You're given a gazillion bamillon dollers by Mr.Tsujimoto himself. How do you revive the mega man franchise?

You're given a gazillion bamillon dollers by Mr.Tsujimoto himself

How do you revive the mega man franchise?

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    i might as well, thats a lot of money.

  2. 7 months ago

    I follow in the footsteps of my honorabu predecessors and fricking run with the money

  3. 7 months ago

    I put a plan in place to put out 1 mega man game every 18 months or so, give or take for QA purposes. I would also rotate which series gets a game so the teams involved don't get burned out from working on the same type of game over and over again. I would also fund and coordinate merchandise releases to promote the games during their release windows. In the time between games, I would allow Mega Man to be featured as cameos in other games and crossovers, pushing for a wider brand recognition.

    There's a lot you can do.

  4. 7 months ago

    Roll-chan as playable character.
    I make her super cute with the usual gameplay and a good ost. Also costumes.
    Pantsu flashes while doing some animations.

  5. 7 months ago

    splash woman belly

  6. 7 months ago

    Mega Man Legends 3 and I make it appeal to the lowest common denominator, if budget is no issue I should have no problem also fulfilling the dreams of fellow long-time fans and making it a faithful return to that world and story.

    Streamlining the TPS/platformer gameplay, introducing Yakuza-like substories and BotW style nonlinearity and answering all the questions regarding Elder System, Elysium as well as safely returning Trigger back to Earth to ensure further profitable sequels. It really isn't that hard AT ALL to make a highly successful MML3, it's Capcom who is totally inept.

    • 7 months ago

      >Mega Man Legends 3 and I make it appeal to the lowest common denominator
      even if you did no one would buy it

      • 7 months ago

        People bought DMCV and Shenmue 3 regardless of what the final opinions of those games were. Hype would stir up even the secondaries' interests and if I designed it in such a way that zoomies that are obsessed with Genshin clones would like it, I could guarantee Capcom sales of 1.5 million within the first year.

        • 7 months ago

          >People bought DMCV and Shenmue 3
          No one bought shenmue 3 because everyone who wanted backed it. Everyone else didn't bother with it after they saw how shit it was.

  7. 7 months ago

    I take the money and release a Megaman Collection game
    Then I invest the money into Banjo-Threeie

  8. 7 months ago

    Megaman Maker (Official)
    Featuring stuff from classic all the way to ZX and Battle Network Transmission
    You would be able to play against whatever you want in terms of enemies and the games would have all their returning features like weapons from both classic and X series Zero series cyber elf system etc

    • 7 months ago

      Adding onto this Legends content and Star Force content would become a 2D sidescroller

  9. 7 months ago

    frick this franchise and its ""fans""
    8 female robot master vtubers one is pedobait another one is furrybait the rest are normal weeb bait
    *blows cigar smoke*

    • 7 months ago

      >incoherent post by brown third worlder
      what happened to Ganker?

    • 7 months ago

      pure evil

    • 7 months ago

      that'd actually work too
      Go the extra mile and don't even check if it works like picrel, bonus points if you fundraise

  10. 7 months ago

    Get a bunch of megaman fan game devs, and just do what Sonic Mania did but with Mega Man.

    Then make MVC4/5 and make Mega Man, X, and Zero playable.

    • 7 months ago

      >megaman fan game devs
      besides me there are none

      • 7 months ago

        Which is why corruption is in development hell. Release that shit already.

  11. 7 months ago

    Mega Man Legends Remake, following into a Legends 2 Remake then Legends 3. Give the games to a less known but competent developer like ILCA (One Piece Odyssey / Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl) or Omega Force (Persona 5 Strikers / Wild Hearts) to get a high floor low ceiling dev who won't completely frick it up even if no one is fighting for GotY arguments.

    Inti Creates to create Mega Man 12, back to the Mega Man 9/10 style.

    Just in general I'd rather just get some 7/10 to 8/10 games instead of a AAA/AAAA game where either development falls off the rails and the games a huge mess or everyone else loves it but me.

    • 7 months ago

      11 was better than 9 and 10

      • 7 months ago

        You should make Mega Man 12 in the style of 11 with your gazillion bamillon dollars then.

        they should do an X9 over a MM12 first

        X9 could/would be sick but I have no idea who I'd want to make it at this point. I don't want Inti for that in my mind it'll be closer to Zero/Gunvolt if they did than what I want from X9 and who else would you even turn to? Maybe MercurySteam but idk they've never made a good game outside of their Metroids they co-developed with Nintendo.

