. 2 years ago

    Yes Man is just worse House. House himself might be full of himself and petty as frick but he's legitimately one of the smartest men ever and squandering that over wanting control yourself is fricking moronic.

  16. 2 years ago

    New Vegas belongs to the Fiends.

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