You know how Toy Story 1 was sort of a graphical benchmark.

You know how Toy Story 1 was sort of a graphical benchmark.
It was actually beaten by consoles in some ways really early on.
Starting with the human models. Sid here looks like shit and they tried to minimize focus on human faces for much of the movie.

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  1. 2 months ago

    I only watched Toy Story 1 and 2, both are masterpieces, is Toy Story 3 and 4 good?

    • 2 months ago

      1 is far and away the best, 3 is great, i would actually put it above 2. 4 is fine, completely unnecessary and probably shouldn't have been made but it's a fine movie in its own right.
      The making of toy story 1 is an amazing underdog story, basically a handful of programmers and artists did the entire thing and ignored the studio.
      There are several documentaries on it, i'm not sure if this is the one that goes over their struggles with the producers who didn't like it and ended up eating crow but

      • 2 months ago

        I really think 2 is the best in the series, I think it has a real shot at being in a top ten sequels ever made list
        2 > 1 > 3 > power gap > 4 imo

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah I also like 2 the most. It doesn't have to spend time establishing the characters, Buzz is already redpilled as being a toy etc. Also the new characters are a good addition without taking too much space from the originals. Hated 4 for that reason because the og crew is totally sidelined by much worse characters.

          • 2 months ago

            I rewatched 2 recently and realized I fricking hate Jesse and she eats up a lot of screentime, that said the plot is more enjoyable than princess Woody gets jealous

          • 2 months ago

            I guess 3 was such a nice conclusion to the story that I was always going to dislike 4 on some level
            Man 1, 2, and 3 really are very good, it's hard to stand up next to them, I don't even know if 4 was good or bad

            • 2 months ago

              4 could've been pretty great film but the execution just sucks in my opinion. Just rehashes old topics and introduces pointless characters just to cash in with more celeb voices .

      • 2 months ago

        i love those army men so much its unreal

    • 2 months ago

      >both are masterpieces
      they're ok. I don't think any western animated movies have aged well.

      • 2 months ago

        Shut up weeb

        • 2 months ago

          silence golem

      • 2 months ago

        strange thing to say when modern animated films look like shit right out the gate.

    • 2 months ago

      3 is a good conclusion, I was bored watching 4. I'd rank them the same as

      I really think 2 is the best in the series, I think it has a real shot at being in a top ten sequels ever made list
      2 > 1 > 3 > power gap > 4 imo

      minus the power gap, but 2 is also one of my childhood movies I haven't seen in 15+ years so I might have nostalgia bias.

    • 2 months ago

      3 was actually pretty good and should have been a conclusion. 4 is probably everyone's lowest rated one. It felt like an unnecessary epilogue conclusion that sort of undermines everything from the 3rd movie. Only good thing I can say about 4 is that it looked pretty nice visually.

    • 2 months ago

      1 is good
      2 is good
      3 is manipulative member berry shit thats so busy asking you to member the gang that it cant be bothered to do anything besides a lazy prison break movie with a deus ex machina ending
      4 is fine

    • 2 months ago

      2 gave me nightmares as a child, specifically the nightmare Woody has where Andy throws him in a trash can and he's dragged down by toy arms

  2. 2 months ago

    Looks like a Jimmy Neutron character.

  3. 2 months ago

    This model looks on par or better than Sid in some ways.
    This was PS2 era. It could also be the games art style.

    • 2 months ago

      Oh yeah and did that come out in 1995 you gorilla brained Black person?

      • 2 months ago

        You’re an idiot.
        The point is to compare the graphics power of these pre rendered 3d movies to console games.
        We didn’t match the shadows and lighting used on the toys until the ps4 with kingdom hearts 3
        But it was matched or beaten in other ways since then

        • 2 months ago

          >We didn’t match the shadows and lighting used on the toys until the ps4 with kingdom hearts 3
          Its still not matched since all these 3d animation movies use raytraced lighting

        • 2 months ago

          Toy Story 1 has awful shading. The only thing that wasn't matched until PS4 was model quality, since movies are rendered in quads with copious amount of AA and always look smooth.

          >We didn’t match the shadows and lighting used on the toys until the ps4 with kingdom hearts 3
          Its still not matched since all these 3d animation movies use raytraced lighting

          Toy Story 1 to 3 were rasterized.

    • 2 months ago

      It looks better because of the art, not the graphical fidelity. The humans in Toy Story are just straight up ugly.

  4. 2 months ago

    Then you have pizza planet, it’s supposed to be a big Chuck E. Cheese type arcade joint but it looks almost empty, it’s also packed but there’s barely any kids.

    • 2 months ago

      It looks good in motion and with sound, definitely gives you the illusion that it's bustling and that kids are everywhere playing around.

    • 2 months ago

      That's how most arcades used to look back then. Most machines were always empty because they just sucked.

  5. 2 months ago

    I haven't watched a diznee movie since roger rabbit so i don't know wha you're talking about.

  6. 2 months ago

    they knew the tech looked like shit, that's why they chose to make the story mostly about plastic toys

  7. 2 months ago

    You can tell how desperate Pixar is when they plan to make a Toy Story 5.

    • 2 months ago

      After all these flops I would be desperate too.