        • 7 months ago

          team ladybug

          • 7 months ago

            I like them as a Dev but I wouldn't put them on X9, if anything I like the idea of them just making a bunch of games based off 90s anime like get them making a Slayers game or a Cardcaptor Sakura game.

            • 7 months ago

              that's fair too, i wish they'd put out something new

              i just brought them up because i would love a pixel art x9 and they're great at it

        • 7 months ago

          >You should make Mega Man 12 in the style of 11 with your gazillion bamillon dollars then.

    • 7 months ago

      they should do an X9 over a MM12 first

    • 7 months ago

      >Inti Creates to create Mega Man 12, back to the Mega Man 9/10 style.
      Frick you, Mega Man shouldn't be an eternally SNES throwback series, let it fricking evolve.

  12. 7 months ago

    Is Mega Man just dead in the water now? The last time we got a new series outside of the gacha shit was in 2007, I think. Aside from that, all we've gotten are compilations for the nth time and MM 9-11, which of those games, they had an 8 year gap between 10 and 11 alone.

    • 7 months ago

      >Is Mega Man just dead in the water now?

    • 7 months ago

      >Is Mega Man just dead in the water now? The last time we got a new series outside of the gacha shit was in 2007
      You act like we have to get a new series, when in reality splitting the franchise into so many subseries is what killed it in the first place.

  13. 7 months ago

    MMBN gacha, obviously. Would still print money to this day.

    • 7 months ago

      Honestly I'd play it if it actually played like Battle Network, nothing since has scratched the same itch for me besides Shanghai.

  14. 7 months ago

    Hmm, since there's a ton of old classic games and that gameplay formula seems to have been perfected. Really no need to make them in the classic 2d.
    >Make game 3d in the new RE engine
    >make megaman look like he does in the megaman 9 poster (pic related)
    >3rd person over the shoulder viewpoint
    >Upgrade system with skill points to allocate for different builds allowing replayability
    >minimal cut scenes, focus is primarily gameplay
    >Destructible environments
    >simple story, Chad megaman saves world from villain

    • 7 months ago

      I really hope you're joking.

    • 7 months ago

      Sovl, I'd play that

    • 7 months ago

      First Mega Man game to sell -3 copies.

    • 7 months ago

      Sorry, Inafune, no one cares about Bad Box Art Man anymore.

  15. 7 months ago

    MegaMan Royale
    running through stages one panel at a time, all randomized, with bosses from 1-10 in between.

  16. 7 months ago

    I take the money and run

  17. 7 months ago

    Step 1:
    Publish the card game I've been making. I don't know how much it will do to revive the franchise, but I may as well do it.

    Step 2:
    Gather 3 teams of developers. First a small team to make 2D platformers, release them on a regular basis as the continuation of Classic and finising off ZX. Second a team experienced in mid-budget 3D, set them to work on Legends 3 and potentially continuing the X games, if they can't figure out a good way to make X into a more "modern 3D experience" while staying true to the roots, hand the X property into the first team's duties. Thirdly a team to make off the wall shit, spin-offs, new series, etc. These guys can do whatever as long as it feels on-brand for Mega Man, if they can think of a way to make Dark Souls Mega Man they can have at it.

    • 7 months ago

      Funny thing is I don't need any of this "set them to work" and " if they can't figure out a good way". I could single-handedly come up with all the ideas myself, I'd just need artists and workers to make it financially feasible.

      • 7 months ago

        It's a lot of work to direct 3 projects at the same time anon. If you want a super hands on approach to everything then you're better off just having one project at a time. Plus I'd stick to putting more effort into the card game personally it is my baby.

  18. 7 months ago

    get fans to literally just do megaman1-9 style games indefinitely because there's no reason to change, a sequel is allowed to be the same thing with different levels and abilities

    • 7 months ago

      im glad you dont have a job in video games

  19. 7 months ago

    MegaMan battle network Navi on mobile
    Start with a plain Navi can earn or buy custom stuff for it's appearance
    Has a personal AI that will message you like text or voice mails.
    Battle chips are earned from your Navi fighting random viruses you come across outside
    Tournaments will be held in parks etc for special custom cosmetics
    PvP will be like MegaMan star Force perspective except your dude moves on his own. You select the battle chips he uses while he's moving around

  20. 7 months ago

    Megaman X style but more metroidvania. Some procedually generated levels where you can grind material for your base which you build up. Play more into the fricked up situation of the robot apocalypse but keep it mostly light, no grim&dark. Overall about 20h of content with replayability by "builds". Of course still keep the rock paper scissors aspect. Make it FUN blasting shit and jumping places, still have c**ts dropping you into pits to keep players on their toes.

