>You will never have a reboot of the Duke Nukem franchise of the quality Doom and Wolfenstein got.

>You will never have a reboot of the Duke Nukem franchise of the quality Doom and Wolfenstein got.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >ZOOM + ZOOM: Shiternal
    >Wolfencuck: The New Onions

    • 2 years ago

      they cant find a way to pozz duke nukem enough, thats why.
      if anything, im glad they wont do it. see

    • 2 years ago

      Quake is next by the way

      • 2 years ago

        it already got obliterated
        literally no one touched it

      • 2 years ago

        We had Quake Champions which is a legit good game.

        • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >I have shit taste
        Thanks for sharing.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Imagine rotting your brain with social media to the point where you can't even make coherent arguments anymore and can only spurt out buzzwords and nonsensical blurbs. Zoomoids really are fricked.

            • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      go to bed grandpa, not anyone elses fault that your reflexes have atrophied

  2. 2 years ago

    Thank fricking God.

  3. 2 years ago

    Good. I love Duke but he just doesn't fit well in the modern era.

  4. 2 years ago

    Doom: Silent Protag to Silent Protag
    Wolfenstein: Silent Protag to Talking Protag (Politically Correct)
    Duke Nukem: Talking Protag (Not PC) to...

    You think you know what you want, but you don't.

  5. 2 years ago

    >nuDoom and nuWolfestein

    • 2 years ago

      We already know contrarians exist, you do not need to post here.

  6. 2 years ago

    theres times and places for duke to make his appearance. if we enter another era like the 80's roided action movie era we may see him make a comeback but that aint soon

  7. 2 years ago

    don't care already got 2001 prototype which I'm more than happy for

  8. 2 years ago

    thank god

  9. 2 years ago

    >You will never have a reboot of the Duke Nukem franchise that's extremely low quality
    What a relief!

    • 2 years ago

      >You will never have a reboot of the Duke Nukem franchise that's extremely low quality
      i have bad news to you

  10. 2 years ago


    it's not that he can't work, it's that he would never be allowed to.

    also daily reminder that the DNF2001 restoration project was ruined by people who would never allow duke to work

    • 2 years ago

      the "people who won't allow Duke to work" have infested the industry at ever single level, whether its big dev roles or in modding groups

    • 2 years ago

      >Remember kids, I'm a professional, don't try this at school

  11. 2 years ago

    So I've been playing some Build Engine stuff recently. I remember some guy saying that you can't really create any unique encounters with Duke Nukem 3D enemy roster, their purpose is to look cool and die with some fancy visuals. This is what I've experienced pretty much, there's no real drive to the combat like in Doom or Quake, you won't be maneuvering around hundreds of enemies using their bodies to hide from chaingunner fire or revenenat rockets, you won't go through crazy shit like archvile carousel from sunlust or mancubian candidate from valiant, or solve enemy puzzles like in cyberdreams, you won't be getting that sick Quake movement and it's weapon switching combos either, that's all because the Build Engine games weren't designed to support that. That applies to all games from the mighty trinity: Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood. So you end up going through levels enjoying pretty visuals while doing some trivial combat from time to time, I guess you can say that cinematic shooters really started with Build Engine games, even before Half Life came out.

    • 2 years ago

      Duke 3D started the decline of game designers not understanding how to make good enemies. Difficulty ends up comes from lots of hitscanners with too much HP that just surprise you and shoot. Chaingun guys in Doom 2 were hated for this reason but at least they were very fragile, easy to stun and useful for triggering infighting.

      I'm not objecting to the fact that hitscanners exist, but rather that a lot of devs clearly completely fail to understand how to use them. Take Duke3D for example:

      All non-hitscan enemies: a complete joke that are effortless to kill and only rarely manage to harm the player unless by a surprise hit in the back. This includes really unique, awesome looking enemies like Octabrain and Assault Commanders.
      Enforcer: Takes off half your health before you look at them. Also has ZERO pain chance, despite pain chance being the obvious thing you should be giving hitscanners.
      Battlelord: Takes off 3x your health in under a second, unless you are lucky and it uses its non-hitscan attack which is non-threatening
      Every boss other than Battlelord: complete joke that you'll probably never take damage from.

      It's like no-one spent even a modicum of time understanding how Doom worked or how to balance their own game. It seems like Doom was either an inspired or accidental genius on the first try. I can't think of a successor to Doom that has a similar level of every monster feeling balanced, unique, and impactful.

