You guys lied to me. This game is actually great.

You guys lied to me. This game is actually great.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Only people who seem to like it are sexless losers with nobody to frick in real life so they use Mass Effect as a dating sim.

    • 2 years ago

      >uses a rule34 pic where he fricks all women of the game
      are you moronic?

  2. 2 years ago

    Did you finish it?

    • 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Just try not to think about it too hard.

    • 2 years ago

      Not OP, but even with all the stupidity, I still love ME3. There's just something so captivating about these games.

      • 2 years ago

        I totally agree with you. It's a very good game.

  4. 2 years ago

    It is, just not the last 10 minutes. Also the edgy chinaman was annoying.

  5. 2 years ago

    2 was a big disappointment after 1, but 3 is better than 2, not better than 1 though

    people seethe because of some memery in the endings in 3 but it really doesn't matter and you have to be a special kind of sperg to say otherwise, the game before that comes around is long and decent

    • 2 years ago

      I will always love 2 for it finally allowing me to express my eternal love to Tali.

    • 2 years ago

      I found 2 far better compared to 1. The main story may not have been as good, but the character stories, side quests and the ending were all great and made up for it. It also removed a lot of the terrible aspects from the first game.
      >inb4 the Mako was actually good
      No it wasn't. Stop with the revisionism.

      • 2 years ago

        2 is just boring.
        >Hide behind cover
        >Pop out to pew pew occasionally
        >Money is no problem, so getting upgrades to both make the already easy combat easier and to get the best ending is trivial
        >This is true even on highest difficultly
        I don't like 3, but they actually put some effort into adding some actual tension and momentum into the combat.
        >inb4 there's more to an RPG then combat
        Yes, but this isn't an RPG, this is Mass Effect 2, which is Gears of War meets Persona dating sim. Half of the core experience is lacking any mechanical substance

        • 2 years ago

          >Hide behind cover
          >Pop out to pew pew occasionally
          Are we going to pretend like ME1 wasn't that as well? Because it is. And worse, it's a third person shooter with pointless stats and ton of bloat.

          • 2 years ago

            >ME1 wasn't that as well
            Not exactly. Due to how clunky the cover mechanics was in ME1 most of the times you had to unstick from a cover to shoot normally.

          • 2 years ago

            It wasn't though. Being mobile is the best way to play me1 and me3 regardless of class

            • 2 years ago

              Only because ME1 had horrendous balance that made you invincible after maxing a defensive ability
              Early game on Insanity you sit in cover or eat shit

              • 2 years ago

                By early game you mean a couple of planets. So like I said, being mobile is better

                everyone spergs out so much about andromeda i’m beginning to think it’s a psyop. maybe i should actually play it and see if it’s that bad

                stop thinking everything is a conspiracy and go outside

        • 2 years ago

          I remember 2 getting pretty hard. The gameplay is so bolted down and simple they could push the enemies fairly hard and know shitter RPG players wouldn't be DOA. For example Horizon was rough.
          I remember there were some seriously overpowered seeming DLC guns I didn't have, that might be part of it. I can't remember what the good classes are or if I played them either.

          • 2 years ago

            >I remember there were some seriously overpowered seeming DLC guns I didn't have
            You're probably thinking of the Incisor and Geth Plasma Shotgun which don't have damage penalty when equipped by teammates. Max Zaeed (or Thane) and Garrus' passive skills for weapon damage bonus, then equip them with Incisor. Turn on Garrus’ Squad Armor-Piercing Ammo and you basically turn Insanity into a walking simulator.

      • 2 years ago

        Mako was good.

      • 2 years ago

        I always loved the mako. I also loved the ammo-less gameplay, that was pure sovl.

    • 2 years ago

      >3 is better than 2

    • 2 years ago

      100% this. Finally someone with taste.
      1 had not great gameplay but best roleplaying and lore. 2 became generic shooter with a worse cast. 3 improved the gameplay, had more roleplaying and brought back the best cast members.

      • 2 years ago

        >with a worse cast
        It's absolutely better than the cast in 1

      • 2 years ago

        >3 had more roleplaying

      • 2 years ago

        >2 became generic shooter with a worse cast
        Kaiden and Ashley are shit characters that no one liked and Liara and Tali were boring b***hes. Only Garrus and Wrex are good. 2's part is so much better

  6. 2 years ago

    The camera and ending are my only problems.

  7. 2 years ago

    I generally like it, a lot of the climaxes to the character stories are good and the general war arc is handled well its just the last 20 minutes are really bad

  8. 2 years ago

    It's not bad, but Mansell's ost, though not bad, doesn't mesh up as well as past games.
    Not sci-fi enough, too dramatic in specific ways.