    • 7 months ago

      >Megaman X style but more metroidvania
      The last time that happened everyone complained about it.

      • 7 months ago

        The complaint was that the map was confusing. Not that the idea was bad. It's just eh way they arranged the game. Like in normal Metroidvanias, all door ways are either left, up, down, or right. Along the X and Y axis. But in ZX, they allowed doors that you go into depth-wise, on the Z axis. This essentially made the map 3D. While the player's understanding of the map was 2D. Which led to a bunch of confusion.

        Other Metroidvanias sometimes utilize Z depth doors, but they only do it sparingly. By making the door lead to a small room. So you have to leave the same way you entered. Or if the room has 2 doors, then it's counted as a sub area with no map. That way the player knows when they exit the other door, they're exiting the sub area.

        If ZX just didn't try to get fancy with the map layout and stuck to normal metroidvania with a normal map, then everything would have been fine. Don't ignore a good idea because it was executed poorly.

      • 7 months ago

        The complaint was that the map was confusing. Not that the idea was bad. It's just eh way they arranged the game. Like in normal Metroidvanias, all door ways are either left, up, down, or right. Along the X and Y axis. But in ZX, they allowed doors that you go into depth-wise, on the Z axis. This essentially made the map 3D. While the player's understanding of the map was 2D. Which led to a bunch of confusion.

        Other Metroidvanias sometimes utilize Z depth doors, but they only do it sparingly. By making the door lead to a small room. So you have to leave the same way you entered. Or if the room has 2 doors, then it's counted as a sub area with no map. That way the player knows when they exit the other door, they're exiting the sub area.

        If ZX just didn't try to get fancy with the map layout and stuck to normal metroidvania with a normal map, then everything would have been fine. Don't ignore a good idea because it was executed poorly.

        Absolutely have the maps be clear with checkpoints into which you can later teleport. Also, I'd have the camera be further almost like in Ori so you can appreciate the jumping and exploring more.

  21. 7 months ago

    Make a new Megaman series like what X was to MM. Give the player more combat abilities. Only difference is that their powerups arent only a secondary ammo. They change the main buster too and augment whole moveset. That would also imply theyre infinite.

    Some levels can be land based and you get airshoes to dash on land really fast. You get elbow blades that augment themselves with your Robot Masters copy power. Some levels can be underwater based and your suits later upgrades enable you to flow faster and more freely underwater. Maybe some homing torpedoes that can be effective out of water too but faster in water. Some levels can be aerial based. You get a jetpack and wings as later upgrades and fight in the sky like Sky Chase in Sonic.

    So for example, instead of just getting Shotgun Ice, you get the ability to Ice Skate, Frozen Armblades, Ice Torpedoes, but you also have one weakness like Frozen Wings that arent very effective in the air for all the cool things your new RMs copy ability gives you. Then every other ability has its own strengths and weaknesses.

    Im a Battle Network fan and havent played much of the main series btw.

  22. 7 months ago

    Easy. Mega Man is over due for a reboot. So I reboot Mega Man. I bring back the classic cast, but I introduce all new robot masters. I give normal Mega Man all of the movement abilities from Mega Man X.(wall climbing and dashing) So despite the fact that it looks like a classic game, it actually plays like an X game.

    The X series will not return.

    I hire Inti Creates to make a Mega Man ZX3. And tell them to actually conclude the story. People love pixel art side games for some reason. The combination of a full 3D game, and a smaller 2D companion game, makes gamers go rabid. So that's what ZX3 will accomplish.

    Battle Network and Star Force will not return either. Because I'm attempting to bolster the icon that is classic Mega Man. However, I will come out with a mobile game that is like a real life Battle Network. The game effectively turns your phone into a "PET". Wherein, a NetNavi resides. This is essentially a tomogachi. Or Chao Garden if you will. You interact with your Navi, customize your Navi, customize your Navi's Home, etc. And then you can search for nearby Homes to visit and see what other Navis are doing. Talk to them, and battle them.

