You are out in charge of final fantasy 17. How do you save the franchise?

You are out in charge of final fantasy 17

How do you save the franchise?

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  1. 10 months ago

    it starts out with a new cast of characters, but it goes 2D, and then it goes to the old final fantasy games, when it makes it to FF6, it goes back to 3D but it remains there in FF6 with the new characters and the old characters, and they stop Kefla before he does the apocalypse, and then time ghosts attack to force it to go through, and then Sin shows up and transports the cast to FFX, and then FFX is actually a good game this time, trust me bro, and then the games goes back to 2D, and you go back down through the games from FFX, 6 through 1, and then it's 3D again in FF1 and they fight the big bad from that game.

    where's my medal, best FF game ever.

  2. 10 months ago

    capitalize on K-pop by making a more music-oriented X-2

  3. 10 months ago

    Final Fantasy IV-2 but good

  4. 10 months ago

    I remake FFXI: Chains of Promathia

  5. 10 months ago

    >Team Asano
    FFV is the future of the series.

  6. 10 months ago

    Coomshit gatcha game with all Final Fantasy girls except they have an actual ass this time.

  7. 10 months ago

    >4 homies in a line
    >large open world map but not open world
    >some kind of job system
    >atompunk setting

  8. 10 months ago

    Final Fantasy 17 is an mmo like 14 and 11, but instead of being super homogenized like 14 it features interesting ideas.
    engine is something that can actually do cool things, so there isn't high latency slow global cooldown tab targeting gameplay and is instead more of an action game.
    story would still be a final fantasy game but not as focused on references as 14. would be more in the magitek style of 7/13 etc than the low fantasy of 16. focus would be on releasing a lot of variety content at a sustainable rate rather than slowing to a trickle as the game expands. content would expand in all directions at once rather than leaving loose plot threads for possible future expansions.

    • 10 months ago

      a FF7 MMO would be cool

      • 10 months ago

        Nah, world is pretty empty outside Midgar/Junon/Gold Saucer

  9. 10 months ago

    Literally just FFX again.

    • 10 months ago
  10. 10 months ago

    3 words:
    Open world
    Procedural generation
    Deck building

  11. 10 months ago

    Make an absolutely cosmic scale story with the whole universe at stake, just like the first FFs. Put some mind-bending scenery in the game like cosmic corridors, psychedelic visuals, dimension stepping, etc. literally shatter reality and make characters go to a upper plane of existence just to fight the antagonist. Make it open world but with a twist: verticality is encouraged and even needed at times, flying is a part of game. Make deep mechanics and building options for an archetype and make them needed by using hard encounters that need though and strategy. There you, my 11/10 game.

    Final Fantasy
    The Light of the Secret Crystal

  12. 10 months ago

    Directed by Yoko Taro
    Music by Keiichi Okabe
    Secretly a Nier sequel
    Zero's replicant is the main character. She's called Zero. Has a dick

  13. 10 months ago

    Final fantasy 16 combat with a little bit more rpg mechanics
    keep the m rated
    sci fi setting or cyberpunk setting
    final fantasy 18 go with the east asia influence with medieval influence with the same combat from 16
    final fantasy 19 go back to ff 1 style but with 3d graphics or sprite and turn based

    • 10 months ago

      We will never get another FF game with 16 combat. At best their DLC plans for it becomes too ambitious and they will make it a sequel or a prequel.

  14. 10 months ago

    you aren't fixing FF without going backwards and that's going to drive all the zoomers away so S-E will never do it

    • 10 months ago

      Wrong, Final Fantasy 1 was a big success because it went FORWARD, not back. Innovating is the key to enduring, not nostalgia. Dark Souls 1 was the same thing, it created a whole new genre.

      • 10 months ago

        >Innovating is the key to enduring
        tell that to Fromsoft and their 20 million in ER sales

        • 10 months ago

          After you hit it big, obviously you can use your formula to milk it for a time, like Final Fantasy did SIXTEEN times, but everyone can see it that it's dying and it's always the same slop. From can still make 7 more Elden Rings and it will still sell, but enthusiasm for the same formula will die out.

          Explain pokemon, it both panders to nostalgia and doesn't innovate, yet its popularity endures.

          Nintendo consumers are delusional in and consume everything by Nintendo blindly and positively, which it's not Nintendo's fault per se, but the fanaticism of the fanbase.

          • 10 months ago

            >went from turn based, to ATB, to MMO style with AI bots, to automated bots with role based switching against a stagger system, to psuedo button hold action, to straight up cuhrazy action
            >meanwhile Souls combat is essentially the same thing since DeS
            you clearly don't know anything about FF

            • 10 months ago

              Why not just make a high budget SOP sequel then?

              • 10 months ago

                Because FF fans don't want Nioh, or Souls, or DMC, or GoT, they want Final Fantasy

      • 10 months ago

        Explain pokemon, it both panders to nostalgia and doesn't innovate, yet its popularity endures.

  15. 10 months ago

    Make something like FF12 again. It doesn't have to be same setting. The combat system was a perfect blend of real-time and turn-based.

  16. 10 months ago

    Frick 17, just make a Final Fantasy x Dynasty Warriors spinoff RPG.

  17. 10 months ago

    I'm more excited about remaking and remastering older Final Fantasies than I am with any new entries.

    I hate that I feel this way.

  18. 10 months ago

    simple as

  19. 10 months ago

    I make the gameplay as close to Monster Hunter as possible with a GoT plot and nudity/sex scenes. They give a bonus to the staff based on sales volume over at Square-Enix, I'm not gonna frick around and make my "dream game", I'm gonna make some bread.

  20. 10 months ago

    In space with floating island that you can visit.
    Have access to a ship right from the get go.
    Have a main party member and the a crew for the ship.
    A lot of RPG element for the ship, the crew, the party member.
    You can have different pieces for the ship, you need to repair it, upgrade it (some islands require some new engines etc...) and also talk to npc to get better crew member.
    A mini game is a tarot game, you have many tarot card that you can use like in a Triple Triad game, but also in battle.
    The main story is about race to conquer a planet, such planet that is supposed to grant a wish to whoever get there first, you are part of a bigger army, and your job is to be the best candidate for the final race to that planet by having the best ship and the best summon.
    The fighting mechanic is like FF8 + Grandia 2.

    Finally, the overall aesthetics would be like a Yoshitaka Amano in 3D, you fly a "sci-fi medieval" ship on the galaxy where floating islands exist (think of it like Midgar In Thor 1), the overall game is in the dark and you have those floating islands that light up in the dark.

    It should be extremely colorful, like I said, an Amano game.

    • 10 months ago

      >Midgar In Thor 1
      Asgard, actually*

    • 10 months ago
  21. 10 months ago

    Ganker wouldn't have a clue, they'd just try to remake their favorite FF that would sell barely anything

  22. 10 months ago

    Go back to it's steampunk knights roots. Basically make a fully 3D open world, 100+ hour FF4/5/6 but with action RPG gameplay. Main character is fully customizable and you can invite 3 friends for co-op.

  23. 10 months ago

    Pay Sakaguchi millions to come out of retirement to direct one final game.
    The man had a knack for proper story progression and making his games feel cinematic. The series needs to return to its roots to re-establish its identity. Action RPG loving zoomers be damned.

  24. 10 months ago

    I don't care anymore. Just let me replay FF7,8, and 9 over and over for the rest of my remaining life. Nothing they make will ever compare.

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