  9. 2 years ago

    its good (coz of the story) but not great, i wish they have maintained the playstyle of ME1 over the trilogy

  10. 2 years ago

    >t-t-the ending i-is b-bad
    No it's not, it's kino and you're too dumb to get it, educate yourself and go read some cosmic horror stories. That being said ME3 is great but definitely the weakest of the trilogy.

  11. 2 years ago

    Lol Multi-player is where it's at with some homies or decent randoms. Fire ammo and ability spam is always fun

  12. 2 years ago

    Yes, it is fantastic minus the ending.

  13. 2 years ago

    1 > 3 > 2

  14. 2 years ago

    I don't understand why. I hated pretty much everything save for coop mode.
    >Dumb Deus Ex machina device to stop Reapers out of nowhere
    >Cerberus somehow becomes third power in the galaxy and is able to fight all council races on even ground
    >All side quests are effectively removed from the game. All that remains is ears dropping on npc conversations which is weird as frick
    >Fanfiction tier teleports behind you hapa edgelord straight out of memes with plot armor is insanely irritating
    >It's even worse than it seems since he is insanely weak enemy outside cutscenes since Mass Effect isn't fricking Warhammer 40k, melee combat was never prominent here and so game mechanics at it's core do not support such playstyle. So he fricking sucks and can't threaten player in any way during fight and only wins in cutscenes
    >Forced homosexuals in the team. Can't even refuse to invite them to dlc party because boring latino guy forces them in, which was done explicitly by Bioware to prevent players from excluding them
    >Too many cringeworthy scenes that fail at making player feel whatever devs wanted him to feel. Dreams with that dying kid especially are bad.
    >Role-playing options are now straight nonexistent. That pathetic wheel system was somehow even more downgraded to the point that Shepard basically talks on his own without player input. Even middle dialogue option was cut out, all that remains is Paragon - "I agree" - dialogue choice or Renegade - "I'm a c**t but I agree anyway". In fact there is a moviegame setting that completely automates talking for cinematic feeling. This is what this "rpg" was designed around. Fallout 4 has better dialogue system
    >Ending is insanely moronic and the only reasonable option is destruction with other 3 options being so stupid and unimmersive they may as well could not exists.
    >Everyone goes full moron with Wrex and Mordin especially, when they want to cure genophage.
    Entire game is shit on all levels from gameplay to story.

    • 2 years ago

      >I don't understand why. I hated pretty much everything save for coop mode.
      You might be a chicken.

      • 2 years ago

        Forsooth, meethinks that is no ordinary chicken!

        • 2 years ago

          Go back to your coop, chicken, you're drunk.

    • 2 years ago

      >ears dropping
      I hole hardedly agree the problems with this game really are a diamond dozen

  15. 2 years ago

    It’s pretty great aside from the ending and some of the more nonsensical writing. Is pretty fun to play. 2 is still the best in the series

    If you want a real ME abomination, look no further than Andromeda

    • 2 years ago

      everyone spergs out so much about andromeda i’m beginning to think it’s a psyop. maybe i should actually play it and see if it’s that bad

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, but it was just buggy, and it's mostly unoriginal and more of the same, especially since in the story they dont even know about the reapers because this mission launched before that, so its like a weird sidestep to avoid any interaction with the previous series. Also the main girl was kind of fugly, most of the girls are actually, because this was at the beginning of wokeness and making unattractive females in lead roles.

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, but it was just buggy, and it's mostly unoriginal and more of the same, especially since in the story they dont even know about the reapers because this mission launched before that, so its like a weird sidestep to avoid any interaction with the previous series. Also the main girl was kind of fugly, most of the girls are actually, because this was at the beginning of wokeness and making unattractive females in lead roles.

        Also I did like Cora, even though she's practically a lesbo in design but is actually straight. Most people don't like short hair, I guess.

      • 2 years ago

        It really wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. Mind you, that still doesn't make it good. But it's not the abomination people memed it as, I found Inquisition to be MUCH worse in every single regard and for some stupid reason that game actually succeeded and got DLCs.

        Andromeda's main flaws were a subpar main story, awful animations, and it failed to deliver on the promise of "explore new virgin planets no sapient being has ever set foot on" because every single planet you land on has been inhabited for a long time and it's not so much about finding a place that could sustain a population as politely asking the local authority if they'd let you squat in their backyard. But it also has the best combat Bioware has ever done (which sadly was left unbalanced because they dropped the game hard) and the best open world galaxy exploration you can get while still having a narrative.