    Levels to explore will be automatically generated based on whatever device you're connected to. The game takes the address of the connections, and uses that to as a seed for the generator. So as long as the device uses the same address, the level will remain the same. But also be unique compared to other devices like it. The game will also identify what kind of device you're connected to, and use features that are relevant. So if it recognizes that you're connected to your fridge, then it will feature cold obstacles and enemies. And if you're connected to speakers, then you might get wave type enemies. That kind of thing.

    You won't be able to play as Mega Man himself, but you will be given customizable parts that make you appear like Mega Man and other characters.

  23. 7 months ago

    Third-person shooter that's a mix between classic Mega Man, Metal Gear Rising, and Vanquish.
    The level select is exactly like classic Mega Man but each level is fully 3D and you can slide around quickly like in Vanquish. The bosses are over the top and full of personality. The story is edgier but doesn't take itself too seriously.

    • 7 months ago

      Make a new Megaman series like what X was to MM. Give the player more combat abilities. Only difference is that their powerups arent only a secondary ammo. They change the main buster too and augment whole moveset. That would also imply theyre infinite.

      Some levels can be land based and you get airshoes to dash on land really fast. You get elbow blades that augment themselves with your Robot Masters copy power. Some levels can be underwater based and your suits later upgrades enable you to flow faster and more freely underwater. Maybe some homing torpedoes that can be effective out of water too but faster in water. Some levels can be aerial based. You get a jetpack and wings as later upgrades and fight in the sky like Sky Chase in Sonic.

      So for example, instead of just getting Shotgun Ice, you get the ability to Ice Skate, Frozen Armblades, Ice Torpedoes, but you also have one weakness like Frozen Wings that arent very effective in the air for all the cool things your new RMs copy ability gives you. Then every other ability has its own strengths and weaknesses.

      Im a Battle Network fan and havent played much of the main series btw.

      these sound fun as hell

  24. 7 months ago

    Netflix series of X1 up to Elf War

  25. 7 months ago

    heres my idea
    >Mega-man is being chased by a bunch of different robot monster girls who want to date him
    >fight them or some shit idk just make the girls cute

  26. 7 months ago

    AAAA Splash Woman weight gain simulator

  27. 7 months ago

    Mega Man 12 with just a bit more focus on story, not enough to the point that it's like the other series, but enough to give more of a narrative while still keeping the light hearted tone of the series.
    Also make Roll and Proto Man playable.
    Make at least 3 or 4 of the new Robot Master women because the Classic series is a complete sausage fest, in fact, introduce some new female ally for Mega Man too, and a Roll equivalent for Wily and Bass.

  28. 7 months ago

    Hold a company contest for a way to actually evolve the franchise. Not with a spin-off, not with a new continuity. How do we make a classic Mega Man game (Mega Man 12) worth full price in the current year? I think my musts are 3D and a very stylized art direction. Evoke the vibe of all the great art the series is known for.

  29. 7 months ago

    Focus on Classic, look what other 2D platforming series have done to evolve themselves, take their fricking time too.
    Also also, go 3D, keep it in the Classic universe, do something like Kirby and the Forgotten Land but with Mega Man, basically just the Classic style but in 3D.
    Also give Mega Man a sassy black female love interest.

    • 7 months ago

      >do something like Kirby and the Forgotten Land
      Super Kirby 3D World is not what Mega Man should do. It's a fine game and all but it's not exactly a leap forward for Kirby.
      I think Crash Twinsanity is a much smarter and more exciting way to evolve a previously linear platformer. You still get the platforming levels but now they're woven into hubs organically with an ongoing story. Not to mention it'll actually be 3D with camera control and all that.

      • 7 months ago

        Ehhh, not a fan of that honestly.

  30. 7 months ago

    Just make a 3D Mega Man, in the original franchise. How is this complicated or difficult?

  31. 7 months ago

    Mega Ma'am.

  32. 7 months ago

    Start by continuing the maverick hunter series. Steadily building back up the fan ase with each entry.
    While that is going on maybe introduce a remaster of Mega-man legends really it would just be an excuse to give a team sone practice in those games design philosophies. that way we can use those team members to start a true legends 3 development.