      • 2 months ago

        elementary or elemental or whatever frickin sucked. this new era of no bad guys pixar is dogshit. Wish also feels like a straight to VHS movie and Lin Manuel Miranda cant write music for shit, the goal of a song isnt to give the fricking literal plot synopsis you moron.

  8. 2 months ago

    To be fair Sid looks like an average Ganker poster

  9. 2 months ago

    I like the uncanny valley look the first movie has. It reminds me of that time when 3D animation was just taking off. And the world was full of hope of a brighter future. Not degeneration and Black folk, dems and israelites dancing on the ashes of humanity forever.
    I hate it when I get all sentimental.

    • 2 months ago

      Probably going to make one hell of a monkey paw here, but it's something I have been thinking about for a while.

      Video games constantly get HD remakes, what if they did the same for early CGI films? Imagine Toy Story 1 or Shrek with modern day CGI. I mean look at . Many of these films do not hold up in the visuals department.

      • 2 months ago

        The thing is, they probably have to remake the entire movie and it's not really cost effective. The tools used at the time aren't compatible with what's used nowadays. I heard they had to do a lot of work to even get old renderman running on modern hardware to re-render the first movie for the Blu-ray release. If you pay attention you can even find some bugs that don't exist in the original.

        • 2 months ago

          >The thing is, they probably have to remake the entire movie and it's not really cost effective.
          A new remake would probably not be extremely expensive. They don’t have to rewrite the script, the character designs besides humans and the dogs would be mostly the same. They can sort of take a wireframe version of the animations and retexture them. They also don’t have to redo the voice acting.
          Though scenes like pizza planet might have to be remade, since it looks bad now.

          • 2 months ago

            Again, the tools are incompatible. They can't just take stuff from old versions and convert them, otherwise that's what they'd have done for the remasters, instead of having to dig up software from the 90s and revive it.
            And even if they managed to port the animations somehow, they'd still have to remake everything else. These models wouldn't play nice with modern lighting techniques. Environment models are stupidly low quality even. We are talking at least 2/3 of a movie work, for something not a lot of people wouldn't go to the theaters for.

            • 2 months ago

              surely they could take the models from 4 and use Andys house from 3 and kid andy from 3. 3 is so packed to the gills with nostalgia pandering I bet theres enough recyclable assets in there to redo 1

      • 2 months ago

        They did this with The Lion King and even rereleased it in theaters, but truth be told I couldnt tell the difference. The humans dont look great in 3 or 4 anyway so I dont see the point. Bonnie and her parents look like grubhub people and the kids look goblinistic. Toy Story 1 looks fine when you arent looking at the dog or the humans

    • 2 months ago

      Skud's eyes always disturbed me as a kid

    • 2 months ago

      >I hate it when I get all sentimental
      yeah we hate it too you whiny pussy
      how do doomers write these kinds of posts and think they're anything but pathetic

    • 2 months ago

      What the frick are you saying.
      Take a break from this site.

  10. 2 months ago

    OP needs to remember that when the first movie came out, the PlayStation was still brand new and most kids only had the SNES and/or Genesis. Toy Story was mind blowing for its CGI when it came out.
    Not long in the future after that, the N64 felt like science fiction but real. Shit on the system all you want, but the 3D graphics in SM64 were unreal in 1996.

    • 2 months ago

      I’m OP. The point is to talk about when games stated to match the benchmark set by Toy Story in graphics.
      I think monsters inc might be the point where we can’t match it with modern consoles maybe in unreal 5 with a 4090.
      I don’t think any game out there can make sullys hair as good as in the movie.

    • 2 months ago

      This. I watched Toy Story when it hit in theaters and I was too young to realize it, but it was revolutionary. We still had the NES and barely had glimpses of the SNES and Genesis. Imagine still playing the NES in '97 and that same fall you see what the Playstation 1 is all about. Never mind the N64.

      I’m OP. The point is to talk about when games stated to match the benchmark set by Toy Story in graphics.
      I think monsters inc might be the point where we can’t match it with modern consoles maybe in unreal 5 with a 4090.
      I don’t think any game out there can make sullys hair as good as in the movie.

      Honestly I think games will never catch up to CGI movies, let alone Pixar's best work and I think the massive jumps in graphical power were devs, manufacturers and publishers trying to chase those Pixar and Dreamworks movies and then later on going for photorealism when gaming trends shifted. As it stands, graphics can't get any better without a massive jump in tech and money and I don't think people will pay an even grand for a PS6. Hell, I don't even know what the difference is between a PS4 and 5 graphically to this day.

  11. 2 months ago

    the good dinosaur is a great movie
    Wall-e is climate change propaganda slop

  12. 2 months ago

    People forgot the original looked like this. It's really early 3D but no polygonal edges and PS3 tier soft shadows.

  13. 2 months ago

    4 is not canon

    • 2 months ago

      4 is a better ending than 3
      >and then andy gives his favorite toys to the little Black person girl
      >and then woody and bo peep frick at the carnival until the heat death of the universe, untethered to Black person mutt kids

  14. 2 months ago
  15. 2 months ago

    I didn't know Ben Shapiro was a child actor.

    • 2 months ago

      It doesn’t really resemble Ben Shapiro

  16. 2 months ago

    >It was actually beaten by consoles in some ways really early on.
    jesus fricking christ, why are you gays always so moronic?

  17. 2 months ago

    That's just art style

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