      • 2 years ago

        >everyone spergs out so much about andromeda i’m beginning to think it’s a psyop. maybe i should actually play it and see if it’s that bad
        I keep on trying to finish it but get bored around the time the weird photosynthesizing aliens are introduced. Three times.

        • 2 years ago

          I modded all the girls naked to find some motivation and clicked past the whole story thing. Game still sucks though.

  16. 2 years ago

    I would have told you it was fun
    Try to play online as a krogan really fun to shotgun and melee everything to death

  17. 2 years ago

    2 > 3 > 1

    • 2 years ago

      this. mass effect 1 is dated and the gameplay is clunky. 2 and 3 are more fun to play

  18. 2 years ago

    that's the point
    they fricked up a completely good game with the most moronic color coded garbage ending AFTER hyping it up for so long
    the drama wouldn't have started if they didn't tout it as the best unique ending that's never been done before, no 2 players with the same ending, all encompassing writing that will surprise everyone etc
    then they started banning players for complaining about the ending on their own forums
    then they doubled down and said they would never change it
    then they patched in an even worse ending (refuse)
    they basically fricked over fans at every point they could and claimed this was muh original OC ending even though it was also stolen from some sci fi book which is the most hilarious part (the scrapped plot about dark matter and reapers saving the universe)

  19. 2 years ago

    The game *is* fun. Anyone who told you otherwise was dumb. But the boring level design and the railroaded plot will wear thin on another playthrough. And of course the ending is the ME3 ending.

  20. 2 years ago

    Got the Legendary Edition for free on Prime Day. Nice not to have to pay EA and get the whole series.

    >play on Insanity for the achievements
    >completely forgot how often companions run into your line of fire
    >completely forgot how often combat bugs out (abilities don't trigger upon clicking, weapon stops firing...) or maybe it's just the LE with new bugs

    At least biotics are still fricking OP but I can't believe I'm saying this, for the first time in my life I look forward to ME2 and its brain dead combat. At least it wasn't as buggy. Currently on Virmire right before talking to Sovereign. Already shitting myself while thinking about the first fight against Saren on Insanity.

    • 2 years ago

      >ME2 and its brain dead combat
      ME1 combat is unironically much more braindead. As soon as you max Barrier/Immunity(so 4-5 hours in) you pretty much cannot die, the rest of the game boils down to "use CC abilities, hold LMB and try not to fall asleep".
      ME2 as a Vanguard is fun all the way through.

      • 2 years ago

        Okay, I forgot you can just focus on Saren and the fight on Virmire ends as soon as he hits 50% health. Easier than I thought.

        On Insanity? No. Barrier and Immunity help, but they're not even close to instant wins. Besides, I'm playing Engineer, makes it a good bit more challenging.

        I've heard it a lot and I'll try it out when I get to ME2. I hate what ME2 has done to abilities though. Picking between Biotic and Engineer boils down to "which colour ball do you want to throw?" and global cooldown for abilities means you'll spam the same one ad infinitum.

        • 2 years ago

          >On Insanity? No.
          Immunity(in original ME1) absolutely was god-mode, I remember facetanking rockets and barely taking a dent in HP. Which then gets healed up in seconds.
          Barrier is slightly less OP, you can still die to things that bypass your shields, like rockets, rachni and krogan melee attacks. But those are easily stunlocked by biotics or avoided by strafing.
          >I'm playing Engineer
          Well, playing the worst class is a solution to making the game more challenging, I guess. Engineer becomes pretty strong in ME2, combat drone is lowkey the best CC ability in the game. It has a tiny cooldown and instantly distracts any enemy in the game no matter their resistances. You can melee punch heavy mechs and bosses like Shadow Broker to death with it.

      • 2 years ago

        >ME1 - Impossible to die in
        >ME2 - Sit in cover and pop out to play wack-a-mole
        >ME3 - Similar to 2 but levels are linear straight lines and the weapons feel terrible despite the diversity
        All these games' combat is kind of lame and were just a product of following the trends of the time it released in (third person cover based shooting).

  21. 2 years ago

    >digital deluxe edition
    correct, with the DLC's the story is much more complete and the ending seems more fitting, especially with the post battle scenes. unfortunately most played it on original release without DLC's and nothing happening after Shepards death, leaving a very incomplete narrative and lack of explanation of what actually happened. the DLC, From Ashes, Leviathan, and Citadel, all add integral story moments that round out the game

    • 2 years ago

      The fact that From Ashes and Leviathan we dlc was the greediest bullshit I've ever seen. They both provide integral context to the story and playing without them makes for a much different game. They both should have been in the game.

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