    • 7 months ago

      MHX wasn't good though

      • 7 months ago

        Disagree. It was good. Not "great" but good.
        Regardless that's irrelevant as I'd just want it to be a remake series that gets new people interested in mega-man x. I'd also want it to be great In this purely hypothetical situation.

    • 7 months ago

      Once the buildup is set it's time to continue the mega-man x series in full.
      Stay 2d with this as 3d mega-man will be relegated to mega-man legends. I enjoy more Metroid elements in my side scrollers so I'd probably push for a more intricate world but still have any maverick accessible at any given time.
      9 will eventually lead to 10 but 10 will be the final mega man x game. Any other will move on into the zero series.

  33. 7 months ago

    I would just demand that Capcom make more games. Maybe convince the last director to return too.
    MM11 was already great. Sold really well too. Capcom are just giant pussies who refuse to make more.

  34. 7 months ago

    >ZX3 that ties into Legends 3 because ZX is the prequel series to Legends chronologically
    >Then Legends 3, Legends 3 ending has some bullshit at the end that ties off all the other Megaman subplots from previous years for a clean slate
    >New Megaman series from scratch that has 3D hub worlds to explore and sidescrolling stages. Side scrolling takes inspo from ZX/Zero in terms of speed and fluidity of movement, while overworld feels like Legends but with better movement. Large story beats would combine the two perspectives.
    >Story would be a soft reboot of the franchise with everything still having occurred but it being so far in the past it doesn't matter
    idk what else but it'd probably just be ZX-lite i really liked the zx series

  35. 7 months ago

    Mega Man Xtreme 3

  36. 7 months ago

    I'd use that money to buy the north American company. lock the doors with everyone in it, and set the building on fire.

  37. 7 months ago

    Hire Tengo Project to make a ZXA sequel or X9

  38. 7 months ago

    The general consensus I tend to see is that people just want to continue the storylines which, to be frank, only a smaller portion of people even paid attention to.

    At most if they wind up releasing anything not-classic, I expect it'd be something like a soft-reboot of X. Basically Megaman X: [insert subtitle], essentially doing a stand-alone title that doesn't even try to continue the storyline from X8 or whatever. ZX and Legends are even less likely to see any sort of story continuation, I'm sure.

  39. 7 months ago

    make real working sex-bots/robo-wives
    uhh megaman can be on the advertising or something going all awooga

  40. 7 months ago

    No more subseries.
    Just Mega Man.

  41. 7 months ago

    add a dating sim to the game

    • 7 months ago

      This. Persona-fy it
      Also do it in MML3. First 25% you play as roll getting him out of elysium, the rest is him coming back for a new story. Hub based world again but add dating sim elements
      You cannot revive megaman with a classic game, no matter how good the gameplay is. People want stories nowadays; not even sonic mania could revive sonic

  42. 7 months ago

    make megaman x9

  43. 7 months ago

    BOTW but Mega Man.

    Basically shadow drop a new MML.

  44. 7 months ago

    3D action platformer.

  45. 7 months ago

    Make a sequel for everything but classic.

  46. 7 months ago

    Anon, Battle Network legacy collection came out earlier this year and blew all the other collections into the dust, sales-wise.

    They know their next bet for Rockman.

  47. 7 months ago

    I have played Megaman for years...
    The X series
    Zero series
    ZX and advent
    Battle networks

    And after really thinking it through the only ones I truly care about are Legends.
    The other ones are great, they are neat, tight gameplay, cool designs, great fun. Excellent games.
    ...But Legends is what truly connects me to the series, it's the most engaging to me. Best characters, most interesting story, mystery, style, worldbuilding... Seeing where the whole franchise leads to. I think I like the gameplay the most too, (after fixing the controls).

    There just isn't much that can hit the same feel and atmosphere of the ruins just right, maybe the end of Tail Concerto when it gets eerie, or Grandia.

  48. 7 months ago

    Megaman Miles morales. Megaman is still in the game but a Black person is also in it and keeps stealing his spotlight. At the end of it megaman tells miles morales that he is a better megaman and he retires. Also miles morales has a pallete swap version of the megaman costume but it has a hole at the top of the helmet so you can see his Black person HAIR

  49. 7 months ago

    I'd have a B team finish porting all the missing MM games, contract Eighting and ARIKA for a Mega Man tag fighter, and have Capcom resume development on Legends 3.

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