      It's also noteworthy that very few games take the same route as Doom to difficulty: NO HP CHANGES. NO DPS CHANGES. JUST GIVE ME MORE SHIT TO KILL. Instead we see the lazy "just give everything 50% damage on easy and 200% damage on hard".

  12. 2 years ago

    I'd say that no dev could make his games justice but maybe Crowbar Collective is a solid option.

  13. 2 years ago


    i dont want duke to just work i want him to shine, and what i want isn't whats gonna be popular nowadays.

    Duke 3D started the decline of game designers not understanding how to make good enemies. Difficulty ends up comes from lots of hitscanners with too much HP that just surprise you and shoot. Chaingun guys in Doom 2 were hated for this reason but at least they were very fragile, easy to stun and useful for triggering infighting.

    I'm not objecting to the fact that hitscanners exist, but rather that a lot of devs clearly completely fail to understand how to use them. Take Duke3D for example:

    All non-hitscan enemies: a complete joke that are effortless to kill and only rarely manage to harm the player unless by a surprise hit in the back. This includes really unique, awesome looking enemies like Octabrain and Assault Commanders.
    Enforcer: Takes off half your health before you look at them. Also has ZERO pain chance, despite pain chance being the obvious thing you should be giving hitscanners.
    Battlelord: Takes off 3x your health in under a second, unless you are lucky and it uses its non-hitscan attack which is non-threatening
    Every boss other than Battlelord: complete joke that you'll probably never take damage from.

    It's like no-one spent even a modicum of time understanding how Doom worked or how to balance their own game. It seems like Doom was either an inspired or accidental genius on the first try. I can't think of a successor to Doom that has a similar level of every monster feeling balanced, unique, and impactful.

    It's also noteworthy that very few games take the same route as Doom to difficulty: NO HP CHANGES. NO DPS CHANGES. JUST GIVE ME MORE SHIT TO KILL. Instead we see the lazy "just give everything 50% damage on easy and 200% damage on hard".

    good points, you can say the same thing for almost all 2d fighting games after street fighter 2 being basically graphically upgraded clones with more moves and never having fair but challenging AI

  14. 2 years ago

    I've got balls of steel

  15. 2 years ago

    frick off Randy i know this is you trying to build up hype for some shitty reboot you're doing

  16. 2 years ago

    zoom was a shameless cash grab banking on memes. it's not open source and it has zero mod support, the two things that kept the fanbase going and doom relevant through its many many many droughts.

  17. 2 years ago

    >I'm here to say trans rights and chew bubble gum.
    >And I'm all out of bubble gum.
    >Crowd explodes into hysterics
    >Half of the crowd cheering, the other sobbing
    >Bubble gum activists cannot believe they've been snubbed like this
    >Demand formal apology, send threats to corporate execs
    >New screen pops up upon login
    >"Don't forget about Bubblegum Enjoyers! We're so proud to have Bubblegum People in our community! What's YOUR favorite flavor?"
    honk honk

    • 2 years ago

      >So many transgirls... so little time.
      >Hail to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., baby!
      >I go where I please, and I'm masked where I go.
      >My vaccine mark is bigger than yours.
      >I'm reaching my boot across the aisle to your ass!
      >Not in my city! Not in the current year!
      >Let Dawkins sort em out.
      >I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm coming for the rest of you Nazi scum!
      >I. Hate. Pigs.
      >I love the smell of onions in the morning.
      >I'm here to kick ass and get vaxxed... And I'm all out of vax.
      >Nobody insults our babes on Twitter... and lives.
      >Give me your pronouns so I know what to call you when I'm kicking your ass.
      >After a few days of privating my profile, I'll be ready for more action!
      >Eat the bugs, or eat lead.
      >I'm gonna go Greco-Roman on your ass!
      >I'll beat you and still have time to watch Oprah.
      >I am the democratically-elected ruler of the world, baby.
      >I'll make your neck a unisex washroom.
      >This alien culture's about to get cancelled.
      >I'm gonna abort your whole friggin' species, no matter what the courts say.
      >Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my democracy.
      >I'm pro-union: I support a union of my boot with your ass!

  18. 2 years ago

    >no metaduke

  19. 2 years ago

    There was Bullet Storm: Duke edition

    Was pretty cool. Duke's lines matched up pretty well as the replacement for the main guy.

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